Sanaa slams Saudi charges vs. detained Yemeni woman as fabricated lies

February 4, 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen net 

By Al Mayadeen English 

The ministry of human rights in Sanaa called on the UN and international organizations to step in and stop the criminal acts committed by the Saudi regime against Yemenis residing in the Kingdom.

The Ministry of Human Rights in Sanaa denounced the arbitrary arrest of the Yemeni citizen, Marwa Abd Rabbuh Hussein Al-Sabri (29), by the Saudi authorities in Holy Mecca while she was performing the Umrah act of worship, and the “fabrication of false malicious charges against her.”

In a statement, the Ministry confirmed that the sentence issued against this Yemeni woman by the Saudi regime, which entails imprisoning her for a year, represents a flagrant violation of human rights and all humanitarian laws, in addition to being contrary to religious and social values.

After receiving insults targeting Yemenis from a Saudi policewoman inside the holy place, Al-Sabri responded to the degrading statements by calling out the Kingdom’s criminal acts against her country.

“Saudi Arabia destroyed our country,” she told the officer.

The statement indicated that this act, “in addition to it being a new provocation to the feelings of millions of Yemenis and their traditions, values, and noble customs ​​that oppose insulting the dignity of women and demand upholding their status, the Saudi regime carried out two crimes, first arresting her while she was performing the sacred rituals against a crime she did not commit and the other being that the [Saudi] regime did not respect the sanctity and holiness of the place.”

The Ministry stressed that “those provocative actions against the feelings of all Muslims require proposing a new approach toward separating the sacred rituals from the power and tyranny of the Saudi regime.”

“It is indignant that the Saudi regime commits such an act against a Yemeni woman who came to perform rituals while subjecting her to security harassment and verbal assault, which prompted her to utter a word summarizing what was committed over eight years of killing and siege against her people, while the regime continues its cold-blooded crimes and siege against the Yemeni people.”

This violation is added to a series of previous crimes committed by the Saudi regime against Yemeni women, including killing, siege, and humiliation, the Ministry further stressed.

In its statement, the Ministry of Human Rights demanded the immediate release of the Yemeni citizen and called on all the Yemeni people and human rights activists in the Arab and Islamic world to condemn this act and show solidarity with what Yemeni women have been subjected to. 

The Ministry also called on the United Nations and other humanitarian and international organizations to condemn and denounce the incident and to put pressure on the Saudi regime to release her, in addition to pushing the Saudi authorities to stop their crimes, violations, and arbitrary arrests against Yemeni citizens residing in the Kingdom, demanding the UN to provide them with legal protection.

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KSA sentences uni prof. to 30 years in prison over tweets

December 28, 2022 

Source: Agencies

By Al Mayadeen English 

Saudi Arabia sentences a university professor to 30 years in prison for tweets about the kingdom, its propaganda policies, and the security situation.

Muhammad Bin Muhsin Basurrah

Saudi journalist Turki Al-Shalhoub, who previously triggered a public outcry for exposing Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s contentious plans against highly revered sites in Saudi Arabia, tweeted on Tuesday that the State Security Court had passed the ruling regarding the professor at the media faculty of Umm al-Qura University in Mecca, Muhammad bin Mohsin Basurrah.

Al-Shalhoub cited several connected Tweets by Basurrah and said he had commented on the disinformation campaign of the Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya TV, Saudi Arabia’s 3-year diplomatic dispute with Qatar and other Arab countries, in addition to the security situation in the country.

“Saudi security forces only intervene when the sovereignty of the House of Saud is threatened; otherwise they would not take any serious actions,” the journalist commented.

Last month, the independent non-governmental organization advocating human rights in Saudi Arabia, Prisoners of Conscience, reported that state officials had jailed pro-democracy campaigner Fadi Ibrahim Nasser over tweets that denounced the government and the policies of the Saudi regime.

A Saudi opposition activist, Abdul Hakim bin Abdul Aziz, revealed that the Saudi authorities had arrested his son, Yasser, from his university, as part of the Kingdom’s aggressive crackdown against activists that criticize the performance of the ruling regime on social media.

Bin Abdul Aziz considered that the arrest of his son exposes “the oppression and tyranny of the ruling regime in Saudi Arabia and is a desperate attempt to force me to remain silent about the violations that the country is witnessing.”

It is noteworthy that bin Abdul Aziz is one of the founders of the “Zawina” organization, which is concerned with supporting the families of prisoners of conscience and exposing human rights violations against detainees and their families.

Saudi authorities sentenced 15 prisoners of conscience to death in November

At the beginning of last month, the European Saudi Organization for Human Rights revealed that the Saudi authorities had sentenced 15 prisoners of conscience to death, bringing the number of people at risk of death to 53, including at least eight minors.

In the same context, the Saudi Court of Appeal extended in October the sentence of Tunisian national Mahdia Al-Marzouki, from two years and eight months to 15 years, on charges of interacting with a tweet.

Similarly, the Saudi authorities sentenced an American citizen to 16 years in prison for criticizing the Saudi regime in a tweet.

Hundreds of bloggers, activists, intellectuals, and others have been arrested in Saudi Arabia ever since bin Salman became crown prince in 2017, an obvious sign of zero tolerance for dissent even against the international condemnation of repressive measures.

Over the past years, the country also redefined its anti-terrorism laws to persecute peaceful activists, repressing freedom of expression.

Saudi Crackdown: Regime Detains Yemeni-American Citizen While on Pilgrimage

November 14, 2022

By Staff, Agencies

As Saudi Arabia is hardening crackdown on dissent, including targeting its citizens who live abroad, a Yemeni-American citizen has been detained in Saudi Arabia while performing the ‘Umrah’ pilgrimage at the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Islam’s holiest site.

Mohamad Salem was taken into custody on November 1 and has been transferred to a maximum-security facility typically used for high-profile political prisoners and suspected terrorists.

Salem, a 63-year-old of Yemeni origin, is one of several Americans who have recently run afoul of Saudi authorities.

Abdallah Moughni, a family spokesman from the US state of Michigan said on Sunday that Salem traveled to Saudi Arabia with two of his sons to perform the Umrah pilgrimage.

While in line, he got into a verbal altercation with security officials who separated him from his sons.

Later, two men approached him, saying they were from Libya and asking what happened.

“At this point, Mohamad was livid, he was furious. He just let it out. He said, ‘If it was not for Mecca and Medina, we would burn this country to the ground’,” Moughni was quoted as saying on Sunday.

The two men turned out to be undercover Saudi agents, and Salem was detained.

Salem’s relatives have grown increasingly concerned for his welfare since he was transferred to Dhahban Central Prison, where rights groups previously documented allegations of torture via electrocution and flogging.

Saudi Arabia is often criticized for not tolerating dissent and has recently been in the spotlight for decades-long prison sentences handed down to a number of women who tweeted and retweeted posts critical of the Riyadh regime.

This week, Carly Morris, an American woman who has publicly accused her Saudi ex-husband of trapping their daughter in the kingdom under so-called guardianship laws, was briefly detained.

Last month, Saad Ibrahim Almadi, a 72-year-old US citizen of Saudi origin, had received a 16-year prison sentence apparently because of Twitter posts on topics including the war in Yemen and the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

All sentences were handed down weeks after President Joe Biden of the United States set aside his past condemnation of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record to travel to the kingdom, despite criticism from rights groups and Saudi exiles.

It was a moment when the US urgently needed the kingdom to keep up oil production. But the Biden administration has ended up with no more oil or any improvement in human rights.

Saudi rights advocates say Biden’s attempts to soothe the crown prince have only emboldened him.

Saudi authorities illicitly monitor and strike out against their citizens in the US and other Western countries. Since the gruesome murder of Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, the Saudi crown prince has been emboldened to commit more crimes against dissidents. Khashoggi was killed and dismembered at the mission in October 2018.

Since bin Salman became Saudi Arabia’s de facto leader in 2017, the kingdom has arrested hundreds of activists, bloggers, intellectuals and others for their political activism, showing almost zero tolerance for dissent even in the face of international condemnation of the crackdown.

Freedom House, a research and advocacy group, says Saudi Arabia has targeted critics in more than a dozen countries.

Saudi Arabia, a key ally of the US and the ‘Israeli’ regime, has had one of the poorest human rights records in the world for decades.

هكذا دمَر أل سعود مكة وأثار المسلمين ..هذا ما فعلوه

تدمير مكة: عن الذي فعلته السعودية بالمسلمين

خمسون عامًا مضت على زيارة مالكوم إكس، ولا يمكن لأحد يزور مكة الآن أن يصفها بالجمال، أو أن يربط ما يرى بأقدس مدن الإسلام، سوف يؤدي المسلمون الحج هذا الأسبوع وسوف يحاولون عبثًا أن يروا في مكة تاريخ الإسلام.

عندما زار مالكوم إكس مكة المكرمة عام 1964، كان مسحورًا بما رأى!. لقد وجد المدينة “قديمة قدم الزمان”، وكتب أن التوسعة التي كانت قد بدأت بشكل جزئي في ذلك الوقت، ستجعل جمال المسجد الحرام يتجاوز الجمال المعماري لتاج محل في الهند.

خمسون عامًا مضت، ولا يمكن لأحد يزور مكة الآن أن يصفها بالجمال، أو أن يربط ما يرى بأقدس مدن الإسلام، سوف يؤدي المسلمون الحج هذا الأسبوع وسوف يحاولون عبثًا أن يروا في مكة تاريخ الإسلام.

الموقع المعماري المهيمن على المدينة ليس المسجد الحرام حيث الكعبة المشرفة، محط أنظار وصلوات المسلمين في كل مكان، لكن ما يهيمن على المشهد هو فندق مكة الملكي وبرج ساعته البغيض الذي يرتفع لـ 1972 قدمًا فوق الأرض، هو واحد من أطول المباني في العالم، بل هو تطور ضخم لناطحات السحاب حيث يضم مراكز تسوق فاخرة وفنادق ومطاعم لفاحشي الثراء، لم تعد القمم الوعرة تهيمن على الرائي، لقد دُكت الجبال القديمة دكًا، ويحيط بالكعبة الآن التي تبدو كقزم هياكل الصلب والخرسانة، فيما يبدو مزيجًا قميئًا من ديزني لاند ولاس فيغاس.

“حراس” المدينة المقدسة والأوصياء عليها، حكام المملكة العربية السعودية، ورجال الدين الوهابيون الذين يمنحونهم الشرعية يملكون كراهية عميقة لتاريخ المسلمين، إنهم يريدون أن يبدو كل شيء جديدًا، وبينما يفعلون ذلك، يوسعون المواقع المقدسة لتستوعب الأعداد المتزايدة من الحجاج، عندما زار مالكوم إكس مكة كان عدد الحجاج لا يتجاوز 200 ألفًا، لكن العدد الآن يقارب 3 ملايين.

بدأت المرحلة الأولى من تدمير مكة المكرمة في منتصف التسعينات، وقد كنت هناك لأشهد ذلك.

المباني القديمة التي لا تُحصى، بما في ذلك مسجد بلال، والتي يعود تاريخها إلى عهد النبي محمد – صلى الله عليه وسلم -، تم تجريفها من أساسها، البيوت العثمانية القديمة مع مشربياتها الجميلة وأبوابها المنحوتة ببراعة، تم استبدالها بأخرى حديثة بشعة، وفي غضون بضع سنوات، تحولت مكة المكرمة إلى مدينة حديثة مع طرق متعددة الحارات تظهر للرائي كتقاطعات السباغيتي! ولا يمكن لعينك أن تخطئ الفنادق المبهرجة ومراكز التسوق.

أما القلة الباقية من المباني والمواقع ذات الأهمية الدينية والثقافية فقد تم تدميرها في الآونة الأخيرة، تم بناء برج الساعة في 2012 على أنقاض نحو 400 موقع تاريخي وثقافي، بما في ذلك المباني القليلة المتبقية والتي يعود عمرها لأكثر من ألف سنة، وصلت الجرافات في منتصف الليل، وشُردت الأسر التي عاشت هناك منذ قرون.

المجمع يقف على قمة قلعة أجياد، التي بُنيت حوالي 1780م لحماية مكة المكرمة من اللصوص والغزاة، بيت السيدة خديجة، الزوجة الأولى للنبي محمد تحول إلى كتلة من المراحيض، أما مكة هيلتون فقد بُني على بيت أبي بكر الصديق، أقرب رفيق لرسول الله وخليفته الأول.

بصرف النظر عن الكعبة نفسها، يحتفظ أصل المسجد الحرام بجزء ضخم من التاريخ، أعمدته الرخامية المنحوتة بشكل معقد تزينت بأسماء الصحابة، بنى تلك الأعمدة السلاطين العثمانيون، تعود تلك الأعمدة لأوائل القرن 16، وحتى الآن، هناك خطط تجري على قدم وساق لهدمها، وكذلك كل المناطق الداخلية من المسجد، ليتم استبدالها بمبنى على شكل كعكة الدونت!

المبنى الوحيد المتبقي ذو الأهمية الدينية هو البيت الذي نشأ فيه النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، فعلى مدار معظم التاريخ السعودي، كان يُستخدم كسوق للماشية، قبل أن يتحول إلى مكتبة، ولم تكن مفتوحة للناس بالمناسبة.

لكن حتى على الرغم من ذلك، كان ذلك كثيرًا بالنسبة للوهابيين وآل سعود! فدعا شيوخ الوهابية مرارًا وتكرارًا لهدم البيت وتدميره، يخشى الشيوخ أن يسجد المسلمون لرسول الله دونًا عن الله!! ويبدو أن الأمر لم يعد سوى مسألة وقت فقط قبل أن يُهدم البيت النبوي ليُقام مكانه – على الأرجح – موقف للسيارات.

التخريب المتعمد لمكة المكرمة حول شكل المدينة تمامًا! فعلى العكس من بغداد ودمشق والقاهرة، لم تكن مكة مركزًا للفكر الإسلامي، إلا أنها كانت كعبة التجانس والتعددية حيث يتصاعد النقاش بين المذاهب والمدارس الفكرية الإسلامية المختلفة. الآن، تم تقليص التعددية إلى مذهب واحد يرفض التراث والتاريخ ويفسر الإسلام تفسيرًا حرفيًا ويُخطّئ – أو يكفر – كل من يخرج على المدرسة السلفية السعودية، في الواقع، كثيرًا ما يهدد المتطرفون الحجاج من المذاهب الأخرى، في العام الماضي، هوجم مجموعة من الحجاج الشيعة القادمين من الولايات المتحدة بالسكاكين، وفي أغسطس، كتبت مجموعات من المسلمين الأمريكيين للسلطات الأمريكية تطلب منهم الحماية وقت الحج هذا العام.

كان لمحو التاريخ المكي أثر هائل على الحج نفسه، كلمة الحج، تعني “الجهد”، هذا الجهد يعني عناء الذهاب إلى مكة، والمشي من موقع إلى آخر، وإيجاد المسلمين من أصحاب الثقافات الأخرى والتواصل معهم، والتمرغ في تاريخ الإسلام، وبهذا يعود الحجاج بفائدة دنيوية ضخمة كما الإشباع الروحي، لكن الآن، الحج هو رحلة سياحية متكاملة! عندما تتحرك، تتحرك ضمن مجموعة، من فندق إلى آخر، ونادرًا ما تصادف أشخاصًا من ثقافات وأعراق مختلفة، استُنزف التاريخ والثقافة والتعدد، ولم يعد الحج تجربة روحية لا تتكرر، بل أصبح ممارسة اعتيادية – سنوية للكثيرين – يختلط فيها التسوق بممارسة الطقوس.
مكة هي صورة مصغرة من العالم الإسلامي، ما يحدث فيها له تأثير عميق على المسلمين في كل مكان، إنها القلب الروحي للإسلام، وهي الآن تغرق في الحداثة، لا يتم التسامح فيها مع الاختلاف، وأُفرغت من تاريخها، وأصبح الاستهلاك هو الهدف الأسمى من زيارتها.

لم يعد من المستغرب إذن أن النصوصية الحرفية، والتأويلات القاتلة التي يتم استقاءها من الإسلام أصبحت هي الأعلى صوتًا في بلاد المسلمين.

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From 20;07

Netanyahu Promises Direct Flights to Mecca then Changes His Mind

February 20, 2020

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used his Facebook profile to promise direct flights from Tel Aviv to Mecca, but then changed his mind by deleting the post.

“We are working to create direct flights from Tel Aviv to Mecca for the benefit of Muslim pilgrims who are fulfilling the Hajj,” the Israeli PM wrote on his Facebook account, Maariv reported on Wednesday.

The post, written in Arabic and Hebrew, was deleted moments after being posted, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Earlier on Tuesday, Netanyahu posited, in an interview with Israeli Arabic-language channel Hala TV, that in the coming years, there will be direct flights from Israel to Saudi Arabia, dramatically reducing the cost of completing the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca for Israeli Muslims.

Source: Israeli media

Iran’s Envoy in Damascus: Mecca Conference Last Arrow Shot by Conspirators at Al-Quds & Iran

By Staff

Damascus – The Iranian ambassador to Syria, Javad Turkabadi, explained that those who took part in International Quds Day commemorations shouted the slogan: “Towards al-Quds” in a call for rights.

According to Turkabadi, this is the main slogan of this great day.

“It is the slogan that has brought us all together in one march, God willing, towards liberation,” he added.

Imam Khomeini initiated International Quds Day. It is held on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan to express support for the Palestinians and oppose Zionism and “Israel”.

In an exclusive interview with al-Ahed news website, Turkabadi emphasized the symbolism of unity among all Muslims on this acclaimed day.

“The symbolism is that we are united and agree on one approach and that we are victorious because we are right,” he said.

The Iranian diplomat made the remarks while taking part in International Quds Day marches through the streets of Damascus. The processions were widely attended and included Sayyed Abu al-Fadl Tabatabai, the representative of Imam Khamenei, and various factions of the Palestinian resistance in Damascus.

Regarding the conference in Mecca, which held the Islamic Republic of Iran responsible for instability in the region, Turkabadi attributed the declaration to weakness and desperation.

“They know that they have failed,” he said. “They are shooting their last arrows. They cannot succeed in such a conspiracy, the so-called the ‘deal of the century’.”

“Did they succeed in their previous agreements, such as the agreements signed with some Arab regimes, which came up with proposals that asked for peace, or did they think that Oslo would bring reconciliation among themselves and the enemies of the nation?” Turkabadi wondered, pointing to the failure they suffered throughout history.

The Iranian official confirmed to al-Ahed that “after every failure, those conspiring against the nation and their accomplices try harder. But every time, they fail.”

He pointed out that “this time they brought Trump who thinks he can do whatever he wants.”

“He tries to impose his will everywhere. But this will is shattered by the nation and the good people who have confirmed that they will not surrender to evil and will continue on the path of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei.”

(Video): How British Empire & America gave rise to Kings of Saudi Arabia – English subtitles


Senior Arab political analyst and writer Anees Naqqash recounts how the British Empire played a decisive role in the creation and regional rise of the modern state of Saudi Arabia, and how the Americans later provided protection in exchange for control over Saudi oil.

According to Naqqash, who is a prominent feature on Lebanese and Arab media, the Saudi royal family has for decades been used by the British and Americans due to their political and economic expediency.

Naqqash was speaking at an event promoting his new book ‘A look at the course of future transformations to the Gulf’.

Source: Al-Wafa’a Islamic Party (YouTube)

Date: 6 October, 2018

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Mecca or Las Vegas? Why Saudis destroyed Islam’s holiest sites – English Subtitles



7 minutes 13:00 to 20:00

إبن سلمان يفجّر السعودية

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مارس 5, 2018

د.وفيق إبراهيم
Image result for ‫د.وفيق إبراهيم‬‎

يُمارس ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان سياسات مجنونة لا تشي بأي احتراف، زاجّاً بلاده في أتون محارق هائلة، بصراعه مع ستة بلدان حدودية: العراق الذي دعم فيه الإرهاب والفتن المذهبية والعرقية واليمن الذي يجتاحه فاتكاً بعشرات الآلاف من إبنائه.

أما قطر فيحاصرها مانعاً عنها حتى الهواء، والأردن الذي يحاول الاتقاء من الجنون السعودي بعلاقاته الغربية والإسرائيلية، يمكن إضافة الكويت وعُمان اللتين تتحفظان في العلاقة مع إبن سلمان فتمثلان دور المؤيد حيناً والمحتمي بالله والأميركيين حيناً آخر.

سورية بدورها لم تنجُ من جنونه الذي تجسَّد بدعم غير مسبوق لكل أنواع الإرهاب بالمال والسلاح والسياسة، إنما من دون نتيجة لأن الدولة السورية تعاود يوم تحرير كامل أراضيها على جثث الإرهاب وداعميه.

هناك جزء آخر من سياسات إبن سلمان الطائفية لا يقل ضراوة وتعسفاً. فتراه يحارب الاخوان المسلمين في مصر ويتحالف معهم في اليمن حزب الإصلاح وليبيا. ويقبل بقتل الأتراك للسوريين، لكنه يرفض أي دور سياسي لهم خارج زعامته. يؤيد الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي، لكنه يمنع مصر من إعادة تكوين دورها العربي والإقليمي بأسلوبين: التقنين المالي، وإهانتها بالإصرار على فبركة أدلة تشير إلى سعودية جزيرتي صنافير وتيران المصريتين منذ آلاف السنين، لا سيما أنه يُعدُّ لهما مستقبلاً سياحياً بالتعاون مع «إسرائيل» التي أصبحت حليفته وبالتالي شريكته في الاستثمار في هذه المنطقة «المقدسة» التي قد تعجّ بأندية الليل والحانات.

ولم ينسَ إبن سلمان جارته قطر، فحاصرها إلى حدود منع الهواء عنها، لأن حكامها تجرأوا على التصرف باستقلالية. فبدلاً من اعتمادهم خط قطر ـ السعودية ـ اميركا ـ «إسرائيل». ابتدأوا بالمقلوب مهرولين على خط قطر ـ اميركا ـ «إسرائيل» ولم يصلوا إلى الرياض بعد.

فأصيب الولي بجنون، لا سيما أن آل «خليفة قطر» يمتلكون غازاً يضعهم في المرتبة الثالثة عالمياً في إنتاجه… لكن يبدو أن إبن سلمان حظي بتغطية من حليفه و«شبيهه» ترامب، لحصار قطر التي يوجد فيها أيضاً أكبر قاعدة أميركية برية في العالم العُديد . ما فتح مجنون البيت الأبيض فرصة لاستنزاف كامل أعضاء بلدان شبه جزيرة العرب وجوارها بصفقات بيع أسلحة هائلة. هذا الجنون لم يوفر علاقات الرياض بكل من تونس والجزائر والمغرب والسودان… فبدا أنه يريد دولاً على طريقة «المطاوعة» في الولاء. وهذه الدول تريد شيئاً من الاحترام، أثار له إشكالات مع كل بلدان العالم باستثناء لبنان بلد الأرز الذي يقدم له فروض الطاعة مهما وجّه إليه من إهانات.

ما يمكن استنتاجه هنا، يتعلق بتدهور مكانة السعودية عربياً وإسلامياً ودولياً فلم يعد بإمكانها جذب الدول بطرفة عين متقاطعة مع رش ملايين الدولارات.

ولم تعد قادرة على التباهي بوصايتها على الحرمين الشريفين، لأن الجميع يعرف أن وجودهما يسبق تأسيس السعودية بأكثر من ألف عام ونيف… والجميع يعلم ان هناك مطالبات بسحب رعاية آل سعود للحرمين، وذلك لسوء أداء إدارة مسيرات الحجيج وتسييس الموسم. وهذا يؤدي دائماً إلى مقتل المئات بالتدافع والتزاحم حتى أن رافعة ضخمة سقطت نتيجة الإهمال على زوار المدينة وأوقعت مئات القتلى… هذا بالإضافة إلى ان الدين الحنيف يمنع الاستغلال السياسي للحرمين ويحذر من تحويلهما وسيلتين لتوسيع النفوذ السعودي عبر طريقة منح وتقديم موافقات أكبر وأكثر عدداً لحجيج كل دولة تؤيد السياسات السعودية. وهذا يعني تسييس الحج وجعله أداة في خدمة توسيع النفوذ السعودي في العالم الإسلامي.

يمكن هنا إضافة ملاحظة بسيطة وهي أن الرياض لم تعد قادرة على دفع رشى بملايين الدولارات لدول كثيرة في العالم الإسلامي وذلك بسبب انخفاض أسعار النفط… ما يجعل آل سعود مجرّدين من الأهمية المالية التي يستعملونها لجذب الدول، مع تراجع تأثيرهم في مسألة موسمي الحج والزيارة.

دولياً، ترتبط أهمية السعودية بإنتاج النفط وعقد الصفقات الدولية لكسب حماية حلف الناتو وواشنطن، لكنها وسعت بعد استشعارها بتراجع الاهتمام الأميركي بها، علاقاتها، بمحورين هامين: روسيا و«إسرائيل»، فاستعملت الأولى لخلق إجماع في مجلس الأمن حول حرب الإبادة التي تشنها ضد اليمنيين.

عقدت معها بالمقابل سياسة استقرار في أسواق الطاقة إلى جانب عقد صفقات اقتصادية وأخرى قيد الإعداد لشراء منظومات دفاع جوي ومفاعلات نووية لإنتاج الطاقة.

أما «إسرائيل» فلها قصب السبق… لأن محمد بن سلمان اعتبرها البديل المناسب للغياب النسبي الأميركي والمقبول أيضاً، من واشنطن… لذلك انقلب على علاقات اسلافه «العبرية» معها متبنياً السياسات الأميركية الجديدة الرامية إلى القضاء على قضية فلسطين، ناسجاً علاقات عسكرية وأمنية مع الكيان، مرجئاً الإعلان السياسي الدبلوماسي إلى مرحلة انهيار سورية والعراق وسقوط اليمن بين يديه.

هنا تكشفت له مأساة بلاده الناتجة من سياساته المتهوّرة اليمن صمد، وسورية شبه منتصرة على المشروع الأميركي، والعراق أباد الإرهاب على أرضه ويتحضر لمرحلة أداء دور إقليمي بعد تمرير الانتخابات الداخلية في أيار التي تُعتبر الأداة لإنتاج نظام سياسي للعراق كله، يمكنه من العودة إلى المسرح العربي والإقليمي. هذا ما دفع إبن سلمان إلى محاولات التعويض بثلاث وسائل: تصعيد التوتر مع إيران، والعودة الى الإمساك بلبنان إلى حدود خنقه وتفجيره، والتلاعب بموضوع الغوطة الشرقية.

فالموضوع الإيراني أصبح لازمة على ألسنة آل سعود وصغيرهم الجبير، لا يهجسون الا بالخطر الإيراني وأدواته في المنطقة، والطريف ان رئيس الأركان السعودي الذي أقيل مؤخراً، اعترف بأن خطوة نقل السلاح بين طهران وصنعاء مقطوعة تماماً، أي ان اليمنيين يحاربون بمخزونات قديمة، يمتلكونها، ما يسقط فرضية الدعم الإيراني للحوثيين الذي تستند إليه الرياض ومجموعات الناتو و«إسرائيل».

لكنه يتعرّض اليوم لإصرار إسرائيلي على ضرورة تحويل علاقات السعودية السرية مع تل أبيب علاقات سياسية علنية تستند إلى اعتراف دبلوماسي متكامل بين البلدين، يسمح للكيان الإسرائيلي بدعم السعودية في اليمن ولبنان وأي مكان آخر.

لعل هذا الطموح السعودي ـ الإسرائيلي يحمي آل سعود في مملكتهم كما يتوهّم ولي العهد. وهذا دونه، القضاء على القضية الفلسطينية وإيران وحلفائها في لبنان واليمن واستنزاف سورية والعراق.

فهل هذا ممكن، كما استدعاء رئيس حكومة لبنان في النهار وهرولته ليلاً إلى الرياض يؤشر إلى تطوير سياسة سعودية بالضغط على لبنان من خلال الانتخابات النيابية المرتقبة في أيار المقبل، وركيزة هذه السياسة هي استعمال النفوذين الأميركي والفرنسي لإعادة تجميع قوى معادية لحزب الله بالاستناد إلى دعم مالي سعودي مفتوح؟ وهذا يؤدي كما يطمح المخططون إلى النجاح في الانتخابات وطرح سلاح حزب الله على أساس انه غير شرعي ينتقص من السيادة اللبنانية، ما يؤدي إلى توتير الأوضاع الداخلية وقد ينقل الصراع إلى الشارع كما تشتهي الرياض، مؤدياً إلى عرقلة الدور الإقليمي المقاوم لحزب الله وتقليص النفوذ الإيراني وتلبية الشروط الإسرائيلية للعلاقات السياسية الكاملة مع العرب.

هذا جزء من جنون إبن سلمان الذي يجهل أن حزب الله قوي في لبنان بعلاقاته المباشرة مع جمهوره وليس بعديد المقاعد النيابية… وحزب الله الذي انتصر على «إسرائيل» لن تؤثر عليه ألاعيب ولي عهد غير مجرّب، يحتمي بالمال فقط.

بالإضافة إلى ان إيران نجحت بالصمود في وجه حصار غربي وإسرائيلي وخليجي منذ 1980، وتمكنت من إنتاج ما يقيها من الجوع ويجعل منها دولة صناعية. وهذا يعني ان هلوسات إبن سلمان لن تصيبها بسوء وضرر.

ومع علاقات متوترة للسعودية مع كل هذه البلدان، يجوز التساؤل عن مدى قدرة السعودية على مقاومة التحلل والانفجار الداخلي، خصوصاً مع تراجع أسعار النفط وبداية عصر الغاز.

فهل يكون سلمان آخر ملك للسعودية؟

تدفع هلوسات ولي العهد إلى الاعتقاد بأن تفكك السعودية لم يعد بعيداً تحت وطأة سياسات بلد يتوهم أن باستطاعته السيطرة على لبنان بسعد الحريري وسمير جعجع والريفي وسعيد وغيرهم، وتدمير إيران بخطب إبن الجبير و«إسرائيل» وأدعية الإرهاب؟

Who Killed theTunisian singer Thekra?

Who dare to Say مين يجرا يقول

Her Last Song Tells


Singer killed because she made a song against Saudi Arabia kingdom and the political system in KSA

Thikra’s family accuses Jamal Mubarak of her murder

Family of the late Tunisian singer Thikra has exploded a bomb stating that they possess solid evidence proving that Jamal Mubarak, son of ousted Egyptian President Husni Mubarak, is involved in her murder.

Tawfiq Al Dali, Thikra’s brother, has made a call out to all those that have any information about Thikra’s murder to come forward. Forensic reports have shown that Ayman Al Suwaidi, Thikra’s husband and who is accused of killing her while being intoxicated, suffers from stomach problems and therefore was not drunk during the time the murder happened.

Thikra’s family doubts her husband shot her and then committed suicide, but rather strongly believes Jamal Mubarak had a strong hand in the murder of both. The family assured that it holds vital evidence that the former overthrown Tunisian and Egyptian governments fabricated evidence and placed the blame on her husband.

It is said that there was a relationship between Thikra and Jamal. Thikra’s family has called on all members of the press and lawyers from Tunisia and Egypt to help in uncovering all the fact. In addition, Thikra’s family has released phone numbers, emails, and created a page on the social network Facebook for people with information to contact them.

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From religion to politics, Saudi Arabia feeling chill of isolation

Sharmine Narwani
Sharmine Narwani is a commentator and analyst of Middle East geopolitics. She is a former senior associate at St. Antony’s College, Oxford University and has a master’s degree in International Relations from Columbia University. Sharmine has written commentary for a wide array of publications, including Al Akhbar English, the New York Times, the Guardian, Asia Times Online,, USA Today, the Huffington Post, Al Jazeera English, BRICS Post and others. You can follow her on Twitter at @snarwani
15 Sep, 2016 11:06

From religion to politics, Saudi Arabia feeling chill of isolation

At the end of August, a meeting of Muslim clerics and scholars convened in the Chechen capital of Grozny to forge a consensus on the subject of ‘who constitutes a Sunni.’

Sunnism, the 200 or so Sunni clerics from Egypt, South Africa, India, Europe, Turkey, Jordan, Yemen, Russia warned, “has undergone a dangerous deformation in the wake of efforts by extremists to void its sense in order to take it over and reduce it to their perception.”

The Muslim world is currently under a siege of terror, led by a deviant strain that claims religious authority and kills in the name of Islam. So the Grozny participants had gathered, by invitation of the Chechen president, to make “a radical change in order to re-establish the true meaning of Sunnism.”

If their final communique was any indicator, the group of distinguished scholars had a very particular message for the Muslim world: Wahhabism – and its associated takfirism – are no longer welcome within the Sunni fold.

Specifically, the conference’s closing statement says this:

“Ash’arites and the Maturidi are the people of Sunnism and those who belong to the Sunni community, both at the level of the doctrine and of the four schools of Sunni jurisprudence (Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafi’i, Maliki), as well as Sufis, both in terms of knowledge and moral ethics.”

In one fell swoop, Wahhabism, the official state religion of only two Muslim countries -Saudi Arabia and Qatar – was not part of the majority Muslim agenda any longer.

The backlash from the Saudis came hard and fast, honing in on the participation of Egypt’s Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb of Al Azhar, the foremost center for Sunni theological study in the Islamic world.

Saudi Arabia has, after all, subsidized the flailing Egyptian economy to the tune of billions of dollars in the past few years, alongside its Wahhabi neighbor Qatar, which has in turn bank-rolled the Muslim Brotherhood – a group also excluded from the Grozny meeting.

While Tayeb did not single out the Saudis in his conference speech, his elevated position in the global Sunni hierarchy lent a great deal of weight to the proceedings. And Al Azhar’s prominence in the Sunni world is rivaled only by the relatively new role of the Al Saud monarch as the custodian of the two holy sites, Mecca and Medina.

Just last year – in Mecca, no less – Tayeb slammed extremist trends during a speech on terrorism, lashing out at “corrupt interpretations” of religious texts and appealing to believers “to tackle in our schools and universities this tendency to accuse Muslims of being unbelievers.”

It is Wahhabism that is most often accused of sponsoring this trend globally.

The radical sect, borne in the 18thcentury, deviates from traditional Sunni doctrine in various ways, most notably sanctioning violence against nonbelievers – including Muslims who reject Wahhabi interpretation (takfirism).

Saudi Arabia is the single largest state contributor to tens of thousands of Wahhabi-influenced mosques, schools, clerics and Islamic publications scattered throughout the Muslim world – many of them, today, feeders for terrorist recruitment. By some accounts that figure has reached almost $100 billion in the last three decades or so.

In Grozny, conference participants made reference to this dangerous trend, and called for a “return to the schools of great knowledge” outside Saudi Arabia – in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen.

Saudi officialdom took to social media to express their outrage. Saudi royal, Prince Khalid al-Saud, warned that the event represented “a conspiracy that openly targets our country and it’s religious standing, specifically.”

بالأمس القريب ، واليوم
مؤامره على المكشوف تستهدف بلادنا، و مكانتها الدينية ” تحديداً ” …

And Adil al-Kalbani, the imam of Riyadh’s King Khaled Bin Abdulaziz mosque, ominously cautioned:“The Chechen conference should serve as a wake-up call: the world is getting ready to burn us.”

ليكن منبِّها لنا بأنَّ العالَمَ يَجمع الحطبَ لإحراقنا!

For the Saudis, the bad news kept on coming. On Friday, at the start of the annual 5-day Hajj pilgrimage, Lebanese daily Al Akhbar published online a shocking database from the Saudi Ministry of Health.

The leaked documents list, in painstaking detail, the names of 90,000 pilgrims from around the world who have died visiting Mecca over a 14-year period. If there was ever any question about the authority of the Saudi king as “custodian” of Islamic holy sites, this revelation should have opened those floodgates.

But even before these documents became public, calls for the Saudis to relinquish their administration of the Hajj were coming from Iran and elsewhere. Exactly one year ago, a stampede in Mina became the deadliest disaster in the history of the Hajj. Instead of tending to the dead and wounded as their utmost priority, the Saudi authorities went into lock down – concealing casualties, downplaying the death toll, blocking international efforts to investigate, forcing Hajj families to pay for the retrieval of bodies, denying wrongdoing and refusing to apologize for the disaster.

According to official Saudi government figures at the time, the total casualty toll stood at 769 dead and 934 injured. The leaked database now shows those numbers to be false. According to the Ministry of Health’s own statistics, the Mina death toll was in reality more than 10 times higher, with over 7,000 killed.

Iranians, who appeared initially to have suffered disproportionate losses – including from the collapse of a crane 12 days earlier at the Grand Mosque in Mecca where 107 died – lost around 500 citizens. Included in that number was senior foreign ministry official, Dr. Ghazanfar Roknabadi, Iran’s former ambassador to Lebanon and a key figure in regional geopolitical affairs. Saudi authorities initially denied he was even in the country and then took months to identify and repatriate his body.

But most disturbing of all was the manner in which the Saudis treated the dead and injured. Pictures that emerged from Mina in the aftermath of the disaster showed authorities shoveling up bodies in digger-like vehicles, then dumping them in piles as if they were sacks of sand. There appeared to be no care taken to even ascertain whether the victims were dead or alive.

The Iranians were justifiably outraged, but the Saudis politicized that reaction and turned it into an affront to Sunni authority by a Shia authority in Tehran. The Al Akhbar stats, however, tell another story. It was mostly Sunnis who were killed in Mina – from Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia and other countries – with victims from some states surpassing even the Iranian death toll.

One year on, Iran is not letting this issue lie. The Iranians have boycotted the Hajj this year, claiming that Saudi Arabia was unprepared to assure them of basic security requirements during lengthy negotiations between the two nations.

In his most confrontational address to the Saudi state yet, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei last week – during his annual Hajj message – railed against the injustice:

“The heartless and murderous Saudis locked up the injured with the dead in containers — instead of providing medical treatment and helping them or at least quenching their thirst. They murdered them…Because of these rulers’ oppressive behavior towards God’s guests, the world of Islam must fundamentally reconsider the management of the two holy places and the issue of hajj.”

And then Khamenei went to the heart of the matter:

“The fitna-promoting rulers who by forming and arming wicked takfiri groups, have plunged the world of Islam into civil wars, murdering and injuring the innocent and shed blood in Yemen, Iraq, the Levant, Libya and other countries.”

In one short month, the Saudis have been challenged by Islam’s two mainstream sects – by the Sunni and by the Shia, equally – striking out at the religious authority claimed by the Saudi state and challenging the destructive, divisive, violent sectarianism of their Wahhabi faith.

Geopolitical losses

As if to prove Khamenei’s point – and the Grozny consensus – Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti Abdulaziz Al Sheikh shot back, describing Iranian leaders as nonbelievers: “We have to understand that they are not Muslims. … Their main enemies are the followers of Sunnah (Sunnis).”

But, with that last sectarian sling, it seems the Saudis may have finally hit their limit. Within days of his statement, citing “health reasons,” the Mufti was removed from delivering the Hajj sermon he has delivered for 35 years straight.

Why stop now? It isn’t like the Saudis don’t have the appetite for a fight with the Iranians.

That fight has been playing out throughout the Middle East and beyond, in various battlefields and media outlets, to the detriment of millions.

What may have started off as Riyadh’s desire to thwart the success of a populist Islamist revolution that dethroned a neighboring king – Iran, circa 1979 – has spiraled into an existential Saudi battle to claw onto hegemony and legitimacy in every sphere.

The Saudis have long lost the ability to engage in cold, hard calculation, and have thrown themselves headfirst into ‘winning by all means.’ This has meant releasing the demons of takfirism throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Wahhabi funded and enabled jihadi foot soldiers have sprung up in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and any other place where Saudis and their fellow co-religionists/ideologues have sought out hegemonic interests.

And the lack of coherent strategy has drawn the Saudis into a number of unnecessary quagmires that have now encircled their borders (Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen), wiped out their strategic depth and emptied the state coffers.

What was meant to be a swift aerial blow to Yemeni rebels for daring to defy Saudi authority, has morphed into an entrenched, 18-month-long, money-pit of a war, with 10,000-plus deaths, war crimes accusations, proliferation of jihadist terror and enemy encroachment into Saudi territory.

Riyadh’s leading role in the destabilization of Syria and Iraq has unleashed sectarian mass murder that has gutted the Muslim world, unmasked Saudi complicity, and galvanized its adversaries into historic cooperation.

These wars have drawn in powerful benefactors like Russia and China as buffers against Saudi overreach, and has reshuffled the balance of power in the region – against Saudi interests.

All of which has chipped away at Saudi political, economic and religious clout on the international stage.

In 2010, Saudi Arabia was crossing borders peacefully as a power-broker, working with Iran, Syria, Turkey, Qatar and others to troubleshoot in regional hotspots. By 2016, it had buried two kings, shrugged off a measured approach to foreign policy, embraced takfiri madness and emptied its coffers.

The hundreds of thousands dead in the wake of this ‘Saudi madness’ are mostly Muslim and mostly Sunni. As the Muslim world wakes up to this atrocious state of affairs, like the Sunni scholars of Grozny, they will not look to censure Tehran, but to disengage with Riyadh.

And to write the final chapter on an aberrant sect called Wahhabism.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

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They Killed him in Mecca after they failed in Beirut: Martyr Ghadanfar Roknabadi

شهيدُ مجزرةِ منى السفير غضنفر ركن ابادي يبقى حياً في ذاكرةِ لبنان ، والرئيس اميل لحود يتذكرُ خصالَ الدبلوماسي الايراني الذي وقفَ على مسافةٍ قريبةٍ من كلِّ السياسيين.

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Iran’s Leader issues message on 2016 Hajj pilgrimage

(Saker note: note the *very* harsh words of Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei against the Saudi Wahabis)
Imam Khamenei issues message on 2016 Hajj pilgrimage

 In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful And all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and Allah’s greetings be upon our Master, Muhammad (PBUH), and upon his Immaculate Household and chosen companions and upon those who follow them rightfully until the Day of Judgment.Muslim brethren and sisters all over the world,

For Muslims, the Hajj season is a period of honor and glory in the eyes of [all] human beings, and a period for the illumination of hearts and humility and supplication before the Creator. Hajj is a sacred and mundane and divine and communal obligation. On one side, [the Quran] commands “Then remember Allah as you remember your forefathers, or with [much] greater remembrance” and “Remember Allah during [specific] numbered days” and on the other side, the declaration [that] “[Masjid al-Haram is a placIran’s Leader issues message on 2016 Hajj pilgrimagee] which We made for the people; equal are the resident therein and one from outside,” shed light on its infinite and diverse aspects.

In this one-of-a-kind obligation, temporal and spatial security bestows serenity upon the hearts of human beings like a clear sign and a shining star and frees the Hajj pilgrim from the siege of factors of insecurity [created] by hegemonic tyrants, which have always threatened all humanity, and let him taste the pleasure of security during a specified period.

The Abrahamic Hajj, which Islam has bestowed upon Muslims, is the manifestation of dignity and spirituality and unity and glory. It shows off the greatness of Islamic Ummah and their reliance on the eternal divine power to ill-wishers and enemies, and highlights their distance from the quagmire of corruption and humiliation and oppression, which international bullying powers impose on human societies. Islamic and monotheistic Hajj is the manifestation of [the Quranic verse, which describes the faithful as being] “firm against the unbelievers, [and] compassionate among themselves.” It is a venue for disavowal of polytheists and [promoting] friendship and unity with believers.

Those who have reduced the Hajj to a mere pilgrimage-tourism trip and have hidden their enmity and grudge against the faithful and the revolutionary nation of Iran under the title of the “politicization of the Hajj” are puny and belittled devils, who shudder as soon as the ambitions of the Great Satan, America, are put in jeopardy. Saudi rulers, who have obstructed the path to Allah and the Masjid al-Haram this year and blocked the way of the fervent and faithful Iranian pilgrims to the House of the Beloved, are disgraced misguided people, who tie their survival on the throne of [their] oppressive power to defending global arrogant powers and [forming] alliance with Zionism and America and making efforts to meet their demand, and they do not shy away from any act of treason to that end.

About one year has passed since the horrible Mina incidents in which several thousand people, on the day of Eid and attired in the Ihram [garment], lost their lives tragically under the [searing] sun and with thirsty lips. A short while before that at the Grand Mosque, a group [of pilgrims] were killed while they were in worship and circumambulation and [saying] prayers. The Saudi rulers are to blame in both incidents; this is something on which all attendants [in Hajj] and observers and technical analysts agree, and some experts [even] speculated the intentionality of the incident. Dawdling and negligence in saving the half-alive injured people whose enchanted souls and eager hearts were busy with dhikr [mention of God] and whispering the divine verses [of the Quran] on [the day of] Eid al-Adha are also definite and proven facts. The ruthless and criminal Saudi men locked them up along with the dead in tightly closed containers and martyred them instead of providing treatment to them and assisting them or even supplying water to their thirsty lips.

Several thousand families from a variety of countries lost their beloved ones and their nations were rendered bereaved. From the Islamic Republic, there were nearly 500 among the martyrs. The families’ hearts are still hurt and bereft and the nation is still in grief and enraged.

However, instead of offering apology and expressing regret and prosecuting those directly behind this horrible incident, the Saudi rulers even refused to set up an international Islamic fact-finding mission in ultimate shamelessness and impudence. Instead of taking the stand as defendant, they took the seat of claimant and brought further to the fore their age-old enmity with the Islamic Republic and with any Islamic flag, which stands against blasphemy and arrogance, with more wickedness and insolence.

Their propaganda mouthpieces, ranging from politicians, whose behavior vis-à-vis Zionists and America is a source of disgrace for the Islamic world, to non-pious muftis living on haram [prohibited] income, who openly issue fatwas against the [holy] Book and [the Prophet’s] Sunna, to media footmen, who cannot be kept from fabricating and spreading lies even by professional conscience, are making a futile attempt to hold the Islamic Republic responsible for the denial of Iranian pilgrims this year’s Hajj.

Seditionist rulers, who have embroiled the Muslim world in civil wars and the carnage of innocents and who have stained Yemen, Iraq, the Levant, Libya and some other countries with blood by forming and equipping Takfiri and evil groups; godless politicians, who have extended the hand of friendship to the occupying Zionist regime and have turned a blind eye to the heart-wrenching suffering and plight of Palestinians and have broadened the extent of their oppression and treason to cities and villages in Bahrain; [as well as] unfaithful and unconscientious rulers, who created the great tragedy of Mina and under the guise of [being] Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques flouted the sanctity of the safe divine sanctuary and slaughtered the guests of the Compassionate God on the Eid day in Mina and before that at the Grand Mosque, are now speaking about non-politicization of the Hajj and accuse others of the big sins they have themselves committed or caused to happen. They are a flagrant example of the clearly enlightening expression of the Holy Quran [where it says]: “And when he turns his back, his aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth and to destroy crops and cattle and Allah does not love mischief.  And when it is said unto him: Be careful of your duty to Allah, pride takes him to sin. Hell will settle his account, an [what an] evil resting-place [it is].”

This year too, according to reports, in addition to blocking the Hajj pilgrims from Iran and some other nations, they (the Saudis) have subjected Hajj pilgrims from other countries to unprecedented surveillance with the help of espionage agencies of America and the Zionist regime and have rendered the secure House of God unsafe for all. The Muslim world, including Muslim governments and nations, must know the Saudi rulers and truly realize the reality of their sacrilegious, unfaithful, dependent and materialistic nature; they must not let them go with impunity after [all] the crimes they have caused across the Muslim world, [but] in response to their unjust treatment of the guests of the Merciful God, they must think of a fundamental solution for the management of the Two Holy Mosques and the issue of Hajj. Shirking from this duty will expose the Islamic Ummah to bigger problems in the future.

Muslim Brethren and Sisters! This year, the eager and devoted Iranian pilgrims are missed in the Hajj ritual, but they are in attendance with their hearts and they are standing along Hajj pilgrims from across the globe and are concerned about them and pray for them to be spared any harm from the accursed tree of tyrants. Remember your Iranian brethren and sisters in your prayers and acts of worship and invocation, and pray for the Muslim communities to get rid of their troubles and to have the hand of arrogant powers and Zionists and their stooges cut off the Islamic Ummah.

I personally honor the memory of last year’s martyrs of Mina and the Grand Mosque and the martyrs of Mecca in [the Hajj pilgrimage in] 1987 and I pray to the Almighty God to bestow His forgiveness and mercy upon them and reserve them high positions [in the Heavens]. I salute Hadhrat Baqiatallah al-A’zam (Shall our souls be sacrificed for him) and request that venerable figure’s accepted prayer for the exaltation of the Islamic Ummah and salvation of Muslims from sedition and malevolence of enemies.

And providence belongs to Allah and reliance is on Him.

Dhu al-Qa’dah, 1437-September 2016

Seyyed Ali Khamenei

Al Saud... The Cursed Tree!

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The Debate – Israel-Saudi ties


Date: 24.7.2016

The entangled webs we weave perhaps could be a very appropriate phrase regarding the relationship between the Saudis and the Israelis. On the one hand the Saudis like to project themselves as the keeper of the holy places, referring to Mecca and Medina which include some of Islam’s holiest sites. On the other hand the Saudis have done everything to propagate a negative image of Islam by supporting extremists and terrorists. They have not been productive in helping the Palestinians be free from Israeli occupation, which has been taking place for more than 7 decades. Israel is considered the main enemy of freedom loving people in the region and of Muslims, so why is it that increasingly the Saudi regime has more in common with its Tel Aviv counterparts than those in the region resisting the occupation of Palestine?

Ibrahim Mousawi
Political Analyst

Richard Millet
Journalist and Political Commentator

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العار العظيم .. في مكة قريبا… – بقلم: نارام سرجون

بقلم: نارام سرجون

العار الاسلامي العظيم .. في مكة قريبا


شكرا لجميع الاسلاميين على امتداد العالم العربي والاسلامي الذين تهافتوا زرافات ووحدانا لتدمير العدو الرئيسي لاسرائيل المتمثل بالشعب السوري والمقاومة .. والذين بذلوا الغالي والنفيس من أجل أن يهاجروا مع أبنائهم وعائلاتهم وزوجاتهم وسباياهم وفتاواهم .. فقد احتفلت اسرائيل في عهد ثوراتهم الميمونة بعيد ميلادها دون أن ينغص عليها مسلم واحد احتفالها وفرحها .. ودون ان ترميها مئذنة واحدة من بين مئات آلاف المآذن بدعاء هلاك كالذي خصص للدعاء لاهلاك الشعب السوري وجيشه وقيادته واهلاك روسيا وايران ..

لم تقترب لحية واحدة من اي سفارة اسرائيلية لا في استانبول ولا مصر ولافي الأردن ولا في أي دولة خليجية فيها مكاتب واستثمارات للاحتجاج على وجود اسرائيل وارتفاع راياتها في بلاد المسلمين .. ولم تقترب منها حرّة من حرائر الثورة المؤمنات المنقبات لأنهن منشغلات بجهاد النكاح والتكاثر ..

ولم يصل الى أي سفارة اسرائيلية رصاصة واحدة أو حجر واحد أو أسطوانة غاز من مدفع جهنم أو صوت تكبيرة واحدة من تكبيرات الاسلاميين لأن كل الحناجر استهلكت كل التكبيرات أثناء الذبح والاعدام وتطبيق الحدود ورجم الزانيات .. ولم نسمع أن أحدا رأى طيف ملاك يطوف حول سفارة اسرائيلية أو يمر بجناحبه بجانب علم اسرائيلي في عاصمة عربية أو اسلامية لأن الملائكة مشغولة برمي اسطوانات الغاز على الحلبيين ومعركة بدر في طرطوس ..

‎بقلم: نارام سرجون‎'s photo.

هذه الصورة المرفقة هي من واجهة السفارة الاسرائيلية في الأردن بكل أناقتها الزرقاء وأبهى حلتها واحتفاليتها وعرسها في عصر الاسلاميين الميمون .. الورود التي وصلتها بمناسبة قيام اسرائيل في 15 أيار من كل العرب والسفارات العربية والاسلامية لم يتسع لها مبنى السفارة فتم صفّها على طرفي الدرج الخارجي كحرس الشرف .. أمان واسترخاء وعصائر وحلوى ونبيذ وشموع ورقص وأضواء .. حتى أن تل أبيب حسدت السفارة الاسرائيلية في الاردن على هذا الأمان .. رغم أنه على بعد عدة كيلومترات يحتشد ثوار درعا ومجاهدون مسلمون من كل فج عميق بكل مالديهم من لحى ويسمع المحتفلون في السفارة الاسرائيلية صوت همهماتهم وتلاوتهم القرآن في الصلوات ومعهم اسلاميو الاردن وحماس لاقتحام خطوط الجيش السوري لتحرير درعا .. ولم تتذكر لحية واحدة أن خلفها سفارة اسرائيل وعلى شمالها حدود فلسطين .. بل ربما اعتقدوا أن السفارة الاسرائيلية هي سفارة جبهة النصرة .. وأن العلم الاسرائيلي هو أستار الكعبة الزرقاء الجديدة ..

الصورة الاخرى طبعا هي للسفارة السورية في الأردن حيث يقف رجال الامن كي يبعدوا عنها غضب الاسلاميين وثورات اللحى التي قد تمزقها اربا ..

‎بقلم: نارام سرجون‎'s photo.

منذ سنوات قليلة كان المنظر على العكس تماما .. رجال الامن يحيطون كالبنبان المرصوص بالسفارات الاسرائيلية القلقة وتشدد أمني يفوق الوصف والتصور وكاميرات وأجهزة رصد والتي تمر بها العيون السوداء العربية متوعدة .. وفي ذلك الوقت كانت السفارة السورية بالكاد يقف أمامها حارس أو رصاصة أو هراوة ..

هذا المشهد المعكوس سيتكرر في كل عاصمة وصلتها صرخات الله أكبر وارتفعت فيها رايات الاخوان المسلمين ورايات حزب العدالة والتنمية بنسخها الداعشية وجبهة النصرة والجيش الحر ..

‎بقلم: نارام سرجون‎'s photo.

ونبشركم أن هذا المنظر ستكتحل عيون المسلمين به في مواسم الحج القادمة حيث ستصل السفارات الاسرائليلية الى الرياض ومكة والمدينة كما وعدنا عهد سلمان وعواصفه .. وافتتاح السفارات والقنصليات الاسرائيلية سيكون تحت ذريعة رعاية شؤون “المسلمين الاسرائيليين” .. بالنسبة للمسلمين ولأهل مكة اليوم وأهل الخليج عموما هو أن تسقط راية الحسين في الشرق التي اتجهت نحو القدس عبر حزب الله .. وأن تسقط الراية السورية .. وترتفع رايات اسرائيل في كل الشرق ..

فقد فقدت الكعبة كسوتها وأستارها السوداء التي مزقها الاسلاميون ليصنع كل فصيل منها رايات سودا يكتب عليها لااله الا الله لترتفع في كل مدينة يصل اليها أبو محمد الجولاني وابو بكر البغدادي أو الاخوان المسلمون ..

وربما لاتجد الكعبة مايسترها بعد اليوم الا علم اسرائيل الأزرق الذي سيهديها اياه المجاهدون .. تكريما لبني اسرائيل الذين فضلهم الله على العالمين وفق أدبيات الوهابية الجهادية ..

‎بقلم: نارام سرجون‎'s photo.

ملاحظة: الصورة الأخيرة ليست تخيلية ولاهي لاستفزاز مشاعر أحد أو لتهين مسلما .. بل هذا ماسيراه المسلمون يتدلى على جدران الكعبة في ظل مملكة وهابية لم تعد تبالي بمشاعر أحد .. لأن من يسامح اسرائيل على سرقة الأقصى سيترك لها الكعبة أيضا .. ومن يريد اسقاط راية المقاومة فسيرفع راية اسرائيل .. فترقبوا بدء العلاقات الديبلوماسية الرسمية بين تل أبيب والرياض .. وتطبيع العلاقات بين الكعبة وخيبر ..

كلمة شكرا لاتكفي من اسرائيل لكل لحية جاهدت في سورية ولكل فتوى حملت معها دما مسلما وشرقيا فدى به الله جنديا اسرائيليا .. ولكن بعد أن نوصل الشكر العبراني للاسلاميين ونعترف بفضلهم نقول لهم ان راية الحسين وراية سورية والمقاومين وكل راية وطنية رفعت واتجهت نحو القدس لن تعود حتى تسقط أورشليم .. وسدنة أورشليم من العرب .. طال الزمن أم قصر .. ليس لدينا شك في ذلك .. ومايعده الجيش السوري وحلفاؤه قريبا لن يسر تل أبيب .. ورعايا تل أبيب من الاسلاميين الاسرائيليين ..


Iran to Miss Hajj after Saudi Sabotage to Deal

Local Editor

In a new show of tension in the region, Iran announced that it failed to reach agreement with Saudi Arabia on arrangements for the pilgrims to join the annual Hajj in September following the severing of ties.

Iran to Miss Hajj after Saudi Sabotage to Deal

An Iranian delegation held four days of talks in Saudi Arabia last month aimed at thrashing out a deal but with Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran closed since January and Iranian flights to the kingdom halted they hit deadlock.

According to the Iranian culture minister, Ali Jannati: “The arrangements have not been put together and it’s now too late. The sabotage is coming from the Saudis.”

“Their attitude was cold and inappropriate. They did not accept our proposals concerning the issuing of visas or the transport and security of the pilgrims.”He further said: “Saudi officials say our pilgrims must travel to another country to make their visa applications.”

Iran has been insisting that Saudi Arabia issue visas through the Swiss embassy in Tehran, which has looked after Saudi interests since Riyadh broke off ties in January following the ransacking of its diplomatic missions by protesters after it executed a leading Shiite cleric.

Another contentious issue has been security, after a n incident at last year’s hajj killed more than 2,000 foreign pilgrims, including 464 Iranians.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by website team

12-05-2016 | 12:22

Death Toll of Hajj Tragedy Tops 2200: New Figures

The death toll from last month’s hajj stampede has topped 2,200, according to tallies given by foreign officials, making it by far the deadliest disaster in the pilgrimage’s history.

Hajj stampedeSaudi Arabia has yet to provide an updated death toll after saying 769 people died in the tragedy near Mecca, home of Islam’s holiest sites.

But figures given by more than 30 governments around the world show that at least 2,223 foreign pilgrims died, according to an AFP tally.

Saudi authorities have not given a toll for any deaths among their own nationals.

The loss of life in the September 24 disaster far exceeds the 1,426 pilgrims who died in the hajj’s worst previous incident — a tunnel stampede in July 1990.

Here is a breakdown of the dead from foreign governments:

– Iran: 464 dead

– Mali 282

– Nigeria: 199 dead

– Egypt: 182 dead

– Bangladesh: 137

– Indonesia: 129 dead

– India: 116 dead

– Pakistan: 89 dead

– Cameroon: 76 dead

– Niger: 72 dead

– Senegal: 62 dead

– Ethiopia: 53 dead

– Chad: 52 dead

– Ivory Coast: 52 dead

– Benin: 52 dead

– Morocco: 36 dead

– Sudan: 30 dead

– Algeria: 28 dead

– Burkina Faso: 22 dead

– Tanzania: 22 dead

– Ghana: 17 dead

– Libya: 10 dead

– Somalia: 8 dead

– Kenya: 8 dead

– Tunisia: 7 dead

– Mauritius: 5 dead

– China: 4 dead

– Afghanistan: 3 dead

– Burundi: 1 dead

– Iraq: 1 dead

– Jordan: 1 dead

– Netherlands: 1 dead

– Oman: 1 dead

– Malaysia: 1 dead


Source: AFP

23-10-2015 – 00:34 Last updated 23-10-2015 – 00:34

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Mina Tragedy Death Toll at Least 2,177: AP

The crush and stampede that struck the hajj last month in Saudi Arabia killed at least 2,177 pilgrims, a new Associated Press tally showed Monday, after officials in the kingdom met to discuss the tragedy.

The toll keeps rising from the Sept. 24 disaster outside Mecca as individual countries identify bodies and work to determine the whereabouts of hundreds of pilgrims still missing. The official Saudi toll of 769 people killed and 934 injured has not changed since Sept. 26, and officials have yet to address the discrepancy.

Mina Hajj stampedeCrown Prince Mohammed bin Naif bin Abdul Aziz, who is also the kingdom’s interior minister, oversaw a meeting late Sunday about the disaster in Mina, according to the official Saudi Press Agency.

The agency’s report did not mention any official response to the rising death toll.

“The crown prince was reassured on the progress of the investigations,” the SPA report said.

“He directed the committee’s members to continue their efforts to find the causes of the accident, praying to Allah Almighty to accept the martyrs and wishing the injured a speedy recovery.”

King Salman ordered the investigation into the disaster, the deadliest in the history of the annual pilgrimage. It came after a crane collapse in Mecca earlier that month killed 111 worshippers, and the twin disasters marred the first hajj to be overseen by the king since he ascended to the throne at the start of this year.

Riyadh has rejected a suggestion by Iran to have an independent body take over planning and administering the five-day hajj pilgrimage, which is required of all able-bodied Muslims once in their lifetimes.

Iran has repeatedly blamed the disaster on the Saudi royal family, accusing it of mismanagement and of covering up the real death toll, which Tehran says exceeds 4,700.

“The lying and hypercritical bodies, which claim to (be promoting) human rights, as well as the Western governments, which sometimes make great fuss over the death of a single person, remained dead silent in this incident in favor of their allied government,” Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei said Monday, according to a transcript on his website.

“If they were sincere, these self-proclaimed advocates of human rights should have demanded accountability, compensation, guarantee for non-recurrence and punishment for the perpetrators of this catastrophe.”

At least 465 Iranian pilgrims were killed in the tragedy with many other are still missingg. Many of the dead also came from Africa. Mali said it lost 254 people, while Nigeria lost 199, Cameroon lost 76, Niger lost 72, Senegal lost 61, and Ivory Coast and Benin both lost 52.

Others include Egypt with 182, Bangladesh with 137, Indonesia with 126, India with 116, Pakistan with 102, Ethiopia with 47, Chad with 43, Morocco with 36, Algeria with 33, Sudan with 30, Burkina Faso with 22, Tanzania with 20, Somalia with 10, Kenya with eight, Ghana and Turkey with seven, Myanmar and Libya with six, China with four, Afghanistan with two and Jordan and Malaysia with one.

The previous deadliest-ever incident at hajj was a 1990 stampede that killed 1,426 people


Source: Agencies

20-10-2015 – 12:30 Last updated 20-10-2015 – 12:33

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian 


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Leader Urges Assertive Follow-up of ’Bitter’ Tragedy of Mina


Local Editor

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei stressed on Monday that the latest Mina tragedy during Hajj must be unforgotten, urging the Iranian staff to spare no effort in their investigations.

Addressing a meeting of Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization officials in Tehran, Ayatollah Khamenei criticized the western powers who claim to be defenders of human rights for their silence on Mina incident in favor of the Saudi interests..

“The bitter event of Mina incident was a test for our piety; however, we should not forget the event itself and the policy of silence by the hegemonic powers of the west claimants to the human rights on this great tragedy; as to our own responsibility,” the Supreme Leader emphasized.

“The Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization and country’s diplomacy should address the issue strongly,” his eminence said.

Ayatollah Khamenei further stressed that Saudi Arabia must shoulder the responsibility for the death of seven thousand Muslims during the Hajj, wondering about the silence of the Arab and Muslim world regarding the tragedy even though several other countries have lost hundreds of its citizens in Mina.

“The hosting Saudi Arabia is the first responsible body for the death of 7,000 Muslims; we expected to see a single voice of objection by the Islamic world; however, no other voice was heard than that of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and even governments whose citizens had died in the event, averted their heads to the issue,” Ayatollah Khamenei lamented.

The Supreme leader noted that addressing the Mina issue in more responsible manner was a seriously required to prevent similar events in the future, especially after the lackluster performance by the host country.

“This is not a political issue, but the lives of thousands of Muslims while observing their Hajj rituals in the attire of ihram are at stake, and this should be addressed,” his eminence demanded.

Ayatollah, moreover, called for raising the Mina issue before the international community and bodies to investigate the incident and punish the true perpetrators.

“Any campaign to keep the issue alive is to raise it in international community, which in turn should target human rights organizations and western governments as if they had been accomplice in the event,” concluded the Leader in reference to these bodies’ silence.

The Islamic Republic of Iran announced that 464 of its citizens, including diplomatic personnel, were killed in Mina stampede when the Saudi authorities closed two main passages s for the passage of their VIPs.

Source: Al-Manar Website

19-10-2015 – 16:54 Last updated 19-10-2015 – 16:54

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Rouhani: Iran Demands Punishment of Saudi Officials Responsible for Mina Tragedy

Local Editor

Iranian President Sheikh Hassan Rouhani during receiving bodies of 104 Iranian pilgrims
Iranian President Sheikh Hassan Rouhani underlined that Tehran seeks punishment of the Saudi officials who are responsible for the recent stampede incident in Mina which killed over 4,000 pilgrims, including hundreds of Iranians.

Addressing a ceremony in Tehran on Saturday to pay tribute to the bodies of 104 Iranian pilgrims who died in Mina incident late in September, Sheikh Rouhani said it should be clarified if anyone is to blame for this incident or not, and Iran will then ask for justice and punishment of those responsible for the incident if it is proved that police or security forces have failed to comply with their duties.

465 Iranian pilgrims were killed in Mina incident and the bodies of 104 of them were returned home on Saturday.

Noting that Iran has, so far, used the language of sympathy, brotherhood, politeness and diplomacy vis-a-vis the Saudis to pursue the death of the Iranian nationals, Rouhani said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran will also speak in the language of might and power, if necessary.”

He stressed that the reality of this catastrophe should come under light in full details, and said, “All Muslim nations should come to realize through a fact-finding committee the cause of this disaster and they should be assured that such catastrophes will not occur in coming years.”

A stampede during one of the last rituals of the Hajj season on September 24 killed at least 4,173 people and left thousands wounded.

Source: Websites

03-10-2015 – 17:10 Last updated 03-10-2015 – 17:10

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