ملحمة غزّة في سياق الحرب العالمية

 وليد شرارة

 السبت 2 آذار 2024

لن تعفي المناورات اللفظية الجوفاء، ومقولات من نوع «ضرورة حماية المدنيين» و«احترام القانون الدولي الإنساني»، قادة «الغرب الجماعي» من أميركيين وأوروبيين، من مسؤوليتهم، عن رعاية المذبحة المتواصلة التي يرتكبها ربيبهم الصهيوني بحق أهل غزة، والتي تمثل «أكبر عملية عقاب جماعي بحق المدنيين في التاريخ المعاصر»، وفقاً لروبرت بايب، عالم السياسة الأميركي المتخصّص في النزاعات والأمن الدولي. هؤلاء شركاء مباشرون، عبر الدعم العسكري والسياسي والإعلامي الذي قدّموه للكيان المؤقت، في قتل 30035 فلسطينياً في غزة، قسم عظيم منهم من الأطفال، بحسب آخر أرقام وزارة الصحة في غزة، والآلاف الآخرين الذين ما زالوا تحت الأنقاض، وفي جرح أكثر من 70000 منهم. عوامل عدة تفسّر قرارهم الانغماس في حرب الإبادة الجارية، في مقدّمتها انحيازهم العقائدي و/أو الفكري – السياسي إلى الصهيونية و«معجزتها المتحقّقة على الأرض»، أي الكيان الاستيطاني الإحلالي، أمام ما اعتبروه تهديداً وجودياً لها، ومسعاهم للدفاع عن منظومة هيمنتهم على الإقليم الذي يحتل فيها الكيان موقع حجر الزاوية، إضافة إلى اعتبارات سياسية وانتخابية داخلية للنخب والأحزاب الحاكمة في دول الغرب. غير أن عاملاً آخر يلقي الضوء على خلفيات الجموح الغربي الراهن لم يتم التطرق إليه بشكل كاف، وهو ذلك المتمثل بسياق الحرب العالمية الراهنة، الدائرة حتى اللحظة على الساحة الأوكرانية بين حلف الأطلسي وروسيا، والمواجهة القابلة لتدحرج خطر بين الصين من جهة والولايات المتحدة وحلفائها في شرق آسيا من جهة أخرى.الحرب والمواجهة المشار إليهما، مع مفاعيلهما، تسهم كلّها في إنتاج سياق حرب عالمية يحفّز دول الغرب على إدخال تغييرات حاسمة على سياساتها وأولوياتها، من نوع إعادة بناء قاعدة صناعية عسكرية مثلاً، مع ما يقتضيه ذلك من إنفاق باهظ، وتغيير لجدول أعمال حكوماتها. أما على مستوى سياساتها الخارجية، فهي أصبحت محكومة بمركزية هذا السياق، وتنظر من خلاله إلى الكثير من الأحداث والتطورات، وبينها معركة غزة. بكلام آخر، عملية «طوفان الأقصى»، من منظور واشنطن وأتباعها من الغربيين، عن قصد أو غير قصد، أفادت روسيا والصين، وهذا سبب إضافي لمساهمتهم في حرب الإبادة الصهيونية ضد أهل غزة ومقاومتهم. وبعد مرور أكثر من 4 أشهر عليها، والفشل في تحقيق هدفها الأساسي المتمثل في القضاء على المقاومة، بات بعضهم يدعو إلى وقف العمليات العسكرية، لأن استمرارها والمفاعيل الناجمة عنها قد يكون كلّ ذلك لصالح المنافسين الاستراتيجيين في موسكو وبكين!

تُنسب «نظريات المؤامرة» عادة إلى خصوم الولايات المتحدة، ويقتنع بهكذا زعم من تنقصه المعلومات والمعطيات عن تاريخ السياسة الخارجية الأميركية بشكل خاص والغربية بشكل عام. لم تتردّد واشنطن وغالبية حلفائها في تقديم حركات التحرر الوطني في بلدان ما سُمي بالعالم الثالث، على أنها مجرد أدوات للاتحاد السوفياتي، وجرى التعامل معها على ذلك الأساس، رغم أن بعضها حاول محاورة الولايات المتحدة لبناء علاقات ندّية معها وفشل في ذلك. الأمثلة كثيرة، من مصر جمال عبد الناصر و«تيار القومية العربية»، والثورة الجزائرية وحكومة محمد مصدق في إيران، وحتى كوبا بعد انتصار الثورة على نظام باتيستا. سعى جميع هؤلاء إلى التوصل على الأقل إلى تفاهمات مع واشنطن تحول دون الصراع المفتوح معها، لكنّ رفضهم الانصياع لأجندتها الاستراتيجية أدّى إلى مثل هذا الصراع.

المزاعم حول دور روسي مباشر أو غير مباشر في مساعدة المقاومين الفلسطينيين لا تستند إلى أدنى دليل

بعد عملية «طوفان الأقصى»، بدأت تتبلور في أوساط الأجهزة الأمنية والعسكرية الأميركية والأوروبية «نظرية مؤامرة» جديدة حيالها، مفادها أن روسيا في الحد الأدنى ساعدت المقاومة الفلسطينية على تنفيذها، إن لم تكن تقف خلفها تماماً، لأنها، وفقاً للتهويمات المشار إليها، المستفيد الأول من فتح جبهة جديدة في شرق المتوسط ضد الولايات المتحدة وحلفائها، بعد تلك المفتوحة في أوكرانيا. وقد سمعنا أصداءً لهذه «النظرية» في بعض وسائل الإعلام اللبنانية ولدى عدد من المحلّلين. في الحقيقة، وبعد عقدين من الاستخفاف بروسيا، فوجئ «الغرب الجماعي» بقدرتها على خوض مجابهة ناجحة على الصعد العسكرية والسياسية والاقتصادية، فانقلب الاستخفاف إلى تهويل بالخطر الروسي الداهم على الغرب ومناطق نفوذه ومصالحه. ووفقاً لنظرية المؤامرة الجديدة، فإن موسكو أحسنت استغلال الكثير من الأزمات التي عصفت ببلدان في المنطقة لـ«تتسلل» إليها وتتحوّل إلى لاعب وازن فيها. المثل الأول الذي يُقدّم هو سوريا، حيث شكّل تدخل روسيا العسكري في أواخر 2015، رافعة لدور سياسي محوري لها في البلد المذكور وعلى مستوى الإقليم. الكلام نفسه يُقال حول التدخل العسكري الروسي في ليبيا وتوظيفه لصالح زيادة النفوذ في المتوسط والسعي لتحويل ذلك البلد إلى منصة لتدخلات جديدة في أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء. أما بالنسبة إلى التطورات التي شهدتها بلدان منطقة الساحل، أي الانقلابات التي وقعت في بوركينا فاسو ومالي والنيجر، فإن «يد موسكو» هي من يقف خلفها برأي أصحاب هذه النظرية الفذّة.

المنطق نفسه ينسحب على معركة «طوفان الأقصى»، التي اكتسبت منذ ساعاتها الأولى أبعاداً إقليمية ودولية، لأن الغرب الجماعي هرع بحاملات طائراته وغواصاته لنجدة إسرائيل! ما يتناساه هؤلاء هو أن «التورط» في هذه المعركة، ومن ثم في غيرها في اليمن وفي سوريا والعراق، بدلاً من التركيز الحصري على الحرب في أوكرانيا، هو قرار قيادات الغرب. ليست روسيا من يُلام على التبعات والأكلاف المترتّبة على مثل هذا الأمر. إضافة إلى ذلك، فإن المزاعم حول دور روسي مباشر أو غير مباشر في مساعدة المقاومين الفلسطينيين لا تستند إلى أدنى دليل أو قرينة. من البديهي أن روسيا، وجميع خصوم وأعداء الولايات المتحدة، يستفيدون من تورطها في حروب ومواجهات تستنزفها عسكرياً واقتصادياً وتزيد من إضعاف صدقية مزاعمها عن «القيم» و«الحرية» وغيرها من فقاعات الصابون الأيديولوجية. روسيا والصين، على المستوى الإستراتيجي، كانتا في مقدّمة المستفيدين من عمليات 11 أيلول عام 2001 وما تلاها من غرق أميركي في وحول الحروب على «الإرهاب». هذه الحروب كانت بمثابة الكارثة الإستراتيجية بالنسبة إلى واشنطن، لكن هل يتجرّأ أحد على اتهام من خطّط لخوضها وأدارها، أي المحافظين الجدد وأقطاب إدارة بوش الابن، من مثل ديك تشيني ودونالد رامسفيلد، بالعمالة لموسكو وبكين؟

الثابت حتى الآن أنه كلما ازداد تورّط الإمبراطورية الهرمة في حروب ونزاعات جديدة، في سياق الحرب العالمية المذكور سابقاً، فإن هذا الأمر يخدم مصالح أعدائها ويثلج صدورهم. ذلك ينطبق على تورّطها في منطقتنا، وربما في مناطق أخرى من المعمورة مستقبلاً.

من ملف : «عَراضة» المساعدات: «مجزرة الطحين» تُحرج الغرب

فيديوات متعلقة

مجزرة الطحين – الخبز الأحمر

مقالات متعلقة

Day 122: Israeli Aggression on Gaza Continues Dozens Martyred and Wounded in Deir al-Balah

February 5, 2024

Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Story of the day – Top

In a continuation of the Israeli occupation’s aggression against the Gaza Strip, the conflict has now entered its 122nd day. The devastating toll has resulted in over 27,365 casualties, with the majority being women and children. Additionally, 66,630 individuals have been wounded, and more than 8,000 are still missing and feared trapped under rubble or along roadsides.

The latest attack occurred in Deir al-Balah, located in the central Gaza Strip. Dozens of citizens were martyred, and many others were injured as Israeli aircraft targeted residential homes. Medical sources reported that two bodies were recovered, along with several injured individuals, after warplanes bombed a residential apartment. Furthermore, the number of martyrs rose to 14 after the Khattab family’s house in the Al-Hakar area was targeted, bringing the death toll in Deir al-Balah to 30 martyrs and numerous wounded.

Rescue efforts have been underway to extract martyrs and wounded citizens trapped under the targeted houses in Deir al-Balah. Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation forces set fire to multiple residential apartments in the Burj Al-Sousi area near the Al-Sinaa Junction in Gaza City. Occupation artillery also bombarded the center of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, while Israeli drones and warplanes flew extensively in the airspace of the central and southern regions.

Gaza City also faced tragedy as three young men were martyred in a Israeli drone bombardment between the Saraya and Aviation junctions, adding to the death toll that reached eleven since morning. Additionally, 21 individuals were injured, while seven martyrs fell victim to occupation sniper bullets.

In Khan Yunis, the occupation forces continued their crimes against defenseless citizens. It was reported in the evening that two young men, Moaz and Hazem Abu Younis, were martyred in an Israeli bombing while inspecting their destroyed homes near Abu Nuwairah School in the new town of Abasan. The two martyrs were buried in the Al-Awda School for the Displaced Persons. The continuous Israeli aggression led to a total of 18 martyrs, with 16 arriving at Nasser and Gaza European Hospitals in Khan Yunis since the morning. The occupation forces did not spare central Khan Yunis, as they bombed more residential areas in the southern Gaza Strip.

The Palestinians’ sufferings with the Israeli barbaric war reached unprecedented levels with 10,000 cancer patients are at risk of death and 700,000 displaced Palestinians face the threat of infectious diseases.

Meanwhile, the European Union has voiced its concern over the suspension of funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, emphasized that UNRWA represents a critical lifeline for millions of Palestinians suffering from hunger and disease outbreaks. Borrell called for an independent investigation into the allegations against 12 UNRWA employees, emphasizing that halting funding would be equivalent to collective punishment.

The suspension of funding by several countries jeopardizes the sustainability of the vital services provided by UNRWA to millions of refugees in its five areas of operations, particularly in the Gaza Strip. UNRWA has warned that it may be forced to halt its operations in Gaza by the end of February if the funding continues to remain suspended. As the humanitarian crisis worsens, the suspension of funding puts relief operations at great risk.
Source: Agencies and Al-Manar English Website

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Rampant Western Hypocrisy Condemns Children in North-East Syria to a Life of Abuse


Save the Children report on north-east Syria detention camps.

Vanessa Beeley
Save the Children report on north-east Syria detention camps.

The West accuses Russia of human rights abuses against children, they should look in the mirror

June 2023 – On International Children’s Day, Ambassador Neil Holland says that Ukraine’s children are paying the price of Russian aggression.

Neil Holland was appointed Head of the United Kingdom’s Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in May 2023.

In June 2023 Holland made a statement to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OCSE) – ‘Russia’s brutality towards Ukraine’s children’ in which he said:

Mr. Chair, we also continue to receive disturbing reports of the forced deportation of Ukrainian children by the Russian authorities. As the most recent Moscow Mechanism Report makes clear, these children are exposed to the deep trauma of being separated from their parents. They suffer violations and abuses of their rights, including being forced to relinquish their Ukrainian identity and participate in Russia-centric education. Russia’s forced deportation and attempted indoctrination of Ukrainian children is a despicable and systematic attempt to erase Ukraine’s future.

Holland claims that:

“Each day that Russia chooses to press on with its illegal and unprovoked invasion, Ukrainian children suffer. Children who have their whole lives ahead of them. Children whose futures the Russian authorities seem determined to take away.”

Reality is different to UK FCDO propaganda

The UN Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine said there was evidence of the illegal transfer of hundreds of Ukrainian children to Russia.

In November 2022 I visited eastern Russia and met with refugee families including children in Sterlitamak and the Bashkortostan region. I visited more than three community centres and summer camps that had been converted into reception complexes for these temporarily displaced people who had already endured nine years of ethnic cleansing pogroms by the Kiev regime and Nazi cohorts.

One particular camp was organised in 24 hours to receive refugees from the Mariupol area in April 2022. More than 200 refugees were brought by train to the station in the city before being picked up and driven to the camp.

Psychological help was provided upon arrival for the traumatised families. Medicine and medical care is free with doctors and pharmacists on site.

In March 2023 the UK State media outlet and narrative manager, the BBC, reported:

In some cases, parents or children told the Commission that once in Russia-controlled areas, transferred children were made to wear “dirty clothes, were screamed at, and called names.” They also said that “some children with disabilities did not receive adequate care and medication.”

Cabins with water, electricity and heating are provided for all families. Even family pets were vaccinated, vet checked and welcomed. Residents are given three meals per day, children can play outside or inside in safety and there are playgrounds, football pitches and climbing frames in the grounds of the facility.

The children are being helped to keep up their schooling & integrated into the Russian curriculum. Citizenship is now being organised for those who want it but they all have been given the same labour rights etc as Russian citizens. Free buses are laid on every day to take the families into the town centre.

Margarita Bolycheva who is with the state committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan on foreign economic relations told me she had spent time with Syrian refugees in Berlin and that I should compare their treatment by the German government to the reception given to the refugees from Donbass.

As I said in November 2022:

She is absolutely right. There is no comparison. Here in Russia these displaced people are treated with respect and compassion. They are treated like human beings.

British and EU record of inhumanity towards foreign national children in Syria

In January 2023 a report by Human Rights Watch described the inhumane conditions that British and other nationality children were being forced to endure in north-east Syria.

Caveat: I blame HRW and Amnesty International for much of the propaganda that has provided justification for the regime change war against Syria since 2011. However individuals working for these organisations do provide valuable information from time to time and this report confirms what I have already heard from one or two decent journalists who were able to visit the ISIS camps in the north-east prior to the visits of the HRW staff.

Of the nearly 42,000 foreign Islamic State (ISIS) suspects and family members from 60 countries currently detained in northeast Syria, most are children. Many were taken to Syria by parents who sought to join ISIS or live in the “caliphate.” Others were born in Syria under areas of ISIS control or in the camps where families with alleged ISIS links are detained. Nearly 80 percent of the children are under the age of 12, and far too young to have played an active role in ISIS, yet many governments refuse to take these young nationals back, citing national security concerns or fearing public backlash.

The children are detained in such dire conditions that it might amount to torture. They face increasing risks of becoming victims of torture or radicalisation and recruitment by ISIS. Many children in the ISIS holding camps in north-east Syria – under US direct and proxy occupation – were found to be suicidal.

Many United Nations, counterterrorism, and security experts warn that abandoning these children in the camps and prisons carries greater national security risks than bringing them home.

As of January 23, 2023, nearly 42,000 foreigners remain held in the region along with more than 23,000 Syrians. Nearly 37,000 foreign nationals are detained in al-Hol and Roj, two locked, sprawling camps primarily holding the wives, other adult female relatives, and children of male ISIS suspects. Nearly 27,000 foreigners in the camps are from neighboring Iraq, while nearly 10,000 others are from about 60 other countries. More than 60 percent of the camp detainees are children. Nearly 80 percent of the children are under the age of 12, and 30 percent are age 5 or younger. Approximately 5,000 other foreigners are held in prisons and “rehabilitation” centers, including up to several hundred children.

Detention based only on family ties is collective punishment of these children which amounts to a war crime. Governments whose citizens languish in these makeshift detention camps are complicit in the abuse of these children.

Conditions for these children in Al Hol and Roj camps are “life-threatening, deeply degrading, and in many case, inhumane; their cumulative psychological impact may amount to torture. Medical care, clean water, as well as education and recreation for children are grossly inadequate.”

It is claimed that an estimated 371 children have died in 2019 in Al Hol camp, from preventable disease or hypothermia.

Children have also drowned in sewage pits, died in tent fires, and been hit and killed by water trucks. These children come from many of the countries that have been responsible for the regime change war waged against Syria since 2011.

They suffer violations and abuses of their rights, including being forced to relinquish their Ukrainian identity and participate in Russia-centric education. Neil Holland

According to the HRW report – some younger children attend informal preschool, but most children have no access to education and have missed out on years of schooling.

The camps have become increasingly dangerous and violent, as detainees, including many loyal to ISIS, have carried out attacks against other detainees, camp authorities, and aid workers. The UN reported that 90 people were murdered in al-Hol in 2021, and 42 from January to mid-November 2022.

Child rape and trafficking is rife in these camps.

Conditions are even worse in the prisons and makeshift detention centers where the SDF is holding up to 1,000 detainees, from about 20 countries, who are boys or who were apprehended before they turned 18. In the prisons, overcrowding initially was so severe that many of the detainees slept shoulder to shoulder. Many imprisoned Syrian and foreign boys were initially held in cells with men.

In January 2022, ISIS attacked one prison holding about 700 boys in the city of al-Haskah, sparking a 10-day battle with SDF fighters backed by US and UK forces.

According to local reports more than 500 were killed in this attack including several children. The information and accountability vacuum surrounding the fate of these children could easily suggest that there were more fatalities or disappearances.

Foreign boys can be forcibly removed from their mothers without warning and transferred to “rehabilitation centers”. The majority are as young as 10 and 12. Mothers are not informed of the whereabouts of their sons for weeks, months or not at all. Foreign boys are regularly not allowed contact with their mothers or siblings.

According to Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, the UN special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism:

“The de facto culling, separation, and warehousing of adolescent boys from their mothers is an abhorrent practice inconsistent with the dignity of the child and inconsistent with the most essential of rights any child is entitled to in any circumstances.”

From the HRW report:

From October 2022 to January 14, 2023, at least 10 countries brought some or more nationals home: 1,245 (more than half of them children) to Iraq, 4 women and 13 children to Australia, 1 woman and 2 children to Barbados, 2 women and 2 children to Canada, 16 women and 42 children to France, 5 women and 7 children to Germany, 12 women and 28 children to the Netherlands, 38 children to Russia1 woman and 1 child to the United Kingdom, and 2 women and 13 children to SpainFrance repatriated an additional 15 women and 32 children on January 24, 2023. [Emphasis added]

Russia is one of the countries that has repatriated the majority of nationals in the ISIS camps.

Save the Children noted in December 2022, at current rates, repatriating the more than 23,000 foreign children still held in northeast Syria could take up to three decades.

It has been proven that repatriation and rehabilitation has been largely successful and that the children do return to normalcy after time.

When asked how the child is adjusting overall to their new country of residence, 89 percent of respondents to the online survey—comprised of family members, teachers, and social workers—reported that the child was doing “very well” or “quite well.” Only 4 percent said the child was having difficulties.

According to HRW:

In a bitter irony, many of the same countries with nationals languishing in the camps have accepted thousands of refugee children, who, like children in the camps, have often survived displacement, conflict-related violence, family separation or loss, and interrupted schooling. Canada, for example, accepted approximately 20,000 child refugees from Syria in 2015-2016, and resettled over 3,800 school-aged children from Afghanistan after the Taliban retook power. It has also offered refuge for thousands of children fleeing the war in Ukraine.

EU countries like France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden have made policy choices that increase the difficulty for children to reintegrate and may even cause additional harm. In these countries authorities have immediately separated children from their mothers if the mother is under investigation for offenses related to ISIS without evaluating if separation is in the child’s best interests. This causes significant emotional and psychological distress for the child.

Grandparents or other family members can face arduous investigations before being allowed to assume care of the children, even if they have been in contact with the authorities for years. “In one case, for example, a girl arrived in France at age 5 but spent three years in foster care, even though her grandparents had sought custody even before she came home.”

More than 60 British children trapped in north-east Syria

In 2019 the then UK security minister, Ben Wallace, said he would not put officials’ lives at risk to rescue UK citizens who went to Syria and Iraq to join Islamic State, insisting “actions have consequences”.

“I’m not putting at risk British people’s lives to go looking for terrorists or former terrorists in a failed state,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

Alison Griffin, Save the Children’s Head of Conflict and Humanitarian Campaigns, said:

Children in Syria who have fled ISIS-held areas are innocent. Their short lives have been full of violence and fear but with the right care they can bounce back, recover and amaze us. They deserve that chance, no matter what they’ve been dragged into by the decisions of adults.

For the British children among them we can and must give them the safety they need by bringing them to be cared for in the UK.

According to Save the Children there are more than 60 British children trapped in north-east Syria after fleeing ISIS controlled areas. The children, many under five years old, have endured cycles of displacement and inhumane conditions in the various detention camps while British officials condemn them to this life of torture and abuse without conscience.

As Alison Griffin stated:

Children whose parents are alive are just as innocent as those who have been orphaned. All have been put through unimaginable horrors. The Foreign Secretary has said he wants to ensure ‘innocents are not caught in the crossfire’. To play his part to achieve that, he needs to act now while there’s still a window of opportunity and bring all the UK’s children home.

Older children who have lived under ISIS occupation will have witnessed appalling acts of savagery which include beheadings, crucifixion and mass killings. These experiences leave the children with physical and psychological scars and increase their vulnerability to radicalisation and recruitment by ISIS.

One British mother with two young children, a baby and an under five, had fled the “hell” of Baghouz where in 2019 the U.S. criminally bombed women and children during the last days of the ISIS occupation. “Her youngest baby was close to death with bronchiolitis when they arrived at the camp” in north-east Syria.

In 2019, the U.S. military killed dozens of people in Syria, including women and children, in airstrikes conducted during the final days of the war against the Islamic State, but did not disclose its actions for more than two years.

The New York Times reported on the war crime in November 2021:

In the last days of the battle against the Islamic State in Syria, when members of the once-fierce caliphate were cornered in a dirt field next to a town called Baghuz, a U.S. military drone circled high overhead, hunting for military targets. But it saw only a large crowd of women and children huddled against a river bank.

Without warning, an American F-15E attack jet streaked across the drone’s high-definition field of vision and dropped a 500-pound bomb on the crowd, swallowing it in a shuddering blast. As the smoke cleared, a few people stumbled away in search of cover. Then a jet tracking them dropped one 2,000-pound bomb, then another, killing most of the survivors.

UK is funding the expansion of ISIS holding camps

In 2021 the UK provided funding for the expansion of one of the ISIS camps in Hasakah, north-east Syria. Rather than repatriate British nationals the UK FCDO condemned them to a life imprisonment in conditions that are described as inhumane by various Human Rights groups.

According to a report in Defense One – the effort will double in size the current facility at Hasakah, a series of three converted school buildings that holds roughly 5,000 prisoners, according to British Army Maj. Gen. Kevin Copsey, the coalition’s deputy commander for strategy.

A British Ministry of Defense spokesperson confirmed that the U.K. is funding the Hasakah effort, which Copsey called “quite a significant expansion.”

Lt. Gen. Paul Calvert, the commander of the U.S.-led mission admitted the dangers that children faced in Al Hol camp:

A huge proportion of the 65,000 people living at al Hol are children, with two-thirds under the age of 18 and over half under the age of 12. The wives of ISIS fighters are carrying out a daily indoctrination program, he said, and so-called “cubs” are “exported back through the rat lines coming out of al Hol that pushes them down into the Badia desert for additional training and use as [ISIS] fighters.

So, not only is the UK FCDO not showing any enthusiasm for repatriation of British nationals caught up in a terrorist proxy war against the Syrian people that the British regime is facilitating – they are also callously condemning the children of ISIS brides to a lifetime of incarceration with a high risk of abuse, exploitation, trafficking, rape and extremist indoctrination.

Russia’s forced deportation and attempted indoctrination of Ukrainian children is a despicable and systematic attempt to erase Ukraine’s future. Neil Holland

ISIS organ trafficking and role as assassins for the US alliance in Syria

ISIS is also known for increasing revenue through organ trafficking particularly from child victims. According to the World Health Organisation illegal organ trading generates between $600 million and $1.2 billion in profits each year.

Reports from the beginning of the ISIS insurgence in Syria have talked about “medical schools” in northern Syria where organs are extracted. The Iraqi News reported that IS has kidnapped and sold many children in Syria to Turkish organ traffickers in order to finance its operations.

“We… have no reason to doubt them given other similar atrocities that have been documented and other heinous crimes for which ISIL has proudly taken credit,” the U.S. State Department said in response to charges of IS’s organ harvesting. In December, the U.S. government revealed that it had obtained an ISIS document during a raid by Special Forces in Syria. “The apostate’s life and organs do not have to be respected and may be taken with impunity,” the document said.

The US military occupiers and oil, private security contractors working in north-east Syria are well aware of these ISIS operations. The UK, a strategic US ally in Syria must also be cognizant of these heinous trafficking rings that will prey on the children trapped in this hostile environment abandoned by their respective governments.

The reality is that the Pentagon has refused to vet proxy militias including ISIS for human rights abuses – apparently preferring to turn a blind eye to the revenue-producing crimes committed by terrorist groups under their control.

It is already well evidenced that ISIS is not an enemy of the US in Syria and Iraq. Very recently, in March 2023, the Pentagon was reported to be training brigades of ISIS and assorted terrorist groups to increase attacks on civilians, infrastructure and Syrian Arab Army positions.

Why was a very recent Al Monitor detailed report on women’s harrowing accounts of experiences in Syria’s trafficking networks retracted and with no trace on the archive websites?

The shame of Shamima Begum

A spy working for the Canadian Intelligence services smuggled Shamima Begum into Syria and Britain later conspired to cover up Canada’s role in the operation, a new book has claimed. – The Telegraph

Begum was just 15 when she travelled to Syria with Amira Abase, 15, and Kadiza Sultana, 16, fellow pupils at Bethnal Green Academy in east London, in 2015. She was a child.

The Begum family lawyer, Mr Akunjee, said:

“Britain has lauded its efforts to stop Isis and the grooming of our children by spending millions of pounds on the Prevent programme and online monitoring.

“However, at the very same time we have been co-operating with a western ally, trading sensitive intelligence with them whilst they have effectively been nabbing British children and trafficking them across the Syrian border for delivery to Isis all in the name of intelligence-gathering.”

Begum was stripped of her citizenship by then-Home-Secretary Sajid Javid. Javid effectively offered 28 days amnesty to British nationals fighting with Al Qaeda, in Idlib, in 2019 but condemned Begum to stateless abuse in Syria despite the UK Intelligence alleged role in her being trafficked as an ISIS bride, aged 15.

A New Yorker headline in 2020 asked a pertinent question:

If Shamima Begum, the ISIS bride, is no longer British, what does citizenship mean?

2019: Begum identified herself to Anthony Loyd, a war reporter for the Times, after he had stopped by the al-Hawl camp on the last day of an assignment. “I am a sister from London. I’m a Bethnal Green girl,” Begum told Loyd. She was anxious about her unborn child. “I’m scared that this baby is going to get sick in this camp,” Begum said. “That’s why I really want to get back to Britain, because I know it will get taken care of, health-wise at least.” Loyd’s story ran on the front page of the newspaper. Five days later, Sajid Javid, the Home Secretary at the time, stripped Begum of her citizenship. Her baby, a boy named Jarrah, died of a respiratory infection, when he was three weeks old.

When human rights reports were circulating in 2019, estimating 60 British children and 30 women in north-east Syria ISIS prisons, the British government said that, since the United Kingdom does not have a consulate in Syria, it would not be able to “provide assistance”. Since then a handful of orphans have allegedly been repatriated.

At the time of Begum being stripped of her citizenship – the British regime had a policy of turning problematic citizens into former citizens.

Richard Barrett, former head of global counter-terrorism for MI6 told the New Yorker:

I think the government position is precisely that. If there is a way of getting rid of the problem to somewhere else, let’s get rid of the problem somewhere else.

Since 2006, Home Secretaries have been able to deprive a person of her British citizenship if it is “conducive to the public good”—a subjective rather than a strict legal test—as long as it does not leave her stateless.

Journalist Anthony Loyd pointed out the UK FCDO manipulation of the law:

International law forbids governments from rendering their citizens stateless. The British government has justified taking away Begum’s nationality on the grounds that her mother is Bangladeshi, and so she is eligible for citizenship until the age of twenty-one. This is a fiction. Begum has never lived in Bangladesh.

Barrett, the former MI6 official said:

This is a purely political decision. Why one would think that Bangladesh had any better capacity to deal with somebody? It doesn’t make any sense.

In refusing Begum’s appeal last week, the U.K.’s Special Immigration Appeals Commission acknowledged that her situation at the al-Roj refugee camp, in northern Syria, exposes her to the risk of torture and degrading treatment.

Anthony Loyd the Times reporter who met with Begum “ was struck by her guilelessness. She was awkward but direct.”. Yes, she was “unfazed” by some of the ISIS atrocities she had witnessed but I have personally met children who could describe terrorist crucifixion of relatives without batting an eyelid after being incarcerated by Western-backed terrorists for years in different areas of Syria. War does that to children.

Former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford gave me this statement:

The UK, so apparently solicitous regarding the children of Ukraine, appears less concerned about some of its own. To the extent in fact of denying them not just a right of abode in the UK but even a right to UK nationality. The most well known case is that of Shamima Begum, an East London teenager encouraged by British government propaganda demonising Assad to join ISIS, and subsequently stripped of her nationality and forced to fester for years in the extremism incubators which are the ISIS prisoner camps in US/UK-controlled Northern Syria.

The sins of mothers being visited on the children, Begum’s children, are consequently also denied their birthright, a chance to live in Britain. For a government which behaves this despicably towards children of its own nation to posture as a children’s champion is a sickening hypocrisy.

Conclusion – the West is collectively hypocritical and is content to incarcerate their own child nationals and put them at risk of torture, abuse and death at hands of terrorists they control

For a government which behaves this despicably towards children of its own nation to posture as a children’s champion is a sickening hypocrisy. – Peter Ford

None of these children, Begum included, exploited and abused by their state of birth should be punished for the alleged crimes of their relatives. The only constructive solution is for western regimes to repatriate their child nationals and provide psychological and trauma support to enable them to reintegrate into society and into their culture of origin.

HRW report:

The unlawful detention in northeast Syria of 23,000 foreign children from dozens of countries has deprived them of their basic rights as children, including the rights to a nationality, health, education, family unity, and freedom from mistreatment and arbitrary detention. Those who have died because of the conditions or circumstances of their detention have been denied the right to life itself.

The HRW report concludes that although several countries have marginally increased the repatriation of child nationals, the rate remains indefensibly low.

Western regimes continue to outsource responsibility for their child nationals to militants, terrorists, child and organ traffickers in north-east Syria. In the process ‘the children’s countries of origin are re-victimizing children who have already endured unimaginable horrors’.

While the West bears responsibility for the mass imprisonment of child nationals in squalid environments where they are preyed upon by all manner of criminals while depriving these children of any meaningful rehabilitation, identity or hope, they cannot take the moral high ground and prosecute Russia for unsubstantiated claims of child abduction in a war zone that the West created.


Israeli Human Rights Violations in PalestineTerritory (Weekly Update 03-09 August 2023)


Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

6 Palestinians were killed, including 2 children; one succumbed to his pervious injury, and 6 others were injured, while dozens of others suffocated and sustained bruises in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) and settler attacks in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). Details are as follows:

On 04 August 2023, Qusai Jamal Mu’tan (18) was killed in cold blood by settler’s fire, while two other Palestinians were injured by other settlers’ fire in Burqa village, east of Ramallah. ( Details available in PCHR’s press release.)

On the same day, Mahmoud Hussam Abu Sa’an (18) was killed by IOF’s fire after he threw Molotov Cocktails at them during their incursion into Tulkarm and its camp.

On 06 August 2023, in a crime of extra-judicial executions (assassination), IOF killed 3 Palestinians, including a child, in Jenin. (Details available in PCHR’s press release.)

On 07 August 2023, medical sources at the Palestine Medical Complex announced the death of Ramzi Fathi Hamed (17), from Silwad village, east of Ramallah, who succumbed to an abdominal injury after the security guard of “Ofra” settlement established on lands confiscated from Silwad and Beitin villages, east of Ramallah, fired two live bullets at him, as Hamed threw Molotov Cocktails at the settlement on 01 August 2023.

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF incursions into cities and villages, or suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians.

On 04 August 2023, two Palestinians were shot with rubber-coated bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddum weekly peaceful protest against settlements in northern Qalqilya.

On the same day, Minister Moayad Sha’ban, Head of the Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission (CWRC), and other persons suffocated and sustained bruises during IOF’s suppression of Deir Istiya weekly peaceful protest in Salfit.

Also, a Palestinian was injured with a rubber-coated bullet in his leg during clashes with IOF following their incursion into Al-Eizariya village, southeast of occupied East Jerusalem. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested a Palestinian.

In the Gaza Strip, at least 2 IOF shootings were reported on agricultural lands in eastern Gaza Strip. However, neither material damage nor casualties were reported.

So far in 2023, IOF attacks have killed 208 Palestinians, including 103 civilians; amongst them 37 children, 6 women and a person with disability, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including 7 children, 9 killed by settlers, and two died in Israeli prisons. Meanwhile, 1015 Palestinians, including 150 children, 30 women and 16 journalists, were injured in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Land razing, demolitions, notices and settlement

On 03 August 2023, IOF razed a 4-dunum plot of land in al-Dab’a area, east of Battir village in western Bethlehem, and uprooted at least 70 olive seedlings.

On 06 August 2023, IOF forced 8 families of 36, including 10 children, to leave al-Qaboun Compound located between Kafr Malik and al-Mughayyir village, east of Ramallah, after IOF closed all roads leading to them and prevented sheep-grazing, while settlers stole their sheep. 

On the same day, IOF seized a generator from a cave where ‘Aziz al-Rab’I live in Kherbet Janba, east of Yatta, south of Hebron.

On 07 August 2023, IOF confiscated 2 vehicles and ceased ad-Dhahiriya Municipality’s construction works to establish agricultural roads in al-Baha area, east of ad-Dhahiriya village in southern Hebron, under the pretext of working in Area “C”.

On 08 August 2023, IOF handed 14 eviction notices to inhabited houses and cease-construction notices to other under-construction houses in Sarta villages, west of Salfit, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area “C”.

On the same day, IOF uprooted about 20 olive seedlings and levelled agricultural lands to build a settlement road in Kafr ad-Dik village, west of Salfit.

On 09 August 2023, IOF handed 8 cease-construction notices to under-construction houses in Sinjil village, east of Ramallah, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area “C”.

Since the beginning of 2023, IOF have made 136 families homeless, a total of 796 persons, including 174 women and 352 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 136 houses; 34 were forcibly self-demolished by their owners and 14 were demolished on grounds of collective punishment. IOF also demolished 99 other civilian objects, razed other property, and delivered dozens of notices of demolition and cease-construction in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Demolitions on grounds of collective punishment

On 08 August 2023, IOF destroyed a residential unit belonging to the family of ‘Abdul-Fattah Hussein Kharousha in the old ‘Askar refugee camp, northeast of Nablus as part of IOF’s collective punishment policy against Palestinian families of those accused of carrying out attacks against IOF and/or settlers. PCHR’s fieldworker reported that IOF moved into ‘Askar refugee camp in Nablus and broke into a 4-storey house belonging to Kharousha family, as they forced 4 families living the building out, and two other families of their relatives in nearby houses under fire and teargas canisters.  As a result, a Palestinian was wounded with a live bullet in the left thigh. During the incursion, IOF implanted explosives on the 3rd floor, and remotely detonated it. As a result, the 120-sqm apartment, which housed a family of 4, including a woman, was destroyed, while 3 apartments in the same building and 2 other apartments in a nearby buildings sustained damage. It is noteworthy that IOF killed ‘Abdul-Fattah Kharousha on 07 March 2023 after he was accused of an attack that killed setters on 26 February 2023.

Settler-attacks and retaliatory acts

On 05 August 2023, settlers from “Ma’ale Adumim” settlement, threw stones at Palestinians and their vehicles at the entrance to Al-Eizariya village, east of East Jerusalem. As a result, windows of many vehicles were broken, and Palestinians, including women and children, panicked.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers have conducted at least 293 attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property. As a result, 9 Palestinians were killed, and dozens of others were injured; most of them due to being beaten and thrown with stones. Also, dozens of houses, vehicles and civilian facilities were set ablaze.

Israeli closure, restrictions on freedom of movement, and collective punishment:

Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 17-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, IOF continues to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 134 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, and arrested Palestinians at those checkpoints.

On 06 August 2023, IOF closed the northern entrance to Tuqu’ village, south of Bethlehem, and reopened it later. The closure recurred the following day. 

On 07 August 2023, IOF closed Qalandia checkpoint and later reopened it.

On 08 August 2023, IOF closed the detector gates established at the entrances to villages of Nabi Saleh, Aboud, and Kharbatha Bani Harith, and reopened them after about an hour and a half. This comes as part of IOF’s collective punishment policy allegedly after a settler’s vehicle was exposed to shotting near the entrance to “Ateret” settlement, which is established on the lands of Umm Safa village, northwest of Ramallah. The entrances to Silwad were also closed but reopened later.

So far in 2023, IOF have established 3,692 temporary checkpoints and arrested tens of Palestinians at those checkpoints.

Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (Weekly Update 03-09 August 2023)

August 10, 2023

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

6 Palestinians were killed, including 2 children; one succumbed to his pervious injury, and 6 others were injured, while dozens of others suffocated and sustained bruises in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) and settler attacks in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). Details are as follows:

On 04 August 2023, Qusai Jamal Mu’tan (18) was killed in cold blood by settler’s fire, while two other Palestinians were injured by other settlers’ fire in Burqa village, east of Ramallah. ( Details available in PCHR’s press release.)

On the same day, Mahmoud Hussam Abu Sa’an (18) was killed by IOF’s fire after he threw Molotov Cocktails at them during their incursion into Tulkarm and its camp.

On 06 August 2023, in a crime of extra-judicial executions (assassination), IOF killed 3 Palestinians, including a child, in Jenin. (Details available in PCHR’s press release.)

On 07 August 2023, medical sources at the Palestine Medical Complex announced the death of Ramzi Fathi Hamed (17), from Silwad village, east of Ramallah, who succumbed to an abdominal injury after the security guard of “Ofra” settlement established on lands confiscated from Silwad and Beitin villages, east of Ramallah, fired two live bullets at him, as Hamed threw Molotov Cocktails at the settlement on 01 August 2023.

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF incursions into cities and villages, or suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians.

On 04 August 2023, two Palestinians were shot with rubber-coated bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddum weekly peaceful protest against settlements in northern Qalqilya.

On the same day, Minister Moayad Sha’ban, Head of the Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission (CWRC), and other persons suffocated and sustained bruises during IOF’s suppression of Deir Istiya weekly peaceful protest in Salfit.

Also, a Palestinian was injured with a rubber-coated bullet in his leg during clashes with IOF following their incursion into Al-Eizariya village, southeast of occupied East Jerusalem. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested a Palestinian.

In the Gaza Strip, at least 2 IOF shootings were reported on agricultural lands in eastern Gaza Strip. However, neither material damage nor casualties were reported.

So far in 2023, IOF attacks have killed 208 Palestinians, including 103 civilians; amongst them 37 children, 6 women and a person with disability, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including 7 children, 9 killed by settlers, and two died in Israeli prisons. Meanwhile, 1015 Palestinians, including 150 children, 30 women and 16 journalists, were injured in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Land razing, demolitions, notices and settlement

On 03 August 2023, IOF razed a 4-dunum plot of land in al-Dab’a area, east of Battir village in western Bethlehem, and uprooted at least 70 olive seedlings.

On 06 August 2023, IOF forced 8 families of 36, including 10 children, to leave al-Qaboun Compound located between Kafr Malik and al-Mughayyir village, east of Ramallah, after IOF closed all roads leading to them and prevented sheep-grazing, while settlers stole their sheep. 

On the same day, IOF seized a generator from a cave where ‘Aziz al-Rab’I live in Kherbet Janba, east of Yatta, south of Hebron.

On 07 August 2023, IOF confiscated 2 vehicles and ceased ad-Dhahiriya Municipality’s construction works to establish agricultural roads in al-Baha area, east of ad-Dhahiriya village in southern Hebron, under the pretext of working in Area “C”.

On 08 August 2023, IOF handed 14 eviction notices to inhabited houses and cease-construction notices to other under-construction houses in Sarta villages, west of Salfit, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area “C”.

On the same day, IOF uprooted about 20 olive seedlings and levelled agricultural lands to build a settlement road in Kafr ad-Dik village, west of Salfit.

On 09 August 2023, IOF handed 8 cease-construction notices to under-construction houses in Sinjil village, east of Ramallah, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area “C”.

Since the beginning of 2023, IOF have made 136 families homeless, a total of 796 persons, including 174 women and 352 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 136 houses; 34 were forcibly self-demolished by their owners and 14 were demolished on grounds of collective punishment. IOF also demolished 99 other civilian objects, razed other property, and delivered dozens of notices of demolition and cease-construction in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Demolitions on grounds of collective punishment

On 08 August 2023, IOF destroyed a residential unit belonging to the family of ‘Abdul-Fattah Hussein Kharousha in the old ‘Askar refugee camp, northeast of Nablus as part of IOF’s collective punishment policy against Palestinian families of those accused of carrying out attacks against IOF and/or settlers. PCHR’s fieldworker reported that IOF moved into ‘Askar refugee camp in Nablus and broke into a 4-storey house belonging to Kharousha family, as they forced 4 families living the building out, and two other families of their relatives in nearby houses under fire and teargas canisters.  As a result, a Palestinian was wounded with a live bullet in the left thigh. During the incursion, IOF implanted explosives on the 3rd floor, and remotely detonated it. As a result, the 120-sqm apartment, which housed a family of 4, including a woman, was destroyed, while 3 apartments in the same building and 2 other apartments in a nearby buildings sustained damage. It is noteworthy that IOF killed ‘Abdul-Fattah Kharousha on 07 March 2023 after he was accused of an attack that killed setters on 26 February 2023.

Settler-attacks and retaliatory acts

On 05 August 2023, settlers from “Ma’ale Adumim” settlement, threw stones at Palestinians and their vehicles at the entrance to Al-Eizariya village, east of East Jerusalem. As a result, windows of many vehicles were broken, and Palestinians, including women and children, panicked.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers have conducted at least 293 attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property. As a result, 9 Palestinians were killed, and dozens of others were injured; most of them due to being beaten and thrown with stones. Also, dozens of houses, vehicles and civilian facilities were set ablaze.

Israeli closure, restrictions on freedom of movement, and collective punishment:

Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 17-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, IOF continues to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 134 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, and arrested Palestinians at those checkpoints.

On 06 August 2023, IOF closed the northern entrance to Tuqu’ village, south of Bethlehem, and reopened it later. The closure recurred the following day. 

On 07 August 2023, IOF closed Qalandia checkpoint and later reopened it.

On 08 August 2023, IOF closed the detector gates established at the entrances to villages of Nabi Saleh, Aboud, and Kharbatha Bani Harith, and reopened them after about an hour and a half. This comes as part of IOF’s collective punishment policy allegedly after a settler’s vehicle was exposed to shotting near the entrance to “Ateret” settlement, which is established on the lands of Umm Safa village, northwest of Ramallah. The entrances to Silwad were also closed but reopened later.

So far in 2023, IOF have established 3,692 temporary checkpoints and arrested tens of Palestinians at those checkpoints.

Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (Weekly Update 22 June – 05 July 2023)

 July 6, 2023

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

15 Palestinians, including 6 children, were killed, while 144 others, including 19 children, 3 women and a journalist, were wounded, while dozens of others suffocated and sustained bruises in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF)’s attacks in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). Details are as follows:

On 04 July 2023, IOF withdrew from Jenin refugee camp after conducting a widescale military operation backed by more than one thousand soldiers, dozens of military vehicles, and warplanes of different types.  The operation, which lasted for 40 hours, killed 12 Palestinians, including 6 civilians, amongst them 5 children; 2 of them were members of the Palestinian armed groups, and wounded 120 others, including 14 children, at least 2 women and 20 in serious condition. In addition, 109 houses were partially destroyed and became uninhabitable, while the infrastructure was extensively destroyed, including levelling of streets, and outage of power, water and internet as well as disruption of communication services. Also, about 4000 Palestinians were forcibly displaced from their homes during the operation[1][2].PCHR’s staff continues to collect information and document IOF violations and crimes during the aggression on Jenin.

On 24 June 2023, Al-Arabi Specialized Arab Hospital announced the death of Tariq Mousa Idris (39), a member of the Palestinian armed groups from ‘Askar refugee camp in Nablus, after succumbing to wounds he sustained by several bullets fired by IOF in clashes that accompanied IOF’s incursion into the camp the day before.  In the same incursion, 5 Palestinians were arrested.

On the same day, Isaac Hamdi Al-‘Ajlouni (17), from Kafr ‘Aqab village in Jerusalem, was killed after IOF fired several bullets at him when he carried out a shooting attack at the Israeli soldiers stationed at Qalandia checkpoint, north of East Jerusalem.

Mohammad ‘Imad Abu Hassanein (21) was also killed by IOF fire during clashes at the northern entrance to Al-Bireh. (Details available in PCHR’s press release).

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF incursions into cities and villages, or suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians.

On 22 June 2023, an elderly woman sustained a superficial bullet wound in her shoulder after IOF opened fire to protect a group of settlers who raided and attacked ‘Urif village in Nablus.

On 23 June 2023, 4 Palestinians, including a child, were wounded with rubber-coated bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddum weekly peaceful protest in northern Qalqilya.

On the same day, Khaled Akram Malalha (5) was shot with a live bullet in his left eye that required its enucleation. The child was injured after IOF stationed at a temporary checkpoint at the entrance to Bazariya village in Nablus opened fire at a civilian vehicle he was travelling amid clashes that broke out in the area.

On 27 June 2023, 2 Palestinians were wounded by IOF fire during confrontations in Nablus. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested 6 Palestinians, including journalist Mohammad Anwar Mona (44) from Zawata village.

On 30 June 2023, 7 Palestinians, including a child, were wounded with rubber-coated bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddum peaceful weekly in northern Qalqilya.

On 03 July 2023, 3 children were wounded with live bullets during clashes with IOF at the entrance to Beit Ummar in Hebron. Another Palestinian was also wounded with a live bullet in the foot during similar clashes near Beit Einoun intersection in Hebron.

In the Gaza Strip, on 04 July 2023, 4 Palestinians, including a child, were wounded with live bullets and teargas canisters directly fired by IOF during a demonstration in solidarity with Jenin, east of Gaza. Journalist Fadi Shana’a was wounded with a gas canister in his foot, and another fired eat his camera while covering a similar demonstration in eastern Khan Yunis.

Also, 5 IOF shootings were reported on agricultural lands in eastern Gaza Strip, while 2 shootings were reported on fishing boats off the western Gaza shores.

So far in 2023, IOF attacks have killed 189 Palestinians, including 95 civilians; amongst them 33 children, 6 women and a Palestinian with disability, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including 6 children, 7 killed by settlers, and two died in Israeli prisons. Meanwhile, 962 Palestinians, including 146 children, 29 women and 16 journalists, were injured in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Land razing, demolitions, seizures and settlement

On 22 June 2023, settlers began to establish a settlement outpost on the lands of Derastia village, west of Salfit, opposite to the Emmanuel settlement. The settlers, protected by IOF, leveled the land, set up tents and pens for livestock and prevented Palestinians from reaching their lands.

On the same day, IOF demolished two under-construction houses in the northern Jordan Valley, east of Tubas, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area (C).

IOF also delivered a notice to the residents of Qarawet Bani Hassan village in Salfit, to evacuate Beer Abu ‘Ammar, which is an agricultural recreational area for the municipality, west of the village.

On 23 June 2023, IOF confiscated an excavator while working on a dirt road, east of Al-Dhahiriya village in Hebron.

On 26 June 2023, IOF handed 6 notices to vacate lands of more than 7 dunums, west of Beit Ula in Hebron, under the pretext of being state lands.

On 29 June 2023, settlers, protected by IOF, set up tents on the Palestinian lands in Umm Lakhous area in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, in order to establish a settlement outpost, as IOF arrested 4 Palestinians who tried to confront the settlers.

On 03 July 2023, IOF forced ‘AbdulKareem Abu Tair to self-demolish part of his house in Jabal Al-Mukaber in East Jerusalem upon an Israeli municipal decision under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Since the beginning of 2023, IOF have made 105 families homeless, a total of 656 persons, including 139 women and 299 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 113 houses; 27 were forcibly self-demolished by their owners and 13 were demolished on grounds of collective punishment. IOF also demolished 89 other civilian objects, razed other property, and delivered dozens of notices of demolition and cease-construction in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Demolitions on grounds of collective punishment

On 22 June 2023, IOF destroyed the family house of detainee Kamal Hani Jouri in Nablus as part of IOF’s collective punishment policy against Palestinian families of those accused of carrying out attacks against IOF and/or settlers. PCHR’s fieldworker reported that the destroyed house was an apartment on the second floor of a 7-storey building. IOF forced the residents of the building and 10 other families in nearby houses to evacuate, implanted explosives on the second floor, and remotely detonated it. As a result, the 180-sqm apartment, which housed a family of 5, including a child, was destroyed. It is noteworthy that IOF arrested Kamal Jouri on 13 February 2023 after he was accused of participating in an attack that killed an Israeli soldier on 11 October 2022.

Since the beginning of the year, IOF have destroyed 13 houses on grounds of collective punishment.

Money and Property Confiscation on grounds of Collective Punishment

On 26 June 2023, IOF raided and searched 16 houses belonging to former detainees in the Israeli prisons in several neighborhoods and villages in occupied East Jerusalem and seized money, vehicles, belongings, and jewelry belonging to those detainees and their families. IOF also handed some of them seizure orders and imposed on them high fines under the pretext that they receive money from the Palestinian Authority (PA).

The Israeli police said in a statement that during their campaign, they seized 270,000 shekels, gold jewelry, 7 vehicles and a motorcycle, in addition to freezing 16 bank accounts.

Family members of the former detainees said to PCHR’s fieldworker that IOF seized their vehicles and gold jewelry, which are personal assets and have nothing to do with the PA. 

Settler-attacks and retaliatory acts

On 22 June 2023, Israeli settlers, under IOF’s protection, moved into ‘Urif village in Nablus, where they threw stones at Palestinians’ houses and ‘Obadat al-Rahman Mosque, breaking its windows and ripping and setting copies of the holy Quran ablaze. Also, they burned a classroom on the first floor of ‘Urif Secondary School for Boys.

On 24 June 2023, under IOF’s protection, at least 250 settlers, from “Ateret” settlement established on Ramallah’s lands, moved into Umm Safa village, northwest of Ramallah, and conducted widescale attacks. As a result, 3 residential houses, 3 cars and about 4 cypress trees were burned, and windows and doors of 5 other houses as well as windows of 5 vehicles were broken. Also, many persons suffocated after IOF fired teargas canisters to disperse the Palestinians who tried to confront the settlers. 

On 30 June 2023, Israeli settlers, protected by IOF, expelled Palestinians from their lands in Nuweitif area in Qarawat Bani Hassan village, west of Salfit, under the pretext that the area is classified as Area (C).

On the same day, Israeli settlers, from “Kiryat Arba” settlement, east of Hebron, threw stones at Palestinians’ houses near the settlement and when the residents tried to confront them, an Israeli settler opened fire from his pistol at Matariyia family members. Afterwards, large forces of Israeli soldiers arrived and arrested 4 Palestinians.

On 01 July 2023, Israeli settlers, under IOF’s protection, attacked Palestinian farmers in Kafr ad-Dik village, west of Salfit.  Also, IOF arrested a Palestinian and beat another.

On 02 July 2023, two Palestinians were injured after Israeli settlers threw stones at a Palestinian vehicle near the entrance to Yasuf village, east of Salfit.

On the same day, Israeli settlers uprooted 35 forest and citrus trees and damaged Palestinians’ property in Bir Abu ‘Ammar area in Qarawat Bani Hassan village, west of Salfit, noting that on 22 June 2023, IOF gave notice to evacuate the area.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers have conducted at least 260 attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property. As a result, 7 Palestinians were killed, and dozens of others were injured; most of them after being beaten and thrown with stones. Also, dozens of houses, vehicles and civilian facilities were set ablaze.

Violations of freedom of worship:

On 28 June 2023, Israeli police moved into the vicinity of Bab al-Rahma prayer hall before the start of Eid al-Adha prayer, closed its doors, attacked, and pushed tens of Palestinian worshipers, arrested 15 of them from al-Aqsa Mosque and at its gates. This happened after the Israeli police filed a request to the Israeli Magistrate Court in Jerusalem last Tuesday demanding the re-closure of Bab al-Rahma prayer hall under the pretext of being a strategic area for the Palestinian factions. 

On 01 July 2023, IOF closed some of al-Aqsa Mosque’s gates in occupied East Jerusalem in front of Palestinian worshipers for the second time in one week under the pretext of presence of few Palestinian worshipers and few Israeli police officers to guard the mosque, in an unprecedented step as part of the Israeli occupation’s policy to change the status quo of al-Aqsa Mosque and attempts to impose a temporal and spatial division. According to the Deputy Director General of the Islamic Endowments (Awqaf) Department in Jerusalem, Najeh Bakirat, on the second day of Eid al-Adha, 29 June 2023, the Israeli police intentionally closed Bab al-Asbat (Lions Gate), one of the most important gates in the northeastern side of al-Aqsa Mosque, under the pretext of the insufficient number of police officers to guard it as well as the few numbers of Palestinian worshipers entering through it. They also closed Bab al-Hadeed, Bab al-Qawanmah, and Bab al-Malik Faisal, and other gates of al-Aqsa Mosque, while Bab_Hutta, Bab al-Majles and Bab al-Selselah remained open. Bakirat added that on Saturday, the fourth day of Eid al-Adha, the Israeli police unjustifiably re-closed Bab al-Asbat.

On 02 July 2023, IOF handed Eng. Bassam ak-Hallaq, Director of al-Aqsa Mosque’s Reconstruction Committee of the Jordanian Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs in Jerusalem, an order completely banning the employees of the Reconstruction Committee from working at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and threatening to arrest any employee who returns to work inside the mosque.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 293 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, 196 Palestinians were arrested, including 8 children and a journalist. Jenin refugee camp has witnessed a mass arrest campaign targeting at least 120 Palestinians. In the Gaza Strip, IOF conducted 2 limited incursions into eastern Bureij refugee camp on 26 and 27 June 2023.

So far in 2023, IOF have conducted 5,096 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 2,892 Palestinians were arrested, including 26 women and 326 children.  Also, IOF arrested 39 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip including 17 fishermen, 20 infiltrators into Israel, and 3 travelers at Erez Crossing. IOF also conducted 19 incursions.

Israeli closure, restrictions on freedom of movement, and collective punishment:

Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 16-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continue to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 203 temporary checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, and arrested 2 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

On 22 June 2023, IOF closed the metal detector gate established on the road connecting Nahalin village with Jab’a village in Bethlehem to vehicles’ movement. 

So far in 2023, IOF have established 3,065 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 135 Palestinians at those checkpoints.


[1]  PCHR’s press release: https://pchrgaza.org/en/as-israeli-aggression-enters-second-day-on-jenin-refugee-camp-death-toll-rises-to-10-including-3-civilians-amongst-them-child-100-injured-mostly-civilians-dozens-arrested-and-infrastructure-com/

[2] PCHR’s press release: https://pchrgaza.org/en/7-palestinians-killed-and-dozens-of-others-injured-by-israeli-occupation-forces-in-jenin-and-one-killed-in-al-bireh/

Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (Weekly Update 15-21 June 2023)

22.06. 2023

Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Weekly Update 15-21 June 2023)

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

15 Palestinians, including 7 civilians, amongst them a girl, were killed, and 116 others, including 18 children and a journalist, were injured, while dozens of others suffocated and sustained bruises in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF)’s attacks in the West Bank, where IOF warplanes launched airstrikes for the first time in 20 years.  Details are as follows:

On 15 June 2023, Khalil Yehia (20), a member of the Palestinian armed groups, was killed and another Palestinian was injured in clashes with IOF that accompanied their incursion into Nablus and demolition of a house belonging to Palestinian prisoner Osama ‘Alaa al-Taweel.

On 19 June 2023, 5 Palestinians, including 3 civilians, amongst them a child, were killed, and 91 others were injured, mostly civilians, amongst them 15 children, a journalist, and 23 in serious condition. On 20 June 2023, one of the wounded succumbed to his injury. (Details available in PCHR’s press release.) Also, Sadeel Ghasan Naghnighyia Turkman (15) died 2 days after sustaining a bullet injury in the head. Sadeel’s father said to PCHR’s fieldworker that IOF opened fire at his daughter from 120 meters while she was in the house yard photographing military vehicles’ incursion into the area, wounding her with a live bullet in her head. Sadeeel was evacuated in serious condition to Jenin Governmental Hospital, where she stayed until her death was announced in the morning of 21 June 2023.

On the same day, Zakariyia Zaghloul (20) was shot dead by IOF during clashes that broke out in Bethlehem. (Details available in PCHR’s press release.)

On 20 June 2023, in a crime of extrajudicial execution, IOF shot dead Khaled Mostafa Sabbah (24), from Nablus, at point-blank after intercepting a taxi carrying him on Tubas-Jenin main street. Also, the taxi driver sustained injuries. Later, IOF announced that Sabbah was the second perpetrator of the shooting attack in “Eli” settlement, southeast of Nablus, that took place few hours earlier, killing 4 Israeli settlers and injuring others. It is worth noting that the first perpetrator was identified as Mohannad Faleh Shehadeh (25), from Nablus, and killed in the attack.

On 21 June 2023, Omar Hashem Jabara (25) was killed, and 11 other Palestinians were injured when IOF opened fire while protecting dozens of Israeli settlers who conducted widescale attacks and retaliatory acts in Turmus ‘Ayya village in Ramallah. (Details available in PCHR’s press release).

On 21 June 2023, in a new crime of extrajudicial execution, IOF killed 3 members of Palestinian armed groups, including a child, after IOF warplanes targeted a white Tucson SUV carrying them near al-Jalamah Crossing, north of Jenin. PCHR’s fieldworker said that IOF prevented Palestinian ambulance crews from approaching the targeted vehicle and allowed the civil defense crew to put out the fire that broke out in the vehicle. They then pulled out three charred bodies from the vehicle and took them to an unknown destination. Later, the IOF pulled the vehicle to al-Jalamah Crossing. Those killed were identified as: Suhaib ‘Adnan al-Ghoul (28), Mohammed Bashar ‘Owais (27), and Ashraf Murad al-Sa’di (17). This was the first time IOF used their warplanes to carry out assassinations in the West Bank in 18 years. IOF Spokesperson claimed, “there is a precise surgery happening now to eradicate a terrorist threat.”

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF incursions into cities and villages, or suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians.

On 16 June 2023, 3 Palestinians, including a child, were shot with rubber-coated bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddum weekly peaceful protest in Qalqilya.

On the same day, 2 Palestinians, including a journalist, were injured with live bullets fired by IOF in clashes in Beit Ummar village in Hebron.

On 17 June 2023, a Palestinian was shot with a live bullet in his hand by IOF during their incursion into Silat al-Harithiya village, west of Jenin. Also, several bullets fired by IOF hit an electricity transformer and cut the electricity in the camp.

On the same day, a child sustained live bullet shrapnel injuries in his thigh by IOF in clashes near a military checkpoint established by IOF at the entrance to al-‘Arroub refugee camp in Hebron.

On 19 June 2023, a child was injured with 2 rubber-coated bullets in his neck and chest during clashes with IOF that accompanied their incursion into eastern Beit Furik village in Nablus.

On 20 June 2023, a Palestinian was shot with a live bullet in his right foot in clashes with IOF that followed their incursion into Far’a refugee camp, south of Tubas. In the evening, 3 Palestinians were injured with live bullets when IOF opened fire at them to protect the Israeli settlers who conducted attacks in Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya village in Nablus. Also, a Palestinian was shot with a live bullet in his foot during clashes with IOF at Husan village’s entrance in Bethlehem.

In the Gaza Strip, at least 4 IOF shootings were reported on agricultural lands in the eastern Gaza Strip and one on fishing boats off the western Gaza shores, where Israeli gunboats pumped water at a Palestinian fishing boat, damaging its engine and ripping the fishing nets.

So far in 2023, IOF attacks have killed 173 Palestinians, including 87 civilians; amongst them 27 children, 6 women, a person with disability, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including 3 children, 7 killed by settlers, and two died in Israeli prisons. Meanwhile, 818 Palestinians, including 127 children, 26 women and 15 journalists, were injured in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Land razing, demolitions, notices and settlement

IOF demolished 10 housing units and destroyed 3 facilities and other property in the oPt, displacing 46 persons, including 23 children and 10 women. Details are as follows:

On 15 June 2023, IOF dismantled 4 barracks and uprooted 4 residential tents in northern Jordan Valleys, east of Tubas, under the pretext of illegal construction in Area (C). As a result, 4 families of 16, including 4 women and 5 children, were displaced.

On the same day, IOF demolished Maher Zarina’s 150-sqm house in Beit Jala village, west of Bethlehem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction. The house sheltered 2 women.

IOF handed a cease-construction notice to 2 houses in western Shuyukh al-‘Arrub village in Hebron, under the pretext of illegal construction in Area (C). Also, IOF handed 7 eviction notices to 19 dunums in the same village, under the pretext of being state lands. It should be mentioned noting that these dunums house, a water well, a house, stone chains, and various crops.

On 18 June 2023, the Israeli government approved a decision allowing the Israeli Minister of Finance, one of the “Regavim” settlement organization founders and head of the Religious Zionist Party, to issue preliminary approval for planning and building in the Israeli settlements in addition to shortening settlements expansion procedures. The Israeli “Kan” radio station said that upon this decision, construction plans in the settlements will be approved without needing the approval of Israel’s top political echelons, contrary to the status quo for the last 25 years.

On 19 June 2023, IOF demolished 3 animal facilities built of tinplate in Qalandia in occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of building in Area C.

On the same day, IOF handed 10 cease-construction notices to a house, buildings, rooms, and a street in eastern Yatta in Hebron, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area (C).

On 20 June 2023, the Israeli municipality demolished a 2-storey residential building in Silwan village in occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction, rendering 2 families of 15, including 2 women and 11 children, homeless. The building belonged to two brothers, namely Wafi and Bahjat al-Taweel.

On the same day, IOF forced Nasri al-Rajbi to implement the Israeli municipal order and self-demolish his 90-sqm house in Beit Hanina village in occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction, rendering his family of 7, including 5 children, homeless. 

On 21 June 2023, IOF demolished a 120-sqm apartment built of fortified tin and belonging to Ziyad Abu Sbitan in al-Tur neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

IOF also demolished a retaining fence surrounding a plot of land in Sho’afat refugee camp, occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Since the beginning of 2023, IOF have made 104 families homeless, a total of 651 persons, including 138 women and 298 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 110 houses and housing units; 26 were forcibly self-demolished by their owners and 12 were demolished on grounds of collective punishment. IOF also demolished 89 other civilian objects, razed other property, and delivered dozens of notices of demolition and cease-construction in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Demolitions on grounds of collective punishment

On 15 June 2023, IOF destroyed a residential unit belonging to the family of the Palestinian detainee Osama ‘Alaa Al-Taweel in Nablus, as part of IOF’s collective punishment policy against Palestinian families of those accused of carrying out attacks against IOF and/or settlers. PCHR’s fieldworker reported that IOF moved into Nablus, broke into a 5-storery house belonging to Al-Taweel family, and forced out its residents that included 8 families of 37, amongst them 10 women and 14 children, in addition to 10 other families from nearby houses amid firing of tear gas canisters and stun grenades to entice fear among them and prevent them from approaching the area. During the raid, IOF implanted explosives on the 4th floor of the house and remotely detonated it, destroying the 165-sqm floor that housed a family of 6, including two children. It is noteworthy that IOF arrested Osama Al-Taweel on 13 February 2023 after he was shot with three live bullets in the abdomen and thighs and accused of carrying out an attack that killed an Israeli soldier on 11 October 2022.

On 21 June 2023, IOF raided the family houses of Mohannad Shehadeh and Khaleh Sabah, who were killed after carrying out a shooting attack that killed 4 settlers the day before in the village of ‘Orif in Nablus. IOF took measurements of the two houses in preparation for demolition, as part of IOF’s collective punishment policy against Palestinian families of those carrying out attacks against IOF and settlers. Before IOF’s withdrawal, the latter arrested 6 Palestinians, including 2 children.

Since the beginning of the year, IOF destroyed 12 houses on grounds of collective punishment.

Settler-attacks and retaliatory acts

On 16 June 2023, settlers from the Ma’on settlement established on the lands of Hebron attacked shepherds in eastern Yatta, denied them access to the pastures in their lands that are under the Israeli settlers’ control after the establishment of the pastoral settlement outpost “Mtsad Yehuda”.

On 17 June 2023, settlers from Tafouh settlement, established on the lands of Yasuf village, east of Salfit, stole 10 sheep from a barn in the village and killed a watchdog.

On 20 June 2023, settlers carried out widescale attacks and retaliatory acts across the West Bank, following a shooting attack that killed 4 settlers in Eli settlement between Nablus and Ramallah. Details are as follows:

Four Palestinians, including one with his wife and daughter, were injured after settlers threw stones at the Palestinian vehicles near the entrance to Yasuf town, east of Salfit, carrying out riots on the roads and breaking windows of a vehicle.

A child sustained injuries after a settler who was riding a bike near the entrance to Al-Laban Al-Sharqiya village in Nablus. Later, settlers marched towards the village, and reached As-Sawiya High School, chanting “Death to Arabs”. They threw stones at the school and houses, set fire to two car workshops, attacked commercial facilities with stones, and burned 5 vehicles completely.

On 21 June 2023, at dawn, settlers attacked a Palestinian house in the town of Kafr Al-Dik, west of Salfit, by smashing its windows, setting a tractor ablaze, and stealing an electric bike.

In the evening, dozens of settlers, protected by IOF, carried out widescale attacks and retaliatory acts in the town of Turmusaya in Ramallah, and burned dozens of homes and vehicles. (Details available in PCHR’s press release).

Since the beginning of the year, settlers have conducted at least 252 attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property. As a result, 7 Palestinians were killed, and dozens of others were injured; most of them due to being beaten and thrown with stones. Also, dozens of houses, vehicles and civilian facilities were set ablaze.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 198 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, 69 Palestinians were arrested, including 14 children and a woman.

So far in 2023, IOF have conducted 4,803 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 2,696 Palestinians were arrested, including 26 women and 318 children.  Also, IOF arrested 39 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip including 17 fishermen, 19 infiltrators into Israel, and 3 travelers at Erez Crossing. IOF also conducted 17 incursions.

Israeli closure, restrictions on freedom of movement, and collective punishment:

Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 16-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continue to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 106 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, and arrested 2 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

On 20 June 2023, IOF closed Marah Rabah village’s entrance, south of Bethlehem, to vehicles’ movement in and out.

So far in 2023, IOF have established 2,862 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 131 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (Weekly Update 25 – 31 May 2023)

 June 1, 2023

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity

2 Palestinians were killed, and 23 others, including 3 children, were wounded, while dozens of others suffocated and sustained bruises in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF)’s attacks in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). Details are as follows:

On 26 May 2023, the Israeli authorities announced the killing of ‘Alaa Khalil Qaysiyah (25) from Hebron, allegedly after Qaysiyah attempted to carry out a stabbing attack inside the “Tineh Amorim” settlement established on the lands of Al-Dhahiriya village.

On 29 May 2023, Ashraf Al-Sheikh Ibrahim (37), an officer in the Palestinian Intelligence Service, was killed, and 5 others were wounded during armed clashes with IOF during the latter’s incursion into Jenin. During which, one of IOF’s military vehicles attacked and pushed an ambulance belonging to Al-Hayat Ambulance Center near Al-Razi Hospital in central Jenin, crashing into two other vehicles and inflicting damage to them. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested 6 Palestinians.

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF incursions into cities and villages, or suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians.

On 25 May 2023, 14 Palestinians, including two children, were injured during clashes with IOF after the latter’s widescale incursion accompanied by 70 military vehicles and backed by Yamam Special Units, 6 bulldozers and a helicopter in ‘Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, south of Jericho. The incursion included the closure of all main and subsidiary streets with sand berms, and widescale raids of around 40 houses, after blowing up some of their doors and searching their contents. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested 14 Palestinians.

On 26 May 2023, 2 Palestinians were shot with rubber bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddum weekly peaceful protest against settlements in northern Qalqilya.

On 28 May 2023, 2 Palestinians, including a child, were injured, and another was arrested, during clashes with IOF at the eastern entrance to Al-Mughayyir village, northeast of Ramallah, noting that the entrance was closed before with sand berms.

In the Gaza Strip, 3 IOF shootings were reported on agricultural lands in eastern Gaza Strip, while 2 shootings were reported on fishing boats off the Gaza western Gaza shores.

So far in 2023, IOF attacks killed 155 Palestinians, including 77 civilians; amongst them 24 children and 6 women, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including 2 children, 7 killed by settlers, and two died in Israeli prisons. Meanwhile, 661 Palestinians, including 103 children, 25 women and 12 journalists, were injured in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Land razing, demolitions, notices and settlement

IOF demolished 4 houses, parts of another house, and 5 facilities in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 26 May 2023, IOF gave demolition notices to 2 barracks used as livestock barns in Ithna village in Hebron, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area (C).

On 27 May 2023, IOF forced ‘AbdulHaleem Al-Shaloudi to demolish the roof of his 20-sqm kitchen in Silwarn, East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On the same day, IOF forced Zaid Al-Salaymeh to demolish his 60-sqm under-construction apartment in Wadi Qaddum neighborhood in East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On 29 May 2023, IOF demolished a 150-sqm livestock farm, west of Bethlehem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On the same day, IOF dismantled a 20-sqm a commercial kiosk/stall in Al-Walaja village, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Also, IOF forced Isaac Al-Hroub to demolish a 70-sqm well and a 3-sqm bathroom of bricks on his land near the annexation wall, west of Deir Samet village in Hebron.

IOF demolished a 200-sqm under-construction house belonging to Ibrahim ‘Ayesh in Artas village, south of Bethlehem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

In addition, IOF demolished a 150-sqm house belonging to Nasser Nassar in the airport land, east of Jericho.

On 31 May 2023, IOF handed 18 cease-construction notices in northwestern Deir Ballut village, west of Salfit, including 12 notices to 13 houses, 5 to agricultural rooms, and one to a commercial facility, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area (C).

Since the beginning of 2023, IOF have made 88 families homeless, a total of 557 persons, including 112 women and 252 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 95 houses; 22 were forcibly self-demolished by their owners and 10 were demolished on grounds of collective punishment. IOF also demolished 83 other civilian objects, razed other property, and delivered dozens of notices of demolition and cease-construction in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Settler-attacks and retaliatory acts

Settlers carried out 7 attacks on Palestinians and their property in the West Bank, injuring 11 Palestinians, cutting trees, and burning crops. Details are as follows:

On 26 May 2023, settlers, protected by IOF, threw stones at 5 Palestinians, including a child, and injured them in Sidr area between Turmusaya and A-Mughayer villages in Ramallah. The attack also included burning agricultural crops, 5 civilian vehicles and smashing the windows of 3 vehicles.

On 27 May 2023, settlers, protected by IOF, wounded a Palestinian during their raid into Al-Qaboun and Ras Al-Teen squares, east of Al-Mughayer town in Ramallah. The settlers and IOF raided homes and assaulted citizens through obstructing and searching them.

On the same day, 5 Palestinians, including a man with his wife and daughter, were injured and bruised as settlers assaulted them during the latter’s attack on their land in Bidya, west of Salfit.

On 28 May 2023, settlers cut 18 trees in their attack on Palestinians’ lands in Al-Laban Al-Sharqiya village in Nablus.

On 29 May 2023, settlers brought caravans and heavy equipment, including excavators, bulldozers, and trucks. The settlers placed the caravans in “Homesh” settlement, which is established on the lands of Silat al-Harthiya village, south of Jenin, and Burqa village, north of Nablus. This came upon IOF’s recent decision to return to the settlement, and the settlers announced the establishment of a religious school in the settlement. It is noteworthy that Homesh settlement was evacuated in 2005 as part of IOF’s redeployment plan, during which the Gaza Strip settlements were also completely evacuated along with 4 settlements in Jenin. Recently, the Israeli government has decided to return the settlers to those settlements.

On the same day, settlers set fire to a plot of land planted with wheat and barley in Deir Dabwan village, east of Ramallah, burning 15 dunums.

On 30 May 2023, settlers from “Homesh” settlement, which is established on the village lands of Jenin and Nablus, in the northern West Bank, attacked a house with stones in the Burqa village, north of Nablus, and smashed the rear window of the house owner’s vehicle.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers have conducted at least 214 attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property. As a result, 7 Palestinians were killed, and dozens of others were injured; most of them due to being beaten and thrown with stones. Also, dozens of houses, vehicles and civilian facilities were set ablaze.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians

IOF carried out 157 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, 81 Palestinians were arrested, including a child. In the Gaza Strip, IOF carried out two limited incursions into eastern Rafah on 29 May 2023, and eastern Khan Yunis on 31 May 2023.

So far in 2023, IOF have conducted 4,241 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 2,446 Palestinians were arrested, including 25 women and 285 children.  Also, IOF arrested 34 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip including 12 fishermen and 19 infiltrators into Israel, and 3 travelers at Erez Crossing. IOF also conducted 12 incursions.

Israeli closure, restrictions on freedom of movement, and collective punishment:

Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 16-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continue to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 97 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, and arrested 2 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

So far in 2023, IOF have established 2,526 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 124 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

More Than 40 Palestinians Injured In ‘Israeli’ Raid on Nablus

May 30, 2023

By Staff, Agencies

The ‘Israeli’ occupation forces stormed a refugee camp on the outskirts of the West Bank city of Nablus on Tuesday, injuring more than 40 Palestinians, local media reported.

Some 46 Palestinians were treated for wounds during the raid on the Askar refugee camp which took place in the predawn hours of Tuesday morning, said Ahmad Jibril, the head of the Emergency and Ambulance Department at the Palestinian Red Crescent Society.

The report added that 44 of the injured Palestinians suffered tear gas inhalation.

Palestinian security sources said a large unit of ‘Israeli’ occupation forces broke into the family house of Hasan Qatanani and mapped it out before a planned demolition.

Qatanani was martyred by the Zionist forces earlier this month. The ‘Israeli’ occupation military claimed that he was responsible for the April shooting attack in the Jordan Valley which killed three Zionist settlers.

During the raid, the sources said, the ‘Israeli’ soldiers also broke into several other houses and measured the home of Palestinian martyr Hussam Saleem.

He had allegedly planned and directed a shooting operation by the Nablus-based Palestinian resistance group Lions’ Den that killed a Zionist soldier in the northern West Bank last October.

The regime razes Palestinian homes to punish the family of those who allegedly carried out operations against its occupation forces.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs [OCHA] calls the practice “collective punishment” of Palestinians. The UN agency deems the practice “illegal under international law.”

Additionally, on Tuesday, the occupation forces raided the Nur Shams refugee camp, near the West Bank city of Tulkarm, sparking confrontations with Palestinian resistance fighters.

The ‘Israeli’ military said one of its soldiers was moderately hurt by shrapnel after an explosive device was detonated.

Tensions have been running high in the occupied West Bank over the past year, with the ‘Israeli’ occupation military conducting violent raids under the pretext of detaining what it calls “wanted” Palestinians.

As a result of these attacks, at least 112 Palestinians have lost their lives and many others have been kidnapped.

Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestine (Weekly Update 04– 10 May 2023)

11. 05. 2023

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) continue their widescale aggression on the Gaza Strip for the second consecutive day as it began at dawn on Tuesday, 09 May 2023, when 3 commanders of Al-Quds Brigades (AQB), the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), were assassinated by bombing their houses over their families and neighbors’ heads. During the aggression, which continues up to the preparation of this report, IOF conducted extensive airstrikes and artillery shelling against residential houses, agricultural lands, sites of Palestinian armed groups, and others. As a result, so far 25 Palestinians, including 13 civilians, 6 children and 4 women, have been killed, and 63 others, including 15 children and 15 women, have been wounded. These attacks on civilian areas reflect Israel’s blatant disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians and non-observation of the principle of distinction and proportionality binding on IOF under international law. The bombing has also caused complete and partial destruction to dozens of housing units, rendering dozens of families homeless, as PCHR’s fieldworkers are still documenting the destruction. Meanwhile, PCHR is still investigating certain incidents that inflicted losses among civilians and property. PCHR’s preliminary investigations indicate casualties fell after homemade rockets had fallen in three incidents, during which 3 civilians, including 2 children, were killed and 26 others were wounded, including 7 children and 5 women.

The following are the most significant developments:

On 09 May 2023, IOF launched an aggression on the Gaza Strip, conducted extensive air raids and bombed a vehicle and 4 apartments on the heads of their residents. As a result, 15 Palestinians, including 4 children and 4 women, were killed, and 20 others, including 4 children and 4 women, were wounded. IOF warplanes fired 2 missiles at 2 floors of a 6-storey residential building in al-Rimal neighborhood in central Gaza City, resulting in the killing of 6 Palestinians, including a woman and 2 children, and injury of 6 others, including 2 women. Those killed were identified as Jamal Saber Mohammed Khaswan (52), a dentist and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Wafaa Charity Association; his wife, Mervat Saleh Mohammed Khaswan (44); and their son Yousef (19), a student at the Faculty of Dentistry. All of them were civilians and lived on the 6th floor. And those killed on the 5th floor were identified as Tareq Ibrahim Mohammed ‘Izz al-Deen (51), a commander at al-Quds Brigades; and his two children ‘Ali (9) and Mayar (7).

Around the same time, Israeli warplanes fired 2 missiles at family house in eastern Gaza City. As a result, five, including 2 women and 2 girls, were killed, and 6 others, including 3 children and 2 women, were injured. Those killed were identified as Khalil Khaled al-Behtaini (44), a commander at al-Quds Brigades; his wife Laila Majdi Mostafa al-Behtaini (42); his 4-year-old daughter Hajar; a 19-yeat-old girl namely Dania ‘Alaa ‘Ataa ‘Adas and her sister Eman (17), who succumbed to her injuries at around 10:00, noting that Dania and Eman lived adjacent to the targeted building.

Meanwhile, Israeli warplanes targeted at a 1-storey house in Al-Jeneina neighborhood in Rafah. As a result, Jihad Shaker Diab ‘AbdulHafez/Al-Ghanam, Secretary of al-Quds Brigades’ Military Council who was an amputee, and his wife Wafaa Nimr Tawfiq Al-Ghanam (62) were killed, and 6 others sustained various wounds, including a child and the targeted commander’s son. More details are available in PCHR’s press release.

In the same evening, Wael Muhammad Sabri al-Agha (34), and Saed Jawad ‘Abd Farwana (28), members of the Palestinian armed groups, were killed, and two other Palestinians were injured in an Israeli airstrike on a civilian car in al-Qarara, northeast of Khan Yunis.

On 10 May 2023, the bombing continued against agricultural lands, sites of Palestinian armed groups, and houses. As a result, 7 Palestinians were killed, including 3 civilians: 2 were children. PCHR is still investigating the nature of the missile that killed them and injured 36 others, including 8 women and 10 children.

Muhammad Yousef Abu Ta’ima (23) and ‘Alaa Maher Abu Ta’ima (28), who were members of the Palestinian armed groups, were killed in an airstrike that targeted them in an agricultural field in ‘Abasan al-Kabira, east of Khan Yunis.

Meanwhile, Ayman Karam Saidam (26) and ‘Alam Al-Dein Sameer ‘Abdul-‘Aziz (23), who were members of the Palestinian armed groups, were killed, and 2 others were wounded as a result of an Israeli airstrike on an agricultural land in Al-Shokah village, east of Rafah. In addition, 8 Palestinians, including 3 children and 3 women, were wounded in an airstrike on an agricultural land near residential houses in Al-Salam neighborhood, south of Rafah.

Also, Ahmed Mohammed al-Shebaki (50) was killed and his wife Yusra Othman al-Shebaki (50) was seriously injured after a missile fell on their house in Qleibo area in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip. PCHR is still investigating the incident, as initial information raises suspicion that it might be a homemade rocket.

Moreover, Yazan Jawdat ‘Eliyan (16) and Layan Belal Mohammed Modawikh (8) were killed and 12 others, including 2 children and 2 women, were injured after a missile fell on a 5-storey house on al-Sahaba Street in Gaza City. PCHR is still investigating the incident, as initial information raises suspicion that it might be a homemade rocket.

In addition, 13 Palestinians were injured, including 2 women and 5 children; one seriously injured, after a missile fell on a house in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip. PCHR is still investigating the incident, as initial information raises suspicion that it might be a homemade rocket.

Meanwhile, IOF warplanes launched at least 2 missiles at a 3-storey house in al-Qarara area, northeast of Khan Yunis. As a result, the house was destroyed and 4 families of 20, including children and women, were displaced. It should be noted that one of the area residents received a call to evacuate the nearby houses.

Moreover, IOF warplanes launched 2 missiles at a 3-storey house of 3 residential apartments in Beit Lahia, completely destroying it and rendering 4 families of 16, including 4 women and 8 children, homeless. It is worth noting that the house’s owner received a call from IOF only 40 minutes before targeting the house telling him to evacuate.

On 11 May 2023, 3 Palestinians, including 2 brothers; one of them a commander of Al-Quds Brigades, were killed and 7 other civilians, including a girl and 3 women; one was pregnant, were injured after IOF warplanes fired 3 missiles at a residential apartment on the 5th floor of a building in Hamad Residential Compound, west of Khan Yunis. Those killed were identified as: ‘Ali Hasan Ghali (50), member of al-Quds Brigades’ Military Council and head of the rocket launching unit; his brother Mahmoud (23); and their relative Mahmoud Waleed Mohammed ‘Abdul Jawaad (26). All of them were in the targeted apartment, while the other injuries were reported in nearby apartments. IOF announced that IOF and Shin Bet (Shabak) killed in a joint targeted operation the commander of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s rocket launching force in the Gaza Strip.

In the West Bank, 8 Palestinians, including a woman, was killed, and 35 others, including 6 children, were injured, while dozens of others suffocated and sustained bruises in IOF’s attacks in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 04 May 2023, IOF killed 3 members of Palestinian armed groups and wounded 3 civilians in an extrajudicial execution crime committed by IOF during their incursion into Nablus’s Old City. (Details available in PCHR’s press release).

On the same day, Eman Ziyad ‘Odah (26) was shot dead by IOF stationed in central Huwara village, southeast of Nablus, claiming that she stabbed an Israeli soldier, as IOF declared.

On 06 May 2023, two members of Palestinian armed groups namely Hamza Jamil Kharyoush (23) and Samer Salah Shaf’y (20) were killed and another Palestinian was injured while 2 others were arrested after one of them was injured during IOF’s incursion into Tulkarm refugee camp, where they cordoned off a house and clashed with Palestinian armed group members who were fortified inside the house.

On 10 May 2023, IOF killed 2 members of Palestinian armed groups namely Ahmed Jamal ‘Assaf (19), from Qabatiya village, and Rani Waleed Qatanat (24), from Jenin refugee camp, and wounded 2 other Palestinians; one seriously injured, during armed clashes that accompanied IOF’s incursion into Qabatiya village in Jenin. Before withdrawing, IOF arrested a Palestinian and confiscated a vehicle as the two Palestinians mentioned above were killed near it.

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF’s incursion into the Palestinian cities and villages, or IOF’s suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians. Twenty Palestinians, including 5 children, were injured in stone-throwing clashes with IOF during the latter’s incursion into several villages in Ramallah, Hebron and Bethlehem. Also, 12 Palestinians, including a child, were injured in Kafr Qaddum weakly peaceful protest, east of Qalqilya. Additionally, 2 Palestinians were injured near the annexation wall in Qalqilya when they were on they way to work in Israel.

So far in 2023, IOF attacks and aggression have killed 136 Palestinians, including 69 civilians; 24 of them were children, and 6 women, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including 2 children, 7 killed by settlers, and two died in Israeli prisons. Meanwhile, 274 Palestinians, including 85 children, 21 women and 12 journalists, were injured.

Land razing, demolitions, and notices

IOF demolished 6 houses and 6 facilities, including a school that was demolished twice, while Israeli settlers built a settlement road on Palestinian lands in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 04 May 2023, IOF demolished a 70-sqm restaurant, which is a building built of steel, aluminum and wood in Al-Walaja village, northwest of Bethlehem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On 07 May 2023, IOF demolished al-Tahadi Primary School (5) in Jeb al-Deeb village, east of Bethlehem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area C. Dozens of villagers tried to confront the demolition, but IOF attacked them and heavily fired live and rubber-coated bullets and teargas canisters at them, wounding 5 of them. The villagers later re-built the school, but IOF- re-demolished it for the 2nd time on 10 May 2023. It is worth noting that the 170-sqm school serving 60 students is funded by the European Union (EU), and it included 5 classrooms, a tent, a number of bathrooms, a playground, and a container used as a kitchen.

On the same day, IOF forced a Palestinian to self-demolish his 82-sqm house in Jabel Mukaber village in occupied East Jerusalem, pursuant to an Israeli municipal decision issued under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Also, IOF demolished two 140-sqm houses in Al-Auja village in Jericho and razed a 150-sqm cement slab in al-Jiftlik village, north of Jericho.

On 08 May 2023, IOF notified to cease construction works in a concrete slab and 2 houses in Ma’een village in Hebron, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area C.

On 09 May 2023, IOF forced a Palestinian to  self-demolish his under-construction house of 50 sqms in Ras al-‘Amoud neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, pursuant to an Israeli Municipal’s decision issued under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On the same day, Israeli settlers, from “Havat Yair” settlement that is established on Deir Istiya village’s lands in western Salfit, built a new 700-meter-long settlement road leading to “Al-Majur” and “Nuwaitif” water springs on Palestinians’ lands in Qarawat Bani Hassan village. 

On 10 May 2023, IOF demolished an animal barrack in Jabel Mukaber village and two 100-sqm shops in Wadi Qaddoum neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On the same day, IOF demolished a room built of bricks and used as a commercial facility and a 120-meter-long wall in eastern Yatta in Hebron.

Also, IOF demolished a floor housing two 230-sqm apartments belonging to 2 brothers in Jabel Mukaber village in occupied East Jerusalem, rendering 9 persons, including 2 women and 5 children, homeless.

Since the beginning of 2023, IOF have made 69 families homeless, a total of 439 persons, including 86 women and 192 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 76 houses; 18 were forcibly self-demolished by their owners and 8 were demolished on grounds of collective punishment. IOF also demolished 70 other civilian objects, razed other property, and delivered dozens of notices of demolition and cease-construction in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Settler-attacks and retaliatory acts:

Three Palestinians were injured; 2 of them with live bullets, in settlers’ attacks in the West Bank. Details are as follows:

On 05 May 2023, Israeli settlers broke into Maghayir al-‘Abeed area in eastern Yatta in Hebron, where they made their sheep step on the agricultural crops. Later, an Israeli force arrived and detained a Palestinian whom the settlers were attempting to assault, while the settlers later left the area.

On 10 May 2023, 3 Palestinians were injured; 2 of them sustained live bullet injuries and the third sustained bruises in an attack carried out by at least 30 settlers on Deir Dibwan village, east of Ramallah.   

Since the beginning of the year, settlers have conducted at least 193 attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property. As a result, 7 Palestinians were killed, and dozens of others were injured; most of them after being beaten and thrown with stones. Also, dozens of houses, vehicles and civilian facilities were set ablaze.

IOF incursions and arrests:

IOF carried out 204 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, at least 108 Palestinians were arrested, including 13 children and a writer. In the Gaza Strip, on 08 May 2023, IOF conducted a limited incursion into eastern al-Maghazi refugee camp.

So far in 2023, IOF have conducted 3,703 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 2215 Palestinians were arrested, including 25 women and 265 children.  Also, IOF arrested 34 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip; 12 were fishermen and 19 were trying to infiltrate into Israel, and 3 travelers at Erez Crossing. IOF also conducted 12 incursions.

Israeli closure and restrictions on freedom of movement and collective punishment policy:

Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 16-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

At dawn on 09 May 2023, IOF closed Gaza crossings coinciding with its military offensive against various targets, including civilian objects. The closure of crossings threatens hundreds of patients’ lives and impairs the already frail health system due to the Israeli-imposed closure on Gaza Strip for 16 years. (Details available at PCHR’s press release).

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continues to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 121 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, where they arrested 7 Palestinians.

This week, IOF closed the military checkpoints several times in occupied East Jerusalem and Bethlehem and blocked traffic.

So far in 2023, IOF have established 2204 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 116 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (Weekly Update 27 April – 03 May 2023)

May 4, 2023

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

4 Palestinians were killed, three of them in the West Bank, including 2 children, and the fourth was succumbed to injury in the Gaza Strip by an Israeli airstrike. Meanwhile, a Palestinian detainee who had been on a hunger strike in Israeli prisons died. In addition to 23 others, including 5 children, 3 women and a photojournalist were injured, and dozens of others suffocated in IOF attacks in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 27 April 2023, Ahmad Ya’qoub Taha (39) was shot dead by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) after he got out of his vehicle nearby the Haris village roundabout in Salfit. An eyewitness told PCHR’s fieldworker that the vehicle crashed a concrete protection nearby the intersection where there is an Israeli military checkpoint. As a result, a group of Israeli soldiers approached him and asked him to get out of his vehicle and raise his hands. Suddenly, they opened fire at him, wounding him with several bullets which led to his death. This crime falls under an unjustified field execution as IOF claimed he was carrying a knife, but that is unconfirmed.

On 28 April 2023, Mustafa ‘Amer Sabbah (16) was shot with a live bullet in the chest during clashes with IOF in Tuqu’ town in Bethlehem. According to video footages and eyewitnesses, IOF fired at the child from a distance of 200 meters and as soon as he fell to the ground, IOF soldiers approached and examined his injury, then left him and moved hundreds of meters away from him, then the protestors managed to carry him and transfer him to a healthcare center in the town, where he was immediately pronounced dead.

On 01 May 2023, Mohammad Sa’eed Kamal (17) was killed, and 3 others, including a woman, were injured with live bullets and shrapnel by IOF, after the latter’s incursion into ‘Aqaba Jaber camp in Jericho. According to PCHR’s investigations, Kamal was shot with a live bullet in the head after he approached 50 meters closer to a residential building where IOF raided by IOF and the Israeli snipers stationed. Meanwhile, clashes and stone-throwing protests erupted in the Area. 3 young men tried to reach the Child and help him, but IOF soldiers fired at them, injuring two. Kamal fell on the ground and left to bleed for 10 minutes until he was taken to Ariha Governmental Hospital by an ambulance, where he was pronounced dead. As for the woman, she was wounded by shrapnel in the foot when IOF blew up the door of her house before raiding it and turning it into a sniper barracks.

On 02 May 2023, the death of the detainee Khader ‘Adnan, who has been in an 87-day- hunger strike in protest against his administrative detention by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF), was announced. At dawn, ‘Adnan was found unconscious in his cell before his death was later declared after transferring him to the hospital. (Details available at PCHR’s press release).

On 02 May 2023, Hashel Mubarak Mubarak (58), was killed by a large stone in his chest due to flying rubble, after IOF warplanes bombed a site belonging to the Palestinian armed groups, southwest of Jablia, in the northern Gaza Strip. Mubarak was hit inside his tin-roofed house, 100 meters away from the targeted site. The bombing caused partial damage to a number of houses and a school in the area.

In addition, 5 civilians, including 3 children and 2 women, were wounded by shrapnel from a missile that fell on Al-Masryeen Street in Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip.

At evening of the same day, and at dawn of the following day, IOF warplanes launched several missiles, most of which targeted Palestinian armed groups’ sites and agricultural lands, in different areas of the Gaza Strip, but no injuries were reported, after the Palestinian factions fired missiles towards Israeli gatherings, for the death of the detainee Khader ‘Adnan.

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF incursions into cities and villages and suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians, and they were as follows:

On 28 April 2023, 3 Palestinians, including a child, were injured during clashes with IOF after raiding Jenin refugee camp. Before withdrawal, IOF arrested a Palestinian after breaking into his house, destroyed the contents of his brother’s café and billiards, as well as an ambulance was damaged during the clashes.

On the same day, 5 Palestinians, including a photojournalist, were injured with metal bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddoum weekly protest in northern Qalqilya

On 30 April 2023, a Palestinian child was injured in the right foot during clashes with IOF at the entrance to Al- ‘Arroub camp in Hebron, where IOF established a military observation point.

On 01 May 2023, a Palestinian was injured with two live bullets in the hand and back, and his condition was critical, during clashes with IOF after they stormed the town of Beit Jala, in Bethlehem. IOF raided the yard of Beit Jala Governmental Hospital, firing live bullets and tear gas canisters inside, claiming they were pursuing protestors, which led to the suffocation of a number of patients and their companions. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested an elder.

On 02 May 2023, a Palestinian was injured with a live bullet in his right knee during clashes with IOF at the entrance to Al- ‘Arroub camp in Hebron.

On 03 May 2023, a Palestinian was seriously injured after being hit with 6 live bullets in the pelvis and the lower part of his body, by IOF while he was passing through a temporary military checkpoint set up at ‘Aqbat Hasna intersection, leading to the western countryside of Bethlehem, under the pretext of attempting to attack a soldier. The injured was transferred to the Arab Society Hospital in Beit Jala, for treatment.

In the Gaza Strip, on 01 May 2023, 2 Palestinians were injured with metal bullet, as a result of IOF firing bullets at several boats off the northern Gaza Strip. IOF fired at least 8 bullets at agricultural lands, and 7 bullets at fishermen’s boats in eastern and western Gaza Strip.

So far in 2023, IOF attacks killed 103 Palestinians, including 55 civilians; 18 of them were children, a woman, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including 2 children, 7 killed by settlers, and two died in Israeli prisons. Meanwhile, 479 Palestinians, including 65 children, 6 women and 12 journalists, were injured.

Land razing, demolitions, and notices

IOF demolished a 6-storey residential building of 16 apartments, closed a carpentry shop, and confiscated a caravan a water tank in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.  Details are as follows:

On 27 April 2023, IOF raided a carpentry workshop in the Old City of Hebron, and verbally notified its owner of its closure. Noting that the carpentry is located on the 2nd floor of an old building in the Old City Square, overlooking the closed area of Al-Shuhada Street and the outpost of Beit Hadassah.

On 28 April 2023, IOF confiscated a water tank in the village of Humsa al-Fawqa, in the northern Jordan Valley, east of Tubas.

On 30 April 2023, IOF confiscated a 60-sqm caravan in Qasr Hisham, in Jericho.

On 03 May 2023, IOF demolished a residential building of 6 floors containing 16 apartments, including 2 inhabited apartments, in Dahiyat al-Salam area in ‘Anata town, in East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction, displacing 11 citizens, including 4 children. IOF also beat a number of residents during the demolition process.

Since the beginning of 2023, IOF made 67 families homeless, a total of 430 persons, including 48 women and 187 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 70 houses; 16 were forcibly self-demolished by their owners and 8 were demolished on grounds of collective punishment. IOF also demolished 64 other civilian objects, razed other property, and delivered dozens of notices of demolition, cease-construction, and evacuation in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Demolitions on grounds of collective punishment

On 03 May 2023, IOF demolished 2 houses in the village of Haris, north of Salfit, and the village of Hajjah, east of Qalqilya, as part of collective punishment policy adopted by IOF against Palestinian families, accusing them of carrying out acts of resistance against them, or against the settlers.

In the village of Haris, IOF destroyed a house for the family of a Palestinian who was killed on 15 November 2022, after carrying out a stabbing and run-over attack that killed 3 settlers. The demolition was carried out by detonating the 100-sqm 3-storey house, after its residents, a family of 8, were evacuated, causing damage to a number of nearby houses.

In the village of Hajjah, IOF demolished the detainee’s house who was accused of carrying out a stabbing attack against a settler on 15 October 2022. The demolition was carried out with bulldozers and led to the complete destruction of the 250-sqm 2-storey house and an annex, displacing a family of 5.


Settlers carried out 10 attacks on Palestinians and their property in the West Bank, injuring many Palestinians and uprooting hundreds of trees in the West Bank. Details are as follows:

On 27 April 2023, settlers uprooted dozens of olive and grape seedlings, destroyed agricultural crops, and an irrigation network in the citizens’ agricultural lands in the village of Husan in Bethlehem.

On the same day, settlers attacked agricultural land in east of Qaryut town in Nablus, and cut down 42 olive trees.

On 28 April 2023, settlers severely beat 3 Palestinians, brothers, in the village of Deir Jarir, east of Ramallah, and threw stones at the ambulance that arrived to help them, smashing its windows.

On 29 April 2023, settlers, living in the settlement outpost established on the village of Al-Zuwaidin, south of Hebron, entered their livestock into the citizens’ lands, which were planted with winter grains. When the citizens arrived in the area in order to force the settlers to remove their livestock, large forces of the Israeli army arrived and confronted the citizens and arrested 4 of them.

On 30 April 2023, settlers attacked the Palestinians’ lands in the west of the town of Deir Sharaf in Nablus, and broke 261 olive, almond, fig, carob, pine and Kenya trees, and destroyed the 125-meter-long and 1.5-meter-high fence around the 47 dunums of land.

On the same day, two Palestinians were injured as a result of being beaten with sticks by a group of settlers in Burqa village in Nablus. In the evening, settlers attacked citizens’ lands east of the town of ‘Aqraba in Nablus, assaulted a farmer, and stole 14 sheep before running away towards the nearby “Jetit” settlement.

On 30 April 2023, settlers raided an agricultural land, east of the village of Deir Jarir, east of Ramallah, opened fire at the citizens, beat two citizens, bruised them, and seized their vehicle while they were working on the land.

On 01 May 2023, settlers attacked citizens’ lands in east of the town of Qaryut in Nablus, and cut down 12 olive trees.

On the same day, a Palestinian was wounded with a live bullet in the left shoulder by settlers’ fire after they assaulted him while he was guarding a building in Jabal Qbeibat, south of Jenin.

On 03 May 2023, settlers uprooted 820 apricot and jarnak trees, destroyed the water network, and demolished a tent on agricultural lands in the village of Burqa and the town of Sebastia in Nablus.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers have conducted at least 190 attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property. As a result, 7 Palestinians were killed and dozens of others were injured; most of them after being beaten and thrown with stones. Also, dozens of houses, vehicles and civilian facilities were set ablaze.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 207 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, 96 Palestinians were arrested, including 10 children. In the Gaza Strip, IOF arrested 7 Palestinians; 5 tried to infiltrate through the fence, including 4 in east of Khan Yunis on 01-02 May 2023, and the fifth in east of Beit Hanoun on 27 April 2023, and 2 fishermen off the northern Strip. IOF also carried out a limited incursion into east of Khan Yunis on 01 May 2023.

So far in 2023, IOF conducted 3499 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 2107 Palestinians were arrested, including 25 women and 252 children.  Also, IOF arrested 34 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip; 12 were fishermen and 19 were trying to infiltrate into Israel, and 3 travelers at Erez Crossing. IOF also conducted 11 incursions.

Israeli closure and restrictions on freedom of movement:

Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 16-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continue to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 125 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, and arrested 21 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

Since 22 April 2023, IOF have continued to impose a comprehensive siege on the city of Jericho, by closing its northern and southern entrances and the main entrance leading to it and its camps. IOF set up several military checkpoints and roadblocks, cement blocks and mounds on the roads, where soldiers are stationed, and they conduct continuous inspections. On 01 May 2023, IOF installed 3 military iron gates at the main entrances to the city; north, south and east. Until now, IOF continue to establish temporary military checkpoints at the main entrances and exits of the City. As the latter also closed the main and secondary roads towards the central Jordan Valley, and set up gates and cement blocks at all the Jordan Valley intersections.

During the week, IOF closed the checkpoints in East Jerusalem and Bethlehem for several times, causing traffic obstruction.

So far in 2023, IOF established 2083 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 109 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

Israeli Human Rights Violations in Occupied Palestine (Weekly Update 13-26 April 2023[1])

April 27, 2023

[1] This report covers 2 weeks due to ‘Eid al-Fitr holiday.

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

Two Palestinians were killed, and 23 others were injured, including 4 children, a woman and a paramedic, while dozens of others suffocated and sustained bruises in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) attacks in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. In the Gaza Strip, several houses and facilities sustained material damage due to Israeli airstrikes. Details are as follows:

On 24 April 2023, Suliman ‘Ayish ‘Owaid (22) succumbed to his wounds only hours after being arrested.  ‘Owaid and 3 other Palestinians were wounded by an Israeli Special Force when the latter sneaked into ‘Aqabat Jaber refugee camp in Jericho. According to investigations conducted by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), at around 03:14, an Israeli Special Force sneaked via a cargo truck and a Volkswagen Caravelle van into the camp and opened fire at a group of Palestinian young men present in front of a house, wounding 4 of them. The young men managed to evacuate two of those injured to Jericho Hospital, while the 2 others remained on the ground and the Special Force pulled them to an empty warehouse in the area, where they were stripped of their clothes, arrested, and taken away after 40 minutes. At approximately 20:30, IOF declared that death of one the wounded namely Suliman ‘Owaid and kept his body.

On the same day, Hatem As’ad Abu Najma (39), from Beit Safafa village in occupied East Jerusalem, was killed after being shot with several live bullets by an Israeli settler, claiming that he carried out a run-over attack at Agribous intersection adjacent to Machaneh Yehudah Market in central West Jerusalem

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF’s incursion into the Palestinian cities and villages, or IOF’s suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians, and they were as follows:

On 14 April 2023, 3 Palestinians, including a child, were shot with rubber-coated bullets in their limbs during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddoum weekly protest in northern Qalqilya.

On 17 April 2023, a Palestinian was shot with a live bullet in his abdomen by IOF in Neve Ya’akov neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext that he set an Israeli vehicle ablaze in the area, according to a statement by the Israeli police.

On 18 April 2023, a child was shot with a live bullet in his foot during clashes with IOF after the latter’s incursion into Beit Ummar village in Hebron. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested 3 Palestinians, including a child.

On the same day, 8 Palestinians were injured by IOF fire during clashes that accompanied the latter’s incursion into Jenin refugee camp. Due to the IOF shooting, the main power transformer in the camp was damaged and led to a power outage. Also, the shooting hit the walls of an UNRWA Clinic in the camp causing damage to the building and an ambulance that tried to evacuate those injured.  Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested 3 Palestinians and confiscated a car belonging to one of the arrestees.

Moreover, a Palestinian woman was injured with 2 live bullets in her shoulder and leg after IOF opened fire at her claiming that she carried out a stabbing attack that injured an Israeli settler near Gush Etzion settlement intersection in southern Bethlehem. The wounded woman was taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in West Jerusalem for treatment while she is under arrest.

Also, a Palestinian sustained bruises after being severely beaten by IOF who stopped his vehicle at a checkpoint at the northern entrance to Jericho.

On 21 April 2023, 3 Palestinians were shot with live and rubber-coated bullets, and others suffocated during clashes with IOF after the latter’s incursion into Beita village, southeast of Nablus, on the first day of Eid al-Fitr.

On 24 April 2023, 3 Palestinians, including 2 children and a paramedic, were shot with rubber-coated bullets, and hit with a stun grenade during IOF’s suppression of Palestinians who tried to stop IOF’s confiscation of a vehicle in Qarawat Bani Hassan village, west of Salfit.

In the Gaza Strip, at least 11 IOF shootings were reported on agricultural lands in eastern Gaza Strip, and 9 shootings were reported on fishing boats off the Western Gaza shores.

So far in 2023, IOF attacks killed 99 Palestinians, including 51 civilians; 16 of them were children and 1 woman, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including 2 children, 7 killed by settlers, and one died in Israeli prisons. Meanwhile, 456 Palestinians, including 60 children, 3 women and 11 journalists, were injured.

Land razing, demolitions, and notices

IOF demolished 6 shops, confiscated lands and vehicles, and handed dozens of cease-construction notices in the West Bank. Details are as follows:

On 16 April 2023, IOF confiscated a Tucson SUV near al-Jalama military checkpoint in northern Jenin.

On 18 April 2023, IOF demolished 6 closed shops with a JCB digger in the Old Market in Hebron’s Old City. It is worth noting that Israeli authorities had declared that area as a closed military zone in 2002, and forced the shops’ owners to close them completely, as there are about 30 shops in the market.

On 19 April 2023, IOF handed 3 cease-construction notices to 3 residential houses in Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On the same day, IOF issued a military order to seize 53 dunums for military purposes in Sanniriya village in southern Qalqilya. Upon the order, the seizure will be in force until the end of 2027, and might be renewed similar to previous orders.

On 20 April 2023, the Israeli Civil Administration fixed an order to confiscate a dunum of land in order to expand a settlement road in Al-Khader village, southwest of Bethlehem.

On the same day, IOF confiscated a bobcat bulldozer while working in Kafr ad-Dik village, under the pretext of working in Area C.

Also, IOF confiscated a tractor in Deir Ballut village, west of Salfit, under the pretext of being in Area C.

On 24 April 2023, IOF prevented a Palestinian from levelling his land by a bulldozer to establish a parking lot near a road connecting Nabi Ilyas village with Jayyous village in eastern Qalqilya, under the pretext of working in Area C.

On 25 April 2023, IOF handed 23 cease-construction notices to inhabited houses, others under-construction and a mosque in Az-Zawiya village, west of Salfit.

Since the beginning of 2023, IOF made 64 families homeless, a total of 406 persons, including 81 women and 183 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 67 houses; 16 were forcibly self-demolished by their owners and 6 were demolished on grounds of collective punishment. IOF also demolished 64 other civilian objects, razed other property, and delivered dozens of notices of demolition and cease-construction in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Settler-attacks on Palestinian civilians and their properties:

Israeli settlers seized a house and assaulted Palestinians and their vehicles in 6 attacks in the West Bank. Details are as follows:

On 13 April 2023, Israeli settlers seized an agricultural house near an IOF camp, south of Al-Mazra’a al- Gharbiyia village, north of Ramallah. The settlers fixed an Israeli flag on the house, placed a tent in its yard, stayed inside it, and prevented its owners from entering it.

On 14 April 2023, Israeli settlers threw stones at Palestinian shepherds in pastoral land in eastern Yatta in Hebron and tried to beat them with sticks. IOF then arrived, detained the shepherds and ordered them to leave.

On 15 April 2023, Israeli settlers, who gathered near the eastern entrance to Jab’a village in Bethlehem, threw stones at Palestinians and their vehicles, breaking windows of a vehicle and wounding its driver with a stone in his head.

On 18 April 2023, Israeli settlers broke into agricultural lands in Al-Khader village in Bethlehem, assaulted a number of Palestinians and wounded one of them.

On 19 April 2023, Israeli settlers broke into Palestinian lands in Kisan village, east of Bethlehem, damaged its property and stole 3 sheep.

On 22 April 2023, Israeli settlers punctured tries of an agricultural tractor in Turmus Ayya village, east of Ramallah, after putting nails on the road used by the farmers and other Palestinians.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers have conducted at least 180 attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property. As a result, 7 Palestinians were killed, and dozens of others were injured; most of them after being beaten and thrown with stones. Also, dozens of houses, vehicles and civilian facilities were set ablaze.

Violations of freedom of worship

On 15 April 2023, IOF intensified their deployment around occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City and in its alleys, closing some of its gates with iron barriers, and turned it into a military barrack.  They hindered the access of thousands of Christian worshipers to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City to participate in the celebrations of Holy Saturday, which precedes Easter.

Moreover, IOF suppressed hundreds of those participating in the celebrations, pushed them and beat them in several areas after they tried to cross the iron barriers established by the Israeli police on all occupied East Jerusalem’s roads. At around 13:00 with the start of the three Orthodox churches’ celebrations of the Holy Saturday at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, thousands of Christians were prevented from passing through these barriers, causing a stampede, during which IOF assaulted some of the protesters, including foreign pilgrims, in the church outside yard.

On 24 April 2023, IOF banned raising Ish’a prayer call “adhan” at al-Aqsa Mosque and prevented the muezzin “an official who proclaims the call for prayer” from completing the call, under the pretext of settler celebrations in the Western Wall of al-Aqsa Mosque.

On 25 April 2023, IOF suppressed dozens of Palestinian worshipers present near Bab al-Rahma (Golden Gate) at al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem, assaulted, pushed and beat them and forcibly dispersed them. They also arrested a Turkish tourist who was with the worshipers and violently assaulted her. It should be noted that since 22 April 2023, IOF have continued its attacks at Bab al-Rahma Mosque, which they raided several times while wearing shoes.  IOF prevented the prayer call at al-Rahma Mosque, damaged the electricity networks, loudspeakers and lightings, took its contents out, expelled the worshipers, and confiscated their IDs.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

 IOF carried out 294 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, at least 158 Palestinians were arrested, including 10 children and 2 women. In the Gaza Strip, on 16 April 2023, IOF arrested 4 fishermen and confiscated their fishing boat after intercepting it while sailing within 8 nautical miles off Rafah Shore. Three of the fishermen were released on the next day while the fourth was released a week later. Also, on 23 April 2023, IOF conducted a limited incursion into eastern Rafah.

So far in 2023, IOF conducted 3292 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 2011 Palestinians were arrested, including 25 women and 242 children.  Also, IOF arrested 27 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, including 10 fishermen and 14 infiltrators into Israel, and 3 travelers at Erez Crossing. IOF also conducted 10 incursions.

Israeli closure and restrictions on freedom of movement and collective punishment policy:

Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 16-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

IOF declared a comprehensive closure on the West Bank and closed all crossings with the Gaza Strip from 24 to 25 April 2023, under the pretext of the “Independence Day” in Israel and the commemoration of the dead Israeli soldiers.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continues to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 155 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, where they arrested 14 Palestinians.

For the fifth week in a row, IOF continues to impose a closure on Huwara village, southeast of Nablus, after announcing it a “closed military zone” on 25 March 2023, and imposed a cordon on it. They also closed the internal streets with sand berms, established more military checkpoints and placed cement cubes on the village’s main street, as part of a collective punishment policy following the shooting attack that targeted IOF in the village.

This week, IOF closed the military checkpoints several times in occupied East Jerusalem and Bethlehem and blocked traffic.

So far in 2023, IOF established 1958 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 88 Palestinians at those checkpoints.


“وزير الفشل الذي عيّنه نتنياهو”.. إعلام إسرائيلي ينتقد أداء بن غفير

2023الأحد 12فبراير

المصدر: الميادين نت + وكالات

صحيفة “هآرتس” الإسرائيلية تتحدث عن الأخطاء التي ارتكبها وزير الأمن الإسرائيلي إيتمار بن غفير بعد العمليات الفدائية التي حصلت في القدس المحتلة، وتقول إن رئيس الحكومة مسؤول عن ذلك.

“هآرتس”: نتنياهو معلّق ببن غفير في حملة هروبه المدمّرة من رعب القانون

قالت صحيفة “هآرتس” الإسرائيلية، اليوم الأحد، في افتتاحيتها إن “هجوم الدهس القاسي حصد أرواح ثلاثة إسرائيليين. لكنّ الوزير المسؤول عن الأمن القومي إيتمار بن غفير يعمل على مفاقمة الوضع، وليس تهدئته”.

وأشارت الصحيفة إلى أنّ “حتى قبل إخلاء جثث القتلى، سارع بن غفير إلى الإعلان عن أنه وجّه الشرطة بالاستعداد لعملية “سور واقي 2″ في القدس، ونصب حواجز وتصعيب روتين حياة مئات آلاف الفلسطينيين المقيمين في المدينة”.

ووفقاً لـ”هآرتس”، فإنه “على الرغم من أنه تبين بعد الهجوم أن عائلة منفّذ الهجوم، حسين قراقع، لا صلة لها بالأحداث، أصر بن غفير على فرض عقوباتٍ جماعية تسبب بالتأكيد تدهوراً أمنياً”.

وقالت الصحيفة إن “بن غفير انبرى بإعلانٍ بناءً لرأيه، من دون أن يسمع مواقف رجال الأمن، ومن دون أن يأخذ بالحسبان آثار خطوة كهذه، والأخطر، من دون صلاحية ومن دون نقاشٍ مسبق في الكابينت السياسي–الأمني”.

اقرأ أيضاً: إيتمار بن غفير: “حارس الأسوار 2” على الأبواب وأمننا في خطر

واعتبرت أن “بن غفير لا يعمل كشخصٍ يسعى إلى وقف التصعيد، بل كشخصٍ يسعى إلى المفاقمة من أجل دهورة البلد إلى انتفاضة شبيهة بما سبق عملية “السور الواقي” في سنة 2002″، لافتةً إلى أن “كلامه يمكن أن يفسّره الفلسطينيون بأنه إعلان حرب، ومن الممكن أن يؤجج هجماتٍ إضافية”.

وأضافت الصحيفة الإسرائيلية أنه “لا يكفي انتقاد بن غفير، وممنوع أن ننسى من عيّن ناشط اليمين المتطرف، الاستفزازي والمجرم المُدان، الذي وضع هدفاً له السيطرة على الشرطة وجر البلد إلى صِدامٍ مباشر مع الفلسطينيين”، قائلةً إن “أعضاء حزبه تواقون إلى انتقام، في حين أنهم ينسون وظيفتهم، الحفاظ على الأمن”.

واعتبرت أن “أصابع الاتهام يجب توجيهها إلى من اختار تعيين بن غفير في منصبه أي رئيس الحكومة بنيامين نتنياهو”، مشيرةً إلى أن “من يضع شخصاً خطيراً وفاشلاً كبن غفير في منصب وزير الأمن القومي، لا يتعجبنّ من أن تلميذ الحاخام كاهانا معني باستغلال الوضع الأمني الصعب من أجل جر البلد بأسره إلى حربٍ شاملة”.

وقالت إن “نتنياهو معلّق ببن غفير في حملة هروبه المدمّرة من رعب القانون، والثمن الباهظ يضطر لدفعه كل مواطني إسرائيل”.

يأتي ذلك في وقت، كثرت الانتقادات التي طالت بن غفير بسبب السياسات المستفزة التي يتبعها. وشنّ مسؤولون إسرائيليون، هجوماً على وزير الأمن القومي الإسرائيلي، إيتمار بن غفير، بسبب تصريحاته بشأن إطلاق عملية “السور الواقي 2” في القدس المحتلة.

وعلقت وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية، أمس السبت، على العملية الفدائية التي حصلت في القدس المحتلة، قائلةً إن “السور الواقي لن توقف مهاجماً منفرداً، وكذلك الإغلاق سيضر أكثر مما ينفع”.

اقرأ أيضاً: التحدّيات التي تواجه “إسرائيل”.. في ظل تَأَكُّل نظرية “الأمن القومي”

فيديوات متعلقة

مقالات متعلقة

Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (Weekly Update 26 January- 01 February 2023)

 February 2, 2023

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

16 Palestinians were killed, including 7 civilians: one was a woman, by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF)’ fire.  Among those killed, one was shot dead by an Israeli settler, and three, including 2 children, succumbed to their previous injuries. Meanwhile, 51 Palestinians, including 12 children, were injured by IOF fire, and dozens of others suffocated. All those incidents took place in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, except for a child who succumbed to his previous injuries in the Gaza Strip. Details are as follows:

On 26 January 2023, IOF killed 9 Palestinians, including 4 civilians; one of them was a woman, and injured 29 others, including 2 children and 9 seriously injured, during IOF’s incursion into Jenin Refugee camp, west of Jenin. On 29 January 2023, a member of Palestinian armed groups succumbed to his injury. (Details available at PCHR’s press release.)

On the same day, Yousef Yehia Muhassin (22) was killed after being shot with a live bullet in his abdomen and two other Palestinians, including a child, were injured by IOF’s fire during the latter’s incursion into al-Ram village, north of occupied East Jerusalem, and being thrown with stones and Molotov cocktails.

On the same day, Nayif Khaled al-‘Ewidat (11) died after sustaining a shrapnel injury in his head as Israeli warplanes fired a missile at an agricultural land in ‘Abasan village, east of Khan Yunis, on 06 August 2022.

On 27 January 2023, Wadee’ ‘Aziz Abu Romouz (16) succumbed to an explosive bullet injury he sustained in his abdomen on 25 January 2023 during clashes with IOF in Silwan village in occupied East Jerusalem. During his treatment at Shaare Zedek Medical Center, he received around 150 blood units and underwent 3 surgeries to stop the severe bleeding caused by the explosive bullet. Despite his critical health condition, IOF remained him under arrest, tied him to the bed, deployed inside and outside the room, and kept his body in custody.

On the same day, Khairy Mousa ‘Alqam (21) was killed during an exchange of fire with IOF in Beit Hanina village, north of occupied East Jerusalem. ‘Alqam was being chased by IOF after he carried out a shooting attack in Nabi Jacob settlement.

On 29 January 2023, Karam ‘Ali Salman (18) was killed by a settlement guard’s fire in the industrial area, east of Qalqilya, while trying to infiltrate into Kedumim settlement with a rifle as shown in a footage published by the Israeli media.

On 30 January 2023, Naseem Nayif Fouda (26) was killed after being shot with a live bullet in his head while driving his vehicle near a military checkpoint at the entrance to al-Salaymah neighborhood, southeast of al-Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron. ( Details available in PCHR’s press release.)

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of IOF’s excessive use of force and shooting during their incursion into the Palestinian cities and villages, or suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians, and they were as follows:

On 26 January 2023, 7 Palestinians, including 2 children, were shot with live and rubber-coated bullets during clashes with IOF in front of Beit Eil military checkpoint at the northern entrance to al-Bireh City.

On the same day, 2 Palestinians, including a child, were shot with rubber-coated bullets during clashes with IOF at the northern entrance to Jericho.

Also, a child sustained a live bullet injury in his hand during IOF’s incursion into Tammun village southeast of Tubas. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested a Palestinian.

On 27 January 2023, 3 Palestinians were injured with rubber-coated bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddoum weekly protest in northern Qalqilya.

On the same day, 2 Palestinians, including a child, were injured with rubber-coated bullets during clashes with IOF at ‘Azzun village entrance, east of Qalqilya. Additionally, a child was shot with a rubber-coated bullet during clashes with IOF in southern Qalqilya. 

On 28 January 2023, a Palestinian was injured with an explosive bullet during clashes with IOF in front of Mavi Dotan checkpoint at the entrance to Ya’bad village, southwest of Jenin. As a result, part of his right foot was amputated.

On the same day, a child was injured with a live bullet in his right foot during clashes with IOF at Abu al-Rish military checkpoint near al-Ibrahimi Mosque, south of Hebron. Also, a child was shot with 2 live bullets in his foot during IOF’s incursion into Al- Izzariya village in occupied East Jerusalem. Additionally, a child was injured with a live bullet during IOF’s incursion into Bir Nabala village, northwest of occupied East Jerusalem.

On 29 January 2023, 2 Palestinians, including a child, were injured by IOF’s fire during clashes with IOF in front of a military watchtower established at the entrance to Nabi Salih village, northwest of Ramallah. The child was shot with a rubber-coated bullet and the other Palestinian was shot with a live bullet.

In the Gaza Strip, 5 IOF shootings were reported on agricultural lands in eastern Gaza Strip.

So far in 2023, IOF attacks killed 36 Palestinians, including 17 civilians; 6 of them were children, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including a child and 3 were killed by settlers allegedly for carrying out stabbing and shooting attacks. Meanwhile, dozens were injured in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Land razing, demolitions, and notices

IOF displaced 5 families of 25, including 12 children and 6 women, after demolishing 5 houses and 8 civilian facilities.  IOF also handed cease-construction notices in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 27 January 2023, IOF forced a Palestinian to self-demolish his 65-sqm house in Jabel Mukaber village in occupied East Jerusalem under the pretext of unlicensed construction, rendering a family of 5, including a woman and 3 children, homeless.

On 28 January 2023, IOF forced a Palestinian to self-demolish his 50-sqm under-construction house in Silwan village in occupied East Jerusalem under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On 29 January 2023, IOF demolished a 250-sqm house of 2 floors in Jabel Mukaber village in occupied East Jerusalem under the pretext of unlicensed construction. As a result, 3 families of 11, including 4 women and 3 children, were displaced.

On the same day, IOF handed a cease-construction notice for a 100-sqm under-construction house and a 100-sqm tinplate barrack in Al-Burj village, west of Dura in Hebron.

On 30 January 2023, IOF demolished a 200-sqm auto repair shop built of bricks and tinplate in Jabel Mukaber village in occupied East Jerusalem under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On the same day, IOF demolished 3 livestock barracks built on an area of 150 sqms in Silwan village in occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On 01 February 2023, IOF demolished a 100-sqm house in Al-Walaja village, northwest of Bethlehem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.  As a result, a family of 9, including a woman and 6 children, was displaced.

On the same day, IOF demolished a 120-sqm under-construction house in Beit Jala village, northwest of Bethlehem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction. Also, IOF demolished a 250-sqm café in Beit Hanina village in occupied East Jerusalem in addition to a 30-sqm wooden room in Silwan village in occupied East Jerusalem.  Moreover, they demolished two 30-sqm containers and a 5-meter retaining wall surrounding a 800-sqm plot of land in Sur Baher village in occupied East Jerusalem under the pretext of unlicensed construction. Meanwhile, IOF demolished a 500-sqm barrack that included agricultural tools and handed 9 cease-construction notices for inhabited and under-construction houses in Deir Ballut village, west of Salfit. 

Since the beginning of 2023, IOF made 31 families homeless, a total of 207 persons, including 27 women and 96 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 31 houses; 5 were forcibly self-demolished by their owners and 3 were demolished on grounds of collective punishment. IOF also demolished 36 other civilian objects, razed other property, and delivered dozens of notices of demolition and cease-construction in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Settler-attacks on Palestinian civilians and their properties:

Settlers, protected by IOF, carried out 12 attacks on Palestinians and their property in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 27 January 2023, 5 Palestinians were injured with live bullets after an Israeli settler directly opened fire at them at Beita village intersection, southeast of Nablus.

On the same day, Israeli settlers assaulted a Palestinian near Wadi al-Mutawi, west of Kafr ad-Dik village in western Salfit, causing bruises to him. Also, settlers opened fire at Palestinians in Sidat al-Tha’la area, east of Yatta in southern Hebron, but no casualties were reported.

On 28 January 2023, Israeli settlers, under IOF’s protection, burned 3 vehicles and smashed windows and lights of an ambulance belonging to the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) in ‘Aqraba and Majdal Bani Fadil villages, southeast of Nablus.

On the same day, setters burned a house, smashed the windows of another, uprooted 6 olive trees, and closed the main street connecting Turmus’Ayya village with Al-Mughayyir village in northern Ramallah. Also, Israeli settlers, protected by IOF, threw stones at Palestinians’ vehicles on a road connecting Nablus with Qalqilya near Kedumim intersection, and on a road connecting Turmus’Ayya village with Al-Mughayyir village, north of Ramallah. They also smashed the windows of 2 vehicles.

On 29 January 2023, settlers beat a Palestinian and fractured his leg, and burned two vehicles in Jalud village, southeast of Nablus.

On 30 January 2023, Israeli settlers, under IOF’s protection, uprooted 50 olive trees and wrote racist slogans dubbed “Death to Arabs” in Sinjil village, northeast of Ramallah.

On the same day, settlers punctured the tires of 30 vehicles in al-Eskan area near the industrial area in Al-Bireh.

On 01 February 2023, settlers punctured the tires of 10 vehicles and wrote racist slogans against Arabs calling for revenge in Deir Dibwan village, east of Ramallah.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers conducted at least 29 attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property.

Collective Punishment:

On 29 January 2023, as part of their collective punishment policy, IOF sealed off a residential apartment in al-Tur village in occupied East Jerusalem. The apartment belongs to the family of Khairy ‘Alqam, who was killed after carrying out a shooting attack in occupied East Jerusalem on 27 January 2023. A As a result, a family of 9, including 5 children and 3 women, were displaced. Following the shooting attack, IOF raided ‘Alqam’s family house, arrested his parents and some of his relative, expelled the rest of his family members, and prevented anyone from entering it. Meanwhile, IOF is still stationed around the house.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 280 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, 113 Palestinians were arrested, including 3 women and 8 children; one of them was with a mobility impairment.

So far in 2023, IOF conducted 1103 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 510 Palestinians were arrested, including 8 women and 55 children.

Israeli closure and restrictions on freedom of movement:

Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 15-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continues to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 192 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, and arrested 10 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

On 26 January 2023, IOF closed Shu’fat military checkpoint, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, and reopened it later.

On 28 January 2023, IOF blocked traffic at al-Zaytona military checkpoint in al-Tur village and closed with cement cubes the entrance to Anata village in occupied East Jerusalem.

On the same day, IOF closed the western entrance to Husan village to vehicles’ movement, and closed the military checkpoint 300 in northern Bethlehem, and reopened them later.

On 29 January 2023, IOF closed Qalandia and al-Jib checkpoints in occupied East Jerusalem and later reopened them. On the same day, IOF closed the northern and western entrances to Tekoa village and reopened them later.

On 30 January 2023, IOF obstructed vehicles’ movement at Jab’ military checkpoint and closed Qalandia military checkpoint in occupied East Jerusalem and reopened it later. On the same day, IOF tightened restrictions at al-Container military checkpoint in Bethlehem, blocking traffic.

On 31 January 2023, IOF closed the western entrance to Husan village to vehicles’ movement and reopened it later.

On 28 January 2023, IOF tightened restrictions at military checkpoints established at the main and sub entrances to Jericho, including blocking traffic, searching vehicles and checking Palestinians’ IDs. 

So far in 2023, IOF established 618 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 31 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (Weekly Update 19 – 25 January 2023)

January 26, 2023

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

4 Palestinians were killed: 3 of them, including a civilian and a child, were shot by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) while the fourth was shot dead by a settler.  Moreover, 17 others, including 2 children, were wounded, and dozens of others suffocated in IOF attacks in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 19 January 2023, IOF killed 2 Palestinians, including a civilian, wounded 3 others and arrested five during the IOF’s incursion into Jenin refugee camp, west of Jenin. Details available in PCHR’s press release.

On 21 January 2023, an Israeli settler shot dead Tareq ‘Odah Ma’ali (43), who allegedly tried to stab the settler with a sharp tool at “Sde Ephraim” settlement outpost near Ras Karkar village, north of Ramallah. A footage showed Ma’ali running after the settler, who fired several bullets at him, and captured him falling on the ground. Later on, IOF announced his death and kept his body in custody.

On 25 January 2023, Mohammad Ali Abed Mohammad Ali (17) was killed with a live bullet in the chest, and 4 others were wounded by IOF’s fire after the latter moved into ‘Anata village in East Jerusalem. A footage showed MohammadAli taking part in the confrontations while being masked and carrying a weapon. After IOF arrested him while wounded, it turned out that the weapon he was carrying was a toy. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested 3 Palestinians, including a child, and destroyed a residential apartment belonging to the family of ‘Uday al-Tamimi, who was killed after carrying out 2 shooting attacks in occupied Jerusalem last October.  This demolition falls under IOF’s collective punishment policy.

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force and shooting that accompanied IOF incursions into cities and villages or suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians, and they were as follows:

On 20 January 2023, 5 Palestinians were wounded with rubber-coated metal bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddoum peaceful weekly protest, northern Qalqilya.

On 25 January 2023, 2 children were seriously injured in Al-Lawza neighborhood in central Silwan village, south of East Jerusalem’s Old City, during IOF’s incursion into the village to arrest a Palestinian.  IOF surrounded the 2 Children and prevented anyone from approaching them.  They were then transferred by an Israeli ambulance to Israel.

On the same day, 3 Palestinians were wounded with live bullets during IOF’s incursion into Nour Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm.

In the Gaza Strip, 12 IOF shootings were reported on agricultural lands in eastern and northern Gaza Strip, and 7 shootings were reported on fishing boats off the western Gaza shores.

So far in 2023, IOF attacks killed 20 Palestinians, including 9 civilians; 4 of them were children, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including a child and 2 killed by two settlers allegedly for carrying out stabbing attacks. Meanwhile, dozens were injured in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Land razing, demolitions, and notices

IOF displaced 5 families of 40, including 28 children after demolishing 10 houses and confiscating cactus seedlings in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 19 January 2023, IOF confiscated 120 cactus seedlings in Al-Jawaya area, eastern Yatta, south of Hebron.

On 21 January 2023, IOF forced a Palestinian to self-demolish his 120-sqm house in Ras Al-‘Amoud neighborhood in East Jerusalem under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area C. As a result, a family of 7, including 5 children, was displaced.

On 22 January 2023, IOF forced a Palestinian to self-demolish his 150-sqm under-construction house in Ras Al-‘Amoud neighborhood in East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area C.

On 25 January 2023, IOF demolished 6 houses in Al-Dyouk Al-Tahta village, west of Jericho, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area C, noting that PCHR’s fieldworker could not collect more information about the 4 houses, but was able to document displacement of 2 families of 16, including 2 women and 12 children.

On the same day, IOF demolished a 50-sqm agricultural house built of bricks and tinplate in Ma’in village, southern Yatta, south of Hebron, rendering a family of 9, including 6 children, homeless. In the same area, another 40-sqm agricultural house was demolished, displacing a family of 8, including 5 children, under the pretext of unlicensed construction in Area C.

Since the beginning of 2023, and according to what we have been able to document, IOF made 22 families homeless, a total of 152 persons, including 17 women and 68 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 26 houses; 7 were forcibly self-demolished by their owners and 3 were demolished on grounds of collective punishment. IOF also demolished 20 other civilian objects, razed other property, and delivered dozens of notices of demolition, cease-construction, and evacuation in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

House demolitions on grounds of Collective Punishment

On 25 January 2023, large forces of Israeli soldiers raided ‘Anata village in East Jerusalem and surrounded an 11-storey residential building, which was evacuated.  They closed a residential apartment on the 6th floor belonging to the family of ‘Uday Al-Tamimi after destroying its walls and internal contents as part of IOF’s collective punishment policy. Al-Tamimi was killed after carrying out 2 shooting attacks in occupied Jerusalem last October. Due to the apartment demolition, a family of 7, including 3 women, was displaced. During the incursion, clashes broke out between the young men and IOF, killing a 17-year-old Muhammad Ali Abd Muhammad Ali, and wounding 4 civilians. Before withdrawing, IOF arrested 3 Palestinians, including a child.

So far in 2023, 3 houses were demolished as a result of collective punishment.


Settlers, protected by IOF, carried out 4 attacks on Palestinians and their property in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 19 January 2023, a settler razed and excavated 2 plots of land of 225 dunums, after confiscating them to turn them into an agricultural settlement outpost in Al-Ras area between Qalandia and Rafat villages, northwest of East Jerusalem.

On 20 January 2023, a settler uprooted 25 olive seedlings in Al-Khader village, southwest of Bethlehem.

On 22 January 2023, settlers, supported by IOF, razed a plot of land planted with 300 olive trees in Kafr Qaddoum village, north of Qalqilya.

On 23 January 2023, settlers threw stones at a Palestinian vehicle and smashed its windows in Sinjil village, northeast of Ramallah.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers conducted at least 17 attacks against Palestinians and their property.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 200 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, 106 Palestinians were arrested, including a journalist, 3 women and 19 children; one of them was sick.

According to PCHR’s documentation, so far in 2023, IOF conducted 819 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 397 Palestinians were arrested, including 5 women and 47 children.

Israeli closure and restrictions on freedom of movement:

Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 15-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continue to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 122 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and arrested 7 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

On 20 January 2023, IOF closed Qalandia military checkpoint, north of East Jerusalem, and later reopened it.

On 22 January 2023, IOF closed the detector gate at the western entrance to Husan village, west of Bethlehem, and later reopened it.

On 23 January 2023, IOF closed the northern entrance to Teko’a village, southeast of Bethlehem and later reopened it.

On 25 January 2023, IOF closed Shu’fat refugee camp checkpoint, northeast of East Jerusalem, during IOF’s incursion into the camp and demolition of ‘Uday Al-Tamimi’s house.  Later, IOF reponed the checkpoint.

So far in 2023, IOF established 426 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 21 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

Israeli Forces Shoot, Injure Palestinian Youth near Hebron

January 13, 2023

Israeli occupation forces shot and injured a Palestinian youth in the town of Beit Ummar, near Hebron.(Via: eidsh929 TW Page)

Israeli occupation forces shot and injured a Palestinian youth in the town of Beit Ummar, near the occupied West Bank city of Al-Khalil (Hebron), the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

WAFA correspondent said that Israeli forces violently dispersed a rally demanding the release of Palestinians’ bodies withheld from burial. Israeli soldiers hit a participant with a round in the foot and caused dozens of others to suffocate from tear gas.

The rally participants demanded that Israel return the bodies of Palestinian prisoners who die in imprisonment and those who allegedly committed attacks, most notably veteran prisoner Nasser Abu Hamid, who died recently in Israeli custody.

According to official Palestinian sources, the Israeli occupation authorities have been withholding the bodies of 256 persons who are buried in the so-called ‘Cemeteries of Numbers’. Additionally, the bodies of 117 others are withheld in morgues and refrigerators.

Israeli authorities resumed the policy regarding the decision to withhold the bodies of the deceased in October 2015.



Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Weekly Update 08-14 December 2022)

 December 15, 2022

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

Five Palestinian, including 3 civilians, were killed and 7 others, including 2 children, were injured, while dozens of others suffocated in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) attacks in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

On 08 December 2022, as part of extrajudicial executions, IOF directly shot and killed three Palestinians: one was a civilian and the two others were members of Palestinian armed groups, in an IOF ambush in eastern Jenin. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested three Palestinians. ( Details are available in PCHR’s press release).

On the same day, IOF killed a child namely Diaa Irhamieh (16) and wounded 3 other Palestinians; one was arrested, in clashes at the main entrance to ‘Aboud village in Ramallah. (Details are available in PCHR’s press release).

On 11 December 2022, IOF killed a 16-year-old Palestinian girl namely Jana Zakarneh and arrested three Palestinians, including two brothers, during IOF’s incursion into Jenin’s eastern neighborhood. (Details are available in PCHR’s press release). IOF admitted that following an initial inquiry it was determined that the girl might have been unintentionally shot by an Israeli sniper[1].

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF’s incursion into the Palestinian cities and villages, or suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians, and they were as follows:

On 08 December 2022, a Palestinian was shot with a rubber-coated bullet during clashes with IOF stationed near Detector Gate (104), which is established at the annexation wall, west of Tulkarm.

On 09 December 2022, three Palestinians, including two children, were shot with rubber-coated bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddoum weekly protest in northern Qalqilya.

On 10 December 2022, IOF suppressed a gathering organized by dozens of Palestinians at the Damascus Gate in occupied East Jerusalem, in celebration of the winning of the Moroccan team in the World Cup. They also assaulted a person with a mobility impairment and arrested him in a detention center. He was then taken to a hospital for treatment.

In the Gaza Strip, 9 shootings were reported on agricultural lands in eastern Gaza Strip, and 3 shootings were reported on fishing boats off the western Gaza shores.

So far in 2022, IOF attacks killed 185 Palestinians, including 123 civilians: 37 children, 8 women, 2 Palestinians killed by Israeli settler and the rest were activists; 20 of them were assassinated. Also, hundreds of Palestinians, including women and children, were wounded in IOF’s attacks in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Moreover, 5 Palestinian detainees, including a woman, died in the Israeli prisons.

Land razing, demolitions, and notices

IOF demolished 5 houses, displacing 3 families of 16, including 5 children and 3 women. They also demolished 7 civilian facilities and handed notices to cease construction works in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 11 December 2022, IOF handed five Palestinians notices to cease construction works in three inhabited houses, a plot of land, and a tinplate shop selling construction materials in al-Zuwaidin Bedouin village in Yatta, south of Hebron, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On 12 December 2022, in implementation of an Israeli municipality’s order, IOF forced a Palestinian to self-demolish his under-construction house built on an area of 100 square meters in Isawiya village in occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction. On the same day, IOF dismantled a 100-square-meter agricultural nursery in Tuqu village in Bethlehem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.  Also, IOF handed 18 notices to cease construction in 9 house, 4 agricultural rooms, 3 industrial facilities, and two plots of lands in Qarawat Bani Hassan village, west of Saflit, under the pretext of being in area classified as Area C.  The notices say that you may appeal the notices before 28 December 2022.

On 13 December 2022, IOF demolished a 135-square-meter house comprised of one floor in Al-Jiftlik village, north of Jericho, rendering two families of 9, including 3 children, homeless. In the same area, IOF demolished a 36-square-meter house, displacing a family of 7, including 2 children. Also, IOF demolished two under-construction houses; one built on an area of 165 sqms and comprised of two floors while the other built on an area of 100 sqms. Additionally, IOF demolished a tinplate barrack built on an area of 150 sqms and four plastic livestock barns built on an area of 240 sqms, under the pretext of illegal construction in Area C.

On the same day, IOF demolished an under-construction house built on an area of 100 sqms in Furush Beit Dajan village in central valleys in Nablus, under the pretext of illegal construction in Area C. Also, IOF demolished a barrack used as an auto repair shop, a container, a barrack, an agricultural room, a fence, and a stone chain in an agricultural land in al-Jib village in occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Since the beginning of 2022, Israeli occupation forces made 139 families homeless, a total of 821 persons, including 161 women and 373 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 159 houses and dozens of residential and agricultural tents. IOF also demolished 116 other civilian objects, leveled vacant areas of land, and delivered hundreds of notices of demolition, cease-construction, and evacuation.

Settler-attacks on Palestinian civilians and their properties:

On 08 December 2022, Israeli settlers threw stones at Palestinian vehicles passing near Kedumim settlement square on the main street connecting Nablus with Qalqilya.

On 10 December 2022, Israeli settlers uprooted 15 olive trees in the lands of Haris village, north of Salfit.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers conducted at least 255 attacks. In two of the attacks, 2 Palestinians were killed.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 168 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, 117 Palestinians were arrested, including 9 children, and a Palestinian vehicle was confiscated.

So far in 2022, IOF conducted 8,438 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 4,698 Palestinians were arrested, including 466 children and 49 women. IOF also conducted 34 limited incursions into eastern Gaza Strip and arrested 105 Palestinians, including 64 fishermen, 32 infiltrators, and 9 travelers via Beit Hanoun “Erez” Crossing.

Israeli collective punishment and closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

Meanwhile, Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 15-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

On 08 December 2022, IOF have banned 382 Christians from Gaza to travel to Bethlehem in order to join the Christmas celebrations after refusing to issue travel permits for them. Mr. Elias al-Jalda, Member of the Arab Orthodox Churchwarden Council in Gaza, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that those banned travel were on a list of 900 persons whose names were sent by the churches in the Gaza Strip to obtain travel permits.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continues to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 76 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem arrested 6 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

On 08 December 2022, IOF closed the metal detector gate established at the western entrance to Husan village, west of Bethlehem.

On 09 December 2022, IOF closed the metal detector gate established at the western entrance to Tekoa village, east of Bethlehem.

So far in 2022, IOF established at least 4,342 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 197 Palestinians at those checkpoints

Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestine ( Weekly )

 December 1, 2022

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

Five Palestinian civilians, including 2 brothers, were killed and 18 others, including 5 children and a paramedic, were injured, while dozens of others suffocated in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) attacks in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

On 29 November 2022, three Palestinian Civilians, including 2 brothers, were killed and 6 others, including 2 children, were injured by IOF fire in the West Bank. The two brothers were killed in Ramallah, while the third civilian succumbed to his injury in Hebron. ( Details are available in PCHR’s press release).

On 29 and 30 November 2022, two Palestinian civilians were killed by IOF fire during the latter’s incursion into Jenin and Ramallah in the West Bank. ( Details are available in PCHR’s press release).

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF’s incursion into the Palestinian cities and villages, or suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians, and they were as follows:

On 25 November 2022, three Palestinians, including a child, were shot with rubber-coated bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddoum weekly protest in northern Qalqilya.

On 29 November 2022, a Palestinian was shot with a live bullet in his foot by IOF while trying to infiltrate through a hole in the annexation wall near Rummanah village in western Jenin, to work in Israel. Also, another Palestinian sustained a rubber bullet injury in his foot during clashes with IOF in Zeita village in Tulkram.

On the same day, six Palestinians, including a paramedic and 2 children, were shot with live and rubber-coated bullets, while dozens of others suffocated during clashes with IOF following the latter’s suppression of the participants in the funeral of Mofeed Ikhlayil, who at dawn succumbed to his injury he sustained the day before by IOF fire.

In the Gaza Strip, 2 shootings were reported on agricultural lands in eastern Gaza Strip, and 2 shootings were reported on fishing boats off the western Gaza shore. The shooting on 24 November 2022 wounded a fisherman with a rubber-coated bullet in his leg off Beit Lahia shore. (Details available in PCHR’s press release.)  

So far in 2022, IOF attacks killed 175 Palestinians, including 118 civilians: 35 children, 8 women, 2 Palestinians killed by Israeli settlers and the rest were activists; 18 of them were assassinated. Also, hundreds of Palestinians, including women and children, were wounded in IOF’s attacks in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Moreover, 5 Palestinian detainees, including a woman, died in the Israeli prisons.

Land razing, demolitions, and notices

IOF demolished 4 houses and 4 residential tents, rendering 3 families of 22, including 4 women and 14 children, homeless. Also, IOF demolished 5 economic facilities, razed, and seized a plot of land and confiscated agricultural vehicles in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 26 November 2022, IOF confiscated a bulldozer belonging to Qarawet Bani Hassan Municipality in Salfit while cleaning the sides of the main street and water channels from stones and sand. They also chased the workers while working in various areas in the village.

On 27 November 2022, the Israeli occupation authorities confiscated an excavator and a generator in al-Bowaib village in southern Hebron.

On 28 November 2022, IOF demolished a 120-sqm house in southern Hebron, displacing a family of 7, including 5 children. In the same area, IOF demolished another 105-sqm house, displacing a family of 8, including 6 children. Additionally, IOF demolished a 2-storey house of 170 sqms in Kafr ad-Dik village, west of Salfit.  Moreover, IOF demolished a plant nursery and a stone chain and arrested 3 Palestinian young men in al_Jib village in occupied East Jerusalem.

On the same day, IOF handed a demolition notice to Khashm al-Karam School built of bricks and tinplate a week ago with European funds in eastern Yatta city in Hebron, under the pretext that the construction located in the firing zone (917). The school was built to serve 50 male and female students from the village, who were receiving their education in Hamida School, which is about 6 km away from their houses. Also, IOF distributed a notice to raze a 500-meter-long paved street in Wad al-‘Amayir area in southern Hebron, under the pretext of working without a prior Israeli permission.

On 29 November 2022, IOF demolished a 70-sqm residential barrack in ‘Anata village in occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction, rendering a family of 7, including 2 women and 3 children, homeless. Also, IOF razed a 2-dunum agricultural land (2 dunums) and uprooted olive, citrus and palm trees in Hizma village in occupied East Jerusalem for settlement expansion purposes. It is worth noting that last year the Israeli authorities announced the confiscation of 13 dunums from Hizma village’s lands to build a new settlement road (one kilometer long and 16 meters wide), including the land mentioned above.

On 30 November 2022, IOF demolished 4 residential tents and 4 livestock barns in eastern Aqraba village in Nablus, under the pretext of illegal construction in Area C.

Since the beginning of 2022, IOF made 137 families homeless, a total of 805 persons, including 158 women and 368 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 154 houses and dozens of residential and agricultural tents. IOF also demolished 107 other civilian objects, leveled vacant areas of land and delivered dozens of notices of demolition, cease-construction, and evacuation.

Settler-attacks on Palestinian civilians and their properties:

On 24 November 2022, Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian vehicles travelling on Yitzhar Bypass Road, southeast of Nablus, with stones and sticks, causing material damage to two vehicles.

On 29 November 2022, Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian vehicles traveling on Road (90), northeast of Ramallah, wounding a Palestinian and damaging two vehicles.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers conducted at least 249 attacks. In two of the attacks, 2 Palestinians were killed.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 181 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, 54 Palestinians were arrested, including 4 children and a journalist. In the Gaza Strip, on 27 November 2022, Israeli naval forces arrested 6 fishermen on board of 2 fishing boats off Gaza shore and confiscated the fishing boats. The fishermen were released later. (Details available in PCHR’s press release)

So far in 2022, IOF conducted 8094 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 4496 Palestinians were arrested, including 443 children and 45 women. IOF also conducted 34 limited incursions into eastern Gaza Strip and arrested 105 Palestinians, including 64 fishermen, 32 infiltrators, and 9 travelers via Beit Hanoun “Erez” Crossing.

Israeli collective punishment and closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

Meanwhile, Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 15-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly-update in the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continues to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 108 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 92 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem arrested 5 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

So far in 2022, IOF established at least 4181 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 190 Palestinians at those checkpoints

Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (Weekly Update 04 – 10 August 2022)

 August 11, 2022

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity

IOF launched a 3-day military widescale offensive on the Gaza Strip that started on 05 August and ended on 07 August 2022 when an Egypt-brokered ceasefire was declared between Israel and Islamic Jihad.  During the offensive, the israeli occupation forces conducted widescale airstrikes and artillery-shelling against residential houses, agricultural lands, military sites, and crowds.  As a result, 25 Palestinians, including 12 civilians: 3 children and 3 women, were killed and 172 others, including 59 children and 33 women, were injured.  Meanwhile, PCHR is still investigating other incidents that inflicted casualties and damage to property.  Moreover, the offensive completely and partially destroyed tens of residential housing units that PCHR is still documenting.

The incidents were as follows

On 05 August, IOF launched an offensive on the Gaza Strip and carried out airstrikes and artillery shelling against houses and military sites.  As a result, 10 Palestinians, including 3 civilians, were killed while tens others were injured, including women and children.  Among those killed was Doniana al-‘Amour (22), who was killed after an artillery shell fell on her house in al-Fokhari village, eastern Khan Younis, while her mother and sister were injured.  Also, Alaa’ ‘Abdullah Riyadh Qaddoum (5), and ‘Emad ‘Abdel Rahim Ibrahim Shallah (52) were killed after IOF’s warplanes fired a missile at a group of people gathering on the street near their houses in Wadi al-Shija’aiya neighborhood, eastern Gaza City; also, a member of the Palestinian armed groups, Yousif Salman Mohammed Qaddoum (24) was killed  in the same strike.  Moreover, IOF’s warplanes targeted a residential apartment in Palestine Tower in central Gaza City, assassinating the commander of al-Quds Brigades, Taysir al-Ja’abari and his companion.

Today in the morning, medical sources at al-Quds Hospital declared the death of Layan Mesleh al-Sha’er (10), succumbing to shrapnel wounds in her head.  Also, members of her family were injured; they were coincidentally passing by a military site when IOF struck it in al-Namsawi neighborhood in Khan Younis.

On 06 August 2022, IOF continued its offensive on the Gaza Strip for the second day in a row and heavily struck houses, agricultural lands, and military sites. As a result, 12 Palestinians, including 6 civilians: a woman and a child with his mother, were killed while tens others were injured.  Among those killed was Nour al-Deen Hussein al-Zuwaidi (18), who was killed in an Israeli airstrike near his house, northeastern Beit Hanoun, along with Ibrahim Shehdah Salah Abu Salah (42), who succumbed to his serious injury on 09 August 2022.  Also, 7 Palestinians, including a child and 2 women, were killed while 35 civilians were injured, including 18 children and 12 women, when IOF’s warplanes launched 6 missiles at a 3-storey house in Rafah refugee camp and destroyed it over its residents, without a prior warning, in addition to destroying 7 neighboring houses. IOF declared that they targeted Khaled Sa’id Mansour (47), the Commander of al-Quds Brigades in the southern Gaza Strip, and his body was retrieved from under the rubble along with his 2 companions.  Meanwhile, the rest casualties were merely civilians living in the neighboring houses: Mohammed Eyad Hassounah (14), Ismail Abdul-Hameed Mohammad Salama/Dweik (30), and his mother, Hana’a Ismail Ali Dweik (50), and Alaa’ Saleh Abdul Mohsen Al-Mallahi (30).

Moreover, IOF’s warplanes struck 3 other multistory houses; one of them is uninhabited in Khan Younis and the 2 others in Gaza City, and destroyed them completely, rendering tens of individuals, including children and women, homeless.

On 07 August 2022, 4 Palestinian civilians were killed in central Gaza City, and others sustained various injuries in Israeli airstrikes conducted only few hours before the ceasefire was declared.  Those killed were identified as: Shadi ‘Emad Nemer Kuhail (27) and Khaled Ayman Jamil Yasin (27), who were both killed after IOF launched a missile at a horse cart at al-Samer Intersection in central Gaza City.  Also, ‘Abdel Rahman Jom’ah Khalaf al-Silik (22), from Shuja’iyya neighborhood, was killed when he was coincidentally passing by in a taxi returning from a shoe shop he owns in al-Shati refugee camp. Moreover, a traffic officer namely Ahmed Sabe’a Dawoud (21), from al-Nafaq Street, was critically injured when he was on duty at al-Samir intersection and then referred to al-Shifa Hospital, where he was pronounced dead in the next morning.

On the same day, IOF’s warplanes launched 2 missiles at a house in al-Tannour neighborhood, Rafah City, and completely destroyed it, rendering a family of 5, homeless.  No casualties were reported.

In the West Bank, Four Palestinians, including 2 children, were killed and 59 others were injured, including 13 children and a woman.  Also, tens others suffocated due to teargas inhalation.  The incidents were as follows:

On 09 August 2022, IOF killed 3 Palestinians, including a child, and wounded 40 others during their incursion into Nablus’s Old City deep inside the Palestinian Authority (PA)-controlled areas in the West Bank. They cordoned off and targeted a residential house with a barrage of bullets and missiles. Among those killed were 2 members of Palestinian armed group members while the child was killed near the area. ( Details available in this press release)

In the evening, IOF killed Mo’men Yasin Jaber (16) and critically wounded 7 others, including 3 children, in clashes between Palestinians and the IOF stationed at a military checkpoint at the entrance to Al-Shuhada street in Hebron, southern West Bank. (Details available in this press release)

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF incursions into Palestinian cities and villages and suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians, and they were as follows:

On 06 August 2022, IOF suppressed a peaceful sit-in on Bab al-‘Amoud stairs in central occupied East Jerusalem against the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.  IOF attacked and beat up the participants and forcibly emptied the place.  They arrested a Palestinian after beating him.

On 07 August 2022, IOF pushed and beat up worshipers and journalists during the former’s protection of hundreds of settlers, who raided al-Aqsa Mosque yards.  IOF arrested 13 Palestinians, including 4 jouranlists, and assaulted 6 other journalists after breaking their equipment.

On 09 August 2022, 8 Palestinians were wounded with rubber and live bullets in clashes with IOF at the northern entrance to al-Bireh.  On the same day, a 2 Palestinians sustained rubber bullet wounds; one in clashes with IOF near Qalendia and the other in clashes near ‘Anata village.  Also, a Palestinian sustained a rubber bullet  and 3 others were arrested, including a child, in clashes with IOF in al-Tour neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem.  A child sustained a live bullet wound in clashes with IOF at Beit Ummar village entrance, northern Hebron.

So far in 2022, according to PCHR’s documentation, IOF attacks killed 102 Palestinians, including 71 civilians: 21 children, 8 women (one was journalist Shireen Abu ‘Aqlah), a person with disability, 2 Palestinians killed by Israeli settlers and the rest were activists; 11 of them were assassinated.  Meanwhile, PCHR is still investigating incidents that inflicted casualties in the latest offensive on Gaza. Also, 1229 others were wounded in these attacks, including 187 children, 39 women, and 20 journalists in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Moreover, 3 Palestinian prisoners, including a woman, died in the Israeli jails.

Land razing, demolitions, and notices

IOF demolished 7 dwellings and a residential tent, rendering 8 families of 44 persons, including 16 children and 8 women, homeless. Also, IOF demolished 8 facilities: mostly livestock barns, and levelled lands in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 04 August 2022, IOF levelled an agricultural land, uprooted 20 olive trees, and closed a well in Teqoa village, eastern Bethlehem.

On 07 August 2022, IOF notified to demolish 2 rooms and a water tank in Marj Na’ajah village, western Jericho.

On 08 August 2022, IOF demolished 9 barracks; 5 are residential housing 25 individuals and 4 are used as livestock barns, in ‘Arab al-Ka’abnah Bedouin Community, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On 08 August 2022, IOF demolished an 80-sqm dwelling in Bayrouq village, southern Hebron, rendering a family of 7 individuals, including children, homeless.

On 09 August 2022, IOF demolished a commercial warehouse over its content of spare parts in al- ‘Isawiya village in occupied eAst Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

On 10 August 2022, IOF demolished a commercial facility for wood trade in Husan village, western Bethlehem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.  On the same day, IOF demolished a residential tent and a livestock barn in al-‘Oja village in Jericho, rendering a family of 6, including 4 children, homeless.  Also, IOF confiscated an excavator and a truck while working in eastern Yatta, south of Hebron.  IOF forced a Palestinian to self-demolish his 50-sqm house in Beit Hanina village, in occupied East Jerusalem, rendering a family of 4, including 4 children, homeless.

Since the beginning of 2022, Israeli occupation forces made 91 families homeless, a total of 541 persons, including 104 women and 255 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 95 houses and 41 residential tents. IOF also demolished 72 other civilian objects, leveled vacant areas of land and delivered dozens of notices of demolition, cease-construction, and evacuation.

Israeli Setters’ Attacks

on 04 August 2022, settlers from ‘Ali Zehav” vacated truckloads of construction waste and stones in a plot of land, western Kafr al-Deek village in Salfit.

On 05 August 2022, settlers damaged a fence surrounding an agricultural land and cut branches of 16 olive trees in al- ‘Oja area in Jericho.

On 06 August 2022, settlers from “Ramat Yishai” settlement outpost established in place of Usamah Bin al-Monqez School in central Hebron’s Old City threw stones at parked Palestinian vehicles under full view and protection of IOF.  As a result, windows of many vehicles were broken.

On 07 August 2022, under IOF’s protection, settlers raided the Archaeological area in Tuwani village in Hebron and performed religious rituals.

On 09 August 2022, settlers from “Yitsahar” settlement established on the southeastern Nablus lands attacked the outskirts of ‘Orif village and threw stones at a house and a vehicle, causing damage to both.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers conducted at least 166 attacks. In two of the attacks, 2 Palestinians were killed.

Collective Punishment

Under its collective punishment policy against families of Palestinians accused of conducting attacks against IOF or settlers, on 08 August 2022, IOF demolished 2 family houses of 2 Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli jails in Jenin in the West Bank.  The first 3-sotrey house built on 600 sqms belongs to the family of Prisoner Subhi ‘Emad Sbeihat and housed a family of 6, including his wife, while the second is a 240-sqm house belongs to the family of prisoner As’ad al-Refa’ie and shelters a family of 7, including 3 children.

So far in 2022, IOF demolished 10 houses and sealed another after destroying its internal contents under IOF’s collective punishment policy. Meanwhile, there are many houses threatened of demolition on the same grounds.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians

 IOF carried out 182 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, 122 Palestinians were arrested, including 6 children and a woman.

So far in 2022, IOF conducted 5211 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 3172 Palestinians were arrested, including 303 children and 27 women.  IOF also conducted 24 limited incursions into eastern Gaza Strip and arrested 74 Palestinians, including 41 fishermen, 28 infiltrators, and 5 travelers via Beit Hanoun “Erez” Crossing.

Israeli collective punishment and closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

On 08 August 2022, IOF announced the reopening of the crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip to the humanitarian cases; the move is subject to a situational assessment, after they were closed on 02 August 2022.  IOF said that the full opening of the crossings “will be possible later in the day depending on the security situation.”

During IOF’s closure of crossings and offensive on the Gaza Strip, the humanitarian situation seriously deteriorated, threatening the operation of many vital sectors, particularly heath, electricity, water, sanitation, and public services. (More details available here)

Meanwhile, Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 15-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly update in the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continues to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 108 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 60 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem arrested 5 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

On 04 August 2022, IOF closed the entrance to al-Mughaiyer village, eastern Ramallah, with cement cubes and prevented civilians from entering or leaving the village.

So far in 2022, IOF established 2626 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 119 Palestinians at those checkpoints

Israeli Human Rights Violations in Occupied Palestine (Weekly Update 01 – 08 June 2022)

09. 06. 2022

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

Two Palestinians were killed and 11 others, including 4 children, were injured by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF)’s fire while dozens of others suffocated and sustained bruises in IOF attacks in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, except three fishermen in the Gaza Strip. Details are as follows:

On 02 June 2022, Ayman Muhassain (29) was killed in front of his house after IOF unjustifiably opened fire at him during the latter’s withdrawal from Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem. More information available here.

On the same day, ‘Odah Sedqah (17) was killed by IOF’s fire while he was playing with his friends near the annexation wall in Ramallah. More information available here.

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of IOF excessive use of force and suppression of peaceful protests and gatherings organized by Palestinian civilians and they were as follows:

On 02 June 2022, a Palestinian was hit with a live bullet in his right foot during clashes with IOF at the entrance to Al-Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron.

On 03 June 2022, three Palestinians were injured during clashes that accompanied IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddoum weekly protest in Qalqilya.

On 04 June 2022, a Palestinian child was hit with a live bullet in his left leg during clashes with IOF in central Hebron.

On 07 June 2022, three children were wounded; one was hit with a rubber bullet in his face during clashes with IOF on Ramallah-Jerusalem Street in occupied East Jerusalem.

In the Gaza Strip, three fishermen were wounded with rubber bullets and four others were arrested. Also, a fishing boat was confiscated, and 3 other boats sustained damage after IOF targeted Palestinian fishing boats off northern Gaza Shore on 04 June 2022. More information available here.  Moreover, IOF opened fire 5 times at agricultural lands in access restricted areas in eastern Gaza Strip. Also, eleven IOF shootings were reported on fishing boats off the western Gaza shore.

So far in 2022, IOF attacks killed 55 Palestinians, including 44 civilians: 13 children, 5 women (one was a journalist) and the rest were activists; 3 of them were assassinated. Also, 852 others were wounded in these attacks, including 88 children, 4 women, and 19 journalists all in the West Bank, except 12 fishermen in the Gaza Strip.

Land razing, demolitions, notices, and settlement activity

On 03 June 2022, IOF confiscated an excavator while reclaiming a plot of land in eastern Yatta city, south of Hebron.

On 06 June 2022, IOF distributed eviction notices of 600 dunums in Kherbet al-Tiba, northwest of Hebron, under the pretext of being “Stated-owned Lands”, and as a prelude to annex them to Israeli settlements. The orders gave Palestinians 45 days to challenge.

Since the beginning of 2022, Israeli occupation forces made 76 families homeless, a total of 441 persons, including 89 women and 208 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 73 houses and 16 residential tents. IOF also demolished 47 other civilian objects, leveled 246 dunums and delivered dozens of notices of demolition, cease-construction, and evacuation.

Settler-attacks on Palestinian civilians and their properties:

Settlers conducted at least 6 attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property in the West Bank.  The attacks included raiding a church, attacking vehicles and shooting in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

Details are as follows:

On 02 June 2022, an Israeli settler attacked Palestinians’ vehicles at the entrance to Deir Istiya village in Salfit, causing damage to them.

On 03 June 2022, Israeli settlers, from “Efrat” settlement, threw stones at Palestinians’ vehicles and passersby near the settlement entrance, southwest of Bethlehem. As a result, windows of several vehicles were broken and a Palestinian was wounded.

On 06 June 2022, an Israeli settler indiscriminately opened fire at a group of Palestinians near Al-Funduq village in Qalqilya, under the pretext of throwing stones at him. No casualties were reported.  Also, settlers gathered near the entrance to Izbat al-Tabib village in easterm Qalqilya and removed Palestinian flags in the area. On the same day, dozens of settlers raided and vandalized the Church of the Holy Trinity and the Greek Garden on Zion Mount in occupied East Jerusalem. Also, they threw garbage in the Greek Garden, dug up the graves and threatened its guard with death.

On 08 June 2022, Israeli settler threw stones at Palestinians’ vehicles in western Salfit. As a result, a vehicle’s windows were broken.

So far this year, settlers carried out 146 attacks on Palestinians and their properties in the West Bank.

Collective Punishment Policy

As part of its collective punishment policy against Palestinians accused of conducting attacks against IOF or settlers, on 02 June 2022, IOF blew up the family house of Diaa Hamarsha, who was killed after carrying out a shooting attack that resulted in the killing of 5 Israelis in Tel Aviv on 29 March 2022.  As a result, 5 apartments were completely destroyed; one of them was an office while the rest were residential apartments, rendering a family of 6 persons, including a child, homeless. Also, IOF arrested the owner of the house.

So far this year, IOF demolished 6 houses and closed a sixth house after damaging its contents as part of its collective punishment policy.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 198 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, 78 Palestinians, including 11 children and 2 women, were arrested. Also, on 07 and 08 June 2022, IOF conducted two limited incursions into Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza Strip. In addition, IOF arrested 12 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip; 6 of them, including 3 children, tried to infiltrate via the border fence, eastern Rafah and eastern Juhor al-Deek in the central Gaza Strip. Also,  6 fishermen were arrested by Israeli naval forces; 4 while sailing off northern Gaza shore on 04 June 2022 , and were released  the next day. More information available here; and 2 while sailing off Gaza City shore on 08 June 2022, and later released, more information available here.

So far in 2022, IOF conducted 3775 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, during which 2573 Palestinians were arrested, including 260 children and 19 women. IOF also conducted 18 limited incursions into eastern Gaza Strip and arrested 62 Palestinians, including 41 fishermen, 20 infiltrators, and 3 travelers via Beit Hanoun “Erez” Crossing.

Israeli collective punishment and closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

Meanwhile, Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 15-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly update on the Gaza crossings.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continues to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 108 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 115 temporary military checkpoints and arrested a Palestinian at those checkpoints.

So far in 2022, IOF established 1824 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 104 Palestinians at those checkpoints