Obama Backed FSA/Al Qaeda Terrorists Using Chemical Weapons in Syria

Militants fighting against the Syrian government have used chemical weapons against the army in Daraya near the capital, Damascus, military sources say.

According to a commander of the Syrian Presidential Guard, at least seven Syrian soldiers were killed on Saturday after they were attacked by a chemical weapon which produced a toxic yellow gas.
The soldiers were reportedly killed within an hour after inhaling the gas.

Foreign-backed militants have repeatedly threatened to use chemical weapons against the army and pro-government civilians in recent days.

They have also threatened to contaminate Syria’s drinking water supply in a bid to kill all Alawite Shias and the supporters of President Bashar al-Assad.

The threat was made in a video posted on YouTube in which militants tested water contaminated with a lethal mixture on lab rabbits. The rabbits stopped breathing and their chests swelled shortly after drinking the poisoned water.

The militants had earlier released a footage in which lab rabbits were killed by inhaling poisonous gas.

The militants’ use of chemical weapons come as the US and its allies have alleged that the Syrian government possesses the deadly weapons and is prepared to use them against militants.
Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011. Many people, including large numbers of army and security personnel, have been killed in the turmoil.

A recent UN report has revealed that militants from 29 countries have so far infiltrated into Syria to fight against the Damascus government, most of whom are extremist Salafists.

The Syrian government has repeatedly said that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and that a very large number of the militants operating in the country are foreign nationals.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

The Three Pillars of Wisdom .. And the fourth column .. The days of Resurrection


بقلم: نارام سرجون‏ ‏

كلما سئم القلم وتضجر من رفقة أصابعي والتصاقها الحميم به .. زجرته الأصابع ..وأخذته الى الخدمة الالزامية على الورق وعلى حدود الأرق .. ولولا المشقة والعار ولولا خوفي من أن تصفعني أصابعي لاهانتها لوصفتها “بجبهة النصرة” لكثرة ماساقت من الأقلام وسفحت حبرها ونزيفها على نطوع الورق .. ولكن من غير ذلك التكبير المقيت على الذبائح البشرية..
وكلما تعبت أصابعي من رقصها على مفاتيح الحروف وسمعت لهاثها .. زجرها قلبي ووبخها عقلي وذكّرها أنها في حالة استنفار .. فأصابعي لاتعصي أوامر عقلي .. وهي لا تخضع لحكم “المرشد” .. وأصابعي ليس لها ولي فقيه معصوم الا قلبي ..
فهذا زمن يرتزق فيه الكلام ويمارس التسول ويتعرى أو تعرض فيه كلمات الاغواء في المؤتمرات السياسية للمعارضات العربية كبائعات الهوى .. كلام بلا كرامة يلبي كل الدعوات والولائم المجانية وحفلات القمار والرقص الخليع والحفلات الاباحية القاصفة .. وقد يلبس العمامات ويتربص بنا في كل مكان ليغتال بكواتم الصوت كل المصطلحات العظيمة التي تتجول بأمان في شوارع الذاكرة منذ الطفولة الاولى ..
الكلام القبيح الوقح انفلت من كل عقال وصار يحمل السلاح ليمارس السلب والنهب في مخازن الذاكرة .. الكلام الفاجر الذي يصافح أصدقاءه العظماء في تل أبيب أو يقف على حدود ادلب وينتظر شارون صار يغتصب عذارى الأفكار ويذبح الكلام الذي زرعه الآباء والأجداد ويقطع شجر النخيل والزيتون .. وصار يصوب الرصاص نحو “جسد الوطنية” ونحو “الوفاء” كيلا يبقى في الوطن الا الخيانة والطوائف .. وظلال الناتو..وابتسامة شارون اللعينة الشامتة على حدود ادلب ..
وفي هذه الأجواء الرديئة سأعلن الأحكام العرفية في المقالات وسأطلق كتائب مغاوير الكلام وكوماندوس اللغة في طرقات البيان .. لتعتقل كل العراة وكل بائعات الهوى واللذة المحرمة .. ولتجندل كلمات الخيانة رميا بالرصاص .. ولتقيم المحاكم الميدانية وتعلق المشانق في ساحات الورق لكل الكلمات التي ترتكب الخيانة العظمى والفساد الأكبر .. وفي أقفاص الاتهام ستقف كل مفردات الربيع ومفردات الحرية وحقوق الانسان ومفردات الثورة وحكم الشريعة .. وستهدم كل أعمدة الحكمة التي رفعها الثوار .. فكل محاكمي الميدانية محاكم عسكرية .. لاتقبل الطعون .. وأحكامها نافذة ..وفورية..فهل تشاركونني في محاكمي .. وهل تشاركونني في هدم أعمدة الحكمة الثورية ؟؟..
منذ مئة عام كما تعلمون قامت ثورة لورنس العرب الذي كتب كتابه الشهير (أعمدة الحكمة السبعة) الذي يتحدث فيه عن الثورة العربية ضد الأتراك ويرسم نموذج الادارة السياسية للمجتمعات العربية الناهضة و “المتحررة” .. واليوم تسير ثورة معاكسة يقودها الأتراك وأبناء لورنس .. وتنهض من ثناياها عباءة لورنس العرب وأعمدة حكمة جديدة ..

فما هي أعمدة الحكمة الثورية التي تستند اليها الثورات العربية التي نجحت في مصر وتونس وليبيا وهي التي ترفع مشروع الاستعمار الجديد في سورية؟؟ .. ان أعمدة الحكمة الثورية السبعة هي:
الناتو صديق العرب الجديد
الروس والايرانيون أعداء العرب الأزليون
الاسلام دين العنف وحكم الشريعة قدر وحتمية
الوطنية والعروبة كفر
السلام مع اسرائيل ضرورة حتمية
افراغ الشرق من تعدده الديني حتمي
نهاية قضية فلسطين صارت حتمية .. وآخر مراحلها وصل مع وصول خالد مشعل الى غزة ..ومقاتلي حماس الى مخيم اليرموك بدل مخيم جنين
ومن تابع الازمة السورية منذ بداياتها الأولى يلاحظ أن خيمة المعارضة السورية التي جمعت تحتها العربان والأمريكان وسقتهم القهوة العربية دما من شراييننا وعزفت لهم أوبرا (الشعب يريد) وسيمفونية (الله أكبر) الحمراء .. يلاحظ أن هذه الخيمة نهضت كغيرها على أعمدة الجكمة السبعة الثورية السابقة وربطتها بأوتاد المزاعم الكثيرة .. ولكنها وبسبب عاثر حظها تأرجحت وسمع الجميع صوت تقصف أعمدتها .. فأضاف الثورجيون ثلاثة أعمدة كبرى لتبقى هذه الخيمة منتصبة وسط هذه الصحراء لاستراحة الغزاة .. فتعالوا معي الى داخل هذه الخيمة لنقترب من هذه الأعمدة الضخمة الثلاثة الاضافية لنرى ان كانت غائرة ومنغرزة في الأرض وثابتة .. ولنرى ان كانت هذه الأوتاد مشدودة ومتينة ..
العمود الأول هو عمود يسميه الثورجيون والعربان (حتمية سقوط النظام ان عاجلا أو آجلا) ..وهو عمود صار أشبه بعمود يوم القيامة .. ومن لايؤمن به فهو ليس من الثوار وليس من الأحرار .. فالايمان باليوم الآخر للنظام السوري هو أحد أركان الايمان الثوري .. ويسمى اليوم الآخر في أدبيات الثورة (ساعة الصفر) .. ويوم القيامة السوري أيضا لايختلف عن يوم القيامة الذي يهدد به الثورجيون ويصفون أهواله وأيام الحساب والعقاب .. وصار العالم برمته ينتظر قيامتين .. القيامة التي تنتظر الانسان على الارض منذ أول الخليقة .. والقيامة السورية .. ولم يعد ينافس قيامة الله الا يوم القيامة السورية لكثرة المبشرين به وبعذابه وحتميته القدرية .. وكما تحدد كل الثقافات الانسانية يوم القيامة الموعود في مواعيد محددة وموعودة منذ آلاف السنين .. فان يوم القيامة السوري دخل في نفس الطريق من النبوءات والمواعيد ..ساعة صفر بعد ساعة صفر بعد ساعة صفر .. ولايزال كهنة الثورة يحددون ساعات الصفر .. وماأكثرها .. ويفجرون شوارعنا ومقاهينا ومدارسنا .. فيما نحن نفجر أيام القيامة تحت أقدامهم .. هل هناك أجمل من تفجير أيام القيامة ونسفها على تخوم دمشق وحلب؟؟ ولذلك فان هذا العمود مخلخل ويترنح .. وسيسقط على رؤوس من يقف بجانبه أو يمسك به ليمنعه من السقوط .. فابتعدوا قليلا أيها الواقفون في ظلاله فانه يتمايل .. وسيهوي على رؤوس كثيرة ..وقد أعذر من أنذر..
أما عمود الحكمة الثاني الذي تتكئ عليه خيمتنا الثورية فهو (حتمية تحرك الناتو ان عاجلا أم آجلا)..ولكن الحقيقة التي يجب أن تقال هي أن الجيوش الوحيدة التي تفوقت على الجيوش العربية وفرسانها في عملية الاستعداد لمعركة التحرير ..هي جيوش الناتو!! .. فالجيوش العربية تستعد لتحرير فلسطين منذ قرن تقريبا ولم تتحرك حتى هذه اللحظة رغم كل الوعيد بــ (الغضب الساطع آت) ..  

الناتو يهددنا ويتلصص على حيطاننا ويسبح قبالة شواطئنا ولم يحرر شيئا للأحرار .. ويمكن القول بثقة متناهية تماما أن الناتو أكثر سوءا من جيوش العرب وأكثر ثرثرة من كل جنرالات الشنبات العربية .. وكذلك فان احتمال دخول الجيوش العربية الآن الى فلسطين هو أكثر احتمالا من تحرك الناتو نحو دمشق .. فعندما تتحرك جيوش محمد مرسي الجرارة وجيوش عبد الله الثاني وجيوش أبو متعب وجيش الفيلد مارشال حمد بن خليفة وجيوش الباشا أردوغان وجيوش المجاهدين والقاعدة لتقتحم تل أبيب فالرجاء ابلاغي لأجهز نفسي للقاء الناتو على حدود دمشق .. ولايحضرني هنا سوى مثال من مسلسل وادي المسك للفنان دريد لحام الذي كان يلعب دور الدجال الذي يعد الناس بوصول (الشحن) من بلاد الغربة .. ومضى المسلسل والدجال يردد (الشحن لم يصل بعد).. وانتهى المسلسل .. والشحن لم يصل بعد ..ونحن سنقول (والناتو لم يصل بعد)..

وأتذكر اليوم حادثة موجعة عندما استنجد فلسطيني التقى بالملك عبدالله (جد الملك عبدالله الثاني) وقال له ملتاعا: أنجدنا ياجلالة الملك فاليهود أخذوا قريتنا بالأمس .. فوعده الملك باستردادها فورا وقال له مطمئنا : أبشر .. أبشر .. وفي اليوم الثاني كانت البشرى هي أن اليهود استولوا على 16 قرية عربية أخرى .. ولذلك استميحكم في أن أسمي عمود الحكمة الثاني منذ اليوم (عمود البشرى) لأن المبشرين بالناتو في كل اللقاءات يسمعون عبارة ابشر ابشر (بكل لغات الناتو)..
أما العمود الثالث الذي يرفع مؤخرة الخيمة فهو عمود (تغير الموقف الروسي ان عاجلا أو آجلا) .. والحقيقة أنني صرت أشفق على الروس وعلى أعصابهم من كثرة الالحاح عليهم بهذا السؤال بالرغم من أن الروس قالوها بالفم الملآن ..وبكل اللغات وعبر سفنهم وشحنات سلاحهم .. وأنهم لن يتغيروا لأسباب تخص أمنهم القومي الى حد كبير .. ونقل عن أحد الديبلوماسيين الروس الذي لم يعد قادرا على ممارسة الصبر الديبلوماسي واستفزه أحد الدببة العرب عندما سأله عن حقيقة موقف روسية النهائي فقال له: لم نعد ندري بأية لغة نقولها .. ولم نعد نعرف اي المفردات هي التي يفهمها عقل العرب .. هل آذان العرب من نوع نادر ولاتسمع الا الترددات فوق الصوتية كآذان الخفافيش؟؟
ويعتمد العمود الثالث على مقولة غريبة لاتنسجم مع منطق التاريخ بل انها تزور التاريخ بكل وقاحة وصفاقة .. وهذه المقولة تقول ان الروس معروفون بالانقلاب على الحلفاء .. وأنا لست محاميا أدافع عن الروس لكن من حقي قرع الرؤوس الفارغة حتى يسمع الجميع رنينها كالأواني الفارغة .. ولاأدري من أين جاءت هذه المقولة وعلى ماذا استندت.. وأزعم ان من روّجها هو الرئيس الراحل أنور السادات عندما قرر الانتقال الى الضفة الامريكية فطرد الخبراء الروس بشكل مفاجئ بحجة ترددهم في تزويده بالسلاح بالرغم من أن البعض وجد تردد الروس مبررا لشكوكهم القوية تجاه تحولاته المريبة وخاصة بعد تشدده مع الاتجاهات الشيوعية واطلاق العنان للتيارات الاسلامية .. لأنه كان الرئيس المؤمن الذي انتهى كما كل المؤمنين في دار أميريكا المؤمنة ..
لكن من يراجع هذه المقولة عن الروس ويأتي بها الى المحاكمة يجد أنها تحتاج انصافا ومراجعة حقيقية واعادة اعتبار .. فالروس لم يتغيروا مع حلفائهم طوال عقود الصراع مع الغرب والتغيير الوحيد الذي بدا عليهم هو الذي سبق وتلا فترة البيريسترويكا وانهيار الاتحاد السوفييتي وهذا طبيعي ..
أما الحقيقة الصادمة والمثيرة للسخرية فعلا فهو أن من له تاريخا حافلا بالتغيرات والتقلبات والبهلوانيات والبيع والشراء في سوق السياسة هم الأمريكيون أنفسهم.. وهم أكثر من طعن حلفاءهم في الظهر والبطن والخاصرة والصدر .. وأكثر من يأتي الى أسواق السياسة ليقايض بأصدقائه ويتبرع بأعضائهم .. والأمثلة كثيرة للغاية ..
فهل نتذكر حكام سايغون الفيتناميين الذين كان رجالهم يتعلقون بعجلات طائرات الهليكوبتر الامريكية وهي تغادر السفارة الأمريكية في سايغون فيما يدفعهم الأمريكيون عنها في مشهد خالد لاينسى؟؟.. فقد تركهم الامريكيون لمصيرهم.. ليفرّ العملاء والحلفاء الفيتناميون بعدها الى الغابات التي لايزالون يعيشون فيها حتى اليوم كالبدائيين مع عائلاتهم من غير أدنى متطلبات الحياة الانسانية ولايجرؤون على الاطلال على حدود الغابات لأنهم سيعاملون كعملاء الأمريكان والخونة مثل لاجئي المخيمات التركية والأردنية واللبنانية الذين يجب أن يبقوا فيها كما فيتناميي سايغون .. فهل تريدون المزيد؟؟
نورييغا حاكم باناما القوي وحليف الأمريكان الذي انتزعوه من ملجئه في السفارة البابوية وزجوا به في السجن بتهمة الاتجار بالمخدرات؟؟نورييغا حاكم باناما القوي وحليف الأمريكان الذي انتزعوه من ملجئه في السفارة البابوية وزجوا به في السجن بتهمة الاتجار بالمخدرات؟؟هل نذكر نورييغا حاكم باناما القوي وحليف الأمريكان الذي انتزعوه من ملجئه في السفارة البابوية وزجوا به في السجن بتهمة الاتجار بالمخدرات؟؟..

وماذا عن عدنان مندريس التركي الذي انتهى مشنوقا؟ وماذا عن حاكم جورجيا ساكاشفيلي الذي اجتاحه بوتين ولم تحرك الولايات المتحدة ساكنا لنصرته رغم ان شرايينه أمريكية..؟؟

وهل نذكر تحالف الولايات المتحدة مع الرئيس الراحل صدام حسين لمحاربة ايران والذي زاره دونالد رامسفيلد بنفسه في بغداد ليبيعه السلاح الكيماوي.. ثم عاد وعلقه مشنوقا في بغداد بحجة استعمال السلاح الكيماوي؟؟

 وماذا عن حسني مبارك ؟ وماذا عن زين العابدين بن علي رجل الغرب القوي في تونس الذي ماكاد يرحل حتى تزوجت أميريكا من خليفته قبل انتهاء عدّتها (كأرملة ديكتاتور) .. وأعلنت زفافها على العريس الجديد “راشد الغنوشي” وأنجبت منه ابنا جميلا هو الأبله المرزوقي؟؟

وماذا عن الزعيم القذافي الذي اعتقد أن لاميريكا امانا فغازلها ولو مكرها؟؟

وماذا عن الراحل ياسر عرفات؟ ألم يجلس عرفات مع حكام البيت الأبيض واحدا تلو الآخر محاولا الوصول الى وعد الدولة المفقودة وانتهى سجينا في مكتبه لعامين كاملين يقرأ تحت أضواء الشموع تحت سمع أميريكا وبصرها؟؟ ..

هل تريدون المزيد؟؟ هل نذكركم بحلفاء أميريكا في لبنان سابقا الذين تركتهم أمهم تحت رحمة الرئيس الراحل حافظ الأسد عندما احتاجت بيع ممتلكاتها ودكاكينها وبضائعها اللبنانية بالجملة.. وعرضت حشمها وخدمها بتنزيلات من نوع اشتر واحدا وخذ الثاني مجانا !!! ..

وهل نذكر أسامة بن لادن وقاعدته .. ألم يبدأ حليفا وانتهى مدفونا في المحيط ..ولم يستحق من حلفائه حتى قبرا في الصحراء..

هل تريدون القائمة الافريقية؟ وهي طويلة للغاية .. أعتقد أن متابعة التعداد مرهقة .. لكن الأكثر فائدة هو تعداد القائمة القادمة التي باتت تنتظر دورها باتجاه سلة المهملات الأمريكية حيث المنتجات (منتهيات الصلاحية) ..

تذكروها جيدا وهي طويلة أيضا .. ولكن أشهر وأول الواصلين الى السلة هو رأس خالد مشعل ورأس حماس .. انني أرى أعمدة الحكمة السبعة تهوي رويدا رويدا .. وأحدها يسقط مباشرة على رأس الخائن خالد مشعل ..أراهن بعمري على ذلك ..
فلاتغرّنكم هذه المؤتمرات وحفلات الصخب والاعتراف والتحالف.. فالأمريكيون سادة النصب والاحتيال وحفلات التعارف المفخخة .. ونقطة ضعفهم هي العناد ضد كل قوانين الطبيعة حتى قوانين الجاذبية ..

وهناك نكتة غربية تلخص ماأعني وهي تقول:
في سياق الحرب الباردة بين الروس والأمريكيين وضمن برنامج السباق الى الفضاء كانت هناك معضلة حقيقية في تدوين الملاحظات والمكتشفات والرسائل بين رواد الفضاء لاعادة البيانات الى الأرض .. وذلك بسبب انعدام الجاذبية في الفضاء حيث لاينزل الحبر من الأقلام لأنه يصعد للأعلى .. فصمم العلماء الامريكيون قلما خاصا الكترونيا وجهزوه بتقنية ليزرية وبرنامج حاسوب معقد وشرائح شمسية دقيقة لمعاكسة قانون انعدام الجاذبية.. وقد بلغت كلفة تصنيع القلم عشرة ملايين دولار .. لكن رواد الفضاء الروس صعدوا ببساطة الى مركباتهم الفضائية وهم يضحكون من الاختراع الأمريكي فقد ردوا على ذلك الاختراع وتجهزوا جيدا .. بأقلام رصاص..ونفذوا مهامهم بنجاح ..
هذه نكتة غربية واعتبرت يوما احدى أشهر عشر نكات في الغرب .. وتعكس حقيقة القناعة أن الطريقة الروسية في معالجة الأمور شديدة البساطة وفعالة جدا أمام عقلية الأمريكي الذي يحشد لأية معضلة المال والعناد لقوانين الطبيعة .. يعاندون حتى قانون الجاذبية وانعدام الجاذبية ..فيما الروسي واقعي ويحترم الطبيعة..
القلم الذي اخترعه الامريكيون في النكتة الفضائية يشبه القلم الذي يكتبون به في الأزمة السورية .. وهذا القلم هو المعارضة السورية التي تعمل ملايين الدولارات لتزويدها بما يغلب قانون انعدام الجاذبية الوطنية .. وكل التكنولوجيا لمعاكسة قوانين الطبيعة وارغام الحبر على النزول من الأقلام بدل صعوده ..

حتى أن الأمريكيين طوروه الى ائتلاف معارض وجهزوه “برأس معاذ” وماأدراك مارأس معاذ !! انه تكوين انعدام الجاذبية نفسه .. وجهزوه بشريحة الكترونية هي الاعتراف بالممثل الشرعي والوحيد للشعب السوري .. ولكن السوريين يضحكون من هذا الاختراع ويفضلون استعمال أقلام الرصاص الروسية .. بهدوء وبساطة ومن دون ضجيج .. كما فعل حلفاؤهم في الفضاء الخارجي ..
المعيب والعار في المعارضة السورية وأعمدة حكمتها هو أنها تنتظر أن يتغير الناتو أو يتغير الروس أو يتغير الله ويهديهم يوم قيامة خاصا .. ولكن أين هو عمود الحكمة الأكبر الذي يجب أن ألا يغفله المراهنون .. ؟؟ وهو العمود الذي يستند اليه القرار الوطني السوري.. وبسببه لايغيّر الله موقفه .. ولاالناتو .. ولاالروس..
انه “الشعب السوري” الذي هو وحده من يجب أن يتغير لتيغير نظام الحكم .. وطالما أن الشعب السوري لم يتغير فلن ينفع انتظار يوم القيامة .. ولاعمود الناتو .. ولاالعمود الروسي ..ولاأعمدة الدنيا كلها .. والشعب السوري حسم أمره وبدأت الخيمة العربية تتأرجح في عواصف الرفض الشعبي السوري المتنامي .. وعواصف الغضب ..
الأعمدة تهوي .. ورؤوس كثيرة ستتحطم تحتها .. فابتعدوا ماأمكنكم حفاظا على سلامتكم ..وعلى رؤوسكم ..وقد أعذر من أنذر

 River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Kawther Bashrawi: I’m with Bashar al-Assad to the last breath.

I never had a political, partisan or sectarian, financial or functional with President Bashar al-Assad.

His name is linked to resisting the brotherhoods project that brought destruction to Libya and Syria, Egypt, Tunisia and Gaza and Sudan.

I stood with him with my mind and my tongue and in all honesty I say that after him no hope for Syria but for sectarian states governed by gangs,

Does he comitted mistakes? yes many, but ifthe whole world stands against him and remained alone, I will stand with him, I’m not afraid of anything and if deported, God forbid Ishall omit Syria for my map despite and will not set foot in my feet Land governed by impure.

I’m with Bashar al-Assad to the last breath.

Kawther Bashrawi

الرئيس بشار الاسد لا تربطني به علاقات سياسية او حزبية او طائفية او مالية او وظيفية ،ارتبط اسمه بمقاومة مشروع اخواني عميل جلب الدمار لليبيا وسوريا ومصر وتونس وغزة والسودان فوقفت معه بعقلي ولساني وبكل صدق اقول ان بعده لا امل لسوريا بل لدويلات تحكمها عصابات ،الاخطاء نعم كثيرة ،ولكن لو وقف العالم كله ضده وبقي وحده ،سابقى معه ومعنا الشرفاء، لست خائفة من شيء واذا رحل لا سمح الله ساحذف سوريا عن خريطتي رغم ما يجمعني بها يفوق ما يبعدني عنها لكن لن تطأ قدمي ارض سيحكمها انجاس .

انا مع بشار الاسد لاخر رمق .
الاعلاميه الحره كوثر البشرواي
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

HYPOCRISY of Human Rights Watch: ‘Many were massacred, but I am not using the word massacre!’



[LATimes] “… The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a pro-opposition group, said this week that as many as 150 civilians, mostly Alawites, died “as a result of a series of explosions and gunfire” in Aqrab,…..
Britain’s Channel 4 News managed this week to reach the outskirts of Aqrab. Its version of events implicates the rebels.
The Channel 4 report quotes witnesses as saying the rebels entered Aqrab on Dec. 2 and “corralled around 500 Alawite civilians in a large red-colored, two-story house,” according to a blog by Alex Thomson, the Channel 4 correspondent at the scene. The rebels sought to use the Alawite women and children as “human shields” to prevent government bombardment of a nearby rebel-held town, Channel 4 reported, citing witness statements.
Channel 4 recounted that negotiations to release the prisoners faltered and on Monday rebels opened fire on the building where they were being held.
According to the Channel 4 report, which aired Friday, about 70 prisoners escaped Tuesday but many people remained trapped in the building the day of the broadcast. Their fate could not be determined, the report said.
Nadim Houry, deputy director of the Middle East division of Human Rights Watch, said the situation in Aqrab was “very murky, …. I’m not using the word massacre. It’s not clear to me how they died.” (I know how they died Mr. Houri. They died from your Love & Care! Unless you cannot bring yourself to say that Alawites are also humans, victims of massacres?!)


Al Nusra Front Implements Its Model in the “Liberated” Areas of Syria

Yusuf Fernandez
armed men

An increasing number of international media outlets are currently describing a series of awful and scary developments in the militant-controlled areas of Aleppo and other Syrian towns or villages. Reports speak of numerous crimes committed by the armed groups in those zones and of protests by the local population against these militants, many of whom are foreigners.

Fadi Salem, a Syrian academic based in the Gulf region who visited Aleppo recently, wrote that even those in Aleppo who had previously supported the rebellion changed their mind when violence came with the flow of armed rebels to the city. “The population was not ready for this. The armed rebels are mostly not from the city itself. They do not have organic popular support”, he said.

While Western media keeps on insisting that these groups support the creation of a “healthy democracy” and a “rule of law” in Syria, the reality appears to be a bit different. One of them, the Revolutionary Committee of Aleppo, has recently installed a Taliban-style “Islamic Emirate” in the three areas that still controls in the city, as it previously happened in the quartier of Baba Amr (Homs) before its recapture by the Army.

The “herectis”, according to its extremist views –Sunnis, Sufis, Shiites, Alaouites and Ismaelites-, and the “infidels” -Christians- have been expelled of these areas and their belongings have been confiscated. The new “revolutionary” authorities also set up a “Committee to Command Good and Prohibit Impious Acts”, a Saudi-style religious police, to punish those people who do not follow their particular interpretation of the religion.

German journalist Daniel Etter recently wrote a report in the leading German newspaper Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung about his visit to rebel-controlled towns near Aleppo. In the article, he suggests that all rebels there are members of extremist groups. Etter´s report also provides evidence that rebel authorities subject civilians to arbitrary arrests and torture and summarily execute captured members of the regular Syrian Army. In the town of Maraa, north of Aleppo, Etter saw some 120 prisoners, apparently civilians, “herded into a large classroom” in what had previously been a school. “Many of the prisoners showed signs of abuse,” he said. Rebel groups are also making it clear that they have the intention to continue targeting supporters of the Syrian regime.

What Etter describe in his article are clearly war crimes and crimes against humanity. But in what refers to the crimes and atrocities committed by the Syrian and foreign militants, the West´s alleged moral sensibilities become dull.

The Nusra Front´s role

Al-Nusra frontOn the other hand, around 80% of armed groups, including the powerful Al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front (Jabhat al-Nusra), have created a command center near the city of Idlib in northwestern Syria. All members of this command have recognized Sheikh Adnan al-Arour as their spiritual leader. Meanwhile, those commanders who disagreed with this extremist line have been killed and only Salafists or Wahhabis remain.

David Ignatius, a Washington Post foreign policy columnist, has written that the Nusra Front now has as many as 10,000 fighters on the ground in Syria and constitutes “the most aggressive and successful arm of the rebel force.” In the war fronts across the country, the Nusra Front and other similar groups are now doing the heaviest work.

According to the New York Times, the group is “a direct offshoot of Al Qaeda in Iraq”, Iraqi officials and former Iraqi insurgents say, “which has contributed with veteran fighters and weapons” to the rebellion in Syria. “This is just a simple way of returning the favor to our Syrian brothers that fought with us on the lands of Iraq,” said a veteran of Al Qaeda in Iraq, who said he helped the Nusra Front´s efforts in Syria, to the Times.

The newspaper adds that the group “killed numerous American troops in Iraq and sowed widespread sectarian strife with suicide bombings against Shiites and other religious and ideological opponents. The Iraqi group played an active role in founding the Nusra Front and provides it with money, expertise and fighters, said Maj. Faisal al-Issawi, an Iraqi security official who tracks Al Qaeda´s activities in Iraq´s Anbar Province”.

The Nusra Front and other similar groups have also publicly rejected the authority of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, which has been recognized by the US, some European countries and Gulf Arab monarchies as the “legitimate representative” for both the Syrian exterior and interior opposition. The militants have called the creation of this coalition a “Western-led plot”.

Washington discovers terrorism in Syria

The rejection of the Nusra Front and other groups fighting on the ground to US-supported National Coalition has irritated Washington, which made a notorious effort in order to create it in the hope it may become a future puppet government in Syria. This fact makes it clear that the coalition does not have real support inside Syria.

The coalition was set up under the direction of the US State Department and US ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford, at a five-star hotel in Doha in November. Its leader, Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib, who is being described as a “moderate” in Western media, is known by making inflammatory sectarian speeches against non-Sunni religious groups. His main qualification for leadership appears to be his long and close relationship with the Shell Oil corporation.

On December 13, the US Departament of State formally designated the Nusra Front as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization”. In a teleconference with a select group of journalists, a senior State Department official justified the designation by accusing the organization of launching “hundreds of attacks, nearly 600, in major city centers across Syria in which numerous innocent Syrians have been injured and killed.”

This statement was rapidly condemned by the most extremist groups, which accused the US of carrying out an open interference in the Syrian conflict, but also by the US-supported Free Syrian Army, which publicly defended its vital ally.

With this decision, Washington pretended to have discovered that the Syrian terrorists are committing atrocities in the country. In the past, the US administration had dismissed as a “diversion” claims by the Syrian government that it was under attack by international terrorist groups.

This is another evidence of Washington´s hypocrisy. In 2003, the US Administration justified the war and invasion of Iraq not only with allegations about non-existent Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, but also with another false clain: the links between the former Iraqi regime and Al Qaeda. However, while the allegation of an Al Qaeda connection with Iraq was a complete fabrication, it has become clear that Al Qaeda-linked groups and foreign fighters are playing a decisive role in the Syrian conflict. However, the Obama administration keeps silence about it.

This silence can be explained because the terrorist groups inside Syria are actually acting as US proxies in the war for regime-change in Syria. They have been armed and funded by two US allies, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and have launched a brutal sectarian civil war aimed at destroying Syria and creating the conditions for the imposition of a US puppet regime in the country. Washington is supporting extremist Takfiri forces in several nations of the Middle East because they promote a sectarian conflict directed at weakening the influence of Shiite-majority Iran.

Nevertheless, US support for such forces could led to a “blowback” as it happened in Libya where the US consulate and secret CIA facility in Benghazi were assaulted last September by Al Qaeda-linked elements. There is no doubt that some experts in Washington see a similar threat in Syria. Joseph Holliday, an analyst from the Institute for the Study of War, has warned that “the emergence of Al Qaeda-linked terrorist cells working against the Syrian regime poses risks to the United States and a challenge to those calling for material support of the armed opposition.”

US neocons reject this view and claim that the US should arm the Al Qaeda militias in order to overthrow Assad. In the neocon Weekly Standard, a recent article by Lee Smith harshly criticized Barack Obama and his administration because they have not acted forcefully against Syria.

Al-Manar is not responsible for the content of the comments. All opinions expressed are those of the posters not Al-Manar’s or its staff.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Syria: Why is it Taking So Long?

A Syrian refugee is pictured at the Al Zaatri refugee camp in the Jordanian city of Mafraq, near the border with Syria, 31 July 2012. (Photo: Reuters – Muhammad Hamed)
Published Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Time and time again, promises made by the Syrian regime and its armed opposition to deal a decisive blow to the other side have failed to materialize. Is this savage war destined to go on forever?

Both sides have a long list of justifications for their failure to resolve the situation. All of these seem to be military or technical, but may really have more to do with politics and ideology. Warring sides can never achieve military victory if their ideas do not prevail first.

Syrian opposition groups became embroiled in an armed rebellion and therefore lost the moral high ground needed to succeed. They became proxies, used against their own country in a regional and international war. Since they chose the path of war, it became easier for local criminal gangs and terrorist groups from all over the world to manipulate them.

Their ideology and their operations became tainted, revealing a repulsive image of intentional killing and destruction, of authoritarianism and obscurantism. With this, the armed opposition had to resort to rallying support around a sectarian and religious agenda to justify its insane war.

It became the militia of the oppressed Sunnis in Syria. Seeing as those who have rushed to raise the Sunni banner include the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafis, and Jihadis, Syrian Sunnis will have no choice but to become fully compliant with Brotherhood and Salafi authoritarianism in all its forms.

This is what underlies the armed groups’ failure to reach a decisive victory. They are unable to offer a national alternative which could win over a critical mass of Syrians belonging to various religions, sects, ethnic groups, and political orientations.

For the Syrian regime, sectarianism is not a suitable framework for a political ideology. It may use it implicitly for effective rallying, but it cannot officially adopt it without losing its national legitimacy. If it does, it will condemn itself to a very rapid and inexorable downfall.

However, the Syrian regime is waging war without a clear message. The regime’s approach is to react to the opposition’s ideology; when the latter was liberal, the regime responded with reforms along those lines. It spoke of constitutional changes, elections, widening the framework of the government, and calling for dialogue. Whether these solutions were enough is not what’s important here. The crux of the matter is that the regime played the game according to the opposition’s rules. It then tried to deal with the rebels’ sectarianism by denying it, refusing to acknowledge the presence of a civil war.

Meanwhile, Hamas dealt a blow to the Syrian government by abandoning Damascus without attracting scorn from the other two sides of the Resistance triangle, Iran and Hezbollah. Even the government’s inspired idea to promote opposition figures, Communist Qadri Jamil and Social Nationalist Ali Haidar, to become ministers was wasted because even they could not galvanize public support for a regime waging a war that had not been defined.

On two very separate occasions, President Bashar Assad revealed positions which could be the basis for a decisive victory. He described the war in Syria as “a struggle between Arab nationalism and political Islam.” Then he stated that the conflict was “in defense of the only secular state remaining in the East.” However, both these positions turned out to be vacuous; neither developed into the regime’s central message, and they failed to rally support.

I would go as far as saying that retreating from these two positions had to do with the ideological ties imposed by the crucial alliance with Iran, which is neither Arab nor secular. But effective alliances are based on diversity. We must not abandon a message which is vital for the resolution of this situation for the sake of any ally.

This brings us to the third element missing from the elusive message: a progressive social ideology. Due to the regime’s alliance with the local capitalists, this message is totally absent. If Damascus wants to win, it has to join the crowds in Tahrir Square. It has to define its war in terms of the Square’s stand against political Islam. It has to take a stand on much more radical positions on Arab nationalism, secularism, and social justice. It also has to rally the support of the nationalists, secularists, and socialists in Syria, the Arab world, and the world in general. This struggle should not be restricted to the intellectual, political, and media spheres. It should become part of the international struggle against imperialist and terrorist aggression.

Raise your banners. We want to join the struggle!

Nahed Hattar is a Jordanian writer.

The views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect Al-Akhbar’s editorial policy.

This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Syria TV Airs Images of Dead Lebanese Salafists: Not The Only Ones

salafists The Lebanese Army revealed Sunday that shots were fired at 6:30 p.m. at its headquarters in Masharih al-Qaa by “gunmen from the Syrian side of the border, prompting soldiers to respond.”
As the LA stated that there were no casualties, it stressed it’s boosting its presence in the area.

Meanwhile, intense gunfire was heard Sunday night in Nahr Abu Ali, which overlooks Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen.

Earlier in the day, Syrian state television broadcasted images of dead bodies for Lebanese extremist fighters who fell into the Syrian Army’s ambush Friday.

In its Monday edition, al-Akhbar Lebanese daily mentioned that the Salafist group fighters were killed in Tal Sireen in their way to the Syrian town of Tal Kalakh, and that others in the group had been wounded.

The daily’s sources said that the men planned to take a smugglers’ route from the Lebanese village of Hleit to Qalaat al-Hosn in Syria after dawn prayers Friday. The group fell into an ambush in Tal Sireen, on the way to Qalaat al-Hasan.

They elaborated that “the young men, ranging in age from 18 to 25, went to Syria at the request of Kh. M., of Fatah al-Islam leaders.”

“The leader was released recently and he moved to Syria to fight alongside the opposition,” they clarified, and noted that “he established what looks like an “Islamic” emirate in the area located near the city of Homs.”

According to these sources, people close to Kh.M previously organized groups to be sent to Syria, based on his so-called call to “Jihad”.

“Several individuals were sent for this purpose, before they send such a large number of young men at once,” the daily learned.

In parallel, a remarkable position emerged from the family of Khodar Alam Dein, who was killed in the ambush.

In this context, Alam Dein’s father accused “the misleading extremist groups, scattered in the North, of his son’s blood.”

The man who knew nothing of his son’s plans, demanded accountability for those who tampered with the mind of his son and his friends.

“If my son wanted to fight the “Israelis”, I would have sent him myself. But to take him to participate in a conspiracy against our countries, it is not permissible,” the father confirmed.

Moreover, al-Akhbar reported that a battalion known as “al-Wadi [Valley] battalion consists of hundreds of fighters, mostly Lebanese.”

“This armed group is led by a Syrian defector officer known as Abdul Salam H., who has good relations with a Northern Lebanese MP in terms of funding, coordination and receiving the arrivals,” the daily reported.

However, according to well-informed sources, the issue of entry and exit of fighters was, and is still the responsibility of a man, who belongs to al-Hujairi family, known as the Sheikh Abu Taia [hat].

“There are several Lebanese groups that infiltare into Syria periodically,” they revealed, and noted that “among the most prominent people who recently joined the Syrian rebels are the detainees who escaped from Roumieh prison last August.”

Similarly, al-Akhbar unveiled that “Shadi al-Mawlawi, the young man who was stopped by the Security Forces a few months ago, and then released under the pressure of Tripoli’s militants is among the Lebanese fighters in Syria.”

Source: al-Akhbar daily, Translated and Edited by moqawama.org

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    What do they want from Syria?

    A general view of the scene of a car bomb explosion in Jaramana, a mainly Christian and Druze suburb of Damascus, on November 28, 2012

    A general view of the scene of a car bomb explosion in Jaramana, a mainly Christian and Druze suburb of Damascus, on November 28, 2012
    Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:25AM
    The terrorist war on Syria, which the Western media trumpet as a ‘pro-democracy uprising,’ is aimed at precisely the opposite of pluralist coexistence. What the terrorists want is to tear the tolerant soul out of the country and plunge its people into an internecine, hate-filled sectarian bloodbath.”
    “What do they want from Jaramana? The town brings together people from all over Syria and welcomes everybody.” These were the anguished words of one distraught resident in the Syrian town of Jaramana that was devastated by multiple deadly explosions this week.

    The death toll has yet to be confirmed. Early reports on the blasts said 34 were killed. Later, the toll was put at more than 50, with over 120 injured, many critical. All of the victims were civilian.

    Over the past 20 months, Syria has witnessed dozens of massacres and horrific car bombings in its capital Damascus and in other cities and countless villages across the country. But the latest atrocity in Jaramana, located close to the capital, is distinguishable perhaps because it most clearly shows the vile Machiavellian mentality of the perpetrators in their broader strategy towards the Middle Eastern country.

    As the words of the shell-shocked resident above indicate, Jaramana can be seen as an exemplar of the pluralist nature of the Syrian society, “welcoming everybody”. The town is particularly known for its Christian and Druze Muslim communities, who by all accounts have coexisted peacefully for centuries. The populace is also largely supportive of the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad.

    This Wednesday morning, as workers, mothers and school children were going about their usual daily routine, two massive no-warning explosions ripped through the heart of Jaramana. The second blast was detonated minutes after the first one when bystanders were rushing to the scene to aid the wounded. The heinous calculation of the perpetrators was to maximise the killing and suffering.

    “What do they want from Jaramana?” The answer is revealed in the resident’s subsequent words: “The town brings together people from all over Syria and welcomes everybody.”

    The terrorist war on Syria, which the Western media trumpet as a “pro-democracy uprising”, is aimed at precisely the opposite of pluralist coexistence. What the terrorists want is to tear the tolerant soul out of the country and plunge its people into an internecine, hate-filled sectarian bloodbath.

    The targeting of Jaramana is a deliberate, brutal calculation to precipitate such a bloodbath. The town has been inflicted with several similar, although less deadly, bombings in recent months. On 29 October, a car bomb killed 11 people.

    There are no military or state security installations in Jaramana. As noted, it is a urban district known for its tolerance towards mixed religions and cultural heritage. But, for the terrorists and their fiendish mentality, that civic virtue made Jaramana a prime target.

    The armed militants in Syria are driven by Sunni extremists of Wahhabist or Salafist tendencies, who see pluralist coexistence of Sunni, Shia, Alawite, Druze, Christian, Jews and non-believers as anathema to their demented puritanical ideology.

    Other elements within the Syrian armed militant groups would appear to be simply “soldiers of fortune” – mercenaries and criminal opportunists who have no particular religious affiliation.

    However, taken together, these various militant factions are united by one criminal goal: to smash Syria, ruthlessly and recklessly.

    The Syrian society, as it currently exists with its emphasis on secular pluralism, must be destroyed at all costs by these extremists and criminal opportunists. The most effective way to sabotage Syria is to unleash a sectarian bloodbath and to pit communities at each other’s throats. That will ensure the collapse of the central government and the splintering of society into sects. In this intended milieu of violence, chaos and fear, Syria will then be at the mercy of those who want to dominate this proud, historic country.

    The enemies are well known. Western governments have had their knives out for Syria over many years, seeing it as a strategic obstacle of popular resistance to Western imperialism and Zionism in the Middle East. The Sunni regimes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and latterly Egypt under Mohammed Morsi want to see Syria roped into their camp, with the added appeal of undermining Iran’s regional influence.

    Saudi Arabia’s autocrats are particularly obsessed with defeating what they perceive jealously as the Shia Crescent represented by Iran, Syria and Lebanon’s Hezbollah. Both of these agenda converge on the objective of isolating Iran and setting up the Islamic Republic for an all-out military assault.

    Syria is therefore a crucial geopolitical prize for the West and its regional allies. The supposed advocacy of democratic reforms by Western governments and their corporate media mouthpieces is of course a cynical cover for their criminal imperialist agenda. That particular ridiculous lie is exposed by the West’s collusion with the most repressive dictatorial regimes on the planet – the Persian Gulf monarchies – in “liberating” Syria.

    Also, if Saudi Arabia and Qatar are so concerned about the welfare of their Arab Muslim brothers in Syria, why aren’t these supposedly chivalrous monarchs sending weapons and fighters to help the besieged Palestinian people of Gaza?

    A measure of the Syrian prize is the criminal lengths to which the enemies of Syria are willing to go in order to vanquish the country and install their self-styled regime.

    The massacres of families and children in villages like Houla and Qubair; the cold-blooded execution of civilians forced to kneel before their killers; and the callous bombing of civilians as seen this week in Jaramana are techniques of terror that the Western governments and their allies have perfected elsewhere over several decades. The Americans used such demonic scientific terrorism in Central America; the French in North Africa; and the British in East Africa and more recently in Northern Ireland.

    Syria is witnessing the worst of all possible criminal assaults – the evolution and amalgamation of Western state terrorism fuelled with the petrodollars of mindless Arab despots.

    Adding to the abomination, many of the crimes in Syria have been filmed by the perpetrators and subsequently released claiming that they were the action of government forces. One incident was the explosive demolition of a mosque by the mercenaries in Aleppo, who were filmed laughing at their war crime. Western media claimed it was the Syrian national army, only for it to emerge that it was actually the members of the so-called Free Syrian Army.

    Recent claims that the Syrian armed forces are using cluster bombs to kill children have been given the usual Western media prominence. But given the track record of the Western-backed mercenaries and the Western propaganda machine, the weight of suspicion surely lies on them.

    Within hours of the mass murder of the innocents in Jaramana, the United Nations General Assembly in New York adopted a draft resolution condemning the Syrian government for what it called “widespread human rights abuses”.

    The condemnation was co-sponsored by the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey – the very sponsors of Western state terrorism plunging the Syrian people into a bloodbath. The UN stands as an institution that is not just a debased propaganda tool, it is a propaganda tool splattered with the blood of innocents.


    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Is it a date with a new Sadat?


    بهدوء | أهو موعد مع «سادات» جديد؟

    أحدث العدوان الإسرائيلي على غزة ــ وردّها الشجاع ــ الكثير من الخلط والتخليط في المشهد الإقليمي. الخلط مفهومٌ لكونه يرتبط بتعقيدات موضوعية؛ غزة ليست كلها حماس، وحماس ليست كلها قَطرية، ولا يزال هناك حسابات أمنية وسياسية لا بد من تسويتها مع القطاع المضطرب بين مشروعين: مشروع إقامة «دبي» فلسطينية متصلة بمصر ـــ كجزء من تسوية الانفصال عن ضفة غربية متصلة بالأردن ـــ ومشروع المقاومة.

    والمفارقة أن كلا المشروعين يستلزمان الرد العملي نفسه؛ فالذاهبون إلى مناخات التسوية يحتاجون إلى تحسين شروط الهدنة الطويلة المدى (واقعياً = التسوية) بما يكفل الإطار الأمني والسياسي لإمارة غزة المزدهرة، بينما المصرّون على بناء القطاع المقاوم تحيّنوا الفرصة لتقديم النموذج المستقبلي الذي يريدونه. وهكذا، قامت على الأرض المشتركة لهدفين متناقضين، «غرفة عمليات موحدة» ضمّت التيارات والفصائل المتصارعة سياسياً.

    «النصر» في غزة قد يقود إلى سادات فلسطيني آخر أو إلى تجربة تقارب تجربة حزب الله في لبنان. صوت حماس حتى الآن هو صوت خالد مشعل الذي أعاد التأكيد، مجدداً، على خياراته السياسية مع الحلف الخليجي التركي الأميركي، بما في ذلك تكرار التذكير بالخلاف مع إيران في الملف السوري. يعيدنا موقفه هذا إلى السادات الذي كان يصنع «نصره» في «اكتوبر» الـ 73 بالأسلحة الروسية، بينما يشتم موسكو، ويغازل واشنطن، ويرتّب للصفقة المقبلة معها.
    «السادات» شخصية محببة لدى الإخوان المسلمين. وليس بالمصادفة أن الرئيس الإخواني المصري، محمد مرسي ـــ الذي قاطع ذكرى جمال عبد الناصر ـــ منح ذكرى السادات، أعلى وسام مصري. وليست مأثرة «الرئيس المؤمن» الرئيسية، عند الإخوان، أنه أعادهم إلى مصر ومكّن لهم في منتصف السبعينيات، وإنما تكمن مأثرته الكبرى في نموذجه السياسي «البلدي»، شبه الأمي، المحافظ في الثقافة والنيوليبرالي في الاقتصاد، و«الواقعي» ـــ الفهلوي في السياسة، والشعبوي في الأداء. وهذا هو، في النهاية، ما يصبو إليه مرسي وما يُلهم مشعل.

    هنا، نأتي إلى التخليط الذي انحدرت إليه مواقف وفضائيات وصحافة قوى الممانعة؛ حفلة تستخدم اللحظة الساخنة الراهنة لإلغاء العقل والحس النقدي والسعي الجبان لتجاهل التناقضات أو تمييعها بين معسكرين تحددا بالدم في مأساة سورية؛ معسكر المقاومة ومعسكر الرجعية.

    مرة أخرى، عادت المواقف ووسائل الإعلام التابعة لخط المقاومة لتروّج الأوهام حول مصر الإخوانية ودورها الإقليمي، وتبيعنا رجعيين من أزلام قَطر، كـ«مقاومين» يعطوننا دروساً في «الربيع العربي» وأثره في دعم مقاومة الشعب الفلسطيني ضد إسرائيل، بل وفي تمجيد الدوحة والتعريض بدمشق، وفي أحسن الأحوال، السعي إلى عزلها جانباً كملفّ خلافي مع إيران وحزب الله!

    لن نتوقف، هنا، طويلاً عند الحقيقة البسيطة المتجاهَلة المتمثّلة في أن قدرات المقاومة الغزية، جميعها، جاءتها من إيران وسوريا وحزب الله، لا من الإخوان أو قَطر أو تركيا، لكننا سنضع النقاط على الحروف في ما يتصل بثلاثة عناصر رئيسية؛ (1) إن القدرات التسليحية ـــ حتى المتاحة منها في السوق ـــ لا تنتظم وتتراكم ـــ للحركات كما للدول ـــ إلا في سياق سياسي. وقد حدد مشعل وسواه من المتحدثين باسم حماس، سياقهم السياسي في عباءة قطر، وقَطر حدّدته، بدورها، كحظيرة «نعاج»، (2) إن مصر الإخوانية لا تختلف، نوعياً، عن مصر المباركية، فجميع الإجراءات الدبلوماسية والإنسانية التي أقدم عليها مرسي كان مبارك سبّاقاً إليها. الفارق بالرئاسة المصرية، كما يصفه قيادي حمساوي (علي بركة على الميادين)، هو كالآتي: «مبارك كان ينقل رأي إسرائيل إلى حماس، أما مرسي فملتزم بنقل رأي حماس إلى إسرائيل». يا للهول! أصبحت القاهرة، بعد ربيعها الهادر، وسيطاً نزيهاً بين الإسرائيليين والفلسطينيين! (3) إن تيار المقاومة داخل حماس والجهاد الإسلامي لم يعبّر عن نفسه سياسياً حتى الآن، ولا أظنه بقادر على التعبير عن نفسه وسط السُّعار المذهبي الحاصل. ولقد رأيته مهيناً التغني من قبل وسائل إعلام المقاومة، بتصريح يتيم ومبتور لقيادي في الجهاد الإسلامي، يقدم فيه الشكر لإيران على دعمها العسكري، ولا يذكر، في هذا المقام، سوريا أو حزب الله. معنى ذلك أن تيار المقاومة في غزة جهاز عسكري وليس تياراً سياسياً. إنه محكوم، إذاً، بالتراجع. فالمقاومة، قبل كل شيء، هي انحياز سياسي استراتيجي.

    وحده، حسن نصر الله، نجا من الخلط والتخليط، لكن بحياء لا بحسم. صحيح أنه رسم الخط الفاصل بين استراتيجية «النعاج» التي تتبناها الرجعية، واستراتيجية «الأسود» التي تتبناها المقاومة، لكنه استحى أن يواجه القيادات الغزيّة بالاختيار بين الاستراتيجيتين. وصحيح أن نصر الله طالب بالاعتراف الصريح بدور محور المقاومة، إيران وسوريا وحزب الله، في تمكين غزة من الصمود والمواجهة، لكنه وضع مطالبته هذه في مقاربة أخلاقية، من دون أن يوضّح جوهرها السياسي.

    آه… أكلّ هذا التخليط المهين والحياء الرصين حدث بسبب أن محور المقاومة صادف أنه «شيعي»، فهو مضطرٌ، إذاً، للتسلل والاعتذار والجلوس في المقعد الخلفي وانتظار نعمة الشكر، وربما الخازوق؟


    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!


    Morsi’s Power Grab Should Be No Surprise


    While reading the following article about Muslim Brotherhood’s Pragmatism, I remembered my battle at deliberation with sectarian Khalid Hamayreh, a brotherhood mouth piece, who believe that Shea = LIARS because they practice Taqiyya

    Taqiyya and Jihad are among many terms misunderstood by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The Anti-Muslim and anti-shiites Muslims love to talk about the so called, rule that permits Muslims to lie to spread Islam or spread Shiism. They manipulate their meanings to their convenience.
    Anti-Muslims presume Muslims are guilty, claiming innocence is an aditional evidence of their quilt, anti-shiites sunnis do the same, a shiite is a Liar while telling the truth
    In real life the whole mankind practice Taqiyya naturally, calling it other names like: “Kittman” `tolerance’, `diplomacy, ‘deception’ and `common sense’, pragmatism.
    Deception is a daily bussiness praticed by leaders, states, spies, media..
    It is the basis of international relations.
    “In the Biblical account of Abraham, Sarah and Pharaoh we notice Abraham (and Sarah) concealed the fact Sarah was his wife as he feared death:

    When the Egyptians see you, they will say, ‘This is his wife.’ Then they will kill me but will let you live.
    Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you.”
    [Genesis 12:12-13 NIV”

    In Quran we have the verses 16:106 about Ammar Ibn Yasser’s famous case of Taqiyyah read by Brotherhood, without comprehending, millions of times.
    مَن كَفَرَ بِاللّهِ مِن بَعْدِ إيمَانِهِ إِلاَّ مَنْ أُكْرِهَ وَقَلْبُهُ مُطْمَئِنٌّ بِالإِيمَانِ وَلَكِن مَّن شَرَحَ بِالْكُفْرِ صَدْرًا فَعَلَيْهِمْ غَضَبٌ مِّنَ اللّهِ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ (106)
    Who so disbelieveth in Allah after his belief – save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the Faith – but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom. [Quran 16:106]
    So, while reading the following article, replace Replace Pragmatism with Taqiyya, and note that Shea and all Muslims practiced  and conceal their faith when they were under threat.
    In Egypt Muslim brotherhood used Taqiyya as a tool for deception, calling it Pragmatism
    First: to highack the Egyptian Revolution,
    Second: to cheat Egyptians and get elected.
    Third: to Turn against the military junta
    Fourth: to crown their Pharaoh
    In Syria the brotherhood are comitting war crimes against humanity and call their crimes JIHAD

    Morsi’s Power Grab Should Be No Surprise

    Tahir Square Now
    By:Nervana Mahmoud
    Posted on Mon, Nov 26.
    Following his recent edict granting himself unprecedented powers, President Mohammed Morsi addressed his supporters in front of the presidential palace — the place originally chosen by Mubarak to serve as the formal presidential building — declaring that he would “cure Egypt from the woodworms.” This particular remark sums up his attitude toward the current crisis: the president and his ruling party view their opponents as woodworm beetles in need of removal.

    For anyone who is following closely and understands the history of the country and the ruling party, the Muslim Brotherhood, the recent events should not come as a huge surprise. It should be seen as an inevitable outcome in a country that is still seduced by selfish politics that aim for dominance rather than unity. Although the Brotherhood has undergone many changes to recast their image as “moderates” who support a democratic society, the group did not embrace any serious transformation of their way of thinking. The concept that “It is either me or them” is entrenched inside their mindset. There are some basic rules that have continued to govern its decision-making processes:

    First, pragmatism is a tool that protects, rather than replaces, ideology. The pragmatism that Morsi has shown in negotiating the Gaza cease-fire between Israel and Hamas may have surprised many, particularly in the United States. This pragmatism is one of the Islamists’ tools to protect their beliefs when they sense that current conditions are not ripe to force a more preferable outcome. Their aim is rather to secure their basic foundation; pragmatism is the fleece that protects the ideology without compromising it.

    Second, the Brotherhood is a monolithic entity. Many analysts argue passionately that the Brotherhood is not a monolithic group and that there are a variety of principles and beliefs among its members. That is true but with clear limits to this diversity. The group can accept differences in opinion but only within certain boundaries. Individualism is not allowed in a group founded on obedience. Those who express strong opinions may be forced to leave the group.

    Third, ambiguity is a policy. Since the revolution, the Brotherhood has adopted an approach of deliberate ambiguity in their dealings with the general public and with other political parties. They are always clear about what they are against but are much more elusive as to what they endorse. The phrase “civil state” is one example: the choice of words clearly rejects secularism, yet it does not specifically invoke the notion of an Islamic state. Their ambiguity was reflected in the deliberations over the new constitution, which is precisely why many non-Islamists group who wanted clear protection of liberties and rights within the new constitution were forced to quit the constitutional assembly.

    Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, is hidden insecurity. Years of oppression have earned the group tenacity, but also a chronic suspicion of the wider society. The group always boasts about their strength yet their actions reveal their insecurity. Their persistent claim of conspiracy — even by hints by Morsi in his last speech that some are plotting against the revolution and seeking outside help, and his hints of phone tapping of those alleged plotters — reflect a rattled party, utterly uneasy with their new position as rulers. Their desire for power grabs is, in fact, part of self-protection strategy against an outside world that, in their eyes, is full of enemies and non-friends.

    Understanding the above points is essential in explaining the unfolding events in Egypt.

    Morsi was pragmatic when pragmatism was needed. He happily made deals with other groups, like the Sixth of April Movement, to secure victory in the election. Deliberate ambiguity has helped him in abandoning that to which he never clearly commits. His united party allows him to consistently mobilize supporters and create an illusion of a majority by using what Egyptians now describes as “buses democracy” by mobilising crowds from various regions to fill the squares in a matter of hours. Now, his insecurity has tempted him to fast track his plan to cleanse the political sheet.

    In his mind, Morsi views Egypt as a malfunctioning machine that must be restored back to its factory settings with Islamic instruction and an Islamist semi-monopoly that is geared to produce law-abiding citizens who agree rather than oppose, and worship rather than reject. An Islamic constitution and restoring a majority in the next parliament are musts, and for them, any path or actions are justified. Morsi’s desired transformation is aimed to achieve a made-to-measure democracy, with some elements autocracy that is deemed by him as necessary.

    The problem with the “woodworms” approach to politics is that it was tried before in Egypt and failed drastically. Gamal Adbel Nasser, Egypt’s president from 1956 till his 1970 death, treated them as Muslim Botherhood as a dangerous worm — yet despite his ruthless oppression, he failed to prevent their spread in the Egyptian society.

    Regardless of the outcome of the current crisis, and whether the president choses to compromise or persevere, a serious transformation in the mindset of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood is much needed if they are seriously willing to move the country and break with old attitudes.

    However, and to be honest, I am not holding my breath, Egypt has not had successful revolutions in two consecutive years, the Brotherhood seems to be firmly in control, while their opponent still have no clear plan for the day after, both are not willing to look back at the history books and learn from it.

    Nervana Mahmoud is a blogger and writer on Middle East issues. You can follow her on Twitter: @Nervana_1

    Mursi’s Declaration Provokes Unrest in Tahrir Square

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Salafi Cleric’s Militia Ambitions Curtailed

    But 33 days later, he agreed to end his sit-in without achieving this goal. (Photo: Hasan Bahsoun)
    Published Sunday, November 25, 2012
    Lebanese Salafi cleric Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir has become a lightning rod for controversy over the past year, but his failure to live up to his own fiery rhetoric has left many wondering if his bark is worse than his bite.
    At his own highly-anticipated press conference in November where he was expected to announce the creation of an armed Sunni faction to oppose both Israel and Hezbollah, Assir surprised many by postponing the project pending further “consultations.”
    Instead he merely attacked Hezbollah and the Syrian regime and repeated his version of the recent Taameer incident outside Saida’s Ain al-Helweh refugee camp in which two of his supporters were killed in clashes with Hezbollah supporters.

    Assir went on to threaten to organize another sit-in at the Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque in Abra near Saida where he preaches to demand justice for the blood that was spilled in the Taameer incident and condemn the violence in Gaza and Syria.

    This is not the first time the bombastic cleric has backed down after vowing radical action. Four months ago, al-Assir launched an open-ended sit-in in the southern Lebanese city of Saida, vowing not to disband until “Hezbollah is disarmed or the last drop of blood of our last child is spilled.”

    But 33 days later, he agreed to end his sit-in without achieving this goal.

    On the eve of his latest press conference, Assir had confirmed rumors that he would be announcing on Saturday the formation of an armed wing to the satellite news channel al-Arabiya. He had already alluded to the possibility of establishing such an organization to resist both Israel and the “Iranian project.” Assir’s announcement drew condemnation from detractors who accused the sheikh of hypocrisy for condemning Hezbollah’s arms and then forming his own paramilitary force to battle Israel.

    But on the morning of the press conference, Islamist Palestinian forces visited Assir once more to emphasize the need to stay calm and maintain the peace.

    Sheikh Jamal Khattab, the leader of the Islamic Mujahid Movement, and Abu Tareq al-Saadi, a prominent leader of Asbat al-Ansar, or the Partisans League, met with Assir and reportedly advised him not to rush into declaring an armed wing.

    Sources close to the two leaders told Al-Akhbar that they renewed their warnings to Assir not to count on Palestinians to form the base of any armed organization. They emphasized that Palestinians will not take part in the fighting or fuel an internal Lebanese conflict.

    The Lebanese pop star singer Fadl Shaker and his brother Mohammad al-Shamandour, leader of Jund al-Sham, or Soldiers of the Levant, are both close to Assir and expended efforts in the aftermath of Taameer to recruit, albeit unsuccessfully, experienced Palestinian fighters from Ain al-Helweh to join Assir’s supposed organization.

    Sources say the Islamist organizations that are on friendly terms with Assir are more interested in fighting in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Moreover, the same Lebanese political and security factions that convinced Assir to end his first sit-in have reportedly been pressuring him to take his activities down a notch.

    These Lebanese parties also made it very clear to the Palestinians that if the situation were to spiral out of control in Saida, Ain al-Helweh would get dragged into the conflict.

    Lebanese Minister of Interior and Municipalities Marwan Charbel echoed these warnings when he delivered a stern message to Assir last Wednesday in Saida when he went to offer his condolences.

    This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!


    By Daniel Mabsout

    Listen to Mash’al and also to Abdallah Shallah trying to exploit the Palestinian Resistance achievements in the war on Gaza to the favor of Egypt . Listen to Mash’al – in his press conference -praising Egypt and praising Mursi , then praising Egypt, and again praising Mursi, and again Egypt and Mursi and the head of the Egyptian Intelligence

    Ra’fat Shahade , and praising the prince of Qatar as well . All these he had to praise , the prince of Qatar , he almost praised the US administration and one wonders why he fell from praising Israel .

    After all this out of place praise which exceeded the praise of the victorious Resistance , Iran deserved a short mention and a shorter thanking for providing all these weapons without which Gaza could have been wiped out. Mash’al almost apologized for thanking Iran, he sounded as if he wanted to be forgiven for having to thank Iran . Then he had to justify this for his sectarian allies and friends saying that he and Iran have different positions regarding Syria and that he stands for the Syrians’ rights -as if the war on Syria had for purpose to implement civil liberties- and he added that there was no contradiction between granting civil rights and Resistance .

    What a joke Mr. Mash’al .! All people know why this war is launched on Syria who has been supplying the Lebanese and Palestinian Resistance with weapons, and was hosting the Palestinian Resistance of HAMAS and Jihad, and these weapons are the ones that permitted the Palestinians to resist and to keep Israelis off Gaza . Mr. Mash’al seems to have forgotten this or maybe he does not want to remember , it is not in his interest to remember .

    Finally the fighters of the Resistance were hardly mentioned by Mash’al in this gathering that was supposed to be a celebration of victory , and Gaza will be able to have a deserved truce after such hard times but one wonders who is the main winner here and whether Egypt , the US and- de facto- Israel have a share in it since the Gaza issue will be monitored by Egypt. The Egyptian authorities will make sure that Palestinians do not get one single piece of weaponry since they had just seized –today- a cargo of weapons destined to reach Gaza composed of heads of rockets and number of bullets . By this Egypt will be in charge of resuming the task for which the war on Syria was launched which is to prevent the supply of the Resistance with weapons.

    The feast is now filling the streets of Gaza . What has been achieved is instant cease fire on both sides on all fronts , while the other Palestinian demands of removing the siege and release the prisoners etc…will be handled by the Egyptian authorities . Meanwhile, the situation in Gaza will remain in limbo while undeserved credibility has been given by Palestinians to the Arab Spring rulers and to the president of Egypt and the prince of Qatar who will confine the cause to its sectarian limits at the detriment of Syria, the real mother of the child .

    Previously when victories over Israel were celebrated- in Egypt or in Palestine -the Flag of Hizbullah will be raised high and waving above all flags . Today -in the skies of Gaza- the flags of Egypt and Qatar are to be seen and that of Hizbullah -the defeater of Israel- the author of the two astounding victories over the usurping state- is being replaced by the flags of normalization and recognition.

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Fahmi Huwaidi: "Thank you Netanyahu"

    Partially Translated by Alex

    Any observer of the events in the Arab region must have noted that since the beginning of last year (2011), the “Arab spring” in the region  was hijacked, and turn the attention of the majority of the Arab and Muslim masses away from the Palestinian cause, that n bews has become of second or third degree.

    In this atmosphere, some voices focused on the Iranian threat and the Iranian enemy“, and  the event Syrian …. they even considered that Iran is the biggest enemy and more dangerous than Israel.

    The brutal aggression on Gaza correct‘s the picture, and  pushed the Palestinian title to the front in the Arab media. At the same time, it reminded everyone that the real enemy and the real danger is Israel before anything else. More than that, the aggression mobilized the Arab masses against the real enemy…This could not have happened without the Israel insanity. They wanted to subjugate the Palestinians, and Allah wanted to rectify the Arab conscience and correct the positions of the Arab media, and even provoke the enthusiasmof the Arab masses.


    Cautious Mursi

    In parallel with this note the Egyptian leadership was keen since President Mohamed Mursi took the office to deal cautiously with the Israelis, and to avoid escalation in accordance with the interpretations calling for calm, but that the Israeli aggression forced the Egyptian leadership to adopt a more assertive, and do not hesitate topolitical escalation”. As demonstrated in his visit for the first time by Prime Minister to Gaza Strip, and the President announcement that Egypt would not leave Gaza alone in the face of Israel….Thus, if it is true that Israel wanted to embarrass the Egyptian leadership and to test its position, what happened was that Egypt did not respond to pressure, and had to abandon caution in dealing with the situation….

    Palestinian reaction revealed the superiority of the military capability of resistance organizations, which can be considered a turning point in the struggle against the occupation. The resistance downing to F-16 as well as the shooting down of the Israeli non-pilotaircraft, and directing long-range missile that arrived at the outskirts of those Aviv, forcing million Israelis into shelters to escape Palestinian rockets, all indicates that there is a new ability of the resistance and should be taen into account,  and that the Israelis will not feel the safe as long as the occupation continues…..

    In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon, this was the moment where he Hezbollah was born, to insult and defeat Israel after a few years.

    In 1955, when the Israeli unit led by Ariel Sharon blow Bear Safa on the outskirts of Gaza, and killed 39 Egyptians, Sudanese and Palestinians, The president Nasser responded and formed an Egyptian battalion led submitted by Mustafa Hafez, which carried out commando operations inside Israel that have killed more than 1400 people .

    Thus bounced the arrow to the Israeli chest

    What will happen this time? A question deserves to be asked, and the answer worth waiting.


    Brother Fathi looks opimistic, I would remind him that while, before and after, Mustafa Hafez was fighting Israel, the American Brotherhood were fighting Nasser, and now their priority is fighting the Nasser of Syria.

    Musi is NO Nasser, Just now I read on Al-Maydeen; Peres thanked Mursi for his great efforts, but Hanas refused. Musri spent 20 minutes talking to Haniya over phone

    However, I agree with brother Fahmi, thanks for Netanyahu, he entered the trap, and spoiled the “Arab Spring” PARTY. 
    They plan, and Allah plans, he is the best planner

    Thanks for Islamic Jihad and all Freedom fighters of Gaza, including the true sons of martyres Ahmad Yasin and Rantisi, who refused the Qatari bribe.

    In case you missed it

    “شكرا نتنياهو” ….فهمي هويدي
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    يستحق رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلى بنيامين نتنياهو شكرا منا لم يسع إليه، رغم كل الأهداف الشريرة التى أراد أن يحققها بغاراته على غزة، بما استصحبته من ترويع وقتل وتدمير.

    أتفق مع كل من يرى في الرجل مجرم حرب لا محل لأن تذكر له فضيلة أو يسبغ عليه شكر. بل ينبغي أن يلاحق باللعنات والاستهجان لكل ما يصدر عنه. وأزعم أن ذلك هو التقييم الحقيقي للشخص ودوره. وقبل أن أعرض حيثيات الفكرة التي أدعو إليها أنبه إلى ثلاثة أمور:

    الأول أن الشكر الذي أتحدث عنه مغموس بالدم وخارج من رحم الاحتقار والكراهية.

    والثانى أننى أدرك جيدا أن الشعب الفلسطيني الذى لايزال ينزف دما منذ أربعينيات القرن الماضى هو الذى يدفع ثمن العربدة الإسرائيلية.

    الأمر الثالث أنني حين أتحدث عن الشكر للسيد نتنياهو فذلك لا يعني أنني فرح لما حدث، ولكننى أردت أن أقول إن الجريمة التي وقعت بحق الشعب الفلسطيني في القطاع أبرزت إيجابيات تستحق الاهتمام والرصد.

    فأي مراقب للأحداث في المنطقة العربية لا بد أن يلاحظ أن “ثورات الربيع” التى شهدتها المنطقة منذ بداية العام الماضي (2011) خطفت أبصار الجميع، وصرفت انتباه الأغلبية عن القضية الفلسطينية، الأمر الذي حولها في وسائل الإعلام إلى خبر من الدرجة الثانية أو الثالثة. وفي هذه الأجواء ارتفعت أصوات البعض بأحاديث ركزت على “الخطر الإيراني والعدو الإيراني”، كما شغل آخرون بالحدث السورى …. ووصل بالبعض أن بدأوا يشيرون إلى إيران باعتبارها العدو الأكبر والأخطر مما تمثله إسرائيل.

    وقد تكفل العدوان الوحشى الأخير على غزة بتصحيح الصورة المختلة والشائهة. ذلك أنه دفع العنوان الفلسطيني إلى المقدمة وأعاده إلى مكانه خبرا أول في وسائل الإعلام العربية. وفى نفس الوقت فإنه ذكّر الجميع بأن العدو الحقيقى والخطر الحقيقي يتمثل في إسرائيل قبل أى شىء آخر. وأكثر من ذلك فإن العدوان استنفر الجماهير العربية التى ظلت طوال الأشهر الماضية تخرج معبرة عن مطالبها واحتجاجاتها. وإذا بنا نراها بعد الغارات الإسرائيلية تعلن عن غضبها وتستعيد رفضها وخصومتها للسياسات الإسرائيلية، وتضامنها مع الشعب الفلسطينى. وما كان لكل ذلك أن يحدث لولا إقدام إسرائيل على جريمتها التى أرادوا بها تركيع الفلسطينيين، فأراد ربك أن تصحح الوجدان العربى وتصوب مواقف الإعلام العربى، بل وتستثير حماس الجماهير العربية.

    بالتوازي مع ذلك نلاحظ أن القيادة المصرية حرصت منذ تولي الرئيس محمد مرسى منصبه على أن تتعامل بحذر مع الإسرائيليين، وأن تتجنب التصعيد إزاءها بناء على اجتهادات أو تحليلات دعت إلى التهدئة في الفترة الماضية، إلا أن العدوان الإسرائيلي اضطر القيادة المصرية لأن تتبنى موقفا أكثر حزما، وألا تتردد في التصعيد السياسي. وهو ما تجلى فى الزيارة التى قام للمرة الأولى بها رئيس الوزراء لقطاع غزة، وفى تصريحات رئيس الجمهورية التى أعلن فيها أن مصر لن تترك غزة وحدها في مواجهة إسرائيل، كما تجلى في فتح معبر رفح لاستقبال الجرحى والمصابين وغيرهم من العالقين. بالتالي فإنه إذا صح أن إسرائيل أرادت أن تحرج القيادة المصرية وأن تختبر موقفها، فالذى حدث أن مصر لم تستجب للضغط، واضطرت للتخلي عن حذرها في التعامل مع الموقف.

    النقطة الثالثة الجديرة بالتسجيل في هذا السياق أن الغارات الإسرائيلية شكلت عاملا ضاغطا على الحكومة المصرية لكسر الحصار المفروض على القطاع. وقد تجلى ذلك فى فتح المعبر لزيارات المسئولين المصريين والعرب، الأمر الذي قد يستثمر ــ إذا استمر ــ في طي صفحة الحصار «وتطبيع» العلاقات مع القطاع.

    النقطة الرابعة المهمة أن رد الفعل الفلسطيني كشف عن تفوق القدرة العسكرية لمنظمات المقاومة، الأمر الذى يمكن أن يعد نقطة تحول في الصراع ضد الاحتلال. ذلك أن إسقاط المقاومة لطائرة إف 16 كذلك إسقاط الطائرة الإسرائيلية بغير طيار، وتوجيه صاروخ بعيد المدى وصل إلى مشارف تلك أبيب، ذلك كله يؤشر على أن ثمة جديدا في قدرة المقاومة يجب أن يحسب حسابه، الأمر الذى لا بد أن يكون له صداه فى أوساط الإسرائيليين، وحين يترتب على ذلك أن يندفع أكثر من مليون إسرائيلي إلى الملاجئ هربا من الصواريخ الفلسطينية، فمعنى ذلك أن الرسالة وصلت، وأن الإسرائيليين لن يستشعروا أمانا حقيقيا طالما استمر الاحتلال.

    فى عام 1982 حين اجتاحت إسرائيل لبنان فإن هذه كانت اللحظة التى ولد فيها حزب الله، الذى أهان إسرائيل وهزمها بعد سنوات قليلة. وفى سنة 1955 حين قامت وحدة إسرائيلية بقيادة إرييل شارون بنسف بير الصفا فى ضواحى غزة، وقتلت 39 مصريا وسودانيا وفلسطينيا، وقد رد الرئيس عبدالناصر على ذلك بتشكيل كتيبة الفدائيين المصرية بقيادة المقدم مصطفى حافظ، التى قامت بعمليات فدائية داخل إسرائيل أدت إلى قتل نحو 1400 شخص. وبذلك ارتد السهم إلى الصدر الإسرائيلي بما لم تتوقعه ــ ما الذي سيحدث هذه المرة؟ السؤال يستحق أن يطرح، والإجابة تستحق الانتظار.

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!


    The Victory Equation

    Daniel Mabsout,
    Gaza is defending Gaza and defending all . Rockets and missiles are falling over Israel. ,From Lebanon’s battle to Gaza’s battle the struggle continues . Now Gaza is carrying the torch and
    will resume the task of defending Palestinians and Arabs . Whatever victory was achieved by the Lebanese Resistance will not be restricted to Lebanon but will spread as fire . The Palestinian Resistance Today is proving itself on the battle ground and showing that it has grown and learned from previous experiences and developed and acquired the necessary materiel and equipment and learned how to use it properly and intelligently in favor of the cause .What has started with Martyr hero :’Imad Mughniyye in terms of supplying the Palestinian Resistance with what it needs has never stopped. Commander in Chief Mughniyye made it a point to treat the Lebanese and Palestinian Resistance on a par , giving each its due in terms of weapons and supplies , that is how Iranian weapons reached the Palestinian Resistance and this supply never stopped following different itineraries involving many stations and countries mainly Syria and also Sudan, and this is what we are witnessing nowadays in Fajr 5 and other missiles that are hitting Tel Aviv.

    It is Palestine that is hitting along with Hizbullah and the Basij and Syria in one common strike . It is nonsectarian resistance that is striking . This orchestration that includes the fresh information brought by Lebanese Resistance drone ‘Ayyub will take care of any dubious poisonous sectarianism infiltrated by corrupt gulf regimes according to the new world order agenda of partition and division and internal conflict . And while the sectarian campaign was reaching its peak, and-at the time when even prominent Hamas Leaders- like Haniyya and Mash’al -were taking shameful sectarian positions and stands- namely against Syria -exposing -on many an occasion -the Syrian regime and the president of Syria openly and unjustly, the coordination of the Resisting non Sectarian allied forces was following its natural course- unhindered and undisturbed – coordinating and cooperating fully in the face of the common enemy , dismissing all kinds of dubious sectarianism and overlooking any other divisive element .

    It is the rallied forces of the united Resistance which -after defeating and turning down sectarianism- is now striking and achieving success and winning on the Israeli front .. God bless this united Resistance and blessed is this Resistance who never fell in the dark pit of sectarianism from which there has never been any recovery.

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Sayyed Nasrallah: Gaza Battle Everyone’s Battle

    Sara Taha Moughnieh

    Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah assured in a speech he delivered on the first night of Ashura in Sayyed Al-Shuhadaa complex in the southern suburb of Beirut that “we in Lebanon are concerned to follow up the events in Gaza, because this is not only the battle of Gaza but of all of us”.

    His eminence primarily condemned the assassination of Al-Qassam Brigades Field Commander Ahmed Al-Jaabari and presented condolences and congratulations to the Palestinian people for the martyrdom of this “great leader” and the Palestinians who were killed in Israel’s attacks.

    Sayyed Nasrallah called for putting all efforts to end the aggression against Gaza, indicating that “we stand before a confrontation between blood and sword, and just like blood was able to triumph over sword, we ask Allah that this turns into a new victory and a new epic achieved by the resistance fighters and their supporters.”

    He called on Arabs, Muslims, and all the free people in the world to take a real stance with Gaza and the resistance, putting hope in the firmness and will of the people and resistance there, and indicating that “hitting Tel Aviv with Fajr-5 reveals the wisdom, courage, capability, and firmness of the Palestinian resistance”.

    Hezbollah secretary general pointed out that “a serious stance by the Arab and Islamic countries, as well as the Arab League and the Islamic Cooperation Organization would stop the aggression,” assuring that “these countries are able to force America to force Israel to stop its aggression on Gaza”.

    Sayyed Nasrallah further said that “what happened in Gaza came to expose the American stance that attempted to deceive the Arab people,” adding that “in the past few years, significant people in the Arab world started portraying America as a supporter to the oppressed ones, which made people to appreciate its stances.”

    “However, the blood of the martyrs, women, and children in Gaza came to reveal the real American and Western face in approaching the developments. Since the first hour, America came out to express its support for Israel’s right to defend itself, and similar was the French and British stance, which indicates that these don’t care for standards or for defending freedom, but rather for their own benefits,” he added.

    From here, Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that “the Arab-Israeli conflict witnessed a great development after missiles hit Tel Aviv and the enemy acknowledged them,” and indicated that “the goals that the enemy announced reveal that it had learned from July 2006 war and the 2008 war on Gaza”.

    “In both wars, he failed to achieve the high goals he announced, and this was dubbed a failure. Today, Israel put lower goals, so whatever Netanyahu did, he could claim that he succeeded. This is a hidden recognition that the resistance in Gaza was able to impose a certain deterrence power,” he said.
    “The Israeli said it wants to cause the greatest damage to the Palestinian resistance’s structure, but would it succeed in that? This will appear in the coming days.”

    Sayyed Nasrallah added that “like always, the enemy resorted to deception, and implied a couple of days ago that it was moving towards pacification. After this atmosphere was spread, it ambushed this jihadi leader and killed him. This is the nature of the enemy; who could trust it after all these practices?”

    “We notice that the enemy does not need a pretext for war and aggression, and when the enemy’s government has an electoral, political, or security advantage, it initiates a war. It neither needs a Palestinian, nor a Lebanese act to do so.”

    Concluding this part of his speech, his eminence indicated that Israel is making use of the regional developments, and the Syrian crisis in specific to wage its war, noting that the Zionist entity took advantage of substituting enemies with friends in the region, and considered this a chance to hit Gaza.
    Moving to the occasion that will be revived in Lebanon and the Islamic World ,Sayyed Nasrallah warned that “this year Ashura comes in a period of sectarian tension in Lebanon, and media will overstate any little individal mistake.”

    Sayyed Nasrallah asked his supporters to deal responsibly, and to avoid any act that could ignite the situation.

    He addressed the Sunni Muslims saying: ” Any Sunni person who thinks that we are targeting him by reviving Ashura is mistaken. We are here mourning the prophet’s grandson Al-Hussein (as) and the significance of this person is common among all Muslim sects.”

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Something Curious is Happening to Sunni Islam


    A member of the Muslim Brotherhood punches an anti-Brotherhood protester at Tahrir Square, in Cairo 12 October 2012. (Photo: Reuters – Mohamed Abd El Ghany)
    Published Wednesday, November 14, 2012
    Something very interesting is happening within Sunni political Islam. As its religiosity increasingly becomes an externalized, very visible, almost secularized outer projection – one associated, on the one hand, with public social good works; and, on the other, with an emphasis on the external aspect of texts, law, and its collectivized manifestation of Islamic ‘identity’ (for example in the wearing of Islamic dress and public display of piety) – it may appear that movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood are placing themselves increasingly at odds with secular modernity. This has become almost axiomatic in the western understanding of what is happening in the Middle East today.

    But on closer examination, however, this axiom turns out to be quite wrong. Quietly, almost unnoticed, mainstream Sunni Islamism has been, over the years, preparing – not some withdrawal from secular modernity into some inner sanctum – but its Islamist takeover, as the means to establish a new, pan-national, social sphere: an umma (a global ‘nation’ of believers) grounded in the social media of the Internet era, that ultimately will bring to fruition the notion of a modern Islamic state, in Muslim majority societies.

    To this end, the Brotherhood and its allied movements have been doing things that might surprise westerners. They have been de-ideologizing Islam: that is to say, the Brothers have been unobtrusively, but deliberately, de-linking from Islam’s intellectual tradition, by creating in its stead, an undefined, ambiguous, non-doctrinal ideological framework. And they have been using this de-ideologized, essentially social framework as the umbrella by which pragmatic, frankly secular initiatives have been pursued – with an eye to their non-doctrinal socioeconomic ends, and as the best route for the achieving of secular power.

    This Sunni current is, unlike its Shia and Sufi counterparts, quite plainly severing itself from what we might call ‘interiority’, from an actualized knowledge arising from within the human, in favor of mounting an externalized Islam of collective political action, in which mainly secularly-educated Islamists are proud to appropriate the ‘tools of modernity’ for their purpose in creating a new Islamic social sphere.

    Indeed, mainstream Sunni Islamism increasingly is defining itself – not in opposition to western modernity – but to Shiism. It is by this means opening the path to the West; at the same time that it has linked itself in terms of its religiosity to an attenuated cluster of Islamic symbols associated with Salafism (emulation of the Salaf – those pious Muslims who formed the early communities associated with the Prophet and the first four Caliphs). And here is the paradox: Sunni Islamism is at once appropriating elements of modernity, but at the same time its intellectual closening to Salafism goes unremarked.

    In the Arab ‘awakening’, we have heard much from Sunni Islam about worldly power politics, but almost nothing about any metaphysical meanings to the awakening. In this, the awakening stands in marked contrast to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which reached out, to give the Iranian people a metaphysical explanation for their suffering (every day is Ashura) and a direction: clearing out their own inner abode for a return of al-Mahdi, the symbol of justice). The Sunni awakening – so far – rests almost entirely on externalities – on matters of political power and achieving power.

    By interiority, I mean the notion in Islam that the world cannot be truly experienced or known solely through the condition of the outwardness of objects; but rather, by virtue of interiority – which is to say that invisible world of forces, of pattern and meaning which shapes our visible world – there exists an inner dimension to the world (and our psyche) which humans need to enter, in order to know themselves and to understand their relationship to the world more fully. One of the most powerful insights in Islam has been the requirement to keep these tensions between inner and outer in harmony, for in the traditional Islamic vision, they co-constitute totality, no less.

    The question then, is to where this experiment in externalized Islam will lead: It has already led the Brothers to office in some states – notably Egypt and is consolidating its hold in Turkey. Sunni Islamism now has achieved a certain secular power, and may add yet further to its holdings. But will it become the slippery slope leading more Muslims toward a ‘secularized Islam’ for which the West fervently hopes: A secular structure to life and the state, with metaphysics shooed from the public sphere, and attenuated down to private, discreetly articulated speculation?

    Or, will Sunni Islam respond to the inevitable reverses, and the likely retreat of popular consent, inherent in any managing of complex, contemporary societies, by sliding increasingly towards a more Salafi authoritarian hue, to the more authoritarian worldview of their current Gulf sponsors (a recent Pew poll suggested that 61% of Egyptians would now favor a Saudi style of governance for Egypt)? The Brotherhood is ideologically closer in sentiment to Salafism than many might assume. Or, will this particular experiment simply fizzle out, to be replaced by another? In short, is the western postulate that entry to governance somehow leads to ‘moderation’, likely to be borne out in this particular instance?

    One recent book that gives us some indirect insight into the important and intriguing shift underway on Sunni Islamism is Sara Roy’s Hamas and Civil Society in Gaza (Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2011). The book is not intended as an analysis of contemporary Sunni Islam, but nonetheless, it does contain some quite iconoclastic reflections about how this experiment in Sunni Islamism has fared in Gaza. Roy’s objective simply was to challenge the dominant meme that defines Hamas only as a terrorist organization: an assumption which gives ‘cover’ to the implicit correlate that all Islamic institutions therefore must be mere adjuncts to such terrorist intent.

    Sara Roy makes no bones about her distaste for Hamas’ military wing’s ‘terrorism’, and she does not conceal her secular leanings, or her background: So we may allow, perhaps, for her unduly uncompromising assessment that there never was in Palestine any appreciable support for a political agenda based in Islam; that Palestinians in her experience, are deeply secular, and that Hamas’ 2006 substantial victory at the polls, merely illustrated the failure of its political ideology (but the success of its social good works), adding that Hamas similarly failed, politically and socially, to generate any real optimism; or to bring any transformation of the popular consciousness.

    But it is in respect to Islamic NGOs, that Roy gets to the meat of the issue. And here she paints an unexpected picture, one which will surprise many in the West. What she found was that Hamas-linked institutions were characterized by being extraordinarily apolitical, and frankly quite secular, at least in their programs. These are differentiated, she states, more by their flexibility, openness and tolerance, rather than by their doctrinal or political orientation. In fact, she argues, it was precisely the Islamic institutions that have been laying the foundation for civil society in Palestine more forcefully than their secular counterparts, which have been diverted from this focus by being more global and outwardly orientated.

    Thus the dominant western conceptualization of Islamic social activism in Palestine as a conveyor belt carrying its largely passive human cargo toward radicalism and destructive violence “is highly oversimplified, stereotypical, and at odds with the actual facts on the ground” (Hamas and Civil Society in Gaza, p 186). Again, in another iconoclastic blow, Roy says that even the view that these institutions instil rigid doctrine is wide of the mark too: whilst all such institutions in the Hamas ambit subscribe to Islam as a ‘way of life’, their interpretation of what this might mean, Roy says, has varied widely, “encompassing a range of institutions and individuals who speak in diverse voices – not just one – and not always to each other” (Hamas and Civil Society in Gaza, p 186-187).

    In fact, Roy found no real evidence of institutional links between such on-the-ground activism and the Hamas political structure; nor even an ideological preference for religion or politics in these charitable institutions’ programmatic work: Roy found rather, an approach to institutional work that was not dogmatic, or rigidly ideological, in favor of one that favored incrementalism, moderation, order and stability.

    Why so? In this respect, Hamas, in common with the Brotherhood out of which it emerged, views Islam as an all encompassing system, a dynamic field of interrelated networks – a crucible in which politics, education, ethics, economic and social activity all interpenetrate – if based in Islamic values – in a way that is self-reinforcing. Thus far is standard Islamic thinking; but where the Brotherhood moved beyond this, is in positing that community or social activism conducted at the external plane, in itself, can become the moral womb of human transformation. Some may see in this, a parallel with the Puritan Christian ethos, whereby pursuing one’s mundane calling, or worldly labor in life, in itself was the path to Grace.

    The Sunni perception, grounded in the hadith (sayings by the Prophet), that those Muslims who formed the first Muslim communities, ‘were living at the best of times’ has had an enduring influence in Sunni Islam, and has provided the key for the Muslim Brotherhood to construct an ideology – a notion of Islamic democracy – that on the one hand, sits well with ‘modernity’, whilst on the other remains rooted in Islam. In this vision, the first Islamic community was precisely a pluralistic civil society (rather like contemporary civil society), with its first constitution reflecting this condition, by meshing all the varied communities of Medina together in the context of one social community: the umma.

    So strong has been this attachment to the significance of the first communities (that is, those associated with the first four Caliphs) that the Muslim Brotherhood evolved a notion of legislation, not as the preserve of rulership, but as the domain of society. The pivot to this notion was the ulema (scholars): The latter cleaved to society, interpreting sharia (Islamic law) and thus set the limits to the ruler, whilst effectively acting as the conveyor and advocate of popular will to the governor, since their legal opinion only carried weight from having been widely accepted in society. In this concept ‘society’ and its intellectual leaders, becomes the only fount for legitimate authority, and assumes a greater importance than government itself: it becomes the beating heart of the whole ‘state’ system.

    Whether such a system is more ‘imagined’, as some would argue, than ever truly existed, in the historical context of the violent turmoil which engulfed the first Muslim communities, is neither here nor there. For reformist Islamism, in contrast to the rigid Salafi clinging to its unique authenticity and authority as the defining characteristic of those early communities, this notion, whether imagined or not, has become the widely accepted basis to Islamic democracy. It also underpins the conviction that to build the social sphere and its institutions, ultimately, is no less than to build the umma, and eventually, to actualize the Islamic ‘state’.

    Although for the influential thinker, Sayyid Qutb, the sharia constituted such a complete system that it needed no accompanying legislature; for Hamas, it needs to be augmented by other legal systems and sources of knowledge, which include western, as well as Islamic, legal traditions and which would find their articulation through a state council, or shura.

    What is so compelling in Sara Roy’s description of Hamas’ practice of constructing this social sphere, is how daawa (or Islamic Call), becomes for Hamas, the very act by which Islam is realized. That is, it becomes the enactment of the notion that religiosity can, and should be, activated through mundane, professional, effective social activism. The leaders in this sphere in Gaza were men and women, who had, for the most part, received a secular education in Egypt and the United States, and who had returned to Gaza as professionals – doctors, dentists, pharmacists and engineers.

    As a group, they lacked any formal Islamic training, but realized their religiosity through a path which was rooted in the ‘doing’; in either political or social activism, in other words, it was through externality and action, rather than from any metaphysical interiority and inner knowledge, that their Islam sprang. Shia Islam similarly places an emphasis on social activism, but crucially qualifies this with the condition that it must be supplemented and germinated by individuals who precisely have achieved a transformation of their own consciousness and knowledge, and who are able then ‘lift’ the whole community to another mode of being and consciousness.

    In contrast to this, Hassan Banna, who had founded the Brotherhood in 1928, had early on, rejected the very idea that it was important to meticulously study the Islamic intellectual tradition at all, beyond reading the Quran; and had even questioned the usefulness of the Islamic legal schools. This lack of religious instruction was far from being viewed within Islamist circles as a drawback: On the contrary, secular and scientific training was viewed as particularly apt in that it equipped Islamist leaders to draw on the ‘tools of modernity’, that is: to draw on secular tools, in order to interpret Islam in ways that addressed the “practical and mundane problems of Muslims”(Leila Ahmed, A Quiet Revolution, Yale University Press, 2011, p 99).

    Hasan Turabi, a highly regarded, Islamist leader in Sudan, expressed this theme of disdain for expertise in the intellectual tradition, by stating that because all knowledge is divine and religious, then a chemist, an engineer, an economist or a jurist should equally be considered ulema (Islamic scholars).

    What is being suggested then, in this current of Sunni thought, which reaches back from Hamas to the foundation of the Brotherhood, is that Islam be not closely defined or interpreted; but rather Islam – as such – should serve as a an open ‘framework’ for the purpose of pursuing a range of largely pragmatic, secular initiatives: “In this sense, it could be argued that Hamas was pursuing a form of secularism from within. It was not religious or ideological purity or consistency that the Islamist social sector was pursuing overall, but the implementation of good works…where socioeconomic change was the criterion by which the Islamists were increasingly judged”, concludes Roy.

    This Brotherhood’s unobtrusive ‘disassembly’ of the formal, intellectual structure of Islam, and its muster – now as a ‘virtual’ image of those early Muslim communities, having been assembled, not as an exact copy; but rather, as a composite drawn from the (best) of practices within modernity, as well as from the past – originated from the mind of the quicksilver figure of Banna.

    Though initiated into a Sufi order, Banna’s chameleon-like qualities made it never easy to pin down whether he truly was Sufi or a Salafi. This opacity however was deliberate. Banna sought to create, through the Brotherhood, a ‘big tent’ Islamic nation that could ‘bury’ its theological differences behind a new ground of non-doctrinaire ‘identity’, with all its specific commitments being made to an externalized, outward piety and collective lifestyle and dress.

    Opaqueness allows movements the opportunity to slither this way and that on fundamentals; and whilst the movement may still point to Banna’s Sufi antecedents as indicative of a certain ethos toward pluralism; it is clear, that in practice, the ambiguity has covered a slide in the opposite direction. The falling away of the foliage of heterogeneity and pluralism has been starkly evident in the denuded stalks of privilege and entitlement claimed by the Muslim Brothers of Syria over other opposition groups, in their conflict with the Syrian government, as confirmed by senior opposition figures.

    Banna’s original intent was to create a visible, outer, Islamic identity, in opposition to the secular West; an identity that would cut across all national frontiers, arch over the head of all sovereignties and leaders, and which would give to this new umma, its ground of identity. By such process, the emergent ‘nation’ would be made ready for the eventual institution of Islamic government, ruled by the laws of Sharia. Of course such ‘identity construction’ always is enacted at the plane of literal politics – It is about externalities – and stands far removed from ibn Sina’s struggle for the angel of the Self – the aspiration to uncover the ‘innate’ Self.
    And it is precisely here that the quiet shift has taken place: Under the cover of the ‘big tent’ the Brotherhood has silently, but deliberately been shifting the opposing polarity: the explicit identity against which Sunni Islamism has sought to define itself. No longer an attempt to give Muslims a sense of belonging, a recovery of self-esteem and of values: up against the overwhelming paradigm of western thought; the focus of its opposing polarity has been carefully re-shaped to bring the Brotherhood to power as leaders of a Sunni regional bloc.

    It is in this context that many in the region today bridle at the concept establishing a new umma. Few have problems of the umma as symbol of tawhid (the unitive view of our cosmos and being). It becomes more problematic only when the umma acquires a clear hegemonic purpose.

    Thus, whilst it remains axiomatic for external observers to think of the Brothers and the Saudi Wahhabi orientation of Salafism, in particular, as antagonists. This was never true at the outset, and cannot be said to be true today, even if relations with Saudi Arabia per se are frigid. The reality is that Banna’s ‘virtual’ notion of the early community, and the Wahhabi literal mimesis of the same, are both rooted in the one and the same premise: namely, that the practices of the early community confers a legitimacy and authority that trumps the early intellectual and philosophical tradition, with all its overtones of interiority and, as significantly, its diversity of practice. In short, both orientations are essentially closer than often assumed, and their commonality lies in the fundamentalism (in the true meaning of the word), by which they view Islam.

    To this end, increasingly the opposing pole to Sunni identity has slithered away from western cultural dominance, to being defined in contradistinction to those orientations of Islam that remain with the intellectual tradition, including the Sufi orders, to which Banna himself was initiated, as well as to Shiism.

    There is, of course, no doubt that real tensions between the Brothers and certain Salafis do exist: the Brothers espouse social justice, and see ‘society’ as the legitimizer of authority, in marked contradistinction to the Saudi insistence on the absolutist monarchy. Yet in spite of this difference, the Brothers have in the past collaborated closely with the Wahhabis (as Salafis) in a joint endeavour – and even today the Brothers again are working in conjunction with another Wahhabist monarchy: Qatar – for the common objective of disseminating Brotherhood rule throughout the Middle East, and establishing a new hegemony, financed from billions of Qatari dollars.

    The first episode of this Salafis-Brotherhood collaboration essentially dates back to the 1954 assassination attempt on President Gamal Abdul-Nasser – an attempt which the then Egyptian government said had been carried out by the Brotherhood; and which resulted in the organization being banned, its leaders arrested and many thousands of its supporters imprisoned. Persecution, imprisonment, torture, and execution of the Brotherhood continued in Egypt, with growing ferocity, through the 1950s and 1960s. During these years of persecution, many among the Brotherhood’s leadership, went into exile; significantly, many went to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, where they were generally welcomed.

    Throughout this same period, Saudi Arabia, now profoundly at odds, even at ‘cold’ war, with Nasserist Egypt, was emerging as a new force in the region. Drawing on its gathering wealth, Saudi Arabia, in the 1950s, first began its efforts to counter and to undermine the Nasserite socialist, anti-monarchical discourse that the kingdom found so threatening, by spreading its own Wahhabi orientation of complete obeisance to traditional authority across the Muslim world.
    In 1962, Saudi Arabia established the Muslim World League (Rabitat al-Alam al-Islami): the intention being to establish an ‘Islamic bloc’, in which the Brothers were represented, to stand “against Baathist regimes”(Reinhard Schulze and Gabriele Tecchiato, Muslim World League, in the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, Oxford Islamic Studies Online). Backed by almost unlimited funds, the Saudis responded to Nasser’s socialist discourse with a barrage of rhetoric and criticism directed at him personally, and at his government – in the hope ultimately, of seeing him overthrown. In Syria, however, the Brotherhood animosity toward the Baathist government moved well beyond propaganda, and by 1964 had already flared into something like a religious war.

    The Saudi counterblast against secularist Baathism insisted vociferously that Islam, and not socialism, can form the only ground of identity among Muslims, and that Muslims should anchor their identities in political activism in Islam alone. To an important extent however, the League was only able to pursue its goals by drawing on the skills and manpower of the Brothers who had come to Saudi Arabia to escape persecution in Egypt.

    It was thus often members of the Brotherhood who, backed by the League’s resources, who now oversaw a tsunami of rhetoric, disseminated through pamphlets and the media, whose broad objective was that of undermining and discrediting Egypt’s ‘irreligious’ president – much in the same manner as these two forces are today allied with Doha and Riyadh in seeking the overthrow of President Assad of Syria.

    Thus present turmoil in Syria should be seen as only the latest, if by far the most violent, episode in the long war between Islamists and nationalist-secular Baathists, which dates back to the founding of the Syrian Baath party in 1947. Again today, the Brotherhood and Gulf States’ ultimate aim in Syria is the taking of power – with a reconstituted Syria becoming a key building block for a new, Sunni bloc, just as originally envisaged in the founding objectives of the Muslim World League. The main difference between now and then is the sectarian focus on President Assad as a ‘minority’ Shia, and the threat arising from a prospective Shia bloc (President Assad and the Alawites belong to a Shia orientation), led by Iran, rather than the secularism of the government, which was the issue in the 60s and 70s.

    These deep roots to the present conflict in Syria – reaching back through three major episodes of Brotherhood violence: firstly, during the late 40s; secondly, in Hama in 1964; again in Hama in 1982, and now climaxing with an epic struggle to depose President Assad – inevitably must put into the question how truly committed the Brothers are to ‘big tent’ pluralism – given the deep hostility to secularism evinced by the Brotherhood in Syria over 60 years.

    We see here, in this latest manifestation, the progressive shifts in the way Sunni Islamism has been defining itself: Originally this new Islamic identity – a joint effort by Saudi Arabia and the Brothers – was to be defined in terms of its polar opposition to the western paradigm; then it was in opposition to the ‘irreligious, secular socialism of Nasser’ and the Baathists; but under the influence of Saudi and Gulf sectarian rhetoric aimed at Iran, it seems that the Sunni Islamist identity increasingly is being defined in terms of an oppositional pole, which is no longer to be western secular ideology as symbolized by the Socialist Arab Republics, but simply to Shiism in the round.

    When the 1973 Arab oil embargo sent oil prices into a sustained soar, Islamist scholar, Gilles Kepel has remarked, the sustained flow of petro-dollars suddenly offered the Saudis the vast means to pursue its “ancient ambition” for establishing hegemony over the Muslim world; and of spreading its Wahhabi orientation to the world (Gilles Kepel, Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam, trans. A. Roberts, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Mass., 2000, p 69). After 1973, the activities of the League grew exponentially: Saudi zeal now embraced the entire world. The Saudi objective, Kepel observes, was to ‘Salafize’ Islam, thereby reducing the “multiple voices within the religion” to the “single creed” of Saudi Arabia (Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam, p 70-73). In short, the aim was to limit Islam to a restricted array of symbols drawn from the early communities, which would then be invested in a solidly organized dogma and ritual, under the authority of the Saudi King.

    So it was, that everywhere throughout the Muslim world, the building of mosques was accompanied by the distribution of texts and teachings promoting Salafism. The irony of this massive effort is that, as it was being disseminated across the world, so this teaching was being significantly inflected by with the teachings of Sunni Islamism, and most particularly by those of the Brotherhood, whose members were essential to the spread and advancement of Saudi Arabia’s global project. In Kepel’s words, “the Muslim Brotherhood [had] grafted their political interests onto the Saudi oil pipeline.” (Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam, p 173)

    As Kepel describes it, it was largely through the Brothers resident in Saudi Arabia, working through the international organizations which they controlled on behalf of the kingdom, that the Brothers quietly carried out their own program of global expansion, whilst at the same time quietly giving the Saudi insistence on a return to the ‘purity’ of the first Salafi communities, a twist towards the primacy of ‘society’, which fitted with their own ideological need to offer people the trappings of contemporary democracy. It was a ‘twist’ however which ruthlessly undercut the interests of their employer!

    Of course, the Saudis recognized the dangers to themselves inherent in the Brotherhood’s manipulation; but possibly the profundity of the danger has been grasped too late. It may be too late for Saudis to stop the Muslim Brotherhood’s appropriation of the present Arab ‘awakening’ from lapping at the feet of the Gulf autocrats – in spite of today’s imprisoning by Saudi Arabia of many of these Brotherhood intellectuals, in an ironic reversal of events in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Some 26,000 political prisoners are said to be held in Saudi goals today.
    Such Brotherhood ‘pragmatism’ may sound comforting to some westerners, who have consistently supported all Saudi efforts, firstly to circumscribe Nasserist ideology, and to weaken Iran. Perhaps too, what is meant when some in the West speak of the ‘awakening’ going the in ‘right’ (i.e. the West’s) direction, is that the Brotherhood’s ‘de-ideologizing’ of Islam, and its willingness to appropriate aspects of secularism, are viewed as tokens of Sunni Islam moving toward western ‘values’.

    It is indeed very possible that the Brotherhood will prove to be programmatically secular – as the evidence from Hamas in Gaza strongly suggests – but the very the logic of the Brothers having centred themselves on the unique, but narrowly-conceived authority and symbolism of the Salaf, or ‘pious forbearers’, would imply a swing – not toward western values – but in totally another direction: towards an ever more rigid and inflexible interpretation of that Salafi community. It is also possible that we shall see both secularism and authoritarianism emerging together – as witness the Gulf.

    But idealized, ‘social’ societies are not easy to instantiate in complex, plural, contemporary nation-states. This surely is the point that Sara Roy has been making: Despite all Hamas’s efforts, it has not apparently yielded an overwhelming desire by the people to instantiate Islamic rule in the microcosm of Gaza; and it may not work in the yet more complex macrocosm of contemporary Egypt.

    And if this abstract reconstruction of Medina society as the Islamist intellectual framework, fails ‘to lift’ the Egyptian people out of their troubles sufficiently, will not the very framework, on its own terms, impel Sunni Islamism inevitably towards a grasping after that authority and purity, ever more rigidly and literally understood? Like ‘force’, if force does not work at first, the call goes out for more force: and if the ‘model’ does not work at first, so the call will go out for more ‘model’. And ultimately, Brotherhood-style, Sunni Islamism may reach the point at which it simply merges into Salafism – committed more to its authority, rather than its spirit, which is to say, that the model simply hollows out.

    As the emphasis heightens on a highly structured experience that employs a very small number of approved religious symbols (the Salaf) to give articulation to an abstract purity inherited from (an idealized) distant past, little room may be left for any more immediate religious experience. The attribute of ‘purity’ after all, is not a historical reading, it is a structured edifice: The ‘partisans of Ali’ (who were to become the Shia) were there from the outset, as was the tension between interiority (batin) and exteriority (zahir).

    But a more profound question however goes back to this assertion that Hamas failed to change appreciably the consciousness of the people. If Roy is right on this finding, it suggests that Brotherhood social activism, whilst valued and appreciated, and which did create a following for Hamas, yet ultimately failed to effect a transformation of human beings as a whole: It did not somehow create that immediacy of a direct, spontaneous encounter with a ‘living’ Islam, and its fuller symbolism. It did alleviate; but still, it would seem, did not provide a refuge from the anxieties, barrenness and meaningless of Gazans’ existence. Understandably, it could not ‘free them’ politically, that is to say literally; but perhaps, significantly, it could not do so metaphysically either, it seems.

    The original Arab Renaissance of the late nineteenth century did try to maintain, in figures such as Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, something of a balance between the two poles of interiority and externality in Islam; but in this recent period, the singularity of this experiment lies not just with its ad hoc appropriation of aspects of secularism, but with its attempt to re-ignite Islamic religiosity from a ground in a small number of ‘approved’ symbols, the Salaf and their texts, as substitute for an immediate, personalized religious experience.

    No, it is almost as though Sunni Islamism, through that early close co-partnership with Wahhabism, has shifted in defining itself – not just in opposition to Sufism and Shiism in the round – but to interiority itself. Is this just a temporary reaction to the present Saudi tension with the Shia – the orientation which together with Sufism symbolizes interiority and will wane with time – or does this suggest a more profound dynamic at work within Sunni Islam?

    Alastair Crooke was formerly a European Union mediator with Islamist movements including Hamas, and is currently director of Conflicts Forum. He is author of Resistance: The Essence of the Islamist Revolution (2009).

    The views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect Al-Akhbar’s editorial policy.

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Sheikh Hammoud: Don’t Counterfeit Truth, Assir Blamed for 90% of Sidon Blood

    Local Editor
    Sheikh Maher HammoudThe Imam of Sidon’s al-Quds Mosque, Shiekh Maher Hammoud urged the city’s figures on Wednesday not to counterfeit the truth, stressing that Shiekh Ahmad al-Assir was to be blamed for 90% of the blood that was shed during the dispute that took place last Sunday.

    During a press conference in the southern city, Sheikh Hammoud slammed various figures in Sidon over the position they have taken of the Sunday’s incident.

    “I called for this conference after some figures omit the truth as they did not blame Ahmad al-Assir for Sunday’s events,” Sheikh Hammoud said, noting that he was surprised by the stance of MP Bahia Hariri and other parties like “Jamaa Islamiya” (Islamic Group) concerning the incidents.

    “To Sidon’s political sides I say, don’t forge the reality, Ahmad al-Assir is blamed for 90 percent of the blood shed in the city.”

    “When you skip the reality which says that Assir is blamed for the sedition in the city then you are perjuring, and perjury is a great sin (in Islam).”

    Al-Quds Mosque’s Imam stressed that he would not sell his country for election purposes, adding that Assir “is megalomaniac and he must consult specialist doctors since his arrogance is mixed with bigotry, forming the worst political action ever.”

    “Whatever you will do is vicious since it’s based on decay, and blood foils all these actions,” Sheikh Hammoud said, stressing: “We are not afraid of what we are saying.”

    Addressing the Sunnis in Lebanon, Sheikh Hammoud urged them to go out of their “illusions, since there is nothing called an Iranian plot or a Shia Crescent.. all of these are illusions.”

    “We need a real initiative or else every time someone will exploit such an incident and say it’s a conspiracy against the Sunnis. These illusions should be solved by a clear Islamic stance aimed at bringing the Sunnis and the Shia close together in a way that goes far than statements and conferences.”

    Meanwhile, Sheikh Hammoud called on Hezbollah to change stance from the Syrian crisis, urging Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah to declare a new position.

    Source: Al-Manar Website

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!


    By Daniel Mabsout

    Important decisive things have their own secret and so the successful Resistance against Israel has its own secret . Its secret lies in the restoration of the order of things, in its connection to the Real order of things -after a great havoc has plagued the Arab/Israeli conflict and caused the loss of Arab and Palestini

    an rights . What is this victorious Resistance against whom the whole world has rallied , and what is its place in the Order of things , and how is this Resistance and its two victories- over the Western allied powers – making the actual history of the world conflict? The truth is that all the turmoil that our region has been witnessing lately, starting from the Arab Springs to the assault on Syria, has for goal the undermining of the victorious Resistance that triumphed over the western establishment by defeating its offspring Israel; a defeat that the western establishment suffered as a whole and is not close to forget.

    This defeat- even restricted- cannot be accepted by the western establishment, because it might be the prelude to other more important defeats and, like Ben Gourion said , Israel shall be defeated after it loses the first war, when its weakness and vulnerability will be revealed to all –who will come to know of another Order of things.. Well, this prediction has started materializing to the point that the western establishment is rethinking the project of Israel and reevaluating it and reaching conclusions that are not in favor of the usurping state . Even Kissinger who exerted so much effort for the subsistence of Israel by sowing local conflict everywhere in the Arab world, is saying that, in a decade or so , there will be no Israel and this is not a speculation on his behalf but a realistic statement .

    To reach this point -no doubt- means that Israel has become a burden to the west. It has lost its glamour and glory, its strength and its invincibility . The west can no more afford –it seems- such a costly ally who -not only has not been able to expand lately- but has been also shamefully defeated despite his military supremacy, and has been exposed and targeted from all sides. What is the benefit of Israel -the western establishment is asking – and what credit does it give or add to the western luster ? Due to this, great insecurity has taken hold of the Israeli society expressed in the position of many Israeli academicians and intellectuals who are seeking helplessly an answer to the question : in what form and according to which formula and under which label is Israel to continue to exist? No definite answer has been given to this question yet and no answer is closely expected .

    This is but to show us that the men of the Lebanese Resistance not only have defeated the 5th army in strength world wide and caused Israel to withdraw twice from Lebanon, but have rocked the very existence of the usurping state; a rogue state whose survival was made possible thanks to the collaboration of affiliated Arab ruling systems and to its capacity to claim strength and invincibility helped and sustained by the world order.. .

    Who is this Resistance that shook the world order of things , and who are its men who fulfilled the Arab dream that remained unfulfilled for at least sixty years , and what made these victories possible – after decades of defeats? So many times we- Arabs- have been defeated to the point that the word Arab has become synonym to defeat, as the word Israel has become synonym to power . From one defeat to another we were taken by our failing systems and our dubious affiliated rulers and politicians and by an inadequate- so called- Palestinian Resistance that caused the Palestinian rights to be wasted . No need to mention that partition of the Arab world and acculturation had prepared the ground for this state of surrender and apathy .

    Never was Israel met –throughout history – or confronted by any Real resistance , it was met by pseudo resistances that never became real, and by armies that lacked the proper organization and proper initiation into the nature of the enemy and the reality of the conflict. Armies and resistances used to flee in front of the Israeli army and the Arabs dealt with this reality as a bitter irreversible fact . Whenever there was Resistance, as it happened , it was either a matter of isolated acts and limited operations that had no continuity , or a matter of personal initiative on behalf of individuals or groups of people who will not accept surrender or defeat .

    Some of these instantaneous and short-lived resistances were successful but they were not capable of forming a permanent ground or a platform for a real Resisting movement.

    The real Resistance started with the men of Allah , with Hizbullah, , when the Israelis fleeing Beirut in 1982, chased by the instantaneous armed resistance, settled in the south with their tanks and established there their headquarters. There -in the south -they were going to meet another kind of Resistance which -after 18 years of struggle- will drive them totally out of Lebanon after suffering unimaginable losses and defeats.

    AGAIN: Petro-Dollar at work

    Of course the Lebanese freedom fighters of the Lebanese Resistance -whose towns and villages were occupied -had very little to build on or start from . The Palestinian resistance did not have much to offer -as a model- because simply there hasn’t been- in Lebanon- such a thing called an armed Palestinian resistance even if the camps were filled with armed factions who had taken refuge in Lebanon after their eviction from Jordan in 1970. But these factions –mainly the Fateh movement –which was the largest and most prominent- got immersed in Lebanese local politics instead of fighting for Palestine , the same way the HAMAS is being immersed now in the Syrian conflict, sending Palestinians to fight the Syrian army, getting involved in global sectarian wars- according to foreign agendas- instead of fighting for its own cause .

    The Lebanese freedom fighters of Hizbullah are the local people of the southern Lebanese villages and towns and other Lebanese villages and towns who- before embarking on this difficult endeavor of liberating their occupied towns and villages – had to overcome years of conditioning and normalizing with the defeat. They had to shed off the heavy heritage of shameless surrender . They did this by going back to the ordinances of their religion – that is Islam and which all religions share – according to which- they should defend themselves and their country against the intruder and violator by whatever means, in a legitimate act of self defense to which they are entitled . This simple reasoning worked out miracles supported –as it were – by the successful model of the Iranian Revolution who had restored the order of things and restored to the Palestinian and Arab cause its reality and priority and historical dimension , discarding whatever was taking place at the Palestinian and Arab front in terms of negotiations and normalizations.

    The stand against normalization taken by Lebanese Resistance leader- sheikh Ragheb Harb- in his famous phrase that says :”Greeting is recognition and non recognition is a weapon” materialized this position of non subjugation . The natural order of things was thus restored and Israel was again the enemy against whom one is to defend oneself . Realizing this, the freedom fighters of the Lebanese Resistance took their destiny in their own hands and decided to provide for themselves and cater to their own cause .

    Thus started the Resistance as a pure resolve in the hearts of pure men , of devoted people, religiously committed , with great faith in God and His creation , people who believed in their capacities , who were not swayed by anything , determined to achieve their righteous goal at what ever cost -or price- despite the innumerable difficulties and hardships and despite the huge sacrifices .. Imagine a number of people taking such resolves and sticking to it , what will be the outcome in your opinion?

    To say the least , the whole southern environment embraced the cause of the Resistance ; the men , the women the children , all got involved , all helped . This was the Resistance of the people for the people, and nature helped for sure and embraced the Resistance fighters providing for them the shelter they needed, opening for them the forests and the caves , showing them the way , taking them to their destination and carrying them to their destiny .The greatest help came from Iran though who- upon seeing the genuine commitment of the leaders to their cause- not only offered guidance and insight and proper understanding into the nature of the struggle- but offered material help- logistic and other- and supplied the fighters with the weapons they needed.

    The freedom fighters of Hizbullah did not strike randomly or just for the show . The plans were studied carefully , the roles distributed , the missions and their goals defined , the enemy infiltrated by agents , his motives , behavior and desires closely observed , his mode of action and response carefully studied , his moves accurately recorded and his officers many times recruited to serve the Resistance . Thus the enemy put- by keen intelligence – under active supervision and tight surveillance became accessible and even easily targeted . The freedom fighters mastered the art of Guerilla war to perfection , every effort was exerted so that the action reaps success and the Resistance victory , no sacrifice or offering was spared . Nothing proved to be too costly for the sake of this Resistance , lives were offered willingly and spontaneously, egos were vanquished and the noble cause ruled over the hearts of the freedom fighters.

    Martyrs were the ones who paved and showed the way ; among them spotless leaders like Martyr: Sayyed Abbas al Moussawi and Martyr hero: ‘Imad Mughniyye – the author of the two victories over Israel – and also came out the belovers of martyrdom -for whom death for the cause was life itself- among them the first Martyr of the cause : Ahmad Qasir whose attempt at the military head quarters in 1982 caused the Israelis to withdraw further south after suffering the heaviest losses ever suffered since the establishment of the usurping state. Truly this was the story of David who defeated Goliath and his army with one stone with the help of Providence no doubt.

    From this holy endeavor came out victory and liberation and freedom and security and success and happiness and every good thing . Is wrong who thinks that this was restricted to a sect or to a religion, or that this is the property of someone at the exclusion of others . It is true that this started from a sect which is the Shi’a sect and a religion which is Islam , this was rather inspired by true religion that is common to all religions and was never limited or restricted to a sect. The greatest inspiration came from the saga of Imam al Hussein , the event of Karbala’ when the grand son of the Prophet of Islam- and in order to defend the sanctity of the religion – confronted- along with his family and clan and few faithful companions- the whole establishment that has gathered against him.

    The freedom fighters never promoted themselves as a sect but promoted themselves as a Resistance movement and offered their victory to all Lebanese, to all Arabs and Muslims, and to all oppressed people around the world, and this is the secret of their success and the secret of their victory that they address all and include all .

    You understand now why this Resistance who achieved sovereignty to the Lebanese people and who offers a model to all oppressed people is targeted .You understand now that the Resistance proved that justice could be implemented, and rights restored, and freedom retrieved, and liberation achieved, and that all this is within reach, using modest means, provided there is true commitment and faith and a will to sacrifice for something higher , for one’s dignity and integrity, for the human mind to remain safe and sane , for predators and usurpers to remain under check and their evil endeavors under control.

    You understand now why this Resistance is targeted. In the sectarian war it is targeted, in the war on Syria it is targeted, in the campaign against Iran it is targeted. It is so because it is the sure means for the victory of the peoples over the usurpers and the occupiers.

    Long live the armed Resistance!

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Incoherence: ‘Salafis clash with Lebanon’s ISF & blame ….Hezbollah’


    “… A dispute erupted between an Internal Security Forces (ISF) unit and the son (14 years) of Salafi cleric Ahmad al-Assir in South Lebanon’s Sidon on Sunday, the National News Agency reported.
    According to the report, after ISF members ordered Omar al-Assir to stop his car after failing to produce registration at an entry checkpoint in Sidon, five cars carrying around 13 armed men arrived and freed Omar “by force.”… ,and yet, the story continues to say: “…Ahmad al-Assir, Imam of the Bilal bin Rabah mosque, has ordered Hezbollah to remove banners and flags.The NNA said that Hezbollah took down the banners and flags earlier in the day amid Lebanese military presence in the port city. …”


    Two killed in South Lebanon gunfight
    Published Sunday, November 11, 2012

    Shooting in Lebanon’s southern city of Sidon left at least two people dead and three injured Sunday in a gunbattle between supporters of Salafi cleric Ahmad al-Assir and his opponents, media reported.

    The fighting took place in the neighborhood of Taamir, near Ain al-Helwe. Lebanese radio reported that one of the casualties is Assir’s bodyguard.

    Earlier in the day Assir’s son, Omar, was stopped at a police checkpoint in Sidon and arrested for not having proper registration papers.

    Within minutes, five cars of carrying pro-Assir gunmen arrived to the checkpoint and confronted the police, forcing them to release Omar, according to Al Manar.

    It is not clear whether or how the attempted arrest is related to the gunfight.

    Tensions have been high in Sidon since the March 14-aligned cleric issued a demand for the removal of Hezbollah and Amal banners throughout the city.

    Video shows Assir demanding the removal of Hezbollah and Amal banners:

    Unconfirmed reports say Zayed Daher, a Hezbollah official, was wounded in the fighting.

    Another unconfirmed report said supporters the Osama Saad, head of the Popular Nasserite Organization which is allied with Hezbollah, were involved in the fighting.

    A heavy army force has since been deployed to the area.


    Video on Assir’s Role in Provoking Sunday’s Clashes

    River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

    Sayyed Nasrallah Urges Prudence: “If Troublemaker Brings You News, Verify It"

    Marwa Haidar

    Sayyed Nasrallah Martyrs Day

    Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah warned that the current stage in Lebanon is so critical, saying there are some sides who have been working hard to create sedition among Muslims.
    His eminence urged prudence and wisdom in order to face this sedition, quoting the holy Ayah (verse) of al-Qura’an:

    “If a troublemaker brings u a news, verify it.”

    During a ceremony held at Sayyed Shuhadaa complex in Beirut’s southern suburb for the occasion of Hezbollah’s Martyrs Day, Sayyed Nasrallah promised the martyrs to continue their path of resistance, stressing that the resistance is advancing and it would not abandon its path.

    His eminence said that the resistance has settled the equation of deterrence against the Zionist entity, noting that “Ayyoub” drone, which was sent by Hezbollah last month over the Palestinian occupied territories, was part of this equation.

    As he stressed that the issues of unity government is to be discussed through dialogue, he considered that the ball was in March 14 camp’s court as he gave them the option to return to dialogue or not, noting that it was “of Hezbollah’s high values to sit for dialogue.”
    On regional issues, Hezbollah S.G. said that both the Syrian and the Bahraini conflicts are to be solved peacefully and through halting violence.


    Talking about the occasion, Sayyed Nasrallah recalled the operation of martyr Ahmad Kassir which took place in November 11, 1982, killing dozens of Israeli occupation soldiers and officers.
    His eminence said that the operation of the “Prince of Martyrs”, referring to Kassir, is still considered the most powerful operation against the Zionist entity.
    “The era of “the enemy defeat and the resistance victory” was declared following Ahmad Kassir’s operation, Sayyed Nasrallah addressed crowds.
    “In this anniversary of Martyrs Day the resistance has completed its 30th year… In this day we promise our martyrs that to continue this path and to keep their promise, his eminence added.
    Sayyed Nasrallah also regretted that some Martyrs need a “certificate of nationalism”, while other collaborators are considered national people.

    “Some want us and the Ummah (nation) to forget our history as well as their history… It’s regrettable that some Israeli collaborators request certificates of nationalism for our martyrs.”
    “We will continue our efforts, and don’t think that the campaign against the resistance would turn us away from our work to deter the enemy,” his eminence pledged.


    Hezbollah leader stressed that the resistance has been advancing, noting that the resistance has settled the equation of deterrence through the concept of army-people resistance.
    “Following July war in 2006 the Israeli enemy acknowledged the reality of Lebanon’s deterrence against Zionist entity.”

    “The concept of army-people-resistance represents the equation of deterrence against the Zionist enemy,” his eminence added.

    He said that “Ayyoub” drone is a part of this equation, noting that the enemy has said nothing about the drone, while some local sides have condemned the action.
    “The enemy knows very well what does the resistance’s possession of right and clear information mean.”

    “Thanks to deterrence equation, the enemy has done nothing when we sent Ayyoub drone. However some Lebanese part condemned such actions, giving the Israeli enemy the “right” to attack Lebanon,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

    Talking about the rightfulness of the resistance choice Hezbollah S.G. stressed that March 14 camp has not believed in this choice, saying that relying on other “peaceful” choices has no results.
    “March 14 camp had never believed in the resistance choice as it had never considered the Zionist entity an enemy.”

    “If we have relied on the Arab League then there would be Israeli settlements in Lebanon,” his eminence stressed.

    “Where is the Arab League when the Israeli enemy had attacked Sudan’s sovereignty as it raided the weapons factory there? Where is the Arab League of all the issues that are agreed on? Where is the Arab League of what is going on in Borma,” Sayyed Nasrallah wondered.
    “The resistance choice is the only one which protects Lebanon, and its abandonment is foolishness. “


    On the Lebanese political condition, Sayyed Nasrallah considered the ball at March 14 camp’s court, saying the unity government issue is to be solved only through dialogue.
    “It’s of our high morals to sit for dialogue and discuss the defense strategy and the resistance’s weapon.”
    “If You want to sit for dialogue you are welcome, but if you don’t.. it’s up to you, we have no problem,” his eminence said.
    Sayyed Nasrallh also considered excluding some sides from the dialogue as injustice.
    “Is it justice to exclude sides that have resisted the enemy while other collaborators are included,” he wondered.


    Hezbollah leader warned against the critical condition in Lebanon, noting that some sides in March 14 camp which have been trying to create sedition between Sunni and Shiite.

    Martyrs Day

    “The region around us is strained, including Lebanon. For that we should behave wisely in order to prevent the country’s explosion.”

    “Some are exploiting the assassination of Maj. Gen. Wissam Hasan in order to create sedition between Sunni and Shiite in Lebanon,” he said further.

    “There is confirmed information that some sides in March 14 who are trying to ignite Lebanon through sedition between Sunni and Shiite,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, noting that these sides are March 14’s Christians and some figures in al-Mustaqbal (Future) party.

    “Some people want to exploit any incident in a bid to create a Sunni-Shiite sedition, and what happened yesterday in Sidon was aiming to do so,” his eminence said, adding that the authorizes have abandon it’s duty in this context.

    Furthermore, Sayyed Nasrallah assured that Sidon is the capital of resistance and unity between all Lebanese whatever their sects are.

    He addressed all the Lebanese “especially the Sunni and the Shiite that this stage is so critical, we should watch out and not be taken by the incitement, lying and delusion.”

    Hezbollah Leader here quoted a holy Ayah (verses) of the Qura’an that says: ““O you who believe! If a troublemaker brings you any news, investigate, lest you harm people out of ignorance, and you become regretful for what you have done.”

    Sayyed Nasrallah also urged dialogue between all Muslims, stressing the importance of the contact between the scholars and figures in order to prevent sedition.

    “Preventing sedition recommends patience. If any side has committed a mistake the other should work to solve the issue, and the authorities also have to do their duty.”


    On the Syrian and Bahraini issues, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that they should be solved through dialogue.

    “It’s for Syria and the Syrians’ sake to be engaged in dialogue and to halt violence.”

    “However, the others are pushing towards refusing dialogue. They have gathered at Doha and created a new formula for the opposition as Clinton wanted. The more dangerous issue is that this opposition is refusing dialogue and preferring more and more killing and destruction.”

    Talking about Bahrain, Sayyed Nasrallah considered that the Bahraini authorities are fed up with the peacefulness of the opposition’s moves, to the extent that the regime has been blaming Hezbollah for the blasts which took place in the Kingdom recently.

    In this context Sayyed Nasrallah considered that the regime was searching for a pretext to hit the opposition and to arrest the peaceful opposition figures.

    Source: Al-Manar Website

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