انقلاب تركيّ على نتائج الحرب العالميّة الثانية

د. وفيق إبراهيم

يضغط الاتراك عسكرياً وسياسياً لتحقيق المكانة المحورية بين المتصارعين للسيطرة على اعماق البحر الأبيض المتوسط وسواحل بلدانه مع بعض امتداداتها الداخلية في البر.

فما يجري أدرك مرحلة حرب ضروس بين قوى دولية من اوروبا وشرقي المتوسط وروسيا واميركا مع بعض النحيب المصريّ الشجيّ والرقص الإماراتي على حبال اميركية متينة.

مدى هذه الحرب واسع جداً لشمولها المياه الإقليمية والدولية للمتوسط في جهاته الشرقية والجنوبية فتشمل سواحل بلاد الشام في سورية ولبنان وفلسطين المحتلة ومصر الى السواحل الجنوبية في ليبيا وتونس والجزائر والمغرب وتضم أيضاً سواحل قبرص من كل جهاتها وصولاً الى اليونان.

هناك اذاً صراع مفتوح على المتوسط يأخذ شكل حرب عسكرية شرسة في ليبيا بين دولتيها المتصارعتين الغربية للسراج الموالية لتركيا والشرقية الجنوبية لحفتر المدعومة من فرنسا وإيطاليا وروسيا وألمانيا وبريطانيا، والأميركيين المكتفين بالتأييد السياسي، انما مع مواصلة الحوار مع الأتراك ورجلهم الليبي الاخواني السراج.

كما يتجسّد هذا الصراع في ارتفاع حدة التوتر بين تركيا واليونان على غاز ونفط قبرص وأعماق البحر. وهذا الموضوع محكوم باعتقاد تركي ان الأميركيين خصوصاً والغربيين عموماً بحاجة اليهم، منذ زمن الاتحاد السوفياتي، لذلك ترك الغرب تركيا تحتل الجزء المسكون من أتراك قبارصة في الجزيرة المستقلة منذ 1974.

بالمقابل تعتبر اليونان أن قبرص هي جزء من تراثها الإغريقي بالاضافة الى انتمائها القومي الى اليونان، فتتصرف اليونان وكأنها صاحبة الحق المبرم في الجزيرة وثرواتها.

لكن هذا الصراع ليس إلا الجزء البسيط من صراع عثماني – يوناني تاريخي، نجح فيه الأتراك منذ قرون عدة بالسيطرة على جزء نهائي من تركيا.

هذه الصراعات في المتوسط وليبيا تدفع نحو صراعات عالمية الطابع ومياهه الوطنية والدولية. وهذا يشمل الخلاف اللبناني مع الكيان الإسرائيلي المحتل عند الحدود البحرية في الجنوب وخلاف كامن تركي سوري على إمكانات كبيرة من الغاز والنفط في أعماق حدوديهما البحرية.

ما هي الخطة التركية؟

تشرف تركيا على مسافة طويلة من سواحل المتوسط بدءاً من حدودها البحرية مع سورية وحتى بحار اليونان، وأضافت دوراً متوسطياً لها بالسيطرة على قبرص التركية وليبيا «السراج» وتطمح من خلال العلاقة مع حزب النهضة التونسي الذي يمسك رئيسه الغنوشي برئاسة مجلس نواب بلاده. تطمح الى ضم تونس الى نفوذها. فتستطيع بذلك ان تمسك بالحدود البحرية والإقليمية لقبرص الواقعة في منتصف البحر المتوسط. وتمتد الى ليبيا براً وبحراً مع مدياتها الاقليمية، هذا بالاضافة الى ان سواحل المتوسط التركية تبيح لها التنقيب في اعماق المتوسط بين اليونان وقبرص وحتى سواحلها المباشرة، وتعتبر تركيا أنها دولة متوسطية اساسية لها كامل الحق والاولوية في التنقيب في اعماق البحر المتوسط قبالة العالم العربي من المغرب وحتى حدودها الإقليمية مع اليونان وبلغاريا، اي ما يعادل خمساً وسبعين في المئة من سواحل البحر المتوسط وبالتالي أعماقه الدولية.

هذا ما يدفع الى السؤال التالي: أين العرب من كل ذلك وأين الغرب وروسيا؟

معظم العرب في الخليج مرتبطون بالمشروع الأميركي المتريث من جهة والمشترك من جهة أخرى في الحرب عبر التورط الاماراتي في حرب ليبيا بالإسناد وبالسلاح والتمويل لقوات حفتر.

اما اوروبا فمنزعجة من الاستيلاء التركي على دولة السراج الليبية فتدعم حفتر إنما من دون السماح له بالحسم النهائي، لان المفاوضات الدولية على اقتسام المغانم في كامل البحر المتوسط لم تصل بعد الى خواتيمها، ما يتطلب تسعيراً للمعارك بدأ يظهر بالسلاح الأوروبي والإماراتي المتدفق الى بنغازي والجنوب مع قوات روسية تابعة لشركات فاغنر الى جانب دعم مصري مباشر بالخبراء والمدربين وبعض الكتائب العسكرية، بالمقابل تقف قوات تركية مع جيش السراج ومجموعات من تنظيمات سورية إرهابية وأخرى من الاخوان المسلمين. اما العرب المجاورون لليبيا، فمصر تخشى من انتصار الاخوان المسلمين الليبيين ومعها تركيا، فينعكس على وضعها في الداخل المصري، حيث لا يزال الاخوان المسلمون فيها القوة الأساسية بعد الجيش المصري. لجهة السودان فلا يزال غارقاً في خلافاته الداخلية، وتطبيق سياسات منصاعة للأميركيين تجعله من مؤيدي حفتر حيناً وصامت في معظم الاحيان.

لكن تونس يتنازعها تياران، الاول من الاخوان المسلمين يؤيد السراج الليبي والآخر من أجنحة رئيسها قيس سعيّد الذي يدعو الى الحياد.

واذا كان باستطاعة قائد الاخوان في تونس رئيس مجلس النواب الغنوشي الذي يترأس ايضاً اخوان ليبيا بجهاديين متطوعين فإن قيس سعيّد عاجز عن دعم حفتر إلا بالدعاء.

على مستوى البلدان العربية غير المجاورة، فسورية منهمكة بالتصدّي لتركيا واخوانها مع احتلال عسكري اميركي الى جانب الإرهابيين، والمغرب لم يعد يأبه للصراعات العربية. وهذا حال كامل العالم العربي الذي تجتاحه تركيا اما بالوسائل المباشرة كحال العراق وسورية وليبيا وحزب الإصلاح في اليمن وبعض اجنحة الاخوان في السودان والجزائر وتونس، وإما بالسياسة. لذلك فإن المشروع التركي يبدو واضحاً بمحاولة الاستفادة من تراجع الدور الاميركي في الشرق الأوسط وتقهقر الدور السعودي في معظم العالمين الاسلامي والعربي لإعادة العثمانية الاردوغانية الجديدة بوسيلتين: السيطرة الاستراتيجية والايديولوجية والاستيلاء على الغاز والنفط.

ألا يشكل هذا الأمر انقلاباً تركياً على نتائج الحرب العالمية الثانية؟

يعتبر الأتراك ان الاميركيين سمحوا لهم باحتلال ثلث قبرص منذ 46 عاماً. وكان هناك عدو واحد لهم هو الاتحاد السوفياتي، اما اليوم فلديهم عدوان اثنان واكثر من منافس هما الصين وروسيا والمانيا واليابان والهند، لذلك تبقى تركيا حاجة اساسية للنفوذ الاميركي العالمي، واي تخلٍ عنها يذهب نحو تدمير كبير للجيوبوليتيك الاميركي. هذا هو صميم المراهنة التركية التي تجزم بأن الاميركيين لن يعترضوا على دور كبير لها في مياه البحر الابيض المتوسط وسواحل بلدانه، لا يفعل أكثر من صد النفوذ الروسي الصيني.

فهل هذا صحيح؟

لن تقبل دول اوروبا المتوسطية في فرنسا وايطاليا بهذه المعادلة. وقد تتمكن اليونان العضو في الاتحاد الاوروبي من جذب المانيا ومعظم دول الاتحاد الى مياه البحر المتوسط للاستفادة من ثرواته، كما ان الاميركيين لن يذهبوا الى حدود إثارة غضب الاوروبيين من اجل ارضاء اردوغان، وقد يذهبون كعادتهم نحو التوفيق بين تحالفاتهم انما على اساس الاولوية للمصالح الاميركية.

يتبقى العرب وعندما يستيقظون من سباتهم تكون المعركة على ثروات المتوسط اختتمت فصولها وانتقلت للسيطرة على بحار جديدة.

FB Jail for truth tellers

June 01, 2019  /  Gilad Atzmon


Once a day the Palestinian poet Nahida Izzat is being thrown into the FB Jail for 30 days for telling the truth about Palestine and the crime that has been committed against her people for almost a century.  Nahida has never promoted violence or written any type of hate speech. The routine is pretty exhausting.   She receives a FB notification about her suspension, she then appeals and after a few hours FB lifts her suspension.

 The Palestinian poet is subject to a relentless vilification campaign by both Zionists and Anti Zionist Zionists (AZZ). Yesterday, Nahida was suspended again. This time her crime was  posting a clip of a Palestinian man who just lost his home to an Israeli bomb. Nahida provided an English translation of the Gazan victim.

Nahida’s post read:

Do you want to know how people in Gaza feel?

Here it is: “Even if they destroy all our homes,

We are with the Resistance

Even if they kill every single one of us

We are with the Resistance Even if they kill our children

We are with the Resistance”

FB has now rejected Nahida’s appeal on the ridiculous ground that the above ‘goes against our community standards on hate speech”

 Apparently reporting on a war crime committed by Israel and providing a first hand account of  the destruction and the anguish inflicted on Palestinian refugees is considered ‘hate speech’ according to the authoritarian social network.

fb hate speech.png


Nahida Izzat, The Master of Poetic Resistance

May 30, 2019  /  Gilad Atzmon


Nahida Izzat interviewed by Gilad Atzmon

The outspoken Palestinian poet Nahida Izzat has been an inspiration for a growing number of people. This fact has been a great concern for both Zionists and the so-called ‘anti.’ I have been witnessing the campaign against Nahida for over 10 years.  In recent days the desperate attempts to silence Nahida  have intensified. I spoke with Nahida about her life and her battle for truth. I urge you to listen to the spectacularly lucid voice of an heroic exiled poet.    

Gilad Atzmon: Recently FB has both suspended you at least once a day  and then lifted your suspension a few hours later after reviewing your appeal. It seems that someone is desperate to silence you. What are your feelings about this, and why do you think it’s happening?

Nahida Izzat:  That is true, Gilad. In the past, my account was suspended and my posts/comments deleted. To have my account reinstated, FB asked me to provide documentation (A copy of 2 of these items: Passport, Birth Certificate,  Driver’s License, or Bank Account) to prove my identity and that my account is not a fake.

This time around, I have been subjected to harassment on an almost daily basis, receiving notice that a post of mine “goes against FB Community Standards” of “Hate Speech”. I have protested immediately each time and requested a review, a few hours later I receive an apology from FB for their mistake in suspending my account and they have lifted the ban.

Whoever is reporting me recently has been trying desperately to find an excuse to silence me for being one of the most outspoken Palestinian voices in the West, daring to step outside the red line and break the “boundaries” as defined to us by the self-appointed gatekeepers in the Palestinian support movement.

Some years ago, and like yourself, I experienced some real harassment and attempted censorship  by no other than the Jewish anti-Zionist ‘supporters’ in the movement, those to whom I had given my trust after working closely with them for many years. They did this to me because I dared delve into the ‘forbidden’ topics they deemed taboo, and I stepped out of the boundaries they set as they claimed that anything beyond their boundaries was not ‘permissible’ in the discourse of the Palestinian struggle. They used the same accusation they use now of “antisemitism” to stop me from writing and to stop my writing from being published online.

 Some years ago, I identified some of the subjects they deem impermissible, including:

  • The doctrine of Jewish supremacy, (chosenness)  and its role in Palestine Struggle and the ramifications it has had on Palestinian lives and on their destruction;

  •     The global Jewish Zionist network which functions as the international blood line that has enabled the continuous survival of the Jewish state;

  •     The veneration of the holocaust as an article of faith rather than a chapter in history, and the implications of that for the Palestinian struggle for liberation; and

  •     The concealment of False Flag operations perpetrated by Mossad and the intentions and role of both the concealment and the operations themselves in the destruction of much of the Middle East.

All efforts to silence my roaring Palestinian voice have come to naught.  In fact, such efforts had the opposite effect. Instead of my having a voice that faintly echoes from a small city in the UK, their attempts to silence me have helped me raise the volume, so that my voice is propelled far and wide.

I see what is happening on FB now as deja vu, once again one or more people are out there desperately trying to smother an authentic, free and untamed Palestinian voice and to incarcerate an independent thinking mind by clutching a straw, building a castle on quicksand or throwing a handkerchief in people’s eyes to stop daylight from breaking through.

GA:  While in the early days it seemed as if it was Zionists and Israeli stooges who were interfering with our intellectual work, now it is established that Anti Zionist Jews are way more active on that front. What is your explanation?

NI: Zionist hawks are not interested in playing in a mind field, they prefer to play with bombs, bullets and minefields. Their interest is in totally eliminating their enemy.  By contrast, anti-Zionist ‘doves’ wave the banners of morality and universal values, it isn’t befitting to their moralist role to play with guns, so they focus on the mind field. But their arguments are feeble and cannot stand the heat of truth, the goals of their game evolve into working to spin and conceal truth for as long as possible, hoping that in their end game they can bury truth forever in the dungeon of “hate speech” locking it with the “antisemitism” and “holocaust denial” keys.

What these poor souls fail to see is that truth has an innate irrepressible light that can never be extinguished by their blows.

GA: What should be the role of anti Zionist Jews?

NI: If anti Zionist Jews are to be truthful with Palestinians, with our supporters and with themselves, all their energy, all their sincerity and all their might must turn inside out. They will have to turn over and look within. They should focus on diagnosing the root causes of the problem not, as they have insisted upon, merely describing the symptoms. Looking within is a huge undertaking, it requires a long and agonising journey within the self. I dare to suggest as a first step in this monumental task, that they approach it with honesty and sincerity not the avoidance and concealment we have seen.

The heart of the problem and the root cause of the Palestinian Nakba lies in the demon of ‘chosenness’, i.e ideological Jewish supremacy as manifested in their innumerable texts that separate Jews from ‘gentiles’ and puts them not merely miles apart, over and above the rest of mankind, but places them within a totally different paradigm, with different histories, terminology and perception of the world, themselves, and  the outside world. Without an end to this separation there can never be a true solution in which we achieve a workable, egalitarian, fair and humanistic world with universal values that apply to all.

In order for their self-chosen, self imposed separation to end, they must take a hard and honest look at the core issue, the elephant in the room, that which no one dares to name, ‘chosenness.’

They must examine why they feel the need to conceal this issue.

They need to discover why they ‘freak out’ and behave irrationally at the mention of this word.

They need to ask themselves the difficult questions:

Why do they feel entitled to control the terminology that defines what is good for mankind and why do they believe no one else can?

Why do they feel that their narrative is the one and only possible narrative?

Why do they believe that their own suffering supersedes that of others?

What is it that terrifies them when they feel they have no control in making the rules?

How do they demand that Palestinians be thoughtful of Jewish sensitivities, Jewish security and the Jewish future all while the Palestinians are being maimed, tortured and slaughtered?

Why do they expect Palestinians to consider the welfare, security and future well being of the Jewish ‘Israelis’ who are slaughtering them and bombing their society to smithereens?

What is it that makes them feel entitled to expect Palestinians to give up on their inalienable rights of liberation, land ownership and sovereignty for the sake of the same people  who have been robbing and destroying these rights for seven decades?

If they are able to manage a mile or two of honestly exploring these questions then they can move on to scrutinize and dissect the four boundaries that they have set for themselves and others that are listed above.

GA: Three days ago we were shocked to see an abusive and patronising post by the pro Palestinian Israeli activist Abigail Abarbanel.  She  has accused you of antisemitism and racism for publishing primary sources of Judaic texts. Abarbanel wrote of you that you “can be clumsy”, “bitterness has always been there in Nahida’s poetry, “she posted blatantly racist comments”, ” Nahida does not have good emotional regulation. She can be out of control and expresses incredibly racist views against Jews”,  “she seems unable to differentiate between her anger with the state of Israel/Zionism and what it has been doing to her people, and maligning the entire Jewish people for it”, she “expresses racist views against Jews in general, not just share specific examples of Jewish racism..” etc.  How does it feel when an Israeli who claims to be a supporter of your cause refers to you as ‘clumsy’ and ‘racist’?


NI: Ok, how it feels!  Even though she has published some nasty stuff about me, I do not feel anger, hostility or hate toward her. I‘ve never met her personally, and on a human level I feel sorry for her, for her inability to empathise with others when her sensitivities are rubbed. I feel sorry for her inability to see beyond the bubble of tribalism she has chosen to dwell within. I feel sorry for her belief that she has mastered all there is to morality and humanity; when she goes out of her way to smear a fellow human being for the ‘sin’ of relying upon and quoting Jewish sources to provide evidence of ideological racism and supremacy and for asking her to challenge her own belief in  supremacy.

I feel sorry for her for thinking she has healed the wounds of childhood  abuse inflicted upon her by her family members and by her tribe even as they indulged in mass scale abuse of an entire people, although she is incapable of touching the infected core of the problem.

I am sorry to witness her fall as she swims out of her depth and lashes out at a concerned ‘outsider’ who has put a finger where it really hurts in the hope that if a correct diagnosis and attention to a cure is given, healing may occur.

On the collective humanist non-personal level, I experience deep pain from the ugliness of her betrayal of a people she claims to support. I grieve as a witness to her failure, watching as she faced a choice between blind loyalty to a tribe and the truth and made the wrong choice.

GA: Years ago both of us were portrayed as lone voices with marginal followings, nowadays things have turned around.  All over Europe people are expressing fatigue with Zionist power over Western politics, culture, media, etc. We are facing a shift in mass consciousness. Does this change translate into hope? 

NI: Absolutely.

As a witness to so many changes in the short time over the past decade, and as an observer of the grave upheaval raging all around, destabilising major political systems, shifting and shoveling global powers, one cannot fail to see the meaning of “everything is in flux!” Change is a law of the universe.

And watching Zionists and anti-Zionists alike, of all shades, colours and persuasions stuck in an ever shrinking narrowing field in the battle of ideas, with no weapons in their hands other than ad hominem attacks and laughable accusations of ‘antisemitism’, I have no doubt that they are slowly but surely losing the battles of the mind and the soul.

As witness to all this, I feel resolve, confidence and resilience from within, filling me with all the hope, energy and fortitude needed to persist.  As a person of faith, a believer in the existence of a Supreme Intelligence with Most High Principles, Ultimate Justice and Sublime Love, I feel this energy invigorating me and giving me even more power and the determination to continue roaring with passion for the sake of truth, justice and humanity.

Then They Came for Tony Greenstein

February 19, 2018  /  Gilad Atzmon

Then they came for Tony Greenstein ...

Then they came for Tony Greenstein …

by Gilad Atzmon

Following the outrageous expulsion of AZZ extraordinaire Tony Greenstein from the Labour Party, the equally vindictive Labour Against The Witchhunt (LAW) published this embarrassing tweet:

Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 11.46.21.png

According to LAW’s logic, Greenstein should have been vindicated due to the fact that he is:

1.       a Jew

2.       a Rabbi’s son

3.       an offshoot of holocaust survivors

The above tweet is no doubt a glimpse into the morbid universe of Jewish privilege. If Greenstein’s line of defence is built upon him being Jewish, a Rabbi’s son and blood relation to Holocaust survivors where does it leave the rest of the British working class. How many John Smiths can hide behind the blood of their Jewish mother, their rabbi papa or their holocaust  credentials?

As if the situation isn’t funny enough, the banal minds at LAW  decided to quote Martin Niemoller’s “First they came for….”

Considering Greenstein being a dedicated witchunter approved by the ultra Zionist BOD and Jonathan Freedland, Guardian of Judea’s prime hasbara merchant, Niemoller’s poem needed a bit of a tweak which I was happy to provide:    

First Tony Greenstein came for Israel Shamir, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not Israel

Then Tony came for Deir Yassin Remembered, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not from Deir Yassin

Then Tony came for  Richard FalkJohn Mearsheimer,  Samir Abbed RabboMakram Khoury MachoulAlison WierNahida IzzatNorman Finkelstein,  Ken O’KeefeOren Ben DorPaul EisenGreta Berlin, Lauren Booth, Laura Stuart, Gabi WeberIan Donovan, Gerry Downing and Socialist Unity and  many others.

And I did not speak out because this confirmed everything I had to say about the corrosive impact of the Jewish solidarity spin.

Then they came for Tony Greenstein — everybody was laughing with satisfaction except myself because I pretend to be an empathic goy…   


NAHIDA Decleration: Hey Mr Trump

Sister Nahida

Where is “Brother” Obama -The God Father of Zio-Brotherhood’s SPRING)?

Image result for President obama, accompanied by Chabad Rabbis,

Poetry for Palestine

Nahida Declaration

I Nahida -exiled Palestinian since over fifty years, declare:

Washington to be the Eternal Capital of “israel”

USA to be the Promised Land for the Jewish people

President Bush, accompanied by Chabad Rabbis, is seen in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, April 15, 2008, after signing the Honor of Education and Sharing Day Proclamation. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

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Hour before the Dawn

[ Ed. note – Another poem by Palestinian poet Nahida Izzat. Nahida is a Muslim. As I read her poem, however, it brings to mind for me, strangely perhaps, the following spoken by Jesus after the resurrection: “And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” The words are from the very last line, in the final verse, in the final chapter, of the Gospel of Matthew.

Indeed, we seem to be fast approaching the end of an age. As Nahida puts it, “Earth is throbbing/The avalanche is fast approaching.” The poem also contains suggestions of a soul preparing to make the journey from life into the afterlife: “Raise your gaze up to the sky/Note the signs to your dwelling place.” Yet worth remembering is that in the post-apocalyptic age to come, heaven and earth will merge. This is the case in Christian theology, at any rate, and I suspect Islam probably has its parallel.

In any event, when I read poetry like this I tend to become convinced that it is the Palestinians (and certainly not the Khazars!!! ) who are the true descendants of the earliest followers of Jesus. Christians should consider that we potentially have far more in common with Muslims than we do with Jews. ]


Hour before the Dawn

* * *

Earth is throbbing in curious anticipation

The avalanche is fast approaching

People dazed in deep sleep

Some eyes are peeled as if they know

* * *
* * *

Time to retreat, weary soul

Time to retreat

Rest in a niche where Light descends

Hand it all over to the One Supreme

Carve a hole in your heart, braid your loved ones in

One by one

* * *

* * *

O soul

Put your temporary house in order

Clean up the mess before the storm

Pluck up the weeds and plow the soil

Scatter the seeds for those to come

Give it back better than you received

Stunning… Atrociously beautiful

Humbly put your head down and pray

A modest sign of ample gratitude

* * *

* * *

Raise your gaze up to the sky

Note the signs to your dwelling place

Adorn the garden of your home eternal

Let love flow free, let kindness prevail

Follow your soul, she knows the way

Let her guide you to your heavenly abode

Beneath the Throne of a Gracious Lord

Gaze in amazement at the glorious sight

Wither to nothingness before the Majesty

Splendour no eye had ever seen

* * *

Controlled opposition? You Bet!

By Nahida Exiled Palestinian

I find this precious admission -by none other than the handler himself bragging about his role in “engineering” Palestinian actions and reaction, I find it horrifically disturbing yet not all surprising, in fact it offers a profound confirmation to all what I have had suspected and have been writing about all along

With the above few words by Tony Greenstien, we caught the “handler” red handed, offering us the damning irrefutable evidence against his own work as a “handler” par excellence. We stand stunned before one notorious Jewish anti-Zionist -who “perfected” his role in controlled opposition, exposing his dirty tricks in manipulating Palestinians, meddling with their discourse, attempting to control their narrative and steer and divert their noble struggle of liberation into one of ADL battlefields, namely “fighting antisemitism”.

Under such conditions and with this glaring example of preemptive calculated strikes, aiming at defining the aims, tactics, and agenda for Palestinians and steering the pro-Palestinian movement as a whole via “handling” Palestinians themselves and “engineering” Palestinian discourse, it is imperative for the Palestinians and Palestine Solidarity movement to introduce regulations that will shut the door before any such manipulators, and open doors for unrestricted intellectual debate, freedom of expression and transparency. Failure to address these serious issue would only cause the continuation and aggravation of the crippling shift that has already befallen the movement.

It is therefore essential to crack open the shells of exclusion and secrecy of  Jewish anti-Zionist groups, wherein the Greensteins of our world thrive and prosper in their exclusive Jewish only groups, to plot and “engineer”, and wherein discussions are consumed by fighting “antisemitism” and bashing “holocaust deniers”. Time has come to put an end to exclusive private meeting in which discussions are exhausted by questions like which “unfavourable” information should be concealed, which debate to “allow”, which books to burn, which people to disavow, which motions to propose and which events to protest or to oppose.

It is paramount to expose the origins and “engineers” of such sinister attacks against free thinking activists who might not conform to “permissible” line of discourse, and to challenge the ghettos in which such manipulation is cooked and shamelessly “engineered”.


Oh boy, haven’t we seen that before!

Remember this?

A glimpse into the mindset and modus operandi of AZZ:










Horst Mahler: No. 1 German Political Prisoner Now ‘On the Run’

Hat tip to Nahida Izzat, who comments,

“When thoughts are criminalised and when people are thrown in prison for their ideas, we know we live in the DARKEST ages of humanity.”

But maybe not all is dark. According to a report here, Mahler is now out of prison and “on the run.”

Horst Mahler’s checkered career has taken another sharp turn. The 81-year-old neo-Nazi and Holocaust-denier has declared that he is on the run from the judiciary and is now thought to have fled the country.

In a video released on YouTube (and since removed) by the far-rightaffiliated network “Nordland TV,” the lawyer said he would not be following an order to serve his latest prison sentence, and would instead “ask for asylum in a sovereign state that is ready to accept people.”

He called the charges against him “political persecution without legal basis,” and accused Munich’s state prosecutor Manfred Nötzel of attempting to murder him in prison. An associate of Mahler’s told public broadcaster ARD that he was no longer in the country.

Related Video

About ‘antisemitism’–Truth and Falsehood

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By Nahida Izzat

So, let me get this straight,

“Amalek hated Jews and wanted to annihilate ALL of them”

“Pharaoh of Egypt enslaved Jews and wanted to kill them ALL”

“Haman of Persia planned to kill ALL Jews”

“Hitler of Germany wanted to exterminate ALL Jews”

“Two Billion Muslims hate Jews and want to kill them ALL”

So, the entire world since the dawn of time has this inexplicable intrinsic “hatred” against Jews, for no particular reason ?

I.e the entire world is nothing but a bunch of hateful criminals, who are intrinsically evil, and only Jews are good who have always been the pure innocent victims of a mad world?


The claim that gentiles are innately “hateful antisemites” is not only wrong. It is OUTRAGEOUSLY RACIST, and OUTRAGEOUSLY ANTI-HUMAN.

Continued here

Why we must defend those who dare to speak about the ideology of Jewish supremacy

By Nahida Izzat | Aletho News | December 26, 2012


Forbidden words, taboo topics, witch hunts, smear campaigns, excommunications, thought-policing and book banning are no longer the trademark of fascists and right wing extremists, the profession is shared now by Jewish “anti-Zionists,” alleged “friends of Palestine.” We are left watching in astonishment and disbelief  as some “anti-Zionists” are doing the work of hyper-Zionists the likes of ADL and BoDoBJ.

I have recently witnessed the ostracizing and excommunication of two activists, Paul Eisen and Gilad Atzmon, by my local group affiliated to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) using the Zionist method of character assassination of using the labels “racist” “anti-Semitic” as a method of muffling truth.

Yet, among the numerous intellectuals and political activists that have publicly defended Atzmon are many Jews for whom I have only high praise and have expressed much admiration.

It seems that those who wish to stifle discourse are acting as controlled opposition. They attempt to block intellectual discussion, suppress academic freedom, obstruct rational and scholarly debate, filter vital information and smother serious research that examines three main identifiable problems:

The problem of the ideology of Jewish supremacy

The problem of global Jewish-Zionist networking and lobbying

The problem of idolizing the holocaust (which is used as a tool to further Zionist aims)

In 2009, soon after the Gaza massacres, by sheer coincidence I came across the word Neshama. Curious, I googled the word, and lo and behold a Pandora’s Box opened before my eyes; a new learning curve began; I learned about a group called Chabad Lubavitch. I was horrified to discover the supremacist ideology at the core of this group and the level of influence accomplished by the Rebbe and his followers.

Horror-struck, I started investigating, studying then writing about two main issues; the supremacist ideology and the high influence of this prominent organization, attempting to alert our Jewish PSC allies to the danger of such ideology and influence… only to be faced with utter silence.

The problem of the ideology of Jewish supremacy

First; if we accept that Zionism is defined by the crime of genocide and the ethnic cleansing of a nation and has caused the wiping out of a country, then investigating the motivation behind such crime is essential to fight it and hopefully to defeat it. Without unfiltered scrutiny, we would never know who we are dealing with and how to stop them.

Second; supremacism in Jewish ideology is not above criticism; like every other ideology, it should be transparent, accessible and not kept secretive. Without unfiltered scrutiny we would never know what animates Zionists to act with such aggravated cruelty and sadism.

Third; to accuse of “anti-Semitism” and “racism” those who expose Jewish supremacy, is the equivalent of covering up the ideology behind the crime and dissuading people from learning about it, hence challenging and fighting this form of racism.

Dismissing such supremacist beliefs as irrelevant and obsolete would be a huge mistake because these views are the very motor that charges, motivates and energizes the Jewish settlers in Palestine, and gives them the sense of entitlement to do what they do without feeling any guilt or remorse.

For us Palestinians and for our supporters in the solidarity movement, it is a matter of extreme importance to inspect and scrutinize the ideology that motivates and animates the Jewish settlers in our occupied Palestine in order to better understand it, hence combat it. Restricting our understanding of the occupiers, their ideology and mindset cripples our ability to fight back against them knowledgeably and effectively. Furthermore, in our day and age, racism has become outlawed, when people learn about the extent of the ideological racism in the Zionist entity, it will enable us to fight them in their weakest point, thus, bring the day of our liberation closer.

The problem of global Jewish-Zionist networking and lobbying

First; when we look at Zionism as a crime, again, then logically we must identify and investigate the modus operandi. Failure to do so would leave us unable to understand how our oppressors operate and succeed.

Second; with regards to the Jewish-Zionist lobby: investigative work that examines information, no matter how well concealed, and attempts to identify at least some of the culprits and the real criminals behind the fearmongering, the endless wars and the catastrophic conditions that our world suffers is neither racist nor anti Semitic.

Third; devoid of proof or evidence for their false accusations the controlled opposition gate-keepers insidiously filter information through intimidation and by labeling anyone who dares to divulge vital facts. They disable Friends of Palestine (FoP) members from understanding the animus and the methods used to install and to perpetuate the criminal Zionist project, in particular the global network of collaborators who organize and effectively manipulate world policies by coercing world governments into continuous support of the Zionist project in spite of its growing inhumanity.

Expecting to become myself sooner or later a victim of such smear and filtering activity, I always utilize extensive links to primary sources I quote, mostly Jewish organizations. The network formed by these organizations involves large sections of Jewish communities worldwide, and its ultimate role is generally to support the Zionist entity, by inserting themselves in influential positions.

Suppression of inquiry amounts to a dynamic protection system (by peripheral concealment) of the global Zionist network.

Lite-Zionist critics of Israel are attempting to impose on FoP their restrictive dogma, i.e. that a majority of Jews worldwide, whether Zionist “diaspora” or “Israelis”, are not the manipulators of international policy with regards to “Israel”, but the complacent, docile instrument of U.S. imperialism.

To persist, such dogma imperatively needs, again, to filter out glaring facts such as the over-representation of Jewish-Zionist dual citizens in vital areas of UK-US policy making, or the cross-pollination of racist and supremacist ideology between many Talmudic Rabbis and many Secular Jewish-Zionist Organizations supporting the Zionist project.

The persistence of this dogma also requires strict and repressive censorship and gagging of whomever tries to scrutinize, analyze and discuss the facts, let alone expose them to an audience concerned by matters of equality and humanism, such as FoP and the Palestine solidarity movement in general was supposed to be. That is how and why smear campaigns with killer words such as “anti-Semitism” or “racism” are launched.

At best, such activity on part of alleged “friends of Palestine” is irresponsible. The logical implication of such nonsense, would be that Jewish Israelis, almost all of them serving at least 2 full years in the Israeli army, are just naïve and innocent victims. Thereby, this nonsensical dogma exculpates the notoriously perverted cruelty and psychopathy of the Israeli military’s crimes, up and down the command ladder.

The problem of idolizing the holocaust

First; “Facts” do NOT need laws to enforce or defend them, what they require is research to examine their narrative and correct it for better accuracy and understanding. The denial of these principles will invariably lead to the eradication of the Science of History, and thus cause the blind repetition of more genocides, as we already see in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan… Much like what we see with the cover up and suppression of information about The Truth about 9/11, who benefited and how the event was used to create a climate of hatred and fear which enables the power elite to continue waging wars of aggression and extermination.

Second; without understanding how the holocaust has been used by Zionists, from its onset til this very day, we would continue to succumb to intimidation and give allowances that legitimize and justify the existence of a criminal entity. By insisting on keeping an aura of holiness, uniqueness and exceptionality around the holocaust which would continue to put it above any historical event, preventing researchers from examining how this event has been used, and how it enables our occupier to continue to use it as justification for what they do in Palestine.

The holocaust ought to be studied as a historical event with a historical narrative that has NO sacred or exceptional dimension. The emotional, dogmatic and sacred luggage that has been attached to it has been systematically used and is still used by Zionists to justify and minimize their ongoing heinous crimes in Palestine, as well as the claim of special status with special benefits in their respective countries.

Third; there is absolutely no link -strictly none- between the so-called Holocaust and Palestinians. Nowhere can Palestinians be incriminated in the abhorrent oppression committed by central Europeans against Jews during World War II.

I, as a Palestinian, am not prepared to live in guilt, nor to pay for crimes my people haven’t committed. We refuse to accept and will reject forcibly if necessary, pathologically violent and racist Jewish occupiers.

Military conquest, terrorism, robbery, torture, ethnic cleansing and slow genocide ongoing since the arrival of the first Zionists in Palestine almost one century ago (i.e. before the holocaust) does NOT make someone the rightful “owners” or “co-owners” of my homeland, it makes them abject and violent occupiers.

I and with me my People are not accepting any more to keep having to listen to this narrative shoved down our throat with the repetition of tragedies about legendary love stories, human-fat soap or human-skin lamp shades in order that the Zionists continue to deceive, to trade with and reap the profit by deception and theft of a historical crime that has already been dealt with, and while they continue to use it to justify the ongoing theft of Palestine and extermination of Palestinians.

When someone claims to be in the solidarity movement with Palestine, but then at a crucial time when the Palestinian struggle for Liberation gains momentum, engages in such blatant cover up and concealment of vital information and analysis that would enable people to better understand the core problematic issues and how to effectively deal with them, I and with me every member of the FoP and the Palestine solidarity movement, have the right to question the dubious intentions and motivations of such acts, and to evaluate the damage such people are causing to the movement, hence to Palestinians.

I would like to add a thought about the accusation of racism and anti-Semitism used as a method to silence debate. Anti-Semitism is nothing but one form of racism. Jewish supremacy is yet another form of racism. All forms of racism are vile and ought to be rejected.

An aggravating factor makes the accuser’s motives appear to be even more dubious. Indeed the false accusations of racism is inconsistent with their deafening silence about the mountain of evidence of the wide-spread existence of the ominously racist Jewish supremacist ideologies. This utter silence is a glaring attempt to deflect from the real racism about which I happen to have done extensive research during the past 2 years.

Also, I perceive the attacks as an attempt to block intellectual debate about the problem of global Jewish-Zionist networking and lobbying, which to me is very worrisome, to say the least, when coming from self proclaimed “Friends of Palestine.”

What I find really mind-boggling and hard to fathom in all this is the inconsistency with regards to racism.

On the one hand they do not hesitate to throw such a label against many honorable activists, scholars and intellectuals, in fact they label as “racist” and “fools” anyone who exposes the revolting yet well concealed Jewish supremacy, anyone who notices the effect of Jewish-Zionist networking or  who objects to their disproportionate over-representation in key positions with all what it entails of conflict of interest and promotion of the interest of a foreign entity at the detriment of the interest of their national constituency. Yet, on the other hand, mystifyingly, the same people, who without hesitation accuse us of racism, stay utterly mute about the massive, revolting and offensive racism that fills thousands of pages in the Talmud, and major Jewish religious books! And I am not talking about some fringe lunatic fundamentalists who use these always mutating texts as tools, what I am talking about is the inter-connective network of people deeply entrenched in the main centers of government, power and capital, and who are veritably driving policies, war-mongering and hate-mongering!

This sharp contrast between the fervent reaction of those disloyal activists to alleged “racism” on one hand, and on the other, their apathetic deflated reaction or lack thereof, to the sickening anti-human racism emanating from Jewish sources with its correlation with Zionists’ activities, leaves me speechless, beyond words.

Since I started exposing this racism, and over the past two years, I heard NOT ONE WORD about their outrage, opposition or willingness to expose or fight Jewish supremacist ideology, such as seen in the writing of one of the most respected, most reputable Jewish philosophers Moses Ben Maimon (also known as Maimonides).

“Maimonides’s Mishneh Torah is considered by traditionalist Jews even today as one of the chief authoritative codifications of Jewish law and ethics.” Moses Ben Maimon sees no problem with subjugating and enslaving gentiles:

“They shall be your subjects and serve you.”

“The subjugation they must accept consists of being on a lower level, scorned and humble.

They must never raise their heads against Israel, but must remain subjugated under their rule. They may never be appointed over a Jew in any matter whatsoever.”

He also talks about the right of the Jewish king to:

wage a milchemet hareshut, (war of aggression) i.e. a war fought with other nations in order to expand the borders of Israel or magnify its greatness and reputation.

These “chief authoritative codifications of Jewish law and ethics” do not see any ethical predicament with “Jewish wars” of extermination and annihilation either.

Since this notorious ideology is the unequivocal underlying animus and root cause of the Zionist aggression and occupation, and since the “facts on the ground” prove the cross-pollination between this degradation and the secular Zionist aims, including the irrefutably slow-genocidal Zionist military policies, scrutiny and criticism of this racist supremacist filth is not a matter of fringe theology, but a vital matter of totalitarian politics.

Now, where is their outrage against such blatant Jewish racism and supremacy and terrifying nihilistic ideology? Don’t they claim to be against racism wherever it comes from? Why don’t they have the guts to condemn and campaign against such racism?

Is it not ludicrous to hear them condemn instead, those who expose and vehemently oppose such racism?

Without using any commonsense they jump into the ADL bandwagon and rub shoulders with Zionists!

If someone obstinately objects to the massive control and unwelcome influence and the robbing of others rights and property, under the pretext of divine entitlement, does that person become the unreasonable “bigot” !

What kind of skewed logic is that?

This inconsistency is incomprehensible to me.

Why are they entitled to classify people and to dictate to people what they should read and what they should avoid?

Why this condescending attitude that appears to be claiming to know what is best for people and selecting their intellectual diet for them?

Why deprive people of the right to read a wide range of opinions, including my own writing, and allow them to make up their analysis, and conclusions without manipulation, repression or restraint?

In my writing I vehemently criticize racist Jewish ideology, but I never accuse all Jews of being racist, never put them -or anyone else for that matter, in one basket. Ever.

In my writing I quoted the poll that 95% of USA Jewry support Israel as a Jewish state and 90% of British Jewry believe that Israel is the ‘ancestral homeland’ of the Jewish people, and concluded that most world Jewry are supportive of the theft of Palestine.

Truth is that the majority of world Jewry insist that Jews have a right and claim to the land. Including some of our Jewish “anti-Zionist” friends under whatever pretext. Their claims are not acceptable and unjustifiable!

I have pointed out the influence of organized Jewish networks, such information is available for any serious researcher, it can be easily verified, yes it is troublesome to find such a tiny group extremely overrepresented in so many vital areas of public affairs, such as finance, media, security and policy making, more so when the interests of such a group are in conspicuous conflict with the interest of the larger group, and when this minority supports a genocidal entity that has not evolved in six decades.

Over-representation is as unfair as under-representation, and if anti-racists take it upon themselves to defend the rights of the under-represented minorities, it is of equal importance to do the same with over-representation.

Perhaps such questions of over-representation might have not surfaced had the behavior of those in question been shrouded with morality and humanity. Had they been working to establish social justice, building homes, schools and hospitals instead of destroying and polluting the planet for generations to come, and instead of law of the jungle where the super-rich eat the poor to the last bone, had they chosen cooperation instead never-ending conflict, and promoted peace and justice instead of fomenting perpetual wars.

No one should be slandered for observing and objecting to such blatant mockery of morality, equality and justice.

I do not need to focus on Christian Zionists because their ideology is almost entirely sourced from the Old-Testament which is none other than the Jewish Torah! Most authentic Christians consider the Christian Zionists as worshipers of “Israel” and of the “Jewish people” rather than God, and in that sense they share the same ideology as Jewish-Zionist supremacists, in terms of their reverence and idolization of the Jewish people as the “Chosen”, they are one and the same. Furthermore, those who occupy my land, those who drove me out of my homeland, and those who are still depriving me from going home are the Jewish Zionists.

I criticize the deafening silence of anti-Zionist Jews with regard to the racism that thrives amidst many Jewish communities. A silence which I believe will backfire one day, as they would be seen as not only complaisant but also complacent by deflecting away and concealing horrendous truths.

My criticism is motivated by concern and genuine care for good Jewish individuals that I have known and those whom I don’t know, because of what I perceive as the danger that would befall all of them if they continue to ignore the supremacist ideology, the growing influence of the adherents of this ideology and if they continue to ignore all the warning signs that point to accumulating bottled rage against such villainy, which no doubt would one day manifest itself violently as an inevitable backlash to much unsaid, yet felt, oppression and unspoken, but lived, subjugation.

I find it rather pathetic that the only defense mechanism that the accusers come up with is the smear, slander and the accusation of being a “racist” against anyone who pokes the boil exposing the pus infesting inside one of the most vile racist and supremacist ideologies thriving at the heart of some Jewish teachings as per Mishna Torah, Zohar, Tanya, and Talmud. By insisting on dismissing Jewish supremacy and Jewish-Zionist networks they only promote the most cruel and degenerative racism to be found on the planet by means of concealment and shifting attention away from the real racism that I vehemently fight and deplore.

The persons who resort to accusation, suppression, character assassination and smear campaigns very cunningly and dishonestly omit to mention that those who expose and condemn the racist concepts of “chosen-ness”, “exceptionality”, “superior morality”, “superior intelligence”, and “Jewish entitlement of world leadership” do not invent these concepts. It is not racist to expose or quote such abomination, it is not a crime to bring such Jewish-claims to the public awareness. Any honest criticism should be directed against those who believe such filth and make such revolting claims.

To those individuals who take part in such ADL style smear campaigns of accusation of racism, I say:

I accuse you of acting as a smoke screen to cover up real racism as manifested by Jewish supremacists

I accuse you of acting as protectors and gatekeepers of the global Jewish Zionist networks and lobby groups by denying their existence and effectiveness.

I accuse you of complicity by insisting to conceal planned crimes against humanity as manifested in the supremacist nihilistic Chabad ideology.

Any Solidarity Movement with Palestine should take the opinions, the interests, and the future well being of Palestinians at heart, otherwise, it speaks only for itself, not for Palestinians.

Palestinians have the right to fight for the full liberation of their country, those who are willing to march with us all the way are welcome, those who are not, may look for other more convenient and less controversial campaigns to support.

I denounce any person or group who pretends to speak in my name as a Palestinian, yet behind closed doors, they plot and whisper about how to mute Palestinian voices and curtail the spread and impact of daring Palestinian opinions.

I denounce any person or group who claims to work for Palestine, yet their actions are contrary to the legitimate interest and aspirations of Palestinian people. Allowing themselves to be used as a vehicle to secure the future of the Jewish-Zionist invaders by facilitating the permanent takeover of Palestine with the pretext of “two peoples, one future” blather or “equal rights to both sides” nonsense.

I denounce any person or group who turns a blind eye and reacts with a deafening silence to the unimaginable repulsive racism that oozes from some Jewish supremacist groups, yet instead, hysterically and shamelessly react to someone who accidentally came to discover such horrors.

Finally, I fully trust the Palestine solidarity movement to have the intellectual integrity and capacity to see through the fog of manipulation, and to have the assertiveness, the respect for their own intellect and enough open-mindedness to look at many sources of information, and that they have the courage to read for themselves and evaluate what they read independently, without having some gurus spoon-feeding them with filtered, processed, misrepresented or manipulated information.


auteur_1643Nahida Izzat is a Jerusalem-born Palestinian refugee who has lived in exile for over forty five years, after being forced to leave her homeland at the tender age of seven in 1967, during the six-day war. She has a degree in mathematics, but art is one of her favorite pastimes. She loves hand-made things and so makes dolls, cards, and most of her own clothing. She also writes poetry, participates in written dialogues and believes in building bridges, not walls.

Bubble Universe

Posted on

by Nahida Exiled Palestinian

In the bubble-universe of the “chosen”, every event, every accident, every incident, every fight, every flight, every motion, every emotion, every action, every reaction has one and only explanation: “antisemitism”


In the bubble-universe, throughout history, there exist only two types of people on this planet:

“antisemites” and “potential antisemites”


In the bubble-universe, the entire dictionary is comprised of one word: “antisemitism”, the rest is commentary


Kosher Palestinians! by Nahida Exiled Palestinian

 by Nahida Exiled Palestinian 

A kosher Palestinian, is the one who he believes in:

  • The “specialness” and “chosen-Mess” of Jews”, for they always “know better” and no movement or organization can function if not headed by them and guided by their “light”
  • They believe that anyone on earth be called racist supremacist except Jews, so they take “strong stands” against “Palestinian racism” and “Palestinian antisemitism” if Palestinians question the right of the “Jewish state” to exist, but a Kosher Palestinian never ever questions Jewish supremacy and racism, worse, they accuse those who request a condemnation of ideological Jewish supremacy of being “antisemites”
  • They also believe in the “primacy of Jewish suffering”, more than their own, and revere the “holocaust” as their one and only true deity worthy of worshiping, never to be doubted or questioned

Image result for Vanessa BeeleyBOYCOTT ALL SOFT ZIONISTS…and APOLOGISTS


Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada supports cancellation of the US Nakba speaking tour in case it offends the Zionists. I say boycott Abunimah and all the other sell outs and vassals of the illegal and oppressive state of Israel.

Abunimah’s [false] claim was that Alison Weir of If Americans Knew [one of the best websites educating Americans about the Palestinian cause] might have been in the audience.

Anyone who supports this Zionism apologist, please feel free to unfriend me right now.

Paul Larudee of the Free Palestine Movement.

Alison Weir had nothing to do with the event and apparently showed up to hand out flyers for her website. One of the SJPers criticized Alison,claiming that the issue was Alison’s refusal to respect Israel’s “right to exist” as a regime. The Palestinian speaker, Amena Ashkar, agreed with Alison’s view on this matter, but was told by organizers that she was not allowed to voice her opinion. The speaker, being a principled person, refused to give the talk if her feelings about the colonial regime that dispossessed her were going to be censored from the discussion. So the organizers decided to cancel the entire event.

Their own explanation doesn’t even make sense. If the problem was Alison Weir or her flyers they could have simply removed the materials (and Alison as well), and in fact it appears they had done that just. Instead they cancelled the entire event, and that is because they did not want Amena’s views to be expressed.

It is beyond despicable that Stanford SJP would go to this length to cancel a talk by two Palestinian refugees who have spent their lives in a refugee camp, unlike the privileged brats who organized — and then cancelled –this talk. That includes an 85-year-old Nakba survivor. But now they want to rationalize their disgusting behavior by drudging up rumors and innuendo about some white lady who was in the audience and her pamphlets?

Stanford SJP owes their guests — and the rest of us — an apology. I am currently speaking to some of the national tour organizers about putting out a public statement where Amena can express the ideas Stanford SJP denied her the opportunity to speak at Stanford, and calling on Stanford SJP to retract this ridiculous explanation and show some accountability for what they just did.



Gilad Atzmon‘s article:



Shame for Fame: by Nahida Exiled Palestinian

by Nahida Exiled Palestinian

I avoided writing about this topic, trying to give Palestine Chronicle and its chief editor Ramzy Baroud the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t think keeping silent is an option any more

In March 2011 I met Ramzy Baroud during his UK tour, I invited him to stay with us in my family home, where he was warmly welcomed. As we both were devoted to working for liberation of our homeland and advocating for justice for our people, I thought we had forged a mutually respectful friendship.

I continued to communicate with Baroud via email and Facebook, sharing my poems, thoughts, comments and articles with him, with hardly any response, if ever.  The communication was a one way street, but I kept giving him the benefit of the doubt and finding excuses, for he is such a busy journalist.

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In December 2013, I posted a series of  comments on Palestine Chronicle of which PC editor published only three while censoring the most crucial.

Being one of my Facebook friends, I wrote to Mr Baroud privately inquiring about the reason of censoring my comments, I never received a reply.

Today, April 12, 2016, I notice that he had deleted me from his list of friends (not sure when),  I contacted him again asking for an explanation, again no reply.


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Also today, I noticed that the Palestine Chronicle team, which consists of “professional journalists and respected writers and authors“, has published one of my photoswhich I took during my visit to Palestine in 2012, without asking permission or giving credit.

Furthermore, in the same edition of Palestine Chronicle two poems are published: One is eerily the same topic and same title as a poem I published three years ago and had sent to Mr Baroud.

The second poem also bears almost the same title and has the same topic as one of my prose/poems, written in 2012, and is illustrated by my photograph that I used for the same publication, a photo that is significant because it depicts the garden that triggered me to write the prose/poem in the first place. Mr Baroud also received it via email at the time.

This is irrefutably not a coincidence, and is irrefutably an act of unwarranted hostility, an attempt by a fellow Palestinian to dispossess the intellectual rights of a fellow Palestinian author.

Ramzy Baroud, I am asking you for an explanation. What is going on? What has gone so wrong with you that you engage in such unfathomable act?

Why does Palestine Chronicle participate in censoring Palestinian voices and obfuscating their work, bordering on plagiarism?

Do we really need thought commissars in our movement of liberation?

Is it excommunication against untamed Palestinian voices whose narrative is not approved by anti-Zionist rabbis and lacking the kosher stamp?


This kind of subliminal attacks coming from a Palestinian, who brags of his father being a “freedom fighter” and who engages into yet another dispossession and attempted demoralization of a fellow Palestinian freedom fighter is beyond shameful

Is that the price of fame? Does Mr Baroud really think that it will not cost him discredit and shame?

Palestine Chronicle, Tuesday, April 12, 2016

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Poetry for Palestine, July 8, 2011


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Palestine Chronicle, Saturday, April  9, 2016

As well as publishing one of Nahida’s photos without authorisation

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Poetry for Palestine, April 28, 2012


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The New Ten Commandments: Nahida Exiled Palestinian

by Nahida Exiled Palestinian


1) Thou shall believe that “they” are the “Chosen”

2) If you see their numbers extremely over-represented in high positions of power and control thou shall not mention, except if it was to praise their “superior” IQ

3) If you become aware that they are “running the show” in the media thou shall
only glorify “their talents”

4) If you come to notice their grip in the world of finance thou shall be in awe of their “outstanding aptitude”

5) If you detect their attempted steering of social progress or revolutionary movements, thou shall only explain it with their “admirable righteousness, evolved integrity and exceptional morality”

6) Thou shall not compare their unique suffering with any other


7) Thou shall revere the holocaust –faithfully, as narrated by their gurus, with all thy heart

8) Thou shall have no doubt in your heart of the number 6 million

9) Thou shall not criticize “Israel” the “light unto nations”, and thou shall honour it’s
eternal right to exist as a “Jewish state”

10) Thou shall sacrifice as many “goyim” humans as possible (especially those who dare to say NO), and on the altar of their conquest, greed, arrogance, and supremacy, thou shall bow down and worship


I for one, fully reject the concept of “Chosen-ness” , fully reject the concept of “superior Jewish intelligence”, and I fully reject the concept of “superior Jewish morality”, i.e. that Jews have always been at the “helm of social progress”.


Will that make me a racist anti-Semite?


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Who is the RACIST?

If believing that: Jews and non-Jews are equal in intellect, morality, spirituality and in their responsibility for their own actions; if believing that is a crime, then I am the
first to be called a criminal.

If believing that the statement: “Jews are unique and special beings, with unique Divine souls” is a racist, chauvinistic and supremacist statement; then I plead guilty of racism.

If believing that “ALL mankind, Jews and non-Jews alike, are equal in humanity and in their accountability before the law”, is anti-Semitic, then call me anti-Semite.

If believing that no man is superior to another in intellect by the virtue of race or religion, is considered supremacy, in this Orwellian world, then call me supremacist.

If we choose not to actively expose and challenge such bizarre myths, and instead opt to turn a blind eye to such outlandish racism embedded in the doctrine of some orthodox Judaic sects, if we don’t break the taboo about the ugly ideology that motivates and animates the Zionist’s fascism, then undoubtedly we would be sharing the guilt of complicity, active alliance and passive complacency, by our sheer silence.

We, the people concerned must make an unambiguous stance: the choice has to be made between supporting humanity, justice and equality or supporting racism, dominance and supremacy.



Yearning to go Home

Poetry for Palestine


Home, real home . . . is not of this world

Eternal abode

Where only good is seen, evil has no place

Home is the place where there is no hate, no hurt, no harm

No quarrel, no prejudice, no qualm

No ego, no lies

No fear, no sorrow

No pain, no doubt

Home is tenderness and calm

Coolness in the eyes

Home is where the kernel of the soul slumbers


Embraced by the Beloved

Most Sublime


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Ali Abunimah and the Zionist Narrative

Ali Abunimah and the Zionist Narrative

Ali Abunimah has been speaking to pro-Palestine groups in Australasia and last week was in Wellington, New Zealand, as a guest of the Wellington Palestine Group.

Abunimah has a profile as a pro-Palestinian activist and as a founder and editor of the blog Electronic Intifada. He is also known to be at the forefront of the campaign to purge from the pro-Palestine movement those who are not deemed to be sufficiently opposed to antisemitism. He has accordingly been described by his critics as a ‘gatekeeper on the payroll of his Jewish Zionist friends’, a ‘soft Zionist’, a ‘sabbos goy’ and many other things less printable.

My reading on Abunimah before the meeting revealed that he is associated with campaigns to vilify and exclude from the Palestine movement a considerable number of pro-Palestinian activists, including many of Jewish ancestry, like Richard Falk, John J. Mearsheimer, Gilad Atzmon, Paul Eisen, Jonathan Azaziah, and Israel Shamir, or Palestinian backgrounds, such as Samir Abed-Rabbo, Ramzy Baroud, Nahida Izaat, Sammi Ibrahim, Sameh Habib and Jonathan Azaziah.

He is also complicit in the attempt to ostracise the highly regarded Alison Weir of the Not in My Name campaign, which led to the resignation of the Free Palestine Movement from the US Campaign to End Israeli Occupation.

Perhaps the most famous, or infamous, example of Abunimah’s exclusion campaign is his statement calling for the disavowal of the ‘racism, antisemitism of Gilad Atmon’, signed by 22 Palestinian activists.

At the meeting in Wellington Abunimah gave a good speech about the current situation in Palestine, and then focused on the BDS campaign, though without addressing long-term solutions, eg whether there should be one or two states. He also mentioned the Palestinian killed by an Israeli soldier in Hebron recently.

I wanted to address the issue of Abunmah’s opposition to other activists, and began by referring to Gideon Levi’s article about the Hebron murder, quoting as follows:

‘Never have so many cheered such a vile murderer. …This combination of racism and thirst for blood is not only repulsive, it’s also volatile and dangerous… it’s doubtful there’s another Western society whose racism is accompanied by such bloodlust.’

I pointed out that while Levi’s target audience was the people of Israel, there are people whose focus is outside of Israel, aiming to change the mindset of individuals or communities, Jewish and/or non-Jewish, who support ethnic cleansing and land theft in Palestine. However Abunimah has worked to exclude many of these people from the movement such as Gilad Atzmon, Paul Eisen, Alison Weir …

At this point Abunimah interjected, declaring that it was not in his power to purge anyone. These people were all bigots and white supremacists. Abunimah was not going to debate with someone who supported racist bigots.

Based on my reading I had rather expected Abunimah would respond with a personal attack, and I wasn’t surprised that he should be less that honest about his involvement in shutting people out of the Palestine movement, though I would have liked to ask exactly why these people were ‘bigots’.

In the unlikely event I was allowed to continue, I had hoped to focus on the ‘disavowal’ of Atzmon. There have been some excellent responses to this statement (see below). Some concentrate on defending the various accusations levelled at Atzmon, while Nahida Izaat picks up on the Talmudic nature of the language used – she associates, for example, the word ‘disavowal’ with the Judaic concept of Herem, the ban imposed on an individual to separate from the rest of the community (Izaat’s findings were echoed by Atzmon, who commented that ‘we aren’t just dealing with a cult discourse, … we are actually dealing with a rabbinical operation that exercises the most repulsive Judaic excommunication tactics’).

I myself planned to address Abunimah regarding the narrative he espouses.

‘We reaffirm that there is no room in this historic and foundational analysis of our struggle for any attacks on our Jewish allies, Jews, or Judaism; nor denying the Holocaust; nor allying in any way shape or form with any conspiracy theories, far-right, orientalist, and racist arguments, associations and entities. Challenging Zionism … must never become an attack on Jewish identities, nor the demeaning and denial of Jewish histories in all their diversity. ‘

It is clear from this statement that, leaving aside the Palestine issue proper, Abunimah’s language and priorities are identical to that of the most extreme Zionist: the focus on antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and above all holocaust denial. These are the three main strategies for the Zionist activist.

Firstly, to keep the conversation fixed on antisemitism, to keep Palestinian activists tip-toeing round Jewish sensibilities in order to neutralise criticism. Hence the huge campaign against Gilad Atzmon, who calls out the Jewish community for their support for Israel.

Secondly, to carry out personalised and derogatory attacks against anyone who asks awkward questions. In her video presentation on how the CIA influences the media Sharyl Atkinson listed a few words which alert people to what she calls astroturfing, one of them being ‘conspiracy’ (‘astroturfers seek to controversialise those who disagree with them’). ‘Conspiracy theorist’ and ‘truther’ are terms commonly applied to those who investigate 9/11, though I have been called a ‘truther’ by Ahmad Idrees, when I produced evidence from MIT that the Syrian government can’t have been responsible for the Gouta sarin attack.

Most important for any Zionist is to protect the holocaust cult. So successful have Zionists been with regard to control of the holocaust narrative, that Germany, Austria and France are prepared to compromise themselves morally and intellectually by criminalising the dissemination of serious research into the holocaust. Anyone active on social media who has any contact with the subject knows that the very people who are totally callous when it comes to the abuses inflicted on Palestinians scream ‘Jew hate’ if one so much as defends someone who questions any aspect of the holocaust.

It is extraordinary that a pro-Palestinian activist should package up and present these three major Zionist strategies as fundamental to the Palestinian cause, that the sensibilities of those who support the most racist country in the developed world, arguably on the whole planet, should matter so much more to him than the Palestinian cause itself.

‘Contrary to the understanding and lopsided logic of Mr Ali Abunimah and his cohorts, discussing and criticising the ideologies, the politics, the aims, and the motivations of some Jewish Zionists or anti-Zionist persons or groups, is NOT anti-Semitic. Such criticism does not occur “simply because they are Jews”:

‘We criticise their obfuscation of truth, by acting as filterers of information, attempting to prevent people from learning about issues, vital to understanding the Palestinian catastrophe;

‘We criticise the hysterical manner in which they react against people who attempt to examine and understand the global and powerful Jewish-Zionist networks and lobby, their unrelenting support of “Israel” and it’s ramification on Palestine and the Palestinian cause’ (Nahida Izaat)

It is also consistent with Abunimah’s ‘soft Zionist’ viewpoint that, like all Zionists, he promotes the NATO discourse on the war on Syria, exemplified above all by his writings on the Yamouk refugee camp.

Abunimah is a strong advocate for BDS, which is supported by most Palestine activists. However, to return to the Wellington meeting, someone present asked how effective BDS can be if the US will always underwrite Israel – and we know that as things stand it will do just that. BDS should be combined with strong attacks on the communities that back Israel and on American acquiescence towards the power of AIPAC, and furthermore with questioning of the Zionist narrative and the motivations behind it. If Abunimah cannot be part of this, or at least back those who are, his usefulness to the Palestinian cause is questionable.


Ali Abunimah: Palestinian writers, activists, disavow racism, anti-Semitism of Gilad Atzmon

A large number of activists, Jews, Palestinians and others, have replied to this, most being referenced after Roger Tucker’s article:

Yarmouk Refugee Camp

Abunimah has written several articles on Yarmouk, e.g. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/dont-forget-us-here-photos-reveal-devastation-syrias-yarmouk-camp

Celebrating Sexual Orientation, the Road to Liberation?

I cannot help but notice the striking commonalities between two  politically active groups who perceive themselves as uniquely “oppressed”, perpetually “persecuted”, “hated” and “marginalized” :
  •  A small part of their perception of the self has become their entire identity
  •  They display symptoms of victim-hood syndrome and excessive sense of persecution
  • They exhibit intense craving for, and demanding of world-love, by hook or by crook
  •  They use slander and ad hominem attacks as means to win the debate, against those who stand by in bewilderment, and against those who don’t celebrate with them their self-obsession and self-adoration
  •  They criminalize those who ask questions, show signs of concern or express different opinions, share some doubts or dissent


In recent years, the entire Western political paradigm has been encapsulated in two main campaigns: the first being the right of LGBT to proselytise their lifestyle (specially amongst children) and to publicly celebrate their sexual orientations, and the second being “israel’s right” to defend itself.

The spectrum of political debate has shriveled to two pivotal topics, spinning in the orbits of “same-sex love” on the Left and “israel adoration” on the Right.

The candidate/ party who are most able to exhibit more love and support to both are the most likely to climb up the political ladder resuming leadership.

The more dedication a candidate/ party shows to both LGBT and the Jewish State the more chances of scoring high on the scale of “civility”

Too much time, energy and money has been invested in expressing “pride” of sexual orientation, and in publicly celebration sexual behaviour, all with the blessing and support of the political “elite”, world leaders and dubious institutions.

What a devious way to divert attention from scrutinizing the REAL issues of PERSECUTION, OPPRESSION and INJUSTICE !


The global and annual LGBT exhibitionist celebrations -under the banner of fighting for human rights against “persecution”, is coupled with persistent attempts to insert this “fight” in every other liberation and/or human right movement.

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Juxtaposing the six colours ( hijacked rainbow bright colours which are for CHILDREN, which lures and attracts the little ones) over every other flag, became the litmus test for measuring the “progressiveness”, “civility” and “worthiness” of support of any particular organization, country and movement.

Does this not cause people to THINK, that maybe something is not quite right here?


Why on earth should “progressiveness” be defined by how much one takes pride in the sexual behaviour of a small group of people?

Why on earth should mankind be classified and divided according to their sexual preferences?

Why on earth should anyone be called “hater” and “intolerant” if one says they do not like their children, nor themselves to be exposed to live-porn?

Why on earth should anyone be labeled as “homophobic” If they kindly request from their brothers in humanity to keep bedroom acts where it belongs, in the bedroom, and spare our children the obscenity of premature exposure to unwanted sexuality or nudity?

How can such a request be considered “persecution” and “oppression”?

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Logic of the absurd

If you are a Palestinian fighting for the freedom of your people and the liberation of your homeland, you have to give up your alienable rights to the land, and flatly aplogise for not liking very much the idea of sharing your home with your rapists, otherwise you would be called “racist antisemite” who wants to “ethnically cleanse” Jews, “persecute” them and deprive them from their “human rights”.

If you are a Palestinian who cherishes his history and traditional values, you have to give up your ethics and culture, start competing with “israel’s Pride Parade”.

You need to understand that your support for the “gay pride” public celebration of the particular sexuality of a very small segment of the population, is the first and conditional step toward the liberation of your homeland.

In order to succeed in defeating your oppressors, you have to make their sexuality  your number one priority; compete with “israel”, organise PPP “Palestinian Pride Parades” which are bigger, more radical and louder than that of “israel”, otherwise you would be seen as a “backward Arab” and you would be called “intolerant homophobe”.

For whose agenda?

We began to feel the pressure demanding to insert sexual orientation as an”integral” part for our movement, which is extremely insensitive and divisive move at this stage of our struggle.

We began to feel the heat of abuse because we express concern for our children and ask for some sensitivity towards our culture

Having the view that sexuality is a private matter does NOT mean one is hateful or homophobic.

Muslim societies are concerned for the welfare of the whole society, and not just the pleasure of a few.

Exhibitionism and public display of sexual activity is deemed harmful for society, specially the most vulnerable and most worthy of protection, namely the children.

Premature exposure of young children to sexuality is like force feeding a newborn with chilli con carne and beefsteak followed by few cigarettes and an alcoholic drink.

Children are not designed or ready to cope with sexual activity as much as babies are not ready to digest heavy meals.

It is not rocket science to know that such early exposure is harmful to children.

When I expressed my concern for children, I was attacked, ridiculed, accused of being “racist”, “Homophobic”, insulted and threatened of being blocked by one prominent activist for Palestine.


It is obscene that a self-profiled “supporter” of Palestinians, would completely ignore, reject and campaign to change fundamental aspects of Palestinian culture, ethics, model of society etc.

The Palestinian model of society has been successful in peacefulness, harmony,  tolerance and family cohesiveness, since centuries and more, contrary  to the imposed “Western” model, which arguably has failed in these respects.

What sort of support are we seeing, when in essence it asks us to abandon our cultural identity?


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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Chomsky and Palestine

By Nahida

JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs) concludes that the best way of defending “israel” and countering its de-legitimization is to allow and participate in its criticism.


“I regard myself as a supporter of Israel ~~ Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is a “cultural zionist” who endorses the Jewish Zionist conquest of Palestine: He wants a softer occupation, he does NOT condemn the creation of an alien entity on a land stolen, acquired by military conquest, genocide, terrorism and ongoing atrocities but just merely condemns some mistreatment of Palestinians that give his “israel”  he supports, a bad name and bad reputation.

The “master of linguistics”, the prominent scholar, Noam Chomsky, reputed for hisaccurate, articulate and precise use of correct vocabulary, uses carefully crafted, most suitable words to express his thoughts…. So when he describe the Palestinians as: “essentially caged animals”, what does that tell of him?

Would this “master of linguistics” ever use such words to describe Jews?

This is precisely the Zionist-Jewish hate vocabulary of choice when it comes to Palestinians: “animals”

Noam Chomsky‘s role as a gatekeeper (whether intentional or not) is to  deflect attention from:
CRIMES committed by the Jewish-Zionist global network including major false flagoperations like 911.

He also deflects attention away from the supremacist ideologies of his tribe by pointing the finger at “imperialism”.

By pointing the finger at US’s crimes, he deflects attention away from the Jewish power inserted inside US governmental institutions, that shape its domestic and foreign policies virtually entirely, even against US self interest.

He is the guru of the Jewish Left, as well as the Left at large.

His influence on stifling the minds of many and framing the progressive liberal discourse should not be underestimated or ignored

Chomsky (the g-d of the Jewish left) is AGAINST  the full Liberation of Palestine, thereby arguably against the restoration of International Law. He cares more about thesurvival of “israel” and the normalization of the Jewish-Zionist project of conquestof Palestine than he cares about the Palestinians’ struggle for liberation.


Obviously, Chomsky approaches the subject of Palestine from a compromised position, his loyalty is where his heart is, where his tribe is.

Chomsky and most so called Jewish “supporters” are dedicated to the preservation and continuation of the usurping, illegitimate and illegal entity called “Israel”

By their criticism of “Israel’s” behavior instead of its illegitimacy, they deflect from the core of the problem, which is the illegality of “Israel’s” very EXISTENCE, which came to be through TERRORISM, MASSACRES, WARS of CONQUEST and GENOCIDE, crimes ongoing to this day.

By criticizing “israel”, they hope to take the steering wheel from the Jewish “Israeli” right and mellow down the face of an exponential scale ROBBERY and TERROR, into a more acceptable face, which treats the residual Palestinians a teeny weeny better, while Jewish coreligionists KEEP the LOOT.

By easing the barbaric savagery and giving the few residual Palestinians some nominal “rights”, they hope that the International Community will not turn against “Israel” and its global jewish allies.

Both Right and Left (Zionists and anti-Zionists) are dedicated to the illegal preservation of “Israel”

This is the reason why the activity of some Jewish “supporters” can be so detrimental to the Palestinian cause. Their intentions are concealed, and are contrary to / Palestinian aspirations of Freedom and Liberation.

They help preserving and finalizing the Zionist project of KEEPING the LOOT, while providing backup and coverup for the world Jewry support of the openly aggressive Jewish Zionists’ colonization, shielding it against world outrage. Thus causing immeasurable harm to those whom they are pretending to be helping.

Such harm is difficult to discern and it is far more dangerous, because it subdues the victim and leads him to a bleak destiny with total submission, without any resistance.
Those whose individual identity is entangled with “israel” being and remaining a “State for Jews” no matter under what explanation, and no matter at what the cost, cannot be considered genuine supporters of Palestine.

Those individuals whose identity is entangled with “israel” being and remaining a “State for Jews” irrespective of any pretext or explanation, cannot be considered genuine supporters of Palestine, and logically can not be considered neither as genuine defenders of “Human Rights”, to the contrary.

Palestine was a peaceful country for centuries. Since over seventy years it is a country under destructive attack from a foreign Jewish collective unable to integrate peacefully and unwilling to adhere to even the most elementary rules of human cohabitation. The majority of world Jewry Left and Right has been the major overt support of these Crimes, while covert support by deflection and diffusion of resistance, has been provided by some Jews who in essence are accomplices and collaborators of the Crimes they feign to oppose.

Noam Chomsky is part of the latter.

The litmus test of sincerity would be their views with regards to Palestinians’ aspiration of FULL LIBERATION, FULL RETURN of our exiled Nation, and FULL SOVEREIGNTY by Palestinians over our Country.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

It is Called Palestine


Political Disagreement is not a crime

Thinking independently is not a Sin

Striving for Liberation is not immoral or illegal

Instead of ostracising outspoken Palestinians, and silencing their voices which echo RESISTANCE and LIBERATION, genuine supporters should listen to Palestinians and ECHO their voices, they take the beast by its horns and and challenge the violence of Jewish “israelis” and their global network of support outside Palestine and across the globe.

They must STOP DEFENDING “Israel’s rights” to live in “peace” and “security” on STOLEN LANDS, and instead, try to PACIFY those USURPERS and their Jewish-Zionist international supporters.

They should allow PALESTINIANS to LEAD their OWN STRUGGLE for LIBERATION, without being accused of “antisemitism”.

People who care about the rape of Palestine and the plight of Palestinians, should once and for all realise that any advocacy of “israeli rights” to stay in a land they are attempting to utterly ruin, or to “coexist” with a people they are attempting to annihilate, such advocacy is betrayal of Humanity.

Once and for all, there is no coexistence with criminals of that level.
FULL LIBERATION is the only way to right the wrong of a century of Crimes Against Humanity

Our future is NOT entangled with theirs, because they as a collective have caused the near destruction in an entire region of the world for almost a century in ever greater murderous genocidal criminality. Individually and collectively, Jewish “Israelis” are accountable for past and ongoing Crimes Against Humanity. Legally and Historically, they will have to bear the consequences. The “golden times” of warmongering, land theft and assassination of children will soon be over.

We need ACTION that brings CHANGE not just collecting donations or symbolic gestures which makes one feel good, while leaving us stagnating, like hamsters running till exhaustion in a treadmill only to stay where we are.

The REAL STUFF which would bring an end to a century-old crime, is NOT a “Kum ba yah” song, oh let’s hug each other and lecture about “coexistence”, then miraculously fantasise that their bullets would molest our babies less aggressively, bombs would fall softer on our heads or our decades of excruciating pain of exile would suddenly taste sweeter.
We do NOT need to be “taught” how to be “humanists” with those who are tearing our bodies to pieces, poisoning our food and water, murdering our babies as we speak!

It is more than insulting to accuse REAL SEMITE Palestinians of “antisemitism”.

It is absolutely normal, nay, detrimental that Palestinians should be extra cautious when dealing with Jewish “supporters”, NOT because they are Jews, but because of the nature of the struggle; the possibility of mossad infiltration and the high probability of conflict of interest.

Our ultimate aim to Full Liberation of Palestine remains stronger than ever, and as it were this aim is aligned with utmost foundational aspects of International Law.

Yet infiltrators, sayanim and others, are working day and night to delete LIBERATION from the consciousness of Palestinians and their supporters, by implanting their “doves” at the heart of our Palestinian activist movement, inside and outside of Palestine.To contribute to the liberation of the discourse at first, our supporters may wish to expose the dirty trick consisting of limiting the choice to a false dichotomy, “one state, two state”.

Palestinians and our supporters may wish to bring back on the table the concept of Full Liberation, Return, Sovereignty over our Country as the only fair solution, and what is more the only long term feasible solution. We may want to be determined and forceful, by voicing Liberation amidst all circles of supporters, hammering it until it becomes again natural and evident, the way it is in reality.

Once supporters and public opinion start to listen to the Palestinians and their acute grievances due to a slow genocide committed against them, once supporters absorb the humanitarian concept of Liberation of Palestine, as a fair and necessary step to Peace and Prosperity in the Middle East and beyond, only then can Palestinians regain their faith in this western humanity who has abandoned and betrayed them.

Only then can Palestinians cease to succumb to the murdering machine aiming at pacifying them into obedient slaves.Only then will solidarity groups cease to fall for the poisonous lies brought to them by the Hasbara agents who talk “peace” while their fellows plan more theft and more murder.

Reviving the concept of Liberation must be accompanied with all types of support possible, including education, spreading awareness, call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, humanitarian aid, financial support, and above all, defending the right of Palestinians to DEFEND themselves and explaining to supporters and others that Resistance under such chronic murderous and brutal occupation is not only a legitimate right, but also a duty.

The first step of LIBERATION of Palestine starts by LIBERATING the DISCOURSE which begins with giving Palestinians a platform and LISTENING to their narrative.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Mark Dankof Responds to the Jewish Voice for Peace Broadside of Alison Weir: Poetry for Palestine

Mark Dankof on the Jewish Voice for Peace Broadside of Alison Weir:  It's About Control of Narrative and Demonization of Dissent.

     Alison Weir’s alleged support for the Gareth Porter/BuzzFeed/ADL broadside of Mark Glenn and the New Horizons Conference in Iran last fall recently boomeranged when she herself was broadsided by Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). In that broadside, Ms. Weir was slandered for her association with me, which is absolutely nonexistent, save for a single appearance on my radio show some years ago.

     As Dr. E. Michael Jones pointed out in his article on this entire business in the December 2014 Culture Wars entitled, “The New New World Order,” the universe seems to revolve around the “Jewish control of narrative” and the demonization and character assassination of anyone offering a dissent from their mantra. Gilad Atzmon reiterates this in his own observations on the JVP assault on Ms. Weir.

Gareth Porter at the New Horizons Conference in Iran:  What Was His Real Game There and On Behalf of Whom?

     The Jewish control of narrative and the demonization of anyone who disputes that ground rule is quite obvious in the JVP chastisement of Ms. Weir for ever being associated with me in any capacity. Why?

The Result of Linking

     It is clear why. I have talked in the public forum repeatedly about subjects considered off limits to these people. These include the provable Jewish Bolshevik KGB link to FDR, Operation Snow, and Pearl Harbor; the Lavon Affair; the Meyer Lansky connection to the Kennedy Assassination; Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS Liberty 48 years ago; the Pollard and AIPAC spy cases; the PROMIS affair; Jewish power in Central Banking, the Federal Reserve Board and the media; Israel’s connection to 9-11; Israel’s alliance with Saudi Arabia and the United States in covertly supporting Sunni Wahhabic extremists in al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, and ISIS in Syria and elsewhere; Israel’s dual citizens and front companies who permeate American intelligence, the Transportation Safety Administration, and the Department of Homeland Security; the number of Israeli dual citizens in the United States Congress and throughout the American government and media nexus; and perhaps most significantly of all, the disproportionately Jewish support for the Culturally Marxist agenda of American and Western culture via the Frankfurt School, a point fully acknowledged publicly by no less than the current Vice President of the United States. JVP duly and disapprovingly notes in disparaging tones my identity as “the anti-gay” Christian pastor. . . .

The Zionist Alliance with the Frankfurt School and the LGBT Agenda:  Destroying the Christian West, Russia, and the Islamic World With Cancer.

     Gilad Atzmon argues that the Jewish neo-Marxist left is even more toxically lethal to Palestinian rights and the Western world than its demonic counterpart in the Likudnik Right. I agree. And the Jewish Voice for Peace backstabbing of Alison Weir, much like the nefarious Gareth Porter/BuzzFeed hit on Mark Glenn and the New Horizons Conference last fall in Iran, proves it.

Harry Dexter White:  The Lithuanian Jew Whose Operation Snow for FDR and Joseph Stalin Killed Americans at Pearl Harbor. Can You Spell Treason?

     There are two pivotal questions remaining to be answered.  First, in consideration of the issue of Hegelian dialectic and “controlled opposition” in that matrix, how many of these Jewish Peaceniks and Leftists are controlled opposition working for Israeli and American intelligence?  Second, how have the Palestinians and pro-Palestinian peace activists fared in having their interests represented by Jewish leftists and neo-Marxists claiming to represent them in negotiations headed toward a “two-state solution?”  The map below answers that question nicely:

Negotiate with Jewish leftists and liberals who claim to be anti-Zionist, and get yourself Ethnically Cleansed and Pickpocketed.

     The era of “Jewish control of discourse” is ending. Let’s all have fun watching their panicked struggle before merciful and final expiration.

Mark Dankof

Postscript:  Full Circle Department?  Gareth Porter was officially sponsored by Jewish Voice for Peace at a speaking event 5 months before the BuzzFeed-Reza Montazemi-New Horizons Conference Waltz in Iran.  Could it be? Hmmmmm.  . . .

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!