سلاح نتن ياهو الكاذب ومفاجآت حلف المقاومة الرادعة

فبراير 25, 2019

محمد صادق الحسيني

كلّ المؤشرات والتقارير الميدانية في منطقة غرب آسيا وشرق المتوسط تفيد بأنّ وضعية الكيان الإسرائيلي تتجه نحو الضعف والاضمحلال وانّ عمر نتن ياهو السياسي يتجه نحو الأفول!

وفي محاولة جديدة للتملص من هذا المصير المحتوم فقد قام رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بإطلاق تصريحات عنجهية فارغة، بتاريخ 12/2/2019، وذلك خلال زيارة قام بها للقاعدة البحريه «الإسرائيلية» في ميناء حيفا. ومن بين ما أطلقه من تصريحات جوفاء، كلامه المقتبس عن شركة الصناعات الجويه الإسرائيلية، التي لا نستبعد ان تكون قد قدّمت له الرشاوى للإدلاء بها.

قال نتنياهو انّ «صواريخ تل أبيب قادرة على الوصول الى مسافات بعيدة جداً وإلى كلّ عدو…» حيث يتساوق هذا الكلام مع الحملة الترويجية/ التسويقية، التي تقوم بها شركة الصناعات الجوية الإسرائيلية «رفائيل»، منذ أسابيع مدّعية أنها أنتجت سلاحاً تدميرياً مخصّصاً لتدمير محطات الرادار والتحصينات المعادية، وأطلقت عليه اسم ROCKS.

هذا السلاح، الذي يمكن إطلاقه من منصات أرضية أو من قطع بحرية أو من مقاتلات ومروحيات، وتحدّثت عنه الشركة الإسرائيلية المذكورة أعلاه في وسائل الإعلام «الإسرائيلية» منذ بداية هذا الشهر، قد تمّ «عرضه» افتراضياً يوم أمس 22/2/2019، في معرض الطيران ايروانديا Aeroindia في مدينة بانغالور الهندية.

نقول افتراضياً لأنّ شركة «رفائيل» الصانعة لهذا «السلاح» قاتل «أس 300» و «أس 400»، كما أطلقت عليه الآلة الإعلامية «الإسرائيلية» الموجهة من أجهزة الاستخبارات، لم تعرض سوى شريط فيديو لهذا السلاح المزعوم، الذي لا يمثل أيّ خطر على مواقع ومنشآت الجيش السوري وحلفائه، سواء في سورية أو لبنان او إيران، وذلك للأسباب التالية:

1 ـ انّ ما تمّ عرضه افتراضياً يوم أمس الأول ، وحسب البروفسور الروسي فادين كوزيولين، أستاذ أكاديمية العلوم العسكرية الروسية، في تصريح نقلته وكالة سبوتنيك 22/2/2019 ، ليس سوى طائرة مسيّرة اسمها ميني هاربي Mini Harpy.

2 ـ انّ هذه الطائرة المسيّرة لا تحمل سوى ثمانية كيلوغرامات 8 كلغ من المواد المتفجرة. فكيف لهذه الكمية الصغيرة، نسبياً طبعاً، ان تدمّر تحصينات تحت الأرض او مواقع رادار او منصات إطلاق صواريخ ارض جو…!؟

علماً انّ أكبر دليل على محدودية قدرة هذا السلاح هو ما تمّ عرضه في شريط الفيديو، في معرض الطيران الهندي في بانغالور، إذ انّ الهدف الذي أصيب، حسب الفيديو هو مجرد آلية من طراز/ ام. زد. كا. تي M Z K T 7930 ، وهي آلية عسكرية ثقيلة، من صناعة روسيا البيضاء ومصمّمة كمنصة لإطلاق الصواريخ.

3 ـ انّ هذه المنصات، وعندما تكون مجهّزة بصواريخ الدفاع الجوي، او بصواريخ إسكندر المتوسطة المدى، والتي صمّمت هذه الآلية كي تكون منصة لإطلاقها في الأصل، لا تكون معروضة في الهواء الطلق، بانتظار وصول طائرة مسيّرة إسرائيلية لضربها وإصابتها، وانما تكون جزءاً من منظومة دفاع جوي، مرتبطة بوحدات رصد واستطلاع وتشويش إلكتروني، لحمايتها من كلّ أنواع الصواريخ والطائرات المعادية سواء كانت إسرائيلية في سورية أو أميركية او لحلف الناتو، تنطلق من دول مجاورة لروسيا.

4 ـ وفي هذا الإطار قام المهندسون الروس ومجمعات الصناعات العسكرية الروسية بتصميم وصناعة العديد من منظومات الحرب الالكترونية، التي لا مثيل لها في العالم، بهدف التصدي لمثل تلك الأخطار المحتملة. ومن أهمّ منظومات الحرب الالكترونية هذه، ودائماً حسب البروفسور فاديم كوزيولين، المنظومات التالية:

نظام كراسوخا Krasucha 4.

يعمل هذا النظام بالتكامل مع نظام موسكفا / Moskwa 4 /، ومداه أربعمائة كيلو متر 400 كم ، والذي يقوم بالتقاط جميع الذبذبات الصادرة عن أجهزة اتصالات العدو، وأسلحته البرية والبحرية والجوية، ويعمل على تحليلها ورصد الأهداف التي تُصدِر هذه الإشارات الالكترونية، وينقلها الى نظام «كراسوخا 4» الذي يقوم بتعطيل وإيقاف كافة وسائل الاتصالات الالكترونية والتواصل عبر الأقمار الصناعية، أو ما يطلق عليه نظام GPS عن العمل، وهو الأمر الذي يؤدّي الى إصابة أسلحة العدو وقواته البرية والبحرية والجوية بالشلل الكامل، وتصبح كأنها غير موجودة في الميدان، أو كأنها موجودة على كوكب آخر. علما انّ المدى الأقصى لعمل كلّ وحدة من هذا النظام يصل الى ثلاثمائة كيلومتر 300 كم ، وتقوم القوات الروسية باستخدامه بشكل فعّال جداً في سورية. حتى انّ العديد من العسكريين الأميركيين، في سورية وفِي الأسطول السادس الأميركي في شرق المتوسط، قد اشتكوا مراراً، وعبر تصريحات صحافية، من «التشويش الروسي» على اتصالات القوات الأميركية واعتراضها، بما في ذلك تلك المشفرة.

نظام Richag، وهو من صناعة شركة Kret الروسية. وهو نظام محمول على مروحيات من طراز / Mi 8 / MTPR 1. قادر على تعطيل رادارات الدفاع الجوي، الخاصة بالدرع الصاروخي الأميركي، الى جانب السونارات البحرية رادارات التنصت على الغواصات ، بالإضافة الى تعطيل كافة وسائل الاستطلاع الجوي المعاديه، سواء كان ذلك عبر الأقمار الصناعية او طائرات الاستطلاع او طائرات الاستطلاع المسيّرة او سفن الاستطلاع المعادية، وذلك ضمن مدى خمسمائة كيلومتر 500 كم ، وهو ما يجعل قوات الجهة التي تستخدم هذا النظام في مأمن تامّ من هجمات العدو الجوية والبحرية والبرية ويتيح لها فرصة التحرك والتقدّم، عبر خطوط العدو دون اية مجازفة، ما يحقق لها عنصر المفاجأة التامة للعدو ويسمح لها بالوصول الى عمقه دون ان يتمكن حتى من تسجيل او معرفة عمق اختراقها، عدا عن جهله بمحاور تحركها، نظراً لانقطاع الاتصالات بين وحدات العدو في الميدان وبين الميدان ومراكز قيادة وسيطرة هذا الميدان.

ومن نافل القول طبعاً انّ الجهة التي تملك هذا النظام الخارق تستطيع نشره على متن عدد كبير من المروحيات التي ترافق الوحدات البرية، من مشاة ومشاة ميكانيكية ومدرّعات، أثناء تقدّمها عبر خطوط العدو لاحتلال مواقعه.

ج كما تجدر الإشارة إلى انّ سلاح الحرب الالكترونية الروسي يضمّ طيفاً واسعاً من المنظومات، المختلفة الطاقات والمدى، والتي نورد أسماء بعضها بهدف الإحاطة فقط :

Alurgit / Borisoglebsk / Rtut – BM / Infound / Parodist / TK – 25 E / Magnij – RE 3 / Lesotsschek / Lees / Leer 3 / Lorandit M / Murumansk / Chillini /Pole 21 / Infauna.

وهذا ليس إلا غيض من فيض، يوفر للمتابعين والمهتمّين، أرضية خصبة للبحث والتحليل واستخلاص النتائج الدقيقة واكتشاف حقيقة الأكاذيب الدعائية التي يطلقها نتن ياهو وآلته الدعائية الصدئة التي عفى عليها الزمن.

د كما يجب أن نضيف، الى كلّ هذا الطيف الواسع من وسائط الحرب الالكترونية، الرادار الإيراني ذو التقنية الفوق عالية والذي يطلق عليه اسم: معراج او Ascension بالانجليزية، وهو رادار يعمل بتقنية خاصة جداً، مداه أربعمائة وخمسين كيلومتراً 450 كم وقادر على رصد ومتابعة مائتي 200 هدف جوي في نفس اللحظة، ثم يقوم بنقل هذه المعلومات، ايّ الأهداف الجوية ومواقعها بدقة متناهية ومستمرة، الى نظام الدفاع الجوي Bavar – 373 علماً انّ أجهزة الرادار هذه تواصل متابعة الأهداف الجوية وتحديد مواقعها باستمرار حتى يتمّ ضبطها وإسقاطها، من قبل صواريخ الدفاع الجوي الإيرانية، من طراز صيّاد 4، المحمّولة على الآليات العسكرية الإيرانية الثقيلة من طراز / ظفر.

انّ وجود كلّ أسلحة الحرب الالكترونية هذه، قيد الاستخدام الميداني لدى الجيش الروسي في سورية، وبعضاً منها ان لم يكن كلها لدى الجيش السوري وحلفائه ايضاً، هو سبب حالة الهلع التي يعيشها نتن ياهو وقيادته العسكرية والسياسية، وهي الى جانب غيرها طبعاً، التي دفعته لإطلاق تصريحاته الفارغة، عندما زار القاعدة البحرية الإسرائيلية في حيفا يوم 12/2/2019، ومن ثم اختراع هذا الفيديو السخيف، حول «السلاح قاتل الصواريخ» الذي عرض يوم 22/2/2019 في معرض الطيران في الهند…

وبالنظر الى كلّ هذه المنظومات المتخصّصة في الحرب الالكترونية، وفِي ظلّ شحّ المعلومات المتوافرة حول امتلاك الجيش السوري وحلفائه في حلف المقاومة لجميع هذه المنظومات أو بعضاً منها، نقول إنه بالنظر لكلّ ذلك فقد يكون من الصعب ان يحدّد المرء ما قصده الأدميرال على شمخاني، قبل أيّام، عندما قال: «سنشهد قريباً تطوّراً مهماً في مجال تعزيز ردع المقاومة في سورية».

ولكنه بالتأكيد كان يقصد إما تفعيل هذه المنظومات بشكل كامل أو بشكل جزئي وفي كلتا الحالتين فإنّ نتن ياهو، وقيادته العسكرية على وجه الخصوص، سوف يذهلون بكمّ هائل من المفاجآت غير السارة لهم على الإطلاق، في أيّ مواجهة عسكرية قادمة، على الجبهة الشمالية، سواء كانت مواجهة محدودة او حرباً شاملة.

علماً انّ المتابعين المختصّين في الحروب الحديثة، وبالنظر الى القدرات الالكترونية والتسليحية الهائلة، التي يمتلكها حلف المقاومة على الجبهة الشمالية، فإنهم لا يستبعدون أبداً أن تكون أكبر المفاجآت او الصدمات، التي سيتلقاها نتنياهو، هي مفاجأة قوات الحلف بدخول القدس محرّرة وليس بدخول الجليل والسيطرة عليه فقط…!

فهل كانت زيارة نتن ياهو لسلطنة عُمان، قبل أسابيع، طلباُ للحماية من احتمالات قيام قوات حلف المقاومة بشنّ المرحلة الأخيرة من الهجوم الاستراتيجي وصولاً الى تحرير القدس المحتلة؟ وهل جرت زيارة وزير خارجية عُمان إلى موسكو في هذا الإطار؟ وما هي التنازلات التي سيقدّمها نتن ياهو لبوتين، عندما يجتمع به يوم الأربعاء المقبل!؟

أليس في مواصلة نتن ياهو نفسه، مدعوماً بقوى الضغط الصهيونية في الولايات المتحدة، محاولة تشريع في الكونغرس الأميركي لإخضاع الجولان لـ «السيادة الإسرائيلية» مؤشراً، على انّ الأخير لن يقدّم للرئيس الروسي أية أفكار إيجابية، مما سيجعل قوات حلف المقاومة ملزمة بتنفيذ المرحلة الأخيرة لهجومها الاستراتيجي وإنهاء وجود الكيان «الإسرائيلي» بشكل تامّ والانتقال إلى مرحلة جديدة في تاريخ المنطقة، تنبثق من الانتقال الى مشاريع إعادة الإعمار والتنمية المستدامة في جميع دول العالمين العربي والإسلامي، وبالتعاون الوثيق مع كلّ من روسيا والصين والهند وحتى الولايات المتحدة الأميركية والدول الاوروبية إذا رغبت في ذلك، على قاعدة الندية والمصالح المتبادلة والاحترام الكامل لسيادة كلّ دولة على أراضيها ومواردها الطبيعية.

بعدنا طيّبين قولوا الله…

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israel (apartheid state) an Enemy of Freedom-Loving People Everywhere

August 23, 2018

Israel an Enemy of Freedom-Loving People Everywhere

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog

Israel is fighting constantly not only against Gazans, and against Palestinians generally; it is fighting constantly against freedom-loving people everywhere, who oppose dictatorship of any type, and in any country, on principle, irrespective of nationality.

Here’s an example showing how much of a dictatorship and enemy of democrats it is:

Anna Dressler was a ship-hand on a flotilla of two small boats launched from Palermo Italy that were manned by 34 people from 12 countries in international waters and that were seized — stolen — by Israel’s military, on 29 July 2018. They became seized because these boats were carrying medical supplies in violation of Israel’s internationally illegal blockade against food and medicine reaching the residents of Gaza. She was on the boat “Al-Awda,” which was 42 miles from Gaza at the time of seizure-theft. Israel’s troops seizing it were masked, and were armed with machine-guns.

The first video of this incident was released on August 20th.

“Legal and Welfare Update and Appeal” dated August 14th by the Freedom Flotilla, stated that,

The two boats ‘Al Awda’ (The Return) and ‘Freedom’ were hijacked by the Israeli Occupation Forces in international waters 42 and 49 nautical miles respectively off the coast of Gaza. During their unlawful detention, crew, participants and journalists were subjected to a range of physical and emotional violence.

The captain of Al Awda was threatened with execution, 4 people were tasered, 3 people had ribs broken by the Israeli military and one person had his foot broken.

They were all taken against their will to Israel, unlawfully imprisoned and ultimately deported. The Israeli authorities have stolen the boats and the 13,000 Euros worth of medical supplies that we were carrying as gifts, as well as many of the participants’ personal belongings (including clothes, a Bible, credit cards, IDs and mobile phones). Incredibly, they have begun to take legal action to attempt to confiscate the boats.

These people had been in constant communication with their colleagues on land; so, if they’d been killed by the Israelis, it would immediately have become an international incident, enraging 12 countries. They had to be released, and thus they were. These people weren’t Palestinians; they had rights that were cared-about in other countries. Though a gangster-state, Israel recognized that these people couldn’t be simply discarded, like trash — as Palestinians are treated by Israel.

So, here’s how the journey got to that stage:Image result for anna dressler on flotilla

On June 27th, Ms. Dressler, writing in the third person as “she,” had posted, as “Deckhand on Freedom”, her personal background, and presented an explanation, written as impersonally as she could, as to why she was participating in this flotilla (which, though she didn’t note the fact, was manned entirely by volunteers who knew that they were placing themselves in severe jeopardy for doing this):

Anna was born in Germany and is now living in Sweden, but mostly she is out on travels and ‘projects’ around the globe. She is an activist and problem solver – a person with a diversity of professions. In 2012, she was the Project Leader for an anti-money laundering campaign. In 2015-2016, she participated in a private project working with refugees near the Macedonian border and along the Balkan route. She enjoys her freedom wholeheartedly and wants others to have the same opportunity.

On July 18th was posted, by the Freedom Flotilla, the following “Leaving For Gaza – Media Release”:

Four boats from the ‘Right to a Just Future for Palestine’ Freedom Flotilla Coalition are scheduled to leave Palermo, Sicily, to break the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza, and to assert the Palestinian people’s right to freedom of movement and their right to a just future. …

As always, our boats carry representatives from across the world and messages of love and solidarity for those living under the inhumane, decade-old blockade – the collective punishment on the civilian Palestinian population of Gaza. Given the dire situation in Palestinian hospitals, we are also transporting some urgently needed medical supplies (#Gauze4Gaza).

This need is even more critical given the thousands of people severely wounded by Israeli snipers and tear gas in the past few months during the Great March of Return protests (see 10 July UN report on serious injuries). …

It is also encouraging to see the local welcomes we are being given, including by the Mayor of Palermo who rightly connects our campaign with the Caravana Abriendo Fronteras, who have just arrived from Spain, and similar demands for the opening of borders and freedom of movement from the City Council of Cádiz (Spain) and Naples (Italy).

Spokesperson for the International Committee for Breaking the Siege of Gaza, James Godfrey said: “This Flotilla is necessary to highlight the international community’s failure and its ongoing complicity in the illegal blockade of over two million Palestinians in Gaza, more than half of them children.”

On July 23rd, was posted “Freedom Flotilla Coalition sets sail for a just future for Palestine”, and it reported:

Freedom Flotilla leaves Palermo to break the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza.

Three boats are sailing with boxes of medical supplies: Al Awda (The Return), a large converted fishing vessel; Freedom to Gaza, a large sailing vessel; and Falestine, a smaller sailing vessel. A fourth boat, Mairead, will not sail at this time. Another Sicilian port Messina, opened its open arms as usual with a series of wonderful community events, and we are grateful for their solidarity.

All three boats making their way to Gaza will be donated to the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, that includes a fisherman’s union that will use the boats to fish in order to feed their families.

Spokesperson for the Swedish Ship to Gaza campaign, Jeannette Escanilla, said the boats would provide important economic and training opportunities for Palestinians trapped in Gaza.

“The illegal Israeli naval blockade has devastated the Palestinian economy, and in particular has hurt the fishing industry in Gaza so these boats will provide important economic opportunities for Palestinians in Gaza, and also training opportunities in sailing, to enable them to gain better qualifications. Currently, the Israeli Occupying Force prevent Palestinians in Gaza from sailing more than a few nautical miles from shore, and routinely attack fishing and other boats from Gaza.”


Gaza is a zone in the world where human rights seem to be forgotten. I believe that every person can change the world, on their own way, wherever they are and in which way they can. Let’s start here, with a blockade that should never have existed, and continues, along with everyone else, man-made, disasters.

On August 4th was posted to youtube “ANNA DRESSLER – SOS”, in which, six days after the seizure, theft, and assault, by Israel, against these people and their vessels, Anna, speaking in Swedish, publicly demanded that her Government in Stockholm enforce her rights as a Swede, against the Government of Israel, and that the ships and their supplies be at least returned to their owners.

On that same date, August 4th, the Freedom Flotilla itself headlined “SOS – Just Future for Palestine”, and officially notified the foreign ministers of the 12 involved countries whose nationals’ rights had been violated by Israel in this incident. These 12 countries were: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, UK, and U.S.

The following day, August 5th, Jeannette Escanilla wrote, for the Steering Committee, Ship to Gaza Sweden (her official title being “Spokesperson for the Swedish Ship to Gaza campaign”), addressed as follows:

To the Foreign Minister of Sweden; Margot Wallström

To the Prime Minister of Sweden; Stefan Löfven

Ship to Gaza’s sailing ketch “Freedom for Gaza” was approaching the coast of Gaza when it was boarded by Israeli militants on Friday 3 August on international waters, a gross violation of international law. The last reported position of the vessel before boarding was about 40 nautical miles from coast of Gaza at 20:06 (CET).

The Swedish flagged ship and its cargo of medical supplies were seized by Israel and the 12 persons onboard were abducted and led to Israel, a country they did not intend to visit.

Ship to Gaza demands that the captured crew, the ship and its and cargo will be returned to the position where they were boarded and allowed to continue their voyage on international and Palestinian waters without being interupted, in accordance with international law. In this way we can complete the purpose of the journey, which is to hand over “Freedom” as a gift to Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)*, as well as 18 boxes of medical supplies, gauzes and sutures, to the organization My Care in Gaza. The lack of healthcare in the Gaza strip is appalling.

Our long term demands are also that the eleven-year illegal and destructive blockade of the Gaza Strip is finally lifted. The Swedish government has repeatedly backed the requirement of a lifting of the blockade. We now expect that the same government, whose flag is worn by the attacked ship, will also support our specific requirements regarding crew, cargo and ships. Ship to Gaza calls on Israel and Egypt to now meet the demands of large parts of the world community, that the illegitimate and destructive blockade of the Gaza Strip will be lifted after eleven years of isolation and aggression.

There is an obvious discrepancy between that “Friday 3 August” date, which she wrote on 5 August, versus the subsequent claim in the August 20th released video, of “29 July 2018,” as being the date on which their boats were stolen. An explanation is thus needed from them, regarding that discrepancy. However, in any case, the Swedish Ship to Gaza has made public that,

Ship to Gaza has now received an answer to the open letter that we, through our chairman Jeanette Escanilla, have sent to the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström on August 5th.

The Minister writes:


Thank you for your letter dated 5th of August 2018. 

The situation in Gaza is very critical. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has described the situation as a humanitarian crisis. Furthermore, as you wrote, the lack of medical supplies is disastrous, not least since so many people have been injured as Israeli military has been deployed in connection with demonstrations along Gaza’s border in recent months.

Sweden upholds the principle of freedom of the seas and freedom of navigation. The government has been in contact with the Israeli authorities regarding Ship to Gaza, and has expressed that the actions of the Israeli authorities in relation to the Swedish-flagged vessel Freedom and the persons onboard constitutes a breach of international law. The government has also demanded that the ship, its cargo and the persons who were aboard be released. The Swedish Embassy in Tel Aviv is monitoring the imprisoned Swedish citizens’ consular rights and visited all of them on Sunday, August the 5th. 

The Swedish government will continue to work towards an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and towards a fair and sustainable two-state solution in which the two states can co-exist, peacefully, side by side. Ending the isolation of Gaza and providing humanitarian aid to its people are two critical, urgent steps towards that end. 

(Translated by Ship to Gaza)

The Swedish Ship to Gaza commented on that statement:

Ship to Gaza wishes to emphasize that the wording … in principle corresponds with our own demands that the crew, cargo and boat should be returned to the place where they were boarded and be allowed to continue their journey to Gaza. We are now being notified that the activists and crew is being deported from Israel. This is not in agreement with our demands or with the requests of the Swedish government.

We also want to know what the Swedish government is doing now to enforce the demands regarding our ships, cargo and crew, but even more importantly, also with regards to the blockade of the Gaza Strip.

On August 8th, Ms. Dressler posted:

Anna arrived last night at Berlin airport. Read her preliminary report of the cruel and inhumane treatment that the Israeli authorities meted out to her despite having a German passport. “…Can you then imagine how few rights Palestinians have…”

Anna’s resolve is strengthened and she declared that “We will continue to fight for freedom…”.

Please continue to demand the release of all of the Political Prisoners.

On August 13th, the Freedom Flotilla posted “SECOND MEDIA RELEASE ON MEDICAL SUPPLIES NOT REACHING GAZA” and listed, and linked, to the international laws that Israel had violated in this incident.

On August 17th, UK’s Stuart Littlewood headlined at American Herald Tribune “The UK’s Prime Minister-in-Waiting Must Zap the Circling Sharks”, and he reported on the extreme pressure that the progressive UK politician Jeremy Corbyn was facing for his not clearly taking a stand favoring Israel against the Palestinians, and he reported Corbyn’s being accused by Israel of “anti-Semitism” for that (as if it were wrong to recognize that Israel is an enemy nation; as if to recognize this is somehow against Jews or Judaism, instead of being against racist fascism in any nation, and against apartheid in any nation, and against theocracy in any nation, and against the imposition by any nation, of dictatorship — all of which presumptions are clearly lies). Littlewood noted that,

While the mainstream, including the BBC, have been sticking the knife into Corbyn, none of them (as far as I’m aware) reported a much more serious outrage – the hijacking by Israeli Occupation Forces of two vessels heading for Gaza and the violent assault, abduction and imprisonment of the 34 people from 12 countries who were on board – one of them a British consultant from the famous ‘Barts’ Hospital in London.

That is basically where things currently stand on this matter. The other governments involved (among the 12, besides Sweden), have been silent. Only Dressler’s nation has not. But no indication exists that even Sweden is following up with any demand against Israel. The underlying assumption seems to be that governments in The West (including the Sauds and their friends — all also “Western”) will continue simply to side with Israel against the Palestinians, even when their own citizens’ rights have been violated by Israel’s illegal imposition and enforcement of this illegal blockade.

Among the Governments that refused to enforce its citizens’ rights in this matter is the United States. Refusing to enforce its citizens rights that have been illegally violated by Israel, is routine for the U.S. Government to do. Ever since 1967, Israel has been supported by America, though America’s enemy, at war against Americans, and Israel has stayed that way, but the U.S. Government itself (and its news-media) has been keeping that fact, of Israel’s war against Americans — Israel’s being an enemy — a bipartisan secret from the American people (who are required, furthermore, by their Government, to pay to Israel’s Government, $3.8 billion per year, so that it can buy U.S.-made weapons from Lockheed Martin and other politically top-connected American companies — Eisenhower’s “military-industrial complex” — which are the intended beneficiaries of this coercion, by America’s Government, against America’s citizens). It’s the proven and incontrovertible reality, of the U.S. Government’s tyranny, against its own people.

Without such lies as that Israel is America’s friend instead of America’s enemy, and without such hiding of crucial facts from the public (for ‘national-security’ purposes, of course — not for billionaires’ profits), none of this could happen, and could be even credibly called ‘democracy’. This is actually a ‘democracy’ based on lies. But is that really possible, or is it instead just another lie, one to cover-up all the others? If that’s the case, then the problem is, obviously, much deeper than merely Israel versus the Palestinians, and nothing that the mainstream press publishes in The West regarding international relations can be trusted, at all, for its keeping this secret throughout the decades.

Certainly, what you are now reading, on this site, isn’t mainstream in The West. So, you are here reading Western samizdat, forbidden truths — truths that are forbidden to be published in The West. Nonetheless, all of this article is documented to be true. Just click onto a link anywhere that you doubt it. You will find that it’s all true — not just “maybe true” (like mainstream ‘news’ often is) — it is all unequivocally true. And, yet, what politician can say it? What would they be implying if they did say it? Can they say it? Apparently not.

What you’ve read here is, therefore, exposing just the visible tip, of an iceberg, of lies.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

Israel an Enemy of Freedom-Loving People Everywhere

August 23, 2018

Israel an Enemy of Freedom-Loving People Everywhere

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog

Israel is fighting constantly not only against Gazans, and against Palestinians generally; it is fighting constantly against freedom-loving people everywhere, who oppose dictatorship of any type, and in any country, on principle, irrespective of nationality.

Here’s an example showing how much of a dictatorship and enemy of democrats it is:

Anna Dressler was a ship-hand on a flotilla of two small boats launched from Palermo Italy that were manned by 34 people from 12 countries in international waters and that were seized — stolen — by Israel’s military, on 29 July 2018. They became seized because these boats were carrying medical supplies in violation of Israel’s internationally illegal blockade against food and medicine reaching the residents of Gaza. She was on the boat “Al-Awda,” which was 42 miles from Gaza at the time of seizure-theft. Israel’s troops seizing it were masked, and were armed with machine-guns.

The first video of this incident was released on August 20th.

“Legal and Welfare Update and Appeal” dated August 14th by the Freedom Flotilla, stated that,

The two boats ‘Al Awda’ (The Return) and ‘Freedom’ were hijacked by the Israeli Occupation Forces in international waters 42 and 49 nautical miles respectively off the coast of Gaza. During their unlawful detention, crew, participants and journalists were subjected to a range of physical and emotional violence.

The captain of Al Awda was threatened with execution, 4 people were tasered, 3 people had ribs broken by the Israeli military and one person had his foot broken.

They were all taken against their will to Israel, unlawfully imprisoned and ultimately deported. The Israeli authorities have stolen the boats and the 13,000 Euros worth of medical supplies that we were carrying as gifts, as well as many of the participants’ personal belongings (including clothes, a Bible, credit cards, IDs and mobile phones). Incredibly, they have begun to take legal action to attempt to confiscate the boats.

These people had been in constant communication with their colleagues on land; so, if they’d been killed by the Israelis, it would immediately have become an international incident, enraging 12 countries. They had to be released, and thus they were. These people weren’t Palestinians; they had rights that were cared-about in other countries. Though a gangster-state, Israel recognized that these people couldn’t be simply discarded, like trash — as Palestinians are treated by Israel.

So, here’s how the journey got to that stage:Image result for anna dressler on flotilla

On June 27th, Ms. Dressler, writing in the third person as “she,” had posted, as “Deckhand on Freedom”, her personal background, and presented an explanation, written as impersonally as she could, as to why she was participating in this flotilla (which, though she didn’t note the fact, was manned entirely by volunteers who knew that they were placing themselves in severe jeopardy for doing this):

Anna was born in Germany and is now living in Sweden, but mostly she is out on travels and ‘projects’ around the globe. She is an activist and problem solver – a person with a diversity of professions. In 2012, she was the Project Leader for an anti-money laundering campaign. In 2015-2016, she participated in a private project working with refugees near the Macedonian border and along the Balkan route. She enjoys her freedom wholeheartedly and wants others to have the same opportunity.

On July 18th was posted, by the Freedom Flotilla, the following “Leaving For Gaza – Media Release”:

Four boats from the ‘Right to a Just Future for Palestine’ Freedom Flotilla Coalition are scheduled to leave Palermo, Sicily, to break the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza, and to assert the Palestinian people’s right to freedom of movement and their right to a just future. …

As always, our boats carry representatives from across the world and messages of love and solidarity for those living under the inhumane, decade-old blockade – the collective punishment on the civilian Palestinian population of Gaza. Given the dire situation in Palestinian hospitals, we are also transporting some urgently needed medical supplies (#Gauze4Gaza).

This need is even more critical given the thousands of people severely wounded by Israeli snipers and tear gas in the past few months during the Great March of Return protests (see 10 July UN report on serious injuries). …

It is also encouraging to see the local welcomes we are being given, including by the Mayor of Palermo who rightly connects our campaign with the Caravana Abriendo Fronteras, who have just arrived from Spain, and similar demands for the opening of borders and freedom of movement from the City Council of Cádiz (Spain) and Naples (Italy).

Spokesperson for the International Committee for Breaking the Siege of Gaza, James Godfrey said: “This Flotilla is necessary to highlight the international community’s failure and its ongoing complicity in the illegal blockade of over two million Palestinians in Gaza, more than half of them children.”

On July 23rd, was posted “Freedom Flotilla Coalition sets sail for a just future for Palestine”, and it reported:

Freedom Flotilla leaves Palermo to break the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza.

Three boats are sailing with boxes of medical supplies: Al Awda (The Return), a large converted fishing vessel; Freedom to Gaza, a large sailing vessel; and Falestine, a smaller sailing vessel. A fourth boat, Mairead, will not sail at this time. Another Sicilian port Messina, opened its open arms as usual with a series of wonderful community events, and we are grateful for their solidarity.

All three boats making their way to Gaza will be donated to the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, that includes a fisherman’s union that will use the boats to fish in order to feed their families.

Spokesperson for the Swedish Ship to Gaza campaign, Jeannette Escanilla, said the boats would provide important economic and training opportunities for Palestinians trapped in Gaza.

“The illegal Israeli naval blockade has devastated the Palestinian economy, and in particular has hurt the fishing industry in Gaza so these boats will provide important economic opportunities for Palestinians in Gaza, and also training opportunities in sailing, to enable them to gain better qualifications. Currently, the Israeli Occupying Force prevent Palestinians in Gaza from sailing more than a few nautical miles from shore, and routinely attack fishing and other boats from Gaza.”


Gaza is a zone in the world where human rights seem to be forgotten. I believe that every person can change the world, on their own way, wherever they are and in which way they can. Let’s start here, with a blockade that should never have existed, and continues, along with everyone else, man-made, disasters.

On August 4th was posted to youtube “ANNA DRESSLER – SOS”, in which, six days after the seizure, theft, and assault, by Israel, against these people and their vessels, Anna, speaking in Swedish, publicly demanded that her Government in Stockholm enforce her rights as a Swede, against the Government of Israel, and that the ships and their supplies be at least returned to their owners.

On that same date, August 4th, the Freedom Flotilla itself headlined “SOS – Just Future for Palestine”, and officially notified the foreign ministers of the 12 involved countries whose nationals’ rights had been violated by Israel in this incident. These 12 countries were: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, UK, and U.S.

The following day, August 5th, Jeannette Escanilla wrote, for the Steering Committee, Ship to Gaza Sweden (her official title being “Spokesperson for the Swedish Ship to Gaza campaign”), addressed as follows:

To the Foreign Minister of Sweden; Margot Wallström

To the Prime Minister of Sweden; Stefan Löfven

Ship to Gaza’s sailing ketch “Freedom for Gaza” was approaching the coast of Gaza when it was boarded by Israeli militants on Friday 3 August on international waters, a gross violation of international law. The last reported position of the vessel before boarding was about 40 nautical miles from coast of Gaza at 20:06 (CET).

The Swedish flagged ship and its cargo of medical supplies were seized by Israel and the 12 persons onboard were abducted and led to Israel, a country they did not intend to visit.

Ship to Gaza demands that the captured crew, the ship and its and cargo will be returned to the position where they were boarded and allowed to continue their voyage on international and Palestinian waters without being interupted, in accordance with international law. In this way we can complete the purpose of the journey, which is to hand over “Freedom” as a gift to Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)*, as well as 18 boxes of medical supplies, gauzes and sutures, to the organization My Care in Gaza. The lack of healthcare in the Gaza strip is appalling.

Our long term demands are also that the eleven-year illegal and destructive blockade of the Gaza Strip is finally lifted. The Swedish government has repeatedly backed the requirement of a lifting of the blockade. We now expect that the same government, whose flag is worn by the attacked ship, will also support our specific requirements regarding crew, cargo and ships. Ship to Gaza calls on Israel and Egypt to now meet the demands of large parts of the world community, that the illegitimate and destructive blockade of the Gaza Strip will be lifted after eleven years of isolation and aggression.

There is an obvious discrepancy between that “Friday 3 August” date, which she wrote on 5 August, versus the subsequent claim in the August 20th released video, of “29 July 2018,” as being the date on which their boats were stolen. An explanation is thus needed from them, regarding that discrepancy. However, in any case, the Swedish Ship to Gaza has made public that,

Ship to Gaza has now received an answer to the open letter that we, through our chairman Jeanette Escanilla, have sent to the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström on August 5th.

The Minister writes:


Thank you for your letter dated 5th of August 2018. 

The situation in Gaza is very critical. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has described the situation as a humanitarian crisis. Furthermore, as you wrote, the lack of medical supplies is disastrous, not least since so many people have been injured as Israeli military has been deployed in connection with demonstrations along Gaza’s border in recent months.

Sweden upholds the principle of freedom of the seas and freedom of navigation. The government has been in contact with the Israeli authorities regarding Ship to Gaza, and has expressed that the actions of the Israeli authorities in relation to the Swedish-flagged vessel Freedom and the persons onboard constitutes a breach of international law. The government has also demanded that the ship, its cargo and the persons who were aboard be released. The Swedish Embassy in Tel Aviv is monitoring the imprisoned Swedish citizens’ consular rights and visited all of them on Sunday, August the 5th. 

The Swedish government will continue to work towards an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and towards a fair and sustainable two-state solution in which the two states can co-exist, peacefully, side by side. Ending the isolation of Gaza and providing humanitarian aid to its people are two critical, urgent steps towards that end. 

(Translated by Ship to Gaza)

The Swedish Ship to Gaza commented on that statement:

Ship to Gaza wishes to emphasize that the wording … in principle corresponds with our own demands that the crew, cargo and boat should be returned to the place where they were boarded and be allowed to continue their journey to Gaza. We are now being notified that the activists and crew is being deported from Israel. This is not in agreement with our demands or with the requests of the Swedish government.

We also want to know what the Swedish government is doing now to enforce the demands regarding our ships, cargo and crew, but even more importantly, also with regards to the blockade of the Gaza Strip.

On August 8th, Ms. Dressler posted:

Anna arrived last night at Berlin airport. Read her preliminary report of the cruel and inhumane treatment that the Israeli authorities meted out to her despite having a German passport. “…Can you then imagine how few rights Palestinians have…”

Anna’s resolve is strengthened and she declared that “We will continue to fight for freedom…”.

Please continue to demand the release of all of the Political Prisoners.

On August 13th, the Freedom Flotilla posted “SECOND MEDIA RELEASE ON MEDICAL SUPPLIES NOT REACHING GAZA” and listed, and linked, to the international laws that Israel had violated in this incident.

On August 17th, UK’s Stuart Littlewood headlined at American Herald Tribune “The UK’s Prime Minister-in-Waiting Must Zap the Circling Sharks”, and he reported on the extreme pressure that the progressive UK politician Jeremy Corbyn was facing for his not clearly taking a stand favoring Israel against the Palestinians, and he reported Corbyn’s being accused by Israel of “anti-Semitism” for that (as if it were wrong to recognize that Israel is an enemy nation; as if to recognize this is somehow against Jews or Judaism, instead of being against racist fascism in any nation, and against apartheid in any nation, and against theocracy in any nation, and against the imposition by any nation, of dictatorship — all of which presumptions are clearly lies). Littlewood noted that,

While the mainstream, including the BBC, have been sticking the knife into Corbyn, none of them (as far as I’m aware) reported a much more serious outrage – the hijacking by Israeli Occupation Forces of two vessels heading for Gaza and the violent assault, abduction and imprisonment of the 34 people from 12 countries who were on board – one of them a British consultant from the famous ‘Barts’ Hospital in London.

That is basically where things currently stand on this matter. The other governments involved (among the 12, besides Sweden), have been silent. Only Dressler’s nation has not. But no indication exists that even Sweden is following up with any demand against Israel. The underlying assumption seems to be that governments in The West (including the Sauds and their friends — all also “Western”) will continue simply to side with Israel against the Palestinians, even when their own citizens’ rights have been violated by Israel’s illegal imposition and enforcement of this illegal blockade.

Among the Governments that refused to enforce its citizens’ rights in this matter is the United States. Refusing to enforce its citizens rights that have been illegally violated by Israel, is routine for the U.S. Government to do. Ever since 1967, Israel has been supported by America, though America’s enemy, at war against Americans, and Israel has stayed that way, but the U.S. Government itself (and its news-media) has been keeping that fact, of Israel’s war against Americans — Israel’s being an enemy — a bipartisan secret from the American people (who are required, furthermore, by their Government, to pay to Israel’s Government, $3.8 billion per year, so that it can buy U.S.-made weapons from Lockheed Martin and other politically top-connected American companies — Eisenhower’s “military-industrial complex” — which are the intended beneficiaries of this coercion, by America’s Government, against America’s citizens). It’s the proven and incontrovertible reality, of the U.S. Government’s tyranny, against its own people.

Without such lies as that Israel is America’s friend instead of America’s enemy, and without such hiding of crucial facts from the public (for ‘national-security’ purposes, of course — not for billionaires’ profits), none of this could happen, and could be even credibly called ‘democracy’. This is actually a ‘democracy’ based on lies. But is that really possible, or is it instead just another lie, one to cover-up all the others? If that’s the case, then the problem is, obviously, much deeper than merely Israel versus the Palestinians, and nothing that the mainstream press publishes in The West regarding international relations can be trusted, at all, for its keeping this secret throughout the decades.

Certainly, what you are now reading, on this site, isn’t mainstream in The West. So, you are here reading Western samizdat, forbidden truths — truths that are forbidden to be published in The West. Nonetheless, all of this article is documented to be true. Just click onto a link anywhere that you doubt it. You will find that it’s all true — not just “maybe true” (like mainstream ‘news’ often is) — it is all unequivocally true. And, yet, what politician can say it? What would they be implying if they did say it? Can they say it? Apparently not.

What you’ve read here is, therefore, exposing just the visible tip, of an iceberg, of lies.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

Imam Khamenei: Trump’s Remarks ‘Silly, Superficial’

“I don’t trust these three European countries either”

May 9, 2018

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says President Donald Trump’s speech announcing US withdrawal from a nuclear deal with Iran was “silly and superficial.”

“Last night you heard that the US president made silly and superficial remarks. There were maybe more than 10 lies in his comments. He threatened both the establishment and the nation, saying he will do this and that,” Imam Khamenei said in a meeting with a number of teachers and university professors in the Iranian capital Tehran on Wednesday.

“Mr. Trump I tell you on behalf of the Iranian nation: You are making a damn mistake,” the Leader said.

The Leader made the remarks one day after Trump announced Washington’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Imam Khamenei stressed that the US problem with Iran was not related to the country’s nuclear program.

“We accepted the JCPOA, but enmities with the Islamic Republic did not end. Now they raise the issue of our presence in the region and the issue of missiles. If we accept them too, they will bring up another issue,” he said.

“The reason for US opposition to the establishment is that the US used to completely dominate [Iran] but the [Islamic] Revolution cut off their hands [from the country],” he added.

On the other hand, the Leader said it was ‘illogical to stay in the deal with the Europeans without guarantees.”


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Dr Norman Finkelstein The Coming Collapse of Zionism in America


Published on 20 Dec 2017

Norman Finkelstein, a Jew, gets it. Why can’t all Jews ‘get it.?’ Why have the Jews let the political Zionists usurp their religion and cause so much human misery? If the Jews are allegedly so smart, and if the Jews are so ‘god-like’ why don’t they see that this murderous Talmud ideology is suicidal for them? Why can’t the Jews control their own evil bastard offspring? When will all the Jews rejoin humanity?
When the hell is Judaism going to grow up and mature into human adults? The time to do this is running out.

Taking Thirty pieces of silver, advocating for israel pays well: Salaries of nonprofit heads

Advocating for Israel pays well: Salaries of nonprofit heads

If Americans Knew | December 12, 2017

Rabbi Marvin Hier (center) and his wife Marlene with actor Dustin Hoffman at the premiere of “Against the Tide” on February 4, 2009 in Los Angeles. The Hiers and their son receive total annual compensation of $1.4 million.
If Americans Knew | December 12, 2017

Heads of nonprofits that support Israel receive compensation in the hundreds of thousands of dollars up to, in a few cases, over a million dollars.

Politicians reaping money from the Israel lobby (e.g. Tom Cotton received close to a million dollars from the Emergency Committee for Israel; Haim Saban and his wife donated $11.5 million to pro-Clinton super PACs, along with large sums to the Clinton Foundation) are not the only ones to benefit from supporting Israel.

Executive directors of nonprofits that support Israel receive compensation in the hundreds of thousands of dollars up to almost $2 million.

The Forward recently compiled a list of their earnings. It reported that Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center received $818,148 and that his spouse and his son also work for the center, giving them an annual total $1.4 million.

According to the Forward the Hiers were not alone in surpassing a million dollars compensation – in 2016, the CEO of the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland received compensation of $1.3 million, and in 2014 the CEO of Boston’s Jewish federation received almost $2 million.

Below are some members of the Forward’s list for 2016

(All the individuals below head up organizations that spend part or all of their time in activities supportive of Israel):

Simon Wiesenthal Center
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore
Jewish Federations of North America
Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston
Republican Jewish Coalition
Birthright Israel Foundation
Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metro Chicago
Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland
Anti-Defamation League
American Jewish Committee
UJA Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York
Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles
Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County
Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
Foundation for Jewish Camp
The Israel Project
Conference of Presidents Of Major Jewish Organizations
Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco
Zionist Organization of America
Jewish Community Centers Association of North America
Jewish National Fund
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
B’nai Brith International
United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh
United Jewish Communities of MetroWest New Jersey
American Jewish World Service
Center for Jewish History
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
CLAL (National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership)
Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
CLAL (National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership)
J Street
Stand With Us
ORT America
Bend The Arc
Americans for Peace Now
Agudath Israel of America
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Israeli-American Council

For full list go to The Forward.

From the Rabbis’ mouths “Zionism is an Affirmation of Judaism’


Take It From the Rabbi’s Mouth

Gilad Atzmon — gilad.co.uk Oct 8, 2017

“The overwhelming majority of American Rabbis regard Zionism not only as fully consistent with Judaism but as a logical expression and implementation of it.””
— Document released on November 20, 1942 signed by 818 American Rabbis
The following  article was published on this site in May 2013. In recent weeks we have witnessed some anti Zionist rabbinical Jews  outraged by the attempt to equate Judaism and Zionism. I plan to write on the topic extensively, however,  a brief look at this 1942 rabbinical affirmation of Zionism  is rather revealing:

Great Zionist Rabbis

Zionism: An Affirmation of Judaism

Introduction by Gilad Atzmon

Every so often we come across a Jewish ‘anti’ Zionist’  who argues that Zionism is not Judaism and vice versa. Interestingly enough, I have just come across an invaluable text that illuminates this question from a rabbinical perspective. Apparently back in 1942, 757 American Rabbis added their names to a public pronouncement titled ‘Zionism an Affirmation of Judaism’. This Rabbinical rally for Zionism was declared at the time “the largest public pronouncement in all Jewish history.”
Today, we tend to believe that world Jewry’s transition towards support for Israel followed the 1967 war though some mightargue that already in 1948, American Jews manifested a growing support for Zionism. However, this rabbinical pronouncement proves that as early as 1942, the American Jewish religious establishment was already deeply Zionist. And if this is not enough, the rabbis also regarded Zionism as the ‘implementation’ of Judaism. Seemingly, already then, the peak of World War two, the overwhelming majority of American Rabbis regarded Zionism, not only as fully consistent with Judaism, but as a “logical expression and implementation of it.”
In spite of the fact that early Zionist leaders were largely secular and the East European Jewish settler waves were driven by Jewish socialist ideology, the rabbis contend that “Zionism is not a secularist movement. It has its origins and roots in the authoritative religious texts of Judaism.
Those rabbis were not a bunch of ignoramuses. They were patriotic and nationalistic and they grasped that “universalism is not a contradiction of nationalism.” The rabbis tried to differentiate between contemporaneous German Nationalism and other national movements and they definitely wanted to believe that Zionism was categorically different to Nazism. “Nationalism as such, whether it be English, French, American or Jewish, is not in itself evil. It is only militaristic and chauvinistic nationalism, that nationalism which shamelessly flouts all mandates of international morality, which is evil.” But as we know, just three years after the liberation of Auschwitz the new Jewish State launched a devastating racially driven ethnic-cleansing campaign. Zionism has proven to be militaristic and chauvinistic.
Shockingly enough, back in 1942 as many as 757 American rabbis were able to predict the outcome of the war and they realised that the suffering of European Jewry would be translated into a Jewish State . “We are not so bold as to predict the nature of the international order which will emerge from the present war. It is altogether likely, and indeed it may be desirable, that all sovereign states shall under the coming peace surrender some of their sovereignty to achieve a just and peaceful world society (a Jewish State).”
Some American patriots today are concerned with Israeli-American dual nationality and the dual aspirations of American Jews. Apparently our rabbis addressed this topic too. According to them, there is no such conflict whatsoever. All American Jews are American patriots and all American decision makers are Zionists. “Every fair-minded American knows that American Jews have only one political allegiance–and that is to America. There is nothing in Zionism to impair this loyalty. Zionism has been endorsed in our generation by every President from Woodrow Wilson to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and has been approved by the Congress of the United States. The noblest spirits in American life, statesmen, scholars, writers, ministers and leaders of labor and industry, have lent their sympathy and encouragement to the movement.”
Back in 1942 our American rabbis were bold enough to state that defeating Hitler was far from sufficient. For them, a full solution of the Jewish question could only take place in Palestine. “Jews, and all non-Jews who are sympathetically interested in the plight of Jewry, should bear in mind that the defeat of Hitler will not of itself normalize Jewish life in Europe. “
But there was one thing the American rabbis failed to mention – the Palestinian people. For some reason, those rabbis who knew much about ‘universalism’ and in particular Jewish ‘universalism’ showed very little concern to the people of the land. I guess that after all, chosennss is a form of blindness and rabbis probably know more about this than anyone else.

Zionism: An Affirmation of Judaism


ZIONISMAN AFFIRMATIONOF JUDAISMA Reply by 757 Orthodox, Conservative and ReformRabbis of America to a Statement Issued by NinetyMembers of the Reform Rabbinate Charging ThatZionism Is Incompatible with the Teachings of Judaism
THE SUBJOINED REPLY was prepared at the initiative of the following Rabbis who submitted it to their colleagues throughout the country for signature: Philip S. Bernstein, Barnett R. Brickner, Israel Goldstein, James G. Heller, Mordecai M. Kaplan, B. L. Levinthal, Israel H. Levinthal, Louis M. Levitsky, Joshua Loth Liebman, Joseph H. Lookstein, Jacob R. Marcus, Abraham A. Neuman, Louis I. Newman, David de Sola Pool, Abba Hillel Silver, Milton Steinberg, and Stephen S. Wise.
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED RABBIS of all elements in American Jewish religious life,have noted with concern a statement by ninety of our colleagues in which they repudiate Zionism on the ground that it is inconsistent with Jewish religious and moral doctrine. This statement misrepresents Zionism and misinterprets historic Jewish religious teaching, and we should be derelict in our duty if we did not correct the misapprehensions which it is likely to foster.
We call attention in the first place to the fact that the signatories to this statement, for whom as fellow-Rabbis we have a high regard, represent no more than a very small fraction of the American rabbinate. They constitute a minority even of the rabbinate of Reform Judaism with which they are associated. The overwhelming majority of American Rabbis regard Zionism not only as fully consistent with Judaism but as a logical expression and implementation of it.
Our colleagues concede the need for Jewish immigration into Palestine as contributing towards a solution of the vast tragedy of Jewish homelessness. They profess themselves ready to encourage such settlement. They are aware of the important achievements, social and spiritual, of the Palestinian Jewish community and they pledge to it their unstinted support. And yet, subscribing to every practical accomplishment of Zionism, they have embarked upon a public criticism of it. In explanation of their opposition they advance the consideration that Zionism is nationalistic and secularistic. On both scores they maintain it is incompatible with the Jewish religion and its universalistic outlook. They protest against the political emphasis which, they say, is now paramount in the Zionist program and which, according to them, tends to confuse both Jews and Christians as to the place and function of the Jewish group in American society. They appeal to the prophets of ancient Israel for substantiation of their views.
TREASURING the doctrines and moral principles of our faith no less than they, devoted equally to America and its democratic processes and spirit, we nonetheless find every one of their contentions totally without foundation.
Zionism is not a secularist movement. It has its origins and roots in the authoritative religious texts of Judaism. Scripture and rabbinical literature alike are replete with the promise of the restoration of Israel to its ancestral home. Anti-Zionism, not Zionism, is a departure from the Jewish religion. Nothing in the entire pronouncement of our colleagues is more painful than their appeal to the prophets of Israel—to those very prophets whose inspired and recorded words of national rebirth and restoration nurtured and sustained the hope of Israel throughout the ages.
Nor is Zionism a denial of the universalistic teachings of Judaism. Universalism is not a contradiction of nationalism. Nationalism as such, whether it be English, French, American or Jewish, is not in itself evil. It is only militaristic and chauvinistic nationalism, that nationalism which shamelessly flouts all mandates of international morality, which is evil. The prophets of Israel looked forward to the time not when all national entities would be obliterated, but when all nations would walk in the light of the Lord, live by His law and learn war no more.
Our colleagues find themselves unable to subscribe to the political emphasis “now paramount in the Zionist program.” We fail to perceive what it is to which they object. Is it to the fact that there are a regularly constituted Zionist organization and a Jewish Agency which deal with the mandatory government, the Colonial office, the League of Nations and other recognized political bodies? But obviously, even immigration and colonization are practical matters which require political action. The settlement of a half million Jews in Palestine since the last war was made possible by political action which culminated in the Balfour Declaration and the Palestine Mandate. There can be little hope of opening the doors of Palestine for mass Jewish immigration after the war without effective political action. Or is it that they object to the ultimate achievement by the Jewish community of Palestine of some form of Jewish statehood? We are not so bold as to predict the nature of the international order which will emerge from the present war. It is altogether likely, and indeed it may be desirable, that all sovereign states shall under the coming peace surrender some of their sovereignty to achieve a just and peaceful world society.
Certainly our colleagues will allow to the Jews of Palestine the same rights that are allowed to all other peoples resident on their own land. If Jews should ultimately come to constitute a majority of the population of Palestine, would our colleagues suggest that all other peoples in the post-war world shall be entitled to political self-determination, whatever form that may take, but the Jewish people in Palestine shall not have such a right? Or do they mean to suggest that the Jews in Palestine shall forever remain a minority in order not to achieve such political self-determination?
PROTESTING their sympathy both for the homeless Jews of the world and for their brethren in Palestine, our colleagues have by their pronouncement done all these a grave disservice. It may well be that to the degree to which their efforts arc at all effective, Jews who might otherwise have found a haven in Palestine will be denied one. The enemies of the Jewish homeland will be strengthened in their propaganda as a result of the aid which these Rabbis have given them. To the Jews of Palestine, facing the gravest danger in their history and fighting hard to maintain morale and hope in the teeth of the totalitarian menace, this pronouncement comes as a cruel blow.
We do not mean to imply that our colleagues intended it as such. We have no doubt that they are earnest about their fine spun theoretical objections to Zionism. We hold, however, that these objections have no merit, and further that voicing them at this time has been unwise and unkind.
We have not the least fear that our fellow Americans will be led to misconstrue the attitudes of American Jews to America because of their interest in Zionism. Every fair-minded American knows that American Jews have only one political allegiance–and that is to America. There is nothing in Zionism to impair this loyalty. Zionism has been endorsed in our generation by every President from Woodrow Wilson to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and has been approved by the Congress of the United States. The noblest spirits in American life, statesmen, scholars, writers, ministers and leaders of labor and industry, have lent their sympathy and encouragement to the movement.
Jews, and all non-Jews who are sympathetically interested in the plight of Jewry, should bear in mind that the defeat of Hitler will not of itself normalize Jewish life in Europe.
An Allied peace which will not frankly face the problem of the national homelessness of the Jewish people will leave the age-old tragic status of European Jewry unchanged. The Jewish people is in danger of emerging from this war not only more torn and broken than any other people, but also without any prospects of a better and more secure future and without the hope that such tragedies will not recur again, and again. Following an Allied victory, the Jews of Europe, we are confident, will be restored to their political rights and to equality of citizenship. But they possessed these rights after the last war and yet the past twenty-five years have witnessed a rapid and appalling deterioration in their position. In any case, even after peace is restored Europe will be so ravaged and war-torn that large masses of Jews will elect migration to Palestine as a solution of their personal problems.
Indeed, for most of these there may be no other substantial hope of economic, social and spiritual rehabilitation.
THE freedom which, we have faith, will come to all men and nations after this war, must come not only to Jews as individuals wherever they live, permitting them to share freedom on a plane of equality with all other men, but also to the Jewish people, as such, restored in its homeland, where at long last it will be a free people within a world federation of free peoples.
Of the 757 Rabbis listed below, 214 are members of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (Reform); 247 are members of the Rabbinical Assembly of America (Conservative); and the rest are affiliated with the Rabbinical Council of America (Orthodox) or the Union of Orthodox Rabbis. The total represents the largest number of rabbis whose signatures are attached to a public pronouncement in all Jewish history.
To see the scanned image in PDF format with the list of signers, click here
Note: A version of the above statement was released to the press on November 20, 1942. By that time 818 rabbis had signed on. It appears in Samuel Halperin’s The Political World of American Zionism. (Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1961) 333.
The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics     Amazon.com  or Amazon.co.uk



israel doing nothing to stop attacks on churches and mosques


Stained glass and a statue of the Virgin Mary were among the items destroyed in the latest attack on St. Stephen’s church at Beit Jamal, west of Jerusalem. (Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem)

Since 2009, at least 53 churches and mosques have been vandalized in present-day Israel and the occupied West Bank.

The vast majority of those cases – 45 – have been closed without any charges against perpetrators.

In all, there have been just nine indictments and seven convictions, according to Israeli government data reported by the newspaper Haaretz. Only eight of the cases remain under investigation.

They were usually dismissed on the grounds of unknown perpetrators.

A lawmaker raised the matter in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, at the request of Tag Meir, an organization that monitors racially motivated crimes.

According to Haaretz, public security minister Gilad Erdan wrote to the lawmaker that the attacks “were perpetrated from various motives, ranging from negligence through mental illness and, in extreme cases, incidents of arson that appear deliberate.”

The newspaper noted that Erdan’s assertion “seems to contradict the fact that most of the cases were closed on the grounds of ‘perpetrator unknown.’”

Moreover, according to Haaretz, all the cases involved arson.

The name of the organization Tag Meir is a play on the Hebrew words tag mehir – or price tag – the term Israeli settlers and extremists have adopted to describe their sometimes lethal attacks on non-Jews and their property, especially Palestinians.

Third attack

In the most recent attack, on 20 September, vandals shattered a statue of the Virgin Mary, broke stained glass and destroyed a cross in St. Stephen’s Church in the Beit Jamal Salesian Monastery west of Jerusalem.

“I was shocked,” the church’s caretaker Father Antonio Scudu told the Catholic News Service. “I didn’t expect to see something like this. The church is always open. If you see what happened, you feel they did it with hate. They smashed everything.”

Bishop Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem’s senior cleric in Palestine, said, “this is not only an act of vandalism but an action against the sacredness of the holy places and the faith of people.”

This was the third attack on Beit Jamal in the past four years, but no arrests have ever been made.

Wadie Abunassar, adviser to the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land, condemned the desecration in a post on Facebook .

“We are fed up with repeated attacks on holy places,” Abunassar stated, adding that “anger is not only directed at the aggressors,” but at Israeli authorities which have failed to deal with the phenomenon.

Abunassar told The Electronic Intifada that there was growing public frustration at how the police deal with the incidents, given the small number of cases that have been resolved.

Unchecked incitement

Israeli police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld has claimed that the incidents are unconnected.

“There have been arrests in previous cases,” he said. “We are looking into this case to see if it was an individual or a group. These are all separate cases.”

While Abunassar does not know if the incidents are done by individuals connected to each other, he points to constant incitement by extremist rabbis inspiring such actions.

He added that these right-wing preachers are not “sufficiently deterred by Israeli law enforcement authorities.”

He recalled one of the more notorious cases, Torat Hamelech or The King’s Torah, a 2009 book by Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur.

The book argues that it is permissible in certain circumstances to kill the non-Jewish children and babies of Israel’s enemies since “it is clear that they will grow to harm us.”

As a result, the UK banned the entry of Elitzur.

Israeli authorities investigated the pair for incitement, but eventually decided not to charge them.

Amongst other figures who encourage these attacks is Bentzi Gopstein, the head of Lehava, a vigilante group that opposes miscegenation between Jews and Arabs.

In August 2015, Gopstein publicly called for the burning of churches and mosques.

The Vatican urged Israel to charge Gopstein with incitement to violence and terrorism.

Months later, Gopstein wrote an article branding Christians “blood-sucking vampires” and urging their expulsion from the country.

Although bishops have asked to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss these hate crimes, their request has been ignored

israel Doomed

Israel Doomed

Lasha Darkmoon — Darkmoon Sept 23, 2017

“In ten years time, there will be no more Israel.”
— Henry Kissinger, October 2012

dees shot palestinean kid


A controversial article was published yesterday on the Darkmoon site. Written by brilliant political analyst Franklyn Ryckaert, it was called Israel Is Here To Stay. Within a few hours of publication, the article had elicited almost 100 heated comments denouncing Mr Ryckaert as a “crypto-Jew”, if not a secret agent of Mossad. I was amazed. The readers of our site, being uniformly anti-Zionist, did not wish to hear that Israel was here to stay. They would have preferred to hear the opposite: that Israel was doomed—that certain annihilation awaited evil Zion.
In his closely reasoned article,  Mr Ryckaert advanced the view that the only feasible solution to the Arab-Israeli problem was for the Palestinians to bow before the might of Israel and accept a Two State solution on Israel’s terms. The Palestinians, Ryckaert argued persuasively, needed to be realistic. They were a defeated people and in no position to make demands. They should therefore accept whatever scraps of land Israel was ready to offer them and be grateful. Better a little rump state than no state at all.
I’m afraid I cannot agree with this solution to the Arab-Israeli problem, however reasonable and pragmatic it may appear to be at first sight. This is because it is based on a flawed assumption: the false premise that the Israelis are negotiating in good faith and would dearly love see a Two State solution that is fair and just. I question this basic assumption.
If ever an assumption were false, utterly false, it is this.
I am personally convinced that the Israelis have no intention of handing back any land to the Palestinians. They intend to keep nibbling away at the land ad nauseam, adding illegal settlement to illegal settlement, exactly as they have been doing for the last 70 years. They intend to swallow up every square inch of territory, leaving the Palestinians with nothing but isolated and disconnected bantustans—in short, with open prisons lacking even the basic amenities such as an adequate supply of water.
It is clear to most observers that the Israelis are not negotiating in good faith and this is something the Palestinians know. The mauvaise foi of the Israelis, fully supported in their duplicity by an equally double-tongued Trump administration weighed down with Israel Firsters, is clearly indicated by this comment in a recent article by James Petras:
‘Israel Firsters’ dominate the top economic and political positions within the Trump regime and, interestingly, are among the Administration’s most vociferous opponents. These include: the Federal Reserve Chairwoman, Janet Yellen, as well as her Vice-Chair, Stanley Fischer, an Israeli citizen and former Governor of the Bank of Israel.
Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and an Orthodox Jew, acts as his top adviser on Middle East Affairs. Kushner, a New Jersey real estate mogul, set himself up as the archenemy of the economic nationalists in the Trump inner circle.
He supports every Israeli power and land grab in the Middle East and works closely with David Friedman, US Ambassador to Israel (and fanatical supporter of the illegal Jewish settlements) and Jason Greenblatt, Special Representative for International negotiations. With three Israel Firsters determining Middle East policy, there is not even a fig leaf of balance.
Donald Trump has turned his entire Middle East policy over to his ultra-Zionist Political Advisor (and son-in-law) Jared Kushner and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.
Political life in the United States cannot get worse — we really have touched bottom.
In circumstances like these, what hope for the Palestinians getting a fair deal? The Palestinians have no bargaining power, being an essentially defeated people. And beggars, as we know, cannot be choosers. They have as much chance of receiving back a single dunam of stolen land from the Israelis as the defeated Germans stood after WWI from receiving fair treatment from the merciless bloodsuckers who helped to craft the iniquitous Versailles Treaty.
The Jew are exacting taskmasters. The honest Jew Yossi Gurvitz gave the game away in a controversial video called, “When Israel is Mighty”. Here he makes it clear that Jews tend to be nice and accommodating when they have no alternative. When they are weak, they are ready to make concessions. But when they are strong, it’s a different story. Then they are utterly merciless.
Michael Hoffman notes:
“Maimonides ruled that when Judaic persons are weak they should feign friendship for Christians as a way of gaining power over them. But when Judaics are totally dominant, as they are in the Israeli state, they should slaughter anyone who obstructs their supremacy.”
A Two State solution, with Israel conceding land to the Palestinians, is just not possible “when Israel is mighty”. Sooner expect blood from a stone than concessions from Israel.
—   §   —
As far as Israel is concerned, there are no Occupied Territories. There are only disputed territories. And the endgame for Israel is not only the absorption of ‘Judea’ and ‘Samaria’ — i.e. the so-called occupied or “disputed” territories — into Israel proper, or Israel as we know it right now, but the continued expansion of the entire Jewish state beyond its present non-existent official borders into Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey. Known as the Oded Yinon Planthis envisages a Greater Israel stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates:

greater Israel

Obviously, a people intent on conquering new lands are unlikely to hand back bits and pieces of their stolen lands to the wretched people whose lands they have plundered. This is why a Two State solution to the Arab-Israeli problem in Palestine is wildly improbable. How can you conquer new lands if you keep handing them back?
Is Greater Israel the ultimate goal of the Zionist Jew? No, it is not. The Revolutionary Jew will never be content until he has conquered the whole world. The whole world must be his glittering trinket. Nothing less will satisfy his insatiable appetite for power and dominion.
Greater Israel, in other words, is not the ultimate goal of the Revolutionary Jew. It is the penultimate goal. It is simply the stepping stone to full-spectrum world domination by international Jewry.
These prophetic words of Israel Shamir keep ringing in my ears:
“Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters. The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the Spirit on Earth. Christianity will die, the spirit will depart from the nations in our part of the world, and our present dubious democracy will be supplanted by a vast theocratic state. De-spiritualized and uprooted, homeless and lonely, yesterday’s Masters of the World will become slaves in all but name.” 

Shamir quote

In light of the above, I see no possibility of a Two State solution. Maybe Henry Kissinger’s prediction — In ten years, there will be no more Israel” — will come true.
—  §  —
Kevin Barrett noted on Press TV some time ago that Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been vilified in the Western media for daring to imagine “a world without Israel.” But according to news reports, Henry Kissinger and sixteen American intelligence agencies were to agree that in the near future, Israel would no longer exist. The New York Post had quoted Kissinger as saying “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”
Those were apparently Kissinger’s exact words.
Barrett continues:
The US Intelligence Community agrees, though perhaps not on the precise 2022 expiration date. Sixteen US intelligence agencies with a combined budget over $70 billion have issued an 82-page analysis entitled “Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East.”
The US intelligence report observes that the 700,000 Israeli settlers illegally squatting on land stolen in 1967 – land that the entire world agrees belongs to Palestine, not Israel – are not going to pack up and leave peacefully. Since the world will never accept their ongoing presence on stolen land, Israel is like South Africa in the late 1980s: An unsustainable pariah state.
The extremist Likud coalition governing Israel, according to the US intelligence report, is increasingly condoning and supporting rampant violence and lawlessness by the illegal settlers. The Report states that the brutality and criminality of the settlers, and the growing apartheid-style infrastructure including the apartheid wall and the ever-more-draconian system of checkpoints, are indefensible, unsustainable, and out of synch with American values.
The sixteen US intelligence agencies agree that Israel cannot withstand the coming pro-Palestinian juggernaut consisting of the Arab Spring, the Islamic Awakening, and the rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The US intelligence community report says that in light of these realities, the US government simply no longer has the military and financial resources to continue propping up Israel against the wishes of more than a billion of its neighbors. In order to normalize relations with 57 Islamic countries, the report suggests, the US will have to follow its own national interests and pull the plug on Israel.
Interestingly, neither Henry Kissinger nor the authors of the US Intelligence Report give any sign that they are going to mourn the demise of Israel. This is remarkable, given that Kissinger is Jewish.
Finally, we come to the least obvious – but most powerful – reason for Kissinger’s and the CIA’s complacency in the face of Israel’s implosion: The inexorable trickle-down of knowledge that Israel and its supporters, not radical Muslims, carried out the 9/11 false-flag attacks.
Increasingly, it is not fringe anti-Semitic groups, but high-level responsible observers, who are saying this. Alan Sabrosky, the half-Jewish former Director of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College, has come on my radio show to say that he has discussed with his colleagues the “100% certainty” that Israel and its supporters did 9/11. 
More Americans, including the US intelligence community as a whole, now recognize that the enemies of Israel do not have to be the enemies of the United States. In fact, the US is going broke and sacrificing thousands of lives in wars for Israel – wars that damage, rather than aid, US strategic interests.
As the recognition grows that 9/11 was not a radical Islamic attack, but an act of dastardly, bloody treason by supporters of Israel, it will become ever-easier for American policy makers, following in the footsteps of Kissinger and the sixteen intelligence agencies, to recognize the obvious: The state of Israel has reached the end of its shelf-life.
(Emphasis added)
This being the situation, any Two State solution to the Arab-Israeli problem—with miserly scraps of land handed back to the Palestinians, leaving Israel free to gobble up the best bits of real estate—would appear to be a dead duck in the water. Even if it were feasible, it would never be a fair. It would be a rip-off. Totally unacceptable to the Palestinians.
—  §  —
So what would be the ideal solution to this intractable problem? It would be a One State solution in which Jews and Arabs have equal rights.
In order for such a state to materialize, a state without apartheid, Israel would have to abandon the idea of continuing as an ethnically Jewish state, a state exclusively for Jews. This would be the end of the Jewish dream: a heaven on earth, a heaven haven just for Jews alone.
In a One State Israel-Palestine, Jews would in no time be outnumbered by Arabs. The One State solution would be the death warrant of Zionism. For this to occur, it would have to be imposed upon Israel by international law, by force of arms, with most Jews kicking and screaming “Over my dead body!”
The Jews would sooner blow up the entire world than accept the loss of their homeland. If I were a Jew, I would do no less. Having fought so long and hard for my heaven on earth, my spiritual homeland, I would rather die a thousand deaths than sacrifice my beloved country—the country of my dreams and the dreams of my ancestors. In the squalid shtetls and cold countries of my exile on earth, this was the dream that had kept me warm in the long watches of the night, that I’d cherished in my heart ever since I was a child. ‘Jerusalem tomorrow!’ Yes, I would sooner blow up the entire world and sacrifice everything, seeing it all go up in flames, than give up my bittersweet, mad, impossible dream.
My prognosis is a gloomy one.
There will never be a One State solution to which the Jews will agree, or a Two State solution that is remotely fair to the Palestinians. There will be more bloodshed, more intifadas. The ultimate solution to the Jewish problem will come when the Jews get too big for their boots and Israel is finally destroyed by a hailstorm of nuclear weapons, leaving the entire country a smoldering heap of radioactive ashes.

VIDEO  :  3.25 mins
‘Palestine, Come Back Again!’

This video, featuring a poem by Lasha Darkmoon read by the inimitable ‘Snordster’ (Patrick Willis), has relatively few views. There is a reason for this. When first released several years ago, the video received thousands of views but was banned almost immediately after protests from the Usual Suspects. A second version was released two years later and this time, mysteriously, it was not banned. This is the version you are now seeing. (JSM)

Palestinians Are Seeking Justice in Jerusalem – Not an Abusive Life-Long Mate

JUNE 27, 2017

Several articles have been published about the “legal limbo” in which Palestinian Jerusalemites exist and proposals as to what Israel ought to do about this 50-year old travesty, among them being righting “the wrong” of denying Palestinian Arabs in East Jerusalem Israeli citizenship.

In my view, such articles both define the injustice done to Palestinians deceptively and are meant simply to normalize the idea of Palestinian Jerusalemites becoming Israeli citizens, in the same way I might normalize the poll that American Jews are increasingly losing their connection to Israel by writing about it, especially if I were to headline my article “Breaking Taboo”, as Maayan Lubell does, or make the title echo a classified ad for the lovelorn, or question “Jewish identity” by “layering it with complexity” – i.e., by tying it to Israel.

Lubell’s article (Haaretz, Aug 5, 2015) is titled “Breaking Taboo, East Jerusalem Palestinians Seek Israeli Citizenship: In East Jerusalem, which Israel captured during the 1967 war, issues of Palestinian identity are layered with complexity.” It begins with this:

“I declare I will be a loyal citizen of the state of Israel,” reads the oath that must be sworn by all naturalized Israeli citizens. Increasingly, they are words being uttered by Palestinians. In East Jerusalem, which Israel captured from Jordan during the 1967 Middle East war and later annexed, a move not recognized internationally, issues of Palestinian identity are layered with complexity.

While Israel regards the east of the city as part of Israel, the estimated 300,000 Palestinians that live there do not. They are not Israeli citizens, instead holding Israeli-issued blue IDs that grant them permanent resident status. While they can seek citizenship if they wish, the vast majority reject it, not wanting to renounce their own history or be seen to buy into Israel’s 48-year occupation. And yet over the past decade, an increasing number of East Jerusalem Palestinians have gone through the lengthy process of becoming Israeli citizens, researchers and lawyers say.

So what is the reader to conclude from the “and yet” at the end of the quotation above? One way of looking at it is to see “the increasing number” of Palestinian Jerusalemites seeking Israeli citizenship as finally surrendering to the imperative of power and brutal facts on the ground, impelled by an otherwise unlivable life.

Another is to regard these Palestinians as traitors to the Palestinian cause, normalizing and legitimizing their enemy’s power, as there is often the implication in references to Palestinians seeking Israeli citizenship that Jerusalemites, through their applications for such citizenship, are signaling approval for the Israeli state, when in fact they seem to be doing it for practical reasons- so they can acquire some basic rights that Israel otherwise denies them.

A third is to see it from the point of view of Palestinian cartographer Khalil Tafakji – as yet another defeat for the Palestinian Authority in the context of Oslo’s so-called “peace process”.

Tafakji is quoted in this Haaretz report as saying,

“If this continues, what will the Palestinians negotiate about? They want to negotiate on the land – they have already lost the land. They want to negotiate for the population and the population is being lost.”

In other words the Palestinian view that Tafakji expresses is a lose/lose situation, not the win/win one espoused by another Haaretz article on the subject like the following.

Nir Hasson’s article (Haaretz, June 20, 2017) also has clues as to the function of such articles in the Israeli “liberal” media and co-dependent publications like the New York Times. These are often embedded right in the title or subheading – in this case:

“50 Years After Six-Day War, East Jerusalem’s Palestinians Remain Prisoners in Their City: Study shows how ambivalent Israeli policies and denial of the problem have created a status that doesn’t exist anywhere else on earth: Native-born residents who are not citizens of the state in whose capital they live.”

One glance at the word “capital” in the subheading frames it all for us, hasbara style. What may lull the suspicions of the unwary reader is that the piece does, in fact, highlight the severe problems created for Palestinians by Israeli policies of judaization in the expanded municipality of Jerusalem. But in the end, this kind of article is Israeli “self-criticism” of the worst kind, meant to play games with one’s head.

The subtext you may miss is that, similar to the past and ongoing judaization of Israel proper, the goal behind Israel’s policies in Jerusalem is to create, expand and preserve the Zionist Jewish state.
Hasson describes Israeli policy in 1967 in East Jerusalem, when the population was 60,000, as follows:

The [Israeli] ministers assumed that, as in 1948, when a large number of Arabs likewise didn’t get automatic citizenship, over time the East Jerusalemites would request citizenship – an option granted only to them and not to other West Bank residents – and integrate into Israeli society. The ministers did not take into account the strong ties these Arabs had to the West Bank and Jordan, and the unwillingness of Israeli society to absorb a large Palestinian population …. After the 1993 Oslo Accords, Israel recognized the ties East Jerusalemites had to the West Bank and allowed them to vote for the Palestinian parliament in Ramallah. This made their legal status even more complicated: permanent residents of the State of Israel with Jordanian travel papers and the right to vote in Palestinian Authority elections.

Notice the telling phrase in the above that is the blind spot of Zionism: “The ministers did not take into account the strong ties these Arabs had to the West Bank and Jordan.” It totally disregards the strong ties of Palestinian Arabs to an Arab Jerusalem, to an Arab Palestine, ties Israel has not succeeded in breaking seventy years after its establishment on a territory of Palestine as a settler-colonial Zionist Jewish state against the wishes of its native inhabitants.

Hasson goes on to say:

Another expression of the relatively enlightened policy of the early years was a law, finally passed in 1973, that enabled East Jerusalemites to be compensated for property they abandoned in western Jerusalem during the 1948 War of Independence, similar to the rights of Jews to get back the property they had to abandon in East Jerusalem during that same war. In the end, the compensation offered was paltry and very few Palestinians tried to claim it. But the debates on the law at least demonstrated an effort to right the wrong…. In recent years there has been considerable talk about the “Israelization” of East Jerusalemites, as reflected in the labor market, the desire to study the Israeli curriculum, and the increased number of requests to get full Israeli citizenship.

Again, notice the Israeli-centric formulation and framing. Palestinians are described as having “abandoned” their property in West Jerusalem, when, in fact, they were denied their right of return to their property by Israel.
Palestinians “abandoned” their property; but the reference to Jews is a reference to their “rights.”

Palestinians turned down “compensation” for no other reason than its paltry size, when, in fact, the Palestinian view on this issue is as Canadian professor Michael Lynk describes it in The Right to Compensation in International Law and the Displaced Palestinians”

“Palestinians advance the compensation issue as a right recognized in international law that would obligate Israel to return, or pay for, the refugee properties expropriated or destroyed in 1948 and afterwards. As well, they argue that Israel must pay damages for pain and suffering, and for its use of Palestinian properties over the past five decades

The dominance of Jewish companies in the labor market in East Jerusalem where many Palestinians are employed (See The Palestinian Economy in East Jerusalem: Enduring annexation, isolation and disintegration), the agonizing choice some Palestinians make in accepting a school curriculum for their children that denies Palestinian heritage and identity but allows them to get ahead at Israeli universities, and the application for Israeli citizenship (mostly denied by Israel) of a minority of Palestinians are all deceptively framed as “a desire” for “Izraelization” and a path to “correcting the injustice”.

Quoting Amnon Ramon of the Jerusalem Institute for Israeli [not for Palestinian] Studies, Hasson’s article also details the problems that Israel faces as a result of the “limbo” residency arrangement imposed on Palestinian Arabs by the Israeli Government – a “hollow sovereignty”, contributing to “instability and violent outbursts, as well as the international community’s refusal to recognize Israel’s legitimacy in Jerusalem.”

But ostensibly, the article is concerned with Israel “righting a wrong” by removing the “legal limbo” under which Palestinian Jerusalemites live, claiming that such a path, will not only relieve Israel’s problems, but is also a path to “justice” – justice as defined by Israel, the oppressor, not by the Palestinians themselves, Israel’s victims.

This brings us to the immediate present. On June 25, 2017, the New York Times published a piece by Isabel Kershner titled “50 Years After War, East Jerusalem Palestinians Confront a Life Divided.”

Again, we have to ask: What is Kershner’s point in this one? Is it really a concern for Palestinians whose lives have been “divided” by Israel or is it another deflection from the illegitimate existence of Israel as a Zionist Jewish entity in Palestine?

Even as Israelis mark the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem in the June 1967 war, the Palestinians and most of the world consider the eastern half under occupation, and the city remains deeply divided. But after five decades, dealing with Israel has become unavoidable for residents of East Jerusalem.

The deflection in the quotation above is blatant. Dealing with Israel did not “become unavoidable after five decades.” For Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem and all other Palestinian Arabs who want to visit or do business there and for Palestinian Arabs denied return to their property there, or those whose property was seized and/or demolished, dealing with Israel became unavoidable the minute Israel occupied and annexed East Jerusalem.

It is true Palestinian culture and day-to-day life has been under severe assault by Israel for a long time – since 1948 to be exact. The 50-year anniversary of Israel’s brutal occupation and annexation of East Jerusalem (see Living Under Israeli Policies of Colonization in Jerusalem) is an occasion to extol and marvel at Palestinian resilience and sumoud (an Arabic word meaning “steadfastness” that has entered the English language, just as the word “intifada” has). It is not an occasion to normalize and indirectly extol “the reunification of Jerusalem,” whose Palestinian Arab population now accounts for 18% of the Palestinian Arab population of Israel.

More articles by:

Rima Najjar is a Palestinian whose father’s side of the family comes from the forcibly depopulated village of Lifta on the western outskirts of Jerusalem. She is an activist, researcher and retired professor of English literature, Al-Quds University, occupied West Bank.

Ancient Papyrus linking jews with Jerusalem turns out to be likely a fake

Archaeologists Cast Doubt on Israel’s Papyrus

Papyrus with earliest Hebrew mention of Jerusalem likely fake

Archaeologists are usually wary of any finds not discovered in a supervised dig, though Antiquities Authority insists ancient scroll is authentic.

Netanyahu displays the papyrus: ‘A postcard from the past to UNESCO.’Ilan Assayag

The Host & the Parasite: Zionism in American Politics ~ “The israel-USA Relationship”

Syrian Free Press

Clifford Kiracofe, author of the book “Dark Crusade”, discusses Israel’s role in conflicts in the Middle East, the Israel Lobby, the American Christian Zionists… >>> [Related Video by Clifford Kiracofe]

Activists From Women’s Boat to Gaza Being Deported

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Activists who were on board the Women’s Boat to Gaza are now in Tel Aviv’s international airport awaiting deportation, Al Jazeera reported.

According to Al Jazeera correspondent Mina Harballou, who was aboard the Zaytouna heading to break the siege on the Gaza Strip: “When Zaytouna was intercepted from the west of Israel at around 4pm there were two warships one on the right and the other on the left of the boat.”

Continued here

Leigh-Ann Naidoo’s Diary on the Women’s Boat to Gaza: Day 8

It’s just after midnight and I am about to go to sleep because I need to be up for my final 4-8am watch. Today is when we reach the 100 mile mark from Gaza, which means the IDF are likely to be around and possibly intercept us or try and force us to turn around. Most flotillas have been stopped between 70 and 100 miles from Gaza, which is in fact quite far away if you consider that it will take us about 24 hours to sail the last 100 miles at a speed of 5 miles.

Continued here

Report: Israel Seizes Women’s Boat to Gaza

Posted on October 5, 2016

According to Women’s Boat to Gaza website:

At 15:58 (CEST) on 5 October, we lost contact again with the Zaytouna-Oliva and presume that the Israeli Occupation Navy has surrounded it in International Waters(latest recorded position: Lat+31.906033 Lon+33.757630) and has forced it off its course to Gaza. On board are 13 women, including Mairead Maguire, the 1976 Nobel peace laureate from Northern Ireland, Fauziah Hasan, a doctor from Malaysia, and retired US army colonel Ann Wright. Take action to protect them now.

Continue reading

Roger Waters Expresses Support for Women’s Boat to Gaza

Musician Roger Waters again shows his humanity. Latest news on the Gaza women’s flotilla is that we are once again down to just one boat. As I reported two days ago, initially there were two boats that were to sail–the Zaytouna-Oliva and the Amal-Hope. The latter had engine trouble shortly after embarking from Barcelona, Spain and had to return to port there. The “Amal-Hope II” joined the “flotilla” (if you can describe one ship as a “flotilla”–which might be stretching it) in Messina, Sicily, but according to a report here, this effort, too, has now fallen through…due to lack of a crew:

“The new boat sailed from Messina to Palermo last week but “the delays meant that the crew we had lined up for the last part of the voyage were no longer available”, a statement on the activists’ website said.

“It was a Herculean task to get Amal-Hope II this far, but we just weren’t able to make it happen in time,” Eva Manly, a retired documentary maker from Canada, who was also due to be on the boat, said.

Report: Israel Issues Order to Intercept All-Woman Gaza-Bound Flotilla

Posted on October 2, 2016

 photo womenflotilla_zpsij5znqmv.jpg

[ Ed. note – A group of women are presently sailing to Gaza in a two-ship flotilla. The two ships are the Zaytouna-Oliva and the Amal II (the original Amal-Hope ship experienced mechanical problems and was forced to return to Barcelona), the latter having joined the Zaytouna at Messina, on the island of Sicily. Below is an article from the Palestine Information Center, followed by some “ship’s log” type articles posted at the Women’s Boat to Gaza website. The year 2016 marks the 10th year that Gaza has been under Israeli blockade.]

Palestine Information Center

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation navy has received instructions to intercept women’s boat to Gaza and arrest onboard activists, Israeli daily Maariv reported Sunday.

The Israeli naval forces have received orders to intercept al-Zaytouna ship and arrest activists as soon as they reach Gaza shores.

The boat is reportedly to be towed to the Ashdod Harbor wile female activists will be deported to their mother countries after they sign pledges to never return.

Zaytouna ship is expected to reach Gaza shores in the next three days following a stopover in the Greek Island of Crete to fix a sudden breakdown.

Amal and Zaytouna, a flotilla of two boats with all-women crews and passengers, set sail from Barcelona en route to besieged Gaza in another maritime attempt to break Israel’s illegitimate blockade on the Palestinian coastal enclave.

There are 11 women in each boat, including Malin Bjork, the European Parliament member, Mairead Maguire, the Nobel peace laureate from Northern Ireland, Fouzia Hassan, a doctor from Malaysia, and retired US army colonel Ann Wright.

The Gaza Strip is a place where around two million Palestinians have been locked up for nearly a decade in what many describe as the “world’s largest open air prison.”


Zaytouna-Oliva Departs for Gaza…

Amal-Hope II to follow soon.

Messina, Italy, September 27, 2016

This morning at 9:50 am, women representing 13 countries spanning five continents began their journey on Zaytouna-Oliva to the shores of Gaza, which has been under blockade since 2007. On board are a Nobel Peace Laureate, three parliamentarians, a decorated US diplomat, journalists, an Olympic athlete, and a physician. A list of the women with their background can be found here.

When asked why they are going, the women gave a variety of responses. Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate from Ireland, notes that “theysay that ‘silence is golden’, but regarding the plight of Palestinians in Gaza the silence of the world, especially concerning their little children, shows a lack of moral and ethical leadership from the international community. Why has it lasted so long?”

For two of the women, their countries’ own historical struggles for human rights played an important role in their decision to join the Women’s Boat to Gaza. Leigh-Ann Naidoo, an Olympic volleyball player from South Africa, feels that “South Africans understand the importance of international solidarity in fighting regimes that practice segregation.” Marama Davidson, a Maori Member of Parliament from New Zealand, carries with her a strong personal connection to Palestinian women in Gaza. “As an indigenous woman myself, I want to stand alongside the women of Gaza and to draw attention to the ongoing humanitarian crisis there.”

The Amal-Hope II has been making final preparations to sail and is scheduled to depart from Messina soon. Both boats are expected to arrive in Gaza in early October.

Yudit Ilany, an Israeli participant who has sailed with the Zaytouna-Oliva since Barcelona, said “The blockade of Gaza is a crime against humanity being committed in my name, and it is my duty to protest it in any way possible.”

Update from Zaytouna-Oliva, Day 2

We are in contact with Zaytouna-Oliva and all on board are OK. She is still sailing in the direction of Gaza. Difficult weather conditions last night caused damage to the rigging. We are considering options for repair, but the safety and well-being of all those on board are our priorities.

Our course remains the conscience of humanity.

Update from Zaytouna-Oliva, Day 3 and 4: Morale is Good

The following is a compilation from the Captain, crew and participants on the boat.

Wednesday, September 28

We had heavy showers and several women are seasick. There were not many takers of the cous cous salad we had for lunch.  But our discomfort at sea pales in comparison to the people of Palestine.

Thursday, September 29

Today has been easier and we are enjoying calm conditions. We are sitting together enjoying the noon sunshine. It is nice to see everyone smiling and finding their sealegs. Women are singing “I am sailing to be near to you”.

Update Day 5: Zaytouna-Oliva Receives Repairs and Supplies South of Crete

Mediterranean Sea south of Crete (Greece): During a storm a few nights ago, part of the rigging on the Zaytouna-Oliva was damaged by heavy winds. Although the damage was minor and she continued to make good progress for the last few days under motor towards the Greek island of Crete, she still needed her rigging fixed in order to continue the mission.

This morning our friends from Ship to Gaza Greece sent a repair boat which brought a skilled rigging specialist to repair the damage, as well as bringing more fuel and supplies.

According to Madeleine Habib, skipper of Zaytouna-Oliva: “the professionalism of rigger and team that came on board was great. It really meant so much to us! In addition to fuel and other supplies, the boat brought the women Greek desserts, solidarity and friendship.” Zohar Chamberlain Regev, coordinator of the Women’s Boat to Gaza who worked closely with women from Ship to Gaza Greece to arrange the needed repairs, adds: “This immediate response to our boat’s needs is just another example of how much solidarity there is around the world to help break the blockade of Gaza. While there are no Greek women on the boats, their campaign’s concrete solidarity has helped us on this international mission in a vital way.”

The Zaytouna-Oliva is now continuing on her way to break the illega blockade of Gaza, with many thanks to the solidarity and friendship from Greece! She is  scheduled to reach the shores of Gaza later this week.

Spanish band Aspencat performs September 14 at flotilla send-off in Barcelona…



n 20 minutes, this film debunks many of the Israeli-perpetuated myths — myths that have been conveniently adopted by others — by focusing on facts. 

‘Gaza in Context’ says root of conflict is quest for Palestinian land, without Palestinians

Philip Weiss

This is inspired. Two years after the onslaught on Gaza that killed over 2200 people, a group of activists, academics and artists has produced a new teaching video that aims at shifting the western narrative of the conflict.

Its new 20-minute video is called “Gaza in Context.” Narrated by Noura Erakat, the film points out the roots of the conflict: for 70 years Israel has sought as much Palestinian land with as few Palestinians on it as possible, and the peace process has only served as a cover for this project. Erakat uses simple descriptions to convey the reality, that Israel now seeks to accustom Palestinians to “domination as a way of life– an unfathomable possibility to all humans, whose first instinct is to be free.”

The film avoids the term Zionism entirely, and identifies the root of the conflict as settler colonialism. “This is a human-made disaster,” Erakat explains, and its resolution is a political one that depends on all of us to take action.

The film was written by Erakat and Nour Joudah (the Palestinian-American teacher who was repeatedly denied entry to Israel) and directed by Erakat and Dia’ Azzeh.

Here’s Erakat on the misinterpretation of the 2014 Israeli offensive.

During the devastating offensive, news media repeatedly framed the issue as Israel’s fight against a marauding Muslim mob driven by religious hatred. Gaza seemed to float outside of history. But understanding these systematic offensives means understanding where Gaza fits in the larger question of Palestine.

Israel claims that it’s responding to Hamas rocket fire. But no one’s stopped to ask: If Hamas didn’t launch its first rocket till 2001, nor its first suicide attack until 1994, then what explains an ongoing conflict for nearly seven decades?

The larger issue is Israel’s “abject disregard” for Palestinians. “What explains settler takeovers? Home demolitions? Forced displacement? Disproportionate use of force?” She answers:

The campaign is not aimed at Gaza or Hamas, it’s aimed at Palestine. The aim is to gain the maximum amount of Palestinian land with the minimum number of Palestinian people.

There’s some shocking video I’ve never seen before, at 5:52: settlers taking over a Palestinian house, I believe in East Jerusalem.

Here’s more about the outfit behind the video:

Gaza in Context is an Arab Studies Institute pedagogical project about the Gaza Strip…. The film is available in full 20 minutes as well as in 4, 5-minute parts. Its other components include a teaching guide for instructional purposes, a bibliography for research purposes, and a compendium of Jadaliyya articles featured in what we call a JadMag. All of these elements will be housed on the project’s own website, which is part of a broader research initiative on Gaza led by the Forum on Arab and Muslim Affairs. This interdisciplinary pedagogical project aims to resituate the question of Gaza within a larger Israeli settler-colonial framework, and it uses Israel’s most recent military onslaught, Operation Protective Edge, to do so.

The release of this project coincides with the two-year anniversary of the brutal operation and aims to use the war as a teaching moment to counter Israel’s ahistorical claims that saturated the media. Gaza In Context seeks to provide an assertive framework for understanding Israel’s systemic attacks as part of the larger question of Palestine.

You can read expert assessments of the film here, from Richard Falk and Robin D.G. Kelley. Nadia Hijab wisely links the project to the larger burgeoning movement:

It is an excellent entry point for the many thousands who are beginning to support Palestinian rights and an important refresher for others that have been involved in the movement for longer.

Diana Buttu captures its powerful manner:

In 20 minutes, this film debunks many of the Israeli-perpetuated myths — myths that have been conveniently adopted by others — by focusing on facts.

Here is the distinguished scholar Sara Roy‘s comment on the film: 

I did not think it was possible to examine in 20 minutes what Gaza in Context does with such compelling clarity: Israeli policies toward Gaza and Palestine, which are inseparable; the core problems affecting Gaza and the deliberateness of the policies that have led to Gaza’s disablement; Gaza’s centrality in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; and some common myths surrounding Gaza and the history of the conflict overall, which are straightforwardly debunked.

An immensely valuable teaching tool, the film’s power also lies in its fundamental humanity, a heartfelt entreaty to end the oppression and violence so that all people in this tortured part of the world may aspire to a future in which their children can flourish.

Here is novelist Raja Shehadeh’s comment:

[It] helps explain the consistency in the Israeli policy over the years and throughout Palestine while focusing on its implications and manifestations for Gaza. The film ends with a cri de Coeur to all of us to do what we can to bring an end to what the film convincingly argues is not a natural but a human-  made disaster and save Gaza from continuing to be a zone of death.

Egypt, Sinai Liberation Day: protests for the 2 islands sold to the Saudis, under Zionist permission

Syrian Free Press


According to “The Times of Israel”, the Zionist regime said it appreciate the transfer of the islands to Saudi Arabia. The defense minister of the colonial entity, Moshe Yaalon, reveals emerging coordination and strategic interaction between Jerusalem, Cairo and Riyadh.

File photo of Israel's armed forces chief Moshe Yaalon walking after a visit to the Kissufim crossing in Gaza strip

Israel has received insurance pledges from Saudi Arabia to the fact that the handover by Egypt of two islands in the Red Sea would not affect the passage of its ships.

Cairo announced last week its decision to reassign to Saudi Arabia the two small uninhabited islands of Tiran and Sanafir, located in the strategic Aqaba Gulf, which control the access to the Israeli port of Eilat through the Strait of Tiran.


The Israelis had occupied the two islands in the ’67 war. They later returned them with the Camp David agreements, but with one condition: that the Egyptians whould not give the islands to other parts, without previous permission by Tel Aviv.


The two Red Sea islands are included in an important part of the agreement signed in 1979, that promises safe passage to commercial and military Israeli ships through the Strait of Tiran, ensuring freedom of navigation for Israel in these crucial areas for the access to the Indian Ocean.

As part of the agreement between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the islands go under Saudi control over 25 years, giving Ryad an active part to ensure that the conditions of the peace treaty with Israel are met.

Sinai Liberation Day

(Excerpts from Ahram) ~ Protests against the recently declared Egyptian-Saudi island agreement took place on Monday before being promptly dispersed by police in Cairo amid heavy security presence, with rallies supporting the deal and celebrating Sinai Liberation Day allowed to take place.

Security forces had tightened their presence in central Cairo ahead of the planned protests, which were set to take place at three separate locations in the capital; the Journalists Syndicate and the Doctors Syndicate in downtown and at Behouth metro station in Giza, all under the slogan “Egypt Not For Sale.”


According to press reports, some of the protesters dispersed by police at the Dokki march have sought refuge at the nearby headquarters of the Nasserist Karama Party, with security forces besieging the building. More than 150 protesters were arrested.

Local media outlets have reported that security forces in Cairo have been randomly stopping people in the streets and checking their mobile phone’s online applications to see whether they were participating in any protests.


The protests came 10 days after several thousand people gathered in Cairo for the ‘Land Friday’ demonstration to protest the maritime border agreement, which places the Red Sea islands of Tiran and Sanafir within Saudi territorial waters.


Army forces were deployed on Monday for Sinai Liberation Day celebrations.

Sinai Liberation Day marks the final withdrawal of Israeli forces from Sinai Peninsula as well as the two disputed islands.

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and Saudi King Salman


Le président égyptien sous le feu des critiques
pour avoir cédé deux îles à l’Arabie saoudite

(RT Francais) ~ Le maréchal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi a signé hier un accord avec ses homologues saoudiens, leur cédant les îles de Tiran et de Sanafir, situées dans une région stratégique à l’extrémité du golfe d’Aqaba, contrôlée depuis 1950 par le Caire.

Ce renoncement de l’Egypte à des îles importantes situées dans une région stratégique à l’extrémité du golfe d’Aqaba, qui donne sur la mer Rouge, a soulevé une vague de critiques dans le pays.

Remises à l’Arabie saoudite en vertu d’un accord de délimitation des frontières maritimes, ces îles représentaient la pomme de discorde entre ces deux pays depuis plusieurs décennies. Les négociations sur la délimitation de la frontière ont duré six ans et onze réunions de la commission ad hoc ont été organisées durant cette période.

Selon les hommes politiques égyptiens, la délimitation précise des frontières permettra aux deux pays de mieux utiliser leurs eaux territoriales. Mais dans la rue, la décision ne passe pas auprès de la population. Le journal égyptien Al-Ahram décrit ainsi une «vague colossale de controverse et de confusion», après que cinq personnes, qui protestaient contre l’accord, ont été arrêtées ce weekend et détenues jusqu’à lundi.

Inhabitées, ces îles sont stratégiquement importantes en raison de leur position sur la route maritime des ports d’Aqaba en Jordanie et d’Eilat en Israël.

Il y a quelques jours, le roi saoudien Salmane ben Abdelaziz Al Saoud avait également annoncé qu’un pont serait construit sur la mer Rouge afin de relier son pays à l’Egypte.


Edited and Submitted by SyrianPatriots 
War Press Info Network at:

Political Zionism in the USA, The Host and the Parasite

Political Zionism in the United States of America – Astounding Facts!

Political Zionism Controls the USA Political Zionism Controls the USA

Political Zionism, a secret society advocating terror and crimes against humanity turns into a powerful group controlling nations. The following is not ‘NEWS’, it’s if we can call it ‘Olds’ but better name it: Facts that the majority of people don’t know, don’t want to know, and wouldn’t like it when they get to know.

Alison Weir, the Executive Director – If Americans Knew (http://www.ifamericansknew.org/) has delivered this speech introducing her new book about Political Zionism and their control of almost every aspect of the United States of America. Its importance is invaluable and might be shocking to most of the readers, if they want to return to the reality and come clean from crimes against other people committed with their money and support. The video is here and its transcript is below:

Well, one of the first things I learned was that when I was born there was no Israel.. So, where did this come from?

Political Zionism: ‘A political movement to create a Jewish state in Palestine.’

What I discovered was that there was a movement that began over a century ago, and began operating in Europe and in the United States. It was and is a political movement that has profoundly and negatively impacted our country, it has tragically impacted the Middle East, and it has dangerously impacted the entire World. And yet most of us, I think, have never heard of it and could certainly not define it, it’s Political Zionism, this was a movement to create a Jewish state in Palestine.

It began in the late 1800s, well let us look at Palestine in the late 1800s. It was what we largely think of now as a somewhat multi-cultural land in that was about 80% Muslim, about 15% Christian and about 5% Jewish, all living together quite successfully. There’re mosques, synagogues, churches throughout Palestine, throughout the Middle East and throughout North Africa. These populations have been living without conflict for centuries.

But with this movement was created largely in Europe then taken up at the same time in the U.S. to create a Jewish state on a land that was already inhabited in which 95% were not Jewish, therefore, this would involve, and this was known by the leadership, even though many followers didn’t know it, this would mean that 95% of those people were going to be dispossessed, by money if possible, by force if necessary.. This was written in Zionist Journals early on.

Now, my book and my talk concentrate on the U.S. aspect of all of this. What surprised me in my research is how early and how active this movement was in the United States.. A movement I’d never heard of, although I was born here and my parents were born here and some ancestors go back to the beginning.

It turns out that this was a very significant movement long before my parents were born. And then by 1910 there were already 20,000 Zionists in the U.S. they included lawyers, professors and businessmen. It was already in 1910 a movement to which congressmen listened.

Louis Brandeis

Then in 1912 we had a very significant development, a prominent lawyer named Louis Brandeis (a close friend to President Woodrow Wilson) became a Zionist. Brandeis didn’t just become a Zionist, within about 2 years he then became the head of World Zionism. This was public, it’s not some secret knowledge, it’s just that most of us don’t know it. And then within a few years he was also a Supreme Court Justice named by Woodrow Wilson.

<img class=” wp-image-20716 ” src=”http://cdn.syrianews.cc/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Jjustice-Louis-Brandeis.jpg” alt=”Jjustice Louis Brandeis” title=”Jjustice Louis Brandeis”>Justice Louis Brandeis
Justice Louis Brandeis – Former Head of World Zionism

When you are a Supreme Court Justice you are supposed to resign your various board memberships and affiliations because you’re supposed to not have any conflict of interest but being neutral. So he did resign his leadership of World Zionism but in reality he continued it. He would receive reports in his Supreme Court chambers by his loyal lieutenants and then he would give them directives to go out and to follow and work for Zionism, and this is mentioned in a number of very reliable books. If you get my book you’ll see that my book is over half footnotes, it’s all cited.

By the way, one of his loyal lieutenants also went on to become a very prominent Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter. So I’d read that, that to me was shocking right there, but then I discovered something more, so I’ll give you my citations for this next information so you can evaluate whether you find it reliable or not?

The way I did my research is I would read books then I would look at their footnotes to see where they head for that information, then I would often get those books and read those footnotes and then order those books and read those footnotes and on and on. So one of the books that I read was a really a fairly well known one “Israel In the Mind of America” published by a very mainstream establishment publisher, and the author was a very mainstream author, he had been a diplomatic correspondent for the New York Times, he had been at Harvard, he had written a number of well-regarded very established non-fiction books.

In this book he had a few pages in which he told about a secret Zionist society, that had operated in the United States of which Louis Brandeis while a Supreme Court justice had been a leader. So I looked at where he got that information and I went to that source, it turned out to be from a scholarly journal called ‘The American Jewish Historical Quarterly’, a very respected journal.

So then I looked at the author, well, is this a reliable author? Who wrote this very, to me, explosive information, and turned out to be a well-regarded Israeli historian at a mainstream Israeli university. She had written an article in 1975 called “The Parushim: A Secret Episode in American Zionist History” and she told about what this was: “an elitist secret society, the word meant ‘Pharisees’ and ‘separate’”. They would go around the country and influence people to push the Zionist agenda.

By the way, at this time the Jewish population were not Zionists at all, the large majority were not Zionists, many were opposed to Zionism. This was a very fringe element to a certain regard.

Then in the secret society, they even had a secret induction ceremony. When somebody joins this society, and many, their membership included professors and recent Harvard graduates, doctors, significant people around the country were sometimes members. And in this initiation ceremony they were told by the inductor and they swore to this: “… Until our purpose shall be accomplished, you will be fellow of a brotherhood whose bond you will regard as greater than any other in your life – dearer than that of family, of school, of nation.” ~[Note by SyriaNews.cc: The Muslim Brotherhood, a religious-based very similar organization to Zionism created by the British have exactly the same induction process and pledge..!]~

“..as early as November 1915, a leader of the Parushim went around suggesting that the British might gain some benefit from a formal declaration in support of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine.”

Balfour Declaration was initiated in the USA!

Those of you who have heard of the Balfour Declaration that came in 1917 might find this relevant, I’ll get into that a little bit more.

Let’s remember what was going on during this time period now in the world, especially that involved Britain. Well, first in 1914 began what was called at that time The Great War, of massive carnage. British forces in the first day of the battle has lost according to historians somewhere around 50,000 to 60,000 men, in 1 day of a battle that went on and on and on.

The British and the Germans, both sides of course, wanted the U.S. to come in on their side, to join this carnage. But the American population was that bad thing they were ‘isolationists’, they didn’t want to go kill and be killed in foreign pointless war. In fact, Woodraw Wilson was elected with the slogan ‘He kept us out of the war’; but of course, as you know, on the fine side he didn’t.

Well, what happened is that the Zionist leaders, some of them in Britain, a man named Chaim Weizmann was quite well known, went to the British government and said: ‘Well, we can help you win this war.’ Now, why would they want to do that?

Because the war wasn’t just against Germany, it was against the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire held Palestine, Palestine was under the Ottoman Empire. So by defeating them the British would come in to control of Palestine.

So, the Zionists went to the British and said: ‘We can help you get the United States into the war. Our Zionist colleagues in the United States, for example, -they said in writing- Louis Brandeis who was close to President Wilson can help to do that.’ In exchange for that, the British did issue a declaration that was quite significant mild as it may sound.

It was really considered a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’, this is written about in a number of books, just most of us don’t know this about our own history.

So the Balfour Declaration was basically a promise that the British would help to facilitate the Zionist objective of creating a Jewish state in Palestine.

After the British, of course, did win then at the Paris Peace talks, the Zionists pushed this wording into the mandate in which Britain took charge of Palestine.

Then jumping ahead to some of the American aspects again, then we find during the 1930s and the 1940s, in Palestine itself, there were some.. the violence increased. Naturally, when there was colonization beginning around the turn of the century to a land with the intention of pushing out the land..

The indigenous population at some point is going to wake up, and there will be violence. That has happened in the early 1920s and again in 1929 there was violence between the 2 populations.

The origin of TERROR in the Middle East:

Then as now, the large number of those killed were the Palestinians. So as the violence increased there were some terrorist organizations created in Palestine by the Zionists, one of them led by, in fact, 2 of them were led by future Israeli prime ministers. And those terrorist organizations in Palestine, the Irgun and the Stern gangs, it turns out had front groups in the United States with duplicitous names, and they were funneling massive amounts of money and weaponry to these terror groups in Palestine.

<img class=”size-full wp-image-20715 ” src=”http://cdn.syrianews.cc/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Wanted-Terrorists.jpg” alt=”Wanted Terrorists” title=”Wanted Terrorists”>Wanted Terrorists - Irgun and Stern Terrorist Organizations
Wanted Terrorists – Irgun and Stern Terrorist Organizations

They put on major pageants where Supreme Court justices attended, and thousands of people attended. They were very prominent, one of them was led by a man named Peter Bergson, people thought his real name was Hillel Kook. He was the operative for the Irgun.

I looked into one of the leaders a bit more, just because I need to find out his first name, when you’re writing a book, you can’t just write someone’s last name, you need to know their first name, and I heard about another leader of one of these types of front groups connected to killing in Palestine and his name was Rabbi Korff, but I didn’t know the first name. None of the books that I had, had a few paragraphs of them but none of them gave his first name. So I looked into it on the internet, tried to do various searches, and eventually I came up with a UN report that gave his first name Baruch Korff, and told a little bit about a plot he was part of.

Biting the hands that fed them

Using those search terms I then could put in more information in my search bar and suddenly all these PDFs of American newspapers popped up, all these returns. It turned out that Rabbi Baruch Korff was part of a cell in Paris that was planning to fly an airplane and bomb Britain after the war, Britain that had just defeated Hitler. But they were so angry at the British because the British were not allowing a large enough Jewish immigration into Palestine, so they were going to kill the British.

So, Baruch Korff and his section of the Stern gang had this plan, but there was one problem they didn’t know how to fly an airplane, they weren’t pilots, so they need to find somebody and they recruited a young American aviator named Reginald Gilbert, I discovered. Reginald Gilbert had been an Ace during the war, he was in Paris and they recruited him to fly the airplane for them.

He pretended to go along with the plot but then he went to the American embassy, and the American embassy informed the Paris police and Scotland-yard. So for a week he pretended to go along with this cell, and then when it came time to actually take off to fly the plane to drop these incendiary bombs on the Foreign Ministry they were caught. By the way, the original plan had been to bomb Parliament but then they decided to hit the Foreign Ministry more. And Gilbert at one point had said to them: ‘Well what if I can’t find the Foreign Ministry in the London fog?’ They didn’t have the degree of instrumentation we have today and that was a real possibility, and they said then just drop them anywhere, kill anybody, all British are enemy.

So they were caught, Korff was in prison for a few months in Paris and he eventually got off via very powerful friends in the United States. But I was curious about him, I looked into him some more, you know, this is so astounding to me that none of these, you know, dozens and dozens of books I have none of them had the story in there at all.
And so, in looking at him I discovered that later in life he was a friend of Richard Nixon. In fact, it was reported that he had helped to influence Nixon’s policies on the Middle East. In fact, Nixon sort of in a fond way called him ‘My Rabbi’.


Now the precursor to today’s very powerful Israel lobby was a group called The American Zionist Emergency Council AZEC. This was formed around 1940, and by 1943 had a budget of half a million dollars, at a time when a Nickel bought a loaf of bread.

Within a few years, they have maneuvered their way into access to an even far larger sum in which they had access to $14 Million in 1941, and a $150 Million by 1948, that’s the equivalent in today’s dollars of a Trillion Dollars, to use to manipulate the United States. So they targeted with that money every sector of U.S. society. You know this isn’t ancient history, they had annual reports, they had directives, you know all this was written down on paper.

They targeted Congressmen, Christian clergy, editors, professors, business and labor, Jewish war veterans. They published books all over, they had over 400 local committees, there were massive campaigns throughout the country. They also worked to specially to manufacture Christian support, they secretly funded some Christian groups that would push the same Zionist ideology, they funded books that became huge best sellers; it was an enormously successful campaign throughout the country.

Even though during this time there was a great deal of opposition to Zionism by many different groups, by Christian leaders, by State Dept., Pentagon, intelligence agencies, Jewish anti-Zionists, many people were opposed to it. 2 of the most celebrated Christian pastors opposed it on religious and moral grounds.

The Christian leaders in the Middle East had gone to the Paris peace talks to advocate on behalf of the Arab population that there should be self-determination of people’s there..

End of transcript.

Question: What will happen if the citizens of the United States of America knew the reality of who controls them? Who sends them to pointless wars to further other people’s agendas? Who is sucking them dry to their last tax dollar while spending these monies on killing other people, stealing their lands and riches and enjoying while the citizens of the United States themselves struggle with their own welfare, health and education basics?

Our guess: After they tried white and black presidents, now they’ll go for orange.

Changing skin colors of U.S. presidents will not enhance the way they’re living.. It might also be too late.

<img class=”size-full wp-image-20714 ” src=”http://cdn.syrianews.cc/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Orange-US-President.jpg” alt=”Orange US President” title=”Orange US President”>Orange US President
Orange US President

israel Stealing Palestine’s Gas and Oil

Israel Plunders Palestine’s Gas and Oil

Al-Haq details how Israel seizes natural resources in the occupied West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza.

Photo: Al-Haq/AIC
Photo: Al-Haq/AIC

The Gaza Strip, West Bank and East Jerusalem are rich in oil, gas a shale oil resources, al-Haq claims in its 2015 report, Annexing Energy. If these resources were to be developed, Palestine would be economically self-sufficient and relieved from dependence on international aid.

However, as expected, Israel has a history of systematically preventing Palestine’s development of oil and gas in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).

Since 1967, the OPT’s natural resources have been governed by Israel’s government, allowing Israel to manage its natural resources to the benefit of Israeli citizens and corporations – not the local population.

Al-Haq explains that Israel prevents Palestine’s development of oil and gas in the OPT by “curtailing Palestinian freedom of movement, appropriating Palestinian resource rich land and sea resources, forcibly stagnating the Palestinian economy and manipulating Palestinian energy dependence for private commercial profit.”

This system goes against international law, which dictates that military commanders have only limited authority regarding natural resources in the OPT. This limited authority is subject to military necessity and the humanitarian concerns of the occupied population.

Al-Haq argues that Israel’s appropriation, exploitation and prevention of development of oil and gas resources “constitute plunder and further breach Palestine’s right to self-determination.”

Moreover, the current system continues to promote the seizure of Palestine’s maritime space and prevent Palestine’s rightful ability to develop its gas distribution network.

Read al-Haq’s full report here.

Jewish Sayanim more DANGEROUS than al Qaeda cells

Jewish Sayanim more DANGEROUS than al Qaeda cells

FACT – Jewish Sayanim are like al Qaeda cells… only much, much worse.


“Sayanim” – Examples

“Or were they acting as sayanim, the Hebrew word for helpers, whom the Mossad relies on across the globe to provide shelter, money, and logistical support … in this case identity.” ~ The Huffington Post: Mossad’s Little Helpers

“The sayanim are a pool of people at the ready who will keep quiet about their actions out of loyalty to “the cause”, a non-risk recruitment system that draws from the millions of” ~ WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

“The system is known as sayanim, a derivative of the Hebrew word lesayeah, meaning to help.” ~ Window Into Palestine

“Created by Meir Amit, the role of the sayanim is a striking example of the cohesiveness of the world Jewish community.” ~ Window Into Palestine

“With a network of ‘sayanim’ scattered everywhere throughout the world (as described by ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky in his book ‘By Way Of Deception’) Israel literally has millions of eyes and ears, watching and listening to everything as it all pertains to the Jewish state.” ~ The Ugly Truth

“A sayan, singular for sayanim, must be 100% Jewish, and in many cases a dual national.” ~ The Huffington Post: Mossad’s Little Helpers

“Israel knew it had made a big mistake invading South Ossetia (via Georgia the puppet) when it did, and the fact that they sent their man in charge of European operations, the sayanim Sarkozy, to ‘negotiate’ a truce/withdrawal of Russian forces, suggests they were doing a clean-up.” ~ brilliant russian blogalysts

“Operating as an adjunct to the Israel lobby as both a fundraiser and a member of Congress, Emanuel has long served as a loyal sayanim (Hebrew for “volunteer”) in support of policies pursued by Tel Aviv.” ~ Jeff Gates: Rahm Emanuel: Barack Obama’s Sarah Palin?

“If they were serious about resenting this so much maybe they should stop approaching vacationing mere-Jews with soft-sold proposals for sayanim activity.” ~ spies? jewish? never

“And now, with Sharon in limbo, the Rendon sayanim are flying blind.” ~ Think Progress » The Rendon Group: Proof The Administration Manipulated Intelligence

Show 10 more examples…

See: http://www.wordnik.com/words/sayanim

See: Jewish sayanim (not al Qaeda) arrested in US after 9/11 who knew it was coming and kept it “hush hush”: Fox News VIDEO: Israel spies on the USA part 1: http://youtu.be/JWpWc_suPWo

Sayanim in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania

See: http://www.jewishchambersburg.com/links.html



American Jews are anti-Christian and anti-Christ:

What are we to make of Jewish Americans who write and speak of RUINING Christian holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas? This is a very hateful thing to do, which no Christian would ever think of doing to a Jewish holiday, because people who follow Christ don’t think evil thoughts like this… but Jews do, why? Most all peoples like Jesus, because he’s a pretty likable guy (=love God and your neighbor) but Jews hate Jesus… they loath and despise him, and don’t simply “not like” him. Jews despise Christian holidays and plot way to RUIN them for people who believe in Jesus, why? Why such hatred and animosity toward fellow Americans? Why does the US support the Jewish state of Israel? and it’s murderous policies?

I think Jewish Americans have some explaining to do…

“But just imagine what it could be like if we really kicked it up a notch. What if we decked the halls with those autumnal wreaths you buy at the farmer’s market and stood gaping at department-store window displays depicting suffering pilgrims and audio-animatronic mannequins of Cher singing “Half-Breed”? Every living-room would be adorned with an enormous, fairy-light-bedecked cornucopia, or better yet, an enormous nest in which Thanksgiving Theo, an 8-foot-tall flying turkey, would “lay” his gifts during his midnight race across America. Planes, Trains & Automobiles—already one of the most Jewish movies ever made, given that it concerns the wanderings of a rootless stranger plagued by constant minor annoyances—would be the new It’s a Wonderful Life, and glorious, pine-scented Christmas would be demoted to the status of a scorned mistress, à la Fatal Attraction.”

See: A Very Tattler Thanksgiving: http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-arts-and-culture/116920/a-very-tattler-thanksgiving

See: THE PROTECTION OF CHRISTMAS: http://www.fatherfeeney.org/point/58-dec.html

See: Zionism Unmasked: The Dark Face Of Jewish Nationalism: https://ajmacdonaldjr.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/alan-sabrosky-zionism-unmasked-the-dark-face-of-jewish-nationalism-sabbah-report/

See: US Military Knows Israel Did 9/11: http://www.scribd.com/doc/58318030/US-Military-Knows-Israel-Did-9-11-Alan-Sobrosky-USMC

See: It is 100% Certain 9/11 was a Mossad Operation: http://www.scribd.com/doc/58318030/US-Military-Knows-Israel-Did-9-11-Alan-Sobrosky-USMC

VIDEO – US Military Knows Israel did 9/11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qShoR5sXUJ0

VIDEO – Col. Alan Sobrosky PhD USMC (Ret.) – Israel Did 9/11 – 100% Certain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQk4jOcV8RA

VIDEO – 9-11 WTC 7 Demolition – Penthouse Collapse Close Up, Flashes, And Gas Ejections [WCBS2]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VHZf9uyIJk

ICC judges order new probe of israeli massacre on Mavi Marmara

ICC judges order new probe of Israeli massacre on Mavi Marmara

Palestinian children hold images of some of the victims of Israel’s attack on the 2010 aid flotilla during a commemoration ceremony in Gaza City, 31 May 2015.

Ashraf Amra APA images


A panel of judges has ordered the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to review her decision not to investigate Israel’s lethal attack on an aid flotilla to Gaza five years ago.

The judges said that Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda had made serious errors in an earlier decision not to pursue the case.

In the early hours of 31 May 2010, Israeli commandos boarded and seized the boats in international waters in the eastern Mediterranean.

Israeli forces carried out a particularly violent armed attack on the largest vessel, Mavi Marmara, killing nine persons. A tenth victim died of his injuries in June 2014.

The victims were all Turkish citizens. One of them, 18-year-old Furkan Doğan, was also a US citizen. But despite this, the Obama administration has ignored calls to investigate his execution-style killing and bring the Israeli perpetrators to justice.

“Material errors”

In a 2-1 ruling Thursday, the ICC’s Pre-Trial Chamber I – a panel of judges with the power to order investigations – told Chief Prosecutor Bensouda to review her decision not to proceed with an investigation into the attack.

In a scathing ruling, the judges said Bensouda had underestimated the seriousness and international significance of the crimes.

According to a press release from the court, the judges “identified material errors in the Prosecutor’s assessment of the possibility to prosecute those persons who may bear the greatest responsibility for the identified crimes committed during the seizure of the Mavi Marmara, as well as of the scale, nature, manner of commission and impact of the potential crimes.”

Bensouda must now review her decision “as soon as possible.”

The initial request for the ICC to investigate the massacre was submitted in 2013 by Comoros, the Indian Ocean archipelago state where Mavi Marmara was formally registered. Bensouda decided not to proceed with a full investigation in November 2014.

This week’s decision came as a result of an appeal the Comoros government submitted in January. The ICC also said that it had received submissions from the families of the victims.

Israel, predictably, has tried to change the subject and expressed rage at even the slightest crack in the wall of impunity that protects it.

“At a time when, in Syria, [President Bashar] Assad slaughters hundreds of thousands of his own people, Iran sends hundreds to death, and Hamas uses children as human shields in Gaza, the court has chosen to deal with Israel for cynical political reasons,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in reaction to the ruling.

Pursuit of justice

Separately, last month, a Spanish judge urged his country’s government to pursue the cases of three Spanish citizens who were aboard the Mavi Marmara at the ICC.

Judge Jose de la Mata was forced to close his investigation due to laws passed in 2014 limiting the ability of Spanish magistrates to pursue international cases. The decision to pursue the cases is now in the hands of political authorities at the justice ministry.

Two Spanish activists and a journalist who were aboard the Mavi Marmara have filed cases against Netanyahu and six other Israeli ministers accusing them of illegal arrest, torture and deportation.

“I will be able to start the trial again if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli ministers set foot on Spanish soil,” the judge told reporters.

Families of the victims have initiated their own legal proceedings in Turkey, whose authorities issued arrest warrants last year for a number of senior Israeli officers suspected of involvement in the killings.

Last month, Israeli commandos again used violence to commandeer the Marianne in international waters, as the vessel attempted to break Israel’s ongoing maritime siege of Gaza.

AIPAC: Anti-Iranian Propaganda at Congress

AIPAC: Anti-Iranian Propaganda at Congress

AIPAC’s statement on Iran inspires me to make a graphic:

Here’s AIPAC’s statement:

“AIPAC Statement on Proposed Iran Nuclear Agreement

“AIPAC has consistently supported diplomatic efforts to end Iran’s nuclear weapons program,”

Except when lobbying for ever greater sanctions that would have blocked the negotiations, and even for a US commitment to jump into any Israeli-Iranian war. Here’s a brief history in the form of activist opposition to AIPAC.

“and we appreciate the commitment and dedication of President Obama and his administration throughout these negotiations. Unfortunately, this proposed agreement fails to halt Iran’s nuclear quest.”

There is no evidence of Iran pursuing a nuclear weapon. Gareth Porter makes this clear in his book Manufactured Crisis.

Instead, it would facilitate rather than prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and would further entrench and empower the leading state sponsor of terror.”

There is no evidence re the leading state sponsor slur, but let’s not get distracted by it. How do tougher inspections than ever faced by any country FACILITATE anything other than Iran’s ability to refute slander and libel? The inspections worked in Iraq. Inspections work very well. The only reason anything is missing from these inspections is past US resistance to universal standards that would have required the US to face surprise inspections itself, and U.S. abuse of inspections in Iraq to spy on and seek to overthrow the Iraqi government.

“During these negotiations, we outlined criteria for a good deal that Congress itself had set in five critical areas: inspections, possible military dimensions, sanctions, duration, and dismantlement. In each of these areas, the proposed agreement has significant flaws:

“-The proposed deal does not ensure “anytime, anywhere” short-notice inspections;”

After you, sir. Let Israel and/or the United States submit. Make it standard. Make a public commitment not to overthrow the Iranian government. Again. Then tell Iran to submit to this.

“-The proposed deal does not clearly condition sanctions relief on full Iranian cooperation in satisfying International Atomic Energy Agency concerns over the possible military dimensions of Tehran’s program;

“-The proposed deal lifts sanctions as soon as the agreement commences, rather than gradually as Iran demonstrates sustained adherence to the agreement;

“-The proposed deal lifts key restrictions in as few as eight years;”

Some things take more time, but they all begin right away.

“-The proposed deal would disconnect and store centrifuges in an easily reversible manner, but it requires no dismantlement of centrifuges or any Iranian nuclear facility.”

This is a problem in every state with nuclear energy.

“In return for this flawed agreement, Iran will receive over $100 billion in sanctions relief. Tehran will use these funds to fuel its hegemonic ambitions, support the killing of civilians in Syria, fund the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, and spur deadly conflicts throughout the region.”

Prove it. Never mind that Israel is murder people in Syria on a retail and wholesale basis, and the U.S. the same. These things are illegal. They haven’t proven a sufficient basis to stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia or giving them to Israel. They need to be handled but shouldn’t be used to wreck this deal.

“This agreement not only fails to achieve its objectives in the nuclear arena, but it releases Tehran in a matter of years—regardless of Iranian behavior—from ballistic missile sanctions and an arms embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council. This late, unexpected concession will provide additional arms for terrorism and proxy wars, while strengthening Iran’s capabilities against our regional allies.”

If Israel and/or the United States were to propose a WMD-free Middle East and/or impose a region-wide arms embargo, I guarantee you Iran would go for it. In the meantime, the kettle may not listen to the pot.

“This accord threatens the future of the nuclear non-proliferation regime. By leaving Iran on the threshold of a nuclear weapon—despite its history of violating international obligations—other countries in the region will have a dangerous incentive to initiate their own nuclear programs. The resulting nuclear arms race would severely destabilize the region.”

For godsake, Israel is in blatant violation of the NPT except that it’s never even joined it. The US joined it and blatantly violates it. Iran is in compliance, and the inspections regime was intended to accomplish just what this deal accomplishes. Resulting nuclear arms race?! That’s the work of the U.S. and Israel and of all the Gulf dictatorships now building nuclear energy.

“Proponents of the proposed agreement will argue that the only alternative to this agreement is military conflict. In fact, the reverse is true. A bad agreement such as this will invite instability and nuclear proliferation. It will embolden Iran and may encourage regional conflict.

“We strongly believe that the alternative to this bad deal is a better deal. Congress should reject this agreement, and urge the administration to work with our allies to maintain economic pressure on Iran while offering to negotiate a better deal that will truly close off all Iranian paths to a nuclear weapon.

“Congress should insist on a better deal.”

Demanding a deal you’ll never get is how wars have been started through history, including in Yugoslavia in the 1990s, not to mention the demand that Iraq hand over the WMD it didn’t have. We’re not falling for it again, guys.