Sayyed Nasrallah: Lebanon must Get Rid of US Hegemony  

3 Aug 2023 

Translated by Staff

Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Thursday a televised speech at the memorial ceremony for the late scholar Sheikh Afif Nabulsi in the Imam Al-Mujtaba [AS] compound in the southern suburbs of Beirut [Dahyieh].

Back to the sixties, Sayyed Nasrallah recalled that the Lebanese people in general and the Shia community in particular “faced very serious challenges on various aspects”.

“Those who planned the ‘Israeli’ invasion of Lebanon had accurate calculations, and the invasion could have achieved its goals set by the US,” he said, revealing that “Since the 1st day, Sheikh Afif Nabulsi was present in the establishment, activities, meetings, mobilization, education and organization of Hezbollah.”

On the traits of the late scholar, His Eminence detailed that “Since the beginning of the resistance, Sheikh Nabulsi gave everything even in his last years. During the July aggression, Sheikh Afif’s position was decisive, given that his house and the complex he had built in Sidon were destroyed. However, this increased his determination.”

“Sheik Afif’s positions were decisive and clear regarding the regional developments in Syria and Yemen,” he added.

On another level, Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that “This resistance, with its various frameworks, surprised the Americans and the ‘Israelis’, and we have all witnessed its development and achievements.”

“We believe that the main problem in our region is the blatant American interference in all aspects,” His Eminence emphasized, pointing out that “As the blatant American interference continues in everything, the culture and policy of submission to the American will still exists.”

In parallel, he underscored that “Had it not been for the ‘Caesar Act’, Syria wouldn’t have needed aid from any side to overcome the repercussions of the war.”

“The American occupation prevents the Syrian government from reaching the oil and gas fields east of the Euphrates as its forces plunder these fields,” the Resistance Leader cautioned, reminding that “The US resembles the main obstacle to the end of the war in Yemen.”

According to His Eminence, “Today is the second anniversary of the American promise, and so far, electricity has not reached Lebanon, due to the American ban on Egyptian gas and Jordanian electricity.”

“Hezbollah brought the Iranian donation to Lebanon. However, the US and prevented the Lebanese government from receiving it,” he revealed.

Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah disclosed that “The US is preventing Iraq from paying the price of gas to the Iranian government so that Iran will cut off electricity to Iraq, to say that the Iranians are cutting off electricity to Iraq.”

“The reason for the American ban on payment is that Iran stops pumping gas to Iraq, then they say to the Iraqi people: Look, what Iran is doing to you,” he said.

In addition, His Eminence affirmed that “The possibility of a two-state solution in Palestine is fading away, and those who wait for the Americans in politics, economics and values will continue to wait for the values of abnormality.”

“There are many sources that generate money for the Lebanese treasury, but they are banned by a veto from the US embassy,” he stated, pointing out that “We are proud when they name us as ‘the axis of opposition’, because that means that we are not slaves or tools to the American embassy, but rather honorable and proud people.”

In response, Hezbollah Secretary General urged all Lebanese sides “to get rid of the American hegemony so that we find a solution to the crisis in Lebanon.”

On another title, Sayyed Nasrallah expressed Hezbollah’s empathy with all those who were affected by the Beirut Port blast on the 4th of August, 3 years ago.”

“Since the first moment of Beirut Port explosion, some malicious TVs came out to say that Hezbollah was the one who blew up the port,” His Eminence mentioned, noting that “The one who covered the truth in the Beirut port blast is the one who politicized the case from the early moments.”

He further asserted that “The real reason for the loss of truth in the Beirut Port blast is that some insisted on linking the issue to regional events,” warning that “The Americans will take us to a painful and catastrophic reality in light of the massive US intervention and hegemony in Lebanon.”

Regarding the latest developments in Ain Al-Hilweh camp, Sayyed Nasrallah said that “There are those who say – the same TV that accused Hezbollah of the port blast- that what is happening in Ain Al-Hilweh camp is caused by Hezbollah, and this is nonsense. There are Lebanese media outlets that falsely insist on accusing Hezbollah of being behind the events of Ain Al-Hilweh camp.”

He declared: “We are not responsible for the battle of Ain Al-Hilweh. We have nothing to do with it. We are against this infighting and we are working to resolve it.

“The sacrifices of the civil defense must be respected, and they must attain their rights,” His Eminence stated.

To Sheikh Nabulsi, Sayyed Nasrallah pledged: “God willing, our beloved Sheikh, your youth and children will pray in Al-Quds.”

واشنطن للبنان: الفيول الإيراني ممنوع

 الأربعاء 9 تشرين الثاني 2022


ما «بشّرت» به مساعدة وزير الخارجية الأميركي لشؤون الشرق الأدنى، باربرا ليف، أول من أمس، باستمرار الحصار الأميركي على لبنان وبأن «اللبنانيين سيضطرّون إلى تحمّل مزيد من الألم»، بدأت ملامحه بالظهور مع إبلاغ واشنطن رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي رفضها قبول لبنان هبة الفيول الإيراني، تحت طائلة الخضوع للعقوبات الأميركية

في كلمته الأخيرة لشرح اتفاق الترسيم البحري على الحدود الجنوبية، في 29 الشهر الماضي، كانت لافتة إشارة الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله إلى هبة الفيول الإيراني للبنان، عندما قال: «الأميركيون لا يسمحون للغاز المصري ‏والكهرباء الأردنية بالوصول إلى لبنان، وسترون غداً ما سيكون ‏موقفهم من هبة الفيول التي عرضت الجمهورية الإسلامية في إيران تقديمها للبنان، وإن غداً لناظره قريب»… وبالفعل، بعد أيام قليلة من كلام نصرالله، أبلغت الولايات المتحدة لبنان، رسمياً، أن ليس في إمكانه قبول الهبة الإيرانية، كون النفط الإيراني يخضع للعقوبات الأميركية، أياً يكن الشكل الذي يجري تبادله به، سواء مجاناً أو تجارياً، وذلك وفق قوانين فرضتها واشنطن على طهران بعد انسحاب الولايات المتحدة من الاتفاق النووي الإيراني في عهد إدارة الرئيس الأميركي السابق دونالد ترامب عام 2018.

ساير ميقاتي «المغمغة» الأميركية بـ«مغمغة» مماثلة (هيثم الموسوي)

مصادر مطلعة أبلغت «الأخبار» أنه مع إعلان نصرالله، في تموز الماضي، استعداد إيران لتزويد معامل الكهرباء اللبنانية بالفيول مجاناً، وفق اتفاق مع الحكومة اللبنانية، تواصلت الجهات الرسمية المعنية مع مسؤولين أميركيين، وفهمت بأن العقوبات الأميركية لا تشمل الهبات طالما أنها لا تتضمن أي مقايضة مادية أو عينية. لكن تبيّن لاحقاً أن هذا الموقف لم يكن رسمياً، وأن الأميركيين تعمّدوا على ما يبدو «المغمغة» لئلا يؤثر تصريحهم بالرفض على مفاوضات ترسيم الحدود البحرية مع «إسرائيل». وعندما سُئل الوسيط الأميركي عاموس هوكشتين عن الأمر، لم يعطِ موقفاً حاسماً، وأبلغ وزير الطاقة وليد فياض بأن يترك الأمر لرئيس الحكومة لأن مثل هذا القرار يحتاج إلى موافقة مجلس الوزراء، وهو ما أثنت عليه يومها السفيرة الأميركية دوروثي شيا.
وعلى ما يبدو أيضاً، فإن رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي كان على علم بحقيقة الموقف الأميركي، إلا أنه ساير «المغمغة» الأميركية بـ«مغمغة» ميقاتية مماثلة. فبعد أخذ ورد، وتذرع مرة بضرورة التأكد من أن الهبة مجانية، وأخرى بعدم مطابقة الفيول الإيراني لمواصفات المعامل اللبنانية، اضطر رئيس الحكومة تحت ضغط الانقطاع التام للتيار الكهربائي، إلى الخضوع وتشكيل وفد تقني لزيارة طهران والبحث في أمر الهبة، ودائماً مع شروط و«تكبير الحجر» من نوع طلب زيادة كمية الهبة بما يسمح بزيادة ساعات التغذية إلى ثمان يومياً. كما أصر ميقاتي على إبعاد أي «شبهة» سياسية عن الوفد الذي رفض أن يترأسه وزير الطاقة. وفي كل هذه المحطات، أبدى الجانب الإيراني تفهّماً للحرج اللبناني وأبدى انفتاحاً كبيراً على التعاون.

منتصف أيلول الماضي زار الوفد الذي ضم المدير العام للنفط أورور فغالي ومدير الإنتاج في كهرباء لبنان بشارة عطية طهران للتفاوض حول الشروط وطبيعة الهبة والجانب التقني ونوعية الفيول. ولدى عودته، أعدّ الوفد تقريراً، وأبلغ الجهات الرسمية أنه في صدد مناقشة مذكرة تفاهم مع الجانب الإيراني. واستمر التواصل بين الجانبين حتى الأسبوع الأخير من الشهر الماضي، عندما أرسل الجانب الإيراني مسودة لمذكرة التفاهم تضمّنت إشارة واضحة إلى أن الأمر عبارة عن هبة لا مقابل مادياً لها، وذلك لمساعدة لبنان على مواجهة الضغوط الأميركية.
مطلع الشهر الجاري، أرسل فياض المسودة والتفاصيل التقنية إلى رئاسة الحكومة للحصول على الموافقة، بما أن الأمر يحتاج إلى قرار من مجلس الوزراء. وليس إلى قرار من الوزير، ليتبين أن ميقاتي كان قد بدأ اتصالات جانبية مع الأميركيين، وأنه تبلّغ من مكتب قانوني في الولايات المتحدة استعان به بأن الهبات الإيرانية تخضع للعقوبات حتى ولو كانت مجانية. كما تبلّغ رئيس الحكومة، رسمياً، بأن عليه مراسلة وزارة الخزانة الأميركية لطلب إذن خاص (مماثل لإذن أُعطي للعراق لشراء الفيول الإيراني لمعامل الكهرباء)، يسمح للبنان بالحصول على هذه الهبة من دون تعريضه لأي عقوبات. وبحسب المصادر، فإن الاتصالات الجانبية تؤكّد أن الجانب الأميركي لن يوافق على منح لبنان أي استثناء، وإن الموقف الأميركي لا يزال ضاغطاً لمنع لبنان من الاستفادة من إيران أو من روسيا.

الجانب الأميركي لن يوافق على منح لبنان أي استثناء شبيه بالإذن الممنوح للعراق

وبناء عليه، فإن ملف الهبة الإيرانية الذي كان يتيح لشركة كهرباء لبنان مضاعفة مستوى الإنتاج ما يزيد التغذية إلى 4 أو 5 ساعات يومياً، صار محل تجاذب داخلي جديد، وعلى الأغلب، فإن ميقاتي لن يغامر بخوض مواجهة لا يريدها مع الأميركيين الذين نكثوا من جهة أخرى بوعودهم بالضغط على البنك الدولي لتمويل استجرار الغاز من مصر والكهرباء من الأردن. وفي هذا السياق، عاد البنك الدولي إلى التشدد في شروطه من أجل الموافقة على التمويل، ومنها تشكيل الهيئة الناظمة وتعديل القوانين بما يفصل بين صلاحياتها وصلاحيات وزارة الطاقة، الأمر الذي يحتاج إلى وجود حكومة وإلى موازنة خاصة، وهو ما لا يبدو ممكناً في ظل الظروف الحالية.
لذلك، يبدو أن ميقاتي قرّر التوجه إلى مصرف لبنان من أجل تمويل مناقصة شراء الفيول لمصلحة مؤسسة كهرباء لبنان لرفع ساعات التغذية. وفي هذا السياق، يعقد اليوم في السراي اجتماع يرأسه ميقاتي ويحضره فياض ووزير المال يوسف خليل وحاكم مصرف لبنان رياض سلامة للبحث في تأمين المصرف المركزي الضمانات المالية لمناقصات شراء كمية من الفيول لخمسة أشهر بقيمة 600 مليون دولار، ما يتيح رفع ساعات التغذية إلى عشر ساعات يومياً على الأقل. ومن غير الواضح ما إذا كان ميقاتي قد حصل على دعم الرئيس نبيه بري وقيادات سياسية أخرى بالضغط على سلامة لتوفير هذه الضمانات.

مقالات ذات صلة

The US Has A Habit of Deceiving Foes and Friends – And Lebanon Is No Exception!

February 12, 2022

By Mohammed Youssef

Beirut – Lebanon continues to suffer from US sanctions and siege.

When Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah announced the commencement of importing fuel supplies from Iran to break the sinister American plots against Lebanon, the US ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea who was saddened rather shocked by Sayyed Nasrallah’s announcement, rushed hastily to announce that her government would allow Lebanon to receive the gas from Egypt and Jordan via Syria to maintain electricity supplies to the down trodden country.

Months have passed since this American announcement but nothing has materialized and the US ambassador’s promises have not been delivered. Washington did not bother to clarify its position.

The US has never been at any time a friend to Lebanon, and it can never be. As long as it totally sides with Lebanon’s first and only enemy, “Israel”. Washington has always supported the Zionist enemy with military aid and sophisticated heavy equipment. It has always given the green light for all the invasions, incursions and even to the occupation of Lebanon. Moreover, Washington offered our enemy “Israel” the political cover by sabotaging any international attempt to condemn it by the international community by using the veto power at the Security Council. This puts Washington in the position of a complete partner and accomplice with “Israel”.

No Lebanese can be fooled anymore by Washington, except if he or she wants to!

So, why did Washington make those promises and why it is breaking them!

The answer is a very simple and easy one.

The US ambassador was at a hurry to announce anything to devaluate Hezbollah’s achievement of bringing the Iranian fuel. This is normal in the American standards, as it meets directly with their fixed policy to distort Hezbollah’s image. This is not a secret policy and they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to make it come true according to their former ambassador to Lebanon Jeffrey Feltman.

Another equally or even more important issue has to do with the maritime dispute between Lebanon and the enemy entity “Israel”.

Washington wants Lebanon to accept its proposals about the distribution of the oil and gas present in the disputed area. It is exercising its pressure and using the policy of procrastination and blackmail.

The enemy has an open greedy appetite to steal our natural resources of every kind.

Washington has used every method possible to pressure Lebanon so it can surrender to its proposals; the US blackmail and dictations want simply to give the larger proportion of gas and oil present in the disputed maritime area to “Israel”. 

Washington is notorious for deceiving and betraying its enemies and friends. Lebanon is no exception to the US.

The question now is where are the US friends and why did they swallow their tongues.

It is again a lesson to be learned by the Lebanese, friends and enemies alike; will they do!

لماذا تستعجل واشنطن الاتفاق الإيرانيّ والترسيم اللبنانيّ؟

السبت 12 شباط 2022

 ناصر قنديل

قد يُوحي الجمع بين العجلة الأميركية في ملفي التفاوض مع إيران، وترسيم حدود لبنان البحرية برابط تفاوضيّ بينهما، وهو غير موجود، إلا في القلق الأميركي من الملفات المتفجّرة في المنطقة، في ظل انسداد خيار الحرب أمامها وأمام “إسرائيل”، وبلوغ خيار العقوبات سقف ما يستطيعه في مواجهة إيران وحزب الله، وصولاً للخوف من أن يؤدي المزيد من الضغط الى تسريع لجوء إيران وحزب الله إلى خيارات جذريّة تغير موازين القوى السياسية والاقتصادية في الإقليم. وفيما تعارض “إسرائيل” العجلة الأميركية في التفاوض مع إيران وصولاً لاتفاق، طالما أنه لن يتضمن التزاماً إيرانياً بوقف أو تخفيض مستوى الإنفاق على برنامجها الصاروخي ومساهمتها بدعم قوى المقاومة، فإنها تبدو مشاركة في القلق مما بات يسمّى خطر سقوط لبنان في حضن حزب الله بدلاً من سقوطه على رأسه، كما كانت الغاية من مشروع إسقاط لبنان قبل أن تكسر جدار الحصار سفن المازوت الإيراني التي جلبها حزب الله بحراً ومرّر حمولتها عبر سورية الى لبنان، فاتحاً الباب لخطوات من خارج العلبة، وفقاً للتوصيف الأميركي، يمكن أن تشتمل لاحقاً على ما هو أخطر، خصوصاً في ملف ثروات النفط والغاز والتلميحات حول جلب شركات إيرانية للتنقيب فيها تضع المنطقة على شفا حرب. بالمقابل تتحفظ السعودية على وجهتي العجلة الأميركية مع إيران وفي لبنان، رغم أنها تدرك بأنها لا تملك إلا التأقلم في نهاية المطاف عبر تسريع مفاوضاتها مع إيران وتوسيع نطاقها لتشمل سورية وتفتح عبرهما نافذة على لبنان، وتل أبيب الحريصة على الحفاظ على خطاب يعاكس الواقع الذي تعرفه جيداً والمخاطر التي تخشاها بالفعل، تضع واشنطن ضمن معادلة ربط التوصل للتفاهم مع إيران بإنهاء ترسيم الحدود مع لبنان لتحويل خط ترسيم حدود النفط والغاز الى خط عازل يبرّد جبهات القتال المفترضة والمقلقة.

في القراءة الأميركية أن العالم يسارع الخطى نحو تغييرات جذرية كبيرة سياسياً وعسكرياً واقتصادياً، على طرفي الشرق الأوسط الشمالي والشرقي اللذين تمثلهما روسيا والصين، فروسيا تبدو قد حسمت أمرها بفتح ملف استعادة أوروبا الشرقيّة، ولو خطوة خطوة، وتجميد الحركة الروسيّة لفتح باب التفاوض اليوم سيتيح الحصول على أفضل مما قد يتيحه أي تفاوض في الغد. وهذه هي وظيفة التصعيد الأميركي على ضفاف أوكرانيا، لأن سقوط أول حجارة الدومينو الأوروبيّة في الحضن الروسيّ سيعني تلاحق التدحرج، وصولاً لسؤال أوروبي طرح ما بعد الانسحاب الأميركي من أفغانستان، حول جدوى الانضواء في ظلال حلف الناتو، وجدوى التحالف مع أميركا، وبدء النقاش بخيار أوروبي منفصل عن أميركا يضع مفاهيم مستقلة للأمن الأوروبي ومن ضمنها النظرة للعلاقات بروسيا، ومثل الجبهة الشمالية لآسيا، تبدو الجبهة الشرقيّة التي تمثلها الصين قد ثبتت موقعها كدولة أولى في العالم بنمو اقتصاديّ ثابت، مقابل نمو سلبي ترزح تحته كل دول الغرب، زاده تفاوت التفاعل مع آثار وباء كورونا صعوبة، وحققت الصين إنتاجاً إجمالياً بالأسعار الثابتة وبأصول ثابتة يزيد 50% عمّا حققته أميركا، حيث الناتج الإجمالي الوطني الأميركي 24 تريليون دولار منها عشرة فقط تعود للأصول الثابتة والباقي لحركة دفتريّة يمثلها الاقتصاد الافتراضيّ، بينما في الصين ناتج إجمالي بـ20 تريليون منها 15 لاقتصاد الأصول الثابتة، و5 للاقتصاد الافتراضيّ، وفيما ترزح واشنطن تحت عبء ديون بعشرات التريليونات، تفيض خزائن الصين بالسيولة النقدية، وفيما تتوسّع الصين في آسيا وصولاً نحو البحر المتوسط، تنكفئ أميركا من آسيا وتقاتل على أطراف المتوسط كي لا تجد نفسها خارجه.

تنظر واشنطن لتصاعد التوتر في جبهات المنطقة، ومحورها القلق من إيران من جهة والقلق على “إسرائيل” من جهة مقابلة، بعد سنوات تمتدّ لعقدين طويلين من الحروب، بصفتها جبهة خاسرة، لا أمل بتعديل الموازين فيها، خصوصاً بعد الحرب الضروس على سورية وما استُخدم فيها، ولأن التوصل لتسويات نهائية لملفات الصراع، يفتح باب البحث بحل القضية الفلسطينية الميؤوس من صياغة مقاربة تتحمّلها “إسرائيل” وترتضيها القوى التي تهدد أمنها، فالمطلوب نزع صواعق التفجير التي قد تفرض على واشنطن التورط في حرب، ولذلك يبدو قرار الانسحاب من العراق وسورية متخذاً مع وقف التنفيذ، وعنوانا الحرب المفترضين وسريعا الاشتعال هما، من جانب، تحول التجاذب الأميركي الإيراني حول الملف النووي إلى سبب للتفجير تخرج واشنطن منه أشد ضعفاً، ويُصاب حلفاؤها وفي مقدّمتهم “إسرائيل” بأضرار جسيمة، وربما وجودية،، ولا توقفه إلا العودة للاتفاق الموقع عام 2015. ومن جانب آخر تحول النزاع على ثروات النفط والغاز بين لبنان و”إسرائيل” إلى مدخل لتسييل التفوق العسكري لحزب الله في مواجهة مع “إسرائيل” تغيّر وجه المنطقة وربما تورط أميركا بالتدخل العسكريّ في حرب لا تريدها، ولا تثق بنتائجها. وبسحب هذين الصاعقين يعتقد صناع القرار في واشنطن أن الطريق تصبح سالكة نحو سحب القوات الأميركية من سورية والعراق، وصولاً لتوظيف التصعيد مع روسيا في فتح الباب لتفاوض يثبت خطوط النفوذ على أطراف أوروبا رغم ما فيه من تنازلات والتزامات حول مستقبل حلف الناتو، ليتم الانكفاء نحو الداخل الأميركي لأنه المكان الوحيد الذي يمكن من خلاله التفرّغ لمواجهة الصين.

الانتخابات النصفية الأميركية في الخريف، يجب أن تحل وإدارة الرئيس بايدن قد أنجزت الاتفاقات التي تنهي أزمة الملف النووي وترسيم الحدود البحرية للبنان من جهة، ودخلت التفاوض مع روسيا من جهة موازية، ما يتيح للرئيس جو بايدن الإعلان عن التفرغ لمواجهة الصين، وهو يضمن قدراً من الاستقرار والهدوء في المنطقة التي يغادرها مهزوماً، لكن في قالب إنجازات سياسية، ما يتيح الحصول على دعم اللوبي الصهيوني ولوبيات النفط الذي ستنخفض المخاطر عليه، ولوبيات السلاح الذي ستتدفق صفقاته على دول الخليج بمليارات الدولارات تحت شعار المساعدة على ردّ المخاطر.

مقالات متعلقة

أميركا تسابق الانفجار الإقليمي بالانسحاب وقدماها عالقتان

الأربعاء 24 تشرين الثاني 2021

ناصر قنديل

يبدو القلق من الانفجار الإقليمي هاجساً أميركياً يحضر في خلفية كل السياسات، بمقدار ما يبدو السعي لتوفير بيئة آمنة للانسحاب الأميركي من المنطقة هدفاً للسياسات، وتبدو السياسة الأميركية عالقة بين القلق الذي تؤشر إليه كل الملفات المتصاعدة في سخونتها، والسعي الذي يحضر في السياسات الأميركية في مواجهة هذه الملفات، وتبدو أميركا عالقة وعاجزة عن إنجاح سياساتها الهادفة لتوفير مناخ مناسب لانسحابها، لارتفاع كلفة التسويات التي لا بد منها خلق مناخ التهدئة الممهد للأنسحاب، بقياس التمسك الأميركي بضم المطالب المتصلة بالأمن الإسرائيلي إلى شروط هذه التسويات، بمقدار ما يظهر حجم تأثير التصادم بين محور المقاومة وكيان الاحتلال عاملاً متسارعاً في صناعة خطر الانفجار.

الانسحاب الأميركي من المنطقة كخيار استراتيجي يتوقف تحوله إلى سياسة على ما يسميه الأميركيون بشبكة الأمان المفقودة، لكنه يبدو خياراً ثابتاً لم تنجح دعوات حلفاء واشنطن بدفعها لاستبداله بخيار الانخراط في مشاريع المواجهة، فواشنطن لا تزال متمسكة بالسعي للعودة للاتفاق النووي مع إيران، ولا ترى في البدائل التي يعرضها حلفاؤها في المنطقة أي إغراء، كما تبدو واشنطن عند كل منعطف في الصراع يفتح الباب نحو خطر التصعيد مستعجلة لتجاوز مخاطره بتراجعات، كمثل التفرج على معارك الجنوب السوري التي خاضها الجيش السوري تحت أنظار قاعدة التنف وانتهت بحسم عسكري كامل ضد الجماعات المسلحة التي كانت تلوذ بالتنف كداعم ومساند، ومثلها الانكفاء الأميركي من طريق المواجهة مع قرار المقاومة بجلب سفن كسر الحصار المحملة بالوقود الإيراني، وذهابها لرفع عدد من العقوبات التي يفرضها قانون قيصر على سورية، من خلال الموافقة على استجرار الغاز المصري والكهرباء الأردنية إلى لبنان عبر سورية، لكن واشنطن في كل ذلك لا تجرؤ على المضي قدماً نحو تسويات للملفات المأزومة من دون زج الأمن الإسرائيلي في دفتر شروط هذه التسويات، من سورية وربط الانسحاب بانسحاب إيران وقوى المقاومة، وربط العودة للاتفاق النووي مع إيران بفتح ملفات مثل مستقبل دعم إيران لحركات المقاومة وكبح تطورالبرنامج الصاروخي الإيراني.

القلق من الانفجار الإقليمي هاجس أميركي ناجم عن هذه المراوحة، حيث لا قدرة أميركية على المخاطرة بتبني خيار المواجهة، ولا قدرة أميركية على تجاوز مخاطر التسويات على مستقبل كيان الاحتلال ومصادر قوته، لجهة ما تتيحه من تنامي في قوة محور المقاومة، لكن واشنطن تدرك أنها لا تملك الزناد الذي يقدح شرارة الإشعال، حيث تسارع الأحداث في اليمن وفلسطين وسورية والعراق، قد يجعل الانفجار مفاجأة يصعب تفاديها، فتجد واشنطن نفسها عالقة وسط النيران، وإذا كان التراجع أمام تصاعد الوضع في ساحات كاليمن أو العراق أو سورية ولبنان ممكناً، فإن الخشية من الوضع الأشد خطورة الذي يمثله تسارع التصاعد في المواجهة في فلسطين، تدفع واشنطن للقلق من تجدد مشهد معركة سيف القدس، بذات الأسباب والشروط التي تمثلت قبل شهور بالتصعيد المباشر في مدينة القدس والمناطق المحتلة عام 48، حيث المستوطنون الصهاينة  والمواطنون الفلسطينيون يقفون وجهاً لوجه وعلى تماس يومي تصاعدي نحو الانفجار، وحيث حكومة الاحتلال وقوى المقاومة ستكون حكماً على طرفي هذه المواجهة مع انفجارها، والجديد بعد معادلة محور المقاومة التي أعلنها الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله تحت عنوان، القدس تعادل حرباً إقليمية، صار المسار واضحاً بالنسبة لواشنطن، وخطر الانفجار الإقليمي حاضر بقوة.

المقاربة التي تسعى إليها واشنطن للاستجابة للتحديات التي يفرضها المأزق، تقوم على السعي للفصل بين استعداداتها للعودة للاتفاق النووي، والطلبات الإضافية التي تطال الملفات الإقليمية، أملاً بأن يسرع هذا الخيار فرص العودة للاتفاق بصورة تقترب من الشروط الإيرانية، مقابل التفاهم مع حكومة كيان الاحتلال على ضم القدرات الأميركية تحت عباءة الجيش الإسرائيلي للتلويح بعمل عسكري ضد إيران وقوى المقاومة كخيار يسير بالتوازي مع العودة للاتفاق، وعلى ضفة ثانية السعي لتسريع ترسيم الحدود البحرية بين لبنان وفلسطين المحتلة بشروط يمكن قبولها من لبنان، أملاً بخلق ضوابط جديدة تحول دون انخراط المقاومة في لبنان بأي حرب إقليمية، ومن جهة ثالثة الجمع بين الانسحاب الأميركي من سورية وتقديم المؤازرة اللازمة تقنياً واستخبارياً للغارات الإسرائيلية على سورية وقوى المقاومة فيها، وتبقى هذه الخيارات تحت الفحص أملاً بأن تشكل شبكة أمان افتراضية لتغطية الانسحاب وتسريع التفاهمات، رهاناً على خلق تبريد متوسط المدى يبعد خطر الانفجار الإقليمي ما أمكن، ويطمئن الحلفاء في حال وقوعه إلى التزام واشنطن معهم، في ظل تقديرات خبراء أميركيين تقول إن واشنطن تقنع نفسها بحل وهمي، فهي ترغب بالانسحاب وقلقة من الانفجار وقدماها عالقتان.

فيديوات متعلقة

مقالات متعلقة

Full Speech of Sayyed Nasrallah on the Birth Anniv. of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Nov 19, 2021

Full Speech of Sayyed Nasrallah on the Birth Anniv. of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Translated by Staff, Hezbollah Media Relations

Speech of Hezbollah’s Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah tackling a range of political developments on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] and his grandson Imam Jaafar Sadiq [AS], and the Muslim Unity Week. 

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master and Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, Abi al-Qassem Muhammad Bin Abdullah and his good and pure household and his good and chosen companions and all the prophets and messengers.

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you all.

In the coming days, God willing, we will welcome a very dear, precious, and great occasion, which is the anniversary of the birth of the Greatest Messenger of God, the Seal of the Prophets, and the Master of Messengers, Muhammad bin Abdullah [PBUH]. I congratulate all Muslims in the world and all Lebanese on this great and solemn occasion in advance. God willing, on this occasion, we will hold a proper and appropriate celebration in a few days, and therefore, I will leave talking about the celebrant  and the occasion itself until then.

With regard to the topics, I divided them into two part. One part I will talk about today, and the second I will talk about it, God willing,  during that celebration.

I will begin with tonight’s topics. I will speak about the first topic as briefly as possible, appropriate, and unobtrusive.

1- The elections:

The country today is busy preparing for the electoral law, the dates of the elections, the administrative procedures related to the elections, and the natural prelude to entering the stage of the electoral atmosphere as well as having the elections on time.

Regarding the elections, I want to emphasize several points:

i- Holding the elections on time

We have already talked about this and emphasized it on more than one occasion. In any case, there still remain those who try to spread confusion by blaming a certain party, including us sometimes, of planning to extend and postpone the elections, etc. This is all baseless talk. We affirm, insist, and call for the elections to be held on time within the constitutional deadline. To be fair and according to our follow-up with all the parliamentary blocs, parties, and political forces, we believe that no one – so as not to make baseless accusations like some opponents do – whether implicitly or openly is planning or preparing to push matters towards the postponement of the parliamentary elections and the extension of the current Parliament. Therefore, let us put this issue behind us and let everyone engage in holding the parliamentary elections on time, and we are certainly one of those.

ii- The expatriate vote

We agreed to the current law, which was voted on in 2018 and followed in the 2018 elections, as a result of the discussions, and in all sincerity, taking our allies into account. We agreed to a number of things in that law. In the joint parliamentary committees, whether formally or informally, a discussion took place some time ago, and some parliamentary blocs asked to reconsider or demanded a reconsideration. Some of our deputies expressed a position based on an existing reality. This same discussion existed in 2018 and became more intense at the time than it was in the past. This issue was the expatriate vote.

Today, when we want to prepare electoral campaigns or for people who want to run for office or be elected, there is no equal opportunity, whether in conducting electoral campaigns, in candidacy, or even by going to the polls to exercise free elections, specifically with Hezbollah. There will be other political forces whose situation may be less sensitive, but Hezbollah’s situation abroad, in some European countries, in North America, in the Gulf, and some other Arab countries is known. There is no possibility for preparing an electoral campaign, candidacy, or elections. In fact, this is a point of appeal, and we had mentioned to our allies that with regard to Hezbollah, we would not submit an appeal.

But someone can file an appeal regarding the elections in terms of unequal opportunities. The brothers raised the issue from this angle, and an atmosphere emerged in the country that there were those who wanted to prevent the expatriates from voting. Extensive debates were held over this and there was no problem. We discussed the issue once again and came up with the following conclusion. It was expressed by our deputies at the last meeting of the joint committees. But I’d like to mention it here to close discussions on it.

We, once again, discussed and evaluated it. This is what we had to say. Regardless of how many countries in which expatriates or residents will take part in the parliamentary elections – they usually participate in presidential elections – and if there are countries that participate in parliamentary elections, this may be present and perhaps their number may be few, but in any case, as long as the injustice befalls specifically us, we do not have a problem. 

This means that we, Hezbollah specifically, will be oppressed. We will not be allowed abroad or have the right to campaign, announce candidacy, or the freedom to vote. This even applies to our supporters. But as long as the injustice pertains to us and there is a national interest and it allows the Lebanese residing outside Lebanese to feel that they are partners and bear responsibility, we have no problem with that. We will overlook this observation, and that is why our brothers amended and said that we support the principle of expatriate voting, in principle. We divided the issue.

Now, there is a detail that whether the expatriates or those residing outside the Lebanese territories will vote according to the constituencies in Lebanon or elect the six representatives that are said to be allocated for the elections abroad. If they are going to vote according to the constituencies in Lebanese, we have no problem with that. And if voting on the six representatives will be confirmed, we are open to discussions when it’ll be discussed in Parliament. However, if the topic is not discussed, there is a law. So, work according to the law. Hence, we consider this matter closed.

And we hope, God willing, from our brothers, our expatriates and people residing outside the Lebanese territories to register and take part in the elections. They are welcome, and we hope that they will have the real opportunity to frankly express their opinion.

iii- Voting at the age of 18

With regard to the issue of [voting at] the age of 18, I honestly tell all the Lebanese people and young people between the age of 18 and 21 that this matter is only raised to be used locally. It is always raised at a time close to deadlines, and time does not help. Although it was brought up at a time way ahead of deadlines, something strange happened. Since 1992 when we first took part in the parliamentary elections, we’ve been known to have strongly supported giving young people at the age of 18 the right to vote.

Whenever you talk with political forces, you find that everyone is in favor. Yet, you go to the Parliament and it gets dropped. There is something strange in this country. We not only raised this in our speeches, slogans, and political and electoral programs, but we also seriously worked and fought hard for it. In March 2009, the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc proposed a constitutional amendment law to reduce the voting age to 18 since this needs a constitutional amendment. In March 2009, it was voted unanimously. This was before the 2009 elections. The constitutional amendment needs two-thirds of the members of the parliament. The government also voted unanimously on this proposal. It was returned to the parliament after the parliamentary elections in the February 2010 session. The session was attended by more than 100 deputies, out of which only 34 deputies voted on the project, mainly the Amal Movement, Hezbollah, and some other blocs. The rest of the blocs abstained, and it fell through. There is really something strange about this country.

If you now make an opinion poll for the parliamentary blocs and the political forces, they all tell you: yes, this is their natural right, and they must elect, etc. Of course, I heard a strange two days ago saying that young people need to be prepared and educated. What is this talk!

In Lebanese, children as young as five or six years old talk politics! You are talking about 18-year-olds. These need educating, preparation, school programs!!! What is this nonsense?!

Anyway, we once again call, the expatriates have the right to vote. All people should demand this right and respect it. If they are wronged somewhere like us, let us go beyond this oppression. With regard to the issue of voting at the age of 18, there is no injustice to anyone. If this right is not given, this is injustice to all Lebanese youth who are being deprived of the right to participate in the parliamentary elections only for purely partisan and personal reasons, not for national or real reasons..

iv- The MegaCenter

Also, related to the elections is the MegaCenter. We have no problem so that no one later says that Hezbollah is preventing this from happening. From now, we do not have a problem. You want to adopt the megacenter, go ahead. You don’t want the megacenter, also go ahead. You want to adopt the magnetic card, we don’t mind. Whether the Ministry of the Interior wants to adopt it or not, let it go ahead. What do you want us to vote with? The identification card? We’ll use it to vote. An excerpt of the civil registry? We’ll use it to vote. We’ll use whatever you want. We do not have a problem. Just hold the elections on time and don’t come up with excuses for not holding the elections on their constitutional dates. The rest of the matters related to the elections, nominations, alliances, the electoral program, and reading the electoral scene will be discussed at their right time, God willing.

2- The electricity file:

In fact, I should have started talking about this file, but I deliberately did not start with it because this file contains some annoyance. Hence, I opted  to start with the elections.

In the past few days, they told the Lebanese that fuel has run out, the factories will stop working, and the country will go into complete darkness. Save us. What should we do? Now, they’ve found a temporary solution. They found some with the Lebanese army, and the army instructed to take advantage of what it has to overcome this stage. Of course, We thank the leadership of the Lebanese army for this kind humanitarian step.

But the question remains: Today, this issue should be an absolute priority for the current government. Basically, when the cry came out, it was necessary – this is our personal suggestion – that the government hold an extraordinary session, not a two- or three-hour session, but one that remains from dawn to dusk to find a solution. What does it mean that the country has entered complete darkness? This does not only mean that the country is in complete darkness because of power outage, the country is in a state of clinical death because here we are talking about hospitals, cooperatives, everything having no electricity. Despite this, what has been happening in the country? Instead of calling for a serious, radical, and real treatment, as usual, the Lebanese blamed each other for being responsible, insulted and cursed each other, and insulted one another. All of this does not bring electricity.

Eventually, responsibilities must be determined. But usually in the prevailing Lebanese way, people enter the labyrinth, with more grudges, insults, and swearing emerge. And you’ve seen social media in the past two days.

Since the government holds its session every Wednesday, the priority on the table must be the issue of electricity. What I want to call for tonight is for you to see what you want to do regarding electricity. Find a solution or put the country on the path to a solution, not that pump it with painkillers, i.e., take an advance from the central bank and buy fuel with it for power plants to generate electricity for a few hours. Does this solve the problem? How many days and weeks will this last? The issue needs a radical solution. There are contracts that exist. Make up your mind, say yes or no, but address the issue in any way.

Today, a sum of money was sent to the Lebanese government – the Lebanese state. One billion and one hundred million dollars is in the hands of the Lebanese government. If we want to speak as a matter of absolute priority, take advantage of this amount or part of it and primarily and radically address the issue of electricity – building new power plants, addressing the problem of existing plants. The matter is in your hands. There are many offers from various countries in the world, from the East and the West. You do not want from the East, from the West, then, unless there is an American veto.

If the Americans are forbidding you, tell the Lebanese people frankly: O Lebanese people, we are terrified and unable to bring in European companies because the Americans will be angry with us and have forbidden us from doing so.

In this way the people will express their opinions – whether or not they’d like to live in darkness and in humiliation with no electricity, as the Lebanese used to live in humiliation with the lack of gasoline and diesel. We’ll act depending on the outcome. I know, for example, in Iraq – this is a common and well-known thing there – that the Iraqis have an electricity problem. When they tried to reach an understanding with some European countries, the Americans intervened forcefully and prevented them. So, is there a veto here in Lebanon, an American veto preventing that?

As for the Iranians, there was an old offer. Today, there is a new offer. Two days ago, when His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran was in Beirut, he reconfirmed that we are ready to build two plants and provide a certain, large, and respectable quantity. Respond to him.

Ask for an exception since America is your friend. To us, they are our enemy, and we expect anything from our enemies. But they are your friends and allies. You trust them and consider them moral and humanitarian who possess human values and law. Ask them for an exception.

Iraq got an exception. Afghanistan under the rule of the Ghani government had an exception – it used to import many things from Iran. Other neighboring countries have exceptions. You ask for an exception. I learned a rather funny thing that was in fact published in the media – when one Lebanese official was by told by the Iranian foreign minister to ask for an exception as the other countries, the official replied to him, saying: I hope you will ask for the exception. It’s a very funny thing. Imagine a Lebanese official telling the Iranians who have enmity with the Americans to do so. There is an ongoing war between them and the Americans, and I him: you ask the Americans for an exception so that you can build us, for example, power plants, or so you  can sell us fuel for the power plants, or so you can sell us gasoline or diesel. What a way of taking responsibility? 

Anyway, regarding this issue along with all the people, we will raise the voice. The government, the President of the Republic, and the Prime Minister must determine the agenda. But we are among the people who have the right to demand that electricity be at the top of the agenda, or they should allocate an emergency and urgent special session and work for a real radical treatment for this issue. If the issue remains a matter of throwing accusations and scoring points and who disrupted, we will get nowhere.

Hezbollah or others may have raised this suspicion in the past. For the first time, I would like to raise a suspicion. I’m one of those people who has a feeling that somewhere there might be a certain game. Let me say how. It’s the same with what happened gasoline, diesel, and food stuff. The state knows that at some point it will have to lift the subsidies. Everyone tells you that there is no solution except the International Monetary Fund, and the IMF will ask for the subsidies to be lifted, and no one dares to take the responsibility of lifting the subsidy. 

They’ll let the people fight, race to cooperatives, and queue at gas stations for petrol, diesel, etc. After a month, two, or three, they’ll start shooting each other, cursing one another, and wielding knives at each other. Then, they will call for the subsidies to be lifted just to be saved and accept the fact that the price of gasoline is 500,000LBP. 

If the subsidies are lifted, the problem of the humiliating queues will be solved. Therefore, if you notice and you can go back to the media when we saw the humiliating queues, the voices called for the subsidies to be lifted. This action was serving this. Whether this was intentional and planned or not needs to be verified.

When talking about the subject of electricity, privatization and selling some state assets and some public sectors, including the electricity sector, are always mentioned. The electricity sector is always being eyed for privatization.

There is a fear I would like to raise today. I do not want to accuse anyone. It is very unclear to me, to be honest, that somewhere – within the government or outside it or whether they belong to the opposition or not – they want the electricity sector in Lebanon to collapse. Then, the state would be helpless and unable to solve the problem. Hence, there would be no solution except through privatization. Then, the Lebanese people would not want to live in darkness, so they’d demand to solve this problem with privatization. This is the real fear. We must pay attention to this subject. 

From this subject, I will delve into the third point which is related to diesel, gasoline, and the like. I once again make appeal to the various political forces and leaders in Lebanon – brothers, go and check with your allies and friends. I repeat and say that whatever we are capable of doing with our allies and friends, we will do. What can Iran do more than this? They are already telling you that they are prepared to sell you gasoline, diesel, and fuel and build power plants and metro stations. They want to cooperate with you and offer you facilities. This is a solution. 

The Syrians told you they do not have a problem. Bring Egyptian gas and electricity from Jordan. I will offer you the facilities you want. If there is anything else, I am at your service as well. These are our allies. 

As for your allies, we have not seen them do anything. You have not done anything. Talk to someone to make you an exception. Talk to someone to help the Lebanese. If your allies told you that Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese people, then exclude Hezbollah and bring help for the rest of the Lebanese areas. Act responsibly, not maliciously.

Until now, we still hear that, for example, they brought diesel from Iran. They brought it across the border into Syria, so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We hear it every other Sunday, etc. Here is another example of the level of responsibility in the country. A politician reached a conclusion that the power cut stated happening when diesel was brought in from Iran as the power plants broke down. You all know. It is all known. He did not know that the state’s electricity plants run on fuel, and what was brought from Iran was diesel. There is no relation between diesel, fuel, and electricity plants. In any case, this is the level that exists in the country.

This is a call for the last time. Budge a little. Move a little, and don’t be malicious. What is your main role other than criticizing, insulting, and accusing? Do something positive for your people and your country.

3- Gasoline and diesel:

I moved to the third topic, in which I will talk about what happened with us and what will happen concerning diesel and gasoline.

So far, we consider ourselves still in the first phase. Of course, a number of ships have arrived so far, and we are gradually moving them to Lebanon. We consider that the first phase will continue until the end of October. During the first phase, we did two things, and we will continue with them.

The first thing we said is that there is a group that we will gift them diesel for a month and a group that we will sell diesel to. We did not put the diesel at the stations and said, “People, please. Who wants to buy can come.” Meaning that we are doing more than the goal. We said that the goal is to secure this material for these pressing and urgent cases, and we do not want to compete or block the way for companies and stations that sell diesel. In the end, we will give to a group and the rest can buy from the stations. By doing so, we are not cutting off people’s livelihood. We adopted this approach, and we will indeed continue until the end of October as a first phase.

Within this first phase, there are two points I would like to add. 

1- We had announced a gift or donation for a group for a period of one month. That period has ended. There is a quantity that has arrived and another that is on the way, and it will reach them, God willing. What I would like to announce today is that we will renew this gift. This gift is for the same group and will be for an additional month, for a second month.

I will again mention the institutions belonging to this group: government hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, centers for people with special needs, official water institutions, water wells belonging to municipalities, provided they are a poor municipalities, and fire brigades in the Civil Defense and the Lebanese Red Cross. After the end of the first month, I announce today that we will provide the quantity they need from this material as a gift and assistance, God willing, for a second month.

2- Regarding the groups, I would like to announce that this material would also be sold to the fishermen. This addition comes following many revisions that have been made. We’ve already started and not just starting. This happened in the last period. The fishermen has been added to the segments to which this material can be sold to. The same institutions that we talked about before will remain – private hospitals, pharmaceutical laboratories, mills, bakeries, etc. We will complete the first phase by working with the same [entities] we worked with last month.

When we reach the second phase, which starts from the beginning of November, we will add heating for families. We and our brothers are studying the standards because the most important thing is to abide by the standards. During the past month, there were cases that included people not belonging to the group that this material can be sold to contacted us. These people are very dear to us and we love to be of service to them. However, we had a serious commitment to the standards and the groups. If we did not abide, it will be chaotic, and, therefore, we would not be able to serve the groups that we considered a priority.

Today, we have the issue of heating that needs to be studied, and it is a very big topic. For example, among the entities that it will be sold to are private hospitals, bakeries, mills, laboratories, etc. We considered that establishments and companies operating generators are the largest segment, and they, in fact, are the ones that need the largest amount. But when we bring in the issue of heating, there is no comparison because here you are talking about Lebanese families in areas where there is cold and frost.

This requires different controls, standards, and a distribution mechanism that we are studying. God willing, before the beginning of November, we will talk about this issue, I or one of my brothers, and it will be announced in detail. Also because of winter, we may add new entities. This, too, is being evaluated and studied – first of all because of the high demand that happened. The volume of requests in all Lebanese regions was very large. I’d say it was greater than expected, yes, greater than expected. It is very large in all areas. This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, winter season is coming, and of course, the demand for diesel will increase exponentially – we had made diesel a priority. This means that we have decided to continue with diesel being the priority. We postponed bringing gasoline. Even if we get gasoline, we will exchange it for diesel with the merchants because the priority now is to provide the fuel oil in the way that it is secure. Thank God, now, in one way or another, the queues of humiliation are over. Gasoline is available at the stations, albeit at a high price. Our main concern was to get rid of the queues of humiliation. Now, these queues are over. Gasoline is available. We do not believe now, as a result of the large file, that we should work on all the entities. We have to focus our priority on diesel, especially since we are a few weeks away from winter season.

I will conclude this whole file. We heard people say, leave the Lebanese state buy its own gasoline and diesel from Iran. We support this talk. This is our demand. Let the Lebanese government ask the Americans for an exception, while the Lebanese companies buy. We guarantee that they will get facilities from Iran to buy diesel, gasoline, and fuel from Iran, etc. At that point, we will withdraw from this file. We will leave the file completely. We will not buy, nor bring ships, nor transport to Baniyas, nor bring from Baniyas to Baalbek. We will leave the matter completely. Go ahead, take responsibility. Open this door. This only needs some courage and boldness. Many countries neighboring Iran have exceptions – exceptions in buying gasoline, diesel, oil derivatives, and many other materials. Go ahead, work on this matter. This is one of the doors – you consider that we are violating sovereignty. Good, then help us so that we do not violate sovereignty. Go ahead, ask for an exception and open this door.

4- The Beirut Port [blast] investigation:

I would like to recall what I used to say since the beginning – we want and support the investigation. I honestly say and tell you that even if the families of the martyrs and the wounded abandoned the investigation, we, Hezbollah, will not abandon the investigation. We consider ourselves among those who were affected not only in terms of martyrs, wounded, and homes, but we were also affected morally, politically, and media wise.
Taking humanitarian considerations towards the families of the martyrs, we want the truth and accountability. Politically and morally, we, as Hezbollah, want the truth and we want accountability. There is no discussion regarding this topic. It is not cutting of the road in front of the investigation nor is it to end or cancel the file. Never. Whoever says this is unfair. We want to reach a result. What is really required is justice. What the former judge did is clear. He was biased and politicized. We spoke loudly about this and gave advise. The man rose and asked with legitimate suspicion and left. The man made a legitimate request and left. However, instead of benefiting from all the mistakes and the observations made to the previous judge, the current judge continued with the same mistakes. He ignored these remarks and did worse. The current judge’s work is politically motivated and biased. His work is being politicized and has nothing to do with the truth and justice.

Before I conclude, I would like to address the families of the martyrs – if you expect to uncover the truth with this judge, you will not. If you expect that this judge will bring you justice, even at the level of an indictment, you will not get it. The work of this judge is politically motivated. He is exploiting the blood of the martyrs, the wounded, the tragedy, and the calamity to serve political goals and political targeting.

1- We previously talked about the evidence, but now I would like to highlight the issue more because we have reached a point that can no longer be tolerated.

Let us simply talk logically. Is this interference in the affairs of the judiciary? But first off, tell me this is a judiciary so that I can agree with you whether this is interference or not. This is not a judiciary. This is a politically-motivated job. As long as it is a politically-motivated job, allow me to say a couple of words. What do science and justice say? They say there was an explosion. Hence, look for the responsibilities. This is a problem that I will return to shortly.

I would like to ask the current judge – disregard the previous judge. Since the arrival of the ammonium nitrate ship to Lebanon’s Beirut Port to Lebanon, there have been two presidents: President Michel Suleiman and His Excellency President Michel Aoun. His Excellency, President Michel Aoun has said on more than one occasion – a transparent man – “I knew on this day and I followed up this way. I am ready for the judge to come and listen to me.” 

Did you listen to him? You are a judge who works as the judiciary, did you listen to His Excellency the President and took his statement? He is the one telling to go to him. What are you afraid of?

Did you ask President Michel Suleiman? Did you listen to him? did you ask him – you were the president of the republic when this ship came and entered, did you know? What did you do? Regardless of whether he was responsible or not. You did not ask him, and you did not listen to His Excellency the President even though he invited you. 

Since the day the ship entered Lebanon in November 2013, there have been multiple prime ministers. You, the judge, quickly belittled Prime Minister Hassan Diab and thought you can accuse him, summon him, etc.

One question. Did you ask former heads of government? Did you listen to them? I’m not telling you to summon them. Did you go to them? Did you sit with them? Did you ask them even a question about their knowledge of the subject? What did they do if they had knowledge? Were they responsible or not? You did not do any of this. You quickly went to Prime Minister Hassan Diab. Can you tell me that the explosion took place during the premiership of PM Hassan Diab? Why did you go after the former ministers and not the current ministers? I am not defending people who are our friends only. Among them are our friends and those who are not our friends. The people I’m telling you to investigate include some of our friends. Why did you not ask the ministers in the current government who were in office when the explosion occurred? Instead, you went to the former ministers. Why not all the former ministers? Did you ask all the finance ministers? Did you summon them all and investigated with them? Did you investigate and ask the ministers of works who were in office in November 2013? The current Minister of Works is also our friend. The ministers of interior who were in office in November 2013 until today is also our friend. The ministers of defense as well as the ministers of finance and works are also the ministers of guardianship. Did you investigate with the ministers of defense? Non, you didn’t. Did you ask the ministers of justice? No, you didn’t. Did you ask all the heads of the security and military services? No, you did not. I tell you no because they really did not ask them. he asked some of them, but not all of them. What do they call this? You are going after specific agencies, specific ministers, and a specific prime minister is clearly [political] targeting. Does the issue need a little understanding in order to see that there is clearly targeting? There is political targeting. This is the first point. We’ve spoken about this in the past. We also warned you. Do not be biased and politicized. Or else, we will demand you leave. Then he continues working as if nothing happened. On the contrary, he rose even more and behaved as if he was the ruler with regard to this file. This is the first point.

2- The main subject in the explosion: 

The whole thing is incomprehensible. Yet, you skipped it. Basically, it is like what many Lebanese say. I am not saying anything new. The basic principle, O honorable judicial investigator, is that you go and tell the families of the martyrs before you incite them against the politicians. You have to tell these families that you sit with every other day who brought the ship, who let the ship dock, who gave permission, who left the materials in hangar 12, and who gave approval. You are not doing any of these. You are tackling another matter which comes in second place which is negligence. You are making a big deal out of this for settling political scores. O brother, tell the Lebanese people. If you don’t want to tell the Lebanese people, at least tell the families of the martyrs. And you, our people and our loved ones, the families of the martyrs, go and demand. This is your right to demand. Ask him how your children were killed? You, an investigative judge, do not want to tell them because this does not serve the politicization that you are working on. So, what did you turn to? To negligence. You are making a bigger deal out of negligence – the one who is charged with negligence should receive the most severe penalties.

I’m not asking for anything. I am only asking why he is disregarding and neglecting the first part of the issue. Why is the truth not told to the Lebanese? The judicial secrecy is the issue. It is not about someone killing another person. This is a catastrophe that has befell the country, and the country is heading towards a catastrophe if this judge continues working in this way. Therefore, the matter needs a different approach.

3- Bias:

The judges, who were involved and whose responsibility wss greater than that of the presidents of the republic, are responsible. I do not know. I am not a judge to rule on this matter. The responsibility of judges is greater than that of heads of government, ministers, and heads of the security services because the judges are the ones who allowed this material to enter and to be stored. The rest are all procedural. The two judges or the judges are the first to be responsible. O families of the martyrs, ask this judge. Ask him about those judges whose responsibility is unquestionable.

There might be a discussion about the responsibility of the prime minister, a specific minister, and the security apparatus. But there is no discussion that these judges are responsible. What did you do to them? You did nothing. You filed a lawsuit against them in court, the High Judicial Council and the Discriminatory Public Prosecution, and to appoint a special court. Great! You do not want to summon the judge, issue an arrest warrant for him, or imprison him because he is a judge. The judiciary wants to protect itself. However, you want to summon a respectable prime minister like Hassan Diab, subpoena him, issue an arrest warrant against him, and throw him in prison. Is this a state of law? Is this a state institution? Does this country have morals? The law says that judges go to court. The constitution says that presidents and ministers go to the presidents’ court. In the case of the presidents and ministers, why don’t you accept. You consider this your right and transcend all constitutional principles and attack people? However, in the case of the judges, the law says that they go to the High Judicial Council. Answer us so that we know whether what is happening is right, just, and fair or is political targeting?

4- The last part in this file:

When presidents, ministers, and representatives feel that they have been wronged, who do they turn to? They tell you – this specific judge is biased. He is attacking us and is unfair with us. He want to arrest us unjustly. He is impatient with formal matters as in talking with us and our lawyers. We are being wronged. Who do we turn to? In a state of law and institutions, the law must answer. They turned to a judicial body, and we see that this judicial body did not take its time to study the case, did not discuss, nor summon, nor investigate. It returned the request saying it’s outside of their jurisdiction. Whose jurisdiction is it? So, guide us. You say the law and the state of institutions, O Higher Judicial Council, answer. Bring the prime minister who will be summoned for arrest, the ministers, and others who may be caught up in lawsuits. Where are they being wronged? If there is no jurisdiction for so and so and so, who has jurisdiction then? This needs a solution and an answer. In any case, we have big problems. We consider that what is happening is a very bad situation. It will not lead to the truth and justice, but it will lead to injustice and to concealment of the truth. This does not mean that we are demanding that the investigation be closed. Not at all. We want an honest and a transparent judge, who works on a clear and transparent investigation based on rules, an investigation in which there is no bias. He must continue the investigation and this matter should not stop at all. 

First, we want an answer. Where would an oppressed person and a person with suspicions seek refuge in this country?

Another thing, the issue is no longer a personal matter, the issue has repercussions at the national level and on the country. Today, I am appealing to the High Judicial Council. What is happening has nothing to do with the judiciary, nor with justice, with fairness, nor with the truth. You must find a solution to the matter. The Supreme Court does not want to resolve the issue. The Council of Ministers is required to resolve this issue. It referred this issue. It will be raised in the Council of Ministers. We will speak and others too. This matter cannot continue this way. There is no possibility for it to continue this way, especially in the next few days. Therefore, among the institutions, the High Judicial Council should meet and see how to address this issue. We are talking to you and on behalf of many people in this country. We are a large segment in this country, and we have the right to be heard. We have the right to be given an answer. We have the right to demand in the Council of Ministers. It is our right that the Council of Ministers discuss this issue and take a stance. In all honesty, I tell you this matter must not continue this way.

As for the rest of the points of discussion, I wanted to talk about the demarcation of the maritime borders, the disputed area, the new negotiations, the Israeli steps, and other files. We will talk about all this, God willing, during the occasion in a few days.

I just want to conclude with two points. I must, morally and ethically, talk about them.

The first point is the bombing that took place in Kunduz, a few days ago, in Afghanistan, in a mosque during Friday prayers, which led to dozens of martyrs and wounded. Of course, this is a painful matter. Any person, Muslim or not, will ache when he sees elderly people and children being killed, just because they were praying in a mosque. This is very sad and very painful.

Despite the distance, we also share with our family and loved ones and these oppressed families their grief and pain. We express our sorrow for what happened and condemn it. But what’s most important is that Daesh committed this crime and claimed responsibility. I say the Wahabi terrorist organization Daesh. 

I hope from all our friends, companions, and the media in our axis, if they accept from me, to call it the Wahhabi terrorist organization. Because what Daesh is doing is the result of this school of thought that accuses the other of being an infidel. One can accuse the other of being an infidel, but he does not spill one’s blood and take his money and honor. A doctrinal disagreement, a certain person says that so-and-so is an infidel and does not believe in a specific cause. But what is more dangerous than takfir [accusing another Muslim to be an apostate] is spilling blood and taking someone else’s money, honor, and social public safety. It is this school of thought that led to these results throughout the world, especially in our Arab and Islamic world. 

The one who also bears the responsibility is America. Before the Americans left Afghanistan and on more than one occasion, I mentioned to you in the media and in speeches that we and others have information that the Americans are moving Daesh from the east of the Euphrates and from the Al-Hol camp. They even transferred some from Iraq to Afghanistan. At that time, many were wondering what the Americans wanted from Daesh in Afghanistan? Of course, at the time, even when they transferred them to Afghanistan, Daesh did not carry out a single operation against the American forces there. Rather, they fought those who were fighting the Americans, including the Taliban. But today, the goal has appeared more, to be sure.

I am an enemy of the Americans and I am accusing them. A few days ago, Turkey’s foreign minister, who is an ally of the Americans but has a problem with them, also said that the Americans had moved Daesh from the east of the Euphrates and eastern Syria to Afghanistan. That’s the Turkish foreign minister, a country that is not a small one in the region. He is a friend of the Americans. This is well known. Why did the Americans take Daesh to Afghanistan during the year they were negotiating with the Taliban in Doha to withdraw?

They were preparing for a post-withdrawal phase. What is the post-withdrawal phase? It is preparing for a civil war in Afghanistan. They had two tools. The first tool was the Afghan state and the Afghan army, which they spent hundreds of billions of dollars on. This collapsed, but the alternative was ready, which was Daesh. Today, Daesh’s work in Afghanistan is to drag the country into a civil war. They carried out operations against non-Shiites in Jalalabad and Kabul. But targeting the mosque in Kunduz, where Shiite Muslims pray, is also to create a state of internal tension that will lead to a civil war in Afghanistan.

The Americans are responsible. The American policies, the American administration, the American army, the CIA, and all those who are working on the issue of Daesh and Afghanistan, we also hold them responsible for the innocent blood that was shed in Afghanistan. The responsibility of the current authorities – whether the world recognizes them or not – now that it is an authority that exists in Afghanistan, is to protect these citizens regardless of their affiliation to any religion or sect.

There is another matter that I must talk about from a moral standpoint, even though it has been a while since it transpired. An incident took place a while back in Palestine where a group of security services affiliated to the Palestinian Authority arrested, beat, and tortured martyr Nizar Banat, a Palestinian brother, a resistance fighter, and a thinker who had brave and courageous positions, which led to his martyrdom.

Of course, one may ask why are you talking about this now and that this story is old? At that time, although we saw that all the Palestinian factions took a position, we preferred to wait because the issue was not very clear, and we considered that it could be an internal affair. But today, it is my duty to pay tribute, even for a few minutes, to this resistant martyr, mujahid, thinker, and bold, brave, and oppressed martyr Nizar Banat. I am one of the people who during the previous period – I mean during his life and not after his martyrdom – I usually and for security reasons do not have internet, but every once in a while, the young men give me recorded summaries, I listen and watch what this person said, how he spoke, and how he expressed a position?

At various times, I listened and gave time to Brother Nizar. I was very impressed by his clarity, his pure thought on the issue of resistance, the issue of “Israel”, the issue of the situation in the region, the position on the axis of resistance, the conflicts in the region, and targeting the axis of resistance. I was amazed by his courage – he lives in the West Bank and it is possible that he might be attacked, arrested, or killed at any moment. Of course, I had in mind that the “Israelis” would kill him and not anyone from the PA. In fact, I would like to say a couple of words first to shed light on this bold, courageous, clear, authentic, and strong figure as well as his position on the issue of resistance, the Palestinian cause. He had courage until his martyrdom. Secondly, as this is the first time I am talking about the subject, we share with honorable family, all his family members, his loved ones, his friends, and his companions the pain and the unending grief. I know that to them this matter has not ended. 

The third point is to demand justice and truth from the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinian judiciary, and all the Palestinian people for martyr Nizar must. Time will not stop this, and this blood must not be wasted just because those who have wronged him or committed crimes against him belong to a certain security apparatus. This is regarding martyr Nizar. I wanted to talk about him. 

I said at the beginning of the speech that in a few days we will have a great and very dear occasion, which is the anniversary of the birth of the greatest Messenger of God. Of course, celebrations and commemorations take place in different regions of the Islamic world.
But in the past years, what must also be noted with admiration and pride is how the dear and oppressed Yemeni people are commemorating this occasion. We are talking about the areas under the control of what they call the Sana’a government, meaning in the areas where Ansarullah is present. Huge crowds gather in all governorates and cities at the same time.

The whole world saw how they’ve been commemorating the birth of the Messenger of God Muhammad during the past two years despite the war, destruction, difficult economic conditions, difficult living conditions, rampant diseases, great dangers, and siege. But it is really amazing the way they commemorate this occasion, and as a Muslim, I tell you that I feel ashamed. Despite the circumstances and situation, these people mark the occasion in such a way, while we, the rest of the Muslims in different parts of the world, how do we commemorate this anniversary even though our circumstances are much better than theirs, even if there are some difficulties. 

First, salutations to the dear and oppressed Yemeni people, who love and adore the Messenger of God, for what they will do during the next few days.

I consider the way the Yemenis mark [this occasion] as an argument for all of us as Muslims in the Islamic world.

In the past few years, we used to hold celebrations. It is possible that during the last two years, we’ve eased down on celebrations a little because of the coronavirus. This year, we want to hold a decent and respectful celebration. That is why starting from now I invite the lovers of the Messenger of God to make the marking and celebration of this year’s occasion appropriate and to the level of their love, adoration, and loyalty to the Messenger of God.

May God give you wellness. We’ll talk about the rest later, God willing, if God keeps us alive. May God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.

Hezbollah Deputy SG: We’re Ready to Face Any “Israeli” War, We’ll Continue to Bring in Fuel to Lebanon

September 25, 2021

Hezbollah Deputy SG: We’re Ready to Face Any “Israeli” War, We’ll Continue to Bring in Fuel to Lebanon

By Staff

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General His Eminence Sheikh Naim Qassem warned that “Any ‘Israeli’ attack on Lebanon will be met with a response from Hezbollah. Even if [Lebanon] is dragged to a war, we will face this war. Our weapons are loaded. If we need more [weapons] – we have our ways to rearm ourselves.”

In an interview with Al-Manar TV, Sheikh Qassem added: “We are waiting for the Lebanese government’s position on the indirect negotiations with [the ‘Israeli’ enemy] regarding the border issue, and when our turn arrives, we will do our duty.”

On another level, His Eminence announced: “If the companies and the central bank don’t take action to secure the country’s fuel needs, we will continue to bring in petroleum products. Hezbollah is ready to bring in diesel through official border crossings, but some in the country are afraid of the US and its sanctions.”

Sheikh Qassem also reiterated that “the Iranian diesel that entered Lebanon is a national commodity.” He revealed that “the quantity requested by the Lebanese merchants is about 25 million liters,” and he pointed out that “the balance of power is what brought Iranian diesel to Lebanon.”

“I want to ask those who talk about sovereignty how some parties and associations receive their American support.”

Meanwhile, His Eminence highlighted that “Hezbollah’s stock is very important at the level of the whole country, and the party has allies from all sides and within all groups.”

“Those who oppose Hezbollah have a problem with the party because it presented a model in resistance and succeeded in social and political work,” he added.

Sheikh Qassem further blamed “the absence of economic plans, corruption, and American sanctions for leading the country to this state.”

“The Iranian diesel that passed through Syria broke the most important siege on Lebanon in its entire history,” he said, noting that “Iranian diesel elicited an American decision approving the import of Egyptian gas to Lebanon through Syria.”

The Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General also stressed that “the confusion that occurred among the Americans and their scramble to find solutions was caused by Iranian diesel.”

He explained that “the nuclear negotiations, according to the directives from [Leader of the Islamic Revolution His Eminence] Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, are focused on the nuclear issue, and there are no other topics being discussed.”

“No negotiation took place regarding the issue of diesel or any other issue,” Sheikh Qassim stated. “Iran is helping Lebanon. It has never taken or asked for anything regarding this matter, and we are working for Lebanon and its people.”

In parallel, Sheikh Qassem asserted that “the Lebanese government is responsible for following up on any problems regarding the demarcation of the border.”

“We are waiting for the position of the Lebanese government on the issue of land and sea borders, and when it is our turn, we will do our duty.”

He pointed out that Hezbollah has always been committed to a “government being formed in order to start solving the country’s problems. […] The government can work on the issue of wage correction, addressing the fuel crisis, and curbing the dollar.”

“There is no objection to discussing with the IMF to reach common convictions, but we do not accept a ready-made recipe,” Sheikh Qassem continued.

“The government must develop a rescue plan, with one of its goals being to ease the burden on the people.”

With regard to the upcoming parliamentary elections, Sheikh Qassem voiced support for holding the parliamentary elections on time, adding that now with the formation of the government, the chances of holding the elections have become great.

He also unveiled that “for about eight months, our team has been working on the voter registration list and the distribution of districts, and we have put in place mechanisms to manage the elections. […] We have a structure and are working on it, and all our preparations are ready for the upcoming elections.”

Hezbollah Oil Imports Praised in Lebanon in Blow to US – Foreign Policy

September 18, 2021

Hezbollah Oil Imports Praised in Lebanon in Blow to US – Foreign Policy

By Staff, Foreign Policy

Hezbollah has brought Iranian fuel to Lebanon to ease the people’s suffering and end their humiliation making up unending lines at gas stations all across the country.

The achievement dealt a blow to the US-led sanctions. But although the resistance movement considers it a necessity and a duty as it has always been in charge of serving its people, the measure has stirred a wave of commentaries, whether positive or not, in this regard.

In an opinion piece penned by Anchal Vohra, the Foreign Policy published the following:

Less than one month ago, Hezbollah chief [His Eminence Sayyed] Hassan Nasrallah announced that an Iranian oil tanker was on its way to aid fuel-starved Lebanon, daring the United States and ‘Israel’ to stop it. On Thursday, 20 trucks, each carrying 50,000 liters of Iranian fuel, entered northeastern Lebanon through Syria. The trucks duly went to the region of Baalbek, where it was reportedly stored at gas stations run by the Al Amana fuel company—a company with ties to Hezbollah and which is under US sanctions.

Sources told Foreign Policy the fuel would next be transported with smaller vehicles to Al Amana pumps in neighborhoods across the country, including Dahiye, a Beirut suburb.

In one sense, Hezbollah was defying US sanctions on Iranian oil. But this also represented Nasrallah as a savior for a country in deep economic crisis. At a moment when power outages are shutting down businesses and threatening the lives of patients at hospitals, most Lebanese are willing to show some ‘measure of allegiance’ to whomever can deliver a reprieve, according to the Foreign Policy.

“Ahlan wa Sahlan,” or “welcome,” chanted a Hezbollah supporter as he filmed the convoy of trucks passing through streets flanked with posters of [Sayyed] Nasrallah, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and former general of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Qassem Soleimani. Men and women waved Hezbollah flags, while others showered rice and flower petals on the trucks. On one stretch a group of women chanted that they wouldn’t bow down to anyone but death.

On another passage trucks drove on laminated printouts of US and ‘Israeli’ flags pasted on the roads— to arouse pride among the crowd and accuse ‘Israel’ and the United States of plotting Lebanon’s domestic crises.

[Sayyed] Nasrallah said the fuel would be donated to government-run hospitals, orphanages, water stations, and the Lebanese Red Cross free of charge while sold to private hospitals, medicine factories, and bakeries at cheaper than the market rate. He promised not to discriminate based on religion or sect, and to supply the entire country. It isn’t yet clear exactly which institutions will benefit, but according to sources Hezbollah has already made a list of beneficiaries who will call Al Amana fuel pumps directly to organize procurement. 

Initially, Iran and Hezbollah critics had hoped that the United States and ‘Israel’ might stop the Iranian tanker before it docked in the Syrian port. But that was perhaps seen as too risky. Farzin Nadimi, an associate fellow at The Washington Institute and an expert in security and military affairs of Iran and the Gulf, said it was possible the United States did not stop the tanker because it wished to avoid confrontation with Hezbollah, but also because there is little legal basis for doing so.

“I believe the US policy on the subject at the moment is to avoid unnecessary tensions, considering the precarious situation the Lebanese people are in right now,” Nadimi said, and since Hezbollah is framing the latest shipments as help for the Lebanese people, “the US is cautious.” Nadimi added that this incident will likely set a precedent and encourage Hezbollah to bring Iranian fuel directly to Lebanon next time. He described it as “a show of force by Hezbollah,” and a blow first to ‘Israel’ and then to the United States.

The show of force by Hezbollah has so far gone unchallenged both by ‘Israel’ and the United States, said the Foreign Policy. ‘Israel’s’ intervention would have proven much more controversial since it has been at war with Lebanon, and any action by ‘Israel’ might have united the Lebanese against ‘Israel’ and behind Hezbollah. But the United States’ inaction is harder to explain. Former Lebanese Army Gen. Elias Farhat said the United States is unlikely to sanction Lebanon.

The American response to Hezbollah’s purchase of Iranian fuel was to announce the facilitation of gas and electricity from Egypt and Jordan through Syria to Lebanon. But Hezbollah was faster. A few in the country will refuse the fuel it provides.

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