Abbas bows before UN

Palestinian President Abbas bows before UN

أحمد النصر

أحمد جرّار شهيداً: المطارد الناجي من «الذل»

قال جيش العدو إنّه هدم المبنى الذي تحصّن فيه الشهيد جرار في بلدة اليامون قرب مدينة جنين في شمال الضفة الغربية (الأناضول)

كان يعلم أن طريق «العبث بأمن إسرائيل» ومستوطنيها يتفرّع إلى ثلاثة خيارات: الاعتقال، المطاردة، الشهادة، لكنه سلك الدرب غير آبهٍ للنتائج. فرحت إسرائيل بما سمّته إنجازاً، لكنها تعلم أن جيشاً بكامله، ومعه أجهزة أمن قوية وكبيرة، طاردوا شاباً في منطقة تخضع لحكمهم، وقد أخفقوا في الوصول إليه أربع مرات على الأقل، ليموت بطريقة تشهد أنه رفض المذلة، وأن الذي أُذِلّ هو «الجبروت الإسرائيلي» المكسور على أعتاب بندقيته. خلف كيان العدو، أيضاً، كيان طفيلي آخر من «جلدة» الشهيد أحمد. «سلطة أوسلو» تتقدّم خطوات في ما هو «مطلوب» منها لتمثّل في مسألة ملاحقة ثم استشهاد جرّار، آلة عدوانية شريكة في كشف المقاومين وسفك دمائهم

سلفيت | في التاسع من كانون الثاني 2018، أعلن أحمد نصر جرّار بطلقات بندقيته افتتاح العام الجديد، مستهدفاً مستوطناً ــ حاخاماً ــ إسرائيلياً في عملية نوعية غرب نابلس. جهود مضنية قضاها «الشاباك» الإسرائيلي وأجهزة الجيش والأمن الأخرى على مدار أيام طويلة، محاولاً فك لغز العملية، ليصل بعد نحو أسبوعٍ إلى أن جرّار هو «قائد خلية حماس» المسؤولة عن العملية.

العدد ٣٣٩٠

الضفة التي تغيّرت: هل هي بلاد المطلوبين؟

صورة للشهيد أحمد (يسار) في طفولته

رام الله ــ الأخبار
لا عجب في أن يترك أحمد نصر جرار هذا الأثر وراءه عند رحيله، فلم يصدق كثيرون من الفلسطينيين النبأ لحظة وروده صباح أمس، وصاروا أشبه بـ«اليتامى» عند مواجهة لحظة الحقيقة؛ الشهيد أحمد لم يكن مقاوماً فحسب، بل أخذ القرار عن مئات الألوف من الذين يؤمنون بالمقاومة، وتحديداً المسلحة. لذلك، ليس غريباً أن يشعر هؤلاء بشعور الأم عندما تُكذّب الفاجعة في فلذة كبدها عند الساعات الأولى، لكن، لماذا شكّل جرار «استثناءً» يتشابه مع ما فعله الشهيد باسل الأعرج قبل نحو عام. وثمة سؤال آخر مبكر: لماذا لم يمكث مطارداً أكثر من 20 يوماً؟

العدد ٣٣٩٠

فدائي بيْننا… عاش «أحمد النصر»

قبل تعميم «سلطة أوسلو» لغة التسامح والسلام، كانت بيانات التنظيمات الفلسطينية تُذيَّل بعبارة «الخزي والعار للخونة والعملاء». شركاء «الحل السلمي» أعادوا تدوير الجملة في ماكينة السردية المضادة. هرول العرب قبل العجم نحو التطبيع مع العدو، لتصبح «أدبيات الثورة» مادة تهكمية لدى «الواقعيين» (اقرأ المنبطحين). معاودة إنتاج ثقافة استحالة التغيير واستهداف «الفئة المغامرة» مارسهما 99% من حكومات العالم. النسبة هنا لا تُزعج أنصار الديموقراطية.

العدد ٣٣٩٠

زرع ذاكرة في أرضه واستشهد: هنا مقرّ إقامتي الأخير

 لو كان بالإمكان اختصار سيرة أحمد جرار في قصيدة، لوقع الاختيار على «أحمد الزعتر» للشاعر الراحل محمود درويش. فهو الذي «كان في كل شيء يلتقي بنقيضه»: حين كان ابن ست سنوات لم يحيَ عيشة أترابه المعهودة، إذ وُلِدَ لأبٍ مقاوم يسير إلى المستحيل بأطرافه المبتورة، ويطارده جيشٌ بأكمله كأنما هو بطل أسطوري يصارع وحشاً عملاق، حتى استشهد بعد مطاردة طويلة، وهدم المكان الذي كان يتحصّن فيه فوق رأسه، تماماً كما انتهى المطاف بجرار الابن.

Hamas Says Arms Red Line, Calls for Establishing Committee to Oversee Reconciliation

Member of Hamas’ politburo, Khalil Al-Haye

Member of Hamas’ politburo, Khalil Al-Haye called for establishing a national committee to oversee implementing reconciliation deal  between Palestinian factions, as he accused some sides of turning over the agreement reached in the Egyptian capital earlier.

During a press conference held by the Palestinian resistance movement in Gaza on Monday, Al-Haye stressed that the issue of the group’s weapons is a red line, calling on other Palestinian sides to refrain from tackling the matter.

Meanwhile, the Hamas official pointed out that the employees appointed by the resistance group is a national issue, stressing importance of paying their salaries by the Palestinian Authority which is controlled by rival Fatah group.

On the other hand, Al-Haye said Hamas doesn’t repent of clinching reconciliation deal, but noted that the resistance movement also doesn’t accept that others “twist its arm”, referring to Fatah.

Al-Haye addressed Fatah officials as saying: “We won’t accept to return back to square one…. Our people have sacrificed and we can solve problems.”

In this context, the Hamas official called on Egypt to play its role in securing the regional cover to implement the reconciliation deal.

SourcePalestinian media

Supporting Palestinian Intifada Tops Closing Statement of Iran Conference

February 22, 2017


The closing statement of the sixth International conference “To support the Palestinian Intifada” held in Tehran highlighted on Tuesday the importance of the Palestinian cause, calling on supporting it and avoiding marginalizing it amid the regional crises.

The statement also hailed the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance movements, stressing their role in confronting the Zionist entity.

It also called on the international organizations to denounce and deter the Israeli aggressions, warning some Arab and Muslim countries against normalizing ties with the Zionist entity.

The statement added that the US administration intention to move the Zionist entity capital into Al-Quds must draw a response from the Arab and Muslim states by closing their embassies in the United States.

Finally, the statement highly appreciated the Iranian people sacrifices for the sake of the Palestinian cause.

The Iranian capital, Tehran, hosted on Tuesday and Wednesday an international forum in support of the Palestinian cause, with hundreds of foreign guests, including senior Palestinian leaders and officials of Muslim nations, in attendance.

Source: Al-Manar Website

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Two Zionist Settlers Killed, Two Palestinians Martyred near Al-Khalil

Local Editor

ClashesTwo Israeli settlers were killed and two Palestinians were martyred Friday in separate incidents in and around the West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron).

An unknown assailant opened fire on a car south of the city, the Israeli army said, killing two settlers and injuring one another, according to the Zionist army.

A statement added that the attacker fled and that “forces are currently searching the area.”

Israeli police said the incident took place near the settlement of Otniel, south of Al-Khalil.

A Palestinian was shot dead during clashes with the army in Al-Khalil, Palestinian medics said.

Hassan al-Bo, 21, died after he was hit in the heart by live ammunition, an official at Al-Ahli Hospital said.

Israeli occupation forces shot dead a Palestinian during clashes near the West Bank city of Ramallah on Friday, the Palestinian health ministry said.

A statement from the ministry announced “the death of a young man, Lafi Yusuf Awad, 22 years old, from the village of Budrus in the district of Ramallah, (killed) by a bullet from Israeli forces”.

Earlier Friday, a Palestinian teenager in al-Khalil succumbed to his wounds after being shot by Israeli troops a day earlier.

Source: Agencies

13-11-2015 – 17:22 Last updated 13-11-2015 – 20:02

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian 


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Casualty Count: 794 Palestinians, 7 Israelis—NY Times Obsesses on Israeli Victims

Richard Edmondson:

All the news that’s not fit to print–that by definition would be anything critical of Israel. Apparently being Jewish and having a son serving in the Israeli Army is a requirement of all New York Times reporters covering Israel.

Originally posted on TimesWarp:

Isabel Kershner in The New York Times tells us that Palestinians are running amok, lashing out at Israelis not only in the West Bank but now in Israel as well. Prime Minister Netanyahu has vowed to quell this “wave of terrorism,” she reports, and Israelis are “unnerved” by the spread of incidents.

Kershner describes three alleged stabbing attempts, dwelling at length on one of them; recaps an earlier incident that left two Israelis dead; and in the final paragraphs of her story informs us that “at least two” Palestinians were killed, one of them a 13-year-old boy “described as a bystander.”

Nowhere do we learn that the major victims of violence in this turbulent conflict are Palestinians, not Israelis, as revealed in a recent United Nations report: In one week, ending Oct. 5, Israeli security forces injured 794 Palestinians, while Palestinians injured a total of seven Israelis. (As of…

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian 


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Hezbollah fully supports Palestinian cause: Nasrallah

An image grab taken from Lebanon's al-Manar TV on October 14, 2015 shows Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, giving a televised address commemorating the first night of the holy month of Muharram. (AFP)

An image grab taken from Lebanon’s al-Manar TV on October 14, 2015 shows Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, giving a televised address commemorating the first night of the holy month of Muharram. (AFP)

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah has reiterated support for the cause of the Palestinian people and their uprising against Israeli regime, saying that Palestine is the “central battle” in the region.

“The region witnesses active and popular movement to defend al-Aqsa in what seems like a Third Intifada,” Nasrallah said during a speech on Wednesday addressing people commemorating the first night of the holy month of Muharram in Sayyed Shihada Complex in Beirut’s southern suburb of Dahiyeh, Lebanon’s al-Manar news website reported.

A Palestinian is carried by comrades after he was shot in the leg during clashes with Israeli forces in Beit El near the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah on October 9, 2015. (AFP)

“Palestinian people have no choice but resistance, they are the leaders of this battlefield, let them decide their form of resistance,” he said, adding that they have the “full” support of Hezbollah and further called for a worldwide support against the Israeli occupation.

He also hailed the Palestinian people for their courageous confrontations against the Israeli enemy in al-Quds, Gaza, and different areas across the occupied West Bank.

Saudi emergency personnel stand near bodies of Hajj pilgrims killed at a stampede in Mina, near the holy city of Mecca, at the annual Hajj in Saudi Arabia on September 24, 2015. (AFP)

Saudis ultimate disrespect to Muslims

Elsewhere in his remarks, Nasrallah lashed out at Saudi Arabia for its “incompetence in handling the Hajj pilgrimage for this year”, in which a deadly crush occurred during the rituals in Mina, near the city of Mecca.

He said the tragedy reflected the extent of Saudi officials’ disregard for Muslims’ holy sites and the Hajj pilgrimage.

Riyadh even “did not apologize for the incident, but it released a statement in which it hailed the managing of Hajj for this year,” he said, adding that “this tragedy in the holy country, in the holy month shows Saudi’s ultimate disrespect to Muslims and Islam rituals.”

Yemenis stand around a crater caused by Saudi airstrikes in the capital Sana’a on October 1, 2015. (AFP)

“The only loud voice against the Saudi performance was by Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei,” the Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, he added.

The crush occurred on September 24 after two large masses of pilgrims converged at a crossroads in Mina during the symbolic ceremony of the stoning of Satan in Jamarat.

Saudi Arabia claims nearly 770 people were killed in the tragic crush in Mina, but officials at Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization say over 4,500 people, including 464 Iranian pilgrims, lost their lives in the tragedy. However, some sources put the death toll at 1,674.

Nasrallah also briefly tackled the status quo in three Middle Eastern countries, namely Syria, Yemen, and Bahrain. He hailed the Yemenis’ bravery and steadfastness against the Saudi aggression on the impoverished country and called the current war in Syria a “universal” war. The Hezbollah leader also slammed the crackdown carried out by the Al Khalifa regime against the Bahraini people in the Persian Gulf Island.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian


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IOF Kills Six Palestinians in Clashes on Gaza Border

Israeli fire killed six Palestinians and wounded scores during clashes Friday near Gaza’s border, medics said.

Israeli occupation forcesAhmed al-Hirbawi, Shadi Dawla, Abed al-Wahidi and Nabil Sharaf, all aged 20, were martyred in clsashes with occupation forces on the border between the occupied territories and Khan Yunis, Gaza medics said.

Mohammed al-Raqab, 15, and Adnan Abu Alian, 20, were also martyred in similar clashes east of Gaza City.

Medics said another 80 Palestinians were wounded, 10 of them seriously.

The clashes in Gaza took place as Palestinians in West Bank are engaged in similar clashes with occupation forces over Israeli restrictions on Palestinians’ access to al-Aqsa Mosque.

Occupation authorities have been preventing Palestinians from entering al-Aqsa, as well as supporting Zionist settlers in storming the holy mosque, prompting Palestinian anger and stabbing attacks against the Israelis.

Meanwhile, Hamas’s Gaza chief Ismail Haniyeh called the clashes taking place between Palestinians and occupation forces in West Bank Intifada or uprising.

In a sermon for weekly Muslim prayers at a mosque in Gaza City, Haniyeh said “we are calling for the strengthening and increasing of the intifada.”

“It is the only path that will lead to liberation,” he said. “Gaza will fulfil its role in the Jerusalem intifada and it is more than ready for confrontation.”

Stabbing attacks in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Israel itself along with rioting have raised Israeli fears of a third Palestinian intifada, following a first that began in 1987 and a second in 2000.

Source: AFP

09-10-2015 – 23:04 Last updated 09-10-2015 – 23:04

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At Least Six Palestinians Shot Dead on Friday

Posted on 

With all the clashes taking place in Occupied Palestine, it’s kind of hard to get a precise figure on the death toll. The report from Telesur’s correspondent in Gaza (video above)  says “up to six” Palestinians were killed there today. RT is reporting that “at least six” were killed with dozens more wounded. The Palestine Information Center puts the number at five, with forty wounded. In any event, the violence took place on Friday at the Gaza border with Israel.

The mainstream media are giving events, including today’s deaths, their usual pro-Israel spin. According to the BBC, “more than 1,000 rioters” (gee, it must have been a scary sight) “massed at the border fence” (the natives must have been restless), whereupon they hurled rocks, burning tires, and even a grenade at the Israeli forces, who of course were only there to keep order. No mention of land theft, 67 years of occupation, or the thousands killed in periodic Israeli attacks on Gaza.

The BBC is actually rather balanced, however, if compared to USA Today. The American newspaper describes Gaza as “the territory ruled by the Islamic militant group Hamas,” and reports that Ismail Haniyeh “applauded the recent Palestinian stabbing attacks across Israel.”

“What began as Palestinians throwing rocks and firebombs at passing cars and police has morphed into a deadly shooting and knife attacks by Palestinians on Israeli civilians and soldiers,” says USA Today.

Ma’an News gives a total of 14 Palestinians killed since October 1, adding that four Israelis, two of whom were settlers, were killed over the same period.

What’s clear, of course, is that the Israeli government is pursuing a policy of grabbing land rather than trying to achieve peace.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  


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Palestinian Seriously Wounds Israeli in New Stabbing – Clashes Ongoing, Zionist Forces Kill Palestinian Protester

A 19-year-old Palestinian stabbed and seriously wounded an Israeli man in al-Quds (Jerusalem) on Thursday before being arrested, police said, the latest in a spate of knife attacks on Zionists.

Stabbing in JerusalemPolice said the 25-year-old Israeli victim was in a serious condition after being stabbed in the neck near one of Jerusalem’s main thoroughfares.

The incident occurred near a tramway station close to the national police headquarters, police said.

The suspect, said to be from Shuafat refugee camp in annexed east Jerusalem, later attacked a tramway guard and tried to take his gun before fleeing. Police initially gave his age as 15 before later correcting it to 19.

“He was arrested by police special forces who were in the area,” occupation police spokeswoman Luba Samri said.

There has been a series of knife attacks by Palestinians on Israelis in recent days in response to restrictions by the Zionist authorities on access to al-Aqsa Mosque.

Extremist Zionist Settlers, backed by occupation forces repeatedly storm al-Aqsa in the recent weeks, prompting the Palestinians to defend the holy compound.

At least four knife attacks have occurred in Jerusalem and six overall since Saturday, when a Palestinian killed two Israelis in the Old City, helping prompt an Israeli security crackdown.

Source: AFP

08-10-2015 – 14:46 Last updated 08-10-2015 – 14:46

Zionist occupation forces shot dead a Palestinian during clashes in occupied east Al-Quds Thursday amid a hike in the Zionist violence against Palestinian protesters near the city of Ramallah.

The Palestinian killed was shot in the chest at the Shuafat refugee camp in occupied east Jerusalem, according to the Red Crescent and hospital sources.

Israeli troops have also attacked Palestinian protesters in Beit El settlement near the city of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank amid rising tensions over al-Aqsa Mosque.

The clashes erupted when Israeli troops fired tear gas to disperse the demonstrators, who were angry over provocations by Israeli forces and settlers in Muslims’ third holiest site. The forces are also using live ammunition against the Palestinians

At least two Palestinians are reported to have been injured in the attacks by Israeli forces. At least one European photojournalist and his two Arab colleagues are also said to be among injured in the Israeli assault.

Meanwhile, Israeli police sources say a soldier shot and killed a Palestinian man along a busy Tel Aviv road on Thursday.

Israeli forces accused the man of having stabbed four people, including a trooper, with a screwdriver in Tel Aviv.

Tensions have been on the rise in the occupied West Bank and al-Quds in recent days, following a wave of violence that saw Israeli settlers and soldiers attacking Palestinian worshipers in al-Aqsa compound.

Source: Websites 08-10-2015 – 20:46 Last updated 08-10-2015 – 20:46

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Videos: “Hundreds March In Jaffa Against Israeli Escalation And Violations”

Tuesday October 06, 2015 23:31author by IMEMC & Agencies

Israeli police officers assaulted, on Tuesday, hundreds of Palestinians who peacefully marched in Jaffa, Tuesday, carrying Palestinian flags and chanting against the escalating Israeli violations in occupied Jerusalem, and the rest of the occupied territories, especially the attacks against the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem.

Photo By Arabs48
Photo By Arabs48

The Arabs48 News website has reported that the police attacked the protesters, who marched in the city, including protesters who rode bicycles and motorcycles. The protesters chanted for ending the Israeli violations against the Palestinians, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem.

Video By

The police assaulted many protesters with clubs and batons, especially the protesters who rode their bicycles and motorcycles. The officers also fired gas bombs and concussion grenades.

Video By

Dozens of protesters were injured after being assaulted by the police, and due to the effects of tear gas inhalation, while the Israeli police said a number of officer were hurt.

Video By

Also, the youth movement in the occupied territories of 1948 declared the next Thursday as a day of rage, for the Palestinians masses.


Ministry Of Health: “129 Palestinians Injured By Israeli Army Fire, Tuesday”

17 Palestinians, including Minors, Kidnapped in West Bank; Over 90 Injured

category palestine | non-violent action | news report author email saed at imemc dot org

Photo By Arabs48
Photo By Arabs48

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  


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Al-Manar Cameraman Injured by Israeli Fire in West Bank


Local Editor

Al-Manar TV cameraman, Salah al-Zayyat, was shot by the Zionist soldiers at the Qalandiya checkpoint on Tuesday in the West Bank while he was shooting the occupation attacks against the Palestinian people.

According to Al-Manar TV correspondent, Zayyat was wounded by a bullet in the abdomen during the Zionist attacks, and he has undergone a surgery in Ramallah hospital to extract the metal pieces that infiltrated into his body.

“Three others were wounded by the Israeli attacks, and dozens of people suffered from asphyxia due to the use of toxic gases by the Israeli enemy were treated in the scene,” the reporter added.

Source: Al-Manar Website

06-10-2015 – 18:14 Last updated 06-10-2015 – 18:14

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian 


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Wide Confrontations in West Bank, Al-Quds: 230 Palestinians Wounded

Local Editor

At least 230 Palestinians were injured during clashes with Zionist forces in several areas in the West Bank and occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem), Al-Manar correspondent reported on Monday.

zionist armyAmong the injured, around 82 were wounded with live ammunition and rubber bullets, in addition to cases of suffocation with tear gas.

Confrontations swept towards more areas of occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank after the acts of violence practiced by the occupation forces and settlers against the Palestinians over the past few days.

Dr. Abed Rabbo Manasra told Ma’an news agency late on Sunday that 28 Palestinians had been shot with live rounds, while at least 68 were hit with rubber-coated steel bullets.

The Palestinian Red Crescent earlier on Sunday declared a state of emergency across the occupied Palestinian territory following an upsurge in violence by Israeli soldiers and settlers, including 14 attacks on its own ambulance crews.

The society said in a statement that it was putting all its staff, teams and volunteers on standby, as it decried Israeli violations of international humanitarian law.

The statement listed 14 attacks on Red Crescent staff and vehicles in a 72-hour period, in what it described as “a serious escalation of violations against PRCS, its teams and the humanitarian services they render.”

The Palestine Red Crescent Society, which is a full member of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, called on the international community to take the “necessary steps” to make ‘Israel’ comply with international law.

Tensions had been steadily mounting in recent weeks due to Israeli restrictions on Palestinians seeking to enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

A string of deadly attacks on Israelis, including a shooting that left two settlers dead in the West Bank on Thursday, and a stabbing in Jerusalem that claimed two Israelis’ lives on Saturday, have prompted further clashes.

Israeli settlers have carried out a range of violent reprisals, attacking Palestinians and their property across both East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Source: Al-Manar Website

05-10-2015 – 11:16 Last updated 05-10-2015 – 11:16

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PFLP : 67th anniversary of Nakba, ‘we reject the colonization of Palestine, uphold national and historic rights’

Posted on May 16, 2015 by

nakbaToday we mark 67 years on the great crime of the modern era, when the Zionist gangs in full view of the world uprooted the Palestinian people from their ancestral homeland to impose a state of oppression, racism and colonization on the ruins of the Palestinian homeland. From that day until today, our people continue to uphold their historic rights and the justice of their cause, rejecting all forms of compromises and deals that seek to legitimize occupation and confiscate the rights of our people to freedom, return and independence.

Over 67 years, the Zionist project has attempted to obliterate Palestinian Arab identity and falsify facts and history, supported by US imperialism and the forces of injustice and aggression on the political, military, economic and media fields. However, the reality of our history is of the continuous struggle of our people against the Zionist invasion, blocking attempts to destroy Palestinian Arab consciousness and impose a false history, and preserving our rights to all of Palestine in the minds and hearts of our people from generation to generation, despite all of the years passed since the Nakba and despite our displacement in all corners of the world.

This year, Nakba Day comes in the light of several developments experienced by the Palestinian people and the Palestinian national liberation movement. The Gaza Strip is subjected to brutal siege and aggression by the racist, fascist state that has not ceased since its inception to commit such attacks as part and parcel of the Zionist settler colonial project in Palestine; the aggression and war crimes which targeted all of our people in the strip, leaving thousands dead, thousands more wounded and displaced persons, and destroyed homes. These crimes cannot be separated from the ongoing attacks on our people in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the racist practices of the occupation attacking the political, economic and social rights of our people in 1948 occupied Palestine, nor the ongoing siege ad suffering experienced by our people since the Nakba in refugee camps and in diaspora, who are facing new attacks and projects seeking to liquidate the Palestinian cause.

This anniversary also comes at a time of continued division, fragmentation and confusion on the Palestinian political scene, with all of the concomitant risks to our liberation movement, and which exacerbates the suffering of our people and weakens their ability to resist and struggle as parties to division hold the interests of our people secondary to factional interests. The Arab nation is also facing severe internal conflicts in some countries, and there are plans to divide the region and utilize conflicts and division by the enemy in order to strengthen the Zionist settler colonial proect through the Judaization of Jerusalem, accelerating the settlement projects, the systematic attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque and the mass arrests targeting Palestinians of Jerusalem, while attempting to define itself internationally as a “Jewish state” while tightening the siege on Gaza, disrupting and preventing reconstruction.

On the 67th anniversary of the Nakba, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine emphasizes:

First, we fully reject the results of the Nakba and insist on the implementation of our full historical rights to liberation and return on the entire land of Palestine;

Second, we uphold the right of return, of self-determination and establishing our independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and reject and resist any and all attempts to limit or modify the right of return as the core of the Palestinian cause and a right recognized fully in international legitimacy and the bridge to liberation and the historical rights of our people in Palestine;

Third, we reject and resist liquidationist political projects aimed at undermining our national liberation movement and reject the approach of negotiations which has led to nothing but the weakening of our movement and cause at regional and international levels. We refuse all attempts to return to negotiations. It is important to continue to demand international action on Palestinian rights and the binding implementation of Palestinian rights and relevant United Nations resolutions;

Fourth, the acceleration of national reconciliation and ending the division is important to restore national unity and to strengthen the steadfastness of our people to confront the Zionist project, based on a comprehensive national strategy of resistance and political and organizational national partnership.

Fifth, the growing international boycott movement in solidarity with the Palestinian people’s liberation struggle as well as the efforts to support Palestinian rights and full representation in the United Nations, is critical in building an international isolation of the occupier and holding its leaders accountable. It is critical to take the battle to the Inrernational Criminal Court, as the political and legal battle must be fought against the occupier, without accepting any limitation or undermining of the full right of our people to resist colonialism and occupation with all forms of resistance, including and particularly armed struggle, as a legitimate right that is upheld in international law.

Sixth, the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) must assume its responsibilities to provide all services to Palestinian refugees wherever they are as an international body set up for this purpose. Palestinian refugees must not receive reduced services under any justification or excuse so long as they are refugees and have not returned to their homeland.

On the anniversary of the Nakba, we salute our people in occupied Palestine ’48 who persevere and resist displacement and expulsion today; our people in the refugee camps and everywhere in diaspora in particular our people in Yarmouk refugee camp exposed today to criminal attacks by armed groups; we salute the martyrs of the Arab nation who fell to liberate the land and people of Palestine and all of our people who have sacrificed their lives for our rights; we salute our prisoners of freedom who sacrifice for all of our freedom.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Lol: Abbas Decides to End Security Cooperation with ’Israel’ but Talks with ’Israel’ Still on Table

PLO Body Decides to End Security Cooperation with ’Israel’
Local Editor

Abbas Says Talks with ’Israel’ Still on Table

The Palestinian Liberation Organization’s central council decided Thursday to end security cooperation with ‘Israel’, in a potentially explosive move after the Zionist entity cut off a key source of funds.

The PLO council decided “to stop security cooperation in all its forms with the occupying power” which it urged to “take over full responsibility for the Palestinian people in the occupied State of Palestine, the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza”.

Source: AFP

05-03-2015 – 22:18 Last updated 05-03-2015 – 22:18

Palestinian Calls to Boycott Israeli Elections in ’48 Territories
Local Editor
Palestinain ActivistThe Arabs in the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948 reiterated their calls to boycott the upcoming Israeli Knesset elections.The Palestinian activists considered that the move aims at preventing the Zionist PM Banjamin Netanyahu from exploiting the Arab votes in its competition with his opponents.The Palestinians will not legitimize the Israeli occupation, they added.

Source: Al Manar TV

05-03-2015 – 20:57 Last updated 05-03-2015 – 20:57

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

What is the benefit of going to the Security Council?

Abbas to Re-submit Statehood Bid to UNSC

Local Editor

Palestinian President Mahmoud AbbasPalestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Sunday he was discussing with Jordan plans to resubmit to the United Nations Security Council a resolution calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state that failed to win enough votes last week.

“We didn’t fail, the U.N. Security Council failed us. We’ll go again to the Security Council, why not? Perhaps after a week,” Abbas told officials at a cultural conference in the West Bank city of Ramallah, the Palestinian seat of self-rule government.

“We are studying it, and we will study this with our allies and especially Jordan … to submit the resolution again, a third time or even a fourth time.”

In the U.N. vote on Tuesday, the Palestinian draft received eight votes in favor, including France, Russia and China, two against and five abstentions, among them Britain. Australia joined the United States in voting against the measure.

Abbas signed onto 20 international conventions the next day, including the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, giving the court jurisdiction over crimes committed on Palestinian lands and opening up an unprecedented confrontation between the veteran peace negotiator and Israel.

In retaliation for the move to the ICC, the Zionist entity announced on Saturday that it would withhold 500 million shekels ($125 million) in monthly tax funds that it collects on the Palestinians’ behalf, in a blow to Abbas’s cash-strapped government.

“Now there are sanctions – that’s fine. There’s an escalation – that’s fine … but we’re pushing forward,” Abbas said.

Source: Websites

05-01-2015 – 11:44 Last updated 05-01-2015 – 11:44

Palestine to join Interpol in 2015


آخر طبعة – فايز رشيد – خبير في الصراع العربي الصهيوني

الفلسطينيون وجدوى العودة الى مجلس الامن لانهاء الاحتلال | العالم 

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   

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Is a coup being plotted against PA President Abbas?

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas attends an extraordinary meeting with the members of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) after the death of Palestinian official Ziad Abu Ein who died due to the tear gas which was fired by Israeli police during a demonstration on December 10, 2014. Anadolu Agency/Rimawi Issam
Published Friday, December 19, 2014
While the Palestinian Authority (PA) fights a battle at the Security Council, there is fire in Ramallah burning under the embers. PA President Mahmoud Abbas faces a test of leadership within the Mukataa, the president’s headquarters, amid overlapping political and personal issues. This suggests Abbas may be on the cusp of implementing a number of decisions to sack figures who are no longer toeing his political line, especially since his phobias about conspiracies targeting him have shifted from his known opponents to figures who were once close to Abbas.
Gaza – Just like there is no smoke without fire, there can be no sudden security measures and movements in the media without a real, if not also a major, dispute. In Ramallah, there is an open-ended battle now between PA President Mahmoud Abbas on the one hand, and PLO Secretary Yasser Abed Rabbo and former Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, on the other. The dispute is added to the major rivalry with expelled Fatah leader Mohammed Dahlan, who has emerged as a kind of a Trojan horse in the Palestinian political landscape, slipping in through the cracks that have started to appear. For the first time in eight years, his supporters are appearing in public in Gaza carrying his portraits, with Hamas’ consent.
It is a Fatah-Fatah message from Dahlan to Abbas. Dahlan said what is happening is the first step to “break the silence after we patiently put up for long with the deviant approach of the small tyrant.” It is also a message from Hamas to blackmail Abbas, taking advantage of Dahlan’s tentacles that extend to the Gulf and Egypt.

Dahlan said what is happening is the first step to “break the silence after we patiently put up for long with the deviant approach of the small tyrant.”

 For his part, Yasser Abed Rabbo is a new-old foe. The most recent confrontation with Rabbo erupted when Abbas-affiliated TV host Maher Shalabi accused Abed Rabbo, Dahlan, and Fayyad of meeting in secret with US Secretary of State John Kerry in the UAE. The accusations, which were made on Shalabi’s program on the official Palestine TV channel, were enough to further fuel the fire that has been raging between Abbas and Abed Rabbo for more than three years. Abed Rabbo responded to the claims in a sharp tone, saying,

“[…] what Shalabi said is a deterioration and is meant to disrupt the patriotic line we defend in light of the aggression on Gaza, the reconciliation [with Hamas], and the battle at the Security Council.”

Abed Rabbo under siege
Abbas did not wait long to exploit the accusations Shalabi mentioned to clip Abed Rabbo’s wings. Abbas stripped Abed Rabbo of his duties related to the PLO’s financial allocations (Abed Rabbo’s real role was always a mystery, being a very powerful figure within the PLO despite not being affiliated to Fatah).
However, Fatah Executive Committee member Ghassan Shaka denies that there is a link between the differences between Abbas and Abed Rabbo, and stripping the latter of his financial and administrative duties.
Speaking to Al-Akhbar, Shaka said, “Stripping the secretariat of the Executive Committee of functions that are originally entrusted to the Palestinian National Fund is not a political issue. There is no need for an intermediary to handle financial allocations.” Shaka added, “An office was opened for the National Fund in the West Bank run by Ramzi Khoury. All financial matters were referred to the Fund recently.”
Shaka continued, “Abed Rabbo continues to serve, and was present at the most recent meeting of the Palestinian leadership to discuss the move at the Security Council.” Furthermore, Shaka defended Abed Rabbo by saying. “[He is one of the] figures who steers clear of maneuvering,” noting at the same time that the sacking of an Executive Committee member is not in the hands of the president alone, but involves “legal steps that govern accepting or rejecting dismissals and resignations.”
Despite Shaka’s statements, there are signs that the exclusion of Abed Rabbo from the political front is imminent, though no presidential decree in this regard has been issued yet. However, the move by the head of the anti-corruption court, Rafik Natsheh, to tackle corruption in civil society organizations prepares solid ground for Abbas to banish the mastermind behind the Geneva Initiative on grounds related to graft. Abed Rabbo heads a civil society organization, the Peace Alliance, which he established in 2000 following the initiative, and so does Salam Fayyad, who heads Palestine Tomorrow, a very active civil society organization.
Reports of Natsheh’s move agree with statements made by Al-Akhbarsources, who said, “The president’s decision (financial referral) has entered into force, despite Abbas being certain that the most recent security report related to the secret meeting in the UAE is inaccurate.” The sources continued, “[Abbas] is considering two options to get rid of Abed Rabbo, either by sacking him directly, or preparing charges of financial corruption against him.”

“[Abbas] is considering two options to get rid of Abed Rabbo, either by sacking him directly, or preparing charges of financial corruption against him.” –Al-Akhbarsources

 The second solution is the most probable in light of the position of the leadership, as the first option would bypass the decisions of the National Council. In this regard, member of the Executive Committee Jamil Shehadeh told Al-Akhbar, “The National Council was not convened yet as the party in charge of deciding on dismissals. Furthermore, the meetings of the Committee did not discuss anything about sharp disputes between the two sides at all,” noting that the disputes are just “differences in opinion.”
Abed Rabbo does not have any official capacity in the PA, which makes it difficult to force him to retire, as happened with Jamal Zaqout days ago, Zaqout being a close associate of Abed Rabbo. On December 8, Abbas issued a presidential decree forcing Zaqout to retire. Zaqout was adviser to former PA Prime Minister Fayyad for six years, and member of the final status negotiations delegation led by Abed Rabbo. Al-Akhbar contacted Zaqout, who refused to speak in detail about the sudden measure, but said, “This is a very arbitrary decision, because it was made without explaining the real reasons.”
The background of the disputes
The dispute between Abbas and Abed Rabbo dates back to September 2011, when the former accused the latter of trying to disrupt his political efforts for international recognition of Palestinian statehood. Abed Rabbo and Fayyad were accused of hinting to Arab capitals that the PA president was not serious about obtaining recognition. Following a battle of statements and counter-statements, Abbas removed functions related to overseeing the official PA media including radio and television from Abed Rabbo, describing what happened as a “stab in the back at a critical historical moment.”
The breaking point came a short time later, when Abed Rabbo and Fayyad declined to participate in a Palestinian delegation tasked with relaying Abbas’ message to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, something that observers saw as the “straw that broke the camel’s back.” At the time, the dispute reached a peak, and Abbas barred Palestine TV from hosting Abed Rabbo and Fayyad, before he removed the ban for a period of time. Now, the ban is in place again.
This has happened despite the fact that Abed Rabbo has been one of the leading “peace doves” and advocates of normalization with Israel and the United States, since he was appointed to the PLO in 1971. During the most recent war on Gaza, however, Abed Rabbo made statements unusual for him. Responding to Abbas at the time, he said, “Gaza is not a sponsor of terrorism, but a shield that has endured against the occupation. Woe to us Palestinians if Gaza is broken.” Abed Rabbo had also said, “Neither Hamas nor its weapons are to blame for what is happening, rather it should be criminal Israel.”
Last month, Abed Rabbo intervened on the back of the crackdown on trade unions and the arrest of the president of the Union of Public Employees, Bassam Zakarneh, and the Union’s vice-president, Moein Ansawi. As Abed Rabbo attended the meeting called by the electoral lists commission in the Legislative Council afterwards, he said, “The PLO can only be on the side of the voices calling for the executive branch to stop its assault on the freedom of trade union work.”
Fayyad and Abbas’ succession
By contrast to the battle with Dahlan and Abed Rabbo, the battle between Abbas and Fayyad is not public. It seems that Fayyad is benefiting from the Arab resentment on account of Abbas remaining in office, to sell his stocks in the Palestinian street and strengthen his relations with outside powers. Before going into details, however, it is important to note that the Third Way electoral list launched by Fayyad in the general election of 2006 was secretly steered by Abed Rabbo and backed by the UAE.
The dispute between Fayyad and Abbas had surfaced sharply in 2012, when Fayyad resigned following a clash with Abbas over accepting or rejecting the resignation of then-Finance Minister Nabeel Kassis, as Fayyad had held that portfolio for years. Since Fayyad’s resignation, the man has retreated from overt political work, and focused his efforts on the Palestine Tomorrow Foundation, which is active in “achieving sustainable development and improving the quality of services offered to the neglected areas of the West Bank and Gaza.” The foundation has caused a lot of controversy within Fatah and the PA because of its huge financial capabilities and links to donor countries and local organizations .
As a result of Fatah’s hostility, the Preventive Security Service – which is not authorized to deal with NGOs – raided Fayyad’s foundation and requisitioned electronic documents, and even summoned Fayyad himself for interrogation in August. Although Palestine Tomorrow’s assets have not been frozen and it did not shut down, the prevailing view is that Abbas will continue pressing in this direction.

On Thursday, Gaza woke up to large posters accusing Abbas of treason and threatening him of a major Fatah event mid-next month.

Other sources told Al-Akhbar, “Fayyad has a good reputation among donor countries. He is trying to expand his popular base to become a strong presidential contender, benefiting from his close ties to the security leaders and capitalists in the PA, in addition to his attempt to market himself as a successor to Abbas in American and Israeli circles, which have not objected to this yet.”
Thus a threefold headache now surrounds Abbas, who has yet to set a time for the presidential election or express his intention to step down. Abbas’ concerns have been made worse by the fact that the minister of civil affairs and the liaison between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, Hussein al-Sheikh, told him about a planned coup staged by Abed Rabbo, Fayyad, and Dahlan, as well as former intelligence chief Tawfiq Tirawi, and other members of the Fatah Central Committee, according to sources who spoke to Al-Akhbar.
On Thursday, Gaza woke up to large posters accusing Abbas of treason and threatening him of a major Fatah event mid-next month. A person close to Dahlan said, “Abbas no longer trusts anyone, especially that he is suffering from symptoms related to his old age and wants to eliminate what is left of collective leadership.” The man added, “All of Abbas’ concerns are delusional. The Palestinian situation is complex and it is not easy for anyone to take over the helm.”
On the other hand, Fatah leader Yahya Rabah said, “Those who move in an individual capacity outside the legitimate framework and overstep their jurisdictions should be punished.” He added, “It is not the right of any PLO member to deal with outside parties on the basis of his personal perspective away from laws and regulations,” in reference to the alleged secret meeting in the UAE.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

PFLP: Draft UN resolution of “French initiative” threatens Palestinian rights

Posted on December 19, 2014 by Alexandra Valiente

UNSC_2The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine unequivocally rejects the so-called “French Initative” being sponsored at the United Nations by the Jordanian regime as a dangerous threat to Palestinian refugees’ right of return that undermines Palestinian rights in the United Nations under the guise of support for a “Palestinian state,” said a spokesperson for the Front.

The draft resolution before the UN Security Council provides no enforcement mechanisms nor penalties upon the occupying power for its continued flagrant violation of international law, occupation, imposition of apartheid and denial of Palestinian refugees’ fundamental rights for the past 66 years. On the contrary, unlike the resolutions which the Security Council has so eagerly passed against Iraq, Syria, Sudan and other countries, it contains no requirements, mandates or penalties whatsoever but rather presents a false view of the “conflict” as one between equal parties with legitimate rights and interests.

In no way does this resolution mandate the creation of a Palestinian state within 12 months; it simply “affirms the urgent need” to “attain no later than 12 months…a just lasting comprehensive peaceful solution  that brings an end to the Israeli occupation since 1967 and fulfills the vision of two independent, democratic and prosperous states, Israel and a sovereign, contiguous and viable State of Palestine living side by side in peace and security within mutually and internationally recognized borders.”

In the context of the United Nations, this merely reiterates existing UN policy demanding an end to the Israeli occupation in violation of UN resolutions and international law. “Affirming an urgent need” creates no requirement or mandate to implement this desire, nor does it provide any penalties to the Israeli state for refusing to end its occupation.

The most damaging and dangerous part of the resolution, however, comes in its definition of the “negotiated solution,” where it recognizes the principles of “mutually agreed, limited and equivalent land swaps;” Palestinian land is entirely occupied. It is not to be bartered with the occupier to legitimize its settlements on our land or allow it to transfer Palestinians of 1948 occupied Palestine to the so-called Palestinian state.

Second, and most importantly, the draft resolution seeks to replace the cornerstone of UN resolutions on Palestinian refugees’ inalienable right to return, denied them for over 66 years, Resolution 194, with “a just and agreed solution to the Palestine refugee question on the basis of Arab Peace Initiative, international law and relevant United Nations resolutions, including resolution 194 (III).” The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has always rejected the so-called Arab Peace Initiative and all similar initiatives, as they seek to replace the individual, national and collective right of return of the Palestinian refugees with a “negotiated solution” that puts that right on the negotiating table to be sold or bargained away.

The inclusion of this clause within the UN draft resolution renders it a threat to Palestinian rights under the guise of support for “Palestinian statehood,” and a damaging attack and attempt to liquidate the undeniable right of Palestinian refugees to return to their original homes and lands, the cornerstone of the Palestinian cause and the key to the liberation and self-determination of our people. Palestinian refugees are in fact the majority of the Palestinian people – and their rights and those of all other Palestinians are only endangered by this resolution.

The resolution does not recognize Jerusalem as occupied, but only notes it to be “the shared capital of two States.” It provides the longest paragraph in this section for “security arrangements,” labeling the occupation army “security forces,” and viewing the occupation and colonization of Palestine as a security issue rather than one of anti-colonial struggle against a colonizing occupier.

Furthermore, the resolution lags far behind existing UN resolutions: it does not demand an end to the construction of colonial settlements but merely “calls upon…parties to abstain from..settlement activities.” Nowhere does the draft resolution mandate the dismantlement of settlements; rather it promotes “land swaps” and leaves the issue of settlers entirely aside.

The resolution seeks as well to demand Arab normalization with Israel and states that the above “final status agreement” will put an “end to all claims” and lead to “immediate mutual recognition.” Above all, it situates the Palestinian struggle within a framework of negotiations, which have done nothing more over more than 20 years than to provide cover for the crimes of the occupation and the dismantlement of Palestinian rights.

The Zionist state is built on the dispossession of Palestinian land and the displacement of Palestinian people. It is an apartheid, racist, settler colonial state. It divides the Arab people for the interests of imperialism and it is a project that has no place in our region. We do not  recognize a colonial racist state; its racist structure must be dismantled. In no way is the achievement of the Palestinian state on one part of Palestine an “end of all claims.” The Palestinian people do not concede their full right of return; the right of our Palestinian people inside 1948 to live free, self-determined lives free of racism and discrimination; and the right to liberate the entire land of Palestine.

The Palestinian struggle is one for liberation of our people and our land from a brutal, genocidal colonial regime. It is for the return of Palestinian refugees, it is for the exercise of the sovereignty and self-determination of the Palestinian people on all of their land. It is not a conflict between equal parties, it is a struggle between the colonized and the colonizer, between the oppressed and the oppressor. It is the fight to establish a democratic Palestine for all on the entire land of Palestine, liberated from occupation, racism and oppression.

The “two state solution” has not been a mechanism to gradually achieve Palestinian rights, nor even any real Palestinian sovereignty; rather, the “state-building initiatives” referred to positively in the draft resolution have supported capitalist investment and exploitation at the expense of the Palestinian popular classes, who have not benefitted from such funding. There is no liberation for any part of Palestine or its people envisioned by this resolution: only the continuation of the endless series of negotiations chipping away at Palestinian rights while the occupier continues to attack and destroy.

Centrally, this draft resolution is an effort to undermine the right of return and enshrine the bankrupt negotiations process in a resolution of the UN Security Council, replacing the right of return with “negotiated solutions,” and UN resolutions affirming Palestinian rights with those affirming the path of negotiations.

The PFLP spokesperson called upon Palestinian and Arab communities in France and French supporters and friends of Palestine to reject the role of the French imperialist state in attempting to redefine and undermine the Palestinian cause. The French state has no legitimacy on the issue of Palestine and has provided no support for Palestinian rights. Rather, it has attempted to legitimize the constant Israeli attacks on the Palestinian people while imprisoning strugglers for Palestine such as Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and suppressing demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine in Paris.

This draft resolution is widely rejected by Palestinian political forces who have repeatedly pointed out the threats and dangers within it. It is supported only by a few Palestinian capitalists who seek to profit and Palestinian Authority officials. Once again, the Palestinian political decision has been hijacked by Abbas and his cronies to the detriment of the Palestinian people.

The fact that the Israelis reject this draft resolution and the United States has expressed its “lack of support” means only that Zionism and imperialism in the region are not willing to concede even a few crumbs to the Palestinian people. Much like Netanyahu’s rejection of the Oslo process, the flagrant racism and genocidal discourse of the Israeli state does not make the draft resolution a step forward for Palestinian rights and liberation.

“We unequivocally reject this attack on Palestinian rights under the guise of ‘Palestinian statehood’ and urge its rejection by all responsible Palestinian parties as unrepresentative and dangerous to the rights and the cause of the Palestinian people for which so many martyrs, wounded and prisoners have given their lives,” said the PFLP spokesperson.


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Abbas’ Palestinian state, rejected by Israel



On Wednesday, South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma received West Bank president Mahmoud Abbas, an Israeli ally in Pretoria. Zuma also hosted a meeting between Abbas and SA leaders of pro-Israel Jewish organizations,Jewish Board of Deputies and Zionist Federation. During the meeting, Abbas assured the Jewish leaders that he is committed to the so-called two-statesolution for the Jewish occupied Palestine.

The two Jewish groups in a statement said that they “welcome the confirmation by President Abbas that he and his government remain committed to a negotiated two-state solution to the conflict with Israel and to working with the Israeli government towards attaining that goal.”

I bet these cunning Jewish leaders knew that the Israeli government has already rejected the idea of the “two-state”.

On Monday, in a speech, Israeli envoy at the United Nations, Ron Prosor said:

Imagine the type of state Palestinian society will produce. Does the Middle East really need another (Israel) terror-ocracy.”

The answer to Prosor’s question comes from a non-Muslim, non-Palestinian, A. Bilzarian: Hamas may be the most moral “terrorist” in history.

In Spring 2014, Israeli defense minister Gen. Moshe Ya’alon called his Jewish brother John Kerry “Messianic” for latter’s persistence pursuit of an Israel-Palestinian deal. In October 2014, he said that Palestinian will never get a country of their own. What they will achieve the most – an autonomy within Israel. Here is a glimpse of Ya’alon’s talk with Lally Weymouth of Washington Post:

Q: Do you believe in a two-state solution?

A: You can call it the new Palestinian empire. We don’t want to govern them, but it is not going to be a regular state for many reasons.

Q: What does that mean — the Palestinian empire?

A: Autonomy. It is going to be demilitarized.

Q: In Gaza and the West Bank?

A: It is up to them. According to the agreement, they should be demilitarized. It is up to Abu Mazen if he is able or if he wants to demilitarize Gaza. Otherwise, we are not going to talk about any final settlement.

Q: Is Abu Mazen the best Palestinian leader you’re going to get?

A: I don’t know, but he is not a partner for the two-state solution. He doesn’t recognize the existence of the Jewish state.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to annex occupied JordanValley and expel all its native Muslim and Christian inhabitants.

The Zionist regime doesn’t want a sovereign Palestinian state next to its occupation. What it has in mind is a Palestinian Bantustan modeled on apartheid South African and Canadian-American Native experiment.

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Palestine: Talk of a Third Intifada

Where to From Here?

Only the Palestinian people can tell us when they are ready for an intifada. (Tamar Fleishman/Palestine Chronicle)

By Ramzy Baroud

When a journalist tries to do a historian’s job, the outcome can be quite interesting. Using history as a side note in a brief news report or political analysis oftentimes does more harm than good. Now imagine if that journalist was not dependable to begin with, even more than it being “interesting”, the outcome runs the risk of becoming a mockery.

Consider the selective historical views offered by New York Times writer Thomas Freidman – exposed in the book “The Imperial Messenger” by Belen Fernandez for his pseudo- intellectual shenanigans, contradictions and constant marketing of the status quo.

In an article entitled, The Third Intifada, published last February, Friedman attempts to explain two of the most consequential events in the collective history of the Palestinian people, if not the whole region: “For a while now I’ve wondered why there’s been no Third Intifada. That is, no third Palestinian uprising in the West Bank, the first of which helped to spur the Oslo peace process and the second of which – with more live ammunition from the Israeli side and suicide bombings from the Palestinian side – led to the breakdown of Oslo.”

Ta-da, there it is: Palestinian history for dummies, by, you know .. Friedman. Never mind that the consequences that led to the first uprising in 1987 included the fact that Palestinians were rebelling against the very detached elitist culture, operating from Tunisia, which purported to speak on behalf of the Palestinian people. It was a small clique within the PLO-Fatah leadership that were not even living in Palestine at the time who signed a ruinous, secret agreement in Olso in 1993. And, at the expense of their people’s rightful demands for freedom, this arrangement won them just a few perks. The uprising didn’t help “spur the Oslo peace process”; the ‘process’ was rather introduced, with the support and financing of the United States and others, to crush the intifada, as it did.

While there is some truth to the fact that the second uprising led to the breakdown of Oslo, Friedman’s logic indicates a level of inconsistency on the part of the Palestinian people and their revolts – that they rebelled to bring peace, and they rebelled again to destroy it. Of course, his seemingly harmless interjection there of Israel’s use of live ammunition during the second uprising (as if thousands of Palestinians were not killed and wounded by live ammunition in the first), while Palestinians used suicide bombings – for the uninformed reader, justifies Israel’s choice of weapons.

According to the Israeli rights organization B’Tselem, 1,489 Palestinians were killed during the first intifada (1987-1993) including 304 children. I85 Israelis were reportedly killed including 91 soldiers.

Over 4,000 Palestinians were killed during the second intifada, and over a 1,000 Israelis. However, according to B’Tselem, the high price of death and injury hardly ceased when the second Intifada was arguably over by the end of 2005. In “10 years to the second Intifada,” the Israeli organization reported that: “Israeli security forces killed 6,371 Palestinians, of whom 1,317 were minors. At least 2,996 of the fatalities did not participate in the hostilities when killed. .. An additional 248 were Palestinian police killed in Gaza during operation Cast Lead, and 240 were targets of assassinations.”

There are other possible breakdowns of these numbers, which would be essential to understanding the nature of popular Palestinian revolts. The victims come from diverse backgrounds: refugee camps, villages, small towns and cities. Until Israel’s devastating war on Gaza, 2008-09, the numbers were almost equally divided between Gaza and the West Bank. Some of the victims were Palestinians with Israeli citizenship. Israeli bullets and shells targeted a whole range of people, starting with bystanders, to un-armed protesters, stone throwers, armed fighters, community activists, political leaders, militant leaders, men, women, children, and so on.

In some tragic way, the Israeli responses to Palestinian uprisings is the best validation of the popular nature of the intifada, which goes against every claim made by Israeli leaders that say intifadas are staged and manipulated for specific political ends.

For years, many journalists have busied themselves asking or trying to answer questions regarding the anticipated Third Intifada. Some did so in earnest, others misleadingly, as in the NBC News report: Palestinian Violence Targets Israelis: Has Third Intifada Begun? Few took a stab at objectivity with mixed results as in CNN’s: In Jerusalem, the ‘auto intifada’ is far from an uprising.

But most of them, using a supercilious approach to understanding the Palestinian collective, failed to understand what an uprising is in the first place.

Even the somewhat sensible approach that explains an intifada as popular outrage resulting from the lack of political horizon can, although at times unwittingly, seem distorted.

It is interesting that hardly any had the astuteness to predict previous uprisings. True, violence can be foreseen to some degree, but the collective course of action of a whole nation that is separated by impossible geographical, political, factional and other divides, is not so easy to analyze in merely a few sentences, let alone predict.

There were numerous incidents in the past that never culminated into an “intifada”, although they seem to unite various sectors of Palestinian society, and where a degree of violence was also a prominent feature. They failed because intifadas are not a call for violence agreed upon by a number of people that would constitute a critical mass. Intifadas, although often articulated with a clear set of demands, are not driven by a clear political agenda either.

Palestinians lead an uprising in 1936 against the British Mandate government in Palestine, when the latter did its most to empower Zionists to establish a ‘Jewish state’, and deny Palestinians any political aspiration for independence, thus negating the very spirit of the UN mandate. The uprising turned into a revolt, the outcome of which was the rise of political consciousness among all segments of Palestinian society. A Palestinian identity, which existed for generations, was crystallized in a meaningful and much greater cohesion than ever before.

If examined through a rigid political equation, the 1936-39 Intifada failed, but its success was the unification of an identity that was fragmented purposely or by circumstance.

Later intifadas achieved similar results.

The 1987 Intifada reclaimed the Palestinian struggle by a young, vibrant generation that was based in Palestine itself, unifying more than the identity of the people, but their narrative as well.

The 2000 Intifada challenged the historical anomaly of Oslo, which seemed like a major divergence from the course of resistance championed by every Palestinian generation since 1936.

Although Intifadas affect the course of politics, they are hardly meant as political statements per se. They are unconcerned with the belittling depictions of most journalists and politicians. They are a comprehensive, remarkable and uncompromising process that, regardless of their impact on political discourses, are meant to “shake off”, and defiantly challenge all the factors that contribute to the oppression of a nation. This is not about “violence targeting Israelis”, or its collaborators among Palestinians. It is the awakening of a whole society, joined by a painstaking attempt at redrawing all priorities as a step forward on the path of liberation, in both the cerebral and actual sense.

And considering the numerous variables at play, only the Palestinian people can tell us when they are ready for an intifada – because, essentially it belongs to them, and them alone.

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