ولدت الحكومة… فهل ستنجح في مواجهة التحديات؟

فبراير 1, 2019

ناصر قنديل

– بعد تسعة شهور ولدت الحكومة اللبنانية، وبدت المحاصصة القائمة على الحساب الطائفي عنصر التعثر الأبرز، وستبقى تظلل المسار الحكومي عند كل منعطف، فتعطل أي أمل حقيقي بمكافحة الفساد الذي يحتمي أصلاً بالمحاصصة الطائفية، وستستقوي المحاصصة على كل وعود إصلاحية، في اعتماد الكفاءة بدلاً من المحسوبية في التوظيف، وستنجح المحاصصة الطائفية بتقاسم المشاريع والتلزيمات والأموال الموظفة من مؤتمر سيدر وغيره، وستنجح المصارف القائمة على المحاصصة ذاتها بنيل نصيبها الوافر من عائدات خدمة الدين وضخّ المزيد من سندات الخزينة، ويمكن تهنئة القيمين على تشكيل الحكومة بنجاحهم في استبعاد أي تمثيل للقوى غير الطائفية، والعابرة للطوائف، تأكيداً للشراكة في ارتكاب جرم المحاصصة الطائفية بكامل الوعي وعن سبق الإصرار.

– اللبنانيون يريدون أن يأملوا خيراً من الحكومة، وأن يقال لهم إنها ستطلق العجلة الاقتصادية وربما تنجح في حل مشاكل الكهرباء والنفايات، وستستفيد من الأموال التي ستضخها القروض لتحريك مشاريع مجدية تخلق المزيد من فرص العمل وتمنح المزيد من الآمال، لكن التجارب المشابهة منذ ثلاثة عقود تقول العكس، وبقوة. فهل سنشهد تغييراً في مقاربة ملفات الكهرباء والنفايات والاتصالات والنفط والغاز، ونحن نسمع عن شركات يجري تأسيسها هنا وهناك ووكالات لشركات أجنبية تسجل على قدم وساق، ومفاوضات على أشكال جديدة من التلزيم تتيح وضع اليد لحيتان مال قدامى وجدد على القطاعات القديمة والجديدة؟

– الحكومة ستعيش كما يفترض لأربعين شهراً، هي المدة التي تفصلنا عن الانتخابات النيابية المقبلة، وهي المدة الباقية لينجز عهد الرئيس ميشال عون بعضاً من الوعود ويحقق بعضاً من الآمال، وسيكون الرئيس ميشال عون وتياره السياسي وفريقه القيادي، وعلى رأسه الوزير جبران باسيل أكبر الخاسرين من فشل الحكومة، حيث سيكون لسان حال الناس في حال الفشل، أن التيار الذي لم يحقق وعوده في ظل وجوده في رئاسة الجمهورية وبحضور نيابي كبير وحجم وزاري وازن، لا يحق له أن يخاطب الناس طلباً لتجديد الثقة به نيابياً ورئاسياً بعد هذا الفشل، ولن يفيد في شيء الحديث عن تعطيل مارسه الآخرون، ففي لبنان دائماً هناك آخرون.

– الرئيس سعد الحريري المحاط بتراجع المكانة السعودية وتراجع مكانته فيها، وبتقدم مكانة سورية وتردّده بالتقدم نحوها، سيواجه ضغوطاً خارجية لربط التمويل بالموقف من سلاح المقاومة، وإغراءات تغطية الحصول على مشاريع تدر مالاً لرجال الأعمال المحيطين به، لكن معيار النجاح والفشل قبيل الانتخابات المقبلة سيكون في قدرته على تقديم وقائع تتصل بحياة الناس وخدماتها ومستوى معيشتها وثقتها بالدولة ومكان الكفاءة فيها ومكانتها بين دول المنطقة، وليس بقدرة ماكينته الانتخابية على التحرك وإنفاق المال. والفشل في هذه الحكومة سيعني مواجهة الحريري وتياره للإستحقاق الإنتخابي المقبل في ظروف أشد قسوة من الاستحقاق الذي مضى.

– ثلاثة أشياء يمكن لرئيسي الجمهورية والحكومة ولتياريهما والحكومة معهما فعلها، تعوّض الخلل في مقاربة الواقع السياسي المحلي والإقليمي، لها مفعولها وآثارها الاقتصادية المفصلية، وأولها السير بقانون انتخاب جديد خارج القيد الطائفي وفقا للتمثيل النسبي، عبر صيغة مجلسي النواب والشيوخ التي نص عليها الدستور، وذلك وحده يضمن بيئة سياسية متحررة من المحاصصة الطائفية يمكن فيها منح الكفاءات أملاً، وقطع الطريق على الفساد وفتح باب المساءلة والمحاسبة. وثانيها تخطي كل التعقيدات العربية وغير العربية في العلاقة مع سورية، والتوجه لمصلحة لبنانية عليا بالتكامل مع سورية، كرئة اقتصادية وفرصة ثمينة نادرة، وشريك في التاريخ والجغرافيا، وليس فقط تحت شعار حل قضية النازحين. وثالثها المجاهرة بأن أولوية لبنان الدفاعية ليست مناقشة مستقبل سلاح المقاومة بل الحصول على شبكة دفاع جوي أو تأمين حماية المظلة الجوية السورية أو الروسية السورية، لوضع حد للانتهاكات التي لن يفعل من يدعون لبنان لنزع سلاح المقاومة، في مواجهتها شيئاً، لبنان المنيع والمحصن بوجه العدوان الإسرائيلي والمتشارك مع سورية في خطط التكامل والإعمار، والذاهب لدولة لا طائفية تتيح مكافحة الفساد وتفتح طريق الأمل للكفاءات، هو لبنان الذي تستطيع هذه الحكومة اعتباره وعدها وجوهر بيانها الوزاري، إن أرادت وأراد القيمون عليها عدم الفشل، والوصول للاستحقاق الانتخابي المقبل بأقل المخاطر على لبنان، وعلى مستقبل الحياة السياسية والاقتصادية والأمنية، أمام فرضيات تعمق العصبيات والتوترات الطائفية وتآكل القوى الوسطية لحساب متطرفي الطوائف الأصليين.

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US Military Fights For Israel In The Middle East – Iran Is Not The Threat

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US Military Fights For israel In The Middle East – Iran Is Not The Threat!

Ken O’Keefe released his epic expose of the Israeli/Jewish lies about Iran that are being employed just as the “WMD’s in Iraq” lie was used to send American sons and daughters off to die for Israel in the invasion/occupation of Iraq. With Syria not all going according to plan, the ultimate target of Iran and the World War III agenda looks to be in overdrive with President Trump continuing the sickening and sycophantic role of Jewish US Presidents as Jewish whipping boys.

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The international regional victory and the local losses cannot be achieved together انتصار دولي إقليمي وخسائر محلية لا يستقيمان

Written by Nasser Kandil,

No one can prevent Hezbollah from its right in celebrating the victory which it achieved by imposing the nomination of the General Michael Aoun for the presidency of the Republic on Saad Al-Hariri, and making this nomination a compulsory way to fill the presidential vacancy and reactivating the processes of the country and its institutions, because the presidential elections in Lebanon have occurred at a moment of a negative balance in the balances of the regional and the international forces which rule the bloody existential  conflict between two campaigns, Hezbollah is on the forefront of one of them, while the Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri is heading the local team which is originally related and which is totally involved in the war in which Hezbollah is at its opposite bank, just for that was the confrontation between two presidential candidates, who every one of them represents the eagle in the front of his allies.

The General Michael Aoun was versus the Head of the Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea, but after the balances have changed in favor of the front which Hezbollah represents its additive value, two shifts have been changed in his favor, the first one is that Al- Hariri has withdrawn his nomination from the Geagea’ nomination in favor of one of Hezbollah’s closest allies; the Deputy Suleiman Franjieh, hoping to achieve a balance of losses; the nomination of Franjieh the ally of Hezbollah was by Al-Hariri, where Hezbollah withdraws its support from its candidate the General Michel Aoun versus Al-Hariri withdraws his nomination from his candidate Geagea.

The second development is the transferring of Geagea to the bank of the supporters of the nomination of the General Aoun to prevent the arrival of Franjieh to the presidency, thus was the insistence of Hezbollah stubbornly on continuing its sticking to the nomination of Aoun and considering him a compulsory way for the Lebanese presidency, bearing bleeding and suffering in the campaign of its alliances by refusing going on with a reliable important ally for the presidency, and bearing the lack of concern of its allies who have found according to the local considerations that the nomination of Franjieh is an opportunity for Hezbollah to achieve what it wants at the regional level and an opportunity  for them to cooperate with a convenient presidential candidate compared with their tense relations with Aoun, at the forefront of those the Head of the Parliament the speaker Nabih Berri. But after the steadfastness that lasts for months, the pressures and the bets of many people of the impossibility of the arrival of Al-Hariri to the stage of the ” political suicide” by accepting Aoun, something happened was not taken into account, so Hezbollah has achieved what it wanted, while the Prime Minister Al-Hariri has surrendered to the specific request, by announcing the nomination first then starting to overcome the obstacles.

It is not discussable that the surreal Lebanese scene internally which is full of riddles and puzzles of the positions of the teams toward the presidential elections cannot hide the fact that the resounding victory which was achieved by Hezbollah equals half of its victory in the war of July amid the international and regional absence of the equation of the Lebanese presidency, the decline of the alliance which Al-Hariri is standing in it, and the attainment of the crises of this alliance limits that made Al-Hariri  choose the bitter instead of the most bitter, in addition to the consequences of the defeat of his allies and their financial bankruptcy,  especially after what has affected Saudi Arabia politically, militarily, and financially, while Hezbollah feels the victories of its allies in Yemen, Iraq, and Syria since signing the understanding on the Iranian nuclear issue and devoting the first ally of Hezbollah a regional authority that is taken into consideration, as well as a devotion  of Russia’s status as a strong critical international ally in the policies of the basin of the Mediterranean Sea.

Furthermore the good selection of Hezbollah of its presidential candidate has contributed a lot in granting the elements of the internal steadfastness in this battle, waiting the regional international equation which Hezbollah’s opponents have linked their position toward the presidency with it, since the famous Al ‘Hariri’s speech in the beginning of the Syrian crisis that he does not want to return to Beirut but only from the Damascus Airport after the fall of the Syrian country and its president.

This selection has ensured superior standard in favor of Hezbollah by depending on representing the sects in the positions which depend on the wider representation of their leaders, so this has granted the equation of nominating Aoun positive objective reasons that can be defended strongly. Aoun as well has been granted the opportunity of the negotiation with Al –Hariri because he is his opportunity to return back to the presidency of the government according to his same nomination’s standard, and since he has the wider representation in his community. But these factors would not lead to the victory of Hezbollah without the disciplined dealing with ethics by the local partners of Hezbollah specially the ones who are mainly concerned with the presidential elections. So neither the Deputy Franjieh who has great fortunes as a candidate that the majority can grant him the opportunity to win has accepted to abandon or to gamble with his alliance with Hezbollah in exchange of the temptation of presidency, nor the Head of the Parliament who supports Franjieh and who objects the arrival of Aoun has accepted to take this adventure. Thus the victory of Hezbollah which the General Michael Aoun is celebrating today is the outcome of the steadfastness of Hezbollah and its stability, as it is the outcome of the steadfastness of the General Aoun and his stability; it is also the outcome of the keenness and loyalty of the two allies Berri and Franjieh.

Hezbollah ends the regional international victory today with the announcement of Al-Hariri of the nomination of Aoun, in order to start the path of preventing the turning of the unprecedented regional international victory of a president “Made in Lebanon” who is a trusted ally president by the resistance and a friend of Syria into losses that affect the alliance of the resistance from the inside, and thus the relation of Hezbollah with the political, military, demographic, social, and cultural partner  will be affected with distress and tension, and this strategic partnership between Hezbollah and the Speaker Berri will be affected also with disinclination, if Hezbollah does not have the same attitude due to the refusal of going on in presidency but in partnership, as the political background of the allies of Hezbollah will be affected internally with many losses due to the internal understandings which surround the arrival of the General Aoun to presidency, As the understanding with Al-Hariri on one hand, and the understanding with the Lebanese forces on other hand, thus Hezbollah finds itself in front of an entitlement that is not of less importance than what has passed, how it can turn the victory  after what it achieved of regional and international profits into profits that are shared by the allies of the same options, not profits for some and losses for others.

The turning of the regional and the international profit into local profits provided the continuation of this profit has started with the ally who standstills as a candidate and has got the support of Hezbollah due to his representative magnitude and his political steadfastness, he feels today that he has become closer than any  other day to enter Baada Palace as a President of the Republic, and the current challenge how can Hezbollah from this balance re-gather the profits and distribute them on the allies rather than the distribution of losses. The matter is not mere reassuring against the groups of the two or three despite their importance, but by the real partnership in the form of the rule that shows the values of the coalition in which Hezbollah has presented an example of their practicing according to the standards of loyalty and altruism. The General Aoun the presidential candidate is proceeding from his new position thus this led to the dispelling of the doubts and the misgivings of the partnership’s offers that cannot be refused by the allies who doubt, and whom their positions are not compared with what they say against him today. So the happy advocates of the General Aoun raises against them vilification campaigns, some consider them enemies, for example, Al-Hariri who was an enemy of yesterday or Geagea who was an enemy before have become friends. Their position is measured by looking deeply in the question what if Berri and Franjieh decide to attend the session of presidential election without a partnership with Hezbollah, as was the nomination of Franjieh supported by Al-Hariri and the Deputy Walid Jumblatt, and there was not a problem of ensuring the quorum or the majority, so was that possible without their position?

The example of the winning president by the force of the stability of the resistance and the loyalty of their allies, even if it is against their interests is achieved by making the victory inclusive to the allies, and by giving up of the profits and sharing them among the allies as well as by refusing the temptation of monopolies which Al-Hariri will encourage Aoun to commit them to obtain alike. While the stability, prosperity, and starting from a strong era are able to stop any collective rule in which the profits are in parallel with the roles and the sacrifices in achieving the victory, not with the oral positions toward the nomination. So the form of rule which the General Aoun will present its example to the allies as partners in drawing the choices and making decision not as consolation prizes offered to them will determine whether the internal resistance alliance is capable of accommodate its regional and international victory.

So this openness to the balanced equal partnership alone can deny what is said about understandings under the table, or groups of two or three and will reassure the souls and the concerns and will be a base for the era of stability, prosperity, and the establishment of a country.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

انتصار دولي إقليمي وخسائر محلية لا يستقيمان

ناصر قنديل
– لا يمكن لأحد أن يحجب عن حزب الله حقه في الاحتفال بالنصر الذي حققه بفرض ترشيح العماد ميشال عون لرئاسة الجمهورية على الرئيس سعد الحريري، وجعل هذا الترشيح ممراً إلزامياً لملء الفراغ الرئاسي وإعادة تحريك عجلة الدولة ومؤسساتها، فقد وقع الاستحقاق الرئاسي في لبنان على لحظة توازن سلبي في موازين القوى الإقليمية والدولية التي تحكم صراعاً دموياً وجودياً بين معسكرين، يقف حزب الله كرأس حربة في مقدّمة أحدهما، ويتربع الرئيس سعد الحريري على رأس الفريق المحلي المرتبط عضوياً والمتورّط كلياً في خنادق القتال في الحرب التي وقف حزب الله على ضفتها المقابلة، ولذلك كانت بداية المواجهة بمرشحين رئاسيين يمثل كلّ منهما الصقور في جبهة حلفائه، فتقابل العماد عون ورئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع، ومع دوران الموازين دورة أولى لصالح الجبهة التي يمثل حزب الله قيمتها المضافة حدث تحوّلان لصالحه: الأول سحب الحريري لترشيح جعجع لحساب أحد حلفاء حزب الله المقرّبين، النائب سليمان فرنجية أملاً بتحقيق توازن خسائر يأتي بفرنجية حليف حزب الله بترشيح من الحريري، وبسحب حزب الله دعمه لمرشحه العماد عون مقابل سحب الحريري لمرشحه جعجع، والتطور الثاني انتقال جعجع إلى صفوف داعمي ترشيح العماد عون منعاً لوصول فرنجية. فكان إصرار حزب الله بعناد أشدّ على مواصلة التمسك بترشيح عون واعتباره ممراً إلزامياً للرئاسة اللبنانية، متحمّلاً نزفاً وآلاماً في معسكر تحالفاته برفض السير بحليف موثوق ووازن للرئاسة، وتحمّل فتور مع حلفائه الذين وجدوا للاعتبارات المحلية أنّ ترشيح فرنجية فرصة تحقق لحزب الله ما يريده على المستوى الإقليمي وتشكل لهم فرصة تعاون مع مرشح رئاسي مريح مقارنة بعلاقاتهم المتوترة بعون. وفي مقدمة هؤلاء رئيس المجلس النيابي نبيه بري، وبعد صمود لشهور وتحمّل للضغوط ورهان الكثيرين على استحالة بلوغ الحريري مرحلة «الانتحار السياسي» بالقبول بعون حدث ما لم يكن في الحسبان، وتحقق لحزب الله ما أراد ورضخ الرئيس الحريري وسار وفق الطلب المحدّد، يعلن الترشيح أولاً ثم نبدأ بالعمل لتذليل العقبات.

– ليس ثمة فرصة للنقاش في أنّ المشهد اللبناني السريالي داخلياً، والمليء بالألغاز والأحجيات بمواقف الأطراف من الاستحقاق الرئاسي لا يستطيع أن يحجب حقيقة النصر المدوّي الذي حققه حزب الله، والذي يعادل نصره في حرب تموز، وسط غياب دولي وإقليمي عن معادلة الرئاسة اللبنانية، وتراجع في الحلف الذي يقف الحريري على خطوط تماسه، وبلوغ أزمات هذا المحور حدوداً جعلت الحريري يختار المرّ بدلاً من الأشدّ مرارة، مع تداعيات هزيمة حلفائه وإفلاسهم المالي، خصوصاً ما يصيب السعودية سياسياً وعسكرياً ومالياً، فيما يشعر حزب الله ويتلمّس معالم انتصارات حلفائه في اليمن والعراق وسورية، منذ توقيع التفاهم على الملف النووي الإيراني وتكريس الحليف الأول لحزب الله مرجعاً إقليمياً يُحسَب له الحساب، وما تلاه من تكريس لمكانة روسيا كحليف دولي قوي صانع حاسم للسياسات في حوض البحر المتوسط. ولا شك في المقابل أنّ حسن اختيار حزب الله لمرشحه الرئاسي ساهم كثيراً في توفير مقومات الصمود الداخلي في هذه المعركة، بانتظار أن تفعل المعادلة الإقليمية الدولية التي ربط خصومه موقفهم من الرئاسة بها، منذ خطاب الحريري الشهير بعزمه ألا يعود إلى بيروت إلا من مطار دمشق بعد سقوط الدولة السورية ورئيسها، مع بداية الأزمة السورية. وقد وفر هذا الاختيار معياراً متفوّقاً لصالح حزب الله هو اعتماد تمثيل الطوائف في المناصب التي تقع من نصيبها التمثيلي بين الرئاسات للأوسع تمثيلاً من زعمائها، ما منح معادلة ترشيح عون أسباباً موجبة موضوعية يمكن الدفاع عنها بقوة ومنح عون المرشح فرصة التفاوض مع الحريري بصفته فرصته للعودة إلى رئاسة الحكومة، وفقاً لمقياس ترشيحه ذاته، بصفته الأوسع تمثيلاً في طائفته. لكن ما كان لهذه العوامل أن تثمر هذا النصر لحزب الله لولا التعامل المنضبط بأدبيات التحالف من شركاء حزب الله المحليين، خصوصاً المعنيين الأساسيين منهم بالاستحقاق الرئاسي، فلا النائب فرنجية كمرشح ذي حظوظ كبيرة في مرحلة تبلور أكثرية قابلة لمنحه فرصة الفوز رضي بالتخلي أو المقامرة بحلفه مع حزب الله لقاء إغراء الرئاسة، ولا رئيس المجلس النيابي المؤيد لفرنجية والمعترض على وصول عون رضي بخوض هذه المغامرة. فكان نصر حزب الله الذي يحتفل به العماد ميشال عون اليوم، ثمرة صمود الحزب وثباته كما هو ثمرة صمود العماد وثباته، لكنه أيضاً ثمرة حرص الحليفين بري وفرنجية ووفائهما.

– يُنهي حزب الله ترصيد النصر الإقليمي الدولي اليوم مع إعلان الحريري لترشيح عون، ليبدأ مسيرة منع تحوّل النصر الإقليمي الدولي غير المسبوق برئيس «صنع في لبنان»، هو رئيس حليف موثوق للمقاومة وصديق لسورية، إلى خسائر يتشظّى معها حلف المقاومة في الداخل، فتصاب علاقة حزب الله بالشريك السياسي والعسكري والديمغرافي والاجتماعي والثقافي بالتأزم والتوتر، وتصاب هذه الشراكة الاستراتيجية بين حزب الله والرئيس بري بالجفاء إذا لم يبادله حزب الله بالمثل موقفاً من رفض السير بالرئاسة إلا بالتشارك، كما تُصاب البيئة السياسية لحلفاء حزب الله في الداخل بخسائر متعدّدة من شظايا التفاهمات الداخلية المحيطة بوصول العماد عون للرئاسة، كالتفاهم مع الحريري من جهة والتفاهم مع القوات اللبنانية من جهة أخرى، ليجد حزب الله نفسه أمام استحقاق لا يقلّ أهمية وخطورة عما مضى. كيف يعيد تدوير النصر بما حققه من أرباح إقليمية ودولية، كأرباح يتقاسمها الحلفاء في الخيارات الواحدة، لا كأرباح للبعض وخسائر للبعض الآخر، فلا يتحوّل عرس في مكان إلى مأتم في مكان آخر.

– تحويل الربح الإقليمي والدولي إلى أرباح محلية شرط استمرار هذا الربح ووهجه. وقد بدأ مع تكريس رصيد الرابح الأول، الحليف الذي صمد كمرشح واستحق دعم الحزب بجدارة حجمه التمثيلي وصموده السياسي، الذي يشعر اليوم أنه بات أقرب من أي يوم آخر لدخول قصر بعبدا رئيساً للجمهورية. والتحدي الراهن كيف يتمكن حزب الله من خلال هذا الرصيد إعادة تدوير أرصدة الأرباح وتوزيعها على الحلفاء بدلاً من توزيع الخسائر. والأمر ليس مجرد طمأنة ضدّ الثنائيات والثلاثيات، على أهميتها، بل بالتشارك الحقيقي في نموذج للحكم يجسّد قيم التحالف التي قدّم حزب الله مثالاً على ممارستها بمعايير الوفاء والإيثار، فيقدّم العماد عون المرشح الرئاسي الأوحد، من موقعه الجديد، ما يبدّد الشكوك والهواجس بعروض للشراكة لا يمكن رفضها من الحلفاء المتوجّسين، والذين لا يقاس موقفهم منه بما يقولونه ضدّه اليوم، ويثير جمهور مؤيدي العماد الفرحين بترشيحه ضدّهم حملات التشنيع، فيراهم بعض هؤلاء المؤيدين أعداء ويصير الحريري الذي كان عدو الأمس أو جعجع الذي كان عدو أول أمس صديقاً. يقاس موقف هؤلاء بالتمعّن في سؤال، ماذا لو ارتضى بري وفرنجية النزول إلى جلسة انتخاب رئاسية بدون شراكة حزب الله يوم كان ترشيح فرنجية مدعوماً من الحريري والنائب وليد جنبلاط وما كان ثمة مشكلة بتوفير النصاب ولا بتأمين الأغلبية، وهل كان يمكن وصول الأمور إلى ما وصلته اليوم لولا وقوفهما هذا الموقف؟

– نموذج الرئيس المنتصر بقوة ثبات المقاومة ووفاء حلفائها لها، ولو ضدّ مصالحهم، يتجسّد بجعل النصر جامعاً للحلفاء، ليس بتبويس اللحى بل بالتنازل عن المكاسب وتدويرها بين الحلفاء، ورفضاً لإغراء احتكارات سيشجع الحريري عون على ارتكابها لينال مثلها، بينما الاستقرار والازدهار والانطلاق بعهد قوي قادر وقف على تركيبة حكم جامع، تتوازى فيه المكاسب مع الأدوار والتضحيات في بلوغ النصر وليس مع المواقف الكلامية بحق الترشيح، فصيغة الحكم التي سيعرض نموذجها العماد عون على الحلفاء ومدى اتساعها لأحجامهم كشركاء كاملين في رسم الخيارات واتخاذ القرارات، لا كجوائز ترضية تعرض عليهم، هو الذي سيقول ما إذا كان حلف المقاومة الداخلي قادراً على استيعاب نصره الإقليمي والدولي، بعدما دخل هذا النصر إلى البيت وجلب معه رياحه إلى الاستحقاق الرئاسي. وهذا الاتساع المفتوح الصدر للشراكة المتوازنة والمتكافئة وحده ينفي ما يُقال عن تفاهمات تحت الطاولة وعن ثنائيات وثلاثيات، ويطمئن النفوس والهواجس ويؤسّس لعهد الاستقرار والازدهار وقيام الدولة.



حتى لا يُسْرَقَ الانتصار ولا يُشوَّه

العميد د. أمين محمد حطيط
من المسلم به أنّ المقاومة وحزب الله تحديداً فرض مرشحه لرئاسة الجمهورية اللبنانية العماد ميشال عون مرشحاً وحيداً قادراً على الوصول الى سدة الرئاسة، إنْ لم يكن بإجماع نيابي يحوز على أصوات جميع النواب الذين مُدّد لهم في مجلس انتهت ولايته، فأقله بإجماع وطني شكّلته مروحة المؤيدين والداعمين المتنوّعة، والتي تشمل كلّ الطوائف والمناطق اللبنانية. وانحصرت معارضة البعض لهذا الترشيح في إطار من طبيعة مصلحية شخصية ونظرة الى مستقبل وضعه وكيانه السياسي لا علاقة لها بالمصلحة الوطنية من أيّ وجه من الوجوه.

ومنذ البدء التزم حزب الله بترشيح العماد عون للرئاسة التزاماً مبنياً على قواعد أخلاقية وقواعد سياسية. وقال بالفم الملآن إنْ شئتم رئيساً، فهذا هو مَن يستحق المنصب، وإنْ رفضتم فانتظروا، ولكن لن تأتوا برئيس غيره ، مؤكداً التزامه بمرشح رآه هو المؤهّل والمتقدّم عن سواه. ولو استجاب الفريق الآخر لهذا الموقف يومها لانتخب العماد عون منذ 29 شهراً. والآن وبعد ان استجاب باتت الطريق سالكة الى انتخاب بشروط حزب الله والفريق الوطني المتحالف معه، وفي طليعته التيار الوطني الحر.

لقد التزم حزب الله أخلاقياً بترشيح العماد عون وفاء لوعد قطعه على نفسه بلسان أمينه العام في ساحة النصر في العام 2006 بأنّ في رقبة الحزب ديناً إلى يوم القيامة لكلّ من وقف معه في لحظة المحنة أثناء العدوان الإسرائيلي على لبنان، وميشال عون كان في طليعة مَن وقف مع المقاومة وآمن بانتصارها ودعا الى احتضان جمهورها الذي هُجّر، قام بذلك رغم انّ هذا الموقف كان شبه انتحار سياسي له ولتياره السياسي، خاصة أنه وعلى بعد 3 كلم من منزله وفي عوكر كان سياسيون لبنانيون يتحلّقون حول مائدة السفير الأميركي يتلقّون التعليمات كيف يتصرّفون عندما يُهزم حزب الله، وأيّ السكاكين يستعملون لتقطيع جسده. وبعد الـ 2006 كان العماد عون مؤيداً صلباً للمقاومة ومدافعاً عنها بكلّ ما أوتي من قوة وبيان.

أما في السياسة وقد تكون عند البعض أهمّ من الأخلاق، لكننا لا نراها كذلك، فقد رأى حزب الله أنّ وصول العماد عون الى الرئاسة يعني له ما يلي:

1 ـ وصول القيادي المسيحي الأول الى المقعد المسيحي الأول، أو بصيغة أخرى وصول المسيحي ذي القوة التمثيلية المسيحية الأعلى او المطلوب من أغلبية المسيحيين الى المقعد المسيحي الأول. وفي ذلك تحقيق للعدالة الخاصة بلبنان الذي لا يعرف الديمقراطية الحقيقية، بل يعتمد نظام فيدرالية الطوائف ويسمّيها الديمقراطية التوافقية. وهذا النظام يفرض أن يمثل الطائفة في السلطة أقواها تمثيلاً واعتماداً من قبلها. وهذا ما فعله الشيعة في مجلس النواب وما فعله السنة في الحكومة، فلماذا يكون المسيحيون والموارنة استثناء على القاعدة؟

2 ـ وصول الشخص الذي رفعت المملكة العربية السعودية الفيتو بوجهه وحاولت أن تفرض عبر موقفها وصاية على لبنان، والكلّ يعلم أنه عندما آذن مقعد الرئاسة للشغور ورشح العماد عون للمقعد وبدأ سبر أغوار القوى المحلية والإقليمية، كان قول وزير الخارجية السعودي سعود الفيصل يومها قاطعاً لمن سأله: عون مرشح إيران ممنوع وصوله الى الرئاسة . ثم رفضت السعودية أيّ محاولة لفتح قناة معها لإعادة النظر بهذا الموقف مذكرة دائماً بأنّ عون حليف حزب الله وهي عدوة الحزب، فكيف تقبل بحليفه؟ ودفع عون مرة أخرى ثمن تحالفه مع الحزب الذي أبرم تفاهماً معه في شباط 2006… لكن نجاحه في الوصول اليوم يُعتبر تجاوزاً لذاك الفيتو ونجاحاً لحزب الله.

3 ـ وصول شخصية سياسية قوية مستندة الى قاعدة شعبية وقاعدة نيابية وقاعدة تحالفية وطنية عريضة، ما يمكنها من تقويم الاعوجاج في الحكم ومحاربة الفساد في الدولة، خاصة أنه صاحب فكر وتيار إصلاحي. وبالتالي يكون وصوله بمثابة الفرصة لوضع حدّ لعملية النهب المبرمج لثروات الدولة وتعطيل مرافقها العامة لصالح الجيوب الخاصة. ولإحياء النصوص المعطلة ووضع حدّ للتحريف والانحراف عن القانون والدستور والاجتهادات البدع التي راجت في الأشهر الأخير حول تطبيقهما.

وبالتالي رأى حزب الله أنّ وصول العماد عون لرئاسة الجمهورية يشكل انتصاراً له على الصعد كلها الأخلاقية والسياسية والاستراتيجية والوطنية وحتى الإدارية، وفرصة لتصحيح تطبيق الطائف أو حتى تعديل ما يستوجب التعديل من نصوصه حتى لا يُضطر لبنان لاحقاً الى 7 أيار جديد من أجل مواجهة الانحراف. ومن أجل هذا الانتصار رفع حزب الله شعاراً بسيطاً كبيراً: تريدون رئيساً انتخبوا عون او انتظروا الى… شعار تمسّك به حتى أذعن الرافضون وسقطت الاعتراضات المانعة وباتت طريق عون الى الرئاسة سالكة وبطمأنينة. ولكن بدأ الفريق المهزوم في خياراته المذعن لخيارات المقاومة يحاول أن يشوّه الانتصار او حتى يسرقه، وللأسف ظهر البعض في فريق دعم المقاومة ومن غير قصد يعين هؤلاء في سعيهم التخريبي من غير أن يدري.

انّ انتخاب العماد عون رئيساً للجمهورية اللبنانية يشكل وبدون أدنى شك انتصاراً للمقاومة، لأنها فرضت خيارها، وصحيح انها اضطرت للتضحية بقبول مَن هو سعودي الجنسية والسياسة مع جنسيته اللبنانية رئيساً لحكومة العهد الأولى، إلا انّ الواقعية تفرض القول بأنّ الانتصار المستقرّ القابل للاستثمار هو ما يمكن للخصم احتماله من هزيمة، وعملاً بهذا المنطق كان على المقاومة أن تضحّي بشيء يمكّنها من تحقيق الانتصار هذا ويمكّنها من استثماره. ووجود ميشال عون في سدة الرئاسة مع وفائه وقوته يشكل ضمانة رسمية لسلاح المقاومة تضاف الى الضمانة الأساسية التي يشكّلها السلاح بذاته. وهذا هو بيت القصيد على صعيد الفريق الآخر.

والآن، ولأنّ المقاومة انتصرت راح المتسلّقون على الانتصار وبوقاحة كلية يحاولون تجريد حزب الله من انتصاره. مرة بالقول إنه لا يريد رئيساً، ومرة أنه لا يريد عون رئيساً، ومرة بأنّ نواب الحزب لن يصوّتوا لعون، ومرة بالقول إنّ تظاهرات سينظمها الحزب لقطع الطريق على انتخاب عون رئيساً في 31 10 2016… إلى ما هنالك من اختلاقات وأكاذيب عرف مطلقوها أصلاً بالإجرام والفتنة ويصرّون اليوم على تاريخهم. وهنا كان الموقف الحاسم والردّ الذي واجههم به السيد حسن نصرالله في خطابه الأخير ضرورياً لإفشال المسعى الإجرامي الاغتصابي هذا.

اما في مجتمع المقاومة، فصحيح انّ لمكوناته الحق بأن يكون لهم رأيهم السياسي وموقفهم، ويجب أن يحترم لهم ذلك، لكن الصحيح أيضاً ان لا يتجاوز الموقف والممارسة حدود اللعبة السياسية ضمن الفريق الواحد وألا يصل الى التسبّب بالشرذمة والانقسام، إذ ليس معقولاً ان يكون تبني ترشيح عون من قبل الخصوم موحداً لهؤلاء الخصوم ومفرّقاً للفريق الذي رشحه ودعمه وتمسك به حتى فرضه على الجميع. وليعلم الجميع في الصف الوطني المقاوم انّ قطار الانتصار الذي يسير بثقة في لبنان والإقليم لصالح محور المقاومة يتسع للجميع، فلا يخطئوا الحسابات ويضيّعوا مقاعدهم فيه من غير مبرّر او دون إدراك…

أستاذ في كليات الحقوق اللبنانية

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When US Marine Speaks the Truth

Friends of syria

We will repeat it over an over again until the sheep WAKE UP.


Green Party VP is a ‘9/11 denier’!


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A few weeks ago, Jewish Lobby was very excited over both Republican and Democrat parties picking-up pro-Israel vice-presidents, Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana (Catholic Zionist), and Sen. Tim Kaine (Catholic Zionist), a close friend of Jew billionaire George Soro.

Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein, a Self-Hating, Israel-Threatening (S.H.I.T) Jew has crossed the ‘red line’ by picking Ajamu Baraka as her running-mate.

Ajamu Baraka is an internationally-known Afro-American human-rights activist. He has worked with US Congress and UNHRC in the past. He infuriated Israel by attending the Durban Conference on World Conference Against Racism in September 2001 in south Africa.

Ajamu Baraka is a Christian who agrees with Minister Louis Farrakhan on America’s foreign policy such as its blind support for the Zionist regime, wars on Iraq and Libya, and regime changes in Ukraine, Syria, and Lebanon. Baraka also believes that Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, and other Muslim terrorist groups were created by the US in order to invade Muslim nations.

Baraka called Barack Obama ‘Uncle Tom president’, and criticized Dr. Cornel West over endorsing Bernie Sanders.

The Jewish Lobby has now accused Ajamu Baraka for contributing an article to the 9/11 denier Kevin Barrett, PhD, 20016 book, Another French False Flag? Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernadino. The book also included articles from some of famous Israel-haters like Israel-born British author Gilad Atzmon, French philosopher Alain Soral, American cartoonistDavid Dees, and former US Marine Ken O’Keefe.

Baraka also appeared on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad radio show twice. Dr. Barrett contributes to Iran’s Press TV on regular basis.

Jill Stein has come under fire from the pro-Israel Jewish groups for backing the BDS movement, and for deleting social media posts mourning the passing of Elie Wiesel following complaints from critics of the ‘Holocaust Myth’ maker.

In order to be accepted by her tribe, Jill stein should follow her Canadian counterpart Elizabeth May who recently criticized her party over boycotting the Zionist entity. In December 2014, Elizabeth May, however, asked Canadian government of Israel-Firster Stephen Harper to conduct a parliamentary review into the events that occurred in the United States on September 11, 2001.

Ken O’Keefe: Only Israelis Were Arrested on 9/11

Ken O’Keefe discusses Israeli involvement in 9/11 and the possibility of a coming world war.

Saudis are ‘Preferential Fall Guys’: Ken O’Keefe on the Redacted 28 Pages

In his usual characteristic and “colorful” language, Ken O’Keefe dissects the so-called redacted 28 pages as well as the ingrained corruption and dysfunctionality of the US political system, plus a few other topics. The last time I posted a Ken O’Keefe video we had a complaint from one of our readers about the profanity–and yes it’s true, I normally don’t post anything containing a lot of obscene language. But O’Keefe, in addition to being an ex-US Marine, is also an unabashed truth-teller, so in his case I normally make an exception.

An interesting aside to all this is that while the US has begun to accuse the Saudis of a role in 9/11, the Saudis are now launching a counterattack. A few days ago,Brietbart published a report saying that Saudi media outlets are now alleging (accurately, I might add) that the buildings which collapsed on 9/11 were brought down as a result of controlled demolition.

The report particularly singles out an article from the London-based Al-Hayat, a Saudi-owned publication, that was published on April 28. Here is a key passage from that article:

September 11 is one of winning cards in the American archives, because all the wise people in the world who are experts on American policy and who analyze the images and the videos [of 9/11] agree unanimously that what happened in the [Twin] Towers was a purely American action, planned and carried out within the U.S. Proof of this is the sequence of continuous explosions that dramatically ripped through both buildings. … Expert structural engineers demolished them with explosives, while the planes crashing [into them] only gave the green light for the detonation – they were not the reason for the collapse. But the U.S. still spreads blame in all directions.

While the US and Saudi Arabia are now–somewhat comically–pointing fingers at each other over 9/11, regrettably  neither has worked up the nerve to utter a damning word implicating Israel. Perhaps the Saudis would do well to realize that while they may think they have a nice buddy-buddy relationship with the Zionist state, in the US–a nation whose Congress is totally under the thumb of the pro-Israel lobby–they are nothing more than the “preferential fall guys.”

For right now, at any rate, it’s little other than a gunfight in the O.K. Corral between Saudi Arabia and the US, with Israel sitting over on the sidelines taking it all in, bemused. But significantly, perhaps, the Brietbart report is datelined “Tel Aviv,” the article having been authored by Israeli writer Deborah Danan, while the translation of the Al-Hayat article was provided by MEMRI–all of which might suggest nervousness in certain quarters as to where all these accusations and counter-accusations may eventually be leading.

See also: The Real 9/11 Museum

K. O’Keefe in Burlington VT: (Prince, Chemtrails & Jewish Supremacism)

WATCH – Ken O’Keefe dissects israel and yehudi arabia

Ken O’Keefe in Berkley – March 2016 – “Jewish Power” & World Citizen Solutions

Published on Mar 26, 2016

In this talk Ken rips into politically correct barriers and speaks frankly about the challenges we face in the cause of creating a better world. Ken is currently touring the USSA on his ‘Fuck the TSA/Homeland Security Tour’, for the latest dates and times of Ken’s speaking engagements check the Facebook page set up for this purpose; https://www.facebook.com/events/59563…

Ken O’Keefe Rant: Stuck at LAX and Disgusted with ‘Godforsaken’ America

I think we can all sympathize. O’Keefe reportedly was on his way to a conference in Acapulco, Mexico.



River to Sea
 Uprooted Palestinian   

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Is Israel a ‘Psycho State’? Interview with Ken O’Keefe

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

A Window Into Jewish Vindictiveness

May 31, 2015  /  Gilad Atzmon

The Canary Mission’s clip is a glimpse into Jewish vindictiveness. The Canary Mission is a Jewish Zionist organisation that vows to track pro-Palestinian activists and ruin their lives as well as any prospect of a professional future for them. Pretty grim but slightly more merciful than traditional crucifixion.

But the Canary Mission is not at all unique in its spite. Sadly enough, the ‘liberal’ JVP is practicing some very similar tactics. We recently came across JVP’s call to excommunicate Alison Weir, a legendary American activist.  Along the years, we have seen JVP, JFJFP and Mondoweiss campaigning repeatedly and relentlessly against some of the most profound speakers for Palestine, peace and justice – people such as Ken O’Keefe, Greta Berlin, George Galloway, Myself and many others.

I guess that the conclusion is inevitable. This form of vindictiveness that is manifested by the Canary Mission, JVP, Mondoweiss and JFJFP is actually intrinsic to Jewish Diaspora politics, both Zionist and anti-Zionist.  If Jewish liberals want to reinstate their position in the solidarity movement, they must take a clear step and openly retract their recent campaigns and also vow to avoid repetition of these tactics in the future.

Policing Solidarity

May 30, 2015  /  Gilad Atzmon

By Gilad Atzmon

I believe  it was my recent expose of JVP’s harassment, slander and herem (excommunication) campaigns that led to a new petition calling on us to  “End slander in the pro-Palestine movement online.”

Of course I oppose slander and abuse, but I also reject any form of censorship and thought control. Even though, more than anyone else, I have been the target of vile slander, I will not sign this petition nor will I support it.

The petition pledges to “block”, “delete” and/or “remove” those who behave in such a way as to interfere with ‘unity’. Do I have to remind our activist ‘undersigners’ that while ‘unity’ is not exactly a value, truth, justice and freedom most certainly are?

Rather than blocking the JVP leadership for tagging Ken O’Keefe as a ‘prominent Neo Nazi’ or associating Alison Weir with ‘White Supremacism’, we have to deal with the problem by openly questioning why these tactics are prevalent within certain Jewish groups – both Zionist and anti-Zionist – and why they keep appearing in our midst. And at the same time we must encourage our Jewish liberal ‘allies,’ as they call themselves, to search their souls, self-reflect and then to mend their ways.

I suggest that those who signed this petition bear in mind that the solidarity movement is not the ‘end’ nor is it the ‘goal’, it is only the ‘means.’  And our precious ‘unity’ is insignificant and redundant unless we learn to exchange freely and without fear.

Rather than turning this movement into an ‘ideological collective,’ driven by a quest for correctness, let it be simply a melting pot of thoughts, ideas and activism, but all aiming at truth and justice rather than at conformism and unity.

From Abe to Abby – The JVP’s Thought Police

By Gilad Atzmon 

In the old good days when anti Zionism was still a universal ethos, it was Abe Foxman and the notorious ADL who crudely interfered with freedom of speech. Not anymore. Abe Foxman will retire soon and the ADL is busy restraining Pamela Geller but Abby Harms and the Front Range Jewish Voice for Peace, insist upon giving new life to the old tiresome ADL rhetoric.

In an effort to justify JVP’s failed attempt to cancel an A to Zion book signing event by me in Denver, Abby Harms and her JVP front resurrect all the old ADL tactics. She libels, she lies, she attempts to interfere with freedom of speech and the right to assemble and she labels Ken O’Keefe, one of the bravest friends of Palestine, as a ‘Neo Nazi’ no less.  She admits she is acting ‘as a Jew’ and on behalf of JVP. If you are not yet disgusted, Abby reports that she has just started her master’s degree in “International Human Rights.”  Talking about ‘rights’, maybe Abby and her cosmopolitan comrades at JVP, who claim to care about ‘international human rights’, should consider reading the American Constitution and familiarize themselves with the First Amendment rights to free speech and assembly.

Denver Talk JVP attempted to cancel https://youtu.be/XN9NUG5W7kI

“As a Jew”, Abby writes, “I am personally appalled by his (Atzmon’s) claims that Jewish culture and ‘Jewishness’ are inherently racist and the main problem behind Israel and the Diaspora.” I am inured to Jews being ‘personally appalled as Jews,’ yet I have yet to be confronted by any attempt to produce a counter argument. Is not Jewish culture inherently racist? I can produce plenty of evidence it is racist, but where is a shred of evidence it isn’t? Is not the Jewish State racist? Maybe Abby Harms should ask herself what drives her tribal political affiliation that connects her with JVP, a Jewish exclusive political cell? Can Ken O’Keefe, a father to Palestinian children, become JVP secretary once our Jewish ‘allies’ at JVP issue an apology for calling him a ‘neo Nazi’? Apparently not: Ken is not racially qualified for the position. Ken isn’t alone. Even Ali Abunimah and Omar Barghouti who work closely with JVP are not racially qualified. At the moment, the racist Jewish State is well ahead of JVP in terms of tolerance and diversity. At least in the Israeli Knesset the 3rd biggest party is an Arab Party.

Abby argues that, like Zionists, my position is that “Jews and Zionists are one and the same.” This is not true. What I claim is that Jewish ‘anti’ Zionists are, in practice, Zionists to the core (AZZ-Anti Zionist Zionists). Like ADL’s Abe, JVP’s Abby is primarily concerned with Jewish tribal interests. Abby might be wise to read a recent ADL report of a NYC conference featuring Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro and myself. If Abby can’t stomach reading my book “The Wandering Who,” she can learn from the ADL that I contend that Jews who follow the Torah and Jews who identify with Jewish ancestry form neutral categories. It is only those who identify politically as Jews (e.g. Zionists, JVP, ADL, Abe & Abby) whom I castigate as a problematic category of Jews who subscribe to racially oriented politics and ideologies.

The farce is endless. Can you imagine a Jewish political campaign devoid of Jewish victimhood? Abby, the Jewess ‘human rights’ enthusiast can’t bear responsibility for her own acts. Though Abby admits to launching a campaign to interfere with my Denver talk, she sees herself as the victim. Abby writes, “we got a huge amount of backlash on our Facebook page from Gilad himself and his following, mostly exposing themselves to be full of hate.”

If there were any truth to Abby’s claim, why did Abby and JVP immediately delete all comments? When hate is established, we expect ‘human rights’ activists to point it out and expose it to the wider public. But Abby/JVP concealed the truth. Apparently, Abby/JVP erased the comments because they reflected badly on JVP, the ‘Jews in the movement’.

If anti-Semitism is defined as goyim’s reaction to Jewish bad behaviour. Abby and JVP‘s bad behaviour has not helped their cause. I strongly urge Abby and the JVP to reassess their approach because this criticism that I have expressed for quite a while has become a tidal wave of defiance against their tribal operation in our midst.

In her desperate attempt to justify her futile campaign against me and the Colorado solidarity activists who were her allies until that point, Abby writes, “I think our Jewish voices are very important in this movement to make sure people know that actions of the Israeli government are not representative of all Jews. Gilad wants to destroy this.”

I have never issued a call for Jews or anyone else to be expelled from ‘this movement’ or any other ‘movement’! Quite the opposite, it is the ‘Jews in the movement’ who repeatedly explore the Talmudic herem and call for excommunication of some of the most profound voices associated with the solidarity movement. When Abby accuses me of trying to “destroy” the Jewish voices in the movement she clearly projects her own tribal symptoms. It is Abby/JVP who are repeatedly caught attempting to destroy people in this movement and beyond. We have had enough of this controlled opposition in our midst.


I would have loved to see Abby, JVP and other Jews drifting away from their clannish and racist tribalism, but as far as can tell, we have long way to go. As things stand Abby Harms and Abe Foxman are actually tribal twins. Q&A in Denver:

“Jewish Voice For Peace” Denver division smears Ken O’Keefe, Trevor LaBonte as “neo-Nazis,” Gilad Atzmon “racist,” anti-Semitic”

Texas-Israel protest pic 1 (1)Ed note (Trevor) ~ Dear TUT readers, all three of my Facebook pages are blocked, so I hope you don’t mind me posting my response a recent post on JVP’s Facebook page recent attack where they had the gall to call myself, Gilad Atzmon, Ken O’Keefe racists, anti-Semitic, neo-Nazis, and all the usual hateful and untrue slurs that people in this “movement” have to endure, when in fact it is Judaism which is the 800-pound, racist elephant stinking up the room and crushing people against the walls. It is you who are the liars and hate criminals.

“Jewish Voice For Peace” Denver division smears Ken O’Keefe, Trevor LaBonte as “neo-Nazis,” Gilad Atzmon “racist,” anti-Semitic”

“Jewish Voice for Peace” is a mind-boggling organization. It is run by 26 jews and one transgender person, and is one of the premier controlled opposition obstacles in the battle for unhindered discourse. http://mouqawamahmusic.net/gilad-atzmon-vindicated-the-jewish-supremacy-of-jewish-voice-for-peace/

Consider for a moment, the sheer chutzpah it takes for Jews to see themselves as the leaders of the movement to free Palestine. Jews do not believe gentiles are human, so how can they legitimately be considered ethical “voices” for anything? Isn’t it way past time for humanity to put its foot down on the raging, seething, frothing Jewish moral relativism disease that doesn’t believe non-Jews’ lives have any sanctity at all?

I have been over it elsewhere here on my blog, I have been repeating this message for about 4 years. JVP is wrong. Zionism is not colonialism. It is different. Colonialist projects must have a parent state. In the case of the borderless, constitution-less, racist, belligerent Zionist entity, it’s only parent is Judaism, the idea that the entire planet and all of it’s inhabitants are the property of the jews. Remember, gentiles are animals, this is why Jew’s can’t understand the concept of other people’s property rights or the right to live free from tyrannical Jewish globalist forces.

The controlled opposition’s one job is to control the discourse. There is a nice little sweet spot at the crossroads of the global truth movement, its only vulnerable place, where the Jews are feverishly trying to prevent certain knowledge from being assembled by the goyim. A number of people are awake to “Israel’s” ultra-violent, racist, Talmudic policies against the Palestinians. They don’t yet understand that Israel’s very existence is the problem, not its policies. But nonetheless, these are the people who are starting to wake up and are actively seeking answers, wrestling with their own sense of duty and morality, what to do, while the rest of the world sleeps or doesn’t care.

Certain Jews like the total bastards at JVP have to slip on one of their many infamous masks of Zion and busy themselves with convincing people that Jews are nice people and lots of them want peace. Judaism could NEEEEVER be the problem, move along, nothing to see here.

The brutal reality is that these is no basis for peace within Judaism or jewishness. The millennia of violent, genocidal outpourings of the jews are rooted directly in the unmitigated supremacism of considering themselves “chosen.”

That is the trick: keeping gentiles in the dark about the wild hatred of gentiles which oozes from every word or any Jewish religious OUR secular writings. There is no way around it, people who want answers to why their is so much horrific violence and so much conspiring by our governments need to know that these zio-collaborator governments and  institutions are nothing but a front for Jewish world-government interests and secret societies.

Then, the next step. People must be shown what Jews are. What do they believe? What makes some one “Jewish?” Who are these people? Where do they come from? What do they believe?

The answer is extremely disturbing.

It requires no commentary to water it down, just look at the Jews’ writings.https://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/readtalmudlately.html No where will you say any jew say that jews’ and gentiles’ lives have equal value. That is the farthest possible concept away from what jewish thinking is all about. It is like a vegetarian Tyrannosaurus. It needs to be added that Jewish religious books are hidden from gentiles, for reasons which will become obvious. They are not in libraries. They are only in Synagogues, and the Library of Congress, but you can still look at photocopied pages in the link above. I hope you like reading about the Jewish necessity of “exterminating” you. BTW, this is where the jews lift their ideas about “Nazi exterminations” and “the Holocaust ™,” directly from THEIR OWN religious writings. That’s how uncreative they are, this monster likes to project its own criminality and collective guilt upon its victims. Horrid.

They talk about exterminating us, call us goyim (cattle), they literally think we are animals, we are their slaves, their property, and as such we have no rights. Read in the Talmud, Zohar, and other jewish writings yourself. You are to be killed, you are evil, you are Amalek, etc. Why am *I* called racist? If JVP is so concerned with racism, why not expose the worst, most cancerous kind of racism, JUDAISM? What a bunch of kosher clowns they are. How can any one stand it the soul-torturing hypocrisy of this charade?

A Jew cannot think gentiles’ lives have value, that thought runs counter the very essence of Jewishness. It makes him not a Jew. The existence or non-existence of “good, honest Jews” is a red herring issue to throw people off the trail. We are not talking about individuals, we are talking about THE JEWISH IDEOLOGY.

And as Gilad Atzmon has pointed out in the past, we are free to criticize ideologies. This is not a form of racism or bigotry. It is the simple observation that Judaism is the world’s most extreme form of moral relativism. The Jewish belief that gentiles are literally lower than excrement is the only vulnerable aspect of the NWO. It must be confronted directly.

Back to JVP. Everything they say is a slimy deception. For one thing, they are a ZIONIST group. People that do not oppose the existence of a Jewish state on top of the blood and ashes of Palestine are called ZIONISTS. Why is a Jewish Zionist group trying to steer the Palestinians’ movement? It shouldn’t take much effort for people to see it is just simple controlled opposition. The only way the Jews’ ensure their own victory is by leading the opposition and causing it to fail on purpose, why they have done time after time.

By observing what the controlled opposition does, we can determine how to kill the Beast in the end. Study their baloney arguments and it all becomes so painfully apparent. Jews are using the controlled opposition to create a diversion. They know that if they can be allowed to control what people are allowed to think and say, the Jews have all the power. This is why humanity’s first battle is to LIBERATE THE DISCOURSE. Our pursuers know it is impossible to solve a problem you are not allowed to investigate, define, or describe. We will continue to fumble in the dark against this enemy until we know what it is. And forgive me for repeating myself, but the Jewish believe that non-Jewish life has no sanctity, the non-univeral, moral relativist essence of Judaism, is the kill switch that humanity needs to slam down to shut down this global nightmare.

But JVP is far too busy calling me, Ken O’Keefe, and Gilad Atzmon “neo-Nazis” and “anti-Semites.”  Try to talk about the blatantly jewish attack on 9/11. The Mossad left its filthy fingerprints all over the crime scene, for Pete’s sake. Or what happens when you confront them about all their sappy holocaust references? Most people are still unaware of the fact that the Holocaust is a fictional event. Go ahead and look for any real evidence, it doesn’t exist. Amazingly, I made it into my 30’s without anyone ever suggesting that maybe we were lied to by the jewish owned news and entertainment industries and indoctrination (education) system.

9/11 and the Holohoax are two of the main pillars of the Judaic World Order. Smash them every chance you get, if you want to see the monolithic, evil apparatus crumble. But Jewish supremacism  itself is the core of the Judaic Death Star.

For people like me, who find themselves beholding the black, oily, pumping Jewish heart of the NWO, who followed the rabbit hole all the way down, this is one of the few honors bestowed upon us. We get called “anti-Semites” by the most despicable jews of all, the ones who wrap themselves in the Palestinian flag while feverishly sanitizing the discourse of any talk that will lead to results.

And please, neo-Nazi? Give me some credit. I have written may posts about how the entire “neo-Nazi” concept was invented by jews who want to conceal the truth about WW I and II. Did you ever see anyone in NSDAP Germany covered in tattoos and piercings, shaving their heads, or any of that shit? It is all strictly and image being pumped out by the Jewish media. NSDAP Germany was focused on its own survival, not on hatred of non-white people, contrary to what any jewish propagandist anywhere will tell you. I am so sick of Jews calling people “Nazis.” The term is a fully loaded epithet, no different than a jew calling black “nigg*r.” Those were good people, simply trying to set themselves and Europe free from the tyranny of the Rothschild criminal banking enterprise and the jewish bolshevik terror. Let people no longer tolerate the slander and desecration of the names and souls of the German people, or anyone else for that matter.

I just can’t get over the inability of JVP to ever cite any real information about me. Nazi, please. And it made my day to be mentioned alongside Gilad Atzmon, David Duke, and Ken O’Keefe, two of the best truth warriors in the world. Let JVP keep showing its ass to the world, that is what will cause the collapse of the very entity it is supposed to be protecting.

Here is the text from the “Front Range Jewish Voice for Peace” Facebook page:

[Begin quote]

This Friday, Gilad Atzmon will be speaking at Mutiny Cafe. Here is our response:

“As Front Range Jewish Voice for Peace, we are aware of the presence of right-wing rhetoric and casual anti-Semitism amongst many groups who oppose Zionism and many policies of the state of Israel. Many of us in Denver have noticed the influence of intellectually lazy anti-Zionism, which points the finger at Jews for our role in perpetrating the Israeli occupation, as opposed to the wider problem of Zionism and settler colonialism. In Denver, many are captivated by rhetoric like that of Gilad Atzmon, whose alliance with prominent neo-Nazis such as David Duke, Trevor LaBonte, and Ken O’Keefe is often hidden behind the smokescreen of his opposition to the state of Israel. His targeting of our own allies in the Palestine solidarity community such as Ali Abunimah, Noam Chomsky, and Jeff Halper are volatile and counter-productive to finding peace in Israel/Palestine.

This rhetoric and politics are not to be tolerated. When anti-Semitism infiltrates Palestine solidarity circles, it negatively impacts us as Jews. It is a clear form of racism that should be challenged at all times.

Atzmon and anti-Semitism in the Palestine solidarity community are a distraction from the issue at hand, namely the occupation of Palestine by Israel. We want to shift the conversation away from solely anti-Semitism. The more pressing conversation we want to have is one that recognizes that the anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia that sustains the occupation of Palestine comes from the same mindset as traditional anti-Semitism.

It is important for us to recognize as Jews that we are all affected by Israel’s actions. Israel falsely claims to represent us as Jews. The Israeli Law of Return gives us the right to move to Israel and live anywhere we want. Some of the same apartments that Diaspora Jews could be buying or renting in Palestine are built on top of the same land that is confiscated from the indigenous people of Palestine: in the Jerusalem area and the West Bank. Resentment of Diaspora Jews for the benefits we receive is warranted, and comes from a legitimate place of rage, because these benefits come at the expense of the Palestinian people.

Our leaders, and much of our community, have failed us by not speaking out against the injustices being done in our name. They often have a stronghold on Jewish public opinion. Whatever anti-Semitism we encounter within our movements obscures our role as ordinary Jews who oppose Zionism and the failures of these institutions. Given that Palestinians are always presumed to be anti-Semitic by US and Israeli propaganda, we do not need white Americans who claim to be members of our ranks reinforcing these false claims.

Ultimately, anti-Semitic rhetoric makes our movement hypocritical. It prevents us from standing up for those victimized by anti-black racism in the wake of the deaths of Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, and far too many more. It prevents us from fighting for justice for poor people and people of color in Denver being pushed out by increasing gentrification. It prevents us from seeking justice for Ryan Ronquillo and Jessica Hernandez, who were killed by the police here in Denver. It prevents us from challenging the racism under which our world has been held captive for the last 500 years of human history. Therefore, we officially condemn statements of Gilad Atzmon and others that seek to portray Jews as an inherently flawed group of people.”


Ok, for the billionth time, I have never been a racist. Notice how they compare us with the people that perpetrate racial hate crimes. I thought I was just criticizing an ideology? Find one instance when I even mentioned race, it doesn’t exist. Now look in the jews’ books and you will see that A)The consider themselves a race,  and B) they belief this “race” was chosen by God to own and rule the planet in a despotic one-world government. Hypocrisy and lies much, Jews? Again, why not choose to attack me on something I ACTUALLY did, say, or believe? Why am I always confronted with this scarecrow “Neo-Nazi” version of Trevor LaBonte? I denounce JVP in the strongest terms possible, and I denounce equally the jewish ideology too, just like Jesus did, and for the same exact reason, do you Christ-killer bastards understand that yet? You persecute the innocent for criticizing and exposing you own evil, for for that, I must say F*CK YOU, F*CK ALL OF YOU, until you can learn to be civilized and embrace universal morality like Christians, Muslims, and all other good people.

I don’t oppose jews for racial reasons, I oppose their ideology specifically because it is racist. I have never focused on Jews as a people, but we need to take a blowtorch to their racist ideology before it can turn any more our the planet into the nightmarish hell-scape they have already made it into. Do not tolerate these jewish lies, they are not against racism, they are the biggest racists in the world, and what the world needs is to know the truth about it. Expose JVP, Mondoweiss, Electonic Intifada, and all the rest of it. If it’s jewish, it’s supremacist and it’s crap. Period.

Please, world, catch on. This is why the “progressive Jewish left”‘s only task is to censor people, they don’t give a care Palestine, or they would address the only thing responsible for the current situation. Yes, JVP is a racist organization, which does not allow non-Jews in it’s higher, decision-making positions. And until it states that all the invader jews all need to leave Palestine, it is a ZIONIST organization. Of the worst kind. A deceptive Anti-Zionist-Zionist organizing which is snuffing out free speech while emitting a smoke-screen that “Judaism is not the problem, 9/11 was Muslims…the holocaust happened, and you deserve death if you don’t believe our top-notch Hollywood psych-war propaganda about that. ‘Greater Israel?’ The “Oded Yinon Plan” to spread zionist terrorism and chaos throughout the entire region to creat a Jewish super-state from the Nile to the Euphrates?’ NEVER HEARD OF IT. MOSSAD BOMBS, 9-11 Mural Vans, Dancing Israelis? Oy vey, you anti-Semite and your conspiracy theories! JVP condemns you! Away with you cursed Amalekites! Long live the Jews, the Master Race! Fall into our one-world government system!” The Palestine issue, although it is a main flashpoint of humanity’s war for survival, is not the axis around which the world revolves. It is just one part of a much larger mosaic of world tyranny. If the controlled opposition can fool you into into focusing only on Palestine, then the magician’s trick has been successful. As long as you think that “Zionism” and Israel are the only problems, you don’t focus on the fact that what we have is a top-down pyramid organization, with the Rothschild cabal at the top. Usury is the issue here, the world will be in the Rothschilds’ chains until the people wake up and stop letting the jews control global money supply, turning it on and off like tap water, engineering wars, famines, depressions, economic crashes, VIOLENT COUPS, and other atrocities against humanity. Almost all of the world’s problems are connected directly to these jews and their web of co-conspirators. You don’t believe in Jewish conspiracies? Then you don’t know one thing about Judaism, because it IS one big conspiracy against humanity. Why should we tolerate the ideology that is leading directly to our own deaths? These are not my words i am talking about, I am talking strictly of what is written it the various and numerous books of the Jewish religion, which state repeatedly that gentiles are to be KILLED?

I confront you directly with information such as this, and you have to make up lies and deceptions to cover your own ass, JVP? You call me a racist? To that I say unequivocally, I am not. I am calling YOU racist, because you are Jewish. Don’t compare me to people that perpetrate violent hate-crimes. Compare yourselves. And stop murdering free speech, it is the very thing which leads to murdering people. Do the math. I know you are good at math. “6 million! 6 million! Anti-semitism!” Right?

I read that the German government has now been extorted out of more than 100 BILLION dollars as a result of your Nuremberg kangaroo courts and international propaganda campaigns which are so heaping with Jewish bullshit. Lets get this straight: Usury and Jewish Bolshevism were the problem, Germany was reading a continental resistance against it. YOUR people were the bad guys, the communists and communist partizans. JEWISH regimes murdered 66 million Russians, and the jewish propaganda about the “Nazis” is turning out to be better as fodder for a crappy Hollywood movie than an story which makes sense and can be explained logistically. People really are seeing through it.

No thanks, JVP, I don’t need your bullshit. Go read your Talmuds and be good little Jews, all 26 of you that run your Orwellian little joint. But don’t lie about me to cover your own chosenite asses. It’s pathetic. And it indicates that the jig is up for you. You have been identified and exposed, and you can’t present a real argument why people such as Gilad Atzmon are racists. We oppose you because you are an ideological collective of moral relativists, not a race. We say this again and again, and still, you can only tell lies and fairy tails as you awkwardly flail and beg people not to suspect you of being controlled opposition, part of the enemy apparatus.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

In Gratitude of JVP

May 08, 2015  /  Gilad Atzmon

I want to thank JVP (Jewish Voice For Peace) for once again displaying their corrosive attitude.  The following is another clumsy ad hominem attack: no facts, no attempt to substantiate. It is a crude, futile exercise in policing free thought and interference with the understanding of Jewish Identity politics, Israel and Zionism.Our Jewish ‘peace’ merchants are panicking for a good reason. They realize that I am about to blow the whistle. I have recently complied a devastating document that proves that the Jewish solidarity project has successfully derailed the pro Palestinian campaign. In the next two weeks I will present my case in 10 American cities and on radio and TV shows.

These Jewish activists preach against ‘right wing rhetoric’ but they themselves operate within racially exclusive political cells.  Maybe they should finally disclose how many ‘goyim’ hold seats within their ‘Jews only’ JVP board. Is it possible that the Zionist Knesset is more diverse than the ‘anti’ JVP?  You can decide for yourself.

Once again these Zionist employ their flawed terminology – ‘Colonialism,’ ‘ settler colonialism,’ ‘apartheid,’ etc. to conceal the fact that Israel defines itself as the Jewish State and its politics are driven by a radical yet vastly popular interpretation of Jewishness.

One might expect progressive Jews to defy the notion of choseness.  But the JVPs insist upon dictating what language is allowed and what ‘detracts’ from the Palestinian movement. Is not the huge list of great humanists, scholars and pillars of Palestinian solidarity supporting my work enough to shake this deceitful bunch of crypto Zionists JVPs? Not yet apparently…

And who or what is a ‘neo Nazi’ exactly?  Out of curiosity I would love to learn from JVP what makes peace hero activist Ken O’Keefe into a Neo Nazi (whatever that is), What did O’Keefe do to deserve such repulsive treatment at the hands of our so-called  ‘Jewish allies’? 

Dear friends, long ago I came to the conclusion that the Jewish Left is not the solution; it is actually the core of the problem. The document below proves my point.


This Friday, Gilad Atzmon will be speaking at Mutiny Cafe. Here is our response:

As Front Range Jewish Voice for Peace, we are aware of the presence of right-wing rhetoric and casual anti-Semitism amongst many groups who oppose Zionism and many policies of the state of Israel. Many of us in Denver have noticed the influence ofintellectually lazy anti-Zionism, which points the finger at Jews for our role in perpetrating the Israeli occupation, as opposed to the wider problem of Zionism and settler colonialism. In Denver, many are captivated by rhetoric like that of Gilad Atzmon, whose alliance with prominent neo-Nazis such as David Duke, Trevor LaBonte, and Ken O’Keefe is often hidden behind the smokescreen of his opposition to the state of Israel. (Warning: the links are very hateful, but provided as examples of what we wish to condemn). His targeting of our own allies in the Palestine solidarity community such as Ali Abunimah, Noam Chomsky, and Miko Peled are volatile and counter-productive to finding peace in Israel/Palestine.

This rhetoric and politics are not to be tolerated. When anti-Semitism infiltrates Palestine solidarity circles, it negatively impacts us as Jews. It is a clear form of racism that should be challenged at all times.

Atzmon and anti-Semitism in the Palestine solidarity community are a distraction from the issue at hand, namely the occupation of Palestine by Israel. We want to shift the conversation away from solely anti-Semitism. The more pressing conversation we want to have is one that recognizes that the anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia that sustains the occupation of Palestine comes from the same mindset as traditional anti-Semitism.

It is important for us to recognize as Jews that we are all affected by Israel’s actions. Israel falsely claims to represent us as Jews. The Israeli Law of Return gives us the right to move to Israel and live anywhere we want. Some of the same apartments that Diaspora Jews could be buying or renting in Palestine are built on top of the same land that is confiscated from the indigenous people of Palestine: in the Jerusalem area and the West Bank. Resentment of Diaspora Jews for the benefits we receive is warranted, and comes from a legitimate place of rage, because these benefits come at the expense of the Palestinian people.

Our leaders, and much of our community, have failed us by not speaking out against the injustices being done in our name. They often have a stronghold on Jewish public opinion. Whatever anti-Semitism we encounter within our movements obscures our role as ordinary Jews who oppose Zionism and the failures of these institutions. Given that Palestinians are always presumed to be anti-Semitic by US and Israeli propaganda, we do not need white Americans who claim to be members of our ranks reinforcing these false claims.

Ultimately, anti-Semitic rhetoric makes our movement hypocritical. It prevents us from standing up for those victimized by anti-black racism in the wake of the deaths of Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, and far too many more. It prevents us from fighting for justice for poor people and people of color in Denver being pushed out by increasing gentrification. It prevents us from seeking justice for Ryan Ronquillo and Jessica Hernandez, who were killed by the police here in Denver. It prevents us from challenging the racism under which our world has been held captive for the last 500 years of human history.Therefore, we officially condemn statements of Gilad Atzmon and others that seek to portray Jews as an inherently flawed group of people.”

Ken O’Keefe Takes Swipe at the BBC

Recently I have posted on a couple of very significant cases in the British court system, both of them pertaining to the BBC and having to do with the events of 9/11–specifically a segment in which reporter Jane Standley reported the collapse of Building 7 some twenty-three minutes before it happened. And not only was the building still standing, but it could actually be seen in the camera view just behind her shoulder as she gave her report.

In one of the court cases, Tony Rooke refused to pay the mandatory TV license fee–a fee levied against all UK citizens who own TV sets–from which the BBC gets its funding. Rooke’s refusal was an act of civil disobedience, and in his court case he accused the British network of having prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, arguing that to pay the license fee would violate section 15 of the country’s Terrorism Act. Perhaps surprisingly, the judge in the case absolved Rooke of having to pay the fee.

In the other case, Matt Campbell, whose brother Geoff died in the 9/11 attacks, also accuses the BBC of having advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks. I do not know how, or whether, Campbell’s case has been resolved, but judging from the comments O’Keefe makes in the video above, it is not looking too favorable.

In any event, you will hear O’Keefe discuss a documentary he is making about the BBC, a documentary which apparently will feature both court cases, and which  he says it will be out in May.