Hezbollah SG’s Political Adviser: Al-Moallem Was the Resistance’s FM in All International Fora

Hezbollah SG’s Political Adviser: Al-Moallem Was the Resistance’s FM in All International Fora

By Ali Hassan

Damascus – He was a man that presided over Syrian diplomacy throughout many stages. He was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon, Syria, and all the resistance in all international fora.

This is what Haj Hussein al-Khalil, the political advisor to the Secretary General of Hezbollah His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, told the family of the late Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem when the party’s delegation offered its condolences Wednesday night in Damascus.

Other members of the Hezbollah delegation included the head of the Baalbek and Hermel bloc, MP Hussein Hajj Hassan and Dr. Hassan Hammoud, the assistant of the SG political advisor.

Al-Khalil told al-Ahed News that the delegation “came to Damascus to convey the warm condolences of His Eminence, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and as well as all the Lebanese resistance fighters to His Excellency, the loyal and persevering President Bashar al-Assad, to the prime minister and members of the government in the Syrian Arab Republic, to the foreign ministry staff, and to the family of the late Walid al-Moallem, who was able to lead this diplomacy and defend the causes of Syria and the resistance.”

“Walid al-Moallem was a national, Arab, and Islamic figure par excellence. He raised the concerns and causes of the Arab nation to the entire world and in all fora,” al-Khalil added. “He diligently carried the cause of resistance and the concerns of Palestine. He sat on the throne of major diplomacy in the Arab world at a time when Syria was going through the most difficult circumstance, as it was being fiercely attacked and subjected to the biggest media war. He defended it with intelligence, sophistication, logic, and a distinguished calmness with which he coaxed the enemies and pleased the friends.”

In his interview with al-Ahed, Hajj Hussein Al-Khalil recalled two of al-Moallem’s stances. The first was when he came from Washington after the Zionist aggression in 1996 to take part alongside the resistance in drafting the April Understanding. This is considered the first foundation for establishing the deterrence base set by the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon with the support of Iran and Syria.

The second stance was in some of the meetings that brought together Arab and other officials during the 2006 “Israeli” aggression against Lebanon. He addressed the then-Lebanese prime minister as the men of the Resistance laid down the most wonderful epics on the ground against the Zionist enemy. Al-Moallem told the tearful Fouad Siniora,

إعتذر يا فؤاد...إعتذر :: موقع النبطية

“Why are you crying? You are the most powerful prime minister in the Arab world because you have the strongest resistance in the Middle East. You should laugh with pride.”

During the memorial service, the Hezbollah delegation stressed the role the late minister played in key events concerning Lebanon and the Resistance – the first of which was his prominent political role in the face of the “Israeli” enemy.

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President Assad Appoints Dr. Faysal Mikdad as Foreign Minister, Dr. Bashar Jaafari as his Deputy


Legislative Decree General Amnesty Syria - President Assad

President Bashar Assad issued three presidential decrees today naming the country’s new minister of foreign affairs, his deputy, and the new head of the Syrian mission to the United Nations.

The decrees follow the demise of the career diplomat former Minister of Foreign Affairs Walid Muallem.

Presidential Decree No. 322 dated 22 November 2020, President Assad appoints Dr. Faysal Mikdad as Foreign and Expatriates Minister.

Dr. Mikdad was born in Daraa in 1954 and is a graduate in English Literature from Damascus University. He holds a doctorate in English Literature from Charles University in Prague, 1992.

Dr. Mikdad served in the diplomatic body in a number of posts, including the head of the Syrian delegation at the United Nations, and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs since 2006,

Presidential Decree 323 dated 22 November 2020, President Assad appoints Dr. Bashar Jaafari as Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister.

Dr. Jaafari was born in Damascus in 1956, he’s a graduate of Damascus University in French Literature, got two doctorates in political science, and in history of Islamic civilization in Asia southeast.

Dr. Jaafari’s served in the Syrian diplomatic body in many posts including Syria’s ambassador to Indonesia, and Council Minister at the Syrian Embassy in Paris. His last post was Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York.

Bashar Jaafari
Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, His Excellency, Bashar al Ja’afari. In February 2014, the Obama State Dept restricted his mobility to a 25mi/40km radius in order to censor his successful Town Hall meetings. None of Dr. Ja’afari’s colleagues complained.

Presidential Decree No. 324 dated 22 November 2020, President Assad appoints Mr. Bassam Al-Sabbagh as Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York.

Mr. Bassam Al-Sabbagh was born in Aleppo, he holds a degree in political science and was Syria’s ambassador to Austria and Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations and International Organizations in Vienna since 2010.

Mr. Al-Sabbagh was also Syria’s Permanent Representative at the OPCW since 2013, a consultant at Syria’s Mission to the United Nations 2001 – 2006, and a diplomat at the Syrian embassy in Washington between 1995 and 2000.

Syria News wishes all esteemed diplomats the best in their new positions and the ability to serve Syria and humanity to the best. For sure, we will be missing Dr. Bashar Jaafari’s firing statements at the United Nations, we do hope he will increase the dose with this new promotion.

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بين العميدين.. الخوري والمعلم

راميا الإبراهيم

راميا الإبراهيم  مذيعة ومقدمة برامج في قناة الميادين

المصدر: الميادين نت

18 تشرين ثاني 20:53

من مجلس الأمن في أربعينيات القرن الماضي إلى “جنيف 2 ” عام 2014 قصةٌ وطنيةٌ خطّها “مسيحيٌّ ومسلمٌ”.. معذرة. ما بينهما وبعدهما الكثير مما يعرّي كذبة الطائفية حيث سورية وطنٌ للجميع حرٌّ ومستقلّ.

من مجلس الأمن في أربعينيات القرن الماضي إلى “جنيف 2 ” عام 2014 قصةٌ وطنيةٌ خطّها “مسيحيٌّ ومسلمٌ”.. معذرة. ما بينهما وبعدهما الكثير مما يعرّي كذبة الطائفية حيث سورية وطنٌ للجميع حرٌّ ومستقلّ.

بين العميدين.. الخوري والمعلم
بين العميدين.. الخوري والمعلم

في بلادي أي سورية (ونحن فيها نكتب سورية بالتاء المربوطة) لم نكن نعلم ديانة صديقٍ أو زميلٍ إلا في حالتين الزواج أو الوفاة.. لم نكن أساساً نُعير بالاً لذلك… حتى وإن جاء أحدٌ على ذكر الأمرِ وهي كانت من النوادر، كان يخفض صوته همساً و كأنه يقرّ بأنه يرتكب خطيئة..

محرك الوطنية.. فارس بيك الخوري 

لا تتّسع بضع الكلمات التي أهمُّ بكتابتها لإنصاف أحد قامات بلادي الوطنية، الثائر ضد الاحتلالين العثماني والفرنسي، الأديب والمفّكر والسياسي الأصيل.. مناصبُ عديدةٌ تدرّج فيها رئيس الوزراء فارس بيك الخوري ومنها وزارة الأوقاف، وهذه الأخيرة لم تكن  الوحيدة التي شغلها، لكن أهمية ذكرها تكمن في كون الخوري مسيحياً. معذرة … مسيحيٌ حارب محاولات فرنسا تبرير إبقاء استعمارها لسورية… بادعائها أن المسحيين يطلبون حمايتها، فذهب إلى المسجد الأموي واعتلى المنبر قائلاً: إن الفرنسيين يقولون إن المسيحيين يطلبون الحماية منها، أنا من هنا أعلنها، أنا أطلب الحماية من شعبي.

من قصص استقلال سوريا 

عام 1946 في جلسة مجلس الأمن، جلس فارس بيك الخوري في المقعد الخاص بالمندوب الفرنسي. وعندما جاء المندوب الفرنسي ليجلس على مقعده، فوجئ بالخوري… طلب منه الفرنسي الانتقال إلى المقعد الخاص بسورية لكن الخوري تجاهله وأخرج ساعته من جييب سترته وراح يتأمل فيها بينما المندوب الفرنسي استشاط غضباً وراح يشرح له… هذا مقعد فرنسا، أنظر هذا العلم الفرنسي أمامه وهناك مقعد سورية حيث علمها أمامه.. لكن الخوري لم يتحرك واستمر بالنظر إلى ساعته. كاد مندوب فرنسا أن يفقد عقله، وعند الدقيقة الـ 25 قال فارس بيك بلغة فرنسية واضحة: سعادة السفير جلست في مقعدك 25 دقيقة، فكدت تقتلني غضباً وحنقاً.. سورية تحمّلت سفالة جنودكم 25 سنة وآن الآوان لها أن تستقلّ.

وكان الاستقلال إلى جانب بطولات أبناء الوطن على اختلاف تلاوينهم. وفي بلدي كما المنطقة لوحة فسيفسائية من الأديان والمذاهب والقوميات هي مصدر قوة بلا شك، وستبقى كذلك. 

في قصص سيادة سورية

بعد ثلاث سنوات من الحرب في سورية وعليها، وهي الأقسى بالمناسبة تحدثت فيها الكرة الأرضية جمعاء باسم الشعب السوري وحكومته وجيشه ورئيسه.. ما عداهم.

وكانت كلمة سورية 

في مؤتمر “جنيف 2” حيث اجتمع العالم لمناقاشة “قضية سورية”، كانت كلمةٌ للوفد السوري برئاسة الراحل شيخ الدبلوماسية ابن دمشق الأصيل وزير الخارجية وليد المعلم. 

خطأٌ أعتقدُ أن واشنطن تندم عليه إلى اليوم، مع عواصمَ للأسف عربية وأيضا غربية. فهي لم تعتقد أن هناك من يضرب أو يشكك بروايتها التي أفردت لها امبراطوريات الإعلام والسياسة بين الغربية منها والعربية وبمال هذه الأخيرة عن “الرئيس القاتل وجيشه السفاح  للثورة”.

عشر دقائق مُنحت للمعلم ليقول كلمته.. لكنها كلمة سورية، قال المعلم بكل هدوء، وأضاف مخاطباً بان كي مون الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة سابقاً عندما حاول مقاطعته لتخطيه الوقت المحدد: “لقد تكلمتَ أنتَ 25 دقيقةً، أنا أعيش في سورية وأنت تعيش في نيويورك.. لدي الحق لإيصال الصورة الحقيقية في سورية”.

 تحدث المعلم  34 دقيقة بالتمام، لم تفلح لا مقاطعات بان كي مون ولا أصوات الجرس في ثنيه عن إكمال كلمته حتى النهاية.. مع رسائل واضحة ومباشرة، مخاطباً وزير الخارجية السابق جون كيري: “لا أحد في العالم سيد كيري، لا أحد في العالم يستطيع إضفاء الشرعية أو عزلها أو منحها لرئيسٍ أو حكومةٍ أو دستورٍ أو قانونٍ أو أي شيءٍ في سورية إلا السوريين أنفسهم”.

و كانت كلمة سورية.. أجبر العالم على سماعها كاملة. 

رئيس أركان الجيش الدبلوماسي 

لم يكن المعلم رئيس وفد سورية إلى مؤتمر “جنيف2” فحسب.. كان يمثل تاريخاً من الوطنية والانتماء والمهنية والخبرة والثبات والعفة، فالملايين من الدولارات دُفعت له حتى ينشقَّ عن وطنيته في سنيّ الحرب في سورية وعليها، فأبى كما الجسم الدبلوماسي السوري، ليكون رئيس أركان جيش دبلوماسيٍّ بطلاً وشريكاً بالانتصار.

سورية وطن للجميع 

بين العميدين الخوري والمعلم من مجلس الأمن في أربعينيات القرن الماضي إلى “جنيف 2 ” عام 2014 قصةٌ وطنيةٌ خطّها “مسيحيٌّ و مسلمٌ”.. معذرة، وما بينهما وبعدهما الكثير.. تعرّي كذبة الطائفية والصدام الديني حيث سورية وطنٌ للجميع حرٌّ مستقلّ…

Syrian Foreign Minister Muallem Was A Multipolar Visionary

Andrew Korybko (@AKorybko) | Twitter

By Andrew Korybko

American political analyst

18 NOVEMBER 2020

Syrian Foreign Minister Muallem Was A Multipolar Visionary
In order to appreciate his legacy, the reader must understand the complex circumstances in which he worked.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem passed away earlier this week, but his multipolar vision will be remembered forever. The Arab Republic’s top diplomat previously served as his country’s Ambassador to the US from 1990-1999 prior to becoming Assistant Foreign Minister in 2000, Deputy Foreign Minister in 2005, Foreign Minister in 2006, and even Deputy Prime Minister in 2012. He was also Syria’s Minister of Expatriates too. In order to appreciate his legacy, the reader must understand the complex circumstances in which he worked.

The US became the world’s unipolar superpower after the end of the Cold War right when Mr. Muallem became the Syrian Ambassador to that country. He was charged with managing Damascus’ changing relations with the world during that very difficult time. It was during that period that both countries attempted to normalize their formerly hostile Cold War-era relations. Although extremely challenging, Mr. Muallem succeeded as best as he could with his very important task.

Just before becoming Foreign Minister, Syria militarily withdrew from neighboring Lebanon in response to the domestic political changes that took place there during its Cedar Revolution after the assassination of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Damascus was blamed for that crime but vehemently denied it, and Mr. Muallem provided plenty of evidence in defense of his country to the United Nations. That was his first real challenge in his new post. The year after, in 2007, Israel bombed a suspected nuclear reactor in Syria, which caused a brief crisis.

Mr. Muallem also had to contend with the increasingly aggressive US military presence in neighboring Iraq. Washington had accused Damascus of supporting anti-American militias, and some voices were even urging the Pentagon to go to war against the Arab Republic. Thankfully nothing ever came out of those hawkish cries, but that’s largely the result of Syria’s diplomatic success in standing strong against this bullying. Syrian-American relations then thawed for a short period of time after Secretary of State Kerry visited Damascus in 2010.

It was after the onset of the regional regime change operation popular described as the so-called “Arab Spring” in 2011 that Mr. Muallem became a globally recognized diplomatic figure even though he arguably deserved this distinction earlier for the aforementioned reasons. Syria was victimized by an externally waged hybrid war of terror which included foreign sponsorship of terrorist groups, crippling Western sanctions, and several false accusations that Damascus used chemical weapons against its own people.

The most dramatic of the latter occurred in late 2013 and almost led to the US launching a conventional all-out war against Syria like it had against Libya just two years prior. Mr. Muallem played a leading role in resolving this global crisis, which resulted in Syria surrendering its chemical weapons stockpile to the international community. Two years later, Russia launched a game-changing anti-terrorist military intervention in Damascus’ support to help defeat ISIS, which Mr. Muallem also played an integral role in organizing behind the scenes.

All the while, he simultaneously helped Syria react to several Turkish military interventions without escalating them to the point of a larger war, the same as he did whenever Israel launched literally hundreds of strikes against his country in the proceeding years as well, to say nothing of the US-led anti-ISIS coalition’s attacks too. It took exceptional patience and restraint to avoid overreacting to those provocations like others in his position elsewhere might have done, but he kept his cool and thus helped manage those destabilizing developments.

It should also be mentioned that Syria retained its historic alliance with Iran that preceded Mr. Muallem’s tenure as Foreign Minister by several decades. He masterfully balanced between that Mideast country and Syria’s other Russian ally without playing either off against the other unlike other smaller- and medium-sized states in similarly difficult positions had historically attempted in the past with different partners. Importantly, Mr. Muallem also oversaw the improvement of Syrian-Chinese relations during this time as well.

China, Russia, and Iran are completely different countries but are all united in spirit because of their belief in a multipolar world order, which Syria also supports. Mr. Muallem proved that countries such as his can successfully bring all three of them together to synergize their efforts in pursuit of this vision. The example that he set in this respect, among the many others that were mentioned in this analysis, will ensure that he’s remembered the world over as one of the greatest diplomats of the 21st century.

في ذات اليوم: المعلِّم … مقابل لطخة عملاء – عادل سمارة

سوريا تودّع الدبلوماسي الصلب وليد المعلم - YouTube



لا تكتب عن رجل السياسة حتى يرحل فما أكثر منزلقات الكتابة عن الأحياء. أما من بدأ ورحل نموذجا عروبياً فرثاؤه واجب بل إن رثاءه تحدِ للسقوط ومنارة للصمود.

وليس أجدر من سوريا لولادة مثله ولا أجدر منه بحبها.  فليتمدد في عينيها وليعلو قاسيون.

مقابلة خاصة مع وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلم - YouTube

رحل الذي كانت سبابته كلاشنكوف في عين وزير خارجية العدو الأمريكي بينما كان من يزعمون أنهم ذوي سيادة وفخامه وعظمة وسمو جميعهم خراف تحت نعله، قطَعا من السجاد الرخيص تتمنى ان يدوسها وهو يمشي خَيلاء.

في زمانه قال دوقلة المنبجي: “والضدُّ يُظهر حسنه الضدُّ”

ففي يوم رحيل المعلم كان 200 عميل فلسطيني من نسل بلفور يُقدمون الوطن الذي لا يملكون ليتملكه الصهاينة. عقد تمليك لا يملكون من شرف ملكيته شيئاً.

وكأن التاريخ على إصرارِ بان يُعلي من موقف الرجل فسخَّر هؤلاء بسقوطهم ليُعلنوا مساواة الضحية بالجلاد، المالك بالسارق والثابت بالعابر والمُقاوم بالغازي، وهذا أدنى انماط التطبيع. إنه سباق العملاء إلى القاع. فمن يُملِّك وطنا للعدو بل أدنى من عميل.

مئتان ممن يُقال بانهم مثقفون وأكاديميون ووووو يرسلون للكيان رسالة خائنة، فيدوسها الكيان كما داس مبادرة عبد الله بن سعود ومعه مختلف دُمى الغرب والصهيونية في سلطات فرضها على  الوطن الكبير.
يريدون دولة للعدو ومع العدو بينما يأنف العدو، وهو عدو وغازٍ، حتى ان يُشير لما فعلوا بإصبعه الوسطى،  يحملون إليه الطيب، فيبول عليهم.

أيُّ حق رُفع وأي باطل وُضع” كان ذلك يوم رحل عمر بن الخطاب حيث وُلد الشاعر الفوضوي عمر بن ابي ربيعة. واليوم اي بطل اعتلى واي لفيف من العملاء اندلقوا يلعقون أحذية الكيان بينما الكيان يزيد على أحذيته طيناً. لفيف كلفيف دُعاة دولة مع المستوطنين، فالمرض الخبيث يُجتث  ولا يلبث أن يُفرِّخ.
ليس المعلم اول بطل سوري عربي فلسطيني يرحل وليس هؤلاء أول رشقة/لظخة أحذية تُقدم نفسها لمن يرفض انتعالها. ما قالوه قاله قبلهم عملاء كثر: إميل حبيبي، عزمي بشارة، يحي غدار، وسلامه كيله، وخمسة وخمسون صاغوا بيانا وضيعا كهذا ضد العمليات الاستشهادية.

في ذكراها الخمسين: "الحركة التصحيحية" إذ تودّع وزير خارجيتها ! - الحل نت
انقر الصورة

أما سوريا، فأنجبت وليد المعلم ويوسف العظمة وسلطان باشا الأطرش وجول جمال والكثيرين.
رشقة العملاء هذه لن تمحو مجد فلسطين من أبطال الثلاثاء الحمراء إلى غسان كنفاني إلى دلال المغربي إلى وديع حداد إلى عز الدين القسام.

أما الحدث الثالث فهو ما يقوله متحدث من أوساط العدو (شاهدوا). لم يقل ذلك في يوم رحيل المعلم، ولا في يوم كتابة عريضة المذلة للمئتين: شاهدوا كيف ينفي اي “حق” للغاصب، وبه يرد على من يقدمون اجسادهم للاغتصاب، لأنهم لا يملكون الوطن الذي يقدمون.

حاشية: بينما نعيش زمن الصد والرد لا بد أن يحرك العدو لحظة السقوط. فالصد والسقوط والمقاومة والمفاوضة في تناقض تناحري.

فتح وإقفال الصندوق وحامل المفتاح – عادل سمارة

هناك أكثر من درس وعبرة يفيدنا بها الصراع الانتخابي في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. وقد يكون موقف ترامب ومؤيديه، ا ي حزبه وناخبيه هو الخلاصة الأكثر وضوحا لنا وبالتالي الأكثر فائدة. وليس هدفنا مجرد التمتع بتآكل الديمقراطية اللبرالية في الغرب الراسمالي بقدر ما نستفيد بفهم جذورها التي لا بد أن تقود إلى ما هي عليه من ثمار لصالح أقل عدد ممكن من الناس على حساب أكثر عدد ممكن منهم. . هذا من جهة ومن جهة ثانية كي يكون لدينا السلاح المناسب، وهذا الأهم في التصدي للطابور الثقافي السادس في الوطن العربي والذي يُراكم آلاف مرتزقة الثقافة حيث يتم تجميعهم، في الدوحة/بقطر أو دُبي في الإمارات والتي تضيف لهم مافيا الكوكب، لغسيل وجه هذه الديمقراطية الدامية. فربما من المدهش والصادم للمواطن العربي حين يرى كُتَّابا ومثقفين ومفكرين ومناضلين سابقين/ات يتم تجميعهم تحت فرج حاكم يُدعى أميراً فقط لأنه ورث منصباً اسس له الاستعمار لا أكثر ولا أقل. ويتراكم هؤلاء هناك بلا وخزة من ضمير وذلك فقط لسببين:

الأول: إنه لمعان الذهب أخضر أو اصفر لا فرق​​
والثاني: لأن المثقف المشتبك والاحزاب الثورية ترددت في معاقبة من سقط وخان وباع. وطبَّع، فصار تخريب الثقافة العربية أمر عادي بل ويبدو كمالو كان عملاً “مفيداً” .

وأحد أخطر آليات التخريب هو الترويج للديمقراطية اللبرالية الغربية في الوطن العربي وخاصة وهي تأكل ، مثلا العراق، ويحمل لوائها متخلفين من حكام العرب، وتتآكل ذاتياً.
دور هؤلاء المثقفين هو الخدمة التخريبية الثقافية في الوطن العربي باستيراد الديمقراطية المتآكلة وهذا الجزء المكمل لخدمة هؤلا ءالحكام للاقتصاد الراسمالي الغربي المتآكل ايضا حيث تقدم الصناديق السياية وربما حِلْي نسائهم لإسعاف تلكم الاقتصادات. هي خدمة مزدوجة: المثقف يروج للديمقراطية اي يستوردها والحاكم يروج لها نفسها بأن يدفع ثمن استيرادها للغربي!

من دروس تجربة ترامب وحزبه في “الديمقراطية” تعميم الحرب على صعيد عالمي حرب التجارة أي التقشيط وحرب السلاح وخاصة بالإنابة حيث تقوم كيانات الخليج بتدمير الوطن العربي داعية لدمقرطة سوريا والعراق والجزائر واليمن وليبيا…الخ. وعولمة الشعبوية حيث انتقلت من نطاق البلد القومي إلى صعيد عالمي. وهذا في الحقيقة تعبير عن جوهر الديمقراطية اللبرالية الغربية خارج بلادها كاستعمار وتخليق أدوات لهذا الاستعمار من بنية البلد الخاضع نفسه.

بكلام آخر هذه الديمقراطية فراخة ومولدة للاستعمار بالضرورة. وهي إذا ما حوصرت من التمدد الى خارج بلدانها سوف تعاني من تحارق ذاتي داخلي وهذا ما يجب ان تعمل لإنجازة قوى الثورة العالمية اي نقل الصراع إلى داخل الدول اللاستعمارية.

تجربة ترامب ركلت تبادل السلطة بالحذاء، هذه المفخرة التي أهلكونا بالترويج لها، فإذا بها كفُخَّار يتم كسره باقدامهم. لقد أعلن قبيل الانتخابات وخلالها وبعدها بانه مالك السلطة وسيقاتل لحصرها بيده. وبغض النظر عن مآلات هذا الموقف، فإن المهم هو كشف أكذوبة تبادل السلطة والتعددية وخاصة التعددية “الثنائية” بين حزبي أمريكا.

ومع ذلك لم يتوقف مروجو أو باعة “بُقج” الديمقراطية الغربية الراسمالية في وطننا العربي ولن يتوقفوا. والحقيقة أن هؤلاء الشغيلة لدى “بن سلمان وبن زايد وبن حمد، هم أخطر من سادتهم المًسوْدين من الاستعمار طبعاً.

و لمن يقرأ جيدا اصبحت ديمقراطية الانتخابات الغربية هي دعوة الفقراء لانتخاب اغنياء ثم وضعهم في صندوق لحين انتهاء دورة المجلس “المنتخب” ليُفتح الصندوق ثانية وينتخبوا ويُعادوا إلى الصندوق مجددا.

ولا شك أن الناس أخذت تعرف جيداً، بأن من يمكنه الوصول لبرلمان في الغرب الراسمالي خاصة حيث الترشُّح هو مشروع راسمالي مكلف هو:
1- إما ملياردير
2- أو ممثل اللوبي الصهيوني

لذا، نجح ترامب سابقا، ولم يعد بوسعه تخيُّل ان لا يفوز لآنه يجمع بين الإمكانيتين. لكنه عجز عن رؤية بأن نفس هذه الماكينة المتحكمة بالانتخابات يمكنها فرز خصم له. كيف لا وهي التعددية بين ما نسبته 1 بالمئة من المجتمع.

Hezbollah Command Delegation Offers Condolences on Demise of Syria’s Al-Moallem: Sayyed Nasrallah Describes Him as FM of Resistance

 November 19, 2020


Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah dispatched a command delegation to offer condolences on the demise of Syria’s late foreign minister, Walid Al-Moallem, to his family.

The delegation consisted of Hezbollah Secretary General’s Political Aide, Hajj Hussein Khalil, the assistant of Hezbollah Secretary General’s Political Aide, Dr. Hasan Hammoud, and MP Hussein Hajj Hasan.

Hezbollah delegation offered condolences on the demise of FM Al-Moallem in presence of the deputy foreign minister Faisal Al-Miqdad, conveying Sayyed Nasrallah’s message which hailed the virtues of the deceased top diplomat.

“He was the foreign minister of the resistance and its fighters,” Sayyed Nasrallah’s message read.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Walid Al Muallem: Syria’s Great Patriot Passes at Dawn

November 16, 2020 Miri Wood

وليد المعلم يفاجئ الجميع: من بومبيو هذا لا أعرفه؟! - Sputnik Arabic

Walid al Muallem, known for his relentlessly passionate patriotism, passed away at dawn, Monday 16 November, at the age of 79, and after a lifetime of true service to his country.

Born in Damascus in 1941, Mr. Muallem was educated in public schools before receiving a Bachelor Degree in Economics at Cairo University, in 1963. The following year he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, serving in Syria’s Missions to Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, Spain and England. In 1975 through 1980, Mr. Muallem functioned as Syria’s Ambassador to the Republic of Romania, after which his service was as Director of the Documentation and Translation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

بالصور.. آخر إطلالة لوزير الخارجية السوري الراحل وليد المعلم - RT Arabic

Mr. Muallem served as Syria’s Ambassador to the United States from 1990 through 1999, after which he became an Assistant Foreign Minister in early 2000. He was later appointed the Deputy Foreign Minister, and has functioned as Syria’s Foreign Minister since 2006. In 2012, he also filled the positions of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign and Expatriates Minister.

Walid al Muallem’s tenacious patriotism was not moved one centimeter, ever, not by his 2014 coronary artery bypass surgery, nor by the attempt of Qatar — the tiny Gulfies penisula that is two-thirds US military bases and one-third jails for poets and uncleaned gas station toilets — to bribe him with 75 million USD, a mansion, and lifetime benefits upon the launching of the NATO Spring against Syria, in 2011.

Minister al Muallem last addressed UNGA in September 2018.

وليد المعلم: سوريا مستعدة للمشاركة في محادثات سلام برعاية الأمم المتحدة

Mr. Muallem is the author of four books: Palestine and Armed Peace, Syria in the Mandate Period from 1917-1948, Syria from Independence to Unity, and The World and the Middle East from the American Perspective.

Survived by his wife and three children, at this writing, Minister al Moallem is being “escorted from the al Shami Hospital to his final resting place in al Mezzeh cemetery.

Syria News extends our deepest condolences to his family, to his friends, and to his fellow countrymen.

May the memory of Walid al Muallem be for a blessing.

— Miri Wood

Walid Al-Moallem, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of Syria, Passed Away

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on 

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem

Damascus, SANA

The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates announced today Monday the death of Walid Al-Moallem, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, at the age of 79.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem

Foreign Minister Al-Moallem is a long-time diplomat known for his honorable and dignified national positions in various political and diplomatic fields.

He was born in Damascus in 1941 and studied in its public schools from 1948 to 1960, when he earned his high school diploma. He then studied at Cairo University and graduated in 1963 with a degree in economics.

He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1964 and served on missions in Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, Spain and England, and was appointed in 1975 as Syrian Ambassador to the Republic of Romania until 1980, when he was appointed Director of the Department of Documentation and Translation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until 1984, and then was appointed Director of the Department of Secretaries of Buros from 1984 until 1990.

State Media: Syrian FM Walid Al-Moallem Dies at the Age of 79

He was appointed Ambassador to the United States from 1990 to 1999.

He was appointed assistant to the chancellor in early 2000 and Deputy Foreign Minister by Decree No. 8 of 09/01/2005, and served as Foreign Minister from 2006.

He was appointed Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates from 2012.

He is the author of four books (Palestine and Armed Peace in 1970), (Syria in the Mandate Period from 1917 to 1948), (Syria from Independence to Unity from 1948 to 1958) and (The World and the Middle East in the American Perspective).

He is married and has three children.

Int’l, Regional Figures Offer Condolences on Demise of Syrian FM Walid Al-Moallem

Walid Moallem
Late Syrian FM Waid Al-Moallem at UN General Assembly (photo from archive).

International and regional figures offered condolences on Monday over the demise of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al-Moallem.

Lebanese President Michel Aoun sent cable of condolences to President Bashar Al-Assad, offering condolence over the passing away of the veteran diplomat.

Head of Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas also cabled President Assad to offer condolences. He said Al-Moallem had defended the Ummah’s (nation) issues, on top of which was the Palestinian cause.

For his part, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro expressed his condolences.

In a tweet, President Maduro said “Al-Moallem was a brother and a close friend whom I met during the diplomatic work, I extended my sincerest condolences to his family and to all the Syrian people.”

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Ministry expressed “sincerest condolences” on the death of the Syrian FM.

Russian President’s Special Representative for the Middle East and Africa Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said “Russia lost a very close friend in the Arab World who was a reliable partner and a knowledgeable and experienced diplomat and politician.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif sent a message of condolences to Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnous.

Zarif said Al-Moallem “played an important role in serving and defending the national interests and security of his country.”

Foreign Ministry in the Sultanate of Oman also expressed condolences .

In a tweet, the ministry said “Al-Moallem had distinguished contributions in the diplomatic work at the regional and international levels.”

The Cuban Foreign Ministry, for its part, offered “deepest condolences”.

In a tweet, Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodriguez said” I extended my heartfelt condolences to the Syrian Government and people on the death of friend Al-Moallem, and I also extend condolences to his family and friends.”

Source: Agencies

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Russia Affirms its Support to Syria Economically, Politically, and Militarily

September 9, 2020 Arabi Souri

Russia High-level Delegation in Damascus to Support Syria

Russian Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs led a high-level delegation to the Syrian capital Damascus to affirm Moscow’s position towards its oldest continuous and reliable friend, and at times a close ally, in the face of an unprecedented dirty war of terror and attrition waged against it by the world’s superpowers and super-rich countries.

The delegation included the Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and a host of business representatives, the visit included a meeting with President Bashar Assad and resulted in a number agreements covering the rebuilding of Syria’s infrastructure and emphasizing on Syria’s sovereignty, territorial unity and integrity.

In addition to facing the NATO-sponsored merciless terrorists, US proxy separatist militias, and the blockade, the COVID 19 measures added further burden to the Syrian economy, with sporadic forest fires in one of its remaining fertile regions not infested by the terrorists or occupation forces.

The following is a compiled report by the Lebanese Al Mayadeen news station covers the important outcomes of the visit and side of the press conference held by the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, and the Syrian and Russian foreign ministers Walid al-Muallem and Sergey Lavrov:

https://videopress.com/embed/VzcBrQzD?preloadContent=metadata&hd=1The video is also available on BitChute.

Transcript of the English translation:

The work on the Syrian track depends on what was reached between the Russian, Iranian and Turkish presidents, with the support and approval of the Syrian leadership, and that what unites the three countries’ views is seeking to prevent the Iraqi and Libyan scenario despite the differences in viewpoints.

With regard to the issue of Syria’s sovereignty, territorial unity, and integrity, all the charters and documents issued through the Astana track, like all the Russian-Turkish bilateral agreements, literally stipulate the two countries ’commitment to the sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of Syria, noting that the territories under the control of the Syrian government have expanded significantly after signing the additional Russian-Turkish memorandum.

Of course, there are significant differences in the positions of Moscow, Ankara, and Tehran on how to conduct the Syrian settlement, and we can see them in the statements of the representatives of these countries, but what unites Russia, Iran, and Turkey is the steadfast pursuit of preventing a recurrence of the Iraq or Libya scenario. Our joint action within the framework of the Astana process depends on the imperative of respecting the sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity of Syria, the importance of preventing any external interference in its internal affairs, and the importance of preventing any external incitement to the separatist atmosphere.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem said that the debate on the Syrian constitution will continue until an agreement is reached, indicating that what will come out of the constitutional committee will be submitted to a popular referendum.

Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem: With regard to the next constitution, this is up to what the members of the Constitutional Committee reach from both sides, if they want to amend the existing constitution or produce a new constitution, in both cases the product will be submitted to a popular referendum in order to ensure that it represents the widest popular representation.

There is no timetable for (preparing) the constitution. This constitution occupies special importance and a popular sanctity that cannot be completed in a hurry under pressure. This must be accomplished in a way that achieves the aspirations of the Syrian people. The debate on it will continue until they reach an understanding among themselves, and it has nothing to do with the presidential elections.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Yuri Borisov, said: Most of the areas rich in natural resources are outside the control of the Syrian government, which constitutes an obstacle to the Syrian trade, given that it is an important source of revenue.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Yuri Borisov: Unfortunately, we have to admit that most areas rich in oil and gas are currently outside the control of the Syrian government, bearing in mind that the gas and oil trade were an important source of revenue for the Syrian budget and the same is related to fertile agricultural areas, and this fact harms food security Syria is also forced to import oil and grains after it was exporting them. The draft of the new agreement on expanding commercial, industrial, and economic cooperation between Russia and Syria includes more than 40 new projects, including reconstruction projects for energy institutions and infrastructure for the energy sector, in addition to the reconstruction of a number of hydroelectric power stations that were built by the Union (USSR) or with the participation of Soviet experts, in addition, a work contract has been signed for a Russian company on the Syrian coast to extract oil at sea, and this contract is awaiting its ratification.

The tragic situation in Syria and these obstacles are caused by the destructive position of the American administration, in addition to the unwillingness of the Kurds to communicate with Damascus and hand over control to the legitimate government in Damascus over the agricultural areas and oil and gas fields.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is in Damascus for the first time in eight years, accompanied by a large delegation, to strengthen relations between Moscow and Damascus.

Economically, Moscow seemed to continue to strengthen economic cooperation through agreements to be signed between Russia and Syria. Politically, regarding the Syrian presidential elections, Lavrov was clear by saying: The elections are the sovereign decision of the Syrian Arab Republic. While it was confirmed by Minister Al-Moallem that the Syrian presidential elections are taking place on schedule next year.

Minister Lavrov’s statements did not deviate from the expectations and readings prior to his arrival in Damascus. The Russian minister folded the eight years from the time of his first visit and the Syrian war with three titles as a way out that Damascus needs to get out of the complexities of the crisis, in the work of the Constitutional Committee, economic cooperation, and the completion of the war on terror.

It was not arbitrary that the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Yuri Borisov, sat on one platform with the Russian and Syrian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Al-Muallem. Giving the economic dimension a place in the visit to Damascus was one of its most important goals in the agreements to rebuild the infrastructure in the energy and economy sector and expand Russian investments to alleviate the consequences of Caesar’s sanctions.

The few hours in the presidential palace also carried many messages, and the presidential statement went beyond just pre-registering the points of agreement between the two parties, but turned into a message about a partnership to be held in the war on economic sanctions and overcoming the blockade.

President Assad Receives Visiting Russian Delegation Headed by Dy PM Borisov and FM Lavrov
Russian Delegation in Damascus Meet President Assad
Russian Delegation Meeting President Bashar Assad

The meeting confirmed the continuation of the political process through the Astana track, which set a horizon and an exit point for the war in the hands of Moscow, Tehran, and Damascus, and continues to neutralize the Western powers that seek to divide Syria, and in the work of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva without a timetable for rewriting or amending the constitution, and there is no political solution except from inside Syria. According to UN Resolution 2254, in conjunction with the elimination of the remaining hotbeds of terrorism, to prevent a recurrence of the Libya and Iraq scenario in Syria.

Moscow sends to Damascus a high-level political and economic delegation to re-establish the general lines of its strategy in support of the Syrian state, and Moscow realizes that its position in the Syrian file is an essential part of its rise again in the world, but it is also mainly in ensuring fundamental issues that confirm the unity of soil and the Syrian map.

Dima Nassif – Damascus, Al-Mayadeen

End of the report by Al Mayadeen

When the whole world’s economies struggle from the consequences of COVID 19 and the strict measures implemented to contain it, the western hypocrite and criminal officials doubled-down their sanctions on the Syrian people, who are still fighting ISIS which the west itself claim is the worst terrorist organization, claiming they are helping them by killing them slowly, Trump imposed his Caesar Act regime of sanctions, not applied to any other country on the planet, and the European Union renewed their draconian sanctions for a further year.

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Russian and Syrian Foreign Ministers Hold a Joint Presser in Damascus

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on 

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and other officials attend a meeting in Damascus, Syria September 7, 2020

Sputnik-Middle East
The Russian delegation headed by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov arrived in the Syrian capital of Damascus for talks on the state of affairs in the Syrian Constitutional Committee and the current situation in the Arab country.

A live broadcast shows Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem holding a joint press conference in Damascus.

The talks on various topics including the state of affairs in the Syrian Constitutional Committee and the current situation in Syria come after a third meeting of the committee wrapped up on 29 August.

This is Lavrov’s first visit to Syria since February 2012.


Al-Moallem affirms, in a phone call with the Lebanese Foreign Minister, Syria’s support and solidarity to brotherly Lebanon


Wednesday, 05 August 2020

Damascus, (ST) – Deputy Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Walid al-Moallem in a phone call to Lebanese Foreign Minister, Charbel Wahba, expressed  the sorrow and  sympathy of the Syrian Arab Republic upon hearing the news of the horrific explosion in the Beirut port, which killed a number of innocent people and injured others and caused enormous damage to public and private buildings and facilities.

Al-Moallem affirmed Syria’s sympathy and solidarity with brotherly Lebanon and its willingness to  to help Lebanon overcome the tragic accident.

Al-Moallem expressed his deep sympathy and sincere condolences to the brotherly Lebanese people, the families of the bereaved victims and wishes for a speedy recovery for the wounded.

The Lebanese Foreign Minister expressed gratitude for this fraternal stance, which reflects the true relationship between the two brotherly peoples.

Raghda Sawas

Ambassador Abdul Karim: Syrian Embassy doors are open to help the Syrians affected by Beirut port explosion

Beirut, (ST) – The Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon, Ali Abdul Karim, affirmed that the doors of the embassy are open to provide aid and assistance to the Syrians in Beirut, especially those affected by the massive explosion that hit Beirut port and killed dozens of people.

Abdul Karim in a telephone call with the Syrian TV channel on Wednesday spoke about the procedures that could be taken by the Embassy to help the Syrians in Lebanon , “The doors of the Embassy are open to all who need help, and the Embassy staff monitor, follow up and receive humanitarian cases that want to return to Syria and provide them with facilities”.

He indicated that there is full cooperation and substantial facilities from the relevant authorities in Syria, as well as from the concerned authorities in the Lebanese Public Security and the Lebanese Ministry of Interior.

Ambassador Abdul Karim expressed Syria’s sympathy and solidarity with brotherly Lebanon, and that it was affected as government and people by the horrific explosion in the port of Beirut on Tuesday, which killed a number of innocent people and injured others, and caused enormous damage to buildings and public and private facilities.

Raghda Sawas

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Al-Moallem: Our fight against terrorism is not over and the “Caesar Act” will be a chance for the Syrian people to perk up their economy


Tuesday, 23 June 2020

DAMASCUS, (ST)- Deputy Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Walid al-Moallem has affirmed that the real goal behind the so-called “Caesar Act” is to open the door for terrorism to return to Syria as in 2011 and to force Syria to give up its alliance with the resistance and accept normalization with Israel.

 In a press conference on Tuesday, al-Moallem said that the statements made by Mike Pompeo and James Jeffery about the so called “Caesar Act” prove that they are all liars because if they wanted the good of the Syrian people they wouldn’t conspire against their livelihood.

He stressed that there are no exceptions in what is termed as the “Caesar Act” and that the Americans are lying when they claim that this Act doesn’t include medicine or medical supplies.

He pointed out that the Syrian people are used to dealing with unilateral sanctions that have been imposed on them since 1978 under several terms.

 The top Syrian diplomat reiterated that this American legislation will be a chance for the Syrian people to perk up their economy, achieve self-sufficiency and deepen cooperation with friends and allies in all domains, noting that Syria’s war on terrorism hasn’t finished yet.

He wondered if the presence of US forces around Syrian oil fields, the burning of wheat fields and the US threat to friendly countries that want to contribute to reconstructing Syria serve the interests of the Syrian people. He said that the US occupation forces are investing in terrorism and this was proved in transporting leaders of Daesh terrorist organizations by their helicopters to Iraq and in supporting Jabhat al-Nusra and the Turkish regime in their acts of aggression on Syria.

“They are definitely lying when they talk about the interests of the Syrian people,” al-Moallem affirmed.

On the political arena, Al-Moallem affirmed Syria’s commitment to the process of finding a political solution to the crisis in the country and its rejection of any American or non-American foreign interference in the work of the constitutional committee, which must be a Syrian-led process away from any foreign interference.

He reiterated that the Syrians will allow no interference in their constitution and will only recognize a national constitution that will serve the interests of the Syrian people.

On the situation in Idlib, al-Moallem said that Syria behaves according to its priorities, available capabilities and in the light of dialogue with its allies, mainly Russia, pointing out that there is a cessation of hostilities in Idlib pursuant to the Sochi Agreement. “When the terrorists don’t abide by the agreement, our heroic armed forces retaliate directly, but this decision is taken by the military leadership,” said al-Moallem, indicating that the Turkish regime invades northern Iraq, transfers mercenaries to Libya for the sake of oil and occupies lands in Syria to revive the Ottoman ambitions.

The Syrian top diplomat clarified that the popular resistance in the areas under the US occupation is normal, but the strange thing is the illusion of some Kurdish groups which think that the United States will continue to support them.

” I want to tell them that there will come a day when they wake up in the morning and will not find the Americans who actually don’t defend the Kurds’ interests in the region, but the interests and security of “Israel”.

On Syria’s relations with its allies, al-Moallem said that ” we are in close alliance with our Russian friends who have offered sacrifices in the fight against terrorism on the Syrian soil. The Russian support for Syria will continue and consultations between the two sides are done on daily basis. Also Iran is a close friend that will always support Syria. As for China, we consider it as an ally with who Syria has continuous dialogue and we are sure that our friends and allies will not leave Syria alone .”

On Palestine, al-Moallem said that Syria continues to support the Palestinian people and their right to return and build their independent state. “

“We don’t recognize the annexation plans of the Israel occupation with regards to the West Bank. Israel should withdraw from all Arab lands that it has occupied,” al-Moallam made it clear.

Al-Moallem asserted that Syria supports the Libyan National Army and institutions as well as the Libyan sovereignty and territorial integrity. He also reiterated Syria’s support for Egypt’s national security.

Hamda Mustafa

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