Exclusive| Prisoner Exchange: Resistance Holds Firm amid Israeli Delays

November 15, 2023

Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jail (archive)

Batoul Wehbi

Amid ongoing discussions involving the United States, the Zionist entity, Arab nations, regional and international bodies concerning negotiations with Palestinian resistance, a persistent atmosphere of delay and obstruction has clouded the process.

Despite efforts to forge a five-day truce and execute a prisoner exchange, negotiations have encountered hurdles due to the Israeli continued aggression against the Gaza Strip.

Ziad Nakhalah, Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, articulated concerns in a statement, hinting at potential withdrawal from media-hyped negotiations: “The negotiation approach, particularly regarding our prisoners and the enemy’s reactions, may compel the Jihad Movement to opt out of the discussed deal, holding our prisoners for improved terms.”

The deadlock is primarily attributed to the Zionist enemy’s obstructive stance.

Despite lacking any substantial military gains in the war on Gaza, the enemy’s demands, particularly concerning the “all-for-all equation” in the exchange of civilians, women, and children, remain contentious.

The enemy’s insistence on a comprehensive list of personnel while sustaining hostilities is deemed unfeasible, considering many individuals in this category are not affiliated with the Hamas movement.

Furthermore, impediments arise from the enemy’s attempt to limit the age of recognized children to 19 years, contrary to captured soldiers who are 18, thereby disputing their status as minors.

Notably, the resistance proposed an alternate resolution, suggesting payment exchanges contingent upon a ceasefire.

Crucially, disagreements persist regarding the enemy’s definition of civilians, solely categorizing those without military attire.

This stance disregards instances where soldiers, apprehended during the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation on October 7, were in uniform while captured in a state of rest.

The enemy’s insistence on defining soldiers exclusively as individuals arrested while armed and in uniform further complicates negotiations.

The Israeli criterion for defining Israeli citizens in captivity as those without dual nationalities excludes numerous prisoners, necessitating negotiation by their respective countries holding their nationalities, introducing an additional layer of complexity to the negotiations.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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Islamic Jihad Leader Raises Concerns Over Negotiations on Prisoners

 November 14, 2023

The Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, has expressed apprehension that the negotiation approach concerning their enemy’s prisoners and the corresponding reactions may lead the Islamic Jihad movement to step outside the proposed deal.

Al-Nakhalah revealed, in an official statement released on Tuesday, the possibility that the Islamic Jihad Movement could retain its current prisoners under more favorable conditions.

In related developments, Abu Obeida, the official spokesperson for the Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas’ military wing), affirmed overnight that the Zionist entity is displaying indifference towards the lives of its prisoners, causing delays in finalizing a potential exchange deal.

On Tuesday, the Israeli military officially acknowledged the death of a soldier previously held in Gaza. This confirmation came after Hamas movement released a video on Monday featuring Noa Marciano, who identified herself on camera, stating that she had been held in Gaza for four days. The video was dated October 11.

Following Marciano’s video, Hamas shared images on social media purporting to be her lifeless body after being killed in an Israeli airstrike.

As per a caption accompanying the images, Marciano, aged 19, was killed in an air strike by the Zionist enemy last Thursday.

According to Abu Obeida, the Israeli entity has sought the release of 100 women and children imprisoned in Gaza. In response, the Al-Qassam Brigades proposed releasing 50 women and children initially, with the possibility of increasing the number to 70 during a 5-day truce. This exchange would involve the release of 200 Palestinian children and 75 women.

The proposed truce includes terms for the release of certain Israeli prisoners in Gaza, accompanied by a ceasefire and the facilitation of relief and humanitarian aid into all areas of the Gaza Strip.

However, the enemy’s perceived lack of urgency and concern for the lives of its prisoners has been criticized, notably resulting in the recent death of the prisoner soldier in an Israeli bombing.

These developments occur against the backdrop of the ongoing Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip, which has tragically claimed the lives of over 11,500 martyrs, with a majority being children and women.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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Hamas Deputy Chief Underscores, via Al-Manar, Coordination with Hezbollah in Gaza Battle Since Day One

October 25, 2023

Hamas Deputy Chief Sheikh Saleh Arouri stressed on Wednesday that the military capabilities of the Palestinian Resistance have not been affected by the Zionist aggression on Gaza.

Making phone remarks via Al-Manar TV, Sheikh Arouri stressed that, if the Israeli enemy waged a ground offensive against Gaza, the Palestinian Resistance will turn the Strip’s tragedies into joys.

Sheikh Arouri underlined the Western coverage of the Zionist massacres in Gaza, affirming that punishing the Israeli enemy is inevitable and highlighting the role of the West Bank resistance in this regard.

Sheikh Arouri emphasized that Hamas deals with the foreigners it detains as guests, adding that only the Israeli captives will be released upon a swap deal.

Hamas Deputy Chief underlined the coordination between the Palestinian Resistance Movement and Hezbollah on the joint battle for Al-Quds, unveiling a meeting with Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah in the first day of the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

Sheikh Arouri added that Hezbollah are engaging in heroic confrontations with the Israeli enemy on Lebanon border, adding that the Resistance Party considers Gaza battle as his.

Hezbollah Media Relations announced on Wednesday that Sayyed Nasrallah had met with Arouri in addition to Islamic Jihad Secretary General Ziad Nakhalah to assess the recent developments in the Gaza Strip, tracing back to the commencement of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and its subsequent ramifications at all levels, while also addressing the ongoing confrontations along the Lebanese-Palestinian border.

Sayyed Nasrallah in a meeting with Islamic Jihad and Hamas leaders (October 2023).

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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Ceasefire in Palestine not anytime soon: Israeli official to CNN

October 23, 2023

Source: Agencies

Israeli soldiers gather in a staging area near the border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Occupied Palestine, Friday, Oct. 20, 2023 (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

Israeli official says that both “Israel” and the United States share the goal of securing the release of captives, but dismantling Hamas remains a priority.

Despite efforts by the United States and Qatar to secure a ceasefire, it appears that a ceasefire is not on the immediate horizon, according to a senior Israeli official cited by CNN.

On Sunday, CNN reported that Washington had exerted pressure on the Israeli government to delay a ground invasion in Gaza for the sake of facilitating the release of more hostages.

The Israeli government, however, seems to be unaware of such calls for a delay to the ground operation. The official quoted in the report stated that both “Israel” and the United States share the goal of securing the swift release of all captives.

Nonetheless, the official also emphasized that “humanitarian efforts cannot be allowed to impact the mission to dismantle Hamas.”

While “Israel” agreed to allow the shipment of aid to Gaza, this move was met with some resistance domestically.

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Earlier today, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian pointed out that “the ultimate goal of the fake and occupying Israeli regime is the forced displacement of the residents of Gaza and the West Bank to the Sinai region of Egypt and parts of Jordan.”

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Amir-Abdollahian made this statement in a phone call with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry, as part of diplomatic consultations with officials from Islamic countries regarding the need to stop the war crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the people of Gaza.

The top Iranian diplomat once again announced the readiness of the Iranian Red Crescent to send humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza through Egypt.

He indicated that “Tel Aviv is trying to establish a Palestinian state, outside the historical land of the Palestinians, but resistance has been the main barrier to the realization of the troubled dreams of the Zionists.”

Amir-Abdollahian held talks with the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, during which the two sides discussed ways to prevent “Israeli crimes” against the Gaza Strip, the movement said on Sunday.

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“The latest developments related to the Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip and ways to use all tools to stop these brutal crimes committed by the enemy in the Gaza Strip were discussed,” Hamas said in a statement.

The Iranian Foreign Minister also held similar talks with the Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Ziyad al-Nakhalah.

Amir-Abdollahian had previously emphasized the need for an immediate halt to the war crimes committed by “Israel” in Gaza, warning that the time for political solutions is running out, and the possibility of the war expanding to other fronts is nearing an inevitable stage.

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Operation Al Aqsa Flood

Abu Hamza: Lebanon events sheer example of what is awaiting ‘Israel’

October 12, 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

The military spokesperson for Al-Quds Brigades – the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad- Abu Hamza

By Al Mayadeen English

The military spokesperson for Al-Quds Brigades says other fronts may soon join in the battle against the Israeli occupation.

The military spokesperson for Al-Quds Brigades – the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) – Abu Hamza revealed on Wednesday that the battle may soon expand to include the occupied Palestinian territories in 1948, stressing that the battle is no longer limited to the Gaza Strip.

In an audio speech regarding the developments of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Abu Hamza said that other fronts may soon join in the battle.

He stressed that the scope of fire is expanding and that what the Israeli occupation witnessed in South Lebanon was merely a small example of what is awaiting the enemy, reassuring everyone that victory is just around the corner.

Addressing the Resistance in the West Bank, Abu Hamza called on the Jenin and Lions’ Den brigades, as well as all the Palestinians there to engage in confrontations with the Israeli occupation.

Furthermore, the military spokesperson threatened the Israeli occupation, “We have come prepared for you outside Palestine just as we were inside Palestine, and the events that unfolded in the Gaza Envelope shall be mirrored in other battlegrounds.”

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On Wednesday, at 9 pm sharp, codenamed the Hour of al-Bahaa, Al-Quds Brigades announced the launching of large missile salvos toward “Tel Aviv”, “Ashkelon”, and “Sderot”, in response to the massacres and targeting of civilians in Gaza.

A day before, Al-Quds Brigades showered Israeli occupation settlements and other occupied cities with salvos of missiles, also at the Hour of al-Bahaa, hitting “Tel Aviv”, “Ashkelon”, and “Sderot”. The Brigades confirmed that “the Zionist depth will be a continuous target for the freedom fighters of the missile force, in light of the continued aggression and targeting of safe Palestinian civilians.”

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) had previously announced the capture of 30 Israeli soldiers during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood launched by the Palestinian Resistance last Saturday morning, and its military spokesperson warned “Israel” of “an unknown fate for its soldiers and settlers.”

Meanwhile, PIJ Secretary-General Ziyad al-Nakhalah confirmed that “Israel” must acknowledge defeat if it wishes to stop incurring additional casualties and prisoners.

He continued to say that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood revealed the weakness of the enemy and left it paralyzed. He added that it became clear that the enemy was fragile since the early hours, and this was evidenced by their pleas for help from the United States. 

Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation army spokesperson announced that the number of soldiers killed had risen to 189 by Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, as per Israeli media. The Israeli Broadcasting Authority reported that the number of Israeli deaths had risen to about 1,200, while more than 2,900 settlers were injured.

This comes as “Israel” fears Hezbollah and Syria joining in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood from the Northern front to support the Resistance factions in the Gaza Strip, which will lead to increased pressure on the Israeli army, which is already floundering in weakness and  dispersion.

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Operation Al Aqsa Flood

IRGC leader: US cannot save ‘Israel’ after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

October 9, 2023

Source: Agencies

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard commander Gen. Hossein Salami addresses the crowd during a rally in front of the former US Embassy commemorating the anniversary of its 1979 seizure in Tehran, Iran, Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021. (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Major General Hossein Salami, says the era of Israeli Occupation threats is over.

The Commander of the Revolution Guard (IRGC), Major General Hossein Salami, confirmed that “Israel” can no longer “roister as it used to,” stressing that its era of insolence has ended.

Salami said, “The heroic Palestinians are pursuing and arresting the [Israeli] soldiers without any fears” adding that “Israel” is no longer able to release slander and lies.

He had also praised Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, pursued by the Palestinian Resistance, in which it succeeded in inflicting heavy losses upon the occupation, saying that “today we see a strong Palestine”, stressing in his Hamadan governorate speech that “today is the end of the occupation and its aggression”, noting that “Americans are no longer able to save Israel.”

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In the same vein, Salami emphasized that the United States was “a weak backbone,” reaffirming that “Israel has become weaker than it was.” In parallel, Salami underscored that God is the resistance’s backbone and that at the height of the blockade, the Resistance has demonstrated power that humiliated “Israel.”

Iran enjoys state-of-the-art military equipment while stressing that readiness for martyrdom and the school of martyrdom are factors that would ensure winning the war. 

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Raisi says ‘Israel’ must ‘be held accountable’ during Hamas, PIJ call

Yesterday, October 8, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement Ziyad Al-Nakhalah as well as the Secretary-General of the Hamas movement Ismail Haniyeh to discuss the ongoing events of the Al-Aqsa Flood reaffirming that Tehran continues to stand by Palestine and their right to liberate their land.

“Iran supports the legitimate defense of the Palestinian nation,” Raisi said adding that “The Zionist regime (Israel) and its supporters are responsible for endangering the security of nations in the region, and they must be held accountable in this matter.”

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In similar vain, the Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, affirmed, earlier in the day, that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood has exposed the Israeli entity’s weakness. 

Bagheri stated that the Resistance forces are capable of launching complex and intricate operations that defy the Israeli capabilities, including their Iron Dome, emphasizing that some desperate attempts, such as the “ridiculous normalization farce,” will not be able to slow down the pace of “Israel’s” demise.

He further stated that “the resistance fighters, during their surprise air, sea, and land operation against Israeli military positions, presented encouraging scenes of the oppressed Palestinian people’s resistance and resilience.”

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Al-Nakhalah: Jenin Brigade led victory, these are historic moments

July 5 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, Zyiad Al-Nakhalah. (File photo) 

By Al Mayadeen English

The Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, Ziyad Al-Nakhalah, says that the Jenin Brigade led this great victory and that the Palestinian people proved that unity could defeat the enemy.

The Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, said that the Palestinian people achieved a victory by ending the occupation’s aggression against Jenin and its camp.

He added that the Jenin Briage led this victory, noting that “the Palestinian people, with their unity and rallying around the resistance fightersproved that they can defeat the enemy.”

Al-Nakhalah added, “The Palestinian people have proven that they can conquer the Israeli occupation in every battle against it, from the battle of Seif Al-Quds to the Fury of Jenin.”

He pointed out that “during these historical moments, the entirety of Jenin is cheering for the resistance fighters and the Jenin Battalion,” describing these moments as “moments of pride and glory that will persist until our victory.”

Al-Nakhalah called for national solidarity to strengthen the steadfastness of the Jenin camp so that it “remains an inspiring model for revolution, defiance, struggle, and resistance.”

Palestinian factions in Jenin 

Al-Quds Brigades-Jenin Brigade saluted the victory achieved in Jenin against the Israeli aggression. It affirmed that the Palestinian resistance was a model of heroism and redemption in the Jenin camp and that it inflicted heavy losses on the occupation at all levels.

The leader revealed that “The resistance in Jenin is preparing to announce its victory and break the enemy’s arrogance, which was unable to achieve its goals despite the scale of aggression and  destruction it left behind.”

For his part, the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, saluted the Resistance fighters in the Jenin camp, and those stationed there, stressing that Jenin was and still is “the incubator of the resistance.”

The Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, issued a statement in which it praised “our people in the Jenin camp,” as well as the freedom fighters from all Palestinian factions “for their legendary steadfastness.”

Munther al-Hayek, the spokesperson for the Fatah movement, saluted the victory in Jenin, stressing that “the devastation left by the occupation in Jenin will increase our people’s determination to maintain confrontation.”

This came after several Israeli media outlets reported, quoting a spokesperson for the Israeli occupation army, that “Israeli forces have begun withdrawing from Jenin.”

Al Mayadeen’s correspondent in occupied Palestine confirmed that the people are returning to the Jenin camp after the occupation forces withdrew from it, and the resistance fighters are roaming the streets.

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IOF Withdraws from Jenin after Costly Battle

July 5, 2023

After a 48-hour military aggression, the Israeli occupation forces have withdrawn from the city of Jenin and its camp in the northern occupied West Bank. During the operation, twelve Palestinians martyred and over 120 were wounded. However, the resistance wrote a heroic epic, and in the end, the Israeli occupation forces failed to break them.

The withdrawal of IOF occurred at midnight, after the death of a soldier of the occupation army. Sergeant First Class David Yehuda Izhak, from the occupied West Bank settlement of Beit El, was killed in an exchange of fire with Palestinian youths in Jenin on Tuesday, according to a statement from the occupation army.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of Jenin camp citizens were able to return to their homes, having previously left under the threat of an Israeli attack. Celebrations spread throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip to honor the victory of the Palestinian resistance.

Jenin Brigades Celebrate Victory

Al-Quds Brigades – Jenin Brigade celebrated the victory with a statement, saying, “The Palestinian Resistance, chiefly Al-Quds Brigades – Jenin Brigades, wrote in the battle of the Fury of Jenin the most magnificent epics of heroism and sacrifice.” They went on to say that the operation cost the enemy heavy losses and thanked the Jenin people and families of those who were martyred, injured, and detained.

Meanwhile, Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh stated that all options were on the table to support Jenin and its people, and that the Resistance in “Tel Aviv” and other areas were in support of them. Similarly, Al-Qassam Brigades congratulated the people and fighters of Jenin camp for their steadfastness.

Al-Nakhalah Declares Victory

The Islamic Jihad Movement’s Secretary-General, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, announced that the Palestinian people have achieved a significant victory against Israel’s occupation of Jenin and its camp. He credited the triumph to the leadership of the Jenin Brigade, praising the unity and support shown by the Palestinian people towards the resistance fighters.

“The people of Palestine have demonstrated that they have the power to defeat the enemy,” Al-Nakhalah declared. He continued, “From the Battle of Seif Al-Quds to the Fury of Jenin, the Palestinian people have proved that they can overcome Israel’s occupation in every battle.”

The Palestinian people are returning to the Jenin camp and the resistance fighters are roaming the streets, signaling a new chapter in their fight against the Israeli occupation.

Source: Palestinian and Israeli media (translated and edited by Al-Manar English Website)


Palestinian Resistance in West Bank Moves from Mere Defense to Decisive Attacks

 June 17, 2023

One of the Palestinian youths was injured early Saturday during clashes with the Zionist occupation forces in Jenin, West Bank.

Ibn Sina Hospital announced that the Zionist gunfire hit the young man’s right hand.

Palestinian sources reported that clashes erupted between the Palestinian youths and the Zionist occupation forces near Jenin camp, adding that the resistance fighters used guns and explosives to target the enemy troops.

Jenin Brigade mentioned that its fighters frustrated the enemy’s scheme to entice them into certain ambush positions, adding that the resistance men dealt major blows to the enemy.

Fatah Movement Commander Jamal Haweel indicated that Jenin fighters worked in accordance to the message of the Islamic Jihad Chief Ziad Nakhalah’s message to move from defense to attacks.

Suspension Bridge

Meanwhile, the Zionist enemy is scheduled to inaugurate the suspension bridge linking Al-Thawri neighborhood and Al-Rababa Valley in the south of Al-Aqsa Mosque, occupied Al-Quds, in the  context of the Judaization schemes.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Imam Khamenei Welcomes Leaders of Palestinian Resistance: ‘Israel’ is Desperate

Wednesday, 14 June 2023 4:39 PM  [ Last Update: Wednesday, 14 June 2023 6:05 PM ]

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei (R) meets with the secretary general of Palestine’s Islamic Jihad movement and his accompanying delegation in Tehran on June 14, 2023. (Photo by Khamenei.ir)

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has lauded the recent victory of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement against Israel, saying the growing power of Palestinian resistance groups is the key to bringing the occupying regime to its knees.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with Secretary General of Palestine’s Islamic Jihad movement Ziad al-Nakhaleh and his accompanying delegation in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Wednesday.

The Tel Aviv regime launched a deadly bombing campaign on Gaza on May 9, sparking the firing of over 1,000 rockets by the Islamic Jihad toward the occupied territories.

The two sides agreed after five days of fighting to an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire that took effect on May 13.

Israeli aerial assaults killed at least 33 Palestinians in Gaza, including six children, and wounded 147, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Several Islamic Jihad leaders were also among the Palestinian victims of the latest conflict, which marked the worst episode of fighting between Gaza’s resistance factions and Israel since a 10-day war in 2021.

The Leader congratulated the Islamic Jihad on its historic triumph against the occupying entity early last month and stressed that the current status of the Israeli regime is “much different” compared to 70 years ago.

“The Palestinian Islamic Jihad did well in the test of the recent battle of Gaza, and now the conditions for the Zionist regime have changed compared to 70 years ago, and the Zionist leaders have the right to worry about not seeing the regime’s 80th year,” Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

“Today, the Zionist enemy is in a position of passivity and reaction, and this situation shows that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and resistance groups have correctly identified the path and are following it,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Stressing that achieving great goals requires taking great risks, the Leader said, “Today, by the grace of God, the strength and credibility of the Palestinian resistance groups and Islamic Jihad is increasing day by day, and the Zionist regime’s recent defeat in the five-day war confirms this.”

The Leader said that the Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian resistance groups have discovered the main “key” to fight the Israeli regime. “The growing power of the resistance groups in the West Bank is the key to bringing the Zionist enemy to its knees, and this path must continue.”

Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the Palestinian combatant groups’ initiative for their unity in the political and battlefield arena, describing it as “very important”. He underscored the continuation of the Islamic Republic’s support for the Palestinian people and combatant groups.

Nakhaleh, for his part, expressed his gratitude for Iran’s constant support of the Palestinian people and their struggles while reporting on the recent developments in the occupied Palestinian territories.

“The Islamic Jihad emerged victorious from the Gaza war and we hope to soon witness the final victory and the liberation of al-Quds,” he added.

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Hamas, PIJ leaders meet with Egyptian intelligence to discuss Gaza truce

June 05 2023

(Photo Credit: AFP)

The high-level meeting came one day after an Egyptian soldier ambushed and killed three Israeli border guards

By News Desk

The head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, and the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Ziad al-Nakhala, on 4 June met with Egyptian intelligence officials in Cairo to discuss the truce between the Israeli government and the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip.

According to sources familiar with the talks that spoke with UK-based Qatari news outlet Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, the resistance leaders reviewed “highly sensitive files” during talks described as “the first of their kind regarding the situation in the Gaza Strip.”

The new truce arrangements would reportedly include a “broader role for Cairo in terms of presence in Gaza,” something that requires the approval of the resistance groups.

A fragile ceasefire has been in effect in the besieged Gaza Strip since mid-May. The deal was reached after five days of battle that saw the PIJ fire hundreds of rockets into Israeli settlements in response to the targeted assassination of the group’s leaders.

Egyptian security officials are reportedly discussing the Gaza crisis with their Iranian counterparts.

Last week, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi ordered the foreign ministry to actively pursue the resumption of diplomatic relations with Egypt.

Raisi’s order was given one day after Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told Oman’s Sultan Haitham bin Tariq in Tehran that the Islamic Republic has “no objection” to normalization with Egypt.

In 1979, following the success of the Iranian revolution, Tehran severed diplomatic relations with Egypt over the signing of the Camp David Accords the year earlier, which saw Cairo and Tel Aviv end decades of hostility between them.

Relations were further damaged in 1980 when Egyptian President Anwar Sadat hosted Iran’s former Shah, the western-backed Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Following this was Egyptian support for Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq war.

The talks between Palestinian resistance leaders and Egyptian intelligence came one day after an Egyptian soldier ambushed and killed three Israeli border guards.

The unprecedented attack spiked fears among Israeli commentators that the attack was part of a “multi-front war” being waged by resistance forces in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon, and supported by Iran, which “weakens Israeli deterrence.”


ceasefire PalestinePIJ

Palestinian Resistance rockets homemade: PIJ’s Nakhaleh

23 May 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ziyad Al-Nakhalah

By Al Mayadeen English 

The Palestinian Resistance is able to strike any Israeli settlement is wants to using its homemade rockets, PIJ chief Ziyad Al-Nakhaleh said.

The rocket that hit “Tel Aviv” and reached occupied Al-Quds during Operation Avenging the Free has a range that covers all of occupied Palestine, the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, Ziyad Al-Nakhaleh, said Tuesday.

“The rocket that struck Tel Aviv and reached Al-Quds […] is the brainchild of the experienced specialists working in Al-Quds Brigades,” the PIJ’s military wing, Al-Nakhaleh said.

Al-Nakhalah said Friday that “Tel Aviv” and other settlements of the Zionist entity “are within the range of our rockets and the bullets of our fighters.”

During a speech at the festival commemorating the martyrs of Operation Avenging the Free in the city of Saida, south Lebanon, Al-Nakhalah said, “We meet today to honor a great group of martyrs and leaders who were killed in the treacherous aggression and to honor the two martyrs, Commander Khader Adnan and Commander Ali Al-Aswad, and everyone who ascended to martyrdom in Operation Avenging the Free.”

“The martyrdom of the commanders of Al-Quds Brigades did not cause any disruption in the movement’s military structure,” the PIJ chief underlined.

“The deputies of the slain commanders assumed responsibility immediately after the martyrdom,” the Palestinian Resistance leader revealed.

“The Islamic Jihad movement in the last battle was in a better position than any previous battles,” he told a press conference.

Furthermore, he threatened to “bomb the heart of the Zionist entity and its cities if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dares to target Islamic Jihad commanders in other areas.”

Commenting on the Israeli occupation’s provocative Flag March, Al-Nakhaleh underlined that the Israeli occupation’s actions must be dealt with, stressing that “Al-Quds is an occupied city, and we must resist and fight for its liberation.”

He also commented on the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement deal, saying it brought the region back to its natural status quo, adding that there would be positive repercussions for the Palestinian cause.

“Iran’s support for the Palestinian Resistance is unconditional. We do not have oil or military bases to offer them,” he said, adding that normalization was a great treason, and the Arab people are required to aid the Palestinian people in their steadfastness and Resistance.

In the wake of the Palestinian resistance declaring its victory in Operation Avenging the Free, Al-Nakhalah thanked all those who stood by the resistance, “led by the Islamic Republic in Iran, Hezbollah, and our brothers in Egypt and Qatar.”

Al-Nakhalah pointed out that despite “all the difficult circumstances and the imbalance of military power in favor of the enemy, our people are still fighting,” adding, “We have steadfastly and patiently fought major battles in defense of our identity and adherence to our rights, and our cause has remained alive.”

The PIJ chief considered that the occupation wanted to cast a shadow “over our cause with politics and wars, but today we stand stronger and more determined to adhere to our rights and Al-Quds.”

The Israeli occupation launched a five-day aggression against the Gaza Strip earlier in May, targeting residential houses in the north, center, and south of the Strip.

In retaliation, Al-Quds Brigades and the Palestinian Resistance factions launched Operation Avenging the Free, in which it fired advanced rockets and missiles that bypassed the Iron Dome and targeted several Israeli settlements, occupied cities, and occupation sites.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the number of Palestinians killed in the aggression rose to 33 martyrs, including six children and three women, and 147 people were wounded.

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Gaza rises to victory by smashing Israeli diktats into smithereens

May 17, 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen English

By Ahmad Karakira 

Al Mayadeen analyst for Arab and regional affairs says despite the great wounds as a result of the Israeli aggression, Gazans decided to maintain steadfastness.

On Saturday at 10 pm Al-Quds time, an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire between the Palestinian Resistance and the Israeli occupation took effect following a five-day Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, which led to the martyrdom of 33 Palestinian and the injury of 100, in addition to huge material losses.

Immediately after the ceasefire was announced and took effect, Gazans took to the streets to celebrate victory in Operation Avenging the Free, which the Palestinian Resistance launched against the Israeli occupation in response to the latter’s assassination of commanders and the brutal killing of civilians.

In conjunction with the celebrations, the Joint Operations Room of the Palestinian Resistance Factions in Gaza said Operation Avenging the Free is a new chapter of glory that the Resistance fought as a unified structure, warning that although the operation has ended, the banners of Resistance will not and shall not be lowered and the will to fight will not and shall not ever dwindle.

On his part, the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement, Ziad Al-Nakhalah, said the Palestinian people, despite the pain, came out with their heads held high everywhere, in Gaza, the West Bank, and across the world, in support of the Resistance, describing these days as “days of honor and dignity for our people, who, with simple resources, are facing all this aggression.”

One might wonder how the Palestinian Resistance and Gazans claimed a victory over the Israeli aggression, despite all the assassinations, killings, and destruction caused by the occupation.

Touching on the matter, Al Mayadeen analyst for Arab and regional affairs, Abdelrahman Nassar, pointed out that the main idea is to break the Israeli dictates, because “Israel’s” goal behind the assassinations was to break the morale of the people.

Nassar explained that when Gazans witnessed the Resistance continuously bombing Israeli military sites, settlements, and cities and causing casualties among the Israelis until the last moment before the ceasefire entered into force, they considered the ceasefire a victory, steadfastness, and perseverance.

“Simply rejecting Israeli dictates in this way is a victory,” Nassar told Al Mayadeen English.

The Palestinian analyst indicated that despite the great wounds, Gazans decided to remain steadfast for many reasons, the most important of which is that they do not like to display their suffering in front of the Israeli occupation, considering all the difficult circumstances they have been under as part of the ongoing 15-year blockade on the Strip.

An upcoming assassination at any moment

Asked about the reason why “Israel” launched its heinous aggression against Gaza at this particular time, Nassar considered that the decision on the timing of the aggression was taken in 2022. He cited an Israeli Channel 14 report as saying that the security establishment confirmed the aggression on Gaza was not a response to the firing of 104 rockets toward “Sderot” in retaliation to Sheikh Khader Adnan’s martyrdom in Israeli occupation prisons, but rather a settling of accounts with the PIJ for each rocket launched since the beginning of the year and the movement’s role in Resistance operations in the occupied West Bank.

Nassar considered that “Israel’s” concern is not the rocket firing from Gaza, since this matter is still unsolvable to the occupation, nor is it the PIJ’s influential commanders, as there are similar influential leaders in other Palestinian factions. Rather, according to Nassar, “Israel’s” problem is that the PIJ is at the forefront of the Resistance’s acts in the West Bank, and hence, the occupation tried to pressure the PIJ to prevent it from pursuing this progress. Therefore, the timing is just a factor related to field conditions and is mainly linked to the occupied West Bank, he noted.

Nassar cited another reason for the aggression — a political factor related to the internal Israeli crisis over the judicial overhaul.

According to Nassar, “Israel” also tried to create a rift between the Palestinian Resistance factions and failed miserably as coordination between the factions was apparent during the aggression, and this is another aspect that boosted the morale of the people.

However, Nassar believed that from the present moment, “Israel” will continue to focus on the PIJ, predicting an upcoming assassination at any moment or a coming battle this year or the following.

Read more: Assassination of Resistance commanders not to end struggle: PIJ spox

Resistance rockets put “Israel” under constant anxiety

Militarily, Al Mayadeen analyst for Arab and regional affairs acknowledged that it would be unfair to compare the capabilities of the Israeli occupation and those of the Palestinian Resistance.

Nevertheless, he pointed out that were it not for the Resistance’s rockets, “the media would have broadcast the images of our martyrs, wounded, and destroyed homes from one side only, just as the situation was in 2010 and before.”

“After 2012, when the Resistance began to put Israel under constant anxiety, the situation changed.”

He added that despite the Resistance not being able to inflict huge casualties, Israeli settlers assert that they “love life” and disrupting their daily lives and spreading fear among them through rocket firing is enough in the meantime.

According to Nassar, the Israelis are infamous for keeping secret their casualties in all confrontations against Lebanon and Palestine, be they military or not.

Read more: PIJ can manage the battle for long days: Israeli media

Israeli media admits no solution to Gaza challenge

Touching on the Israeli media’s feedback on the recent aggression, Nassar pointed out that the media will not attack the occupation army directly. He mentioned that the Israeli media praised the army’s performance but criticized that of the political establishment. However, he noted that the media admitted that “Israel” has not been able to find a solution to the Gaza challenge.

Nassar had previously touched on the path that was followed to reach a ceasefire. He asserted that the Palestinian Resistance’s position was clear from the beginning, which is that it will not end this round unless it forces the Israeli occupation to stop the assassinations and targeting of its leaders and the bombing of homes and civilians.

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Gaza Emerges Victorious as Israeli Enemy Yields to Resistance Terms: Video

May 14, 2023

The Egyptian intelligence, which mediated the truce talks, announced late Saturday that the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli enemy agreed to commit to a ceasefire, starting from 10 p.m.

According to a copy obtained by Al-Manar, the Israeli side accepted the terms and conditions of the Palestinian resistance related to halting the assassinations against the factions commanders and the attacks on the civilians as well as their properties.

Egypt will follow up the implementation of the ceasefire terms, the copy added.

Al-Manar reporter indicated that a cautious calm prevailed in Gaza after ceasefire had taken into effect since 10 p.m., noting that Palestinian resistance fired missiles even after the truce took into effect.

Gaza locals took into streets to celebrate the victory which consecrated the deterrence formulas against the Israeli enemy.

Following the ceasefire agreement, the Joint Chamber of the Palestinian Resistance factions issued a statement, announcing the end of the “Revenge of the Free” Operation:

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

“Surely Allah loves those who fight in His cause in ˹solid˺ ranks as if they were one concrete structure.” {61:4}
Operation “Revenge of the Free” is a new page of glory, fought by the resistance, united like a concrete structure.
We address our great Jihadi people, wherever they are…
A round of fighting, resistance, and steadfastness has ended, but our resistance has begun again, more powerful and vigorous.
The joint chamber has terminated the Battle of the “Revenge of the Free”, but the banners have not and will not shatter, and the determination to fight has not and will never recede.
The Israeli enemy incorrectly estimated when they assumed they had sufficient time and that the chance to eliminate a few prominent resistance commanders was opportune.
They also aimed to wrap up the round as soon as possible and in the way they desired, believing that by doing so, they would have achieved something and emerged with an aura of victory.
However, they were taken aback by the resistance’s wisdom and tenacity as well as its inventiveness in managing the war, which perplexed the enemy’s calculations and forced them into the attrition equation.
This battle has also distracted the Israeli security system, exhausted their frail internal front, and put them in a state of expectation and anxiety.
Thus, the resistance had the upper hand in the power and deterrence equation by pelting the enemy with countless rockets and artillery rounds, murdering, injuring, tearing them apart, and demolishing their structures.
Following the valiant and honorable “Revenge of the Free” battle and in light of these remarkable sacrifices, the joint chamber affirms the following:

First, we pay tribute to the martyrs of this blessed battle who were assassinated by Zionism’s treacherous hand, including resistance leaders, heroes of the Al-Quds Brigades, resistance fighters, and mujahideen from the Joint Chamber branches, as well as all our people who were martyred in this battle and whose blood symbolizes pride and victory.

Second, we would want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our people in Gaza, who stood shoulder to shoulder with us during the battle, supporting and encouraging us to continue.
We would also like to thank the families of the martyred, the injured, and the owners of the demolished residences, who showed obstinacy and resistance against the Israeli enemy’s crimes.

Third, the resistance entered the battle and emerged as a concrete structure, and a new epic of fortitude, sacrifice, and heroism was penned.

In addition, we warn the cowardly enemy not to return to the policy of assassination; we still have our swords and our fingers on the trigger. If you return, we will return.

Fourth, the resistance has foiled the deceitful enemy’s scheme and vile crime through its steadfastness, unity, and honorable combat.
The resistance also proved that it is most capable of confronting the enemy. It demonstrated that the Zionist assassinations were and would continue to be a curse on the entity until, God willing, it is eradicated from our country.

Fifth, this battle is a new chapter in the history of our people, its martyrs, and its resistance. Indeed, the resistance is always eager to meet its people’s aspirations.
The resistance will always be ready in every area of the land and on all fronts of combat, like a sword and a shield for the nation, the people, and the holy sites.

Joint Operations Chamber of the Palestinian Resistance Factions

The Secretary General of Islamic Jihad Ziad Nakhalah announced the victory, stressing that the Movement led the resistance factions in face of the Zionist aggression on Gaza.

Nakhalah hailed the martyrs claimed by the Israeli aggression, praising the role of the media outlets which covered up the Zionist war on the Strip.

The Palestinian resistance had remained firing missiles at Tel Aviv and the various Israeli settlements and cities till last minutes of the confrontation.

Israeli occupation carried out a wide-scale aggression on Gaza early on Tuesday, killing 13 Palestinians including three senior Islamic Jihad commanders.

Al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad’s military wing, pronounced the martyrdom of commanders Khalil Al-Bahitini, Tareq Ezzeddine and Jihad Ghannam along with members of their families in several strikes that targeted a number of sites in Gaza City, Rafah and Khan Yunis.

A merciless Zionist drone attack on two apartments in Khan Younis claimed on Thursday the lives of three civilians and led to the martyrdom of the esteemed fighter commander Ali Hassan Ghali, known as “Abu Muhammad”.

Ali Hasan Ghali, Islamic Jihad rocket commander who was assassinated by Israeli occupation (Thursday, May 11, 2023).

Islamic Jihad mourned late Thursday martyr commander Ahmad Abu Dakka who was assassinated by the Israeli enemy late Thursday in Khan Younis.

Martyr Ahmad Abu Dakka
Iyad Al-Hasani (Abu Anas), senior Islamic Jihad commander who was assassinated by Israeli occupation (May 12, 2023).
Rockets are launched from the southern Gaza Strip towards occupied territories on May 12, 2023 (SAID KHATIB / AFP)

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Iran’s Amirabdollahian on Lebanon Border with Palestine: Hezbollah Proved ‘Israel’ Doesn’t Understand but Rhetoric of Power

April 28, 2023

Iranian foreign minister Hussein Amirabdollahian on Lebanon border eying Occupied Palestine

The Iranian foreign minister Hussein Amirabdollahian visited the Lebanese southern town of Maroun Al-Ras, overlooking the border area with the occupied Palestinian territories.

The two members of the Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc, Hasan Fadlallah and Hasan Ezeddine, in addition to a host of municipal and social figures welcomed the Iranian top diplomat.

Planting an olive tree in Iran’s Park in the town, Amirabdollahian reiterated the Iranian support to the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon.

“We are here in the border town of Maroun Al-Ras to announce again and loudly that we support the Resistance in Lebanon against the Zionist occupation,” Amirabdollahian said.

“The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon has proved that the Zionist entity does not understand but the rhetoric of power.”

The Middle East has started a stage of collaboration, the Iranian foreign minister said, adding that the future of the regional states is bright.

All the developments in the region will lead to the isolation and collapse of the Zionist entity, Amirabdollahian affirmed.

Iranian foreign minister Hussein Amirabdollahian

In turn, MP Hasan Fadlallah thanked the Iranian minister for his country’s renewed power offers to Lebanon, calling on the Lebanon authorities to respond positively to the Iranian initiatives.

Member of Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc MP Hasan Fadlallah

Sayyed Nasrallah Receives Amir-Abdollahian: Regional Developments Discussed

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah received Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the Lebanese party’s Media Relations Office announced on Friday.

Sayyed Nasrallah and the visiting Iranian FM discussed latest developments in the region including the Saud-Iranian deal and its regional repercussions, a statement by the Media Relations Office read.

The two also tackled latest events in Lebanon and occupied Palestine, the statement added, noting that Iranian Ambassador in Beirut Mujtaba Amani was present at the meeting.

Hezbollah S.G. Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah in a meeting with Iranian FM Hussein Amirabdollahian (Friday, April 28, 2023).

Amirabdollahian Meets Nakhallah

Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Movement of Palestine Ziyad Al-Nakhaleh says that the Israeli regime is on the path of decline and destruction.

Al-Nakhaleh made the remarks in a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Beirut on Thursday.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed the latest regional developments, the recent Zionists’ attacks, and the resistance of the Palestinians against the Israeli regime forces.

Referring to the principled policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in supporting the oppressed Palestinian nation against the Zionist regime, Amir-Abdollahian emphasized the necessity of unification of Palestinian groups as well as the unity of Muslim governments and nations in supporting the Palestinian nation and taking effective and deterrent measures against the aggressive actions of the Zionists against the Palestinians and Islamic holy places.

Al-Nakhaleh, for his part, hailed the political support of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Palestine in regional and international forums, adding that the Palestinian Resistance groups are in their best position now.

Amirabdollahian also held a phone call with Hamas chief in Gaza Yahya Al-Sinwar, reiterating the Iranian support to the Palestinian people and Resistance.

For his part, Al-Sinwar hailed the Iranian support, underlining the importance of the regional reconciliations reached by the Iranian diplomacy.

The top Iranian diplomat arrived in Beirut on Wednesday. He held several meetings with Lebanese caretaker PM Najib Mikati, Speaker Nabih Berri and FM Abdallah Bou Habib.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Sayyed Nasrallah: Supporting Armed Resistance in West Bank is a Priority

 April 13, 2023

The Al-Quds Tribune event, which convenes the leaders of the Resistance Axis movements in Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, and Bahrain, has commenced on Thursday with resounding zeal.

This annual affair, held on the momentous occasion of International Al-Quds Day, transpires amidst the backdrop of ongoing and wide-reaching events unfurling in the occupied Palestinian territories, punctuated by a brazen Zionist endeavor to commandeer and Judaize Al-Aqsa Mosque.

This gathering of eminent and valiant leaders serves as a powerful testament to the unity that pervades the arenas of resistance throughout the Islamic world, as well as to the nation’s steadfast readiness to expend all that is dear and precious to safeguard its sacred domains and thwart the pernicious schemes of Zionist Judaization.

Assembled in solidarity, these leaders avow to hold steadfast to their cause, unyielding in their determination to fight until liberation is secured, and to establish a bright future replete with freedom, dignity, and justice for all.

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that marking Al-Quds Day is part of the battle aimed at liberating the entire Palestine from the Israeli occupation.

Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that, year after year, it is reaffirmed that that marking International Quds Day, which was declared by Imam Khomeini more than 40 years ago and confirmed by Imam Khamenei, is an essential and real part of the great battle that our nation and people have waged in order to liberate Jerusalem and Palestine, all of Palestine.

The axis of resistance and all its components–states, movements, and people have been always at the forefront of the battle.

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed that, every year on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan, all minds, hearts, wills, feelings, arenas, squares, fronts, fists, forearms, platforms, voices, throats, and pens converge on the centrality of Al-Quds and its cause as well as the project to  restore it from the clutches of the occupation.

His eminence highlighted the importance of taking into consideration all the annual developments in the occupation entity, the region as well as the whole world, considering that all those developments serve the resistance battle against the Israeli occupation and the US hegemony.

Sayyed Nasrallah said that, internationally, the world is moving steadily towards a multipolar world order, which ends the hegemony of the one pole, represented by the United States of America, the absolute protector of the Zionist entity

Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted also the latest developments of the confrontation in Ukraine, the conflict between Russia and NATO as well as USA, the escalating tensions between China and the United States of America, and the European confusion in this regard.

Regionally, Sayyed Nasrallah underscored the importance of the Iranian-Saudi agreement in China, stressing that it reflects the failure of terrorist schemes and the tendency to maintain calm and run dialogues to resolve differences.

Hezbollah Secretary General also noted that the latest regional developments block all the sedition ways which harm the Umma and serve the Zionist schemes, maintaining that the restored contacts between some Arab countries and Syria would negatively affect the normalization path and the Israeli plot to establish an Arab axis to confront the axis of resistance.

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah has been tracking the Zionist crises for several years, adding that the extent of differences and divisions in the occupation entity is unprecedented since 1948.

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the escalating armed resistance in the West Bank, the popular support to the resistance fighters inside and outside Palestine, the youths participation in the clashes with the Zionst occupation forces, the Palestinian persistence and insistence versus the Zionist confusion and fear, and the growing capabilities of the resistance in the Gaza have maintained the fraternity of victory.

Sayyed Nasrallah concluded his address by reiterating he importance of militarily supporting the Palestinian resistance in West Bank which comprises Al-Quds shield and protects the Islamic and Christian sanctities in the Holy City.

Hezbollah Secretray General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah

The Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, delivered a powerful speech during the annual ‘Tribune of Al-Quds’ activity, highlighting the significance of International Al-Quds Day.

“Quds Day summarizes history, abbreviates geography, and becomes the title of the rise of a nation that possesses absolute certainty of victory and the liberation of Palestine, Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and its mosque (Al-Aqsa),” he proclaimed.

Al-Nakhalah expressed his concern over the continued oppression and bloodshed in Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa mosque. He emphasized that the Zionist invaders are constantly trampling on everything that is sacred to the Palestinian people. Furthermore, he called on the Arab and Muslim nations to recognize the reality of the situation and join the resistance against the usurping regime of Israel.

“On Quds Day, here are the arenas of resistance confirming their presence and support for the Palestinian people and resistance,” Al-Nakhalah stated. He expressed his confidence that the resistance will continue to raise its flag everywhere and that the Palestinian people will remain steadfast in their struggle for freedom.

He concluded by affirming the unwavering commitment to unity “as a nation with a unified message, and we declare that Al-Quds is our symbol of determination and resilience.” “We vow to continue our fight for liberation until victory is achieved, and Al-Quds remains the beacon of hope for our cause,” he ended up saying.

Islamic Jihad Chief Ziad Nakhala

In his address at the annual Al-Quds Tribune event on the occasion of International Al-Quds Day, Archbishop Atallah Hanna of the Greek Orthodox Church emphasized that Al-Quds is a trust in the necks of all people. He asserted that unity among Palestinians is a powerful force, and that they will remain united in this holy city, regardless of religious differences.

The Archbishop further denounced the conspiracy of those who storm Al-Aqsa and seek to violate its sanctities, be they Islamic or Christian, and emphasized that the occupation seeks to uproot and alienate the Palestinian people and obliterate the features of the city. Nevertheless, Archbishop Hanna reiterated that the occupation will not succeed in its plans because the Palestinian people will remain steadfast in their defence of their rights and principles.

“Jerusalem is the symbol of the unity of Christian and Muslim sons who coexist in the city, and it represents a crucial address for the Palestinian people,” he said.

Archbishop Hanna issued an appeal to all Christian and Muslim religious authorities for the need of interaction, cooperation, and consultation to preserve the sanctity of Jerusalem, which is the cradle of their shared history, heritage, and identity. He stressed that Al-Quds Day is an opportunity to remind everyone of their responsibilities towards Al-Quds, the city that awaits the return of the Palestinian people, so that it can once again become the capital of Palestine and a destination for free people everywhere. “Despite the conspiracies and the ambitions of the occupation, the Palestinian people remain determined to remain in their homeland, defending their sacred part of the world in the name of the entire nation.”

Archbishop Atallah Hanna of the Greek Orthodox Church

For his part, the esteemed Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, renowned preacher of the revered Al-Aqsa Mosque, emphasized the importance of Jerusalem in our daily lives, stressing that it must be firmly rooted in our hearts, souls, and minds at all times.

Speaking at the annual “Al-Quds Tribune” event, commemorating the momentous occasion of International Al-Quds Day, Sheikh Sabri emphasized that Jerusalem is not only the axis of Palestine but also the focal point of the Islamic world. He further expounded that the cause of Al-Quds is an unyielding and indelible one, an issue that will persist as long as there are individuals who believe in it and hold it as the center of their aspirations.

Sheikh Ekrima Sabri

Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim emphasized the significance of International Al-Quds Day and its potential to bring the nation together on the truth, righteousness, and piety. He stressed the importance of uniting behind the noble mosques of Al-Aqsa and the Holy Mosque, which attract the hearts of the nation and hold a connection to the missionary role of the Messenger of God and Islam. Sheikh Qassim noted that the issue of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Al-Quds, and Palestine is not only an issue for Muslims but also an issue for all of humanity.

Despite the political troubles faced by the Bahraini people, Sheikh Qassim affirmed that Islam and the Islamic countries hold a significant position in the mentality, psyche, and will of the people, and they remain committed to supporting the truth and justice of every cause of Islam, Muslims, and their lands. Sheikh Qassim expressed his greetings and support to the resistance youth in the West Bank and Al-Quds and all resistance fighters on behalf of Palestine, Al-Quds, and Al-Aqsa. He stated that the entire nation that is sincere with them will support them along the line as long as life lasts.

Sheikh Isa Qassem

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Iraq’s Abdul-Mahdi Meets Islamic Jihad Leader: Iraq an Integral Part in the Palestinian Struggle

 April 13, 2023

Former Iraqi Prime Minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, welcomes the Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Ziyad al-Nakhala, on Thursday April 13, 2023.

Former Iraqi Prime Minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, extended a warm welcome on Thursday to the Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Ziyad al-Nakhala, during his visit to Baghdad.

Abdul-Mahdi affirmed that Iraq, comprising the government and its people, represents an integral part of the heroic Palestinian struggle, playing a pivotal role in consolidating endeavors to liberate Palestine’s occupied lands, encompassing the region from the river to the sea.

He underscored the importance of resisting the nefarious plans of the Israeli usurping entity in Al-Aqsa, the odious apartheid regime, and putting an end to the intolerable occupation, settlement policies, displacement, daily killing, collective punishment, and normalization policies.

In turn, Al-Nakhala and his accompanying delegation briefed the former Iraqi Prime Minister on the latest developments in the Palestinian, regional, and international spheres.

The meeting was marked by an atmosphere of optimism, stemming from the positive strides made at both the jihadist and political levels in Palestine and the region, as well as the progress achieved by the Palestinian cause worldwide, despite the manifold challenges and the adversarial ferocity encountered.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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(أ ف ب )

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ما حصل أمس لم يكن مفاجئاً لكل من هو عارف أو منخرط في الصراع المفتوح بين محور المقاومة والعدو. فكرة القيام بعمليات ضد العدو انطلاقاً من لبنان، ليست مرتبطة بجدول أعمال من يعيشون على هامش الأحداث الجوهرية في المنطقة والعالم. وإسرائيل أكثر من يعرف الأمر ويعي خطورته. شكل القصف الذي استهدف نهاراً وليلاً مستوطنات العدو في الجليل الغربي أو في إصبع الجليل، ربما لم يكن في حسابات كثيرين، ومن بينهم جهات في كيان الاحتلال. لكن التوقيت كان متوقعاً في ظل لعبة الاختبار التي يقوم بها العدو من خلال عمليات الاستفزاز في القدس المحتلة. وأكثر ما يجعل بعض أركان العدو، وعواصم أجنبية ودولاً عربية، وقوى كثيرة في لبنان، لا يضعون في حساباتهم احتمال انخراط الساحة اللبنانية في الصراع، هم الذين لا يزالون يحسبون الأمور وفق مقاس ما يعرف بالضغط الداخلي على حزب الله نتيجة الأزمات القائمة في لبنان. حتى أن بعض أصحاب هذه النظرية، اعتبروا أن الاتفاق السعودي – الإيراني سيكون له تأثيره لجهة تجميد الجبهة اللبنانية، كما كان هناك من اعتبر أو قرأ تفاهم الترسيم البحري على أنه بوابة الهدوء المفتوح على الجبهة الشمالية لكيان الاحتلال.

ببساطة شديدة، ما قام عشية معركة سيف القدس وبعدها، أنهى مرحلة من التنسيق الموضعي بين القوى المنخرطة في مقاومة الاحتلال. وانطلق بعدها قطار كبير يصل عواصم بمدن ومحاور تغطي العالم العربي كله، وهو قطار مفتوح لمن هو قادر على تحمل المسؤولية وكلفة الانخراط في معركة كبيرة ستقود حتماً إلى المواجهة المنتظرة التي يراهن أهل الأرض على أنها ستنهي كيان الاحتلال تماماً.

قبل أربعة عقود، قال كثيرون، من قصيري النظر والممتنعين عن تحمل المسؤولية والمتخاذلين والمنخرطين في مشروع العدو، إن العصر الإسرائيلي ثبت نفسه بعد غزو بيروت عام 1982. بعدها بعقد، اعتبر هؤلاء أنفسهم، بعد التسوية مع قيادة منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية واتفاق أوسلو المشؤوم، أن لا جدوى من مقاومة الاحتلال. ورفضوا الإقرار بالنتائج التي تدحرجت من تحرير العام 1985 إلى انتفاضة العام 1987 وصولاً إلى صمود المقاومة في لبنان وفلسطين وانتصاراتها بين العامين 1992 و1997، وصولاً إلى تحرير العام 2000 في لبنان، والعام 2005 في غزة، وصمود العام 2006. مع ذلك، فإن الجميع بات يعرف أن المقاومة ليست فقط ذات جدوى فحسب، بل هي قادرة على حماية منجزاتها، وتتقدم خطوات كبيرة صوب الهدف الأكبر. وبالتالي، على من يعتقد أن الحديث عن التحرير الكامل لفلسطين ضرب من الجنون، أن يهدأ قليلاً ويعيد النظر في كل ما جرى خلال أربعة عقود، ليعرف أن الحلم ليس مستحيلاً.

ولأن الحلم ليس مستحيلاً، يجب توفير عناصر النجاح والقوة الكافية له، وهذا ما استوجب المساعي الهائلة التي حصلت في الأعوام الأخيرة نحو توحيد السياسات الاستراتيجية، السياسية والأمنية، في مواجهة العدو. وهو ما فتح الباب أمام ورشة ضخمة تعمل من دون توقف لترسيخ قواعد هذا التحالف. والأمر يرتبط أيضاً بالتجارب المباشرة، وهو ما يحصل من خلال المواجهات المفتوحة عسكرياً وأمنياً مع العدو في أكثر من ساحة.

وعليه، فإن فكرة توحيد الساحات والجبهات لم تعد شعاراً يعمل لتثبيت قواعده بصورة عملانية، بل صار إمكانية متاحة، والعدو هو أكثر جهة على وجه الكرة الأرضية تعرف حقيقة ما يجري. وكل نشاطه الأمني والاستخباراتي والتعاون السياسي القائم بينه وبين دول عربية وغربية، وكل أنشطته العدوانية، تعكس فهمه الدقيق لهذه الحقيقة.
لكن، ثمة خطوات يقوم بها العدو تبدو خارج الحسابات المنطقية. والمقصود، هنا، ليس انتقاصاً من مهنية مؤسساته السياسية أو العسكرية أو الأمنية، لكنه يشعر أنه بات محشوراً في زاوية لا يمكنه التعامل معها بصمت أو بتقييد نفسه، ولذلك يصبح مضطراً لاجتراح حلول لأزمته، وغالباً ما يلجأ إلى القوة التي تمثل عنصراً مركزياً في بنائه العام، ويندفع إلى اعتداءات تفرض معادلات جديدة.

توحيد الساحات والجبهات لم يعد شعاراً يعمل لتثبيت قواعده بل صار إمكانية متاحة والعدو أكثر من يعرف حقيقة ما يجري

الحاصل منذ عامين حتى الآن، أن العدو يحاول كسر الحلقة التي تجمع قوى وعواصم محور المقاومة. لكنه يعرف أن الحسابات باتت تقيده في كثير من الساحات. وفي معركة «وحدة الساحات» التي خاضتها حركة الجهاد الإسلامي، كان العدو حريصاً على عدم القيام بأي عمل من شأنه جر حركة حماس إلى المواجهة. وكما فعل في «سيف القدس»، بأن تجنب أي خطوة غير محسوبة في الجبهة الشمالية لعدم فتح الباب أمام حزب الله للقيام بعمل كبير مساند للمقاومة في فلسطين، فهو يلجأ إلى خيارات العمل الأمني في ساحات مثل لبنان وإيران، لكنه يتكل على «عقدة قائمة» على الجبهة السورية، ما يتيح له توجيه ضربات تلو أخرى، لا تعطل برنامج محور المقاومة، وإن كانت تتسبب بإزعاج، وتتحول عنصر ضغط على القيادة السورية. ومع ذلك، لم يحقق العدو الأهداف التي يريدها.

عملياً، نحن أمام مستوى جديد من تشابك أذرع قوى المقاومة في المنطقة. ما حصل أمس، هو إشارة عملانية إلى أن الجبهة الشمالية، بقضها وقضيضها، مستعدة لخوض المعركة بكل ما تتطلبه إذا تجاوز العدو حدوداً معينة، سواء في القدس أو أمكنة أخرى. وهو لمس، طوال الساعات الماضية، أن الاستعداد لم يعد هذه المرة يقصر على ساحة. وهو أبدى خشيته، للمرة الأولى، من أن يشارك اليمن في الحرب، وأن يعمد أنصار الله إلى توجيه ضربات ذات طابع استراتيجي إذا تطلب الأمر، كما يعرف أن قادة حماس والجهاد الإسلامي في بيروت الآن، وسمع إسماعيل هنية وزياد النخالة يتحدثان عن جاهزية مقاتلي الحركتين في كل أماكن تواجدهم، وليس في الساحة الفلسطينية فحسب، كما يدرك أن حزب الله لن يقبل أي تهديد، وسمع ما قاله رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في حزب الله السيد هاشم صفي الدين من أن القدس ليست وحيدة في المعركة. وحتى الرسالة التي وصلت بطريقة ملتبسة حول احتمال لجوء العدو إلى اغتيال قياديين من حماس في لبنان، بعد تحميل الحركة المسؤولية عن القصف الصاروخي، فإن الجواب عليها كان باستعادة كلام الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله الذي سبق أن حذر من أن المساس بأي مقاوم على الأراضي اللبنانية، بمعزل عن جنسيته، ستعده المقاومة عدواناً مباشراً عليها، وسترد عليه بقسوة وبسرعة، وحتى إن قرر العدو توجيه ضربات موضعية ضد لبنان، فهو يعرف أن الموضعي هنا، يعني اللاشيء، أما إذا تعرض أمن سكان جنوب لبنان لأي نوع من الخطر، فسيكون هناك رد من جانب المقاومة…

منذ أسابيع، تلقى العدو كل ما يلزم من إشارات إلى أن الجبهة المواجهة له متأهبة لخوض أعنف المعارك، وعلى أكثر من ساحة، وبأكثر من مستوى، وما على العدو إلا النظر إلى أوضاعه الداخلية، وإلى حالة الانتفاضة القائمة أو الكامنة في فلسطين التاريخية، وفي جوارها الساخن، وبيده القرار: إما يستسلم للوقائع الجديدة، أو يسير إلى حتفه بقدميه!

من ملف : محور المقاومة يتحرّك: القدس ليست وحدها

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مقالات ذات صلة

Israel assassinates senior PIJ leader in Syria

March 19 2023

Ali Ramzi al-Aswad, senior PIJ leader and engineer who was killed in the Syrian capital on Sunday morning. (Photo credit: watanserb.com)

Israeli media has suggested a link between the Syrian-based PIJ leader and last week’s bombing in the northern occupied territories

ByNews Desk

On the morning of 19 March, Ali Ramzi al-Aswad, a senior leader and engineer in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement’s military wing, the Quds Brigade, was assassinated by Israel near the Syrian capital Damascus.

“The Al-Quds Brigade mourns the martyr commander and engineer Ali Al-Aswad, who was assassinated by agents of the Zionist enemy in the countryside of Damascus,” the PIJ said in a statement.

Initially, unofficial Syrian sources had reported that Aswad, 31-years-old, also known as Abu Abdel Rahman, was killed early on Sunday morning in the Dahiat Qudsaya region west of Damascus.

According to the PIJ statement, Aswad was a Palestinian refugee whose family was displaced from the city of Haifa after the 1948 Nakba. He grew up in the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria before joining the ranks of the PIJ movement in Syria.

“An Israeli Mossad squad consisting of four members shot and killed the engineer commander, Ali Ramzi al-Aswad,” Israeli journalist Yoni Ben Menachem was quoted to have told Hebrew media.

“The security establishment has begun to work,” Menachem added.

Israel’s Channel 12 media network claimed in a report that Aswad “had a hand in” in the Megiddo bomb attack in the northern occupied territories last week, casting further doubt on the Israeli narrative regarding the incident. Israel had initially claimed that Lebanon’s Hezbollah was suspected for carrying out the attack.

“Investigations into the assassination of Commander Ali Al-Aswad in the Damascus countryside are still ongoing and more than one party is participating in it … The decision to respond will be taken based on the results of the investigations,” Palestinian sources told Al-Mayadeen.

This was the first known Israeli operation to be carried out against the PIJ’s Syria branch since 2019, when a leader in the group, Akram al-Ajouri, was unsuccessfully targeted in an airstrike.

The killing comes after a string of Israeli assassinations in the occupied West Bank. Over the past ten days, Israeli military and special forces units have carried out targeted killings of several leaders and members of a number of resistance factions, including Hamas, the PIJ, and other West Bank-based factions affiliated with the PIJ.

It also comes one day after a meeting was held between the Secretary-General of the PIJ, Ziad al-Nakhala and Lebanon’s Hezbollah chief, Hassan Nasrallah, in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

During the meeting, Nasrallah praised the ongoing and ever-expanding resistance activity across the occupied West Bank and in the holy city of Jerusalem.

The two resistance leaders vowed to “continue dialogue and cooperation” between the Lebanese resistance and the PIJ.

Hezbollah has long been known to cooperate with Palestinian resistance factions, and has provided them with significant amounts of technical expertise.

During the 2021 Sayf al-Quds battle, there was “high-level coordination” between Hezbollah and the Gaza-based factions.

Palestinian resistance growing throughout West Bank: PIJ chief

3 Mar 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

By Al Mayadeen English 

The leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, Ziyad Al-Nakhalah, says resistance groups are expanding throughout the West Bank in the face of the occupation.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ziyad Al-Nakhalah

The resistance groups in the occupied West Bank have announced that they will continue confronting the Israeli occupation until it is completely expelled, Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement Secretary-General Ziyad Al-Nakhalah said.

“The martyrs have turned the camp into a symbol of resistance and a torch that lit up a darkness that has lasted years, and the Jenin Brigade and its knights emerged as heroes,” Al-Nakhalah said.

“The heroes of the operations in Al-Quds, Huwara, and the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948, as well as various groups, are forming, and they will do the impossible,” the resistance leader revealed.

He also called for the resistance groups to unite together in the face of the occupation, so that “the voice of the Palestinian people resounds and fills the horizon,” underlining the need for all Palestinian powers to fulfill the expectations of the Palestinian people and their sacrifices. He said this would only happen if the existing narrow partisanship is overcome and the resistance is united.

Furthermore, Al-Nakhallah called on the freedom fighters to be cautious and not use cell phones so as not to let their guard down against the Israeli occupation.

The resistance groups “have succeeded in obstructing [the Israeli] project to take over Palestinian lands […] it is either us or you in this land that is ours, and we will fight you until you leave, for our valiant and heroic people will not kneel or give up,” he added, addressing the Israeli occupation.

“Never hesitate when it comes to confrontation, for life under occupation is death, and martyrdom on the front is life, as reckon not those who are killed in Allah’s way as dead; nay, they are alive (and) are provided sustenance from their Lord,” he stressed. “Come out of every house to fight the Zionists; confront them everywhere, go fight them, and do not wait for them to come to you.”

Additionally, the PIJ chief said the United States pushed with all its might to hatch a new plot at the Aqaba summit, but just one man sufficed in thwarting their scheme. “American politics support the Zionist project and empower it, and the international community is moving to protect it, pushing the Arab regimes to participate in protecting the enemy and its settlers.”

Read more: ‘Israel’ contradicts Aqaba summit report: Settlement process continues

According to Israeli media, this summit aimed to continue and consolidate the agreements reached between “Israel” and the Palestinian Authority within the framework of postponing the UNSC vote on condemning Israeli settlement expansion

Israeli website Walla! explained that the US administration pushed for holding the summit as part of “an attempt to reach a state of calm before the upcoming month of Ramadan, out of fear of large-scale violent confrontations in the West Bank.”

The website indicated that the US President’s Senior Advisor for Middle East Affairs, Brett McGurk, and US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Barbara Leaf are expected to attend the meeting. 

The man that Al-Nakhalah was talking about carried out an operation that led to two Israeli settlers getting killed with an M-16 rifle in the town of Huwara, Nablus.

Israeli Channel 12 reported that the man who executed the operation rammed the car of the two Israelis, then got out of his car, shot them then left the scene. The channel indicated that the Israeli occupation forces went to the area and are now looking for him.

Following the incident, Yoav Gallant, the occupation’s Minister of Security, stated, “We will soon conduct an assessment of the situation and take decisions regarding the Aqaba summit.”

The head of the settlement council in the northern West Bank described the operation that took place in Huwara as “difficult”.

The military wings of resistance factions in the Jenin refugee camp had rejected the Aqaba meeting and called on the Palestinian people to condemn it as well.