Axis of Resistance factions, IRGC leaders meet in Tehran

May 23, 2024

Source: Al Mayadeen

Resistance factions leaders meet with IRGC leaders in Tehran on the sidelines of the funeral ceremony for Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on May 23, 2024. (Al Mayadeen)

By Al Mayadeen English

The attendees discussed the political, social, and military conditions in Gaza, Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, and the role of the Axis of Resistance. 

A meeting was held between a group of Resistance factions and the chief of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami and the IRGC Quds Force Commander Brigadier General Esmail Qaani on the sidelines of the funeral ceremony for the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions, Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent in Tehran reported.

The Resistance factions comprised Hamas, the Islamic Jihad Movement, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Hezbollah, Ansar Allah in Yemen, and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

In the meeting, the political, social, and military conditions in Gaza, Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, and the role of the Axis of Resistance amid the ongoing Israeli genocide in the Strip were discussed.

The attendees stressed the importance of the continuation of freedom fighting and struggle in cooperation between all the Resistance factions in the region until the Palestinian Resistance emerges victorious.

Ismail Haniyeh met with Sayyed Ali Khamenei

Iranian leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei led the funeral prayer on May 22 for the nation’s President Ebrahim Raisi and his accompanying delegation, who died in a tragic copter crash on May 20. Hundreds of thousands of Iranians gathered in the streets of Tehran to mourn on the designated official day of mourning.

Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas, also held a separate meeting with Sayyed Ali Khamenei.

Representing the state and people of Palestine, Haniyeh conveyed his condolences to the Iranian leader and the Iranian people for the tragic loss of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions in the helicopter crash.

Meanwhile, the Iranian leader reciprocated by expressing gratitude for the sympathy extended by the Palestinian people, particularly those in Gaza, and offered condolences for the martyrdom of Haniyeh’s children.

Highlighting the remarkable resilience of the Gaza populace, which has garnered global support, he noted the unexpected solidarity, such as US student Intifada —a testament to the unprecedented levels of support garnered by the Palestinian cause.

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“No one would have believed that one day people in Japan hold demonstrations and chant in favor of Palestine in Persian,” Sayyed Khamenei stressed.

He emphasized that Iran’s acting president, Mohammad Mokhber, tasked with the country’s executive affairs as per the constitution, will uphold the policies and principles regarding Palestine established by the late President Ebrahim Raisi with equal dedication and vigor.

It is noteworthy that Ismail Haniyeh was the only figure who was permitted to speak at the funeral. 

Haniyeh offered condolences on behalf of the Palestinian people and resistance factions

Haniyeh delivered a speech during the funeral ceremony at Tehran University on May 22, offering condolences on behalf of the Palestinian people, the Resistance factions in the land of Palestine, and Gaza.

Haniyeh said that the late president assured him, during their meeting last Ramadan, that “the Palestinian cause is at the core of the nation’s causes, and that resistance is a strategic option for the liberation project.”

He added that Raisi also stressed that “Iran will continue to support the Palestinian Resistance until the aspirations of the [Palestinian] people and the nation are achieved” and that “Operation Al-Aqsa flood is an earthquake that struck the Zionist entity and caused a historic transformation worldwide.”

Haniyeh, from Tehran, stressed that “Gaza will pursue resistance until all the land, with blessed al-Quds in its core is liberated,” adding, “We are reassured, in the presence of the leaders of the Axis of Resistance, that the Republic will tread on the same policy and principles under the auspices of its leader in supporting Palestine and the Resistance.”

Khorasan bids Pres. Raisi farewell in ceremony attended by millions

The funeral procession for the late President Ebrahim Raisi commenced today in the city of Birjand, the capital of South Khorasan Province. 

Before being led to his final resting place, Khorasan Province marks the last stop of the funeral ceremony, which started from Tabriz and then moved to Qom and Tehran.

The body of the Iranian President has been transported to the final stop of the funeral ceremony in Birjand, the capital of Khorasan Province, before he is buried in the shrine of Imam Ali Ibn Mousa al-Reza in Mashhad.

Millions of Iranians and others who traveled to Iran from various countries have been taking part in the funeral ceremony which has been going on for two days.

In memory of Iran’s president and fellow companions

Iran to Back Resistance Front until ‘Israel’ Fully Destroyed: General Qaani

 May 13, 2023

The commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says Iran will continue to provide unwavering support for the Palestinian Resistance until the final annihilation of the apartheid Israeli regime.

Brigadier General Esmail Qaani made the remarks at a ceremony in commemoration of his fallen comrades in Iran’s northeastern holy city of Mashhad on Saturday.

He said Iran will continue to provide support for young Palestinian resistance forces and their “strong heroic front” to the greatest extent possible, both verbally and in practice.

The IRGC commander asserted that such support and concerted efforts will continue until the Israeli regime is fully annihilated.

Young Palestinian fighters have at times carried out more than 30 retaliatory operations in a single day against the Israeli regime in the occupied West Bank, Qaani said, adding that this is the fruit of the resistance front and global mobilization of Muslims.

He said the resistance front has grown into an extensive axis, which has connected different sources and points of resistance in the world together.

“This front has drawn together altruist, educated and erudite people who share many points in common,” he said. “The main commonality among them is their longing to defend Islam, the honor of Muslims. They defend themselves and others collectively.”

Brigadier General Qaani described the mass mobilization of Muslim resistance fighters as an ideal commanded by the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, and achieved by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei.

The chief commander of the IRGC Quds Force also stressed that it does not now last long for resistance fighters in Lebanon, Yemen or anywhere else across the globe to voice solidarity with Palestinians anytime the Zionist regime commits a crime in the occupied territories.

Source: Agencies

Brigadier General Qaani confirms: Gaza won as a result of the cooperation of the people and the resistance, and we will continue to strengthen the axis of resistance.

Erbil Attack Was Decisive: Quds Force Commander

March 16, 2022 

By Staff, Agencies

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard [IRG] Quds Force, Brigadier General Esmail Ghaani described the recent IRG missile attack on an ‘Israeli’ base in Iraq’s Erbil regions as a decisive action that taught the regime a good lesson.

Speaking on Tuesday in a meeting with a group of the Quds Force commanders, Brigadier General Ghaani pointed to the recent missile strike on an ‘Israeli’ base in Iraqi Kurdistan as a show of force by the IRG which also showed how fragile the ‘Israeli’ regime is.

“The criminal Zionist regime, which once chanted slogans from the Nile to the Euphrates, is now so humiliated that they sleep in fear and are shaking with fear at night, worried that they will wake up and lose part of their occupied territories,” Ghaani said.

The senior IRG official also recalled a speech by Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nassrallah, who said that the ‘Israeli’ regime’s air defense known as the Iron Dome disability to intercept Hezbollah’s drones that fly deep over the occupied territories is a sign of a collapsing regime.

He also pointed to the Ukraine issue and said that as the Leader of the Islamic Revolution His Eminence Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei put it, Ukraine fell a victim to the incapable, weak and dishonest United States.

Ghaani went on to say that the Americans are afraid of the Resistance groups as they are at the highest level of preparedness to face the enemies.

Elsewhere, the Quds Force commander praised the Yemeni resistance in the face of the aggressors by relying on their domestic resources.

EXCLUSIVE: IRGC strike on Mossad base in Iraq targets 10 Israeli operatives, issues regional warning

March 14 2022

Sources say the missile attack serves as a message to regional states that Iran will not tolerate foreign military operations on its borders

ByNews Desk

Photo Credit: The Cradle

Three targets are dead and seven others have sustained critical injuries in Iranian missile strikes on a secret Israeli Mossad compound in Erbil early in the morning of 13 March, a senior Iranian security source, speaking exclusively to The Cradle, has revealed.

“This operation sends a message to all countries in the region that Iran is sensitive to the Israeli regime’s activities near its borders and does not tolerate it.”

The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) salvo of 12 Fateh Iranian missiles struck the Mossad base at 1:20am, “at a symbolic hour when the resistance commanders were assassinated,” says the source – a reference to the US/Israeli assassinations of Iranian Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi Deputy Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes on 3 January 2020.

“The operation has so far killed three people, two of them senior officers, and estimates show seven wounded, some of whom are probably in critical condition,” he said.

Shortly after the operation, the source says an air ambulance was requested from Stuttgart, Germany, which landed in Qatar due to security concerns. US forces reportedly used a C130 aircraft to transport the bodies and wounded to the ambulance.

The Iranian security source claims that the IRGC operation was conducted in direct retaliation for a 14 February Israeli attack on an IRGC-operated drone base in the Mahidasht district of Kermanshah, inside Iran. “Fortunately, we did not have any casualties, but once the source of this [Israeli] attack was identified as originating from Iraq, [Sunday’s] operation was put on the agenda.”

The Iranian source says Iraqi officials were warned that military operations targeting Iran were taking place within Iraq’s borders – in two official meetings, with evidentiary documents in hand.

He says IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani had already warned the leaders of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) region about these cases.

The source also confirmed that the missile strikes were not in retaliation for Israel’s killing of two IRGC members in an airstrike near Damascus on 8 March, as reported by various foreign media outlets. He said Iran has reserved the right to retaliate for that incident at a later date.

The source describes the Mossad base in Erbil as “unofficial and hidden – in the form of two villas that had a normal appearance.” Iranian reconnaissance had observed several things in the lead up to the operation; however, the source adds:

“The structure of these two villas had two roofs that completely protected it from 240mm missiles. An explosion-proof engineering roof under a shock-absorbing roof that had two layers under the gable roof.”

The source says that post-operation images confirm this assessment. The building, despite being hit by 12 missiles, maintained its structural integrity.

Iranian intel had also observed, over a period of time, that non-Israelis were not allowed to enter the area and that only the external protection of the area was conducted by “regional security forces,” identified by the source as Parastin, the Kurdish intel security forces. Kurds were otherwise forbidden access to the facilities.

The source adds: “This facility was a place of entertainment for the [Israeli] regime’s officers and cyber-electronic staff based in the region, so there was not much traffic during the week, and we mostly saw their presence on the weekends.”

At the time of the IRGC’s missile strike last weekend, he says, “more than 10 people had entered the facility.”

Iraq does not allow Israeli nationals to visit the country and has strict laws, reinforced last year, that prohibit any Iraqi interaction with the state of Israel.

Quds Force Commander: Iran Trying To Exclude Militarism as Solution for Afghanistan

 SEPTEMBER 8, 2021

Quds Force Commander: Iran Trying To Exclude Militarism as Solution for Afghanistan

By Staff, Agencies

A member of the Iranian Parliament reported that the Islamic Revolution Guard [IRG’s] Quds Force commander, Brigadier General Esmail Ghaani, said in a closed Parliament session that Iran is trying that the resolve of the Afghan issue not to be through war.

In an interview with Mehr News Agency, MP Ahmad Alireza Beigi explained the closed session of the Parliament which was held in the presence of the IRGC Quds Force commander on Tuesday morning discussed the latest developments in neighboring Afghanistan.

“According to General Ghaani, political and military experts analyze the US defeat in Afghanistan far more importantly than the US defeat in Vietnam,” he said.

“The commander of the Quds Force believed that the incident took place after 20 years of US investment and the US presence in Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11, and Washington was determined to stay in Afghanistan after the assassination of Ahmad Shah Massoud,” the MP added.

Alireza Beig went on to say, “General Ghaani stressed that the Islamic Republic monitors the developments in Afghanistan with a view to its national interests and is interested in the fate of Afghanistan, and for this reason, from the beginning of the Soviet Union’s entry into Afghanistan, it [Iran] supported the people of this country as a religious duty.”

“According to the commander, the United States spent $300 million a day in Afghanistan, and as the US president said 18 soldiers returning from Afghanistan commit suicide every day,” he added.

“General Ghaani stressed that the security of Iran is important for us and the US plan is to engage Iran with the Sunni world, so the Islamic Republic must act in a way that the security of Iran is not compromised and the United States does not achieve its goals,” the MP noted.

“According to the commander of the Quds Force, the Shias of Afghanistan are very important for the Islamic Republic, and Iran is trying that the resolve of the Afghan issue not to be through war, and all the tribes of Afghanistan to participate in governing the country,” Alireza Beigi concluded.

سقوط مدوّ لنظرية «خطة أميركية منسّقة وراء الانسحاب»

الاربعاء 18 آب 2021

ناصر قنديل

سادت نظرية لدى بعض المتابعين والمحللين للحدث الأفغاني مع بدايات الانسحاب الأميركي، تقوم على تقديم فرضية وجود خطة أميركية منسقة ومتفاهَم عليها مع حركة طالبان، تجعل الانسحاب الأميركي جزءاً من خطة تسليم وتسلّم لأفغانستان، وترتكز هذه النظرية على اعتبار أنّ الأميركي استبدل السعي للسيطرة على أفغانستان وموقعها الاستراتيجي، باستخدام هذا الموقع عبر تجييره لحركة طالبان لتتولى إرباك المشهد الإقليمي، وتحويل أفغانستان الى مشكلة لجيرانها وخصوصاً إيران وروسيا، وساق أصحاب نظرية الخطة الأميركية لتدعيم منطقهم التاريخ المشحون بين طالبان وموسكو منذ زمن الإتحاد السوفياتي، والتنابذ المذهبي الذي سيفجّر حرباً بينها وبين إيران، كما ساق هؤلاء لنظريتهم حججاً من نوع أن الإنهيار السريع للحكومة الموالية للأميركيين وجيشها جاء بقرار وبُني على عدم إبلاغ وتهيئة هذه الحكومة وقواتها لنوعية التحديات التي تنتظرهم، مقابل التسهيلات الممنوحة لطالبان لتحقيق تقدم سريع نحو العاصمة كابول، مستعيدين نظرية قوامها انّ واشنطن كانت وراء إنشاء طالبان.

كنا منذ البداية وقبلها نخالف هذه النظرية، ونرى فيها تعبيراً فكرياً عن فوبيا القدرة الأميركية، التي يعجز المصابون بها حتى من خصوم أميركا ومن مؤيدي مقاومتها، عن تقبّل فكرة انّ أميركا يمكن ان تهزم وتذلّ بهذه السهولة التي ظهرت بها مشاهد أفغانستان، خصوصاً انّ تداعيات الهزيمة كبيرة ولن يكون سهلاً حصرها في أفغانستان، واذا كان ممكناً لأصحاب النظرية إبقاءها في التداول مع الساعات الأولى للحدث فإنّ تطورات الساعات الماضية تجعله هلوسات سياسية غير قابلة للتفكير، فأمامنا وقائع تجعل هذه الفرضية ضرباً من التخيّل الأقرب الى فرضيات الخيال العلمي، فتداعيات الهزيمة المدوية بدأت تهزّ أميركا نفسها، وتضع حلف الأطلسي كله على المحك كما قال الأمين العام للحلف، والحديث عن أول هزيمة من نوعها في تاريخ الحلف، كما تلاقى كلّ شركاء واشنطن الذين تلاقوا على تحميلها مسؤولية المهانة التي لحقت بمكانة الحلف الدولية، وخرج الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن يرسم عناوين وخلاصات للخبرة الأفغانية عنوانها، التخلي عن نظرية تعميم النموذج الأميركي للحكم بالقوة العسكرية، وهو ما كان عنوان الحروب الأميركية للعقدين الماضيين تحت شعار تعميم نموذج الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان، وكلّ هذا الانهيار الفكري والنفسي والسياسي، والانهزام الإعلامي، والإحباط الفلسفي لا يمكن ان يشكل فصولاً من مسرحية تمّ توزيع الأدوار فيها، إلا إذا افترضنا انّ أميركا وحلفاءها خططوا للانتحار؟

بالتوازي مع الإنهزام المسيطر على المقلب الأميركي، خرج قادة حركة طالبان، لتقديم خطاب تصالحي نحو الداخل الأفغاني والخارج الدولي وخصوصاً الجوار، وأعلنت موسكو وطهران إرتياحهما للضمانات التي تلقوها من قيادة طلبان، وبادر هؤلاء القادة الى تظهير خطوات إيجابية تجاه البعد المذهبي لعلاقتهم بشيعة أفغانستان عبر رفع رايات عاشوراء والمشاركة في إحياء لياليها، وهنا لا بدّ من تقديم بعض المعلومات التي تجعل تخيّلات البعض لمشهد دموي بعيدة عن الواقع، فطالبان حركة سياسية عسكرية ينحصر نفوذها وإمتدادها في قومية واحدة من قوميات أفغانستان، وهي قومية البشتون التي تمثل أكبر القوميات لكنها تقارب نصف السكان، والحركة تمثل القوة الأوسع نفوذاً في قبائل البشتون، لكنها محاطة بحضور تنافسي مع نخب وقيادات وزعماء قبائل، فأغلب قادة الإغانستان يتحدّرون من البشتون، وهم في كابول أقلّ من نصف السكان، ومثلما هناك الأوزبك والطاجيك، هناك الهزارة الذين يمثلون نصف نسبة تمثيل البشتون أيّ أقلّ بقليل من ربع سكان أفغانستان الأربعين مليون، وهم من الشيعة المقرّبين لإيران، ويشكلون ثلث سكان العاصمة، وفي إيران أربعة ملايين لاجئ أفغاني أغلبهم من أنصار طالبان، والتبادل التجاري بين أفغاستان وإيران يعادل ثلث التبادل التجاري لأفغانستان مع الخارج المقدّر بعشرة مليارات دولار سنوياً، وأفغانستان تعتمد على إيران بالمحروقات وجزء أساسي من الكهرباء واللوم والخضروات، وتخيّل المناخ التصادمي الدموي فيه الكثير من التجاهل لتعقيدات ضخمة تنتظر طالبان ستحتاج فيها لإيران سياسياً واقتصادياً وأمنياً، أكثر من العكس، ومهمّ أن نتذكر انّ قائد فيلق القدس الحالي الجنرال إسماعيل قآني كان مسؤولاً عن إدارة الملف الأفغاني قبل استشهاد الجنرال قاسم سليماني، وأنّ الأميركيين كانوا يتهمونه بالوقوف وراء تصعيد عمليات طالبان ضدّ القوات الأميركية بعد اغتيال سليماني، والبيان التنديدي باغتياله الذي أصدرته طالبان.

من الصحيح القول إنّ العلاقة بين طالبان والأميركيين كانت جيدة بين عامي 1979 و1989 خلال المواجهة مع القوات السوفياتية، لكن بشرطين، الأول إدراك أنها كانت تقاطع مصالح في مواجهة ما يسمّيانه عدواً مشتركاً، وهو ما يفسّر التصادم اللاحق بين الطرفين بعد الإنسحاب السوفياتي، والثاني انّ طالبان ليست القاعدة أو داعش، اللتين تمثلان حركات بلا أوطان، أسّسهما الأميركي وإستعملهما وقاتلهما عند الضرورة، لكن طالبان هي حركة قومية دينية أفغانية، مثلها طالبان باكستان، وهما حركتان تأسّستا من طلاب الشريعة الذين قرّروا الإنخراط في مشروع يقوم على قاعدتي رفض الإحتلال الأجنبي وإقامة حكم يستند الى الإسلام، والحركتان اللتان وقفتا ضدّ السوفيات حتى خروجهم من أفغانستان وقفتا ضدّ الأميركيين بسبب إحتلالهم لأفغانستان، ورغم الطابع المتطرف لفهم الشريعة الذي يؤمن به قادة طالبان، بسبب تأثرهم بالشراكة مع القاعدة خلال حقبة القتال ضدّ السوفيات، فإنّ الخلفية المختلفة لطالبان عن القاعدة وداعش ترتبط بكونها لا تنتمي للسلفية بفروعها المختلفة، فخلفيتها العقائدية المنطلقة من المذهب الحنفي تجلعها أقرب الى الواقعية السياسية، ورفض التكفير بين المذاهب، والتمسك بهويتها الوطنية والقومية، وتداخل مذهبها الحنفي مع الصوفية يفتح نوافذ كثيرة للعلاقة مع المذهب الشيعي وإيران، نظراً للمكانة الهامة للإئمة الشيعة عند الصوفية، ولرفض الحكم الأموي من قبل أصحاب الطرق الصوفية.

يمكن براحة ضمير وبعيون مغمضة الجهر بالقول انّ أميركا تلقت أبشع هزائمها التاريخية في أفغانستان، وان الأيام المقبلة ستحمل المزيد من الهزائم التي تحملها مسارات أفغانستان وعلاقتها بالجوار، وفي المقدمة مع إيران كدولة إسلامية مناهضة للهيمنة الأميركية، تملك حدوداً مشتركة لقرابة الألف كيلومتر، تشكل فرصة  لطالبان أكثر مما تشكل تحدياً، ولعلّ واحدة من الخبرات التي قدمتها تجربة حزب الله لبعض قادة طالبان كما يقولون هي الطريقة التي أرادوا دخول كابول عبرها بما يستعيد طريقة دخوله الى المناطق المحررة في جنوب لبنان عام 2000، بينما تقدّم تجربة طالبان خبرة جديدة لحركات المقاومة قوامها انه ليس ضروريا مطاردة العدو حتى الرحيل قتاليا ليتحقق النصر، بل أن  الصمود وحده يمكن ان يصنع نصرا عندما يزرع اليأس في عقول العدو عن امكانية تغيير الواقع، كما لخص بايدن المعادلة، لو بقينا عشرين عاما أخرى فانّ شيئاً لن يتغيّر.

سترتكب حركة طالبان الكثير من الأخطاء قبل ان تستقر على صورة نهائية لنمط الحكم وإدارة أفغانستان، لكن المخاض الذي بدأ للتو يجب ألا يسمح بالتسرع في إصدار الأحكام على المسار الذي سترسو عليه، وهذا يستدعي منح الفرصة للمراقبة والتفكير، والتقييم الهادئ كي لا نقع في فخ يصنعه التسرع عنوانه الحكم المسبق، والحكم الصحيح هو على كيف تقارب طالبان كأي حركة سياسية العلاقة بقضيتي الاستقلال والبناء، وقد فازت طالبان في إمتحان الإستقلال حتى الآن وهي رفضت بشدة أن يتسلم الأتراك مطار كابول، واعتبرتهم احتلالاً انْ فعلوا ذلك رغم التدخل القطري لتسويقهم بعدما كلفهم الأميركي بذلك كمكون في حلف الأطلسي، يبقى تحدي قضية البناء، وهو شائك ومعقد لكنه يستحق الإنتظار.

Hezbollah Officially Announces Providing Palestinian Resistance with Decisive Intelligence Reports during Al-Quds Sword Battle

July 8, 2021

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem
Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem stated that the Resistance in Lebanon provided the Palestinian resistance factions with decisive intelligence reports during “Al-Quds Sword” battle, adding that this informational coordination changed the course of the confrontation with the Israeli enemy.

Sheikh Qassem told Al-Mayadeen TV Channel that the intelligence reports Hezbollah provided the Palestinian resistance with exposed the Zionist tricky announcement about launching a ground offensive.

It is worth noting that this is the first time Hezbollah officially announces this coordination with the Palestinian resistance during “Al-Quds Sword” battle.

The editor-in-chief of the Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar, Ibrahim Al-Amin, said during an interview with Al-Manar TV Channel on May 28 that Hezbollah, IRGC, and Hamas established a chamber of military operations in Beirut during the recent Israeli aggression on Gaza.

Al-Amin added that officers from Hezbollah, IRGC, and Hamas coordinated the military confrontation in Gaza, adding that the Commander of IRGC’s Al-Quds Force, General Esmail Qaani, visited Lebanon twice to attend the chamber meetings.

Hezbollah transmitted weaponry and ammunition to Gaza and moved a number of Palestinian Resistance officers out of the Strip during the aggression, according to Al-Amin.

Al-Amin noted that the Islamic Resistance also provided the Palestinian factions with the needed data about the movements of the Israeli occupation military, which frustrated the enemy’s plot to ambush the Palestinian fighters near Gaza border, adding that drones were employed to reach this goal.

On May 10, 2021, the Palestinian resistance waged its battle against the Israeli enemy in response to the Zionist attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosue and plots to expel the Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied Al-Quds, firing thousands of missiles at the Zionist settlements in most of the Palestinian cities and inflicting heavy losses upon the Zionists. The Zionist enemy insisted on its violations and launched an aggression on Gaza, killing 232 of its civilians and injuring around 1900 others. After an 11-day confrontation, the Palestinian resistance managed to defeat the Zionist aggression and provide Al-Quds City and its sanctities with a considerable protection from the Israeli attacks and violations.

Source: Al-Manar English Website


Khamenei on Demise of Jebril: He Spent his Life Fighting for His People

July 8, 2021

Source: Al Mayadeen

Iranian Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei offers his condolences on the demise of Palestinian freedom fighter Ahmad Jebril.

Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei and Ahmad Jibril
Iranian Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei and Ahmad Jibril

Iranian Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei has offered his condolences on the demise of Palestinian freedom fighter Ahmad Jebril.

He called the leader of the Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC) a “brave person”, “who spent his life fighting for his occupied homeland and his oppressed people.”

The Secretary General of the PFLP-GC passed away on Tuesday, in a hospital in the Syrian capital of Damascus.

I offer my condolences on the demise of the untiring fighter Mr. Ahmad Jebril, Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, to the Palestinians, all those active in the Palestinians’ struggles, all members of the Resistance in W Asia, & his survivors.— (@khamenei_ir) July 8, 2021

Mr. Ahmad Jebril was a brave, hardworking person, who spent his life fighting for his occupied homeland and his oppressed people. I ask God to bestow great reward upon him, and I ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness for him.— (@khamenei_ir) July 8, 2021

Qaani on Jibril: He was Part of the Axis of Resistance

Source: Al Mayadeen

Quds Force Leader Esmail Qaani offered his condolences in the death of Palestinian leader Ahmad Jibril, calling him “one of the founders of the Axis of Resistance, who always believed that the Resistance’s rifle would bring back Palestine.”

IRGC's Quds Force Leader Esmail Qaani
IRGC’s Quds Force Leader Esmail Qaani

General Esmail Qaani said that the late Ahmad Jibril “formed through his personality and march a complete model in building the ‘resistant’ character.”

He added: Al-Quds, and the liberation of all of Palestine were always Abou Jihad’s compass, from whose direction he never veered.”

Commenting on his struggle and the difficulties he had to endure for the Resistance, he said that “despite all the temptations and intimidations he faced, he always believed that the Resistance’s rifle would bring back Palestine.”

Qaani spoke highly of Jibril, declaring that “he was one of the founders of the Axis of Resistance, placing all of his energy in its service, staying true to the blood of the martyrs.”

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command, had eulogized its Secretary General, Ahmad Jibril (Abou Jihad), who passed away on Wednesday in a hospital in the Syrian capital of Damascus.

Iran Will Never Leave Palestine Alone, IRGC Quds Force Commander Reiterates

 May 22, 2021

Esmail Qaani
Commander of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force Esmail Qaani

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Quds Force Brigadier General Esmaeil Qaani hailed the Palestinian nation’s “epical” struggle against the Zionist regime of Israel and underscored Iran’s continued support for Palestine.

Iran will not leave Palestine alone and will never end its support for Palestinians, no matter how much challenges may intensify and dangers may increase, General Esmaeil Qaani said in messages to senior Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements’ commanders Muhammad Zaif and Akram al-Ajouri.

“We will continue (our support) until the downfall of the occupying regime,” he added.

“You, the Palestinian resistance groups, created a magnificent epic with your steadfastness and proved the enemy’s weakness,” the general said, adding that the resistance forces humiliated the Israeli regime’s army.

“Your capabilities are far greater than the enemy has seen so far and even imagines,” the top commander stressed.

“We have no doubt that we will enter Al-Aqsa Mosque and say prayers there with dignity and strength,” he went on to say.

The message came as the Israeli regime’s “security cabinet” approved what it called “Egypt’s proposal” for a ceasefire amid continued avalanche of retaliatory attacks from the Gaza Strip in response to Tel Aviv’s escalation.

The ceasefire came into effect from 02:00 am on Friday (23:00 GMT on Thursday), according to the regime’s announcement on Thursday.

“The Security Cabinet unanimously accepted the recommendation of all heads of security services, the chief of general staff, the head of Shin Bet (the regime’s internal security service), the head of the Mossad (the regime’s spy agency), and the head of the National Security Council to accept the Egyptian initiative on a bilateral ceasefire, which will come into force later,” the statement said.

Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan also confirmed reports about the potential of the truce, in remarks to Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen television network, saying, “The resistance movement has received guarantees from the mediators that the aggression on Gaza will stop.”

According to NBC News, the Egyptian government — which has in the past been involved in mediatory efforts between the two sides — said the truce would be “mutual and simultaneous.”

The Israeli regime intensified its attacks against Gaza after the coastal sliver rose up in protest in support of the Palestinians in the Israeli-blockaded West Bank, who had come under weeks of significantly violent Israeli assaults.

“Other guarantees have also been received about the expulsion of the occupying regime from al-Quds’ Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and the al-Aqsa Mosque,” Hamdan added.

The resistance began its reprisal on the exact day as the escalation started and has so far, according to Tel Aviv itself, fired more than 4,000 rockets towards the occupied territories.

The reprisal has swept through the entirety of the occupied lands.

Also on Thursday, it was reported that continued avalanche of retaliatory rockets from the Gaza Strip had imposed a complete shutdown over Ben Gurion International Airport outside Tel Aviv, the Israeli regime’s main air terminal.

Israeli media outlets said the airport was closed off to all inbound and outbound flights. The inbound flights were all redirected to the Ramon Airport located in the Timna Valley in the extreme southern part of the occupied territories.

The rocket attacks also earlier set off sirens throughout the whole “Gaza envelope,” which comprises the illegal Israeli settlements that lie within seven kilometers (4.3 miles) of the coastal sliver.

The Gaza-based resistance movement of Hamas identified the cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon near the enclave’s border with the occupied territories as the latest target of its counterattacks.

The Israeli attacks have killed hundreds in Gaza and scores of others in the West Bank. At least 10 people have, meanwhile, been killed during the resistance’s retaliation.

Reports about the regime’s intention towards a truce came a day after deputy Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzouq declared victory on the part of the resistance group, and predicted that Tel Aviv would stop its attacks soon.

Source: Iranian Agencies


Non-Prophylactically Ironic Dome over the Occupied Palestine

Non-Prophylactically Ironic Dome over the Occupied Palestine

April 25, 2021

By Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog

Exactly at 1:20 am (Tehran time) on Thursday, April 22, 2021 a missile hit near Dimona nuclear reactor, the “secret” nuclear site in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The Jerusalem Post headlined the event as “Syrian missile lands near Dimona nuclear reactor, interception fails.”[1] The article went on to story the event as follows:

“It was unclear at first from where the missile was launched. Several signs indicated it having been launched from Iraq, while according to other reports, it came from the city of Daraa in southern Syria following an Israeli airstrike.”

“IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Hidai Zilberman told reporters that ‘the explosion was due to the firing of an SA-5 surface-to-air missile toward Israel from Syria that exploded in the southern Negev. The firing of the missile came during Israeli airstrikes in southern Syria,’ Zilberman said, and that ‘it was an errant missile and not directed toward the Dimona nuclear reactor.’”

It was not an errant missile. It did not come from where the General said it came. It was not during Israeli airstrikes in southern Syria. The interception did not fail because there was interception. The missile was directed toward exactly where it needed to hit near Dimona nuclear reactor and it hit exactly at 1:20 am the time Sardar Soleimani, the martyred commander of Qods Force was assassinated. The hit had a message.

The missile strike (not “landing” as if it were some civilian passenger airline) on the land in the vicinity of Dimona took place 22 hours after another serious explosion that happened inside Tomer factory which develops and manufactures military equipment including missiles for Israeli Defense. About Tomer, Haaretz reported:

“The explosion occurred during a ‘routine test’ by the Tomer factory for advanced weapons, which develops rocket engines, the Ofek satellite launchers and houses various types of missiles. In response to the blast, Tomer said ‘this was a controlled test with no exceptional circumstances.’ Tomer’s factory is located in central Israel, and in proximity to residential areas. The company manufactures missiles for use by the IDF and other Israeli defense systems. They are the manufacturers behind Israel’s Arrow 4 missile interception system.”[2]

Again, no. The explosion did not occur during a routine test and it was not a controlled test. The explosion was in fact controlled but not by any force friendly to Tomer, the Zionist entity, or IDF. That explosion, too, had a message. On Tuesday, April 20, in a public speech delivered during funeral procession held for Sardar Hejazi, the vice commander of Qods Force, Sardar Qa’ani, the current Commander of Qods Force (replacing Sardar Soleimani after his martyrdom) clearly and unambiguously declared:

“Today, in the resistance fronts from Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and the Children of Resistance [informal term that refers to all resistance fighters] every single day, delivers one major operation against the enemies including [US] America and Israel and they will continue this path until the global command has been achieved.”[3]

This statement was not a threat nor a warning nor a promise by Sardar Qa’ani. It was a declaration. The news vice commander of Qods Force, who was appointed after the martyrdom of Sardar Hejazi, announced on Thursday, April 22:

“The usurper Zionist regime must know that the resistance group in every segment of the planet earth are positioned right next to you and are getting you closer to your dusk.”[4]

In an interview conducted by Tasnim News Agency on Friday, April 23, with Hadi Qabisi, the director of Al-Ittihad Center for Development and Research, regarding recent explosions in Israel, he explained:

“The rules of engagement in the framework of the Resistance in terms of their demand and direction has changed. This now affects the change in balance in the region if the Resistance decides to go to war.”

“Mere shooting of missile from Syria to the occupied territories and reaching of that missile to Naqab region, regardless of what kind of missile whether it was air-to-air or surface-to-air or surface-to-surface, makes evident the inability of Israel defense system dubbed Iron Dome. This shows the erosion of Zionist Regime’s deterrence power while the capabilities of the Resistance Axis are increasing day by day. The consequence has a negative impact on all aspects of Zionist Regime. In addition, this military development cannot be separated from other events in the region such as Iran’s capability and power to strengthen its position in Vienna talks or an increasing tension between two global poles ([US] America and Russia) in other critical scenes such as Ukraine.”[5]

On Sunday, April 25, 2021, Major General Muhammad Baqeri, the Head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces, said:

“The Zionists think they could permanently target Syrian soil, create mischief in other places and in the sea without backlash. For certain, several operations in recent days and operations that are forthcoming will have a sobering effect on them and the future of the Resistance is quite bright. We will not announce anything about who exactly is doing which operation but responses from the Resistance camp to Zionists are quite significant. We will not specify the operation but Zionist regime will not be in peace.”[6]

On April 22, 2021, a letter signed by two members of the congressmen, Ted Deutch and Michael T. McCaul, and co-signed by nearly 300 other members, urged the full funding of security assistance to Israel in the Fiscal Year 2022 appropriations bills. An excerpt from the letter reads:

“Israel continues to face direct threats from Iran and its terrorist proxies. In February, an Israeli-owned ship in the Gulf of Oman was hit by a mysterious explosion that Israel has attributed as an attack by Iran. In 2019, Hizballah launched three anti-tank missiles at an Israeli Defense Forces vehicle in Israel. Hizballah is estimated to have an arsenal of over 130,000 rockets and missiles, and is believed to be developing new precision-guided munitions to be deployed in Lebanon. American security assistance to Israel helps counter these threats, and our rock-solid security partnership serves as a deterrent against even more significant attacks on our shared interests.”

“Congress is committed to maintaining Israel’s qualitative military edge and its ability to defend itself, by itself, against persistent threats. Our aid to Israel is a vital and cost-effective expenditure which advances important U.S. national security interests in a highly challenging region.”[7]

Regarding maintaining Israel’s “qualitative military edge”, firstly, maintenance is for that which already exists. The famed prophylactic dome is engineered to emulate eyed Swiss cheese and can protect Israel exactly as much as it has done for Saudi Arabia and US bases in Iraq and Persian Gulf oil well states with flag. Secondly, the cost of maintaining illusions in West Asia has decidedly increased exponentially for the United States of America and its most cherished regimes.


[1] Anna Ahronheim, Udi Shaham. “Syrian missile lands near Dimona nuclear reactor, interception fails.” The Jerusalem Post, April 22, 2021. Accessed online at:

[2] Yaniv Kubovich. Powerful Explosion Rocks Sensitive Israeli Missile Factory During Test. April 21, 2021.

[3] Khabar Online. “Unambiguous Message of Sardar Qa’ani to Israel and [US of] America during funeral procession of Sardar Hejazi.” Farvardin 31, 1400 [April 20, 2021] @11:14 am. News Code: 506836. Accessed online at:

[4] Tasnim News Agency. “Sardar Fallahzadeh, Vice Commander of Quds Force: Resistance Groups are positioned right next to Zionist Regimes Bases.” Ordibehesht 2, 1400 [April 22, 2021] @ 11:02 am. Accessed online at

[5] Tasnim News Agency. “Interview with Syrian Analyst: Zionist Regime’s Deterrent Capabilities are wearing out day by day.” Ordibehesht 3, 1400 [April 23, 2021] @ 21:03. Accessed online at:

[6] Tasnim News Agency. “Major General Baqeri: Future Operations will bring the Zionists to their senses.” Ordibehesht 5, 1400 [April 23, 2021] @ 10:45. Accessed online at:

[7] “Letter Chair DeLauro and Ranking Member Granger” addressed to Congress of the United States, Washington DC. Accessed online at: site.

بايدن يغازل طهران عبر الكاظمي وقاءاني في بغداد: لا نعدك بشيء

محمد صادق الحسيني

قالت مصادر وثيقة الصلة بمطبخ صناعة القرار الإيراني بأنّ رئيس الوزراء العراقي مصطفى الكاظمي تلقى رسالة خاصة من فريق بايدن يطلب منه نقلها الى أصدقائه في طهران، أن يتحمّلوا قليلاً ما سمّوه بالنفق الترامبي ويصبروا على استفزازاته الى حين استقرار الإدارة الجديدة والتي سيكون لها شأن آخر يختلف عن ترامب تجاه طهران…!

وقد قام الكاظمي بإرسال موفد عنه الى طهران لإبلاغ الإيرانيين هذه الرسالة الإيجابية من فريق بايدن، والتي تمّ تلقيها بكلّ مسؤولية واقتدار من دون أن يعدوا الأميركيين بأيّ شيء عدا عدم الانجرار الى ما قد يُقدم عليه ترامب من ارتكابات تصعيدية او استفزازية…!

في هذه الأثناء كان قائد لواء القدس في الحرس الثوري الإيراني اللواء اسماعيل قاءاني العائد لتوّه من زيارة رسمية مهمة لسورية التقى خلالها الرئيس بشار الأسد تمّت خلالها مناقشة كلّ القضايا الإقليمية والدولية لا سيما تنسيق المواقف تجاه تطوّرات المرحلة الانتقاليّة بين فريقي ترامب وبايدن، كان يحضر لزيارة بغداد في إطار زيارة رسمية من رئيس الوزراء العراقي مصطفى الكاظمي…

وبالفعل فقد قام قاءاني بزيارة بغداد الأربعاء الماضي والتقى المسؤول العراقي الأول وعدداً من الفصائل وقادة الأحزاب العراقيين، تحت «ظلال رسالة فريق بايدن»، لكن برنامج الزيارة كان معداً سلفاً لأمرين: العلاقات الثنائية والانتخابات العراقية البرلمانية المبكرة وكيفية مساهمة طهران في إنجاحها وتخفيف حدة التوتر بين الفصائل العراقية المناهضة للاحتلال الأميركي والكاظمي الذي يراهن كثيراً على توازن صداقاته مع كلّ من واشنطن وطهران…!

قاءاني كان واضحاً جداً مع الكاظمي بأنّ طهران لا تريد إلا الخير والاستقرار والاستقلال الناجز للعراق بناء على رؤية عراقية مستقلة، كما أنها لا تريد مطلقاً التدخل في الشأن العراقي الداخلي وكيفية إدارة كلّ الملفات المتعلقة بهذا الخصوص من انتخابات او أجندات تتعلق بمستقبل ونوع نظام الحكم العراقي، ومنها قضية الانتخابات التي هي شأن عراقي داخلي محض…

وفي ما يخصّ سؤال الكاظمي إنْ كان الموفد الإيراني يحمل رداً عليه قال قاءاني: لسنا مهتمّين بغير استقرار المنطقة، ولا نعدك بأيّ شيء آخر…!

متابعون وخبراء مطلعون على أجواء وفضاءات المنطقة وإقليم غرب آسيا يؤكدون في هذه الاثناء بأنّ أطراف حلف المقاومة في كلّ من طهران ودمشق وبغداد وبيروت متفقة على ضروة تهدئة المواقف العامة وتمرير ما اتفق على تسميته بـ «النفق الترامبي» الذي يبحث عن بقية ماء وجه لمن خسر كلّ معاركه الخارجية والداخلية وآخرها الانتخابات الرئاسية (أيّ دونالد ترامب)، وانتظار استقرار الإدارة الأميركية الجديدة، وحينها سيكون لكلّ حادث حديث..!

في هذه الأثناء نفت المصادر الآنفة الذكر أنّ يكون قاءاني قد زار بيروت، كما نفت أنه كان في سورية أثناء القصف الاسرائيلي لبعض مواقع الجيش العربي السوري الأسبوع الماضي، والذي ادّعت تل أبيب كذباً بأنها استهدفت مواقع لقوة القدس، ذلك انّ زيارة قاءاني كانت قبل ذلك بأيام ولم يتخللها أيّ تحرّك عسكري من جانب العدو الصهيوني، تماماً كما انّ العدوان الذي تلى تلك الزيارة لم يستهدف أيّ موقع استشاري للحرس الثوري الإيراني على الإطلاق.

بانتظار تحوّلات كبرى تزيد من خسارة الأميركي وهزائمه المتكرّرة والجسيمة في المنطقة مع استقرار إدارة بايدن في البيت الأبيض، وهي الإدارة التي ستأتي ضعيفة ومنعدمة الرؤية الواضحة تجاه محور المقاومة، ستقوم عملياً محلّ مقام إدارة منهكة ممزقة متقطعة الأوصال خائرة القوى تخرج بخفي حنين من كلّ معاركها الخارجية والداخلية كما أشرنا آنفاً.

بعدنا طيّبين قولوا الله…

قاآني: أيام عصيبة تنتظر أميركا و«إسرائيل» والجيش الأميركيّ أصبح منهكاً New Quds Force commander threatens US, Israel: ‘The difficult days have not come yet’


أكد قائد قوة القدس في حرس الثورة الإيراني الجنرال اسماعيل قاآني أن «الجيش الأميركي أصبح منهكاً»، لافتاً إلى أن «أياماً عصيبة تنتظر أميركا وإسرائيل».

وأضاف قاآني أن «ما حدث لحاملة الطائرات الأميركية هو نتيجة العمل والسلوك والجرائم التي ارتكبوها، وردّ على جرائم الحكومة الأميركية ونتيجة أعمالها وسلوكها»، وقال إن «على الأميركيين أن لا يتهموا الآخرين عبثاً في ما حدث لحاملة الطائرات فهم مَن أشعلوا هذه النار»، لافتاً إلى أن «الحادثة نفذت على يد عناصر أميركية، والله ينفذ عقابه ضدكم بأيديكم وهي رد على جرائمكم».

قائد قوة القدس أشار إلى أن «الحقيقة هي أن الجيش الأميركي منهك وتحوّلت تجهيزاته العسكرية إلى قطع حديد مهترئة»، متوعداً الولايات المتحدة و«إسرائيل» بأن «هناك أياماً صعبة تنتظرهما».

كلام قاآني يأتي بعد انفجار المدمرة الأميركية في سان دياغو في ولاية كاليفورنيا الأميركية يوم الأحد الماضي، والتي أصيب فيها 17 بحاراً من البحرية الأميركية و4 مدنيين لم تتضح طبيعة وظائفهم. وتشير المعلومات إلى أنّ المدمرة كانت تحمل صواريخ بعيدة المدى ما عقّد أعمال الإطفاء. وفتح البنتاغون تحقيقاً حول انفجار السفينة الحربية الأميركية.

وفي سياق آخر، قال أمين مجمع تشخيص مصلحة النظام في إيران محسن رضائي «ثأرنا القاسي للشهيد قاسم سليماني بدأ لكنه لم ينته بعد». وأضاف «ينتهي ثأرنا للشهيد سليماني بعد أن نُخرج الولايات المتحدة من المنطقة».

رضائي أكد أن «مدرسة الشهيد سليماني يمكن أن تساعد على إرساء نظام عالمي جديد».

New Quds Force commander threatens US, Israel: ‘The difficult days have not come yet’

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:40 P.M.) – What happened to the American aircraft carrier is the result of the work, behavior and crimes committed by the U.S., said the commander of the Quds Force, General Ismail Ghaani, the successor of the late Major-General Qassem Soleimani.

He said in a military meeting, as quoted by the Iranian Al-Alam TV channel:

“The Americans should not accuse others for what happened to the aircraft carrier because it was the result of the fire they set,” noting that “the difficult days have not come yet and there are very difficult days awaiting the United States and the Zionist entity.”

“The U.S. military is exhausted and its military equipment has turned into worn-out iron parts. America must accept its current state and not harm humanity and its people any more,” he added.

Brigadier General Ghayeb Bror, the senior adviser to the commander-in-chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, was also quoted by Al-Alam as saying:

“This psychological warfare does not affect any of the leaders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards by one iota. Our issue is to eliminate the fake and usurped regime that committed the worst crimes against humanity.”

He continued, “It is better for you to think about completing and protecting the high concrete walls that you have built around you so that the sons of Islam will not tighten you down.”

According to the New York Times, the U.S. and Israel formed a “joint strategy” to assassinate leaders of the IRGC.

Hostility between Tehran and Washington has grown since U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew in 2018 from the Iran nuclear deal and imposed sanctions on Iran that paralyzed its economy.

Iran responded by gradually reducing its obligations under the agreement signed in 2015.

The hostility reached unprecedented levels in early January, when the Iranian military commander, Qassem Soleimani, was killed in a U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport.

On January 9, Iran later responded by firing missiles at two bases hosting American forces in Iraq.

الزرفي يسقط بـ«ضربة» قاآني: مصطفى الكاظمي رئيساً للوزراء؟


نور أيوب الإثنين 6 نيسان 2020

الزرفي يسقط بـ«ضربة» قاآني: مصطفى الكاظمي رئيساً للوزراء؟
يحظى الكاظمي (الكادر) بتوافق شيعي وقبول وطني وكذلك برعاية إقليمية (أ ف ب )

مصطفى الكاظمي إلى الواجهة مجدّداً. أركان «البيت الشيعي» رشّحوه رئيساً للوزراء بديلاً من المكلّف عدنان الزرفي الذي سقط بضربة إسماعيل قاآني «القاضية». برهم صالح، بدوره، سيوقّع «كتاب التكليف» لحظة انسحاب الزرفي «رسميّاً» من سباق الظفر بمنصب «حاكم بغداد»لا يزال رئيس الوزراء المكلّف في العراق، عدنان الزرفي، مصرّاً على استكمال مهامه وفق «السياقات الدستوريّة». أنهى صياغة «منهاج وزاريّ» مقتضب، واضعاً مسوّدةً أولى لتشكيلته. أعلن رفعها إلى البرلمان خلال الساعات المقبلة من دون أن يجزم بقدرته على «تمريرها» لدى النواب. هذا التعسّر مردّه إلى «موقف» أركان «البيت الشيعي»، الذين اتفقوا خلال الساعات القليلة الماضية على بديل يحظى بدعمهم، في اجتماع عُقد في مكتب زعيم «تحالف الفتح» (ائتلافٌ برلماني يضم الكتل المؤيدة لـ«الحشد الشعبي»)، هادي العامري. أبرز الحاضرين إلى جانب الأخير كان زعيم «ائتلاف دولة القانون»، نوري المالكي، وزعيم «تيّار الحكمة الوطني»، عمّار الحكيم، إلى جانب قيادات شيعيّة أخرى. كتلة «سائرون»، المدعومة من زعيم «التيّار الصدري»، مقتدى الصدر، لم تحضر، لكنّها أكّدت مضيّها في أي توافق شيعي. أما «تحالف النصر»، بزعامة رئيس الوزراء الأسبق حيدر العبادي، فلم يشارك متمسّكاً بمرشحه الزرفي، ورافضاً أي مساس بـ«السياقات الدستورية»، لكنّه في الوقت عينه مع المضيّ بأي إجماع.

مخرجات الاجتماع أسفرت عن ترشيح رئيس جهاز المخابرات، مصطفى الكاظمي، للمنصب، إثر «صياغة» رؤية متكاملة للمرحلة الانتقاليّة، تحظى بتأييد ودعم «الفضاء الشيعي»، ومنها يُنطلق إلى «الفضاء الوطني»، أي تحقيق توافق مع المكونين «السُنّي» و«الكردي». هذا الترشيح جاء مغازلاً لمعايير «المرجعيّة الدينيّة العليا» (آية الله علي السيستاني) بالدرجة الأولى، من دون أن يستفز طرفاً دون آخر بالدرجة الثانية، كما أنه يحظى بدعم إقليميّ ــــ دوليّ بالدرجة الثالثة، ما يشكّل عنصراً لـ«التهدئة» في المرحلة الانتقاليّة، ضمن مهمة رئيسية هي إجراء الانتخابات التشريعية المبكرة، في غضون عام على أبعد تقدير.

تسلّمت بغداد رسالة أميركية تطلب فيها «فتح حوار استراتيجيّ»

عمليّاً، نجح قائد «قوّة القدس» في «الحرس الثوري» الإيراني، إسماعيل قاآني، في زيارته الأخيرة لبغداد، موجهاً «ضربة قاضية» للزرفي ومشروعه. كما شكّلت زيارته رفعاً لـ«فيتو» قيل إن طهران سبق أن وضعته على ترشيح الكاظمي. هذه الخطوة، وفق تعبير أكثر من مصدر، من شأنها أن ترسم ملامح المرحلة المقبلة التي يصفها البعض بـ«الهادئة»، وأنها محاولة لضبط الاشتباك القائم بين واشنطن وطهران في الميدان العراقي. هنا، يبرز استقبال رئيس الوزراء المستقيل، عادل عبد المهدي، السفير الأميركي لدى بغداد، ماثيو تولر، أمس، وتسليم الأخير رسالة من الإدارة الأميركية تطلب فيها «فتح حوار استراتيجيّ بين الحكومتين، اقتصاديّاً وثقافيّاً وتجاريّاً وأمنيّاً، بما يحقق مصالحهما المتبادلة، في ظل القرارات والمستجدات في العراق والمنطقة».

لكن تسمية الكاظمي رسمياً مرهونةٌ حتى الآن بإيجاد مخرج للزرفي، في ظل تضارب الأنباء عن إمكانيّة التصويت له برلمانيّاً، وسط تأكيد أنّه لحظة «خروجه من السباق» سيوقّع رئيس الجمهوريّة، برهم صالح سريعاً «كتاب التكليف»، وبذلك يكون مدير المخابرات أمام اختبار التأليف المحدّد دستوريّاً بثلاثين يوماً؛ فهل يكرّر سيناريو محمد توفيق علّاوي ويعتذر، أم سينجح، وخاصّةً أن حظوظ نجاحه كبيرة نوعاً ما في ظل الدعم الممنوح له «شيعيّاً»، و«وطنيّاً» عامة (علاقات الكاظمي مع مختلف الأطراف العراقيّة قويّة نوعاً ما، وخصوصاً مع قيادات «إقليم كردستان»)، وبصورة أعمّ الغطاء الإيراني ــــ الأميركي الموفّر له لتأدية مهمته المرتقبة؟

أمام هذا المستجد، يبقى عبد المهدي في منصبه شهراً جديداً وسط تقديرات أن يُطلق الحوار المرتقب مع واشنطن «قريباً جدّاً»، لحاجة الطرفين إلى ذلك في الظروف المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة الراهنة. حوارٌ، إن استطاع عبد المهدي، أو خليفته، الوصول به إلى «اتفاقية» ما، سيشكّل منعطفاً كبيراً وتحوّلاً في العلاقة بين الجانبين من جهة، وفي تموضع «عراق ما بعد صدام» وشكله من جهة ثانية.

فيديوات متعلقة

مقالات متعلقة

Turkish Forces Shell Syrian Army. U.S. Claims Iran Prepares Attacks In Iraq

South Front

Syrian Army positions in the town of Saraqib came under joint shelling from the Turkish Army and Turkish-backed armed groups late on April 1. Strikes were carried out from the area of Almastumah, where Turkish military positions are located. The April 1 incident became the second attack on Syrian Army troops in the area in the last 3 days.

At the same time, Turkish forces continue their military buildup in the Idlib de-escalation zone. Two more convoys with armoured vehicles and artillery pieces crossed the border into Syria. Before the start of Ankara’s Operation Spring Shield in February 2020, the number of Turkish troops in Idlib was estimated at 5,000. Syrian sources say that by April 2020 this number reached 7,000.

And there are no indications that Turkey is going to use this force to put an end to the presence of al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups in the region. Rather, it sees these groups as important allies and the pillar of its policy aimed at strengthening its control over northwestern Syria and turning it into a quasi-state under a Turkish protectorate.

Just recently, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, one of the groups that Turkish forces protect from the Syrian Army, executed a civilian accusing him of spying for Syrian government forces. 68-year Rifaat Mahmoud al-Daqqah, a former member of the Syrian Parliament, was detained by militants in May 2019. Terrorists claimed that he was providing the Syrian military with information on terrorists’ positions in the southwestern part of Greater Idlib, mainly around the town of Kabani.

Al-Daqqah, originally from the town of al-Janoudiyah, abandoned his position in the Syrian Parliament in 2011, in the early days of the crisis. Back then, militants pressured many officials and service members to defect by threatening their lives, families and businesses.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other Idlib groups regularly arrest and execute civilians, accusing them of spying for Syria, Russia or Iran. In most cases, they do not bother to support these claims with any evidence, rather they use such claims as a pretext to terrorize and subjugate the local population.

These atrocities happen right under the nose of Turkish observation posts, which have supposedly been set up by the Turkish military to restore security in the region. Nonetheless, it seems that Ankara has no problem with the execution of civilians, training of suicide bombers, arming of al-Qaeda-affiliated  groups or public calls to cleanse a majority of the population living in the government-controlled part of Syria as long as organizations doing this serve its foreign policy interests.

On April 1, Brig. Gen. Esmail Ghaani, the commander of Iran’s Quds Force, paid an unofficial visit to the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. He reportedly met with several influential Iraqi commanders and politicians, discussing with them the current security and political situation in Iraq. In March Brig. Gen. Ghaani visited Syria, where he inspected the frontlines in the northern province of Aleppo.

Ghaani succeeded former Quds Force commander Brig. Gen. Qassam Soleimani, who was assassinated in a US strike on Baghdad Airport in January 2020. His visit to Iraq comes amid the ongoing US effort to regroup its forces in Iraq and reinforce them with Patriot air defense systems. Two Patriot batteries are already there.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump announced that the US has “information” and “belief” that “Iran or its proxies are planning a sneak attack on U.S. troops and/or assets in Iraq.” Top US officials often make such claims before conducting strikes on targets affiliated with Iran and/or before announcing a new round of sanctions.

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Trump Sends Threats To Iran As New Commander Of Quds Force  Visits Baghdad

South Front

On April 1, Brig. Gen. Esmail Ghaani, commander of Iran’s Quds Force, paid a secret visit to the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, according to RT.

“The commander of the Quds Force has been in Baghdad since this morning, he met with some Iraqi politicians,” a source told the Russian news channel, adding “Ghanni discussed with them the formation of the Iraqi government and Iran’s position on Adnan Zarfi, who is charged with forming it.”

Ghaani succeeded former Quds Force commander Brig. Gen. Qassam Soleimani, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike on the Baghdad Airport in January of 2020. Last month, the commander visited Syria, where inspected the frontlines in the northern governorate of Aleppo.

Following the reports of Ghaani’s visit to Iraq, U.S. President Donald Trump threatened Iran, vowing to response to any attack on U.S. troops in Iraq.

The last few months witnessed a series of rocket attacks on Iraqi bases hosting U.S. troops. The U.S.-led coalition is now carrying out a partial withdrawal from the country. Most of the troops are being relocated to well-protected bases where air-defense systems are being deployed.

Ghanni’s secret visit and Trump’s threat indicate that Iraq may soon witness a new stand-off between Iranian-backed Shiite groups and U.S. forces. The situation could escalate very quickly. Washington is reportedly preparing for a war with Iran’s allies in the country.

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Suleimani Will to Be Read during Ceremony Marking 40 Days on His Martyrdom

 February 9, 2020

The will of Iranian powerful commander Qassem Suleimani who was killed by a US strike last January will be read on February 13 during a ceremony marking 40 days on his martyrdom.

Commander of the Tehran division of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Mohammad Reza Yazdi, said that the ceremony will be held on Thursday evening from 18:30 to 20:30 local time at Tehran-based Mosallah, Mehr news agency reported.

The new commander of Quds Force Brigadier General Ismail Qaani, who succeeded Suleimani, is going to read the will, Yazdi said, noting that IRGC commander Major General Hossein Salami will also address the event.

“Since the will of Martyr Suleimani is long, as he has left special wills for each segment of the society, only selected parts of the will is going to be read in the event,” added Yazdi

He went on to say that guests from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan, some Persian Gulf states, and some African countries will attend the event.

General Suleimani was assassinated alongside Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, Deputy Commander of Iraq’s Hashd Shaabi paramilitary force, by a US strike on Baghdad international airport on January 3. Millions of people in Iran and Iraq came to streets on funeral ceremonies of Martyr Suleimani and Al-Muhandis in different cities to pay tribute to their hero.

Source: Iranian media

Sheikh Qassem: Resistance Will Liberate Entire Palestine from the River to the Sea- Qaani, Haniyeh Discuss US New Plot against Palestine

February 2, 2020

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem stressed that the extent of unfairness, injustice and oppression observed in the so-called ‘deal of the century’ made it inviable, adding that all the Palestinians as well as the Arab and world leaders have rejected it.

Sheikh Qassem said that the US President Donald Trump announced his plan to achieve electoral purposes and rescue his Zionist ally Benjamin Netanyahu, emphasizing that the Palestinian resistance will frustrate this scheme.

His eminence also explained that the US plan aimed at eradicated the Palestinian existence in the occupied territories, adding that in 1948 the Zionists controlled 21 out of 28 thousand square kilometers and that in 1976 ‘Israel’ scattered its settlements in the remaining area which is about 6 thousand square kilometers.

Domestically, Sheikh Qassem called for giving a chance for the new government to prove its efficiency, highlighting the importance of the political stability in Lebanon.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Qaani, Haniyeh Discuss US New Plot against Palestine

February 2, 2020

Following the unveiling of the so-called ‘Deal of Century’ by the US administration, a top Iranian commander discussed the situation with Hamas leader.

In a phone conversation on Saturday evening, Quds Force Commander Brigadier General Esmail Qaani and Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Islamic Resistance Movement of Hamas, conferred on the US new plot for the region.

Qaani said that Iran is ready to foil this plot and confront its following dangers with the cooperation of the Palestinian people, especially the Resistance forces. Iran will continue its support for the Palestinian resistance and people as it did in the tenure of Martyr Suleimani, said the commander.

For his part, Haniyeh appreciated Iran’s stance towards Palestine, saying that all Palestinians reject this plan. Haniyeh said he is sure Palestinians enjoy the required power and determination to defeat this plot.

Qaani also held a separate phone conversation with secretary-general of Palestinian Islamic Jihad Ziyad Al-Nakhalah on Saturday.

Standing beside Israeli regime’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Donald Trump unveiled the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ some days ago.

Trump repeated his highly controversial endorsement of occupied Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s “undivided capital” as he outlined his administration’s self-styled plan for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which Palestinians have already dismissed.

He endorsed his contentious recognition in December 2017 of Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s “capital,” a move he took in the face of Palestinian demands that the holy city should serve as the capital of their future state. He said the plan envisages the city as the Israeli regime’s “undivided capital.”

The so-called peace plan is widely expected to take the US’s pro-Israeli brinksmanship to a whole new level, with various reports warning that it seeks to lay the groundwork for Israel’s annexation of about half of the West Bank, which the regime occupied in 1967, including most of the Jordan Valley.

Thousands of Palestinians protested in Gaza, and people across the West Bank and Jerusalem voiced their objection and anger over the contentious plan.

SourceMehr News Agency

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Murderer of Qassem Suleimani Killed in US Plane Crash in Afghanistan: Reports


Michael D’Andrea, head of CIA operations in Iran known as Ayatollah Mike

Michael D’Andrea, head of CIA operations in Iran and who orchestrated the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Suleimani, was killed in a US plane crash over Afghanistan’s Ghanzi on Monday, Veterans Today (VT) reported, citing Russian intelligence sources.

VT described D’Andrea as the most prominent figure of the CIA intelligence in the region, adding that the plane, with US Air Force markings, had reportedly served as the CIA’s mobile command for D’Andrea.

After the news was reported by Veterans Today, Iranian news agency Tasnim relaunched the topic. Then, other Iranian outlet Mizan did. Lastly, British media (the Mirror and the Daily Mail) as well as Israeli daily the Jerusalem Post also reported the news.

Also known as Ayatollah Mike, the Dark Prince, and the Undertaker, D’Andrea was appointed head of the agency’s Iran Mission Center in 2017. Under his leadership, the agency was perceived to take a more aggressive stance toward Iran. He was also reportedly involved in the assassination of Hezbollah top military commander Imad Mughniyah in Damascus, Syria (2008).

On Monday, the Taliban announced to have shot down the plane, while the US has denied the claim but has acknowledged the loss of a Bombardier E-11A plane in central Afghanistan. Images online have already circulated purportedly showing some of the charred remains of those on board.

Retaliation to Suleimani?

The Middle East Monitor reported that Suleimani’s successor as head of the IRGC’s Quds Force, Esmail Qaani, has established ties in Afghanistan going back to the 1980s, hinting out that the downing of the plane could be Iran’s retaliation to the assassination of Suleimani.

The media outlet also mentioned previous remarks by the chief commander of the IRGC, General Hossein Salami, who warned that no American military commanders will be safe if the US administration continues to threaten Iranian commanders.

D’Andrea CIA Record

D’Andrea, has been speculated to provide cover for CIA operations.

He also oversaw hundreds of drone strikes, which according to The New York Times “killed thousands of Islamist militants and hundreds of civilians”.

D’andrea is credited with being the mastermind behind the CIA’s notorious “signature strike” used to kill people based on their behavior, not identity, subsequently used to determine someone’s guilt or likelihood of being a “terrorist”.

He was central to the post-9/11 interrogation program and ran the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center. Assassinations and torture were central to his approach. He also oversaw the hunt for Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Source: Websites

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Russia Condemns US “Unacceptable” Threats to Assassinate New Quds Force Commander

 January 24, 2020

Russia has severely censured US threat to assassinate Brigadier General Esmail Qaani, the new commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), as “unacceptable.”

“I state once again that such statements are unacceptable for us. Such remarks have been made beyond rights and law, and representatives of world states are not entitled to utter them,” the Arabic service of Russia’s Sputnik news agency quoted Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova as saying at a news briefing in the capital Moscow on Thursday.

Earlier in the day, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman  Abbas Mousavi denounced Washington’s assassination threat against Brig. Gen. Qaani, stating that the latest remarks by US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook “are an official publicizing and blatant unveiling of targeted and state terrorism by the United States.”

“Now, after the Zionist regime [of Israel], the US is the second regime to officially announce that it has employed the resources of its government and armed forces for terrorist acts and that it will continue them in the future,” Mousavi added.

The Iranian diplomat further noted that Washington’s recourse to terrorist acts is a clear sign of “weakness, desperation, and confusion” among the officials of the American regime.

Mousavi then condemned “brazen remarks and terrorist acts” by US leaders, calling on the international community to also condemn them, “because the continuation of this trend would sooner or later befall everyone.”

Hook told the Arabic-language and Saudi-owned daily Asharq al-Awsat that the new Quds Force commander could face the fate of his predecessor, Lieutenant General Qassem Suleimani, who was assassinated along with the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and their companions near Baghdad International Airport on January 3.

In a message addressed to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Khamenei on January 9, Brig. Gen. Qa’ani vowed to continue the path pursued by Lt. Gen. Suleimani “with might.” He said the goal was to drive American forces out of the region.

On January 8, IRGC fired a number of ballistic missiles at al-Asad Air Base in Iraq’s western province of Andar, where more than 1,000 US troops are based, and another American military facility in Kurdistan’s regional capital Erbil.

The attack was in retaliation for US President Donald Trump’s authorization of a drone strike that assassinated Lt. Gen. Suleimani and his companions earlier this month.


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The US President Donald Trump assassinated the commander of the “Axis of the Resistance”, the (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) IRGC – Quds Brigade Major General Qassem Soleimani at Baghdad airport with little consideration of the consequences of this targeted killing. It is not to be excluded that the US administration considered the assassination would reflect positively on its Middle Eastern policy. Or perhaps the US officials believed the killing of Sardar Soleimani would weaken the “Axis of the Resistance”: once deprived of their leader, Iran’s partners’ capabilities in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen would be reduced. Is this assessment accurate?

A high-ranking source within this “Axis of the Resistance” said “Sardar Soleimani was the direct and fast track link between the partners of Iran and the Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Ali Khamenei. However, the command on the ground belonged to the national leaders in every single separate country. These leaders have their leadership and practices, but common strategic objectives to fight against the US hegemony, stand up to the oppressors and to resist illegitimate foreign intervention in their affairs. These objectives have been in place for many years and will remain, with or without Sardar Soleimani”.

“In Lebanon, Hezbollah’s Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah leads Lebanon and is the one with a direct link to the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He supports Gaza, Syria, Iraq and Yemen and has a heavy involvement in these fronts. However, he leads a large number of advisors and officers in charge of running all military, social and relationship affairs domestically and regionally. Many Iranian IRGC officers are also present on many of these fronts to support the needs of the “Axis of the Resistance” members in logistics, training and finance,” said the source.

In Syria, IRGC officers coordinate with Russia, the Syrian Army, the Syrian political leadership and all Iran’s allies fighting for the liberation of the country and for the defeat of the jihadists who flocked to Syria from all continents via Turkey, Iraq and Jordan. These officers have worked side by side with Iraqi, Lebanese, Syrian and other nationals who are part of the “Axis of the Resistance”. They have offered the Syrian government the needed support to defeat the “Islamic State” (ISIS/IS/ISIL) and al-Qaeda and other jihadists or those of similar ideologies in most of the country – with the exception of north-east Syria, which is under US occupation forces. These IRGC officers have their objectives and the means to achieve a target already agreed and in place for years. The absence of Sardar Soleimani will hardly affect these forces and their plans.

Front left: President Rouhani, Sayyed Khamenei, IRGC-Quds Chief Ismail Qaani

In Iraq, over 100 Iranian IRGC officers have been operating in the country at the official request of the Iraqi government, to defeat ISIS. They served jointly with the Iraqi forces and were involved in supplying the country with weapons, intelligence and training after the fall of a third of Iraq into the hands of ISIS in mid-2014. It was striking and shocking to see the Iraqi Army, armed and trained by US forces for over ten years, abandoning its positions and fleeing the northern Iraqi cities. Iranian support with its robust ideology (with one of its allies, motivating them to fight ISIS) was efficient in Syria; thus, it was necessary to transmit this to the Iraqis so they could stand, fight, and defeat ISIS.

The Lebanese Hezbollah is present in Syria and Yemen, and also in Iraq. The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki asked Sayyed Nasrallah to provide his country with officers to stand against ISIS. Dozens of Hezbollah officers operate in Iraq and will be ready to support the Iraqis if the US forces refuse to leave the country. They will abide by and enforce the decision of the Parliament that the US must leave by end January 2021. Hezbollah’s long warfare experience has resulted in painful experiences with the US forces in Lebanon and Iraq throughout several decades and has not been forgotten.

Sayyed Nasrallah, in his latest speech, revealed the presence in mid-2014 of Hezbollah officials in Kurdistan to support the Iraqi Kurds against ISIS. This was when the same Kurdish Leader Masoud Barzani announced that it was due to Iran that the Kurds received weapons to defend themselves when the US refused to help Iraq for many months after ISIS expanded its control in northern Iraq.

The Hezbollah leaders did not disclose the continuous visits of Kurdish representatives to Lebanon to meet Hezbollah officials. In fact, Iraqi Sunni and Shia officials, ministers and political leaders regularly visit Lebanon to meet Hezbollah officials and its leader. Hezbollah, like Iran, plays an essential role in easing the dialogue between Iraqis when these find it difficult to overcome their differences together.

Sayyed Ali Khamenei and IRGC General Ismail Qaani during the Iraq-Iran war

The reason why Sayyed Nasrallah revealed the presence of his officers in Kurdistan when meeting Masoud Barzani is a clear message to the world that the “Axis of the Resistance” doesn’t depend on one single person. Indeed, Sayyed Nasrallah is showing the unity which reigns among this front, with or without Sardar Soleimani. Barzani is part of Iraq, and Kurdistan expressed its readiness to abide by the decision of the Iraqi Parliament to seek the US forces’ departure from the country because the Kurds are not detached from the central government but part of it.

Prior to his assassination, Sardar Soleimani prepared the ground to be followed (if killed on the battlefield, for example) and asked Iranian officials to nominate General Ismail Qaani as his replacement. The Leader of the revolution Sayyed Ali Khamenei ordered Soleimani’s wish to be fulfilled and to keep the plans and objectives already in place as they were. Sayyed Khamenei, according to the source, ordered an “increase in support for the Palestinians and, in particular, to all allies where US forces are present.”

Sardar Soleimani was looking for his death by his enemies and got what he wished for. He was aware that the “Axis of the Resistance” is highly aware of its objectives. Those among the “Axis of the Resistance” who have a robust internal front are well-established and on track. The problem was mainly in Iraq. But it seems the actions of the US have managed to bring Iraqi factions together- by assassinating the two commanders. Sardar Soleimani could have never expected a rapid achievement of this kind. Anti-US Iraqis are preparing this coming Friday to express their rejection of the US forces present in their country.

Sayyed Ali Khamenei, in his Friday prayers last week, the first for eight years, set up a road map for the “Axis of the Resistance”: push the US forces out of the Middle East and support Palestine.

Iran general Ismail Qaani with Hamas Leader Ismail Haniya and various Palestinian leaders in Tehran.

All Palestinian groups, including Hamas, were present at Sardar Soleimani’s funeral in Iran and met with General Qaani who promised, “not only to continue support but to increase it according to Sayyed Khamenei’s request,” said the source. Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas Leader, said from Tehran: “Soleimani is the martyr of Jerusalem”.

Many Iraqi commanders were present at the meeting with General Qaani. Most of these have a long record of hostility towards US forces in Iraq during the occupation period (2003-2011). Their commander, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes, was assassinated with Sardar Soleimani and they are seeking revenge. Those leaders have enough motivation to attack the US forces, who have violated the Iraq-US training, cultural and armament agreement. At no time was the US administration given a license to kill in Iraq by the government of Baghdad.

The Iraqi Parliament has spoken: and the assassination of Sardar Soleimani has indeed fallen within the ultimate objectives of the “Axis of the Resistance”. The Iraqi caretaker Prime Minister has officially informed all members of the Coalition Forces in Iraq that “their presence, including that of NATO, is now no longer required in Iraq”. They have one year to leave. But that absolutely does not exclude the Iraqi need to avenge their commanders.

Palestine constitutes the second objective, as quoted by Sayyed Khamenei. We cannot exclude a considerable boost of support for the Palestinians, much more than the actually existing one. Iran is determined to support the Sunni Palestinians in their objective to have a state of their own in Palestine. The man – Soleimani – is gone and is replaceable like any other man: but the level of commitment to goals has increased. It is hard to imagine the “Axis of the Resistance” remaining idle without engaging themselves somehow in the US Presidential campaign. So, the remainder of 2020 is expected to be hot.

By Elijah J. Magnier
Source: Elijah J. Magnier