Imam Khamenei to President Assad: Resistance is Syria’s Distinguished Identity Which Must Be Preserved

May 30, 2024

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The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei met with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad Thursday and urged him to preserve the long-standing resistance-based identity of the country.

In a meeting with the visiting President Bashar al-Assad and his accompanying delegation in Tehran on Thursday, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered the resistance as the privileged identity of Syria, emphasizing that Syria’s special position in the region is due to this privileged identity and this important feature must be preserved.

Ayatollah Khamenei thanked Bashar Assad for his presence in Tehran to express his condolences to the people of Iran on the martyrdom of President Raisi, pointing out that the late president of Iran played a significant role in strengthening Iran and Syria relations.

His Eminence added that that Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian also played a great role solidifying the Tehran and Damascus ties.

The Leader further assessed the strengthening of relations between Iran and Syria as important since the two countries are the pillars of the Axis of resistance.

Imam Khamenei stressed that Syria’s privileged identity which is the resistance was formed during the late Hafez Al-Assad reign and with the establishment of the Resistance Front, noting that this identity has always preserved the national unity of Syria.

Emphasizing the necessity of preserving this resistance identity of Syria, Imam Khemenei pointed out that Western countries and their followers in the region intended to overthrow the political system of Syria and remove this country from the equation of the region by waging a war against it.

“But they did not succeed.”

His Eminence added that Western countries are planning to take Syria out of the regional equations with other methods, including promises that they will never hold.

Imam Khamenei praised the firm stances of President Assad, emphasizing that everyone should see the special privilege of the Syrian government which is the resistance.

Source: Mehr News Agency

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Second Iranian report into Raisi helicopter crash excludes sabotage

27 May 2024

Source: Al Mayadeen English

Mourners carry the flag-draped coffin of President Ebrahim Raisi during a funeral ceremony for him and his companions in the city of Tabriz, Iran, May 21, 2024 (AP)


By Tala Alayli

The Iranian General Staff issued another report underlining that the helicopter crash that killed President Ebrahim Raisi was not caused by any outside influence and took place due to natural causes.

The Communications Center of the Iranian Armed Forces General Staff released Wednesday its second report concerning the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the helicopter crash that resulted in the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions.

The report emphatically denies any act of sabotage or explosion affecting the helicopter during its flight.

The report confirms that there was “no malfunction” in the communication systems or interference with the helicopter’s frequencies at the time of the incident.

Additionally, it stated that there were no signs of electronic warfare targeting the aircraft. The number of passengers onboard was also found to be “consistent with the weight standards” typically observed for such flights.

The Iranian General Staff has assured that all available information will continue to be analyzed until a final announcement is made regarding the cause of the helicopter crash.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran published Thursday the preliminary report issued by the high investigation committee regarding the reason behind the helicopter crash that killed President Ebrahim Raisi and an accompanying delegation. 

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President Raisi’s helicopter followed its pre-planned itinerary and did not divert from it, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, stressing that the helicopter’s pilot was in contact with the crewmembers of the two other helicopters that were part of the presidential convoy.

“There were no marks indicating that the helicopter was shot down or came under any attack,” the statement added.

“The President’s helicopter caught fire upon crashing into the hills,” the statement explained.

The search and rescue operations for the helicopter, the statement said, continued until 5:00 am (local time) due to the rugged nature of the terrain, the fog, and the harsh weather.

At the end of the briefing, the General Staff of the Armed Forces stressed that further investigation would need more time, noting that a large part of the necessary documents and evidence had been collected.

Days earlier, Iranian Chief of Staff Major General Mohammad Bagheri ordered an investigation into the circumstances of the helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Sunday.

Bagheri ordered a high-ranking committee to “launch an investigation into the cause of the president’s helicopter crash”, the ISNA news agency reported hours after it was revealed that the Iranian President did not survive the crash.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi alongside Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and accompanying officials passed away in the tragic helicopter crash in Iran’s East Azerbaijan Province, according to an official statement by Iranian state media.

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In memory of Iran’s president and fellow companions

Sayyed Nasrallah honors Raisi, comrades, vows ‘Israel’ more surprises

24 May 2024 

Source: Al Mayadeen

Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

By Al Mayadeen English

On the occasion of the helicopter crash in Iran, Hezbollah’s Secretary-General reflects on the traits of the late Iranian President and FM and sheds light on the situation on the Lebanese-Palestinian border.

Hezbollah Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, stressed that late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi strongly believed in the Palestinian cause, as well as the Resistance and all its factions, and was deeply committed to supporting the Resistance movements with money, weapons, training, and experience amid a strong hostility toward the Israeli occupation.

During the commemorative ceremony held by Hezbollah in honor of late President Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and their companions in the southern suburb of Beirut, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the Iranian president was “knowledgeable, humble, and very courageous in the face of hypocrites and enemies, as much as he was a believer in the Resistance and its project and a servant for his country, Iran.”

He added that the era of President Raisi witnessed huge development at the level of Iran’s diplomacy, not to mention that the notions of developing ties with Iran’s neighboring countries and heading East were deemed a priority while maintaining relations with the West within a certain level.

‘Martyrs Raisi and Amir-Abdollahian believed in the Resistance, its project’

On the helicopter crash, Sayyed Nasrallah expressed sadness and regret over the incident, stressing that it was painful and sad for people inside and outside Iran.

The martyrs “always stood with us and never abandoned us,” he affirmed. 

While the Secretary-General of Hezbollah referred to the need for role models so that “our beliefs do not remain mere ideas and ink on paper,” he stressed the necessity of regarding President Ebrahim Raisi as the “role model” he was “in all the positions for which he assumed responsibility.”

In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that Raisi brought about a major transformation in the management and development of the Imam Reza Shrine when he assumed its responsibility, stressing that the disadvantaged and poor benefited from the services he provided.

Speaking about the late Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed that he dearly loved Palestine, Lebanon, and all the Resistance movements and strongly believed in them

“We saw nothing but goodness, help, support, and love from martyrs Raisi and Amir-Abdollahian, and we thank them for all that they offered,” stressing that one of the most important things that distinguished these two personalities was their humbleness.

Funeral processions scenes confirm people’s commitment to Iran’s leadership

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah emphasized that Iran has withstood the dangers and challenges it has faced since the early days of the Islamic Revolution’s victory in 1979, including economic sanctions, increasing global pressures, and assassinations.

Sayyed Nasrallah referred to the massive scenes of the funeral processions held for the deceased officials, from Tabriz to the city of Mashhad, asserting that the message they convey is one of “loyalty and steadfast commitment” to the path of the leader and founder of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini, and the leadership of the Islamic Republic.

He explained that one of the reasons behind the failure of the US policies toward the region is “the denial of reality and detachment from it,” affirming that Iran is “a strong, cohesive, and resilient state” and that while it was deeply pained by the death of its president and his companions, this did not weaken or disrupt it.

The Resistance leader stressed that Iran is “a state of institutions and laws, with a wise leader at its helm who governs this state, and it enjoys a very high level of popular will and confidence.”

Regarding Iran’s support for the Resistance movements, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that those who expect Iran to abandon Palestine and the Resistance “are greatly delusional.”

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He pointed out that this support is part of the vision of the Islamic Republic and an integral part of its religion, and it does not change or alter with the departure of officials, confirming that Tehran continues to support Resistance movements and this support “is increasing and becoming more apparent.”

‘Israel’ should expect surprises from the Resistance

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah affirmed that the insistence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on continuing his aggression on Gaza means that “Israel will fall into the abyss and plunge into disaster,” stressing that the Israeli occupation “failed to achieve any of its objectives.”

The Lebanese leader pointed out that Israelis, in the eighth month of the war, unanimously agree that what their entity has experienced during this year is unprecedented.

Regarding the southern front in Lebanon and Hezbollah’s operations in support of Gaza, Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed that the Resistance studied all possible scenarios that the Israeli occupation could resort to against Lebanon.

Addressing the Israeli occupation, Sayyed Nasrallah said that besieged Gaza surprised “Israel” on October 7 by launching its Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, while the Resistance in Lebanon surprised the occupation entity on October 8 by opening the northern front.

According to Hezbollah’s chief, the surprises continued with Yemen, alongside Iraq, joining in the battle “with such strength, resilience, and courage.”

Iran too surprised the occupation with its missiles, drones, and Operation True Promise, he maintained.

“Expect more surprises from our Resistance,” Sayyed Nasrallah addressed Netanyahu’s government saying.

Recognition of Palestinian state, ICC warrants for Israeli officials fruits of Al-Aqsa Flood

Additionally, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah spoke about the recognition of the Palestinian state by several European countries, which various groups within the Israeli occupation entity reject as it is deemed an existential threat.

Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that the recognition of the Palestinian state by these countries, which is among the most significant challenges faced by Israeli officials, deals a mighty blow to the Israeli occupation.

He stressed that the expanding recognition of a Palestinian state is one of the outcomes of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and its aftermath.

The Lebanese Resistance leader also mentioned that among the fruits of Al-Aqsa Flood and Palestinian steadfastness is the situation “Israel” is facing in international courts, including recent developments at the International Criminal Court (ICC), which has sought arrest warrants against Israeli officials.

Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized that the Resistance’s October 7 operation has stirred humanitarian sentiments worldwide, expressing gratitude to professors and students worldwide who have demonstrated in support of the Palestinian people.

Touching on these protests, Sayyed Nasrallah considered that they “demonstrate the extent of the humanitarian sentiments ignited by Operation Al-Aqsa Flood worldwide.”

Read more: Preliminary probe says nothing unusual about Raisi helicopter crash

In memory of Iran’s president and fellow companions

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Sayyed Nasrallah Ridicules ‘Israel’: You Have to Wait for Surprises!

May 24, 2024

Hezbollah. S.G. Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah addressing ceremony honoring late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and companions (May 24, 2024).

Lebanon – News – S. Nasrallah Speeches – Top

Marwa Haidar

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that Iran is powerful and won’t abandon the resistance groups in the region, affirming that passing of President Ebrahim Raisi and companions won’t lead to any change in the policy of the Islamic Republic.

In a ceremony held in tribute to late President Raisi, FM Hossein Amir Abdollahian and other companions in Beirut’s southern suburb (Dahiyeh), Sayyed Nasrallah addressed Iran enemies, as saying: “Deluded are all those who wait for Iran to weaken or to abandon the resistance groups in the region.”

The Hezbollah leader hit back at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s threats, stressing that Hezbollah is the party who has the right to talk about surprises.

Sayyed Nasrallah said the Zionist entity has to wait for surprises, noting that the resistance groups in Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen have been surprising the Israeli enemy since the start of the war following Op. Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, 2023.

His eminence warned that if Netanyahu goes ahead with the war in Gaza then “he will be heading towards catastrophe and abyss.” He also mocked Israeli ministers who called for controlling south Lebanon, addressing them as wondering if the Israeli army has managed to control Gaza first.

Sayyed Nasrallah noted, meanwhile, that today, in the eighth month of the war Israeli officials are admitting that the Zionist enemy is in failure.

Sayyed Nasrallah addressing attendees of the ceremony in Sayyed Shuhada Complex in Beirut’s Dahiyeh 

Painful Incident

Starting his speech by talking about the occasion of the ceremony, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the incident in which helicopter of President Raisi and companions crashed “was a painful incident that led to the loss of prominent figures whom the nation will miss.”

He noted that Resistance and Liberation Day celebrations was cancelled following the passing away of the Iranian leaders.

His eminence reiterated condolences to Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his reappearance), Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, families of the martyrs and the entire Iranian nation.

President Raisi Role Model

Sayyed Nasrallah praised late President Ebrahim Raisi, saying he was a role model in the positions he had occupied.

“We’d known Sayyed Raisi since he was the Chairman of Astan Quds Razavi and then the Head of the Judiciary in Iran, before being elected as a President of the Islamic Republic.”

“Sayyed Ebrahim Raisi was a scholar, religious, compassionate, loving, humble and courageous in face of hegemonic powers. He repeatedly said that he considered himself a soldier under the banner of Supreme Leader Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei.”

Sayyed Nasrallah said that late President Raisi withstood both political and economic challenges amid the blockade and sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic.

“The era of President Raisi witnessed a development in Iran’s diplomatic presence and witnessed the prioritization of the relationship with Iran’s neighboring countries and the East.”

“Sayyed Raisi had great faith in the Palestinian cause, the resistance, and the resistance groups in the region.”

Empty chairs for late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and FM Hossein Amir Abdollahian.

Paying tribute to late FM Hossein Amir Abdollahian, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the former top Iranian diplomat “had a great love for Palestine, Lebanon and all resistance groups of the region.”

“We have known nothing but love, sympathy and support from Sayyed Raisi and Mr. Amir Abdollahian,” Sayyed Nasrallah stated.

“Third Largest Funeral”

Sayyed Nasrallah then pointed to the mass turnout for the funeral of Raisi and companions on both the official and the popular levels. His eminence referred to the mourning services and funeral processions in Tabriz, Qom, Tehran, Mashhad and many other Iranian cities as unprecedented.

“The funeral of President Raisi and companions in the third largest funeral in the new history following funeral of Imam Khomeini and martyr Hajj Qassem Suleimani,” the Hezbollah S.G. said.

His eminence said there were two messages that can be derived from the mass funeral of President Raisi and companions.

“The mass funeral of President Raisi and companions has delivered a message of loyalty and allegiance to the path of Imam Khamenei in Iran. The second message is that Iran is powerful and cohesive stat.”

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed, meanwhile, that “deluded are those who are waiting for Iran to weaken or to abandon Palestine and resistance groups.”

In this context, the Hezbollah leader hit back at those who claim that Hezbollah’s popularity is down, saying: “Those who accuse Hezbollah of losing popularity suffer disorders related to denial and dissociation from reality, a local funeral of a Hezbollah martyr in south Lebanon is more popular than a central ceremony celebrated by any other Lebanese power.”

‘Israel’ Faces Challenges

Talking about the course of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the Zionist entity is witnessing some changes in the stance of the international stance towards Palestine.

He said that of the October 7 heroic operation’s prominent repercussions were moves by European countries to recognize Palestinian state and the arrest warrants by the ICC against Israeli PM Netanyahu and Israeli defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Meanwhile, he hailed students and faculty members who have taken part in pro-Gaza protests in campuses across the world.

On the other hand, his eminence underlined that both Israeli opposition and pro-government officials agree that the war on Gaza, now in its eighth month, failed to achieve any of its goals.

Israeli officials admit to failure and agree that the events the Zionist entity has been witnessing are unprecedented, the leader of the Lebanese resistance group said.

Sayyed Nasrallah cited remarks by the head of Israeli National Security Council, who said that in the Israeli northern front there is no clear strategy by the occupation military and that in Gaza the Israeli army was neither able to free captives, crush or disarm Hamas.

Resistance Surprises

Hitting back at Netanyahu who threatened Hezbollah with “surprises”, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the resistance groups are the party who has the right to talk about surprises, hinting out that Hamas itself took ‘Israel’ by surprise during Op. Al-Aqsa Flood.

“Gaza has surprised you and your elite forces have collapsed, Hezbollah surprised you when it opened the front in south Lebanon, Yemeni revolutionaries surprised you with the pro-Gaza operations and Iran surprised you with its retaliation following the strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, addressing Israeli officials.

His eminence warned that if Netanyahu continues the aggression on Gaza “then he is heading towards catastrophe and abyss.”

“I say to Netanyahu and to the enemy government: You have to wait for the resistance’s surprises. We in the resistance have studied all your moves. We won’t be deceived by your deception and the front in south Lebanon will remain opened up in support of Gaza as our objectives and stances are clear.”

Sayyed Nasrallah, in this context, mocked calls by Israeli ministers of finance and so-called national security Bezalel Smotrich and Itmar Ben-Gvir who called on the Israeli army to invade south Lebanon and establish a security zone up to the Litani River.

Sayyed Nasrallah recalled when former defense minister Avidgor Liberman rebuked proposal by Smotrich and Ben-Gvir.

“Khabibeh (meaning beloved with a Hebrew accent) with what soldiers you will invade south Lebanon!? Have you finished in Gaza?” Sayyed Nasrallah recalled Liberman as he ridiculed the Israeli ministers.

Al-Manar’s Areej Fatima Husseini subtitled the video below, showing Sayyed Nasrallah mocking the Israeli ministers:

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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Axis of Resistance factions, IRGC leaders meet in Tehran

May 23, 2024

Source: Al Mayadeen

Resistance factions leaders meet with IRGC leaders in Tehran on the sidelines of the funeral ceremony for Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on May 23, 2024. (Al Mayadeen)

By Al Mayadeen English

The attendees discussed the political, social, and military conditions in Gaza, Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, and the role of the Axis of Resistance. 

A meeting was held between a group of Resistance factions and the chief of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami and the IRGC Quds Force Commander Brigadier General Esmail Qaani on the sidelines of the funeral ceremony for the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions, Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent in Tehran reported.

The Resistance factions comprised Hamas, the Islamic Jihad Movement, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Hezbollah, Ansar Allah in Yemen, and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

In the meeting, the political, social, and military conditions in Gaza, Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, and the role of the Axis of Resistance amid the ongoing Israeli genocide in the Strip were discussed.

The attendees stressed the importance of the continuation of freedom fighting and struggle in cooperation between all the Resistance factions in the region until the Palestinian Resistance emerges victorious.

Ismail Haniyeh met with Sayyed Ali Khamenei

Iranian leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei led the funeral prayer on May 22 for the nation’s President Ebrahim Raisi and his accompanying delegation, who died in a tragic copter crash on May 20. Hundreds of thousands of Iranians gathered in the streets of Tehran to mourn on the designated official day of mourning.

Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas, also held a separate meeting with Sayyed Ali Khamenei.

Representing the state and people of Palestine, Haniyeh conveyed his condolences to the Iranian leader and the Iranian people for the tragic loss of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions in the helicopter crash.

Meanwhile, the Iranian leader reciprocated by expressing gratitude for the sympathy extended by the Palestinian people, particularly those in Gaza, and offered condolences for the martyrdom of Haniyeh’s children.

Highlighting the remarkable resilience of the Gaza populace, which has garnered global support, he noted the unexpected solidarity, such as US student Intifada —a testament to the unprecedented levels of support garnered by the Palestinian cause.

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“No one would have believed that one day people in Japan hold demonstrations and chant in favor of Palestine in Persian,” Sayyed Khamenei stressed.

He emphasized that Iran’s acting president, Mohammad Mokhber, tasked with the country’s executive affairs as per the constitution, will uphold the policies and principles regarding Palestine established by the late President Ebrahim Raisi with equal dedication and vigor.

It is noteworthy that Ismail Haniyeh was the only figure who was permitted to speak at the funeral. 

Haniyeh offered condolences on behalf of the Palestinian people and resistance factions

Haniyeh delivered a speech during the funeral ceremony at Tehran University on May 22, offering condolences on behalf of the Palestinian people, the Resistance factions in the land of Palestine, and Gaza.

Haniyeh said that the late president assured him, during their meeting last Ramadan, that “the Palestinian cause is at the core of the nation’s causes, and that resistance is a strategic option for the liberation project.”

He added that Raisi also stressed that “Iran will continue to support the Palestinian Resistance until the aspirations of the [Palestinian] people and the nation are achieved” and that “Operation Al-Aqsa flood is an earthquake that struck the Zionist entity and caused a historic transformation worldwide.”

Haniyeh, from Tehran, stressed that “Gaza will pursue resistance until all the land, with blessed al-Quds in its core is liberated,” adding, “We are reassured, in the presence of the leaders of the Axis of Resistance, that the Republic will tread on the same policy and principles under the auspices of its leader in supporting Palestine and the Resistance.”

Khorasan bids Pres. Raisi farewell in ceremony attended by millions

The funeral procession for the late President Ebrahim Raisi commenced today in the city of Birjand, the capital of South Khorasan Province. 

Before being led to his final resting place, Khorasan Province marks the last stop of the funeral ceremony, which started from Tabriz and then moved to Qom and Tehran.

The body of the Iranian President has been transported to the final stop of the funeral ceremony in Birjand, the capital of Khorasan Province, before he is buried in the shrine of Imam Ali Ibn Mousa al-Reza in Mashhad.

Millions of Iranians and others who traveled to Iran from various countries have been taking part in the funeral ceremony which has been going on for two days.

In memory of Iran’s president and fellow companions

Tehran bid farewell to Raisi, companions; Sayyed Khamenei led prayer

May 22, 2024

Source: Al Mayadeen

In this photo provided by Fars News Agency, mourners gather around a truck carrying coffins of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions who passed in their helicopter crash on Sunday in a mountainous region of the country’s northwest, during a funeral ceremony at the city of Tabriz, Iran, Tuesday, May 21, 2024. (Fars News Agency via AP)

By Al Mayadeen English


The Iranian capital, Tehran, bid farewell to the bodies of Sayyed Ebrahim Raisi, his Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions, in attendance of officials and crowds of Iranian people who headed en masse to the capital to take part in the funeral services.

As part of the funeral ceremony, the leader of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic Sayyed Ali Khamenei led the prayers over the bodies at the University of Tehran.

Among the officials who took part in the funeral services in Tehran were the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, and the Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah Sheikh Naim Qassem. The burial ceremony will also take place in the presence of high-level foreign delegations in Tehran, at 4:00 pm.

Haniyeh offers condolences on behalf of the Palestinian people

Haniyeh delivered a speech during the funeral ceremony at Tehran University, offering condolences on behalf of the Palestinian people, the Resistance factions in the land of Palestine, and Gaza.

Haniyeh said that the late president assured him, during their meeting last Ramadan, that “the Palestinian cause is at the core of the nation’s causes, and that resistance is a strategic option for the liberation project.”

He added that Raisi also stressed that “Iran will continue to support the Palestinian Resistance until the aspirations of the [Palestinian] people and the nation are achieved,” and that “Operation Al-Aqsa flood is an earthquake that struck the Zionist entity and caused a historic transformation worldwide.”

Haniyeh, from Tehran, stressed that “Gaza will pursue resistance until all the land, with blessed al-Quds in its core is liberated,” adding, “We are reassured, in the presence of the leaders of the Axis of Resistance, that the Republic will tread on the same policy and principles under the auspices of its leader in supporting Palestine and the Resistance.”

From Tabriz to Qom, a solemn funeral attended by millions

The bodies of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions arrived Tuesday at the Imam Khomeini Mosque in Tehran ahead of being laid to rest on Wednesday morning.

The Iranian city of Qom mourned Raisi and his companions in a solemn procession, recognizing their efforts and expressing grief over their loss.

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The first stop in Qom was the Fatima Masumeh Shrine, where millions of people gathered in wait since the early morning hours for the arrival of their bodies.

The funeral procession then proceeded through the streets of the city of Qom, arriving at the Jamkaran Mosque.

The city of Tabriz, the capital of Iran’s East Azerbaijan Province, bid farewell on Tuesday to President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions.

At the first funeral procession stop, hundreds of thousands of Iranians gathered to bid farewell to the bodies of the deceased.

Following Tabriz, Qom, and Tehran, their final destination is in Mashhad where they will be laid to rest next to the shrine of Imam Ali Ibn Mousa al-Rida.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi alongside Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and accompanying officials passed away in the tragic helicopter crash in Iran’s East Azerbaijan Province, according to an official statement by Iranian state media.

After locating the helicopter carrying the Iranian President and accompanying officials on Monday morning, Iran’s Red Crescent Society (IRCS) issued a preliminary statement noting that there was “no sign of life” found near the wreckage locations.

This announcement came over 16 hours after the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps reported they had lost contact with the helicopter carrying the officials. Since then, at least 73 rapid response and rescue teams from the provinces of East Azarbaijan, Tehran, Alborz, Ardabil, Zanjan, and West Azarbaijan were involved in the search and rescue operations led by the Iranian RCS.

Additionally, countries such as Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Russia participated in the search and rescue efforts in the province.

According to Iranian state media, the President’s helicopter crashed against a mountaintop in the Varzaqan region on Sunday while returning from a ceremony to inaugurate a dam on Iran’s border with the Azerbaijan Republic. Iranian state TV mentioned that the helicopter was one of three carrying Raisi and his accompanying delegation of senior officials, which also included Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and the Friday Prayer Imam of Tabriz, among other officials.

Following the incident, Iranian leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei extended his condolences to the people of Iran over the “martyrdom-like” passing of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions who died in a helicopter crash on Sunday.

“With deep sorrow and regret, I have received the bitter news of the martyrdom of the people’s President, the competent, hard-working Haj Sayyed Ebrahim Raisi, and his esteemed entourage,” Sayyed Khamenei said addressing the nation as posted on his X account.

Following the incident, Mohammad Mokhbar was appointed as Iran’s acting president.

As for the minister of foreign affairs’ duties, they will be carried out by Ali Bagheri Kani, who is assistant minister of foreign affairs, after he was appointed acting minister of foreign affairs. 

Following the appointment of Mokhbar as acting president, the Three Powers Committee in Iran agreed to hold presidential elections in the country on June 28, followed by the appointment of a new president on July 8.

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Bodies of Raisi, companions arrive in Tehran to be laid to rest

May 21, 2024

Source: Agencies


Mourners hold up posters of the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi at the Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque in Tehran, Iran, May 21, 2024 (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

The Bodies of martyr President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions arrive in Tehran ahead of being laid to rest on Wednesday morning.

The bodies of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions arrived Tuesday at the Imam Khomeini Mosque in Tehran ahead of being laid to rest on Wednesday morning.

The Iranian city of Qom mourned the martyrs in a solemn procession, recognizing their efforts and expressing grief over their loss.

The first stop in Qom was the shrine of Fatima Masumeh Shrine, where the bodies of the martyrs were awaited by millions of people who had gathered since the early morning hours.

The funeral procession then proceeded through the streets of the city of Qom, arriving at the Jamkaran Mosque.

The city of Tabriz, the capital of Iran’s East Azerbaijan Province, bid farewell on Tuesday to President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions.

At the first funeral stop, hundreds of thousands of Iranians gathered to bid farewell to the bodies of the deceased.

Following Tabriz, the bodies will be taken to Qom, then to the capital, Tehran, before reaching their final destination in Mashhad. There, they will be laid to rest next to the shrine of Imam Ali Ibn Mousa al-Rida.

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Al Mayadeen’s correspondent conveyed the prevailing atmosphere of sorrow in Mashhad and other Iranian cities and provinces. She confirmed that testimonials from the people corroborate the late Iranian president’s dedication to the country’s youth and prospects, his closeness to the Iranian populace, notably his visits to engage with them and hear their demands. 

Sayyed Khamenei’s message

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi alongside Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and accompanying officials have passed away in the tragic helicopter crash in Iran’s East Azerbaijan Province, according to an official statement by Iranian state media.

After locating the helicopter carrying the Iranian President and accompanying officials on Monday morning, Iran’s Red Crescent Society (IRCS) issued a preliminary statement noting that there was “no sign of life” found near the wreckage locations.

Read next: Ebrahim Raisi, a pillar against Western hegemony

Following the incident, Iranian Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei extended his condolences to the people of Iran over the “martyrdom-like” passing of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions who died in a helicopter crash on Sunday.

“With deep sorrow and regret, I have received the bitter news of the martyrdom of the people’s President, the competent, hard-working Haj Sayyed Ebrahim Raisi, and his esteemed entourage,” Sayyed Khamenei said addressing the nation as posted on his X account.

As for the minister of foreign affairs’ duties, they will be carried out by Ali Bagheri Kani, who is assistant minister of foreign affairs, after he was appointed acting minister of foreign affairs. 

Following the appointment of Mokhbar as acting president, the Three Powers Committee in Iran agreed to hold presidential elections in the country on June 28, followed by the appointment of a new president on July 8.

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With Raisi passing, Iran lost a sincere, devoted servant: Khamenei

20 May 2024

Source: Al Mayadeen


Iranian Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei (left) talks to late President Ebrahim Raisi in Tehran, Iran in March 2019. (Sayyed Ali Khamenei Office)

By Al Mayadeen English

The Iranian leader announces five days of national mourning over the passing of the Iranian president and his foreign minister, along with their companions in the helicopter crash.

Iranian leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei extended his condolences to the people of Iran over the “martyrdom-like” passing of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions who died in a helicopter crash on Sunday.

“With deep sorrow and regret, I have received the bitter news of the martyrdom of the people’s President, the competent, hard-working Haj Sayyed Ebrahim Raisi, and his esteemed entourage,” Sayyed Khamenei said addressing the nation as posted on his X account.

Read more: Ebrahim Raisi, a pillar against Western hegemony

The leader of the Islamic revolution added that the Iranian nation lost a “sincere, devoted, and valuable servant.”

“During the entire period that this great, self-sacrificing man held various responsibilities, both during his presidency and before that, he was fully dedicated to serving the people and Islam nonstop,” adding that “our honorable Raisi worked tirelessly.”

“For him, the well-being & satisfaction of the people, which was a sign of God’s satisfaction, took precedence over everything else, & the hurt he suffered due to the ingratitude & taunts of some ill-wishers didn’t deter him from his continuous efforts for progress & improvement.”

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Five days of national mourning

He continued, “Prominent figures such as the Tabriz Friday Prayer Leader, Hujjat al-Islam Ale-Hashem; the diligent, active Foreign Minister, Mr. Amir-Abdollahian; and other individuals who were accompanying them also passed away in this bitter tragedy.”

The Iranian leader also announced five days of national mourning, adding that the tragic incident happened when Raeisi and his team were making an attempt to serve the Iranian people.

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As per Article 131 of the Iranian Constitution, Vice President Mohammad Mokhber was assigned to manage the executive branch. The acting president, along with the heads of the legislative and judicial branches, are required to arrange for the election of a new president within a maximum of 50 days.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi alongside Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and accompanying officials passed away in the tragic helicopter crash in Iran’s East Azerbaijan Province.

This announcement came over 16 hours after the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps reported they had lost contact with the helicopter carrying the officials. Since then, at least 73 rapid response and rescue teams from the provinces of East Azarbaijan, Tehran, Alborz, Ardabil, Zanjan, and West Azarbaijan were involved in the search and rescue operations led by the Iranian RCS.

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Sayyed Nasrallah to Imam Khamenei: We Share with You All the Feelings and Meanings of Loss

 May 20, 2024

Lebanon – Live News – News – Top

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah sent a message of condolence to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, over the martyrdom of President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions.

On behalf of Hezbollah, its fighters, the families of its martyrs and wounded, and the general public of the resistance in Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah extended his deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to His Eminence on the occasion of the martyrdom of this group of righteous leaders, foremost among them His Eminence Ayatollah Sayyed Ebrahim Raisi, the devoted and loyal fighter President of the Islamic Republic, Foreign Minister Dr. Hussein Amir Abdollahian, the flag bearer of defending the resistance in all international forums, His Eminence Ayatollah Al-Hashem, Imam Khamenei’s representative in East Azerbaijan, Governor Rahmati, and their companions.

“We share with you all the feelings and meanings of loss of those noble leaders at this sensitive stage, as you lead the Islamic nation in its bitter struggle against the forces of arrogance as well hegemony and the American and Zionist occupation of our sanctities, lands, and peoples.”

“Your blessed presence and wise, guided, and courageous leadership condole and inspire us along with all the oppressed, the resistance fighters, and the fighters on the path of righteousness with hope.”

“I ask Allah Almighty to prolong your noble life, strengthen your pure heart to bear the pain of losing those loyal and sincere leaders, and  bestow patience, solace, and great reward upon their noble and honorable families, our dear and great Iranian people, and all the esteemed officials of the Islamic Republic, God willing,” Sayyed Nasrallah’s message added, “May Allah bring near the joy and victory, grant those righteous martyrs with His Vast Mercy and unite them with our masters, the Messenger of Allah and his Pure Family, peace be upon them all.”

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and members of the accompanying delegation, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, have been martyred after a helicopter carrying him and his entourage crashed in Varzaqan region in the northwestern province of East Azarbaijan.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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Rescue Efforts Underway after Helicopter Carrying Iran’s Raisi Made Hard Landing

May 19, 2024

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi as he lands to take part in a ceremony to open a dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan (May 19, 2024).

Iran – Live News – Middle East – News – Story of the day – Top – Videos

A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and senior officials went missing on Sunday after Iranian media reported hard landing in northwestern province of East Azarbaijan, with security and military forces staring a large-scale rescue operation amid bad weather conditions.

President Raisi was returning from a ceremony to open a dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan when his helicopter made hard landing in Varzaqan region on Sunday.

Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, Governor of East Azarbaijan Province Malek Rahmati, Tabriz Friday prayer leader Hojjatoleslam Al Hashem and a number of others were also on board the helicopter.

Iranian media reported that rescue and relief teams have been dispatched to the area and search operations were underway.

Foggy weather and the impassability of the area has made the search operations difficult.

Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi has confirmed to the national TV that one of the copters of the president’s convoy had a hard landing.

“Various rescue groups are moving towards the site, but due to the fog and bad weather, it may take time to reach the area. The work is under control,” Vahidi said.

“There have been contacts with [the president’s] companions, but given that the area is mountainous and it is difficult to establish contacts, we hope that the rescue teams will reach the site of the incident sooner and give us more information,” the interior minister added.

Local Iranian media have reported that it is heavily raining in the area in Varzaghan District and it is hard for the rescue and search teams to walk in the dense fog.

Source: Agencies and Iranian media

Iran’s Raisi Issues Stark Warning to ‘Israel’: Any Response Will Be Met with Harsher Retaliation

April 14, 2024

 Iran – Live News – Middle East – News – Top

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has issued a stern warning to ‘Israel’, stating that any response from the occupying regime will be met with a stronger, more powerful retaliation from Iran. Raisi praised the recent retaliatory attack by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps on Israeli-occupied territories, calling it a historic turning point that taught the aggressor an unforgettable lesson.

Raisi emphasized Iran’s commitment to defending its integrity, sovereignty, and national interests, while also promoting peace and stability in the region. He highlighted Iran’s strength in safeguarding regional security and protecting neighboring countries, warning against any actions that oppose Iran’s interests.

The Iranian president’s warning comes after the IRGC launched missile and drone strikes against the occupied territories in response to Israel’s attack on Iranian diplomatic premises in Syria. Iranian Armed Forces chief of staff, Major General Mohammad Baqeri, announced that Iran has concluded its retaliatory strikes but stands ready to defend the country’s soil and interests against any further provocations.

Raisi called on supporters of ‘Israel’ to acknowledge Iran’s measured response and refrain from endorsing the occupying regime, which has a history of violating regulations and global standards.

Source: Iranian media and Al-Manar English Website

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Imam Khamenei Vows ‘Israel’ Will Regret Damascus Assassination, Gallant Hints at Strike

April 2, 2024

Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei (photo from archive).

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei vowed that the Israeli regime will regret attacking Iran’s consulate building in Damascus.

“We will make them regret committing this crime,” the Leader stressed in a message on Tuesday.

His eminence prayed to God to bestow divine forgiveness and blessings to the IRGC military advisors who were martyred in the Israeli strike.

“The evil regime of Israel will be punished by the hands of our brave men,” the Leader stated.

Imam Khamenei lauded General Zahedi, saying he “had been awaiting martyrdom since the 1360s AH [1980s] when fighting in dangerous battlefields.”

“The martyrs haven’t lost anything and have received their reward,” the Leader said, noting that “the grief of losing them weighs heavily on the Iranian nation, especially those who knew them.”
For his part, President Ebrahim Raisi pledged that Monday’s fatal strike will not go unanswered.
In a statement released on Tuesday morning, Raisi said the usurping Zionist regime has brazenly violated international law by committing the terrorist crime of attacking the diplomatic building of Iran in Damascus.

Condemning the “inhumane assault in brazen violation of the international regulations”, the Iranian president said the Israeli regime has resorted to blind assassination attacks after successive defeats and failures in the face of the Axis of Resistance.

On the other hand, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant hinted at the strike, saying that the Zionist entity goal is to “act everywhere, every day to prevent the force build-up of our enemies.”
Israeli DM Yoav Gallant during a Knesset meeting (April 2, 2024).

“We are in a multi-front war, in the offense and defense. We see evidence of this every day, including in recent days,” he said at a meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, as quoted by Israeli media.

SourceIranian and Israeli media

Hezbollah Denounces ‘Idiotic’ Israeli Attack on Iran Consulate: Won’t Go Unpunished

Hezbollah Statements – Lebanon – News – Top

Hezbollah condemned as “idiotic” the Israeli attack that killed top Iranian generals in the Islamic Republic’s consulate in Syria’s Damascus, stressing that the assassination won’t go unpunished.

In a statement, Hezbollah Media Relations mourned seven IRGC generals and military advisers who were martyred in the Israeli strike on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

“As we mourn the dear brother (top IRGC general) Mohammad Reza Zahedi and his companions, we do believe that their virtuous blood will make this front more determined to confront this bloodthirsty enemy which has killed so far tens of thousands of Gaza’s children and women,” the statement, carried by Al-Manar read.

“This crime indicates that the enemy is still on its idiotic path which says the that assassination of leaders would stop the roaring tide of the peoples’ resistance. Certainly, this crime will not pass without the enemy receiving punishment and revenge.”

General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, top IRGC general who was martyred on Monday (April 1, 2024).

“On the 21st day of the holy month of Ramadan, the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.), the day when the virtuous blood is sacrificed in defense of righteousness, oppressed people and the lofty divine principles… On this day General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and General Mohammad Hadi Hajirahimi, as well as the dear brothers Hossein Amanollahi, Mahdi Jalalati, Mohsen Sedaqat, Ali Aqababaee, and Ali Salehi Ruzbehani joined the convoy of martyrdom as a result of the Israeli crime which targeted the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus.”

Hezbollah laud martyr Zahedi as one of the first supporters who sacrificed theirselves and contributed for long years to developing the performance of the resistance in Lebanon.

The Lebanese resistance group offered deepest condolences to Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei and the IRGC leadership, particularly the Quds Force command on martyrdom of the Iranian generals.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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Robust election turnout rate foiled foreign plots for Iran, Raisi says

 March 2, 2024

Source: Agencies

In this photo released by the official website of the Iranian presidency office, President Ebrahim Raisi casts his ballot during the parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections in Tehran, Iran, Friday, March 1, 2024. (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi says the high turnout rate for the Iranian election foiled all plots being made for Iran by hostile foreign powers.

The Iranian people once again foiled the foreign plots being made by hostile foreign states through their high election turnout rate, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said on Saturday.

Raisi stressed that Iran’s enemies had made strenuous bids to undermine the elections of the Shura Council and the Assembly of Experts and to have the election take place without a significant turnout.

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The robust participation of the Iranian people in the election “struck down all the aspirations of the front of arrogance and thwarted all its plans it spent hundreds of billions [of dollars] to achieve,” he said.

The Iranian President thanked all of the Iranian people individually, “I appreciate the efforts of all political parties, security forces, executive bodies, and every single person who worked around the clock to raise awareness among the public and ensure that the elections take place in a sound manner.”

As the statement came out from the Iranian President, an Al Mayadeen correspondent reported that preliminary results of the general elections indicated a major loss for reformists in Tehran, with the Front for Islamic Revolution Stability leading.

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Casting the ballot

Iranians participated Friday in the voting process for the country’s Parliament and Assembly of Experts. Polls commenced nationwide at 8 a.m. local time, with over 61 million eligible voters. Iranian leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei exercised his voting right at a Tehran polling station within the initial minutes of the voting period.

In his remarks, the Iranian leader emphasized that both Iran’s allies and those interested in the Iranian nation, as well as adversaries, are keen to observe the actions of the Iranian people in this election and anticipate the outcome.

The Leader reiterated his advice to voters from previous elections, urging them to go to the polls and cast their votes as early as they can.

What is the Assembly of Experts?

The people of every Iranian province elect their own representative in the Assembly through a direct popular vote. In case the province’s population exceeds 1 million people, the latter gets to elect an extra representative for every 500,000 people.

The Assembly of Experts, initially founded in 1983, is constituted of a leadership council, a general secretariat, an investigative council, and special committees. Its total number of members amounts to 88, each elected for a term of 8 years. 

On November 5 last year, it became viable to submit candidacy applications in which 144 out of 501 applicants had their applications approved by the Guardian Council.

The Guardian Council, formed of 12 members, votes on the eligibility of the election candidates before the popular electoral vote.

Ever since the Assembly of Experts was founded, several prominent figures have chaired it in chronological order, Hussein-Ali Montazeri, Mohammad Beheshti, and Ali Meshkini, who was elected for three consecutive terms. Following the latter, Hashemi Rafsanjani, Mohammad-Reza Mahdavi Kani, Mahmoud al-Hashemi Shahroudi, Muhammad Yazdi, and Ahmad Jannati who serves as the current chair of the Assembly, chaired the assembly.

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Long Queues Reported as Iranians Vote in Parliamentary, Assembly Elections

 March 1, 2024

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei as he cast ballot in Iran Parliamentary, Assembly elections (March 1, 2024).

Iran – Middle East – News – Story of the day – Top

Long queues reported across the Islamic Republic’s polling stations on Friday as Iranian voters cast ballots to elect the country’s next parliament and the powerful Assembly of Experts.

Voters in Iran are heading to the polls to select the members of the country’s 290-seat legislature. Voters are also casting ballots to pick the members of the Assembly of Experts, a key body tasked with selecting the country’s supreme leader.

“Make Friends Happy, Ill-wishers Disappointed”

As Iran’s nationwide elections for the Parliament and the Assembly of Experts kicked off in the Islamic Republic on Friday morning, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei cast his ballot in the early hours of the voting.

The Leader cast his ballot at the Imam Khomeini Husseiniya of Tehran as soon as the voting began at 8 am local time, with enthusiastic journalists and photographers present at the site of the voting.

“Our dear nation should know that today, the eyes of many people in the world, both individuals and politicians and those who hold prestigious national and political positions, are on Iran,” the Leader told reporters in comments after voting.

His eminence called for a high turnout to disappoint enemies and ill-wishers.

“Make the friends happy and disappoint the ill-wishers,” the Leader told people in the live televised speech.

Those watching included the US, “most of the Europeans, evil Zionists, capitalists and big companies”, Imam Khamenei said, adding that the US and the Zionist entity, “which carefully follow Iran’s issues, are afraid of the people’s participation in the elections”.

Asked about an advice about the undecided voters, the Leader said people should not hesitate about doing good things.

Long Queues, Tight Security

The countrywide elections for the Parliament and the Assembly of Experts officially began in Iran at 8 am local time on Friday.

A deputy interior minister said many polling stations across Iran have been packed with an early-morning crowd of voters after the vote kicked off.

Iranian Interior Ministry’s Deputy for Security Affairs Majid Mirahmadi said that long queues of voters have been formed at many polling stations across the country, describing it as a major epic.

He noted that full security prevails at all polling stations thanks to the efforts by the security and intelligence organizations.

Mirahmadi added that over 250,000 forces have been tasked with ensuring the security of elections and guarding the polling places to ensure that nothing disrupts the election process.

Iranian security forces deployed in Tehran for elections day (March 1, 2024).

“National Celebration”

President Ebrahim Raisi hailed the Iranian nation as the real victor of the elections, which he described as a manifestation of national unity.

The Iranian president visited the Interior Ministry on Friday morning to get briefed on the process of the nationwide elections for the Parliament and the Assembly of Experts.

After casting his ballots, Raisi described the elections as a “national celebration” and the “manifestation of national unity and integrity”.

Hailing the Iranian nation as the true winner of the elections, Raisi said there won’t be losers in the polls, no matter who would garner the votes.

About the Elections

Having gone through a formal qualification process by Iran’s Constitutional Council, over 12,000 candidates, including dozens of Iranians from the religious minorities, are running for the parliament. There are 290 seats in the parliament up for grabs.

Around 61 million Iranian people are eligible to vote, including 3.5 million first-time voters.
The elections are held in around 60,000 polling stations across Iran.
Iranian voters and executive elements at a polling station in Tehran (March 1, 2024).

According to the spokesperson for the Constitutional Council, about 75 percent of the applicants for the parliamentary seats have passed the screening process and have been allowed to run in the elections.

Around 800,000 executive elements working under the supervision of the Interior Ministry are involved in the elections and a total of 62,000 representatives of the candidates are also observing the process of voting at the polling stations.

Source: Iranian media

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Regional war Netanyahu’s safety net, Amir-Abdollahian says: Exclusive

 February 27, 2024

Source: Al Mayadeen

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, speaks to journalists during a joint press conference with his Lebanese counterpart Abdallah Bouhabib in Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024 (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

In an interview with Al Mayadeen, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian gives insight on regional and international issues, ranging from the Gaza genocide to the nuclear agreement.

The performance of the United Nations is unfortunate, and Iran cannot leave space for recognition of the Israeli entity, because it does not acknowledge its legitimacy and considers it an occupation power over Palestinian lands, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told Al Mayadeen on the sidelines of the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Throughout the interview, the Iranian Foreign Minister discussed topics such as the United Nations Human Rights Council, particularly in light of what is happening in Gaza, the events unfolding in the Strip and the Middle East region, and Iran’s current foreign policy and nuclear program.

UN being used by those in power

Upon being asked in what light Iran viewed the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva taking all that is going on in Gaza into consideration, Amir-Abdollahian referred to his speech during the 55th UNHRC meeting, wherein he said the UN’s performance and behavior regarding what was happening in Gaza and the West Bank was “unfortunately unacceptable.”

“The Security Council did not fulfill its duty as the United States continuously, unilaterally, and arrogantly exploited its veto power. Every prospect and proposal of a ceasefire resolution in Gaza has been rejected by the American veto, exhibiting a contradictive behavior to the banners of primary human rights. Even at the UNHCR, we still have not seen any adequate mobilization in this regard,” he said.

“During the first month of the war and the start of the genocide in Gaza, I visited Geneva and met with prominent officials at the United Nations, including the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and frankly told them that the commotion made, in the same council, when claims circulated the death of an Iranian woman, would not be forgotten.

“[Does the UNHCR] not want to create a special committee that relays the facts and investigations into war crimes, genocide, and human rights violations being committed in Gaza? So far, we have not witnessed a singular decisive measure taken by any of the organizations that fall under the UN.

“Of course, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres, has taken some fairly good and appropriate measures, such as visiting the borders of Rafah, loudly demanding the opening of the Rafah Crossing, and the prohibition of the killings of more children, women, and people deprived of food and medicine. However, he could not efficiently and corporeally help the people of Gaza using the UN’s mechanisms. Meanwhile, at the UNHRC, we clearly see that everything succumbs to the will and control of those in power, the lying pretenders of human rights advocacy,” he stressed.

South Africa ICJ lawsuit

“There are two simultaneous lawsuits raised against the Israeli apartheid and criminal occupation. The first one is a South African lawsuit filed against Israel and is currently being adjudicated. We hope the judges announce their charges in the upcoming days for them to be transformed into principles and foundations for all UN organizations, including the UNHRC,” Amir-Abdollahian said when asked about whether South Africa’s lawsuit at the ICJ could have a different outcome from the ICJ deliberations, taking into account that there is no veto power within the ICJ.

The second lawsuit, he clarified, “Was raised by the UN requesting judicial guidance regarding the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, based on a decision made a few weeks ago. The ICJ’s guidance, in this case, could become a precedent that presents a solution to the Palestinian cause.”

While the foreign minister maintained Iran’s support for South Africa’s case as one of justice and bravery, recalling how Tehran championed it at the political and legal levels while providing extensive media coverage for the case, he said Iran had one caveat regarding the case

“One criticism we have is that, as the Islamic Republic of Iran, we have to work under the paradigms that do not leave space for recognition of the Israeli entity, because we do not acknowledge its legitimacy and consider it an occupation power over Palestinian lands.

“The occupation is not sustainable, and it will dissolve after all, just like its precedent in Algeria, despite its extension for several decades, it was defeated by the resilience of the Algerian people and their Resistance,” he stressed.

Expanding circle of fire?

Commenting on the Israeli attacks on Baalbek, northeastern Lebanon, which is a precedent since the 2006 July War, and whether it would make for an escalation that could ignite an all-out war that extends beyond the Lebanese front in the south, Amir-Abdollahian stressed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “thinks the solution to his extremist government’s and his own salvation is war.”

“The Zionist entity itself is sustained by war and insecurity in the region. However, today, what is the situation we are experiencing? Israel was unable to achieve any of its goals from the war in Gaza,” he said.

The Iranian top diplomat explained that the Israeli occupation “could not defeat Hamas, or demilitarize it. It failed to locate and retrieve its captives, and many of its other goals, including capturing Yahya al-Sinwar, despite the mass bombing and the full-on genocide it perpetrated on the Gaza Strip, and the massive funding the US has supplied it with.”

“Our intel and satellite images we obtained, also show that weaponry and military gear suppliance operations from the US bases and ships to Tel Aviv have been active round-the-clock,” Amir-Abdollahian revealed. “This is what we discussed with several regional leaders, whose countries comprise US military bases, and told them the lands of Islamic nations must not be transformed to grounds that allow the extension of weapons to the Israeli entity, which allows it to kill more Palestinians.”

“What is Netanyahu looking for now, and why did he attack east Lebanon? Notably, not a single Israeli attack passed without a consequential response, and the region and Hezbollah have both responded strongly and appropriately to all Israeli aggression,” he said, leaving it up to the Resistance to escalate how it sees fit.

Threat of regional war?

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In a follow-up question regarding his commentary on the presence of foreign powers in the region, the Iranian Foreign Minister was asked about Iran’s opinion on the increased Western presence in the region in light of the growing number of US and other Western naval entities and whether this could signify an escalation that could affect and reach Iran, Amir-Abdollahian simply answered: “No.”

“Our evaluations indicate that Netanyahu wants to expand the war and wants to implicate the United States in conflicts and wars, now more than ever, at a rate that surpasses the holistic support the US and its allies have been supplying the Israeli entity with… But the main point is that the US and other Western nations are seemingly encountered with specific conditions,” he said.

“There are several points to consider regarding the latest updates and lineups toward Palestine. The first is that the US backs “Israel’s” war and genocide. Americans are facing special conditions in light of the upcoming elections which spike the need for the Israeli lobby’s support. We realize that they do not possess the will to end the war, but they have simultaneously expressed, through letters and statements, their aversion to an expanded war.

“They are very well aware of the dangers that could follow if the war is expanded. On the other hand, they are part of the expansion operation through their joint aggression with Britain in Yemen. The Americans discuss the de-escalation of the war, not stopping it. In my opinion, that signifies their malicious behavior embodied by giving Netanyahu the green light. Today, in Europe, everyone is discussing the need to end the war. But Britain, in this case, is jumping a double rope. It seeks to proceed with its regional foreign policies alongside the US. 

“Islamic and Arab nations also advocate for the end of the war. But in all cases, we must not forget “Israel’s” forceful displacement policies of Gazans to the Sinai desert, and people of the West Bank to dispersed parts of the Jordanian lands.

“This is certainly what Netanyahu is striving for, and we vivaciously declare that if it weren’t for the Palestinian Resistance and the resilience of the Palestinian masses, the reality of the regions aligned with the occupied Palestinian territories would have been completely different,” he stressed.

Displacement into Sinai

“Around two weeks ago, I visited the region and met with several Resistance leaders and the Resistance leadership. According to the reports they provided, the Resistance is at its best. Regarding its morale, despite all the hardships and the challenges, it remains spirited, be it in Lebanon or Palestine,” Amir-Abdollahian said of the regional tour he made in early February.

“The Resistance affirmed that they possessed the material and human capabilities necessary to maintain all acts of resistance in the lengthiest war yet,” he added.

“The spirits of the people of Gaza and the West Bank deserve to be commended. They have indeed inter-moved in Gaza, but based on our accurate information, more than 600,000 Palestinians remain in the north, in afflicted and destroyed areas, and refuse to leave, despite all the difficult conditions,” he said.

Asked about whether the displacement of the Palestinian people to Rafah was feasible, he said the Israeli plans “will not be materialized and will not be able to direct people to Egypt and enforce their displacement.”

“We frankly announced that the US cannot proceed with its hypocritical discourse that urges de-escalations on one hand, and then imposes measures that intensify the war and allow Israel to carry out its crimes by providing it with the necessary intelligence and logistics,” he added.

“Indicators show that the West, regional countries, Islamic nations, the Palestinian leadership, and the Resistance, all agree that if the US ceased all military aid to Israel, then Netanyahu would not be able to carry on with the war, not even for an hour. What happened over the past five months in Gaza is depicted in scenes that portray the pride of its Resistance, its women, and its men.”

Red Sea confrontations

The Iranian Foreign Minister revealed that he talked with his British counterparts about the joint US-UK aggression on Yemen, calling it a “strategic mistake” and underlining that Yemen has “proven that they do not trifle with any party regarding the security of their lands. They have been able to sound this message and clearly relayed that ships carrying military cargo to Israel will be stopped,”

“Remarkably, they kept their vows to the fullest. If you take a satellite look at the Red Sea, you will find hundreds of ships on that route. We realize that shipping and insurance costs have soared, but trade ships that do not carry any supplies to the Israeli occupation cross the Red Sea safely,” he clarified, commending the Yemeni leadership for its steadfastness and for adhering to its principles.

The National Salvation Government has addressed that maritime and the Red Sea security is of its highest interests. In Iran, we also sail this route for international trade, and the entire world would benefit if it were safe, but the root of the issue lies in Gaza, not the Red Sea. 

“If the genocide in Gaza ended, then the situation in the Red Sea would return to normal. We appreciate Yemen’s brave support of Palestine, and Yemenis continue taking that road to champion Gaza, without jeopardizing the safety of certain shipments and maritime security. 

“In constant reminders, the general maritime security has not been jeopardized, but ships headed toward the occupation are,” he said, once again stressing that Yemen is not targeting any ships that are not affiliated with the Israeli occupation.

Iranian ‘regional proxies’?

We do not have any proxies in the region,” the Iranian Foreign Minister underlined. “Hezbollah and the Resistance in Palestine work as they see fit, based on their own interests. Yemen follows the same framework as well. In Iraq and Syria, groups to fight ISIS were formed and still operate for their countries’ interests and considerations.”

“It would be best if the United States focused on finding a political solution instead of throwing accusations and fabricating false scenarios,” he said of the Western accusations that Iran is using regional Resistance movements, whether in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, or elsewhere, as regional proxies and tools to further its interests. “Five months of war proved that warfare is not the solution, thereby emphasizing the need for political resolutions realistically and from a Palestinian-centric lens.”

“I told David Cameron that following 80 years of occupation, it is about time for Palestinians to determine their own fate and the future of their nation. It is good that countries meet and propose suggestions to resolve the Palestinian issue, but what is better and more appropriate is the focus on Palestinian solutions that stem from the unity of Palestinian groups and factions, regardless of their political direction.

“I realized, through my meetings with all Palestinian Resistance leaders, that they have been holding meetings for weeks to suggest recommendations and ideas related to different topics, and we believe that now is their chance to democratically propose their ideas on negotiation tables. In turn, all related countries should consider purely Palestinian notions to aid the people of Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank. 

No difference between Biden, Trump

The Iranian Foreign Minister, asked for a comment on the US election slated for the year-end, underlined that Tehran does not see a significant difference between both US President Joe Biden and candidate Donald Trump.

“Over the past 45 years, the US saw several democratic and republican presidents. What is of significance to us is their behavior. If they treated Iran with mutual respect and forego their errors and hostility, then we would return the respect,” he said.

“If they continue employing this hostility, then our response would be direct and appropriate, whatever the party and political direction they might belong to and have,” Amir-Abdollahian stressed.

Iranian nuclear file

“Under President Ebrahim Raisi’s government, we held serious talks with nuclear negotiators, but unfortunately, at a certain point, the war in Ukraine cast its shadows on them,” he said.

“Letters are still being exchanged between Tehran and Washington regarding several topics. The American side sometimes hints at its desire for all participating parties to revert to their previous obligations as per the nuclear agreement. On our part, we frankly expressed our readiness to welcome recommendations that would allow reversion to previous commitments, but also annul the unilateral sanctions imposed on Iran,” he clarified.

“The Iranian government affirmed from the start that it does not consider the nuclear agreement as an approach to resolving the country’s issues, but Iran has proven that it is one of the countries most committed to its international pledges,” he once again said of Iran’s nuclear program, which Tehran has maintained for years is solely peaceful.

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War on Gaza

Iran’s First Lady Visits Beirut, Stresses Solidarity with Resistance

December 29, 2023

Jamileh Alamolhoda, Iran’s first lady along with Lebanese Minister of Culture in Beirut Airport (December 29, 2023).

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Iranian first lady Jamileh Alamolhoda arrived in Beirut on Friday in an official visit to Lebanon.

She was welcomed by Minister of Culture Mohammad Wissam El-Mortada, Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Mujtaba Amani and women delegates representing Lebanese and Palestinian political parties including Hezbollah, Amal Movement and the Islamic Jihad.

“I came to Lebanon, the land of intellectuality, to convey to you the greetings of the Iranian president and my greetings to this people,” Alamolhoda, wife of President Ebrahim Raisi, said at Beirut International Airport.

“We hope that Allah protect the Lebanese youth who are backing the Palestinian resistance,” the first Iranian lady said.

She stressed that her visit is aimed at underlining solidarity with Palestinian and Lebanese resistance against the Israeli occupation.

“The Iranian youth today is learning lessons from the Palestinian and Iranian people,” she said in remarks carried by Al-Manar.

Alamolhoda then took part in a meeting held in Beirut’s southern suburb (Dahiyeh) by female delegates representing the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance, including families of Martyrs All the Way to Al-Quds, as well as different political parties in Lebanon.

“Palestine has been for long years occupied by the Zionists. (Late founder of Islamic Revlution) Imam Khomeini called for confronting hegemony since the start of the Islamic Revolution,” she addressed the meeting in Risalat.

The first Iranian lady also visited Rawdat al-Shahidain Cemetery, which holds the bodies of resistance martyrs.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

IRGC advisor’s assassination exposes Israel’s ‘frustration’ against resistance: Iran Army chief

Tuesday, 26 December 2023 7:02 AM  [ Last Update: Tuesday, 26 December 2023 9:20 AM ]

The undated picture shows Iranian military advisor in Syria Seyyed Razi Mousavi (L) sitting alongside top anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, who was assassinated in a US drone strike in Iraq in 2020. (By Tasnim news agency)

The chief commander of the Iranian Army has condemned Israel’s assassination of a senior military advisor of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in Syria as yet another sign of the occupying regime’s “frustration” against the resistance.

In a message issued late on Monday, Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi extended his congratulations and condolences to the family of Seyyed Razi Mousavi, as well as resistance fighters and the IRGC, on the Iranian commander’s martyrdom in an Israeli airstrike in a Damascus neighborhood.

“Following the defeats of the usurping regime in the face of the people in Gaza and the resistance front, the impotence and frustration of the child-killing Zionist regime were exposed once again by another crime and the martyrdom of a sincere fighter,” he wrote.

The Army chief also described Mousavi as one of the senior IRGC military advisers in Syria and a comrade of top anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.

General Soleimani was assassinated in a US drone strike near Baghdad International Airport on January 3, 2020. He was highly revered due to his key role in fighting the US-created and Israeli-supported Daesh Takfiri terrorist group in the region, particularly in Iraq and Syria.

Raeisi: Israel will definitely pay price for assassinating senior IRGC advisor

The Iranian president says the Israeli regime will definitely pay the price for the killing of a senior IRGC commander in Syria.

Iran will give ‘smart’ response to Israel: Defense minister

Iranian Defense Ministry spokesman Reza Talaei-Nik called for the global condemnation and punishment of the Zionists’ crime, adding that they will get a “decisive and smart response.”

“The perpetrators of this crime must await the penalty of their recent operation. Waiting for that [penalty] will torment the regime and its elements to death,” he said.

Israel will pay ‘heavy price’ for heinous terrorist act: MP

Abolfazl Amouei, spokesman for the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said that the committee will hold an extraordinary meeting next week on the IRGC commander’s martyrdom.

“Definitely, this action of the Zionist regime will not go unanswered. As military and government officials said, Israel will pay a heavy price for its heinous and barbaric act,” he noted.

Israel taking ‘crazy measures’ to make up for defeats: Envoy

Speaking to the Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN), Iranian Ambassador to Damascus Hossein Akbari denounced Mousavi’s murder as “a cowardly terrorist act by the Zionist regime” in violation of international conventions.

The IRGC advisor was at the Iranian embassy at 2 p.m. local time (1100 GMT) and he was martyred at his house after returning from work at 4:10 p.m. (1310 GMT) by three missiles.

The “heartless and passive” Israeli crime is actually “a reaction to the situation,” he added.

“Perhaps, it can be said that the Zionist regime is taking crazy measures today to make up for some of its failures regarding both domestic problems and conditions in Gaza, where it has practically achieved none of its objectives after 80 days [of war].”

The envoy also emphasized that the victim country reserves the right to respond in kind and that the Zionist regime will naturally receive a response to its crime in due time and circumstances.

Mousavi was martyred while serving Iran’s military advisory mission in Syria. Iranians are Syria in purely an advise-and-assist capacity.

The mission was the first to rush to Syria’s assistance in 2014, when the Arab country found itself in the grip of the Daesh terror outfit.

Led by General Soleimani, the mission played an instrumental role in Damascus’ successful counterterrorism push that ultimately defeated Daesh in late 2017.

Press TV’s website can also be accessed at the following alternate addresses:


IRGC leader: US cannot save ‘Israel’ after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

October 9, 2023

Source: Agencies

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard commander Gen. Hossein Salami addresses the crowd during a rally in front of the former US Embassy commemorating the anniversary of its 1979 seizure in Tehran, Iran, Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021. (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Major General Hossein Salami, says the era of Israeli Occupation threats is over.

The Commander of the Revolution Guard (IRGC), Major General Hossein Salami, confirmed that “Israel” can no longer “roister as it used to,” stressing that its era of insolence has ended.

Salami said, “The heroic Palestinians are pursuing and arresting the [Israeli] soldiers without any fears” adding that “Israel” is no longer able to release slander and lies.

He had also praised Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, pursued by the Palestinian Resistance, in which it succeeded in inflicting heavy losses upon the occupation, saying that “today we see a strong Palestine”, stressing in his Hamadan governorate speech that “today is the end of the occupation and its aggression”, noting that “Americans are no longer able to save Israel.”

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In the same vein, Salami emphasized that the United States was “a weak backbone,” reaffirming that “Israel has become weaker than it was.” In parallel, Salami underscored that God is the resistance’s backbone and that at the height of the blockade, the Resistance has demonstrated power that humiliated “Israel.”

Iran enjoys state-of-the-art military equipment while stressing that readiness for martyrdom and the school of martyrdom are factors that would ensure winning the war. 

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Raisi says ‘Israel’ must ‘be held accountable’ during Hamas, PIJ call

Yesterday, October 8, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement Ziyad Al-Nakhalah as well as the Secretary-General of the Hamas movement Ismail Haniyeh to discuss the ongoing events of the Al-Aqsa Flood reaffirming that Tehran continues to stand by Palestine and their right to liberate their land.

“Iran supports the legitimate defense of the Palestinian nation,” Raisi said adding that “The Zionist regime (Israel) and its supporters are responsible for endangering the security of nations in the region, and they must be held accountable in this matter.”

Read more: Al-Aqsa Flood spreads out to the West Bank, 14 martyrs recorded

In similar vain, the Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, affirmed, earlier in the day, that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood has exposed the Israeli entity’s weakness. 

Bagheri stated that the Resistance forces are capable of launching complex and intricate operations that defy the Israeli capabilities, including their Iron Dome, emphasizing that some desperate attempts, such as the “ridiculous normalization farce,” will not be able to slow down the pace of “Israel’s” demise.

He further stated that “the resistance fighters, during their surprise air, sea, and land operation against Israeli military positions, presented encouraging scenes of the oppressed Palestinian people’s resistance and resilience.”

Read more: Israeli occupation massacres Rafah residents amid heavy Gaza bombing

The new Iran-Iraq railway, a track to prosperity and markets

SEP 27, 2023

Photo Credit: The Cradle

After decades of setbacks, the upcoming integration of Iraq and Iran’s railways promises to boost bilateral trade, religious and cultural tourism, and economic prosperity – with significant regional and global implications.

Mohammad Salami

The groundbreaking cross-border railway project connecting Shalamcheh in Iran to Basra in Iraq relaunched on 2 September.

The news came a belated 46 years after it was first announced in 1978 – a year before Iran’s Islamic Revolution took the world by storm. 

In the aftermath of the revolution, and because of the outbreak of the subsequent Iran–Iraq War (1980-88), the railway initiative remained on hold for several decades. Although the project would have reaped significant benefits for both countries – spurring successive governments to pursue its completion – it is Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Iraq’s Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani who managed to strike the deal.

At the railway’s inauguration ceremony, Sudani helped lay the project’s foundation stone alongside Iranian First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber, who said the completion of the project would significantly boost trade exchanges between the two countries by connecting their respective railway systems and aligning these with international transport routes.

Map of Shalamcheh-Basra Railway

Tourism and trade relations

Upon its completion in two years, the Shalamcheh-Basra Railway will span 32 kilometers, include three stations, and a bridge connecting Iran with Iraq across the Shatt al-Arab – all constructed with Iran’s support. 

Maytham al-Safi, information director at Iraq’s Ministry of Transport, tells The Cradle that “the railway line will eventually link to the Iraqi cities of Najaf and Karbala” in order to facilitate the transportation of pilgrims visiting shrine cities to and from Iraq.

Iraq and Iran share a border that stretches approximately 1600 kilometers, as well as numerous religious, cultural, and tourism similarities. Each year, around 3 million Iranians make pilgrimages to the Shia holy shrines in Iraq, while 2 to 3 million Iraqis visit Iran, home to the Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad and the influential Qom seminary. 

In 2018, about 24 percent of all tourists visiting Iran came from Iraq, the largest of any country. Iran also boasts a significant health tourism industry – ranking 46th globally – and Iraqis constitute the second-largest group of health tourists to Iran after Afghanistan.

Despite these significant cultural ties, the volume of trade between the two countries has remained dismal. Even in the most optimistic scenario, Tehran and Baghdad have achieved only 50 percent of their targeted $20 billion in trade

Several factors have contributed to this: a decline in electricity trade; reductions in gasoline and diesel exports; competition from Iran’s commercial rivals like China, India, the US, Turkiye, and the UAE; excessive commercial bureaucracy between the two states; and a lack of efficient and rapid transit capabilities to Iraq.

Iran-Iraq trade decline

According to the latest statistics, non-oil trade between Iraq and Iran reached $8.9 billion in 2021, but over the past two years, Iran’s exports to Iraq have declined in 20 different categories. Farzad Pilten, head of the West Asia office of the Iran Trade Development Organization, noted a 60 percent decrease in gas exports and an 80 percent decrease in gasoline exports to Iraq. 

Iran’s performance has lagged behind other exporters, slipping to fourth place in exports to Iraq after the UAE, Turkiye, and China.

The decrease in exports between Iran and Iraq can be attributed to various factors, notably the insufficient transportation infrastructure connecting the two countries. Much of this trade relies on a very inefficient transportation of goods by road. As Javad Hedayati, director general of Iran’s International Transit and Transport, explains, Iranian trucks transport goods to the shared border, where they are laboriously unloaded and handed over to Iraqi trucks: 

“In this mode of interaction, trucks carrying cargo due to congestion sometimes have to wait for more than four days at the borders to receive their turn and unload their cargo, while the cost of stopping them at the border is more than $200 per day.”

The completion of the Shalamcheh-Basra Railway project promises to significantly boost trade by reducing transit costs by up to 20 percent, and help Iraq offset its staggering trade imbalance. In 2018, Iran exported approximately $9 billion worth of goods to Iraq, while Iraq’s exports to Iran amounted to a mere $58 million.

Iran’s transit hub ambition

Iran’s strategic goal of becoming a key regional transit hub is closely tied to its ideal geographical location at the crossroads of Asia and Europe. Recognizing this geopolitical opportunity, the Raisi administration – which has heavily prioritized the “Looking to the East” and “Neighborhood” policies – has embarked on ambitious plans to harness this potential.

Iran already has a domestic railway network that spans 14,300 kilometers, with plans to add an additional 10,000 kilometers via 36 ongoing rail projects. Impressively, the country has established seven cross-border connections to neighboring railway networks and achieved self-sufficiency in engineering services, railway construction, and rail production – even exporting domestically-produced railroad cars and train engines. 

Iran is currently strategically positioned along two international railway routes: the East-West and International North-South Transport Corridors (INSTC). The east-west route connects ASEAN countries and China to European markets, while the INSTC transit route links Russia to India via Iran.

The Shalamcheh-Basra rail project particularly complements the East-West railway connection. Via Iraq, Iran will be able to connect to the Syrian port of Latakia and its transit capacities, which might be vital to Europe.

The Iran-Iran railway also opens up the possibility of connecting with other Persian Gulf states like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. There are reports that Saudi Arabia is exploring the idea of linking railroads to Iran through Kuwait and Basra, which would create a direct rail connection between Iran and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. 

Iraq’s role in global transport

Iraq, on the other hand, stands to benefit from improved access to markets in Central Asian countries, Afghanistan, and Azerbaijan via its rail link to Iran. A southern Iraqi railway which already transports more than 6 million tons of cargo, could boost the exchange of goods to over 20 million tons upon completion of the Iran-Iraq rail connection. 

Furthermore, Shia pilgrims from Azerbaijan would have easier access to the holy city of Karbala via this railway, generating transit and tourism income for Iraq. Hafez Sadatnejad, manager of the Shalamcheh-Basra railway project, adds that the rail link with allow for the transportation of 4 million pilgrims to the pilgrimage cities of Mashhad, Qom, and Karbala in both countries.

By integrating this railway with Iran’s considerable capacities in the Khorramshahr and Imam Khomeini ports, cargo from different countries can be efficiently transported to the country’s southern waters. Iran’s extensive port infrastructure plays a crucial role in its foreign trade, with a target of achieving a cargo handling capacity of 500 million tons within the next five years.

For Iraq, the railway link with Iran is part of a broader and more ambitious project that extends from China to Europe. As economist Maitham al-Amili explains to The Cradle

“Despite what is said that the goal of the project is to facilitate the transportation of travelers between Iraq and Iran, it is part of a larger project that will contribute to diversifying Iraq’s financial resources by making it a transit corridor for millions of tons of goods if completed.”

On 20 August, the Iraqi Ministry of Transport announced an agreement with Turkiye to link Iraqi railways to Turkish railways via a 133-kilometre line, with the aim of linking the grand port of Al-Faw to Europe, all within what is known as the “Development Road.”

Amili believes that Iraq has a role in the new global transportation project that “extends from China through Iraq to Syria, by land and sea through the port of Al-Faw.”

A hard American veto

Iraq’s geostrategic location as a bridge between West Asia and Europe favors its position as “a major complement to the global transportation map linking Asian countries to the European Union,” says economist Nabil al-Marsoumi: 

“Rail transport is the safest means of transport, in addition to being inexpensive, and it always brings economic prosperity to the countries that rely on it, as in China and other countries…the multiplicity of ports to Iraq will enhance the opportunities to encourage its industries and increase its exports, not only oil, but also in the agricultural, petrochemical, and other sectors.”

Mazen al-Ashaiqer, also an economist, warns that “Iraq needs to diversify its transport lines with neighboring countries, especially for passengers, with the increasing tourist traffic to and from the country, with added economic importance if a rail or sea connection with China is achieved, making it a corridor towards Europe.”

These ambitions come with notable challenges and geopolitical complexities. Political analyst Mahmoud al-Hashemi says that “there are major American obstacles that Iraq’s plans for sea and land connectivity with Iran and China will face.” 

“The US is well aware of the positive impact of these projects on Iraq, but it wants this country to be part of its conflict with China, Iran, and Russia.”

A senior government source reveals to The Cradle that “there has been an international conflict going on for more than ten years to control international transport lines, at the center of which are Iraq and Syria, and its main poles are China, Russia, Iran, and the United States.”

He says that a transportation project is being sought by some countries to link China with Iraq and Iran, all the way to the port of Latakia on the Mediterranean Sea, to shorten the sea transport route via the Red Sea or the Atlantic Ocean to Europe, “But we cannot say that the Basra-Shalamcheh railway line is part of this project.” 

The same source attributes the mobilization of US forces along the Iraqi-Syrian border and the arming of local tribes to “Washington’s attempts to block the railway project from Basra to the port of Latakia via the Syrian cities of Albukamal and Deir ez-Zor.” 

This is in addition to the express land line that will connect Iran to Syria via Al-Qaim border crossing, as it will constitute a new victory in the soft economic war ongoing between China and Russia on the one hand and the US on the other hand.

Shalamcheh-Basra Railway and the region  

The influence of US propaganda on shaping public opinion in Iraq regarding economic and security cooperation with Iran is a notable concern. Speaking to The Cradle, Iraqi journalist Hassan al-Shammari points out that both “local and international media are subject to an American media machine to direct public opinion in accordance with its policies.”

According to Shammari, “any observer of the Iraqi media will notice that they welcome, or at least turn a blind eye to, any projects between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Jordan or Turkiye, for example, while an organized media attack is launched against any similar project with Iran.” He adds: 

“This is what accompanied the announcement of the railway connection project with Iran, while there is no criticism of the railway connection with Turkiye within the development road project, or of the railway connection with Saudi Arabia.” 

Opponents of the railway connection with Iran often express concerns about its potential impact on the grand port of Al-Faw. Former Basra governor Wael Abdul Latif and former Minister of Transport Amer Abdul-Jabbar have warned that the railway may divert shipping traffic to Iranian ports, leading to increased prices and a reduction in port efficiency. 

However, as Iraqi government spokesman Bassem al-Awadi confirmed in a recent press conference:

“The government laid the foundation stone for the project after an economic feasibility study, ensuring Iraq’s economic and political security, and not compromising the country’s sovereignty and economy.”

As the Shalamcheh-Basra Railway project advances, it serves as a poignant symbol of progress toward enhanced shared prosperity for, and a new level of connectivity between, Iraq and Iran. 

This often-overlooked region within West Asia is poised to leave an indelible mark on global trade and transportation in the years ahead, contributing to broader regional integration and ushering in a new era of economic and logistical cooperation.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of The Cradle.

The US-Iran deal: prisoner swap or new nuclear agreement?

SEP 20, 2023

Photo Credit: The Cradle

The successful prisoner swap and the release of frozen Iranian assets, suggests a complex diplomatic maneuver by the Biden administration that may serve to ease tensions, potentially pave the way for broader agreements, not least a revival of the nuclear deal.

Robert Inlakesh

The secret US-Iran deal revealed to the public last month has largely been portrayed as a “humanitarian agreement” – the release of US prisoners in exchange for the return of frozen Iranian funds that will bring relief to the people of Iran.

But as tidbits of new information emerge on the agreement, it has become clear that Washington and Tehran have agreed on a far more comprehensive array of arrangements.

The US, for instance, has quietly approved the release of significantly more Iranian funds than the $6 billion figure touted in the media. Dr. Mohammed Marandi, former media advisor to the Iranian nuclear negotiating team in Vienna, confirms to The Cradle that almost $20 billion of Iran’s internationally frozen assets have already been released as part of the agreement. 

The reported $6 billion only constitutes Iranian funds frozen in South Korea, while an additional $11 billion was held by Iraq, with the remaining portions scattered across various other countries. These assets, Marandi says, have now been successfully released and are under the control of Iran’s Central Bank.

Based on information from Iranian and Arab diplomatic sources who requested anonymity, the US-Iran deal terms include – but are not restricted to – the following commitments from the two sides:  

Iran’s commitments include:

  • The release of the 5 Americans detained in Iran (and 2 relatives who were reportedly barred from leaving the country). 
  • Capping uranium enrichment at 60 percent, accompanied by a reduction in production pace.
  • Reactivating the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s surveillance cameras at several nuclear sites.

US commitments include:

  • The release of Iranian prisoners held in the US and in various other undisclosed countries.
  • Unfreezing Iranian funds held in multiple countries, including South Korea, Iraq, and elsewhere.
  • Easing US sanctions on Iranian oil – this sanctions relief will occur informally, not requiring an official US decision, but rather a tacit acceptance of Iranian energy trades globally.
  • Iran gains access to existing provisions in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) from October 2023, which permits the Islamic Republic to import and export weapons.
  • The closure of remaining IAEA “open files” regarding several Iranian nuclear, military, and civilian sites.

Reviving a ‘dead’ deal 

Already, Washington-based think tanks are suggesting that the Iran-US prisoner swap could be a pivotal maneuver by the Biden administration to publicly kickstart the easing of tensions with Tehran. This move is seen as a way to navigate around the stubborn resistance of congressional representatives and pressure from Israeli hawks against reviving the Iran Nuclear Deal, also known as the JCPOA. 

This tacit understanding between the US and Iran – which took place via Qatari mediation – was inaugurated with the release of five US prisoners held in Iran and five Iranians held by the US. 

Monday’s prisoner exchange, which received blanket coverage by both countries’ media, has agitated parties opposed to any Iranian-US detente and has them scrambling to discover the hidden significance behind the breakthrough August agreement.

On 13 September, Richard Goldberg, Director of the Iran Program at the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said in an interview with the Saudi-owned Asharq al-Awsat newspaper that the US-Iran prisoner swap was strategically designed to deflect congressional criticism over the renewal of the JCPOA. 

He contends that by linking sanctions relief to the prisoner exchange instead of a JCPOA revival, US President Joe Biden has effectively defused tensions with Iran and sidestepped the political hurdle of presenting a new nuclear deal to Congress – a move that would have otherwise proved contentious in the lead-up to the 2024 elections.

In June last year, indirect negotiations between the US and Iran officially fell apart, ending a year’s worth of on-and-off efforts to reach a consensus in Vienna. Later in the year, while on the sidelines of an election rally in November, Biden declared the 2015 JCPOA “dead.” 

But just a few months later, in May 2023, secret indirect negotiations between US and Iranian officials took place in Oman. 

In June, the New York Times released an article on ongoing talks between the two parties aimed at finalizing an informal agreement that could potentially replace the need to resurrect the 2015 nuclear deal and “avert a nuclear crisis.”

The Cradle’s diplomatic sources confirm this was never merely a prisoners-for-cash swap, but a quiet initiative to defuse escalating US-Iran tensions – and proponents of continued conflict – by crafting a settlement that completely bypassed the naysayers. 

This settlement, which would begin with some simpler humanitarian gestures to build goodwill and trust between the two parties, would then provide the foundation for negotiations over more complicated issues.

Beyond the prisoner swap 

Despite Biden’s public commitment to revive the Iran nuclear deal, his negotiating team has dismally failed to secure an agreement. This week’s prisoner exchange was seen as just the right kind of sweetener to pave a new, unencumbered path toward securing the basic requirements of the two adversaries.

But even this humanitarian gesture by both sides has failed to quell media criticism. US outlets and social media platforms have castigated the Biden administration for releasing $6 billion of Iran’s frozen assets to secure the release of just 5 US prisoners.

And while US officials claim that the funds were transferred to designated bank accounts in Qatar and restricted to the purchase of food and agricultural products, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi went public to make clear that Iran has full discretion on the use of these funds. 

Raisi has described the release of the five prisoners as a “purely humanitarian action” and hinted that it could serve as a foundation for future humanitarian initiatives.

His statement has further fueled speculation that the US and Iran are privately moving toward a broader agreement – well beyond the prisoner exchange – that will substitute the hotly-contested JCPOA. It’s worth noting that a prisoner exchange also took place in 2014 before the Washington’s unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear deal.

Managing the naysayers

When nuclear talks fell apart in Vienna, one key factor was the US-Iranian disagreement on how to proceed. In August 2022, the EU presented its final draft plan for reviving the JCPOA. 

While the EU’s foreign policy chief, Joseph Borrell, indicated a willingness to sign the deal if Iran’s responses were positive, Iran’s negotiating team raised three areas of concern, but the US did not push further, according to Mohammed Marandi. 

When asked whether there could be a potential positive effort to revive the JCPOA, Marandi informs The Cradle that this is down to US willingness.

However, the primary regional goal of the Biden administration has been to broker a normalization deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Notably, the latter has remained relatively silent about the recent prisoner swap, which follows a 5 September phone call between US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Reports suggest that the majority of the call focused on countering the threats posed by Iran and its nuclear program.

After the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement facilitated by Chinese mediation earlier in the year, Tehran and Riyadh have been moving toward increased cooperation and friendlier relations. President Raisi reiterated the potential security risks associated with normalization with Israel in his speech before the UN, something that observers have speculated could lead to conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia. 

The US is aware of the risks tied to Saudi-Israeli normalization, and it’s possible that the prisoner exchange agreement was negotiated with this in mind. In other words, the Biden administration might interpret the success of the prisoner exchange as a sign that Tehran could be less confrontational if it can secure normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of The Cradle.