These Are Israel’s Two Options – Hezbollah Leader Sends Strong Messages to Tel Aviv, Washington

May 14, 2024

Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. (Photo: via Al-Mayadeen)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Nasrallah said that the “image of deterrence” within the Israeli occupation entity is declining, especially after Iran’s Operation True Promise.

Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah affirmed on Monday that the Lebanese front continues, in various forms and methods, its operations in support of the Resistance in the Gaza Strip and imposes its own rules of engagement.

In a speech delivered on the eighth anniversary of the martyrdom of Commander Mustafa Badreddine, Sayyed Nasrallah underlined that the continuation of the Lebanese Resistance’s operations in support of the Gaza front is “a settled matter not open for discussion.”

He stressed that the entire world “has accepted this fact,” adding that this is why the Americans conveyed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that there is no solution for the Northern front without a ceasefire in Gaza.

The Resistance leader addressed the settlers in northern occupied Palestine who are eager to return to their settlements, calling on them to pressure their government to end the aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Hitting a Brick

Nasrallah explained that evaluating the results of the war requires assessing the battlefield and not relying on Israeli claims about victory, indicating that “there is a consensus on the failure of Israel.”

He also pointed out that even allies of Netanyahu mock him when he says he is “one step away from victory,” emphasizing that the issue “is not limited only to Israeli failure to achieve objectives but extends to include more strategic losses.”

The Hezbollah leader touched on Israeli opinion polls regarding confidence in Israel as a state and in its army, highlighting that at least 30% of settlers believe that Israel is uninhabitable.

The Hezbollah chief considered that the “real achievement” is the failure of Israel, backed by the West, to retrieve its captives or achieve any form of victory, not to mention its inability to protect its ships from missiles launched from thousands of kilometers away.

Nasrallah added that the “image of deterrence” within the Israeli occupation entity is declining, especially after Iran’s Operation True Promise.

In the same context, he mentioned that senior Israeli generals say that Netanyahu, through his insistence on war, “is leading us to the abyss,” noting that Israelis also speak of “daily attrition in Gaza, in the support fronts, and in the economy.”

He added that Israel fears withdrawing from Gaza because that would mean its defeat, which comprises a “disaster” for the entity, indicating that the Israeli leadership “has no vision for the day after the war.”

In light of this, Nasrallah asserted that the Israeli occupation “has hit a brick and is searching for any image of victory,” pointing out that “Netanyahu wants to invade Rafah to efface the image of defeat.”

As for the mediators’ proposal that Hamas agreed to, Nasrallah said that it surprised Netanyahu because it meant his defeat and victory for Hamas (because it fulfilled Hamas’ demands).

Therefore, “the Israeli occupation has two options, either return to the mediators’ document, which means defeat for Israel, or pursue the (war of) attrition,” he maintained.

‘US Deception’

In a similar vein, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah spoke about the continued US support for the Israeli occupation in its war on Gaza, stressing that “even if the United States stops an arms deal bound for Israel, it will re-allow it as this constitutes an American deception because what is happening is nothing more than a tactical dispute between the United States and Israel.”

“These theatrics that we are witnessing nowadays should not deceive anyone, as Washington stands with Israel (no matter what),” he stressed.

Below are more highlights from Nasrallah’s speech. The translation below was provided by Hezbollah’s Telegram channel, and is used here without editorial intervention from the Palestine Chronicle. 

‘A Settled Matter Not Open for Discussion’

“I send greetings to the steadfast and brave fighters on all fronts, who are writing the finest scenes of heroism, courage, strength, determination, enthusiasm, and conviction.

“Greetings to the wounded fighters in all arenas, and I pray to Allah for their healing.

“The resistance is the cumulative result of the sacrifices of those who have passed, from martyrs and leaders, to the resistance fighters who are still on the covenant.

“Despite the blockade and difficult conditions, Syria still maintains its firm and steadfast position on the Palestinian cause.

“The resistance fighting today on the front is the cumulative result of the past, present, and future.

“Among the goals of the resistance in Gaza is to revive the Palestinian cause and remind of the rights of the Palestinian people.

“The scene of demonstrations in American and European universities bearing the name of Palestine was created by October 7th and what followed.

“The most significant scene that embodies the image of victory for the resistance is when the Israeli representative at the United Nations raised a photo of the leader Yahya Sinwar.

“The Arab rulers were about to sign the death papers of the Palestinian cause with the normalization step with the zionist enemy that was coming within months.

“Some Arab regimes and satellite channels are now promoting the enemy entity as the only democratic state in our region.

“The steadfastness of the Palestinians has forced the world to talk about a Palestinian state and has forced the hypocritical United States to speak about a Palestinian state.

“Israel’s image in the world is that of a killer of children and women, arrogant towards international laws and human and moral values.

“In the eighth month of the war on Gaza, there is a consensus in Israel on the failure to achieve the war’s objectives.

“One of the most significant results is that this entity admits it has not achieved victory, and 70% of Israel are demanding the resignation of the Chief of Staff.

“Opinion polls on confidence in the Israeli state as a state, and in the Israeli military, show that at least 30 percent say that this “state” cannot be lived in. 80 percent of those who left Israel say they will not return to it.

“Israel is incapable of protecting its entity and requires mobilization by the United States, Britain, and Arabs, yet it still fails to protect itself.

“After eight months, where has the deteriorating image of Israeli deterrence ended up?

“The real achievement is that Israel is incapable of protecting its ships from missiles coming from thousands of kilometers away.

“The real achievement today is that Israel is incapable of restoring the image of deterrence against the Palestinians, Yemenis, Lebanese, and Syrians.

“The war on Gaza today is the biggest battle the Palestinian people are fighting against the enemy state, which will emerge from the war in crisis.

“Blinken clearly expressed yesterday that Israel is in trouble. Senior Israeli generals also say that Netanyahu, by insisting on the war, is ‘dragging us into the abyss.’

“Israelis today are talking about daily attrition in Gaza, on the support fronts, and in the economy. 

“The Israeli fears withdrawing from Gaza because it would mean its defeat, which would be a disaster for it.

“Imagine that the leadership of a ‘state’ that has no vision for the next day.

“The Palestinian presence on the ground and internationally has enabled it to impose its terms, while Netanyahu is at a dead end and continues to fight because he is looking for a picture of victory, hence his insistence on invading Rafah.

“In order to get out of the image of defeat, Netanyahu wants to enter Rafah. Even if the zionist enemy enters Rafah, it does not mean that the resistance has ended and that the Palestinian people have abandoned the resistance.

“Instead of turning the tragedy in Gaza into a means to expose the enemy and hold Israel accountable for everything happening, some Arab zionists use it as a means to frustrate and blame the resistance.”

“American theatrics and some tactical disagreements between America and Israel should deceive no one, all these are methods of deception and hypocrisy practiced by the United States, as America stands with Israel.

“What happened at the United Nations and the International Court of Justice confirms American support for Israel and that its position has not changed.

“The mediator’s proposal surprised Netanyahu after Hamas agreed to it, because it means his defeat and victory for Hamas.

“Hamas’ acceptance of the Egyptian proposal and Netanyahu’s rejection of it, in contrast, is an admission of his fall and defeat.

“Al-Aqsa Flood exposed the lies and deception of the west.

“We estimate that the enemy has two options: returning to the mediators’ proposal, which means its defeat, or to remain in a state of continual attrition, imposing a war that will also prolong for them. In both cases, the resistance will be victorious.

“No matter the sacrifices today, this battle is historic and creates a true and historic achievement.

“The Lebanese support front continues quantitatively and qualitatively, imposing equations, and the linkage of this front with the Gaza front is a decisive matter that the Americans and French must realize. 

“Ask the residents of the north to understand what is happening on this front.

“The goal of the Lebanese front is to pressure (us) to stop the war in Gaza.

“We say to the settlers in the north, if you want a solution, go to your government and tell them to stop the war on Gaza.

“When we are masters of ourselves and not slaves, and when we possess elements of strength, we can impose our terms on the enemy.” 

(Al-Mayadeen, PC, RNN)


Israel’s Willing Executioners

MAY 14, 2024


Chris Hedges

Hundreds of thousands of people are being forced to flee, once again, after more than half of Gaza’s population took sanctuary in the border town of Rafah. This is part of Israel’s sadistic playbook.

Run, the Israelis demand, run for your lives. Run from Rafah the way you ran from Gaza City, the way you ran from Jabalia, the way you ran from Deir al-Balah, the way you ran from Beit Hanoun, the way you ran from Bani Suheila, the way you ran from Khan Yunis. Run or we will kill you. We will drop 2,000-pound bunker buster bombs on your tent encampments. We will spray you with bullets from our machine-gun-equipped drones. We will pound you with artillery and tank shells. We will shoot you down with snipers. We will decimate your tents, your refugee camps, your cities and towns, your homes, your schools, your hospitals and your water purification plants. We will rain death from the sky.

Run for your lives. Again and again and again. Pack up the pathetic few belongings you have left. Blankets. A couple of pots. Some clothes. We don’t care how exhausted you are, how hungry you are, how terrified you are, how sick you are, how old, or how young you are. Run. Run. Run. And when you run in terror to one part of Gaza we will make you turn around and run to another. Trapped in a labyrinth of death. Back and forth. Up and down. Side to side. Six. Seven. Eight times. We toy with you like mice in a trap. Then we deport you so you can never return. Or we kill you.

Let the world denounce our genocide. What do we care? The billions in military aid flows unchecked from our American ally. The fighter jets. The artillery shells. The tanks. The bombs. An endless supply. We kill children by the thousands. We kill women and the elderly by the thousands. The sick and injured, without medicine and hospitals, die. We poison the water. We cut off the food. We make you starve. We created this hell. We are the masters. Law. Duty. A code of conduct. They do not exist for us.

But first we toy with you. We humiliate you. We terrorize you. We revel in your fear. We are amused by your pathetic attempts to survive. You are not human. You are creatures. Untermensch. We feed our libido dominandi – our lust for domination. Look at our posts on social media. They have gone viral. One shows soldiers grinning in a Palestinian home with the owners tied up and blindfolded in the background. We loot. Rugs. Cosmetics. Motorbikes. Jewelry. Watches. Cash. Gold. Antiquities. We laugh at your misery. We cheer your death. We celebrate our religion, our nation, our identity, our superiority, by negating and erasing yours.

Depravity is moral. Atrocity is heroism. Genocide is redemption.

Jean Améry, who was in the Belgian resistance during World War II and who was captured and tortured by the Gestapo in 1943, defines sadism “as the radical negation of the other, the simultaneous denial of both the social principle and the reality principle. In the sadist’s world, torture, destruction, and death are triumphant: and such a world clearly has no hope of survival. On the contrary, he desires to transcend the world, to achieve total sovereignty by negating fellow human beings – which he sees as representing a particular kind of ‘hell.’”

Back in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Netanya, Ramat Gan, Petah Tikva who are we? Dish washers and mechanics. Factory workers, tax collectors and taxi drivers. Garbage collectors and office workers. But in Gaza we are demigods. We can kill a Palestinian who does not strip to his underwear, fall to his knees, beg for mercy with his hands bound behind his back. We can do this to children as young as 12 and men as old as 70.

There are no legal constraints. There is no moral code. There is only the intoxicating thrill of demanding greater and greater forms of submission and more and more abject forms of humiliation.

We may feel insignificant in Israel, but here, in Gaza, we are King Kong, a little tyrant on a little throne. We stride through the rubble of Gaza, surrounded by the might of industrial weapons, able to pulverize in an instant whole apartment blocks and neighborhoods, and say, like Vishnu, “now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

But we are not content simply with killing. We want the walking dead to pay homage to our divinity.

This is the game played in Gaza. It was the game played during the Dirty War in Argentina when the military junta “disappeared” 30,000 of its own citizens. The “disappeared” were subjected to torture – who cannot call what is happening to Palestinians in Gaza torture? – and humiliated before they were murdered. It was the game played in the clandestine torture centers and prisons in El Salvador and Iraq. It is what characterized the war in Bosnia in the Serbian concentration camps.

This soul crushing disease runs through us like an electric current. It infects every crime in Gaza. It infects every word that comes out of our mouths. We, the victors, are glorious. The Palestinians are nothing. Vermin. They will be forgotten.

Israeli journalist Yinon Magal on the show “Hapatriotim” on Israel’s Channel 14, joked that Joe Biden’s red line was the killing of 30,000 Palestinians. The singer Kobi Peretz asked if that was the number of dead for a day. The audience erupted in applause and laughter.

We place “booby-trapped” cans resembling food tins in the rubble. Starving Palestinians are injured or killed when they open them. We broadcast the sounds of women screaming and babies crying from quadcopters to lure Palestinians out so we can shoot them. We announce food distribution points and use artillery and snipers to carry out massacres.

We are the orchestra in this dance of death.

In Joseph Conrad’s short story “An Outpost of Progress,” he writes of two white, European traders, Carlier and Kayerts. They are posted to a remote trading station in the Congo. The mission will spread European “civilization” to Africa. But the boredom and lack of constraints swiftly turn the two men into beasts. They trade slaves for ivory. They get into a feud over dwindling food supplies. Kayerts shoots and kills his unarmed companion Carlier.

“They were two perfectly insignificant and incapable individuals,” Conrad writes of Kayerts and Carlier:

“…whose existence is only rendered possible through the high organization of civilized crowds. Few men realize that their life, the very essence of their character, their capabilities and their audacities, are only the expression of their belief in the safety of their surroundings. The courage, the composure, the confidence; the emotions and principles; every great and every insignificant thought belongs not to the individual but to the crowd; to the crowd that believes blindly in the irresistible force of its institutions and its morals, in the power of its police and of its opinion. But the contact with pure unmitigated savagery, with primitive nature and primitive man, brings sudden and profound trouble into the heart. To the sentiment of being alone of one’s kind, to the clear perception of the loneliness of one’s thoughts, of one’s sensations – to the negation of the habitual, which is safe, there is added the affirmation of the unusual, which is dangerous; a suggestion of things vague, uncontrollable, and repulsive, whose discomposing intrusion excites the imagination and tries the civilized nerves of the foolish and the wise alike.”

Rafah is the prize at the end of the road. Rafah is the great killing field where we will slaughter Palestinians on a scale unseen in this genocide. Watch us. It will be an orgy of blood and death. It will be of Biblical proportions. No one will stop us. We kill in paroxysms of excitement. We are gods.

Sayyed Nasrallah to Israelis: To return North, end war on Gaza

May 13, 2024


Sayyed Nasrallah underlines that the continuation of the Lebanese Resistance’s operations and the Gaza front is “a settled matter not open for discussion.”

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, giving a speech on the eighth anniversary of the martyrdom of Commander Mustafa Badreddine. on Monday, May 13, 2024 (Al Mayadeen)

Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah affirmed that the Lebanese front continues, in various forms and methods, its operations in support of the Resistance in the Gaza Strip and imposes its own rules of engagement.

In a speech delivered on the eighth anniversary of the martyrdom of Commander Mustafa Badreddine, Sayyed Nasrallah underlined that the continuation of the Lebanese Resistance’s operations and the Gaza front is “a settled matter not open for discussion.”

He stressed that the entire world “has accepted this fact,” adding that this is why the Americans conveyed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that there is no solution for the Northern front without a ceasefire in Gaza.

The Resistance leader addressed the settlers in northern occupied Palestine, who are eager to return to their settlements, calling on them to pressure their government to end the aggression on the Gaza Strip.

‘Israel’ hits a brick

Sayyed Nasrallah explained that evaluating the results of the war requires assessing the battlefield and not relying on Israeli claims about victory, indicating that “there is a consensus on the failure in Israel.”

He also pointed out that even allies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu mock him when he says he is “one step away from victory,” emphasizing that the issue “is not limited only to Israeli failure to achieve objectives but to more strategic losses.”

The Resistance leader touched on Israeli opinion polls regarding confidence in “Israel” as a “state” and in its army, highlighting that at least 30% of settlers believe that “Israel” is uninhabitable.

The Hezbollah chief considered that the “real achievement” is the failure of “Israel”, backed by the West, to retrieve its captives or achieve victory, not to mention its inability to protect its ships from missiles launched from thousands of kilometers away.

Sayyed Nasrallah added that the “image of deterrence” within the Israeli occupation entity is declining, especially after Iran’s Operation True Promise.

In the same context, he mentioned that senior Israeli generals say that Netanyahu, through his insistence on war, “is leading us to the abyss,” noting that Israelis also speak of “daily attrition in Gaza, in the support fronts, and in the economy.”

He added that “Israel” fears withdrawing from Gaza because that would mean its defeat, which comprises a disaster for the entity, indicating that the Israeli leadership “has no vision for the day after the war.”

In light of this, Sayyed Nasrallah asserted that the Israeli occupation is “facing a dead end and is searching for any image of victory,” pointing out that “Netanyahu wants to invade Rafah to escape the image of defeat.”

As for the mediators’ proposal that Hamas agreed to, Sayyed Nasrallah said that it surprised Netanyahu because it meant his defeat and victory for Hamas (because it fulfilled Hamas’ demands).

Therefore, “the Israeli occupation has two options, either return to the mediators’ document, which means defeat for Israel, or pursue the [war of] attrition,” he maintained.

‘US deception should not trick anyone’

In a different yet related context, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah spoke about the continued US support for the Israeli occupation in its war on Gaza, stressing that “even if the United States stops an arms deal bound for Israel, it will re-allow it as this constitutes an American deception because what is happening is nothing more than a tactical dispute between the United States and Israel.”

“These theatrics that we are witnessing nowadays should not deceive anyone, as Washington stands with Israel [no matter what],” he stressed.

Furthermore, Sayyed Nasrallah maintained that what happened at the United Nations and the International Court platforms confirms the US’ continuous, unabating support for “Israel” and that the US position has not changed at all. 

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Sayyed Nasrallah also pointed out that one of the most significant results of the war is “Israel’s” acknowledgment that it did not achieve victory, highlighting that 70% of Israeli settlers are demanding the resignation of the Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi.

He also emphasized that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the resilience of the people, and the images of the blood of children and women in Gaza and southern Lebanon have shown the true colors of “Israel”.

Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that among the goals of the Palestinian Resistance and the Axis of Resistance declared since the beginning of Al-Aqsa Flood battles was to revive the Palestinian cause, remind the world of forgotten Palestine, and uphold the rights of its people inside the occupied territories and in the diaspora.

“The most important scene that reflects the victory of the Resistance is when the Israeli #UN delegate raised a picture of the leader Yahya al-Sinwar,” he maintained.

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that, since the start of Al-Aqsa Flood, the Palestinian cause is now the talk of the town worldwide, including at the United Nations, where most countries demand a ceasefire.

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah also touched on the protests taking place at universities in the United States and across Europe, confirming that these protests, bearing the name of Palestine, “are the fruit of October 7 and following events.”

He mentioned that some Arab rulers were about to sign the death certificate of the Palestinian cause through normalizing ties with the Israeli occupation, which was looming in the coming months.

He also noted that some Arab regimes and media outlets are now promoting the Israeli occupation entity as “the only democratic state” in the region.

US, EU hindering Syrian refugees return

On the internal Lebanese front, and specifically regarding the file of Syrian refugees, Hezbollah’s Secretary-General confirmed that there is a “consensus to address the issue,” explaining that the meeting of the Lebanese Parliament, next Wednesday, is “an opportunity to present practical proposals” to this end.

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that everyone is in favor of the return of Syrian refugees to their country, with the exception of some non-governmental organizations, which means that “the main obstacle standing in the way of the return of Syrian refugees to their country is the US along with the EU.”

In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah recalled his visit to Syria where he met, years ago, with the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, who encouraged the return of the refugees to al-Qusayr, stressing that “those who were preventing them from doing so were the EU-funded organizations.”

The Lebanese Resistance leader considered that “it is inevitable to communicate with the Syrian government to ensure the return of refugees,” stressing that a delegation must be formed to visit countries, such as the United States, in order to convince them of the need for their return.

He also called for “taking a Lebanese national stance to open the sea for the voluntary departure of Syrian refugees to Europe,” explaining that this is when the West and the EU “will rush to Lebanon and pay 20 billion dollars instead of one” to prevent so when such a decision is made.

“When we are our own masters and not slaves and we possess the elements of power, that is when we can impose our conditions on the enemy,” Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed.

He also emphasized that Syria is capable of getting back on its feet within a few years once the sanctions imposed on it are lifted.

Syria’s stance regarding Palestine firm, consistent

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that they wanted to force Syria, through the global war waged on it, into the American grip or into a civil war, stressing that it had “come out of the war and still maintains its [original] position, despite the siege and the difficult conditions” imposed on it.

The Lebanese Resistance leader also indicated that Damascus’ stance regarding the Palestinian cause is firm and consistent, affirming that the goal behind Hezbollah’s engagement in the war in Syria was to keep the country within the Axis of Resistance.

Regarding the occasion, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah confirmed that Martyr Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine deserved a medal for every walk of his life as a freedom fighter and a combatant, as a wounded individual, as a captive, as a commander, as an achiever, and as a martyr.

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Martyr Badreddine “is present across all battlefields, as is the case with all martyrs, especially the leaders,” explaining that the Resistance that is fighting today is “a cumulative result of the past and present leaders and fighters and those who will join in, any time in the future.”

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War on Gaza

Palestinian Resistance Continues Heroically Confronting Israeli Criminality in Gaza 11, 2024

Fighters of the Al-Qassam and Al-Quds Brigades, the military wings of Hamas and Islamic Jihad Palestinian Resistance movements (photo from archive / Gaza city).

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The Palestinian resistance fighters continued on Friday heroically confronting the Zionist aggression against Gaza ongoing for more than seven months, inflicting more losses upon the occupation troops.

Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas military wing, destroyed an Israeli personnel carrier with Al-Yassin 105 in the vicinity of Rafah crossing.

Al-Qassam Brigades published a video which shows Hamas fighters targeting the enemy soldiers and vehicles in eastern Rafah.

Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad resistance movement, detonated two highly explosive devices targeting the enemy vehicles in south of Gaza city.

Al-Quds Brigades fighters also bombarded with mortar shells the enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating the vicinity of Al-Zaytoun Clinic in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, south of Gaza City.

Friday battles were resounding as fighters of the Palestinian resistance movements valiantly defended Rafah against Israeli attempts to encircle the area to the east of Rafah.

In addition, Al-Quds Brigades’ military media depicted footage of an IOF “Skylark” UAV, which fighters successfully intercepted and commandeered in Gaza City

Meanwhile, the Zionist enemy continued bombarding the Palestinian civilian areas across the Strip, especially Jabalia, Gaza city and Rafah, committing more massacres and destroying more buildings.

Israeli warplanes carried out successive raids on Al-Zaitoun neighborhood in southeastern Gaza City, claiming 8 martyrs, according to Al-Manar reporter.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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The Gaza ‘aid pier’: a US geopolitical ploy?

MAY 10, 2024


While presented to the world as a humanitarian effort, the US-led ‘Maritime Corridor’ in Gaza is a strategic maneuver aimed at consolidating US and Israeli control over land and sea.

(Photo Credit: The Cradle)

Suat Delgen

Israel’s brutal military assault on Gaza, which has killed over 35,000 civilians, predominantly women and children, has been executed alongside the denial of humanitarian aid since the war’s onset last October.

With cases of famine already in evidence, Tel Aviv’s utter disregard of the recent International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling demanding immediate access to aid, and Washington’s veto of UN Security Council resolutions advocating for a Gaza ceasefire, both Israel and the US have come under significant global fire.

This backlash is notably strong on the campuses of major US universities, a growing student movement that has arguably breathed new life into the Palestinian solidarity movement. Concerns about the Gaza genocide’s potential damage to the global image of the US have belatedly reached the White House, with US President Joe Biden only now threatening – in advance of the November elections – to curtail the transfer of large offensive munitions to Israel.

A Maritime Corridor for Gaza 

Curiously, despite his robust support of Israel’s Gaza assault until recent days, Biden appeared to take an atypical stance during his 7 March State of the Union address:

Tonight, I’m directing the US military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier on the Gaza coast in the Mediterranean. This pier will facilitate the arrival of large ships loaded with food, water, medicine, and temporary shelters.

That atypical initiative, during a period when hundreds of tons of US weapons were being airlifted to Israel daily, raises many questions about whether the establishment of a temporary pier in Gaza – under the guise of ‘humanitarian’ concern – is purely aimed at mitigating international criticism, or if it also serves Washington’s broader geopolitical objectives in the region.

If the US was indeed concerned about rushing aid to Gaza on an urgent basis, it could simply have done so via the Strip’s many land border crossings with Israel and the Egyptian one with Rafah, where hundreds of aid trucks have been lined up for months to deliver emergency food and medicine.

So why delay land aid for months to build a sea pier, one that potentially violates international maritime law? And is “humanitarian aid” just a ruse to occupy the seacoast of Gaza illegally?

According to Washington’s narrative, the maritime corridor is intended to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid from Cyprus to Gaza via a new pier. The corridor plans to start with 90 trucks rolling off to Gaza, and then scale up to 150 trucks. However, this volume is still far below the hundreds of trucks needed daily.

There are several hurdles and concerns associated with the maritime corridor. The operations will include Israeli inspections in Cyprus, which could lead to delays and complications. The sensitivity around inspections and security, especially concerning items deemed as “dual-use” goods (usable for both civilian and military purposes) – which in the past, per Israeli diktats, have included biscuits, chickens, and toys, and today includes maternity kits, sleeping bags, and dates – could impede the smooth processing of aid.

In its provisional measures decision, the ICJ emphasized that humanitarian aid to Gaza must not be obstructed. Therefore, Israel’s blockade has become void under normal circumstances. 

In maritime operations, if a blockade is applied, no ships should be able to enter the area. Now, since the US has established a humanitarian corridor, this effectively nullifies the blockade and helps Tel Aviv pretend there isn’t one. Consequently, the US is practically invalidating the blockade decision recorded in the provisional measures decision by the ICJ, which was not supposed to be implemented – a legal loophole to provide succor to Israel’s massive international law violations.

Humanitarian aid or geopolitical strategy?

There’s significant political tension surrounding the corridor, with plenty of suspicions that it might slow down land routes or be associated with a siege strategy. The involvement of military entities and international politics adds layers of complexity and potential for delays or the politicization of aid.

Another aspect that casts doubt on the efficacy of the humanitarian aid corridor is its reliance on the Netzarim Corridor, also known as Route 749, imposed by the occupation army during the carnage. This east–west passage divides the northern and southern regions of the Gaza Strip and is a fortified road constructed by the Israeli army primarily for military access.

The route’s strategic placement and military significance complicate the entry and distribution of aid throughout Gaza. For the aid arriving through the maritime corridor, once the goods are offloaded at the pier, they still need to be transported across Gaza to reach the populations in need.

The Netzarim Corridor’s checkpoints could become bottlenecks for these deliveries. It is uncertain whether these checkpoints will allow seamless transportation of goods from the maritime corridor to the northern parts of Gaza, where famine has struck badly.

Consolidating control 

Critics argue that the corridor could serve as a smokescreen for political maneuvers, posing a major threat not only to Gaza but to Egypt too, which stands to “lose its strategic advantage” over the Palestine file. 

The suspicion is that the project, while ostensibly “facilitating” aid delivery, might also allow for increased control over the entirety of Gaza under the guise of humanitarian assistance. This control could potentially streamline Israel’s military operations and fortify its strategic positions within Gaza, ultimately influencing the broader geopolitical dynamics of the conflict.

Furthermore, the positioning of the pier may strategically protect Gaza’s nearby offshore gas fields, aligning with Israeli and US interests in stealing Palestinians’ energy resources.

The positioning of the aid entry points away from the northern parts of Gaza, where famine is most acute, to areas controlled by the Israeli army suggests a strategic alignment with Israel’s military objectives to remain physically in Gaza despite ceasefire negotiations that demand their complete exit from the Strip.

Concerns have also been raised about the potential for the US to take over control of the Egyptian border, effectively aiding in a permanent blockade of Gaza from Egypt, which could sever Gazans from access to any non-Israeli access to goods – forever. 

In essence, while the maritime corridor could indeed alleviate a tiny portion of Gaza’s immediate humanitarian needs, its broader implications suggest a tangled web of geopolitical strategies. 

Instead of establishing a floating pier for humanitarian aid, one of the most practical solutions is to send aid directly to Israel’s Ashdod Port, and from there to Gaza under UN supervision. However, in line with Israel’s military strategy, sending the aid through the Netzarim Corridor under Israeli military control to the assembly areas in the south of Gaza and directing the Palestinians to these aid points has facilitated the assault on Rafah.

Historical and strategic significance 

To understand Washington’s geopolitical calculations, it’s worth examining Biden’s statements to Congress on 20 October 2023, in which he requested assistance for Israel’s security.

“This is a prudent investment. It will benefit American security for generations to come,” “We will make Israel stronger than ever,” and “We will build a good future in the Middle East.”

Palestine, situated at the crossroads between Asia and Africa and on the border of the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, has been a source of contention since the earliest known great powers of history.

Historically, for powers in Africa or those controlling Egypt, Palestine has been key to securing the strategic Suez point for military strategy. Similarly, for powers in Asia or those emerging from the continent, controlling Palestine was crucial for accessing the Suez. 

Today, the US faces the potential loss of access to the Bab el-Mandeb passage due to Yemen’s maritime operations in and around the Red Sea, which are now expanding to the Mediterranean. Such a loss would likely shift the balance of power in the Red Sea strategic area and further across West Asia.

When considering historical and current rivalries, it is evident that a significant benefit for Washington, as noted by Biden, is to control the Suez Canal through Tel Aviv. 

It is plausible that Israel’s dominion over the Gaza Strip and the US control of the offshore waters of Gaza under the guise of humanitarian aid could facilitate US control over the exits of the Suez Canal, as well as the routes from Iran and Russia to the Eastern Mediterranean through Lebanon and Syria. The alignment of Israel’s objectives in Gaza with Washington’s strategic goals explains the continued US support of Israel – in spite of intensifying global outrage over its enabling of ethnic cleansing and land grabbing. 

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of The Cradle.

Epic Battles in Rafah as Israeli Military Claims Soldiers “Stung by Wasps”

May 10, 2024

Palestinian resistance fighters near a rocket launcher in Gaza (photo from archive).

Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Story of the day – Top

The battlefield has the final say in Gaza as the Palestinian resistance fighters engage in heroic confrontations against Israeli occupation forces in the eastern region of the southern city of Rafah.

Friday battles were resounding as fighters of the Palestinian resistance movements valiantly defended Rafah against Israeli attempts to encircle the area to the east of Rafah.

Photo circulated by Israeli media showing Zionist tanks near the eastern region in Rafah (May 2024).

Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ armed wing, announced its fighters engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli occupation soldiers in eastern Rafah.

The group announced an operation in which resistance fighters targeted a structure where an Israeli force was stationed in with TBG shell and hit an Israeli troop carrier with an RPG east of Rafah. Al-Qassam confirmed that casualties were reported among members of the Israeli force.

The resistance group declared another operation in which Al-Qassam fighters detonated a minefield at Saad Sayel Barracks, east of Rafah.

“Confirmed casualties were reported among Israeli soldiers following the deadly ambush at Saad Sayel Barracks,” Al-Qassam announced.

The area near Saad Sayel Barracks was also a scene for a third operation carried by Al-Qassam fighters who targeted two Israeli Merkava tanks with Yassine-105 shells, according to the resistance group.

Meanwhile, Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad resistance movement, issued a video showing mortar shells being fired at an Israeli troops and vehicles in eastern Rafah.

Israeli media, for its part, reported that sirens sounded twice at Karem Abu Salem, south of the Gaza Strip.

Shortly after Al-Qassam announced the operation in which a minefield was detonated at Saad Sayel Barracks, media outlets and social media circulated reports that Israeli helicopters evacuated a number of Israeli soldiers from Rafah to Soroka Medical Center.

Later on Friday, Israeli occupation military announced that 11 soldiers were evacuated from southern Gaza for treatment, claiming that they were stung by wasps in the southern Gaza Strip.

Source: Palestinian and Israeli media (translated and edited by Al-Manar English Website)


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Resistance destroyed numerous IOF vehicles in al-Zaytoun – Exclusive

May 10, 2024

By Al Mayadeen English

Source: Al Mayadeen + Israeli Media

Palestinian Resistance factions announce a series of operations against Israeli occupation forces across the Gaza Strip.

  • A screen grab from a video showing Israeli occupation soldiers being monitored by al-Qassam fighters. (Military Media of al-Qassam Brigades)

A field leader in the Palestinian Resistance from al-Zaytoun neighborhood told Al Mayadeen that Resistance fighters are engaged in fierce confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces southwest of the neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.

The leader mentioned that the confrontations are concentrated around the vicinity of Badr Mosque and the UNRWA clinic, where Resistance fighters managed to destroy several Israeli military vehicles since Thursday, in addition to showering Israeli occupation troops with 60mm mortar shells.

The source confirmed that the Resistance fighters were able to successfully carry out their operations despite the attacking Israeli forces being twice the number of forces who attempted to advance in the neighborhood about two months ago, noting that the Israeli occupation forces were now supported by dozens of tanks, armored personnel carriers, and bulldozers.

According to the leader, the Israeli occupation army is also intensifying the use of helicopters, drones, and fighter jets in its attacks.

The field leader said that the Israeli occupation forces demolished dozens of homes while bombing others with warplanes in al-Zaytoun neighborhood late Thursday.

This comes as the Palestinian Resistance intensified Thursday its operations against Israeli occupation forces raiding the al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

To the south of the neighborhood, al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, engaged Israeli forces’ gatherings with mortar shells and attacked two Israeli vehicles with an al-Yassin 105 shell and an explosive device.

Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement, attacked Israeli occupation troops and vehicles with mortar shells near Ali Mosque, southwest of the al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades also engaged an Israeli military vehicle with an RPG shell, as well as Israeli troops, with several mortar shells south of the neighborhood.

On Friday, al-Qassam confirmed that its Resistance fighters are engaged in fierce confrontations with Israeli occupation forces penetrating south of the al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City, destroying an Israeli Merkava 4 with an al-Yassin 105 shell.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades said its fighters are engaged in fierce confrontations with Israeli occupation forces using appropriate weapons. The Brigades confirmed that its Resistance fighters bombed a gathering of Israeli soldiers with mortar shells around Ali Mosque southwest of the neighborhood and engaged a Merkva tank with RPG shells near Badr Mosque.

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In addition, al-Quds Brigades said it engaged an Israeli military vehicle with an RPG shell in the vicinity of the al-Zaytoun clinic.

East of Rafah

In a related context, al-Qassam Brigades confirmed Friday that its fighters carried out a complex and simultaneous military operation against the Israeli occupation forces near al-Dawa Mosque east of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.

In detail, the Brigades mentioned that its fighters struck a building housing Israeli occupation forces with a TBG shell, while also engaging an Israeli military Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) stationed beneath the building with an al-Yassin 105 shell.

Al-Qassam Brigades also attacked Israeli occupation soldiers who were near the APC with an anti-personnel shell, inflicting casualties and injuries among their ranks.

The Brigades announced that its Resistance fighters ambushed an Israeli force, detonating a pre-prepared minefield inside the Saad Sayel barracks site, east of Rafah, and causing casualties among its ranks.

The Resistance group also said it engaged two Israeli tanks with al-Yassin 105 shells in the vicinity of the Saad Sayel barracks.

Al-Qassam mentioned that its fighters destroyed an Israeli Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) with an Al-Yassin 105 shell and set it ablaze near the barracks.

The Brigades also struck an Israeli Merkava tank with an al-Yassin 105 shell in the Abu Halawa area, east of the city of Rafah. In the same area, al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades attacked gatherings of Israeli occupation soldiers and vehicles with a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades mentioned that it engaged an Israeli military vehicle with an RPG shell on the combat axis in the vicinity of Saad Sayel barracks.

Al-Qassam Brigades also bombarded the Kerem Shalom military site east of Rafah with heavy-caliber mortar shells.

Israeli media outlets reported two severe incidents in Rafah, where a Namer-typed APC was hit by an explosive device, and another vehicle was engaged with an anti-tank rocket.

The media indicated that four Israeli soldiers were killed in these incidents, with a fifth soldier critically injured, stating that his condition was hopeless.

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War on Gaza

Gaza Day 216: Israeli Aggression in Rafah Leaves Dozens Martyred and Injured

May 9, 2024

Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Story of the day – Top

A number of Palestinian civilians have been martyred, and others wounded, due to the relentless bombing by Israeli occupation forces in Gaza and Rafah. The aggression has escalated, with no signs of slowing down, as the war enters its 216th day.

The recent attacks have resulted in the deaths of 13 Palestinians in the Al-Daraj neighborhood of Gaza City, as warplanes targeted a group of citizens near Al-Ibki Mosque. Additionally, a house belonging to the Radhi family in the new camp of Nuseirat, central Gaza Strip, was also bombed, leading to more casualties.

In Rafah, a young man lost his life due to Israeli artillery shelling in the eastern part of the city. The municipality building and various other sites were also targeted by military aircraft, causing widespread destruction.

The ongoing aggression has forced families to flee their homes in Rafah, seeking safety from the relentless bombing. The toll on innocent civilians continues to rise, with reports of injuries from bombings in other areas such as Al-Fokhari, east of Khan Yunis.

According to the government media office in Gaza, the Israeli occupation forces have committed over 3,000 massacres during the 215 days of war on Gaza, resulting in thousands of martyrs and missing persons. The toll includes a number of child casualties, with more than 15,000 children losing their lives in the ongoing genocide.

Source: Al-Manar English Website and Agencies

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Rafah border crossing to be managed by private contractor: Haaretz

 May 8, 2024

Source: Israeli Media + Al Mayadeen

This photo shows a tank with an Israeli occupation flag on it entering the Gazan side of the Rafah border crossing in occupied Palestine, on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

A new report by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz underscored a plot to take the Rafah border crossing away from Palestinian control in favor of giving it to a US security private contractor that would do “Israel’s” bidding.

In an exclusive for Israeli newspaper Haaretz, “Israel” has made a plea to the US regarding the takeover of the Rafah border crossing, saying it would be passed on to a private security contracting company.

This was offered up after “Israel” committed to “restrict its operation in Rafah”, which started on Monday, “aiming only to deny Hamas authority over the border crossing that connects Gaza with Egypt, and concentrating on the eastern side of the city.”

According to Haaretz, the Israeli occupation government, in order to secure the deal, has been negotiating with “a private company in the US that specializes in assisting armies and governments around the world engaged in military conflicts. The company has operated in several African and Middle Eastern countries, guarding strategic sites like oil fields, airports, army bases, and sensitive border crossings. It employs veterans of elite US Army units.”

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Allegedly, Tel Aviv also pledged “not to damage the crossing’s facilities to ensure its continuous operation,” alleging that the “private American security company will assume management of the crossing after the IDF [Israeli occupation forces] concludes its operation.”

In turn, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller, earlier claimed he had no information about such a plot to assume control over the Rafah border crossing.

In that regard, Haaretz also reported that Egyptian officials expressed opposition to an assault on Rafah because they were concerned that civilians might attempt to cross the border fence seeking shelter. Allegedly, they also warned that Hamas might try to breach the fence to assist Gazans in fleeing.

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Under the agreed terms between the three countries, once “Israel” finishes its ‘limited operation’ in the border crossing area, a US company will take over the operation of the facility. This responsibility includes overseeing goods entering Gaza from Egypt and preventing Hamas from regaining control of the crossing. “Israel” and the US will provide support to the company as needed.

The Israeli newspaper also claimed that Cairo complained against “Israel” on Tuesday after Israeli occupation troops shared videos showing the Israeli occupation flag being flown at the Rafah crossing. The Egyptians argued, allegedly, that such a public display undermined their efforts to diminish tensions in the area near their territory.

Rafah crossing purely Egyptian-Palestinian: Senior Hamas official

Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan made it clear on Tuesday that “the military operation in Rafah, if carried out by Israel, will not be a picnic” for the Israeli occupation forces, which were defeated and humiliated in all the areas they have entered in the Gaza Strip.

Speaking during a press conference in the Lebanese capital Beirut on Hamas’ acceptance of the ceasefire proposal presented by mediators Egypt and Qatar, Hamdan pointed out that the decision came as a result of long, difficult, complicated, and continuous negotiations over the past weeks and months.

He mentioned that the past period saw several proposals that did not meet the conditions of the Resistance or the demands of the Palestinian people, affirming that Hamas “adhered to its demands, showed flexibility where necessary, and set red lines that cannot be crossed or compromised.”

Hamdan stressed that Hamas’ acceptance of the ceasefire proposal stems from the movement’s responsibility before the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and its deep concern for its interests, rights, constants, and sacrifices, and from a positive response to the role of mediators in achieving this deal.

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War on Gaza

GAZA LIVE BLOG: Rafah: 600,000 Children without Shelter | Hamas: Israel Will Leave Gaza | Israel Evacuates Military Site | UNRWA: Open Crossing – Day 215

May 8, 2024

Palestinian families are forced to evacuate the eastern and southern areas of Rafah. (Photo: via QNN)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff 

At least 35 Palestinians were killed and 129 wounded as Israeli forces carried out new massacres in the eastern and southern areas of Rafah. 

The United States reportedly suspended sending arms shipments to Israel, due to its failure to address our concerns regarding its plans to invade Rafah.

Al-Qassam Brigades and Al-Quds Brigades announced in a statement that they are engaged in fierce clashes with invading Israeli forces east of Rafah. 

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 34,844 Palestinians have been killed, and 78,404 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7.

Click here for the previous blogs.


Wednesday, May 8, 01:30 am (GMT +2)

Hamas (Izzat al-Rishq, a member of the political bureau of Hamas):

Israel is not serious about reaching an agreement and is using negotiations as a cover to invade Rafah.

Netanyahu is trying to invent pretexts to evade negotiations and blames Hamas and the mediators.

Hamas’s approval of the mediators’ proposal confused Netanyahu and put him in trouble.

Hamas stands by its position regarding the proposal.


If Israel enters Rafah, I will not provide it with the weapons historically used to deal with this problem.

We will not provide weapons and artillery shells to Israel.

Israel will not get our support if it enters the populated areas of Rafah.

The bombs that America gave to Israel have now been used to kill civilians.

AL-JAZEERA: Heavy Israeli shelling targeted the Al-Sabra neighborhood south of Gaza City.

‘I Held on to My Husband’ – Cancer Patients in Gaza Die from War and Siege

By Abdallah Aljamal – Gaza “I held on to my husband, and told him he was everything for me, that I didn’t want to lose him.” Cancer patients from Gaza, including children, have been systematically … Continue reading‘I Held on to My Husband’ – Cancer Patients in Gaza Die from War and Siege Palestine Chronicle

Wednesday, May 8, 12:50 am (GMT +2)

HAARETZ: Clashes took place between families of captives in Gaza and Israeli police officers at a Tel Aviv demonstration demanding an exchange deal.

UNICEF: 600,000 Palestinian children are seeking shelter in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah, some of whom have been displaced several times, exhausted, traumatized, sick and hungry.

With Full Knowledge – Israel Found to Use US Weapons to Kill Health Workers in Lebanon

By Robert Inlakesh On March 27, Israel carried out a missile strike in the Southern Lebanese town of Hebbariyeh, hitting an ambulance center. An analysis of shrapnel from the scene of an Israeli attack that … Continue readingWith Full Knowledge – Israel Found to Use US Weapons to Kill Health Workers in Lebanon Palestine Chronicle

Tuesday, May 7, 11:00 pm (GMT +2)

FORMER ISRAELI CHIEF OF STAFF: Former Israeli Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi said that stopping the war on the Gaza Strip is the only way to return Israeli prisoners held by the Resistance.

ISRAELI ARMY: An Israeli soldier was injured as a result of a shell fired by the resistance in the Kerem Shalom area in the southern Gaza Strip.

FREE UNIVERSITY OF BRUSSELS: The Free University of Brussels decided to stop a technological research project with Israeli partners, and to review all other projects with Israeli participation.

HEZBOLLAH: We targeted “with artillery shells a force of Israeli enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the Ramia site, and we achieved a direct hit.”

Tuesday, May 7, 10:00 pm (GMT +2)

KAN: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office is working on a draft law proposal with the ultra-Orthodox parties, bypassing Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Defense Council Minister Benny Gantz.

ISRAELI MEDIA: Netanyahu backed down from showing flexibility in exchange negotiations.

UNRWA: The crossings must be opened, and humanitarian aid must flow.

HAMAS: The probability of the occupation remaining in the Gaza Strip is zero.

CHANNEL 14: Israeli occupation army evacuated a temporary military site on the Gaza envelope, fearing that resistance elements would infiltrate it.

‘Manipulative Trap’ – Smotrich Slams Decision to Send Negotiation Team to Cairo

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   “You must not give in to international pressure and you must not stop until victory and the submission of the enemy,” Smotrich said. Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has said … Continue reading‘Manipulative Trap’ – Smotrich Slams Decision to Send Negotiation Team to Cairo Palestine Chronicle

Tuesday, May 7, 9:00 pm (GMT +2)

ISRAELI ARMY: Gaza is one of the most difficult battlefields in the world.

CHANNEL 13 (quoting Israeli official): Netanyahu does not enable us to advance negotiations on the swap deal.

BRITISH PM: We will not change our position on arms export licenses to Israel.

‘Sort of a Precaution’ – US Lawmakers Prepare Sanctions against ICC over Israel

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   US House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) has confirmed that the bill is being drafted. US House Republicans are developing a bill to impose sanctions on officials from … Continue reading‘Sort of a Precaution’ – US Lawmakers Prepare Sanctions against ICC over Israel Palestine Chronicle

Tuesday, May 7, 8:00 pm (GMT +2)

CNN: Tel Aviv asked Washington to put pressure on Hamas and not on Israel.

HAMAS: We demand that the occupation’s crimes be documented and submitted to the criminal court.

Rafah Under Attack – Scores of Civilians Killed, Resistance Fights Back

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   Scores of Palestinians were killed and others were injured, in the intense Israeli occupation bombardment on various areas of the Gaza Strip. According to the official Palestinian news agency WAFA, … Continue readingRafah Under Attack – Scores of Civilians Killed, Resistance Fights Back Palestine Chronicle

Tuesday, May 7, 6:30 pm (GMT +2)

WALLA (quoting Israeli sources): The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hid medical markings on an ambulance that had been accompanying Netanyahu’s convoy since he suffered a heart attack last month, in order to make it look like a regular civilian car.

UNRWA: Protest by Israeli extremists in front of our headquarters in Jerusalem is “intimidation and sabotage”.

NETANYAHU’S SPOKESMAN: The seizure of the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing in the southern Gaza Strip by the Israeli army does not violate the peace treaty between Tel Aviv and Cairo.

UNRWA: The agency’s buildings in Gaza were subjected to 368 Israeli attacks.

ISRAELI ARMY RADIO: Iron Dome was unable to intercept rockets launched by the Resistance from Gaza towards Shlomi.

AUSTIN: We are absolutely committed to Israel’s right to defend itself.

FORMER MOSSAD CHIEF: There is no meaning to fighting in Rafah after all these days since the start of the war.

CHANNEL 13: Eight rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip towards Shlomi in the Eshkol Regional Council in the Gaza Strip.

HEZBOLLAH: We carried out an attack with assault marches on the headquarters of the newly created Western Brigade in Ya’ra, and a direct hit was achieved.

RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTRY SPOKESWOMAN: Carrying out an Israeli ground military operation in Rafah destabilizes the entire region. There are no prospects yet for resolving the situation in the Gaza Strip, and the conflict in the region is escalating daily.

‘Sleeping without Fear’ – Gazans React to Hamas’ Acceptance of Ceasefire Proposal

By Abdallah Aljamal – Gaza The Palestine Chronicle spoke with residents of Gaza to know their view about the proposal and Hamas’ decision. The Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas announced on Monday its acceptance of a … Continue reading‘Sleeping without Fear’ – Gazans React to Hamas’ Acceptance of Ceasefire Proposal Palestine Chronicle

Tuesday, May 7, 5:00 pm (GMT +2)

ISRAELI ARMY RADIO: Summer will be hot on the Lebanese border.

WASHINGTON DC POLICE CHIEF: 33 people were arrested during the dispersal of the George Washington group sit-in.

‘Unusual’ – US Postpones Arms Shipment to Israel but Pledges ‘Ironclad Commitment’

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   If intentional, this pause on the JDAMs would mark a significant policy shift since the onset of the current war. The US administration of Joe Biden administration has postponed the … Continue reading‘Unusual’ – US Postpones Arms Shipment to Israel but Pledges ‘Ironclad Commitment’ Palestine Chronicle

US OFFICIAL (to Al-Jazeera): Washington’s position on Rafah has not changed, and a broad operation must not be launched.

UNRWA: We did not receive aid or fuel through the Rafah crossing.

NBC (citing Israeli official). There is deep frustration in the Israeli government with the American decision to halt the arms shipment.

Tuesday, May 7, 4:15 pm (GMT +2)

GAZA STRIP CROSSINGS AUTHORITY: The Gaza Strip Crossings Authority denied Israel’s claims that it had reopened the Kerem Shalom crossing, south of the Strip, for the entry of aid.

AL-JAZEERA: About 200 European Union employees demonstrated in the Belgian capital, Brussels, against the Union’s policies towards the Gaza Strip.

‘A Form of Occupation’ – Palestinian Groups Reject Any Foreign Control of Rafah Crossing

By Palestine Chronicle Staff   Palestinian groups have strongly rejected any foreign party controlling the Rafah border of the Gaza Strip, following reports that an American security company will be in charge of the crossing. … Continue reading‘A Form of Occupation’ – Palestinian Groups Reject Any Foreign Control of Rafah Crossing Palestine Chronicle

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades announced the bombing of Israeli occupation forces’ concentrations at the “Kerem Shalom Military Site” with a 114 mm short-range “Rajoum” missile system.

Tuesday, May 7, 2:45 pm (GMT +2)

GAZA GOVERNMENT MEDIA OFFICE: A third mass grave was found inside the Shifa Medical Complex and 49 bodies were recovered.

AL-JAZEERA: Six workers were injured by occupation fire at the Kerem Shalom crossing.

AL-QUDS BRIGADES: We bombed with heavy-caliber mortar shells Israeli occupation soldiers and vehicles penetrating the vicinity of the airport, east of the city of Rafah.

ISRAELI ARMY: 3,361 Israeli soldiers have been injured since the start of the war on Gaza.

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: 34,844 Palestinians have been killed, and 78,404 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7.

US MEDIA: Metropolitan Police began evacuating a pro-Palestinian camp at George Washington University at dawn today.

Tuesday, May 7, 1:30 pm (GMT +2)

AL-JAZEERA: Rockets were launched from southern Lebanon towards the Israeli monk site in the Upper Galilee.

ISRAELI MEDIA: The Israeli army is investigating the downing of its drone in Kfar Saba, between Jaffa and Tulkarm.

HEZBOLLAH: We targeted two buildings used by Israeli army soldiers in the Hanita settlement.

PALESTINIAN MEDIA: The death toll from the Israeli bombing on the Al-Qara family’s home in the Khuza’a area, east of Khan Yunis, has risen to three.

Tuesday, May 7, 12:30 pm (GMT +2)

HEZBOLLAH: We targeted a building used by Israeli soldiers in the Metulla settlement, and two other buildings in the Shlomi settlement in the Upper Galilee.

YEDIOTH AHRONOTH: The Israeli army downplayed the US administration’s suspension of an arms shipment following an Israeli military operation in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip this week, saying that the two allied parties resolve any disputes “behind closed doors.”

Tuesday, May 7, 11:30 am (GMT +2)

PALESTINIAN FACTIONS: We will not accept the imposition of any guardianship over the Rafah crossing or any other party, and we consider this an occupation.

CHANNEL 13: An anti-tank missile hit a house in the town of Metulla.

PALESTINIAN MEDICAL SOURCES: The bodies of 35 Palestinians and 129 wounded arrived at Kuwait Hospital in Rafah within 24 hours.

IRANIAN FM: Conditions are ripe for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Tuesday, May 7, 10:00 am (GMT +2)

DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS: The attack on Rafah will have catastrophic effects on more than a million people.

KEREM SHALOM: Kerem Shalom crossing reopened for the entry of humanitarian aid after it was closed.

QATARI FM: Qatar strongly condemns the bombing of Rafah and calls for preventing its invasion.

AL-QUDS BRIGADES: We are engaged in fierce clashes east of Rafah.

MAARIV: Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich submitted a petition to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop delaying legislation on the use of Palestinian Authority funds held by Israel .

ISRAELI MEDIA: Instructions were issued to farmers in the Gaza Strip not to go out to work in the areas adjacent to the border fence.

Tuesday, May 7, 09:00 am (GMT +2)

BEN-GVIR: The demolition of dozens of homes in the Negev is an important step towards restoring governance.

AL-JAZEERA: Occupation forces begin demolishing dozens of Palestinian homes in the Naqab (Negev).

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: Our fighters are engaged in fierce clashes with the Israeli enemy forces penetrating east of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

UNRWA: UNRWA called for the reopening of Gaza crossings without any delay, noting that vital supplies and fuel are entered through them.

ISRAELI MEDIA: Dozens of prisoners’ families are closing the main Ayalon axis in Tel Aviv, demanding a deal to return their children.

Tuesday, May 7, 08:00 am (GMT +2)

AL-JAZEERA: An Israeli air strike targeted the vicinity of the destroyed Gaza Airport, east of the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.

PALESTINIAN MEDIA: A woman was killed and a number of injured in an Israeli artillery shelling that targeted the town of Khuza’a, east of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip.

AFP (citing US official): We suspended sending an arms shipment to Israel of 1,800 1,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs. Suspending the shipment of weapons to Israel due to its failure to address our concerns regarding its plans to invade Rafah.

Tuesday, May 7, 05:00 am (GMT +2)

NBC (citing US officials): American, Qatari and Egyptian negotiators are trying in Cairo to resolve various disagreements regarding the ceasefire deal.

AXIOS (citing American source): Republican representatives are preparing legislation targeting international criminal officials.

Tuesday, May 7, 03:00 am (GMT +2)

WASHINGTON POST (quoting US official): The move by the administration of US President Joe Biden to postpone two arms shipments to Israel confirms Washington’s fears about the Rafah attack.

PALESTINIAN MEDIA: An Israeli raid and artillery shelling in the center and north of the Gaza Strip.

Tuesday, May 7, 02:00 am (GMT +2)

REUTERS (citing informed source): CIA Director William Burns will travel to Israel on Wednesday to hold talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior officials.

BRITISH DEPUTY FOREIGN SECRETARY: Israel’s attack on Rafah would violate international law and would not lead to the elimination of Hamas.

Tuesday, May 7, 01:00 am (GMT +2)

MARTIN GRIFFITHS: Martin Griffiths said that Israeli evacuation orders in Rafah and the ground operation will lead to more death and displacement.

REUTERS (quoting informed sources): The administration of US President Joe Biden will not submit its report to Congress on whether Israel is violating international law in Gaza on time.

BLINKEN: Blinken condemns “extremist attacks” on aid heading from Jordan to Gaza.

Tuesday, May 7, 12:00 am (GMT +2)

YEDIOTH AHRONOTH: CIA Director William Burns will arrive in Israel tomorrow, Wednesday, to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Mossad Chief David Barnea to discuss a possible deal for a ceasefire in Gaza and the exchange of prisoners.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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Iran Has No Proxies in Region: UN Envoy

May, 08, 2024


TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian ambassador to the United Nations dismissed the Israeli regime’s accusation that proxies operate under Iran’s directive in the region, saying such allegations are made to obscure and justify the Zionist regime’s acts of aggression and destabilizing measures.

In a letter to President of the UN Security Council Pedro Comissario Afonso and UNSecretary General Antonio Guterres on May 7, Saeed Iravani categorically rejected the allegations that the representative of the Israeli regime has made against Iran.

He said the Israeli envoy has “resorted once more to lies and misinformation to make unfounded accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

“Contrary to unfounded claims, Iran has consistently upheld international law, adhered to the principles of the UN Charter, and complied with UN Security Council resolutions. Moreover, Iran has played an active role in promoting international peace and security through its constructive involvement across multiple spheres,” Iravani said.

“Iran made a clear position that the action taken on 13 April 2024 was conducted directly and officially from Iran in response to the Israeli recurring military aggressions, particularly its armed attack on 1 April 2024 against Iranian diplomatic premises in Damascus, the Syrian Arab Republic. Iran’s action was necessary, legitimate, and fully in line with its inherent right to self-defense under the UN Charter. The action only targeted military objectives and was carried out carefully and with prior notification to prevent civilian harm. I wish to emphasize that no resistance groups were involved in Iran’s legitimate action and any assertions to the contrary are rejected,” the envoy added.

“In contrast to Israel’s assertions, Iran does not have proxies in the region, and no individual, group, or nation operates under Iran’s directive. Additionally, resistance groups are not proxies; they are legitimate groups and their actions are lawful, and engaged only in fighting against Israeli occupation and aggression in Gaza and other occupied territories in Palestine, as well as against occupied forces in other nations in the region. Therefore, Israel’s attempt to label them as ‘proxies’ is only to obscure and justify its own acts of aggression and destabilizing actions in the region,” he stated.

“It is indisputable that the Israeli regime, characterized by a long history and record of blatant violations of international law, the UN Charter, and UNSC resolutions, remains the primary and longstanding threat to international peace and security. Any cynical attempt by this regime to obscure this reality through disinformation, smear campaigns, or unsubstantiated accusations against others is both futile and groundless. The Israeli regime cannot deny its direct and full responsibility for the ongoing massacre and humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza in defiance of UNSC resolutions. An obvious example of the Israeli regime’s persistent disregard for UNSC resolutions is exemplified in the Security Council’s resolution 2728 (2024), which urgently demands an immediate UNSC resolutions in the Gaza Strip. Despite clear demands from the Security Council, the occupying regime persists in its ruthless warfare against the Palestinian people and its military attacks in Rafah in blatant contempt for the Security Council’s demands,” the Iranian ambassador said.

“The occupying regime must finally bear full responsibility for the consequences of its actions and the Security Council must address Israel’s persistent destabilizing and irresponsible actions, as well as its atrocities against the Palestinian people and other nations in the region. These actions pose a genuine threat to both regional and international peace and security, demanding immediate attention and decisive action from the Security Council,” he added.

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Gaza Day 214: IOF Launches Intense Aggression on Rafah, Halting Aid and Passenger Movement

May 7, 2024

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Israeli aggression against Gaza Strip on its 214th day continues, with intense bombardment in Rafah and raids in Gaza City and north. The Yarmouk area, east of Jabalia, Beit Lahia, and Beit Hanoun were targeted, leading to casualties among citizens. Reports indicate Israeli military vehicles entering Rafah land crossing, with buildings being hit by artillery shells.

Movement Halted at Rafah Crossing

Reports indicate that the Israeli military vehicles entered the direction of the Rafah land crossing, causing a halt in passenger movement and preventing aid from entering the Gaza Strip. The occupation forces have targeted crossing buildings with artillery shells, further escalating the situation.

Escalation of Violence in Northern Gaza Strip

In addition to the attacks on Rafah, the Israeli occupation forces have also targeted areas in the northern Gaza Strip, including towns like Beit Hanoun and Jabalia. The raids have resulted in casualties and further destruction in the region, adding to the already dire situation in the besieged territory.

Calls for Ceasefire Amid Continuing Aggression

Despite mediation efforts for a ceasefire in Gaza, the Israeli forces have continued their military operation in Rafah, aiming to pressure Hamas.

Source: Al-Manar English Website and Palestinian media

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‘Israel’ makes move on Rafah, forced displacement commences

6 May 2024

Israeli occupation forces drop leaflets demanding forced displacement of Palestinians from Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, Palestine, on May 6. (Social media)

By Al Mayadeen English

Israeli occupation forces begin to forcefully displace Palestinians formerly displaced to Rafah amid the increased likelihood of the start of the imminent invasion.

The Israeli occupation forces officially began, on Monday, the forceful displacement of the already-displaced Palestinian people currently seeking shelter in Rafah, which had been designated by the Israelis as an alleged “safe zone” early in the war.

With flyers dropping from the skies, SMS, and social media broadcasts, the Israeli occupation’s action on Rafah is set to be yet another episode of this live-streamed genocide.

According to Israeli spokesperson Avichay Adraee, the IOF has allegedly expanded the alleged “humanitarian zone” in the Mawasi area and is forcing Palestinians out of eastern Rafah, which was allegedly the initial “safe zone”.

The action being taken by the Israeli occupation would forcefully displace at least 100,000 of the 1.4 million Palestinians currently displaced in Rafah. It would also threaten to hold all remaining Palestinians in Gaza hostage, as the Rafah border crossing will likely be targeted through bombardments.

After 7 months of the televised genocide, the number of Palestinian martyrs, wounded, and missing has exceeded 100,000 Palestinians.

Three IOF soldiers killed, 12 wounded in Karem Abu Salem shelling

The Israeli military admitted to the deaths of three of its soldiers and the wounding of 12 others as a result of the Palestinian Resistance’s shelling of an Israeli military outpost located near the Karem Abu Salem crossing.

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Two of the killed soldiers fought with the Shaked battalion under the Givati Brigade, while the third fought with the 931 battalion under the Nahal Brigade. 

Twelve soldiers were also wounded in the shelling, including two of the 931 battalion, and one of the Shaked battalion, who was reportedly in critical condition. 

According to the Al-Qassam Brigades, Resistance fighters targeted the location using a 114 mm short-range Rajum missile system.

The targeted gathering was responsible for the aggression against cities in Rafah and included Israeli military and Shin Bet officers, according to a source in the Resistance.

The sources said the Resistance’s preparation for the operation, its setup, and intelligence capabilities, affirmed its capabilities to accurately and directly engage its targets. 

It was simultaneously emphasized that the operation relayed several political messages, most notably the Resistance’s readiness to defend the people of Palestine against reckless Israeli aggression, as well as a military message affirming the Resistance’s capabilities and steadiness, despite the “successes” the Israeli occupation claims it is achieving. 

Israeli air defenses have since stepped up their bombing of Rafah as a response to the Karem Abu Salem operation. 

Rafah invasion will happen with or without exchange deal: Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said earlier on April 30, that an invasion of the densely-populated Rafah city will take place regardless of whether an exchange deal with the Palestinian Resistance was reached or not.

“The idea that we will stop the war before all its goals have been achieved is irrelevant. We will enter Rafah and destroy Hamas battalions there, with or without an agreement [on hostages], to achieve absolute victory,” he told families of the captives held in the Strip.

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Gaza Under Siege: Aggression Continues on 211th Day, Efforts Intensify in Cairo Talks for Ceasefire Deal

May 4, 2024

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On the 211th day of the ongoing aggression against the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation army ramped up its attacks on homes in Rafah, resulting in more casualties. Despite the devastating situation, efforts to reach a ceasefire deal were intensified in Cairo, where the Hamas delegation met with British officials to discuss ending the war.

The discussions in Cairo focused on a prisoner exchange deal, with the Qatari Al Jazeera Channel reporting that a Qatari delegation would join the negotiations. The Palestinian resistance forces, including Hamas, reiterated their commitment to achieving the ceasefire demands, which include ending the aggression, withdrawing occupation forces, returning displaced persons, providing relief to the population, initiating reconstruction efforts, and finalizing the exchange deal.

Reports from Palestinian media sources confirm casualties in Israeli bombings in various areas, including Al-Faraheen in Khan Yunis and the Al-Geneina neighborhood in Rafah. Additionally, occupation aircraft raided the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, while helicopters fired on neighborhoods in the northern region.

Also Al-Hourani family home in the Al-Saftawi area was bombed, resulting in the recovery of 3 martyrs and 3 wounded individuals from under the rubble. Other areas, including the Al-Jeneina neighborhood, also faced devastating attacks, leading to further loss of life and injuries.

In a heartbreaking turn of events, it was reported that over 10,000 women have been killed and 19,000 injured due to ongoing Israeli assaults, with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) labeling the aggression as a “war on women.” The dire situation has left more than 155,000 pregnant or breastfeeding women struggling to access essential resources.

Amidst the crisis, an opinion poll revealed that a majority of Israelis (54%) prefer a truce agreement with Hamas over a military operation in Rafah. The international community has been urged to unify its position on the conflict, with European Union Foreign Policy Coordinator Josep Borrell stressing the importance of working towards a two-state solution.

Despite the negotiations, the occupation aircraft and artillery continued their violent raids on various parts of Gaza, with a particular focus on Rafah. Dozens of civilians were killed or wounded as a result of the ongoing bombardment.

The situation on the ground remained grim, with reports of casualties in multiple areas, including Khan Yunis, Rafah, and Gaza City. Medical teams and civil defense worked tirelessly to rescue trapped individuals and recover bodies from the rubble of bombed homes.

As the international community awaited progress in the Cairo talks, the people of Gaza continued to suffer under the relentless aggression. The need for an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian relief was more urgent than ever as the conflict entered its 211th day.

Source: Al-Manar English Website and Palestinian media

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YAF to target Israeli-linked ships in Mediterranean Sea: Saree

May 3, 2024

Source: Agenci

Spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces Yahya Saree, Sanaa, May 3, 2024 (Al Mayadeen Screengrab)

By Al Mayadeen English

Saree outlined three measures: targeting violating ships, immediate implementation, and imposing sanctions on ships related to supplying occupied Palestinian ports if “Israel” invades Rafah. 

Spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces Yahya Saree on Friday announced a new stage in escalations that involves the targeting of ships heading to Israeli ports from the Mediterranean Sea.

“We announce the implementation of the fourth phase of escalation by targeting ships moving towards occupied Palestinian ports,” Saree said.

Saree outlined three measures: targeting violating ships, immediate implementation, and imposing sanctions on ships related to supplying occupied Palestinian ports if “Israel” invades Rafah. 

“First, the targeting of all ships that violate the ban decision of Israeli navigation and that heading to the ports of occupied Palestine from the Mediterranean Sea in any reachable area within our ample zone. Second, implementation of this comes into effect immediately and from the moment this statement is announced,” Saree said in a statement.

The spokesman noted that the Yemeni resistance will carry out attacks against ships heading towards Israeli ports. 

“Third: If the Israeli enemy intends to launch an aggressive military operation against Rafah, the Yemeni Armed forces will impose comprehensive sanctions on all ships and companies that are related to supplying and entering the occupied Palestinian ports of any nationality and will prevent all ships of these companies from passing through the armed forces’ operation zone, regardless of their destination,” he added.

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An initial warning was issued yesterday by the leader of the Ansar Allah movement Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.

During a speech, Al-Houthi said that Sanaa is making preparations for a new round of escalation if the Israeli occupation continues its aggression against the Gaza Strip.

He also made a review of achievements by the Yemeni armed forces during the week, which amounted to 8 operations in the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea, all the way to the Indian Ocean and southern occupied Palestine.

On Wednesday, Ansarallah Political Bureau member Ali Al-Qahoum warned that any military base or territory used as a launching point for US, UK, and Israeli aggression against Yemen be deemed a “primary” target for Yemen, and will thus expand “theater of operations and the target bank to include strategic and vital targets in depth and in economically significant areas.”

On the same day, the Supreme Council said that the consequences of Western and Israeli aggressions would extend beyond Yemen’s borders.

For months, the Yemenis have been responding to Israeli military actions in the Gaza Strip by attacking military and commercial vessels linked to the Israeli occupation regime in the areas surrounding Yemen.

In response to the attacks, the US formed a coalition under its leadership coalition to stop Yemeni operations, an effort which failed to this moment.


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War on Gaza

Israeli Military Intensifies Aggression on Gaza for 206th Day, Leaving Dozens Dead

April 29, 2024

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The aggression against Gaza continues as the occupation army targets the city of Rafah and Khan Yunis, with plans for a ground invasion despite international warnings. At least 22 people were martyred and dozens injured in Israeli raids on Sunday night.

Israeli airstrikes and artillery bombardments on homes and populated areas have left many dead, including children, women, and the elderly.

The Gaza Civil Defense is working to recover the martyrs and wounded, with reports of several attacks on inhabited homes.

At least 22 people were martyred and dozens were injured in Israeli raids that targeted, on the night of Sunday – Monday, areas in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, which has been subjected to an ongoing war for about 7 months, while the death toll in the Strip rose to 34,454 martyrs, since October 7.

The Israeli Air Force intensified its raids on various areas in the Gaza Strip, while Israeli artillery renewed its bombing of homes, residential squares, and populated areas, leaving martyrs and wounded, most of them children, women, and the elderly.

Media sources reported that occupation aircraft bombed several inhabited homes during the past two hours in the Gaza Strip.

For its part, the Gaza Civil Defense reported that its crews in the city of Rafah dealt with several attacks on populated homes, resulting in a number of martyrs, wounded, and others missing under the rubble.

During the past 24 hours, the Israeli army committed 7 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 66 deaths and 138 injuries, according to what the Ministry of Health in Gaza reported.

Dozens were martyred and hundreds injured during the past 24 hours, as a result of the raids launched by the Israeli army on the central Gaza Strip and the city of Rafah, while the threats of a ground operation still threaten the city.

Source: Palestinian media (translated by Al-Manar English Website)

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Urgent Alert: Israel Marks 200 Days of Genocide with Plans to Destroy Rafah

24 04 2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024, marked the 200th consecutive day of Israel’s large-scale military offensive on the Gaza Strip. Nearly 90 percent of the population is displaced, with many living in dire conditions in tents, and the few remaining schools used as shelters. Despite the International Court of Justice’s provisional measures orders to prevent genocide, Israel persists in threatening a large-scale ground invasion of Rafah, home to over 1.2 million residents and displaced persons—a threat that has loomed over the Palestinian people there for several weeks.

Our organizations — the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), Al Mezan, and Al-Haq — are closely monitoring and deeply concerned about the escalation of Israeli airstrikes on Rafah. The tactics of intensified bombing of homes using heavy artillery and carpet bombing are alarming and have resulted in significant civilian casualties over the last six months.  

Furthermore, concerns are growing as reports from Israeli media indicate that the Israeli army is purchasing thousands of tents to accommodate displaced individuals from Rafah. The Israeli plan to expand the so-called safe zone in the Al-Mawasi area, despite its limited capacity and current overcrowding with displaced persons, is also troubling. This expansion is purportedly capable of housing up to a million people, but the reality of its size (extending about a kilometer deep from the borders of Khan Younis to the borders of Rafah) raises doubts about its feasibility and effectiveness in addressing the humanitarian crisis.

Our organizations have repeatedly warned and expressed serious concerns about the potential consequences of a large-scale ground invasion on Rafah, similar to what has occurred in most governorates of the Gaza Strip. Such an invasion could lead to horrific massacres and raise scenarios of a second Nakba. The densely populated city, with hundreds of thousands of displaced individuals residing in tents and heavily relying on aid from the Rafah and Kerem Abu Salem Crossings, exacerbates the vulnerability of its population. The closure of these vital crossings during a potential Israeli attack would leave no suitable alternatives for the evacuation of Rafah residents and those already displaced within the city. This concern is compounded by the continued attacks and destruction that have altered the landscape of the Gaza Strip.

According to the latest update from the Palestinian Ministry of Health on April 23, 2024, Israeli military attacks over the span of 200 days have led to the killing of 34,183 Palestinians, including 14,778 children and around 10,000 women, and the injury of 77,143 others. One child is killed or injured every 10 minutes in Gaza. An estimated seven to eight thousand Palestinians are still missing, buried under the rubble, or in the streets. There have been ongoing efforts over the past few days to retrieve some of them, amid reports of finding individuals bound and buried in mass graves in Nasser and Al-Shifa Hospitals, indicating the possibility of them being killed by the Israeli army after their arrest. All of this requires the opening of a serious and independent international investigation. It is worth noting that citizens have been forced to create temporary graves in hospitals, markets, streets, and near destroyed homes due to the impossibility of transporting the people killed to official cemeteries.

After 200 days of horrific genocidal acts in Gaza, the real objectives of the attack are the continuation of the 76-year-long ongoing Nakba and the erasure and genocidal destruction of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Israel is laying the groundwork to fulfill its settler colonial plan of colonizing Gaza, played out in real time on the world’s television sets and screens. We warn that the risks of displacement are still present unless the international community intervenes effectively to prevent them.

Our organisations reiterate that silence from the international community is no longer acceptable, and  mere statements of condemnation are not enough in the face of genocide and systematic and deliberate crimes to destroy the foundations of Palestinian life.

Our organizations warn of the threat of an Israeli ground invasion on Rafah. Such an attack would represent the peak of the Israeli attack on Gaza, with the intent of inflicting the highest number of casualties and civilian victims, potentially leading to mass forcible displacement towards the Egyptian borders, located mere meters away. This scenario threatens  the acceleration of the Nakba on the Palestinian people and is an approaching reality.

We urgently call on the permanent members of the UN Security Council, the UN Secretary-General, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and the High Commissioner for Human Rights to swiftly intervene  to avert the continuing Nakba and to halt the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Our organisations warn Third States that they may be complicit in genocide through their unlimited military and financial support of Israel’s aggression on the Gaza Strip. We remind the Third States of their erga omnes obligations to protect the Palestinian people from genocide.

We further urge the international community to secure the right of return of Palestinians to their areas of residence and ensure the provision of essential services, including access to clean water, reopening closed roads, and other necessary support.

We emphasize that the key to resolving the crisis in the region forever lies in ending the illegal occupation, dismantling the Israeli settler-colonial apartheid regime, revoking all discriminatory and inhumane laws, policies, and practices against the Palestinian people as a whole, and enabling the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination and the return of refugees without any conditions or restrictions. 

Israeli Oppression in Gaza Continues: ‘Israel’ committed New massacre in the Nuseirat Camp

 April 27, 2024

A man carries the shrouded body of a child killed in overnight Israeli bombardment, in the front of the morgue of a hospital in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on April 27, 2024, as the conflict between Israel and the militant group Hamas continues. (Photo by AFP)

Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Top

‘Israel’ has once again committed a new massacre in the Nuseirat Camp in Gaza. Early this morning, eight Palestinians, including women and children, were killed, and dozens were injured due to Israeli bombings of two residential homes.

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) aircraft targeted a house in the al-Sultan neighborhood, resulting in the deaths of four Palestinians, including a baby girl who was transported to the hospital in pieces. Another four Palestinians were killed and around 30 more were injured in a bombing of another house in the same camp. The Al-Mughraqa region also faced heavy bombardment.

Furthermore, the IOF continued its attacks on Gaza City, severely damaging at least three houses in the al-Shujaiya neighborhood. Palestinian media reported an additional six Palestinians killed in a bombing targeting a house in Rafah, south of Gaza.

In a related but equally aggressive development, nearly 400 decomposing bodies were uncovered in Khan Younis Nasser Hospital as authorities began recovering the bodies of Palestinians killed during the hospital’s siege and subsequent invasion by Israeli forces. Many of the bodies, including those of children, showed signs of torture.

Gaza’s Civil Defense has condemned the atrocities committed at the medical facility, demanding an international investigation into the war crimes committed by Israeli occupation forces. The occupation’s troops were accused of burying bodies in plastic bags at a depth of three meters, accelerating their decomposition, and even burying at least 20 people alive.

Source: Al-Manar English Website and Palestinian media

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Palestinian Resistance Factions Prepare for Potential Invasion of Rafah by Israel: Warning of Catastrophic Consequences

 April 25, 2024

Illustrative image prepared by Al-Manar Website displays resistance acts against Israeli occupation during the Israeli war on Gaza (November 2023).

 Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Top

The Palestinian Resistance factions have issued a powerful statement, declaring their readiness for any potential scenarios in the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, including a ground invasion of Rafah, the southernmost city in the besieged territory.

In a joint statement released on Wednesday, the factions emphasized their determination to not stand idly by as they warned of the catastrophic and humanitarian consequences of an invasion of Rafah, where more than 1.4 million displaced Palestinians currently reside.

The factions held the US President Joe Biden’s administration and Western governments accountable for any potential Israeli aggression, stating that ongoing Western support to “Israel” despite its violation of international laws and conventions is unacceptable.

In a call to action, the factions urged the Palestinian masses in the West Bank to rise up vehemently against the Israeli threats of invading Rafah, urging them to turn the West Bank into a fireball to combat Western and soldiers.

Additionally, the factions warned of a comprehensive escalation that could threaten regional security, especially Egyptian national security, should an invasion of Rafah take place, given its proximity to Egypt.

Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’ Political Bureau, denounced Washington’s deceptive stance and affirmed that the Palestinian people will not surrender if an invasion occurs, stating that the resistance is prepared to defend itself.

Source: Israeli and Palestinian media (translated and edited by Al-Manar English Website)

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Israeli invasion of Rafah strategic mistake, Israeli experts say

April 25, 2024

Source: Israeli Media

Palestinians flee from northern Gaza as Israeli tanks block the Salah al-Din road in the central Gaza Strip on November 24, 2023 (AP)

By Mohammad Al-Jaber

Numerous Israeli experts have underlined that the potential invasion of Rafah would be a strategic blunder for the Israeli occupation forces as it would leave them defeated in at least one way.

Numerous Israeli experts, comprising former military and security officials, have issued stark warnings against an invasion of Rafah, deeming it a terrible strategic mistake were it to take place, as they underline that such a move would culminate in a staggering defeat for the Israeli occupation forces as the Israeli regime appears hellbent on invading the southernmost region of Gaza.

Reserve Major General Yitzhak Brik contends that Israeli leadership’s fixation on achieving “absolute victory” over Hamas is a delusion detached from reality. Brik asserts that this misguided pursuit could lead the Israeli occupation into another catastrophic outcome akin to Operation al-Aqsa Flood.

He further criticized what he termed the reckless determination of the political and military leadership to salvage their tarnished reputation at any cost, even if it meant risking the Israeli occupation’s security and stability. These “gang members (the political and military leadership) have decided to pay any price to try to salvage their lost honor due to their responsibility and guilt for the grave failure; so much so that they are willing to take actions that amount to gambling on Israel’s existence.”

Former Israeli occupation forces Central Command Commander Reserve Major General Gadi Shamni underlined that “Israel” needed to swiftly pursue a resolution through negotiations, which would include recognizing Hamas’s inevitable dominance in the aftermath of any Israeli withdrawal.

Shamni dismissed the notion of a viable alternative to Hamas and warned against the futility of attempting to confront the Resistance faction militarily.

Strategic ambush awaiting IOF

Another critic of the plan to invade Rafah was Israeli Reserve Major General Israel Ziv, the former chief of the IOF’s Operations Division, who warned that Hamas had a strategically devastating ambush awaiting the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah. “It would end with the [IOF] leaving Rafah with its tail between its legs.”

He cautioned that any ground operation in Rafah carried unprecedented risks, surpassing previous engagements in the Gaza Strip. He cautions against underestimating the resilience of Hamas and anticipates a scenario where the IOF retreats from Rafah, mirroring past withdrawals that allowed Hamas to consolidate its control.

Former commander of the Israeli Air Defense Force Reserve Brigadier General Zvika Haimovich stressed that there was no definitive victory in such conflicts, urging a pragmatic assessment of achievable objectives in order for the IOF not to get too carried away. 

Haimovich highlighted the futility of prolonged military engagements, citing recent precedents where temporary gains were swiftly nullified by subsequent escalations.

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