وثائقي الميادين: أحمد جبريل -النضال – القضية-الثورة

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في الذكرى 55 لانطلاقتها قراءة في التجربة النضالية للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين ـ القيادة العامة

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رامز مصطفى

كاتب فلسطيني

القسم الاول

ما خلفته نكبة فلسطين العام 1948، من ضربٍ لأسس البنية الاجتماعية لشعبنا الفلسطيني جراء احتلال أرضه وتشريده، من قبل اليهود الصهاينة. سعى الشباب الفلسطيني في مطلع خمسينات القرن المنصرم إلى الإنضمام للأحزاب والجيوش العربية، إيماناً أنه الحلّ المتوفر للمساهمة في تحرير فلسطين وإعادة اللاجئين إلى ديارهم وممتلكاتهم التي طردوا منها، وما شهدته خمسينيات القرن الماضي من ثورات وطنية وأممية في فيتنام وكوبا والجزائر، محققة الانتصارات على قوى الاستعمار والرجعيات المتحالفة معها. الأمر الذي شكلّ بارقة أمل، فبدأت مجموعات من أبناء شعبنا تدعو إلى ضرورة البحث الجدي عن حلول تُسهم في تنظيم الشعب الفلسطيني، بهدف تحقيق آمالهم الوطنية والقومية. فمن قلب أزقة البؤس والتشرّد في مخيمات اللجوء، تفجّرت ثورة الشعب الفلسطيني إبداعاً ثورياً خلاقاً يبشر بفجر جديد لثورة شعبية، هي حرب الشعب طويلة الأمد في مواجهة العصابات الصهيونية المغتصبة لأرض فلسطين. ومن بين تلك المجموعات، كانت جبهة التحرير الفلسطينية التي تشكلت في العام 1959، وطرحت شعار تحرير فلسطين بأسلوب الحرب الشعبية. الأمر الذي جوبه بالاستهجان والعداء من قبل أحزاب عربية تقليدية كانت مسيطرة آنذاك، بأنّ مطلقي الشعار جماعات مرتبطة بأجهزة أجنبية.

بدايات عمل الجبهة شهدت مرحلة من العمل السري حتى العام 1965، بهدف الإعداد والتدريب لتهيئة الأجيال لثورة تواجه شكلاً جديداً من الاحتلال الصهيوني ببعديه الاستيطاني والإجلائي. من خلفية أنّ الجبهة آمنت أنّ السبيل الوحيد إلى تحرير فلسطين هو الكفاح المسلح، استعداداً لخوض الصراع مع المحتلّ الغاصب. لذلك أطلقت شعارها ثورة حتى تحرير الأرض والإنسان، بمعنى تحرير الأرض من دنس الاحتلال الصهيوني الغاصب، وتحرير الإنسان من كلّ معيقات تطوّره وتقدّمه ورفع الظلم عنه، رافعةً ثالوثها الكفاحي فداء – عودة – تحرير.

عقدت الجبهة مؤتمرها التأسيسي في 19 كانون الأول 1966، وفيه جرى تشكيل الهيئة التأسيسية، كهيئة قيادية تضمّ الكادر المركزي في الجبهة. وترأس المؤتمر آنذاك رفاق هم اليوم شهداء، علي بوشناق رئيساً، ويوسف طبل نائباً للرئيس، ورياض سعيد أميناً للسر. حيث اعتبر الرفاق الموجودين في هذا المؤتمر هم المؤسّسون للجبهة، حيث أطلق عليها اسم الهيئة التأسيسة لجبهة التحرير الفلسطينية، والتي ضمّت في صفوفها خمسة وعشرين رفيقاً، منهم من غادر الجبهة لأسبابه، ومنهم من غادرها شهيداً، ومنهم لا زال على رأس عمله، وهم الرفاق أحمد جبريل الأمين العام، والدكتور طلال ناجي الأمين العام المساعد، وعمر الشهابي أمين سر المكتب السياسي، وزكي الزين.

في ستينات القرن العشرين، طُرحت الجبهة بقيادة الرفيق أحمد جبريل، مبادئها الستة التي اعتبرت في حينه الأسس النظرية والسياسية والتنظيمية لتحالف وطني لمختلف طبقات الشعب الفلسطيني. وأطلقت عليها اسم المبادئ الإئتلافية، وتلخصت بتحمّل الشعب الفلسطيني المسؤولية الأولى عن قضيته، ومن ثم شعوبنا العربية، على اعتبار أنها قضية الأمة ومركزيتها، فاسحة أمام الأشقاء العرب الانخراط في صفوفها، وصل بعضهم إلى مراكز قيادية في الجبهة. ورفض كلّ أشكال الوصاية. وتحريم التكتلات والنشاط الحزبي. والتأكيد على مبدأ الديمقراطية والاستشارة من ضرورات تحقيق الانتصار. ورفض أنصاف الحلول، ومشاريع التسوية. وبالتالي ترك شكل الحكم لما بعد التحرير، يقرّره مجلس وطني. وإلى جانب المبادئ الستة أعلن عن الميثاق، في المؤتمر الأول للجبهة أواخر العام 1968، الذي شكلّ قفزة نوعية في المنطلقات النظرية للجبهة، من دون تبنيها لنظرية فكرية محددة.

في نهاية عام 1968 عقدت الجبهة مؤتمرها الأول، وأقرّت فيه برنامجها السياسي، أطلق عليه (الميثاق من 15 مادة )، أكدت فيه أنّ «الثورة المسلحة على العدوان والاستعمار، هي الطريق الوحيد، والحق المقدس لكلّ الفلسطينيين. وأنّ القضية الفلسطينية قضية قومية، والثورة الفلسطينية مرتبطة ارتباطاً، عضوياً ومصيرياً، بالثورة العربية، وهي أحد عناصرها. وأنّ الكيان الصهيوني، هو المخلب والرأس، الذي يشكله الاستعمار والإمبريالية، في الوطن العربي». ومنذ أيلول 1969 عقدت الجبهة 7 مؤتمرات، في أعوام 1971 و 1973 و 1979 و 1986 و 2005، 2010 .

وايماناً من الجبهة بأنّ المقاومة والوحدة الوطنية شرطان متلازمان لتحقيق الانتصار، فقد انخرطت الجبهة ومنذ بدايات انطلاقتها في عدد من التجارب الوحدوية الاندماجية، وكانت أولى هذه التجارب مع تنظيم حركة فتح، غير أنّ هذه الوحدة لم تصمد طويلاً. وعلى إثر هزيمة حزيران تداعت ثلاثة فصائل فلسطينية هي جبهة التحرير الفلسطينية وشباب الثأر التي كانت بمثابة التنظيم العسكري الفلسطيني لحركة القوميين العرب بقيادة الشهيد جورج حبش، وتنظيم أبطال العودة، ليشكلوا معاً الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين. غير أنّ مسيرة هذا الائتلاف قد تعثرت نتيجة خلافات تنظيمية وسياسية، فحصل الطلاق الديمقراطي بينهم في تشرين الأول عام 1968. فتمسك كلا الطرفان باسم الجبهة، ومنعاً للالتباس ميّزت الجبهة اسمها بإضافة كلمة القيادة العامة، لتصبح الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين – القيادة العامة. ومنذ ذاك التاريخ لم تشهد الساحة الفلسطينية تجارب وحدوية على الإطلاق.

وبسبب تعذر تحقيق الوحدة الوطنية، انخرطت الجبهة في تحالفات وإئتلافات جبهوية على أساس الرؤى السياسية الواحدة، المتناقضة مع رؤى سياسية بدأت بالتمظهر في الساحة الفلسطينية، وتحديداً بعد حرب تشرين عام 1973، والداعية إلى تبني البرنامج المرحلي وإمكانية الحلّ السياسي عبر المفاوضات مع العدو. فتشكلت جبهة الرفض الفلسطينية في العام 1974 من (القيادة العامة والجبهة الشعبية وجبهة النضال وجبهة التحرير العربية).

منذ انطلاقتها، اشتهرت الجبهة بالعمليات العسكرية النوعية، لا سيما العمليات التي سُميت «العمليات الإستشهادية»، التي أصرّت قيادة الجبهة ومن منطلق إيمانها بقومية الصراع، أن تكون تشكيلات هذه العمليات من مقاتلين عرب. عملية مطار اللد 1968، وعملية كريات شمونة (الخالصة) في 11 نيسان 1974، وعملية كفار شامير (أم العقارب) في 13 حزيران 1974، وعملية شهداء قبية التي نفذها خالد أكر، وميلود بن ناجح نومه في 25 تشرين الثاني 1987 مستخدمين طائرات شراعية، وهذه العملية كانت الملهم والشرارة للانتفاضة الفلسطينية الأولى عام 1987 (انتفاضة الحجارة)». ونفذت الجبهة أكبر عمليات تحرير للأسرى من السجون الصهيونية. ففي (14 آذار من عام 1979 كانت عملية النورس، وحُرر بموجبها 77 أسير)، مقابل أسير صهيوني هو «إبراهام عمرام أسرته الجبهة في 5 نيسان عام 1978»، خلال الاجتياح الصهيوني لجنوب لبنان «عملية الليطاني». أما العملية الثانية، (عملية الجليل في 20 أيار من عام 1985، وحُرر بموجبها 1150 أسير، ومن أبرز المعتقلين الذين تم إطلاق سراحهم الشيخ الشهيد أحمد ياسين والعديد من قيادات العمل الوطني الفلسطيني من كافة الفصائل. والعلامة الأبرز كانت إرغام العدو على إطلاق المناضل الأممي الياباني كوزو اوكوموتو. كما تضمنت الصفقة، إطلاق سراح 50 من فلسطينيّي 48، و99 من دول عربية مختلفة و 6 من دول أجنبية). بالاضافة إلى عمليات إرسال السلاح إلى فلسطين إسناداً ودعماً لانتفاضة الأقصى العام 2000. والمساهمة في إسناد ودعم قوى المقاومة الوطنية والإسلامية بقيادة حزب الله في لبنان، في مواجهة العدو الصهيوني المحتلّ لأرض الجنوب، والإنخراط المباشر في تنفيذ العمليات القتالية إلى جانب قوى المقاومة حتى التحرير في 25 أيار 2000.

القسم الثاني

… الجبهة وإنْ كانت عضواً مؤسّساً في منظمة تحرير ومؤسّساتها (اللجنة التنفيذية – المجلس الوطني – المجلس المركزي)، إلاّ أنّ العلاقات بين الجبهة ومنظمة التحرير قد شهدت توترات في مراحل عديدة. وجميعها على خلفية تبنّي المنظمة للنقاط العشر المتعلقة بالتسوية الإستسلامية، والتي على اثرها تشكلت جبهة الرفض الفلسطينية. وكذلك ما اتخذته المنظمة ولجنتها التنفيذية من مواقف تبنت من خلالها رؤى سياسية تخالف مواد ميثاقها الوطني. ولعلّ القطيعة الأكبر كانت منذ العام 1983، ولا زالت مستمرة حتى الآن، خصوصاً بعد موافقة المنظمة على مبادرة الملك السعودي في القمة العربية الاستثنائية الثانية في فاس أواخر العام 1982. وبالتالي ما عمّق القطيعة هو التوقيع باسم المنظمة في 13 أيلول 1993 على اتفاقات «أوسلو» مع الكيان الصهيوني، في حفل احتضنه البيت الأبيض برعاية الرئيس بيل كلينتون. والتي تمّ بموجبها الاعتراف بالكيان، ومن ثم التنازل عن 78 بالمائة من أرض فلسطين التاريخية.

من خلفية رفضها لاتفاقات «أوسلو»، لا توجد بين الجبهة والسلطة الفلسطينية علاقات تجمعهما، والعلاقة مقتصرة على الفصائل. وهذا لم يمنع الجبهة من الانخراط في الحوارات التي أجرتها الفصائل منذ العام 2003 و أذار 2005 في القاهرة، والذي اتفق فيه على تطوير وتفعيل منظمة التحرير وتشكيل الإطار القيادي المؤقت. ومن ثم اتفاق أيار 2011 في القاهرة، الذي تمّ التوصل إليه. وصولاً إلى الحوار الذي جرى في موسكو برعاية روسية في شباط 2019. انخراط الجبهة في تلك الحوارات جاء من خلفية أنّ رأب الصدع في الساحة الفلسطينية من شأنه أن يمكننا من مواجهة التحديات التي تفرضها سياسات كيان العدو والإدارة الأميركية، بهدف تصفية القضية وعناوينها الوطنية.

أما ما يتعلق بالعلاقة بالفصائل وتحديداً حركتي حماس والجهاد الإسلامي اللتين انطلقتا خلال الانتفاضة الأولى (انتفاضة الحجارة) في العام 1987، فقد اتسمت العلاقة معهما بالإيجابية جداً، خصوصاً أنهما تتبنيان خيار المقاومة على أنها الطريق الوحيد لتحرير فلسطين، وترفض التسويات الإستسلامية وعلى وجه الخصوص اتفاقات «أوسلو» في العام 1993. وقد تطورت العلاقات مع الحركتين بشكل كبير على كافة المستويات وفي مقدمتها المستوى العسكري. والجبهة في علاقاتها مع الحركتين ذهبت بعيداً في التعاون العسكري فوضعت مواقعها ومعسكراتها في تصرف الحركتين، والمساهمة في التطوير من قدراتهما حسب الممكن والمتاح

وبقيت العلاقة تتطور إيجاباً حتى بدأت أحداث المنطقة أواخر العام 2010، وما سُمّي زوراً بـ «الربيع العربي»، لتشهد العلاقة وتحديداً مع حركة حماس حالة من شبه القيطعة، على خلفية تبني حماس مواقف منحازة لمن سمّوا أنفسهم بـ «الثورة السورية» منذ آذار 2011، لتكشف الأيام عن زيف ادّعاءات هؤلاء، ومدى تورّطهم وارتباطهم بأجهزة الاستخبارات الدولية والإقليمية، التي ثبُت انغماسها في تخريب وتدمير سورية كرمى عيون كيان العدو الصهيوني.

أقامت الجبهة علاقات عربية واسعة خاصة مع الدول ذات التوجهات القومية، حيث تقع سورية في مقدمتها، فقد حافظت الجبهة على علاقات مميّزة معها، قيادةً ودولةً وحزباً وشعباً، لما مثلته سورية من عمق وحاضنة استراتيجية للقضية الفلسطينية، منذ ثورة الثامن من آذار 1963. لتتكرّس هذه العلاقة مع مجيء الرئيس الراحل حافظ الأسد إلى سدة الحكم، حيث قدّم كلّ ما من شأنه تعزيز مقاومة الشعب الفلسطيني، وشرّع أبواب سورية أمام مقاومتها. ومن بعده تابع السيد الرئيس الدكتور بشار الأسد مسيرة والده في جعل سورية رافعة وحاضنة للمقاومة الفلسطينية، وسائر المقاومات العربية، وخطاً أمامياً في مواجهة المشروع الصهيو أميركي في المنطقة. ولعلها مناسبة لنتقدّم بشهادة تاريخية أنّ ما حظي فيه الشعب الفلسطيني في سورية منذ العام 1948، لم يحظ به أيّ من الفلسطينيين المقيمين في بقية دول الطوق لفلسطين، حيث عومل الفلسطينيون معاملة السوريّين باستثناء الترشح والانتخاب، وما دون ذلك فقد عومل الفلسطيني معاملة شقيقه السوري على حدّ سواء. وسورية لما مثلته وما زالت من فرادة في المواقف الوطنية والقومية الأصيلة، وسط واقع عربي رسمي متهاو وخانع، يبحث عن استرضاء الإدارات الأميركية بطريقة خطب ودّ كيان الاحتلال والتطبيع معه، وصولاً إلى إقامة التحالفات، في استبدال فاضح في أولويات الصراع ووجهته وعناوينه. سورية دفعت ولا زالت من دماء أبنائها وجيشها ومقدراتها وقدراتها، عشر سنوات من حرب كونية أميركية صهيونية رجعية إرهابية، طالت الحجر والبشر والشجر. سورية ورغم الحرب الظالمة بقيت صامدة أبية، ومتمسكة برؤيتها ومواقفها السياسية، وهي اليوم ومع شركائها وحلفائها تنتصر على امتداد جغرافيتها الوطنية. وفي هذا السياق، وقفت الجبهة إلى جانب سورية من خلفية أولاً فهمها ووعيها لطبيعة الأهداف الصهيوأميركية وحلفائهم وأدواتهم في تغيير وجهة المنطقة، لصالح ذاك المشروع المعادي. وثانياً، لأنها تُدرك أنّ في السعي إلى إسقاط الدولة الوطنية في سورية، إنما هو إسقاط لقضية الشعب الفلسطيني، وتصفية عناوينها وحقوقها الوطنية.

وارتبطت الجبهة بعلاقات متأرجحة وليست مستدامة مع كلّ من العراق ومصر (زمن الرئيس الراحل جمال عبد الناصر)، والجزائر والكويت والسودان وارتيريا زمن الاحتلال الأثيوبي. أما ليبيا فامتدت العلاقة بالقيادة الليبية عقود من الزمن بقيادة الرئيس الراحل معمر القذافي، واستمرت العلاقة إلى ما قبل سقوطه بأكثر من عشر سنوات. وفي هذا السياق لا تنكر الجبهة ما قدّمته ليبيا وقيادتها لها ولمعظم الفصائل الفلسطينية.

أما إسلامياً، فالعلاقة الوحيدة هي مع الجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية، حيث اعتبرت الجبهة أنّ انتصار الثورة في إيران بقيادة الإمام الراحل الخميني عام 1979 ضدّ حكم الشاه، هو انتصار للقضية الفلسطينية، وتعويض عن خروج مصر بعد أن وقّع السادات اتفاقات كامب ديفيد في العام 1979. وكانت الجبهة من أولى الفصائل الفلسطينية التي وطدت علاقاتها مع إيران الإسلامية بقيادة الإمام الخميني رحمه الله، الذي أغلق سفارة كيان العدو، ووضع مكانها سفارة فلسطين. وأطلق نداءه التاريخي بإعلان يوم الجمعة الأخير من شهر رمضان من كلّ عام يوماً للقدس العالمي. ولا زالت هذه العلاقة متواصلة وراسخة متميّزة مع إيران بقيادة الإمام السيد علي الخامنئي، الذي لم يترك والقيادة الإيرانية فرصة أو مناسبة إلاّ وأكدوا فيها على وقوفهم ودعمهم الحازم للقضية الفلسطينية ومقاومتها. ولعلّ العلامة الفارقة التي مثلها الشهيد القائد الحاج قاسم سليماني في دعمه اللامحدود للمقاومة الفلسطينية، بكلّ ما استلزمها من إمكانيات وقدرات تمكنت المقاومة من خلالها تطوير تلك القدرات مما مكنها من إفشال كلّ الحروب التي شنّها كيان الاحتلال الصهيوني على قطاع غزة.

أما دولياً، فارتبطت علاقات الجبهة مع دول المنظومة الاشتراكية بقيادة الاتحاد السوفياتي قبل انهياره مطللع التسعينات. حيث كانت الجبهة ترسل البعثات التعليمية والدورات العسكرية إلى العديد من هذه الدول وخصوصاً الاتحاد السوفياتي وبلغاريا. واستمرت هذه العلاقة حتى سقوط الاتحاد السوفياتي وتفكك حلف وارسو. وأعيد تجديد العلاقات، بعد قدوم الرئيس بوتين إلى رئاسة الاتحاد الروسي. وكذلك مع الدول والأحزاب والحركات ذات التوجهات الإشتراكية والمؤيدة للحق والنضال الكفاحي للشعب الفلسطيني.

أما علاقة الجبهة مع الأحزاب الوطنية أو القومية، سواء اللبنانية أو العربية، فهي تحظى بعلاقات تاريخية مع أحزاب وطنية وإسلامية وقومية وناصرية وحتى العلمانية منها، طالما أنّ ناظم هذه العلاقة هي فلسطين ومقاومة شعبها ودعمها وإسنادها.

ختاماً ومع حلول الذكرى 55 لانطلاقة الجبهة المعمدة بدماء الآلاف من الشهداء والجرحى، الذين سقطوا على درب مسيرة الكفاح الوطني الفلسطيني، ومعارك الدفاع عن قضايا أمتنا. الجبهة مطالبة أولاً، بالتأكيد على إرثها النضالي والكفاحي الوطني والاعتزاز به، والدفع ثانياً، بروح التجديد بآليات وأدوات عملها ومؤسساتها، مشفوعاً في إفساح المجال والطريق أمام الطاقات الشابة الواعدة.

Netanyahu Fooled his People to Get Re-Elected Using the Remnants of the IDF Terrorist Retrieved from Syria


Netanyahu lied- only half of the body of the IDF terrorist Baumel retrieved from Syria through Russia

When the news of Russian help extended to Netanyahu to win the elections went as far as extracting the remains of an IDF terrorist killed in Lebanon and buried in Yarmouk Camp graveyard south of Damascus back in April earlier this year, many Syrians, Palestinians, and other Arabs felt heart-broken and disappointed; it was more like a backstab to the Syrians and Palestinians by their Russian ally and a betray of trust, usually this would include releasing numerous Palestinians, Lebanese, and Syrian women, men, and most importantly children held in Israeli prisons.

Netanyahu needed any help to win the elections back in May to remain out of prison on charges of fraud, like all other Israeli officials, usual exchanges would include at least releasing a number of the children and women, and even men kidnapped by Israel and held in detention centers across occupied Palestine. But there was no exchange.

Liar Netanyahu shows fake emotions to family of IDF terrorist Baumel

At a later stage Netanyahu, possibly under pressure from Putin, released two prisoners, one of who is a Palestinian who didn’t want to go to Syria in the first place, whose his family are in the occupied Palestinian city of Al-Khalil (Zionists call it Hebron), and a drug dealer who has already spent his 11 years sentence in the Israeli prisons and was set to be released in a couple of months completing his sentence without any deal!

Thousands of children, women, and innocent men held with no justification by an occupation force and under the heinous silence of the United Nations and its many organs which are more focused to investigate bogus and fake news against Syria instead of focusing on real people held in miserable situations under the whole world’s watchful eyes.

That’s for the background of this story; what was revealed today should deliver a blow to the already embattled Netanyahu in regards with the snatching of the body of the IDF terrorist from Syria by Russia. Khalid Jibril, head of security and military in the PFLP-GC (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command), in an interview with Lebanese Al-Mayadeen news channel, revealed that what the Russians managed to extract was only the upper half of the remains of the body of the Israeli IDF terrorist and even that was missing its jaw.

In other words, not only did Netanyahu falsely claim he got the remains of the terrorist, he only got less than half after desecrating the remnants and fooling his family, and the public, just to get reelected.

Khalid Ahmad Jibril head of military and security PFLP-GC

Khalid Ahmad Jibril head of military and security PFLP-GC

Mr. Jibril challenged the Israeli leadership to deny this information, he added: ‘When they need to have these bodies back they need to pay the price for that which is releasing those in the (Israeli) occupation prisons, Syrians, Palestinians, or Arabs.’

The timing of this exposure is essential as the Israelis are preparing for the second round of elections and Netanyahu’s chances should grow slimmer with this news especially when used by his opponents.

In Case you missed it


In Gaza


Eva Bartlett sits down for an exclusive interview with the head of the Syrian Arab Army’s Political Administration, General Hassan Hassan.

August 5, 2019, Mint Press News

For years, international headlines spotlighting Syria have claimed that the Syrian government, army, and its allies were guilty of a variety of atrocities. Yet as time has passed, many of the accusations levied at government and its allies have been shown to have been either falsified, staged (as in the case of allegations of chemical attacks in eastern Ghouta), or actually committed by the myriad terrorist groups operating in the country.

For their part, Syrian leadership has maintained from the start that the demonstrations in their country were not peaceful, from 2011 and on. Media in the West and the Gulf vilified Syria’s leadership, featuring story after story of government-imposed violence while ignoring or whitewashing the violence of the burgeoning armed groups flooding into Syria.

From as early as 2011, armed groups were throwing civilians from rooftops and committing beheadings, kidnappings, and massacres. The year 2011 alone saw multiple massacres of civilians and security forces committed by what the media called “unarmed protesters” and later by the “Free Syrian Army.” This was the same year that many in the media were insisting that a “peaceful revolution” was underway.

Since that time, those same armed groups, as well as the many iterations they spawned, have starved, tortured, imprisoned, murdered, maimed and even harvested the organs of Syrian civilians, in addition to killing Syrian and allied soldiers and journalists and destroying much of the country’s infrastructure.

To give a voice to the often ignored “other side” — those Syrians that have been working to defend their country since 2011 —  Eva Bartlett interviewed the Syrian Arab Army’s Head of Political Administration, General Hassan Hassan. General Hassan’s shelves and large wooden desk are covered with stacks of books, family photos, and various homages to the country he serves — the general holds a Ph.D. in geopolitical studies. The following is a transcript of Bartlett’s interview with Hassan following the 74th anniversary of the founding of the Syrian Arab Army.


Eva Bartlett (EB) | I would like to begin by asking you your thoughts on how honest Western and Gulf media’s reporting on Syria has been, especially regarding their choice of lexicon — for example, regarding the Syrian Army, the Syrian Government, what they call rebels — and the events in Syria in general.

General Hassan (GH) | Media has been one of the weapons of mass destruction used in this war on Syria. The biased media, in addition to the takfiri [Salafi] fatwas — especially the fatwas — have been the weapons that contributed most to the destruction taking place in Syria, including the destruction of human beings, vegetation, civilization,…everything.

President Bashar al-Assad emphasized more than once the necessity of countering the rhetoric used. I can elaborate for two or more hours on the terms used. However, I will limit myself to some examples.

The Free [Syrian] Army is among the lexicons used. What “army” and what “freedom” are they talking about? Every army is known for its discipline, hierarchy, fighting strategies in both defense and attack, and the cause it fights for.

The so-called Free Syrian Army has none of these qualities, except for the ability to kill. The media tried to put into circulation the term Assad’s Brigades or Assad’s Forces. Our army is the Syrian Arab Army, which includes in each of its formations soldiers from all Syrian governorates, with no exception.

I’ll give you an example. Almost three months ago, the militants supported by Turkey targeted a Syrian army position to the north of Latakia. Twelve soldiers were martyred as a result. Each soldier is from a different governorate. This is the Syrian Arab Army.

They used the term “defection.” There is no defection in the Syrian Arab Army; defection did not really occur in the Syrian Arab Army but there are some cases of soldiers running away. The term “defection” is used when a brigade or a squad defect from a certain army. Until now, the Syrian Arab Army has not witnessed what might be called defection even within its smallest units.

In order to spread the idea of defection they resorted to unsophisticated lies. In 2012 they said that General Mohammad al-Rifa’i, commander of the Fifth Squad, had defected from the army. This lie was circulated through the media. Yet, Syrian TV interviewed the general, who had retired in 2001, 11 years prior.

Gangs would stop civilian or military vehicles on highways, hold soldiers hostages, film them and force them at gunpoint to declare that they had defected [from the army].

I’ll give an example available from the internet of their lies regarding the term the Free Syrian Army. Anyone can check the Free Syrian Army term through Google. We type Abu Saqr al-Asadi — right here, I have typed Abu Saqr al-Souri [the Syrian]. We now find [the result] “face to face with the fighter Abu Saqr al-Asadi who ate the heart of a soldier.” (Abu Saqr is also transliterated as Abu Sakkar, as per the BBC article referred to by General Hassan).

That was in 2013 when he was filmed cutting into the chest of the soldier and eating his heart. It is here on Google from the BBC Arabic website. This is not a Syrian media outlet. It is a Western outlet. It is not a pleasant sight to watch him chewing the soldier’s heart.

Abu Saqr al-Asadi was a fighter in the Al-Farouq Brigades, which was an armed rebel organization formed by the Free Syrian Army. When he died he was a member of the Nusra Front. So, he was a member of the Free Syrian Army, used to be with the Farouq Brigades, and then joined the Nusra Front.

I could speak for hours about the issue of lexicon. For instance, they talked about what is called the armed opposition. How could opposition be armed?! Opposition is a political term. Opposition is a political party that did not win elections. Such a party plays the role of opposition in the parliament. These militant groups want to govern the country, the people and everything by armed force. Does this sound normal? Never was there a term called “armed opposition,” except when they spoke about these terrorist gangs.


EB | So in the article you’ve just shown, the English version, the BBC did not report it as an act of carnage. They humanized Abu Saqr and asked him what drove him to do such a desperate act?

GH | This is the media war. Either they say he is violent or they say he is an angel; hasn’t he demonstrated how he cut out an organ and ate a piece of it? When the BBC describes a man who ate the heart of a dead soldier as a peaceful man, how then would they describe beasts?


EB | Regarding events in Syria in 2011, both Western and Gulf media called it a peaceful unarmed uprising for many months, even for up to a year. Do you have an example of attacks by what the West called unarmed protesters against the Syrian army, police or security forces in 2011?

GH | In 2011 they said the reason behind the first spark was that the army, or another security body, pulled out the nails of some children in Dara`a. Over the past eight years, it has become clear that all of the armed groups are equipped with video cameras and live-streaming devices. Can any of them provide us with a video of one child whose nails were pulled out? Where are these children? Why couldn’t the media that fabricated such lies film the pulled-out nails?

Let’s go back to the peaceful uprising. On April 10, 2011, less than a month after the beginning of the so-called uprising, an army convoy transporting soldiers back to their homes was intercepted on the highway from Tartous to Banias. Nine people were martyred: two officers, five warrant officers, and two civilians. They also fired at the ambulances that tried to reach the wounded.

Other examples are the Nawa massacre in Dara`a, the Jisr al-Shoghur massacre, and the Asi River massacre — where they live-streamed the dumping of people into the river. All these massacres were perpetrated before the end of June 2011.

That is the peaceful [Arab] spring the Western and Gulf media talked about.

Are these examples enough, or should I cite more? It’s important to me that Western readers know how many lies and how much deception there has been, especially by the media.

I’ll give you another minor example. Usually, the BBCAl-Jazeera and France 24, etc. would broadcast that an explosion took place in a certain area. However, there was no explosion. But 15 to 30 minutes later an explosion would take place in the same area. It was like a code to the armed groups to carry out the explosion.

I’ll provide you with a more comprehensive example. When the area of Ma`raba [near al-Tal, a suburb of Damascus] was targeted by the Israeli enemy, cameras were focused on the targeted area even before the missiles hit.


EB | So, they were ready?

GH | The cameras were aimed at the area where the missiles were supposed to hit. At the moment that the missiles hit the targeted area, members of armed groups began cheering “Allahu Akbar… Allahu Akbar.” This was documented by their cameras; definitely not Syrian media cameras. At the same time, armed groups in eastern Ghouta attacked Damascus from seven fronts.

As an ordinary person — not as a military figure– I could tell it was a role carried out by three. First, the one who carried out the aggression, and that is the Zionist entity [Israel].

Second, the media outlets that were assigned to broadcast the aggression before it was carried out.  And third, the armed groups who attacked Damascus. Therefore, the cameraman and those militants are substitute recruits of the Israeli enemy. I cannot call them but the substitute army of Israel and the United States.

According to confessions by Israeli and American officials, including previous U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, ISIS was made by America. Later on, ISIS was classified as a terrorist organization.

Thus, those terrorists made in the U.S. are the rebels of the peaceful [Arab] spring later circulated in the region by means of the foreign media outlets.


EB | According to Israeli media, Israel is fighting terrorism, Muslim extremists. However, there are reports of Israel treating militants or terrorists in Israeli hospitals. Can you please outline Israel’s role in the war on Syria?

GH | Everything that has taken place in Syria and in the region — all the blaze erupting in the region,  under what they falsely called the Arab Spring — serves the interests of Israel. These are not my own conclusions; rather, it is the Israeli media who talk about this. The Israeli prime minister appeared on television when he visited wounded terrorists, injured while fighting the Syrian army, being treated in Israeli hospitals. This is number one.

The other issue is that every time the Syrian Arab Army is making an apparent advance, Israel conducts an aggression [airstrike]. When Israel is unable to achieve its objective, it seeks the help of the United States, just as it did when the U.S. Air Force targeted the Tharda Mountains in Deir ez-Zor as the Syrian army was en route to clear Deir ez-Zor of terrorists.

I hope that you underscore the following statement: Those who sponsor terrorism don’t fight it.Israel is an entity based on both killing and falsehood. When Palestine was already inhabited, they claimed that Palestine was a land without people and wanted to give it to people without a land. Thus, the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, gave what the U.K. didn’t own to those who didn’t deserve it.

In 2019, Trump did the same and gave the Golan to Israel as if Trump inherited it from his own father. Who gave Trump the right to give other people’s property to others? The issue here is that international law needs power to protect it. Unfortunately, the United States is still the superpower of the world and the financial and economic despot of the world. U.S. officials are indifferent to falsehood, humanity, law or human rights. All this means nothing to them.

I would like to remind foreign readers that Iraq was destroyed under the pretext of having weapons of mass destruction. The whole world still recalls Colin Powell when he presented what he called a satellite image as evidence of Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction. When Powell left office, he admitted to U.S. media outlets that that moment was the darkest in his lifetime. The question is: When did he admit it? How many innocent victims were killed as a result?

How come a sovereign state was occupied without international legitimacy? American officials don’t care about this. Wherever the U.S. has interfered around the world, the result has been more killing, destruction, and suffering and successive U.S. administrations are competing to serve Israel.


EB | Syria has been accused of using chemical weapons against civilians. Does the Syrian army use chemical weapons against civilians?

GH |  An official mission came to Syria and demanded that the Syrian government carry out an official investigation. They delayed for years before the mission arrived. And those who came submitted an untruthful report.

Syria signed the agreement and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) visited Syria and checked all places and the existing stockpile [of chemical weapons] was destroyed on a U.S. vessel. Accordingly, The OPCW announced that Syria was chemical weapons-free.ve

The Syrian Government has been accused of using chemical weapons many times, in eastern Ghouta and in other areas. Under this pretext, [th U.S. and its allies] launched their aggression on Syria. Syria affirmed many times through statements by Syrian officials, both before and after the agreement was signed, that Syria does not in any way intend to use chemical weapons and that Syria has not used nor will it use chemical weapons.

After the declaration of this organization [OPCW] that Syria is free from chemical weapons, how could Syria use something that it does not have? Despite evidence that chemical substances and weapons entered into areas under the control of militant groups in Syria through Turkish borders, investigations were not resumed.

There are a number of videos showing how the armed groups were the ones using chemical weapons themselves. Each time Syria was accused of using chemical weapons, the Syrian army was on the verge of finishing a military operation. Is it logical they’d use chemical weapons — which would prevent the declaration of victory?

With regard to their claim of using chemicals in Ghouta, the areas there are interconnected. Those who use chemical weapons cannot protect themselves. When those terrorists used chemicals there, both the civilians and the military were hit, as was the case in Khan al-Asal and elsewhere. This was exposed in the [UN] Security Council by Bashar al-Ja’afari.

Syria does not possess chemical weapons. Syria has never used chemical weapons before. Syria cannot use a chemical weapon for a simple reason, or for two reasons in fact: Ethically, Syria does not believe in using chemicals [weapons]. This is number one. Second, Syria does not own chemical weapons.


EB | The Rukban Camp is near the U.S. base of al-Tanf. One question is about the U.S. relationship with ISIS in that area and whether or not America has been fighting ISIS in the area. Also, according to Western media, refugees evacuated from Rukban to centers in Homs, for example, are taken and thrown in prison.

For example, the Canadian Globe & Mail, citing a Qatari-based organization, said that from 2017 to 2019 around 2,000 Syrians who returned to government-controlled areas (in general and not from Rukban specifically) were detained and 784 are still in prison. How would you reply to accusations that people returning home were detained or forced to serve in the Syrian army?

GH | In relation to ISIS and the U.S., I can say that a mother does not eat her own son. ISIS is a U.S. product, according to American confessions. However, America sometimes becomes a cat and eats some of its own kittens when they become a burden.

America uses ISIS, fights with ISIS, not against ISIS. Whenever the role of some armed ISIS fighters comes to an end, the U.S. abandons or gets rid of them. The U.S. does not care whether those members get killed or not.

However, when the U.S. needs them, it sends helicopters to evacuate them, just like what happened when Deir ez-Zor was liberated. American helicopters would land and evacuate ISIS leaders together with their families and fly them somewhere else.

Rukban Camp is within the sight of the Americans in the Tanf base. U.S. surveillance can distinguish a hen from a rooster on a street anywhere in the world. How is it that ISIS members are able to move at the Tanf border without being observed by the U.S. military there? How can the U.S. convince the world that it is fighting ISIS when the latter’s members move freely under U.S. observation?

Four months ago, I was working with the Head of the Russian Reconciliation Centre, General Victor Kopcheshen. He told me that the Russian government received an official reply from the Americans that they would not allow any Syrian or Russian to come close to the 55-kilometer line around Rukban Camp to help evacuate people from the camp.

Less than four months ago we first began evacuating a few hundred [people] from Rukban. Now, the number of people who returned from Rukban Camp has exceeded 15,000 (As of July 31, that number has reached 17,458 according to Russia’s Ministry of Defense). Can anyone provide me with the name of even one person who left Rukban and got detained? These claims are flagrant lies.

Author’s note | 

I asked officials at the UN about the accusation that the Syrian government was imprisoning former residents of Rukban, I detailed their reply in a separate article for MintPress:

“David Swanson, Public Information Officer Regional Office for the Syria Crisis UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs based in Amman, Jordan, told me regarding claims of substandard conditions and of Syrians being forcefully held or mistreated in the centers that:

‘People leaving Rukban are taken to temporary collective shelters in Homs for a 24-hour stay. While there, the receive basic assistance, including shelter, blankets, mattresses, solar lamps, sleeping mats, plastic sheets, food parcels and nutrition supplies before proceeding to their areas of choice, mostly towards southern and eastern Homs, with smaller small numbers going to rural Damascus or Deir-ez-Zor.

The United Nations has been granted access to the shelters on three occasions and has found the situation there adequate. The United Nations continues to advocate and call for safe, sustained and unimpeded humanitarian assistance and access to Rukban as well as to all those in need throughout Syria. The United Nations also seeks the support of all concerned parties in ensuring the humanitarian and voluntary character of departures from Rukban.’

Hedinn Halldorsson, the Spokesperson and Public Information Officer for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) based in Damascus, told me:

‘We looked into this when the rumours started, end of April, and concluded they were unfounded – and communicated that externally via press briefings in both Geneva and NY. The conditions in the shelters in Homs are also adequate and in compliance with standards; the UN has access and has done three monitoring visits so far.’”

GH | I would like to stress a point concerning military service in the army. Several presidential decrees have been issued. Any Syrian citizen [living] abroad who wishes to settle his status and return to Syria can benefit from those decrees, which invalidate any other verdict issued against that Syrian citizen.

These decrees do not nullify a Syrian citizen’s rights nor their duties. Syrian citizens who return to Syria are still Syrian citizens and therefore still have the duties of Syrian citizens. The decrees granted them a grace period of six months to settle their legal status.

For example, a person who lost their official ID, or army service registry or anything, can settle their legal status during this period. It is a normal official procedure to call for duty those who are subject to mandatory or reserve military service. This procedure has been applied to all Syrian citizens in all provinces, not only those who return.

I cannot say just respect the rights and ignore the duties. Everyone is equal before the law. They have to obey what Syrian law states and the majority of them are loyal and doing their duties enthusiastically.

But the people who have their status settled do not have the right to commit a crime. If I had a son living abroad who returned and settled his status, does it give him the right to commit an offense against his neighbors or to kill somebody or commit a crime? The law is the law and must be adhered to.


EB | Western media say that Iran and Russia’s presence in Syria is an attempt to occupy Syria and control it. What are the roles of Iran and Russia in Syria?

GH | Before I answer your question, let us decide what logic we’re using. Are we using the logic of international law or the law of the jungle? Who has the right to speak in the name of the Syrian people? It is only the Syrian state that has the right to speak in the name of the Syrian people. No other side has the right to speak for them. Surely, those who are speaking in the name of the Syrian people do not know the Syrian people. It is really strange that the governments of those who kill the Syrian people are acting as if they were advocates of the Syrian people.

According to international law, it is the right of any state to defend itself when such a country faces hazards endangering its own existence. Such a country has the right to defend its existence and sovereignty by using all means possible. In this respect, this country has the right to rely on its relations with friends and allies as well, no matter whether those allies are Russian, Iranian or any other ally. Neither the U.S., Israel nor the Gulf states have anything to do with this. It is a matter of Syrian sovereignty.

The other thing has to do with the military presence of any country on the territory of another state. Such a presence can be legal in one of the following two cases: when invited by the state concerned, or through a resolution issued by the [UN] Security Council. Otherwise, such a presence is an occupation.

Therefore, there is no reason for the Syrian state to be ashamed of its stance on the presence of Iran or Russia in Syria. The Syrian State declares its stances clearly and explicitly: that the presence of Iran, Russia and Hezbollah is based upon an official invitation by the Syrian government. Thus, their presence is legal according to international law. Can anyone in the West — or the media outlets who claim to be neutral — convince any Syrian citizen that the U.S. presence or the Turkish presence is legal?

The Syrian State says they are forces of occupation. There is no [UN] Security Council resolution allowing them to be present in Syria. So what is the meaning behind their presence? They are using the law of force, rather than the force of law. Thus, they are referring back to the law of the jungle and not to the force of international law.

Those occupiers support terrorism, created terrorism, and are still financing it according to a confession made by the former Qatari prime minister that his country spent $37 billion to arm and finance armed groups in Syria. The Qatari PM confessed that his country and the armed groups had agreed to destroy Syria. Yet, they disputed when things went out of their control. They paid the armed groups to hunt the prey. However, they disputed among themselves when the prey escaped.


EB | Syria welcomed Palestinian refugees and has supported the Palestinian resistance. Could you please explain the role of some Palestinians in the events in Syria within the past few years, whether in fighting terrorism or supporting it.

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GH | The Syrian State does not deal with people and does not take stances based on reactions. The Syrian state has its own constants and principles, and it [continues to] adhere to these constants and principles even in its ninth year of war. Syria still believes that the cause of Palestine is the central cause of the Arab world.

So, when some Palestinian groups choose to affiliate themselves with the Muslim Brotherhood rather than being loyal to the Palestinian cause and to Syria, it makes Syria [even] more committed to its principles. Especially as these days, the world knows well that the Muslim Brotherhood [has become] the basis of evil since they’ve adopted terrorism.

The Palestinian cause remains the central cause. Syria will always take interest in the Palestinian cause, in spite of the fact that some [Palestinians] were eager to be part of the war on the Syrian State. Even though weapons that were supposed to be used to fight Israel were used in the war on Syrian citizens.

The Syrian State is now recovering and history will remember those [Palestinians] as traitors. History will show that Syria has been, and will be, loyal to the Palestinian cause.

The Yarmouk Camp is back under Syrian sovereignty. The camp is now free from those who carried weapons and used them against Syrian citizens, whatever names they used — ISIS, Nusra or otherwise — and regardless of their nationality, Palestinian or otherwise. All of them are now gone, thanks to the sacrifices made by the Syrian people the heroism of the Syrian Arab Army and the wisdom of our leader, President Bashar al-Assad.


EB | Some Palestinians remained loyal to Syria, including in fighting terrorism, like the Quds Brigade…

GH | Yes, of course. Surely. There are loyal people even inside occupied Palestine. Not all people are ungrateful to those who help them. Not all people bite the hand that is stretched out to help them. Only traitors bite that hand.


EB | When eastern Aleppo and eastern Ghouta were being liberated, Western and international media said that the Syrian army was massacring and raping civilians there and that both the Syrian and the Russian militaries were bombing hospitals. Now, they are saying that 29 hospitals in Idlib have been targeted. What would you say about these accusations?

GH | We have liberated eastern Ghouta. We have also liberated eastern Aleppo. In both locations, a number of field hospitals were shown on television with piles of medicine. This implies that these hospitals were not bombed. This is very briefly.

The other point is that when a building is selected as a command center for armed groups under the pretext of its being a hospital, does this mean we should let those positioned in eastern Ghouta target Damascus on a daily basis with their shells?

Didn’t the world watch those angels of mercy, when they entered Adra industrial town, burning people alive in ovens and throwing civilians off fourth and fifth floors?

We’re talking about war here, we’re talking here about armies of terrorists equipped with light, medium and heavy weapons and empires of media around the world, in addition to the regional and world powers supporting them.

It is the duty of the Syrian State, before being its own right, to provide the Syrian people with protection against terrorism. The problem with the national Syrian media is that it does not reach the West.

Crossing points are identified as corridors for the exit of civilians before any military operation gets started in a populated area. Such corridors are then equipped with ambulances, medical services and every other need. Who targeted the nurses, doctors and civilians on their way out when citizens were evacuated from eastern Ghouta?

Has anybody seen the photo of the Syrian soldier carrying an old woman on his back and a child on his arm? That soldier knew he could drop as a martyr carrying this heavy load. Other soldiers fell as martyrs while they were helping civilians escape.

That number, 29 hospitals, is a lie in itself. It is more than the number of [national] hospitals available all over Syria. Do they allocate a hospital for every twenty or thirty people? This is illogical.

There is also something strange about all the field hospitals that we discovered. Saudi, Israeli and U.S. medicine was found in these hospitals. How did such medicine reach the terrorists? Did it come from underneath the ground?

And those who had been targeting Damascus and Aleppo are all of sudden depicted as angels of mercy, peace and freedom advocates calling for democracy?

It’s worth pointing out to people in the West that it has been proven that only a limited number of the fighters in armed groups came from western Europe and North America, while tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, came from other countries.

The Turkish president declares that such terrorists are free to leave Syrian territory whenever he gets upset with Europe or the U.S. Subsequently, EU countries and the U.S. get so horrified at the possibility of those terrorists returning home.

The EU countries and the U.S. do not want any of those terrorists to return. Why is it that they do not want them to come back? Are they not their own citizens? They say that such terrorists will spread terrorism, so they spread terrorism there while they plant roses and flowers here? Is it okay for terrorists to spread terror here while they’re forbidden to return to their own countries?

Briefly, these are the types of lies spread by the West.

I’m calling on each and every citizen of Western countries, as I am absolutely sure that they have pure human emotion, not to believe the Western media. I want them to be certain that their governments have participated in the killing of the Syrian people and in the killing of Syrian children. Their governments participated in the killing of Syrian women and the killing of the Syrian elderly and convinced them [Western citizens] that they were promoting something else [freedom].


EB | Recently, journalists from CBS and Sky News were in Idlib. I believe one of the two groups, Sky News, claimed that it was targeted by the Syrian army. Could they be reporting independently of al-Qaeda or any of the other terrorist groups in Idlib? They claim they are not [embedded] with al-Qaeda. Is this feasible? Is this realistic? 

GH | It’s a funny question. You’re a journalist. Surely, this is not the first time you have visited Syria. Have you faced any obstacles while entering Syria as a journalist? Do any Western or European countries accept the entry of foreign journalists illegally into their countries?

Sky News, the BBC, and Al Jazeera teams conduct live transmissions while embedded with armed groups — the terrorists. I wish that the mental power of the Syrian soldiers could become super advanced so that they can order shells to avoid foreign correspondents who are side by side with terrorists. The army is responding to attacks launched by terrorists — soldiers and officers of the Syrian army cannot give orders to an exploding shell to avoid this or that.

The most important question is this: What are they doing there? How did they enter? Who is in control in Idlib? Isn’t it the Nusra Front? How are they [the journalists] allowed to be there? They are there under the protection of the Nusra Front. They are under the protection of an internationally-designated terrorist organization. Their countries should hold them accountable for communicating with terrorist groups before asking why the army is targeting them.


EB | How can Idlib be liberated when Turkish forces occupy northern Syria and there are civilians in Idlib, in addition to the 70,000 al-Qaeda and other terrorist fighters?

GH | There were civilians and armed groups in Homs. There were civilians and armed groups in Ghouta as well. There were civilians and armed groups all over Dara`a.  All these regions have been liberated. The majority of citizens remained there while the terrorists were wiped out. Idlib is no exception. Eastern parts of the Euphrates are no exception either.

Each square centimeter of Syrian land is part and parcel of Syria as a whole. It is the duty and the right of the Syrian State to eradicate terrorism.

Unless under an invitation by the Syrian government, any foreign military presence on the Syrian territory is a force of occupation. The Syrian State is entitled to face such an occupation with every possible means.

The Syrian State has opened the door wide for reconciliation. The Syrian State trusts the wisdom of Russian and Iranian friends and relies on its relations with Turkey.

Surely each Syrian citizen, civilian or military, wishes that not even one drop of blood be spilled. This does not mean to yield to occupation in any way.

Idlib will be freed either through reconciliations or a political agreement. Otherwise, the Syrian State will find the means to liberate Idlib in the same way it liberated all other regions. I am absolutely certain — not as an officer but rather as a citizen — I know how Syrian citizens think; they believe that Idlib will be freed, as will each and every inch of the Syrian territory.

The presence of U.S., Turkish, or any other occupation force does not mean such a force is a destiny that cannot be faced. As long as we [the Syrian State] spare no effort or means — whether military, political, economic or diplomatic —  to win this war [against terrorism] by God’s will, and I hope it is not going to be through military action. But if things reach a dead-end, Idlib will not remain under occupation.


EB | Can you speak to the importance of liberating Idlib, not only for Syria’s territorial integrity but also for the villages in Northern Hama that are affected by terrorists in Idlib? The media is not talking about Mahardeh, Sqailbiyeh and other places being attacked by terrorists.

GH | When Mhardeh and Sqailbiyeh are targeted, as a Syrian citizen, I do not see these two towns as less important than Damascus. Likewise when the neighborhoods of Homs were targeted.

All areas inhabited by Syrian citizens under the control of the Syrian State have been targets for those armed terrorist groups that are supported by the West, which claims it is standing by human rights and cares about the interests of the Syrian people.

For Syrian citizens, the liberation of each centimeter, or rather each grain of sand, is as important as the liberation of Idlib. Of course, the existence of armed groups in Idlib leads to abnormal circumstances that cause dysfunction in citizens’ daily lives. Thus, it is important to liberate Idlib to guarantee the return of normal life in Mahardeh, Sqailbiyeh and other areas.

At the same time, it is important to end the occupation by the U.S. and its allies.

I hope that each European or American citizen will ask: Why do Syrian citizens return to areas that have been liberated? Why do citizens welcome the army? Why do citizens — except those who are held hostage by terrorists — flee from areas under the control of terrorist groups?

The civilians residing in terrorist-held areas are helpless hostages. A year ago all of the neighborhoods in eastern Ghouta were populated by terrorists. If the Syrian army had been shelling civilians in the past, why not do now? Why are people now living in peace there?

These are questions that I put forward to people living in the West. I hope they are human enough to ask [themselves] these questions.


EB | Regarding misinformation from international media on the Syrian Arab Army, portraying them as murderers and rapists. Can you speak about the sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army throughout these eight years of war?

GH | I will answer your question with a question. Syria is an area of 185,000 square kilometers. According to United Nations documents, 360,000 armed terrorists infiltrated Syrian territory.

I would like to draw an example other than Syria. I’ll give the U.S., the superpower of the world, as an example. Let’s suppose that 36,000, rather than 360,000, terrorists infiltrate any state of the United States. That’s 10 percent of the number of terrorists who made their way into Syria. Let’s also suppose that such terrorists are supported by world powers. What would have happened to the U.S.?

The achievements of the Syrian Arab Army are not ordinary; these achievements are miraculous accomplishments.

The two greatest armies in modern history have failed to achieve what the Syrian Army has accomplished. In Afghanistan, fewer than 10 percent of the number of terrorists in Syria were able to defeat two armies: the Red Soviet Army and the U.S. Army.

But, the Syrian Army defeated such terrorism. According to military theory, any fight between an army and terrorist militia of armed gangs will end with the armed gangs winning. This has been evident throughout military history.

For the first time in the history of humankind, a traditional army has defeated armies of militant groups. The Syrian Army fought battles that can be classified as new in military science. The Syrian Army fought above ground and underground battles in addition to their battles against the media war, intelligence war, information war, economic war, gang and street-to-street wars. Despite all of that, the Syrian Army achieved victory. Therefore, can we imagine the magnitude of the sacrifices made in this respect by the Syrian Army?

In the first months of this war, the Syrian leadership realized that the terrorists wanted Syrians to be used to seeing blood everywhere. So, soldiers were forbidden from carrying weapons, even handguns, when they went to areas of so-called demonstrations to prevent demonstrators from destroying infrastructure.

For months the soldiers confronted the militants knowing that they could be martyred. However, the discipline of the Syrian army pushed the soldiers to do their missions without carrying a weapon.

Let any Western citizen imagine how it would be for a soldier with no weapons facing armed militants to stop them from destroying infrastructure and targeting civilians.

This is the Syrian army. The Syrian army cleared most of the Syrian regions occupied by the fiercest types of terrorism ever witnessed in the history of mankind.


EB |  Thank you very much for your time and for the interview in general.

GH |  I also would like to thank you all for what you’ve done so far and for all of the questions you raised. I kindly request that you share my replies with foreign readers.

Personally, I think your role as an objective journalist transcends the traditional role of journalism. It reflects an ethical responsibility of telling the truth about what you’ve seen. If you want to help the Syrian people, the greatest help you can offer the Syrian people is to tell the truth you have seen with your own eyes, not just what is said all over the internet.

Again, anyone can look up Abu Saqr al-Souri and see how he ate the heart of a dead soldier. He was a member of the so-called peaceful group of the Free Syrian Army, when he was killed — he was with the Nusra Front. This can be enough to convey the message.

دمشق حرّة حرّة

مايو 22, 2018

ناصر قنديل

– خلال سبع سنوات مضت كان كلّ ما يجري خارج دمشق في كفة وما يجري في دمشق وحولها وعلى الطرقات التي تربطها بمدن سورية ومحافظاتها في كفة أخرى. فمحافظتا دمشق وريف دمشق تشكلان معاً قلب سورية الجغرافي والسياسي والاقتصادي والسكاني والعسكري، ويكاد يكون لكلّ ما جرى خارج هذا القلب وظيفة الاستنزاف لتشتيت قدرات الدولة السورية وجيشها وأجهزة أمنها وحلفائها، كي يتمّ الحفاظ على البنى القادرة على الإرباك في دمشق وريفها. ففي دمشق وما حولها من ريف ومن أطراف حمص إلى أطراف درعا إلى الحدود اللبنانية والعراقية والأردنية والفلسطينية، تتشكّل هذه البقعة التي يتقرّر منها مستقبل سورية.

– منذ تحرير الغوطة بدا أنّ ساعة تحرير الجيوب المحيطة بدمشق أو المنغرزة في قلبها قد دقّت، وأنّ العبث بعناوين مثل مخيم اليرموك، والتقرّب من مقامات دينية كمقام السيدة زينب، لتزخيم ألاعيب الفتن، قد انتهى زمانه، وأنّ الجيش العربي السوري بات قادراً وجاهزاً، ولديه القرار الحاسم لإنهاء هذه اللعبة التي أريدَ لها أن تقتل ما يمكن من السوريين وأن تستنزف ما تستطيع من مقدراتهم وأعصابهم وأرواحهم ودمائهم وأرزاقهم، وأن تشيع حالة الحرب في كلّ أحيائهم، وأن تسقط فكرة الدولة وقدرتها في عاصمتها وفي عيون أهلها، فلا يتبقى منها سوى هيكل عظمي بلا روح، مهما كان هذا الهيكل قوياً.

– يربط كثيرون التصعيد الأميركي والإسرائيلي والسعودي بحسابات ومعادلات إقليمية، وكثيرون يحاولون القول إنّ القضية هي قضية الوجود الإيراني ودور حزب الله، ومستقبل التسويات في سورية. وهذا كله فيه جانب من الحقيقة، لكن الحقيقة الأهمّ هو أنّ التأثير على قدرة الجيش السوري وقراره وتماسك جبهة حلفائه لتأخير وتعطيل قرار إعلان دمشق وريفها مناطق خالية بالكامل من الإرهاب، يبقى الهدف الأهمّ، ووحده يفسّر معنى أنّ كلّ الاستهداف الذي طال مواقع الجيش السوري وحلفائه قد تركز في هذه البقعة من الجغرافيا السورية، منذ حرب الغوطة، فالعدوان الذي قادته واشنطن ومثله الاعتداءات الإسرائيلية كانت جزءاً عضوياً من الحرب التي تخوضها جماعات تتلاقى على العداء لمشروع الدولة السورية، تضمّ داعش والنصرة وجيش الإسلام وبقايا الجماعات الأخرى المسماة بالمعارضة المسلحة، والمرتبطة عضوياً بقرار أميركي سعودي إسرائيلي.

– لا ينفصل الإنجاز التاريخي عما سبقه ومهّد له بالتأكيد، لكن نكهة الإعلان عن الإنجاز تبقى مميّزة، فبمثل ما كان معلوماً أنّ هذه اللحظة قادمة مع تهاوي قلاع الإرهاب في القلمون الشرقي بعد الغوطة، كان للإعلان بالإنجاز قيمة منفصلة رغم التوقّع، ولذلك كما منح نصر الغوطة لهذا الإنجاز نكهته، يمنح هذا الإنجاز هو الآخر لإعلان قمة الرئيسين الروسي فلاديمير بوتين والسوري بشار الأسد نكهة أخرى، فيصير الحديث عن فرصة متاحة لدعوة مَن يريد الالتحاق بعملية سياسية بات معلوماً أنّ سقفها حكومة موحّدة في ظلّ الرئيس الأسد تضع دستوراً جديداً وتمهّد للانتخابات، حديثاً واقعياً، كما يصير السؤال عن مستقبل القوات الأجنبية التي تدّعي ربط مصيرها بالتسوية السياسية، سؤالاً مشروعاً.

– اليوم بمثل ما يستطيع السوريون الهتاف بصوت عالٍ، دمشق عادت حرّة، يستطيعون الاستعداد لمرحلة جديدة تقودها دولتهم في السياسة كما في الميدان، والعنوان، سورية موحّدة بجيش واحد هو الجيش العربي السوري ورئيس واحد هو الرئيس بشار الأسد، ولا مكان لاحتلال ولا لانفصال، مهما كانت عوامل التمويه والتورية، زمن يبدأ وزمن ينتهي، وقد وجب أخذ العلم.

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Syrian Army Regains Al-Hajar Al-Aswad from ISIL, Announces Entire Damascus “Safe”


The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies are about to re-establish full control of the southern Damascus countryside. The SAA has already liberated the entire district of al-Hajar al-Aswad and the rest of the area from ISIS.

On May 19, the SAA and the remaining ISIS militants reached a temporary ceasefire in the area. On May 20, a number of buses entered the area hinting that ISIS was ready to surrender. On May 21, ISIS members started wihdrawing from the area.

The Syrian state media is ignoring this situation and avoiding to cover the deal because of PR reasons. The same strategy has been repeatedly implemented by the US-led coalition and the mainstream media when the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces were making deals with ISIS in Raqqah, Manbij and Tabqah.

On May 20, locals held a general strike against the SDF to protest the forcible recruitment into the ranks of the group. According to the pro-opposition news outlet Baladi News, SDF security forces, mainly consisting of members of Kurdish YPG/YPJ militias, opened fire at some closed shops and broke into many others in the districts of al-Saraya and Dwairat al-Hadrah.

This development is an example of the current tensions between locals and the SDF in northern Syria. Despite the US-led coalition’s claims that the SDF is a multinational group, the real political and military power in the area is concentrated in the hands of a few Kurdish organizations with the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) posing as a sole political powerbroker.

On the same day, the SDF started another attempt to captured the town of Hajin in the Euphrates Valley from ISIS. According to reports, the attack is supported by warplanes and artillery of the US-led coalition.

Currently, Hajin is the key ISIS stronghold in the Euphrates Valley. About 1,500 ISIS members are believed to be hiding in the town and several villages near it.

Earlier, French troops operating under the US-led coalition reportedly established six artillery batteries to provide fire support to the SDF.

France has recently increased its military presence in the SDF-held area in northern Syria. French forces have reportedly started preparations to establish a new military facility, west of Raqqah. If this is confirmed, it will be the sixth French military facility in the SDF-held area.

The expanding US and French military infrastructure on the eastern bank of the Euphrates clearly shows that the US-led coalition is not going to abandon this area allowing the Syrian government to integrate its by any means.
As to the rest of the Syria, Washington and its allies seem to be abandoning the rest of militant groups, they have supported against the Assad government.

On May 19, an US official told CBS News that the Trump administration will halt its assistance to the militant-held areas in northwestern Syria, which includes the province of Idlib and parts of Aleppo, Lattakia and Hama provinces.

According to CBS News, tens of millions of dollars will be cut from US efforts in northwestern Syria, including projects for “countering violent extremism, supporting independent society and independent media, strengthening education, and advocating for community policing.”

When this is done, the SDF, with separatist intensions, will become the only US tool of influencing situation on the ground in central and northern Syria without direct military actions.

Syrian Army Regains Al-Hajar Al-Aswad from ISIL, Announces Entire Damascus “Safe”

May 21, 2018

The Syrian army announced its units established control over al-Hajar al-Aswad area in southern Damascus, shortly after a resumption of military operations against a remaining pocket for terrorists in the area following a temporary humanitarian ceasefire to evacuate women, children and elderly, SANA’s reporter said.

Earlier in the day, SANA’s reporter said that the Syrian Air Force raided terrorists’ sites and fortified points in al-Hajar al-Aswad amid a collapse in the terrorists’ ranks.

The reporter added that infantry units stormed the building blocks in which terrorists were positioned and chased them along the narrow streets that served as their last resort.

A military source said that a temporary humanitarian ceasefire has been implemented on Sunday night to evacuate children, women and elderly men from al-Hajar al-Aswad area.

The General Command of the Syrian Army and Armed Forces announced Damascus and its countryside entirely safe.


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South Front


Overview Of Anti-ISIS Operation In Southern Damascus On May 19, 2018 (Videos, Maps)

Click to see the full-size image

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), Liwa al-Quds, the Palestinian Liberation Army and other pro-government factions are developing their anti-ISIS operation in the areas of Taqdam, Yarmuk and al-Hajar al-Aswad in southern Damascus.

According to pro-government sources. army troops have captured new points in the eastern and western parts of the ISIS-held pocket. The current goal of the SAA and its allies is to isolate the Yarmouk refugee camp. These efforts have not resulted in a success yet. However, considering that ISIS is steadily loosing ground in the area, this scenario is inevitable.

Overview Of Anti-ISIS Operation In Southern Damascus On May 19, 2018 (Videos, Maps)

Click to see the full-size image


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Syrian Army splits ISIL’s southern Damascus pocket in two (map)


BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:25 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their Palestinian allies liberated the strategic Al-‘Alm roundabout in Hajar Al-Aswad this afternoon, resulting in the splitting of the Islamic State’s (ISIS) southern Damascus pocket.

Following the split, the Syrian Arab Army and their Palestinian allies stormed both the Yarmouk Camp and Hajar Al-Aswad from several axes, scoring new advances against the terrorist forces.

Today’s major advance was thanks in large part to the recent rebel withdrawal from the Yarmouk Camp and Hajar Al-Aswad to the northern provinces of Aleppo and Idlib.

Once the rebels left these areas, the Syrian Army was able to attack the Islamic State from several new points, creating chaos in the terrorist group’s lines.

The Syrian Army and their allies are now attempting to further separate the two Islamic State pockets with their latest night assault.

Syrian Army Achieves Significant Breakthrough in Al-Hajar Al-Aswad, South Damascus

May 3, 2018

Syrian Army Jisreen

The Syrian Arab Army units split Al-Hajar al-Aswad area, the main bastion of the terrorist organizations positioned in the south of Damascus, into two parts after converging the attacking forces coming from the eastern and western direction as part of the military operations aimed at eradicating completely the terrorist existence from southern Damascus.

SANA’s correspondent reported that units of the Army carried out on Thursday strategic operations against the terrorists’ fortified dens from two directions. The first storming unit came from the east of al-Hajar al-Aswad neighborhood, while the second storming unit came from al-A’alaf area of the western part of the neighborhood.

The forces involved in the operations met together and divided the terrorists’ stronghold into two parts; southern and northern part.

The correspondent pointed out that the operations were accompanied by precise artillery and missile strikes at the gatherings of the terrorists and their supply routes.

In the early hours of the morning, the Army managed to establish control on al-Madres area and the communication department building to east of al-Hajar al-Aswad area as the army advanced from the western part of the area and gaining control on Bilal al-Habashi Mosque. The Syrian forces made advance from the two directions and met each other at al-Hajar al-Aswad roundabout in the north of the area.

The military units continued their operations in a rapid pace and high accuracy in the implementation to clear the region from terrorism.

Following the offensive, the terrorists are believed to have retreated due to the heavy losses that inflicted upon their personnel and weapons, in addition to the destruction of most of their ammunition stores.

A field commander from the west direction said that the Army units had taken control of al-A’alaf area in the past few hours and advanced eastward towards al-Madres area and reached advancing forces from the direction of al-Zein area between al-Hajar al-Aswad and Yalda.

In a relevant context, the Syrian Arab Army units discovered a car bomb prepared by the terrorists to hinder the army advance on the sides of al-Hajar al-Aswad. The engineering units dismantled it immediately.

Military units have tightened the noose around the terrorist groups positioned in south of Damascus after gaining control on the neighborhoods of al-Maziniyah, al-Qadam, al-Asali and al-Joura, attacking them from several directions in preparation for clearing the area from terrorism.

Source: SANA

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South Front


Remaining Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Fighters In Southern Damascus Prepare To Withdraw

Evacuation buses south of Damascus city, by SANA

On May 2, the remaining fighters of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), Jaysh al-Islam and Jaysh al-Ababil south of the Syrian capital of Damascus started their final preparations to withdraw from their positions under the evacuation agreement reached with the government on April 29.

The Syrian opposition news outlet Enab Baladi said that bulldozers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) had begn removing the barriers around the militants’ positions in the districts of Aqraba, Beit Sahm, Yalda and Babbila. Meanwhile, Syrian pro-government sources reported that the evacuation process will begin on the afternoon of May 3 and could last for a week.

According to reports, Jaysh al-Islam fighters will withdraw towards the Turkish-held town of Jarabulus, HTS fighters will withdraw to Idlib governorate and Jaysh al-Ababil fighters will withdraw to Daraa governorate.

Earlier, HTS fighters completed their withdrawal from their positions in the northern part of the Yarmouk refugee camp, west of Yalda district, and SAA units were deployed there.

According to observers, the evacuation agreement will allow the SAA to open another front against the besieged ISIS fighters in the Yarmouk camp, thus significantly increasing the pressure on the terrorist group.

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South Front


Thousands Of Government Supporters To Be Evacuated From al-Fu'ah and Kafriya In Eastern Idlib

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Thousands of pro-government civilians will be evacuated from the besieged towns of al-Fu’ah and Kafriya in Syria’s eastern Idlib under a new agreement between the Damascus government and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on April 29.

The SANA said that HTS will also release 85 women and children who had been abducted by its fighters from the village of Eshtabraq in western Idlib three years ago during the battle for the town of Jisr al-Shughur.

From its side, the Damascus government will allow all the besieged militants south of Damascus, including the militants in the ISIS-held Yarmouk camp, to withdraw towards Idlib governorate, according to the SANA.

However, several Syrian pro-government activists doubted that ISIS is a part of the agreement, as HTS has never publicly allowed ISIS fighters to enter its areas in Idlib governorate. Due to this, observers suggested that SANA may have referred to hundreds of HTS fighters who control a few blocks in the northern part of the Yarmouk camp.

Earlier, Syrian pro-government and opposition sources reported that the Damascus government and the militants in the district of Aqraba, Beit Sahm, Yalda and Babbila south of Damascus reached an evacuation deal. The evacuation of al-Fu’ah and Kafriya may be a part of the same deal.

According to SANA, the evacuation process of pro-government fighters from al-Fu’ah and Kafriya and the militants from southern Damascus will begin on April 30 and last for weeks.

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Government Forces Liberate Three Districts In Southern Damascus As ISIS Defense Collapses (Photos)

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Late on April 28, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Palestinian Liberation Army (PLA) and other pro-government factions continued their advance in the ISIS-held pocket south of the Syrian capital of Damascus capturing the districts of al-Asali, al-Qadam and al-Jourah, according to Syrian pro-government sources.

The ISIS defense in these three districts collapsed following a series of heavy airstrikes by the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Earlier, the SAA and its allies advanced in the ISIS-held al-Qadam district as well as captured al-Ma’dhaniyah neighborhood and the industrial complex area.

Government Forces Liberate Three Districts In Southern Damascus As ISIS Defense Collapses (Photos)

Click to see the full-size image

Meanwhile, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq claimed that ISIS snipers had killed 16 soldiers of the SAA during the clashes in al-Zain neighborhood of the Yarmouk refugee camp.

According to Syrian pro-government activists, the last positions of ISIS south of Damascus are located in the Yarmouk camp and the al-Hajar al-Aswad district. The SAA and its allies will likely eliminate all the remaining ISIS positions in the area in the near future, if the besieged ISIS fighters refused to surrender.

Photos show the government advance:

Government Forces Liberate Three Districts In Southern Damascus As ISIS Defense Collapses (Photos)

By Wassim Essa, click to see the full-size image

Government Forces Liberate Three Districts In Southern Damascus As ISIS Defense Collapses (Photos)

By Wassim Essa, click to see the full-size image

Government Forces Liberate Three Districts In Southern Damascus As ISIS Defense Collapses (Photos)

By Wassim Essa, click to see the full-size image

Government Forces Liberate Three Districts In Southern Damascus As ISIS Defense Collapses (Photos)

By Wassim Essa, click to see the full-size image

Government Forces Liberate Three Districts In Southern Damascus As ISIS Defense Collapses (Photos)

By Wassim Essa, click to see the full-size image

Government Forces Liberate Three Districts In Southern Damascus As ISIS Defense Collapses (Photos)

By Wassim Essa, click to see the full-size image

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Palestinians fight to retake Yarmouk Camp from ISIS

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:20 P.M.) – A large number of Palestinians are currently taking part in the ongoing struggle to retake the Yarmouk Camp District from the Islamic State (ISIS) forces that have occupied this area in southern Damascus for years.

While the battle for the Yarmouk Camp is being led by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), thousands of Palestinians are also fighting alongside these troops to retake this historic home to the Palestinian people of Syria.

According to a military source in Damascus, the Palestinian forces taking part in this offensive are the following:

  • Liwaa Al-Quds – A Palestinian paramilitary force from the Handarat and Nayrab refugee camps in Aleppo
  • The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) – A Palestinian political and military faction that was previously headquartered in the Yarmouk Camp
  • The Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) – The Palestinian wing of the Syrian Arab Army
  • Fatah Al-Intifada – A Palestinian political and military group that is active inside of the Jaramana Camp and several others in Damascus
  • Qawat Al-Jaleel – A Palestinian paramilitary group that operates in several provinces across Syria
  • National Defense Forces (NDF) – A pro-government paramilitary group that is mostly comprised of Syrians, but also has a significant Palestinian membership

These aforementioned groups have taken part in many battles across Syria, including the liberation of Palmyra and its surrounding area.

Many Palestinian fighters have already lost their lives in southern Damascus, with the highest number of casualties coming from the NDF and Fatah Al-Intifada.

The Palestinian losses have been rather high in southern Damascus; however, these fighters remain determined to retake the areas they lost to ISIS.

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South Front


In Videos, Photos: Government Forces Developing Momentum In Southern Damascus

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Syrian government forces are increasing pressure on militants in the Yarmouk refugee camp area in southern Damascus. According to reprots, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have made a series minor advances against both ISIS and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham there. The goal of the effort is to force militants to surrender and to to accept a withdrawal agreement. MORE HERE

In Videos, Photos: Government Forces Developing Momentum In Southern Damascus

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In Videos, Photos: Government Forces Developing Momentum In Southern Damascus

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In Videos, Photos: Government Forces Developing Momentum In Southern Damascus

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In Videos, Photos: Government Forces Developing Momentum In Southern Damascus

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In Videos, Photos: Government Forces Developing Momentum In Southern Damascus

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On April 21, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Palestinian Liberation Army (PLA) continued their military operation against ISIS pocket south of the Syrian capital of Damascus.

They captured the al-Mujahedeen mosque in the southeastern part of al-Hajar al-Aswad district, according to Syrian pro-government sources.

Warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces supported the government advance carrying out a new wave of airstrikes against the fuel and ammo depots of ISIS in the al-Hajar al-Aswad district and the Yarmouk refugee camp.

The ISIS-linked news agency Amaq claimed that ISIS fighters had repelled two attack by the SAA on their positions in the southern parts of al-Qadam and Tadamon. ISIS fighters killed six soldiers of the SAA and captured their light weapons, according to the source.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that the negotiations between the Damascus movement and ISIS is still ongoing and said that the deal is near.

According to Syrian pro-government activists, ISIS accepted most of the demands of the Damascus government on April 20. However, the SAA and its allies will not stop their military operation until the terrorist group approves and fulfills all the demands.

Photos of the SAA attack on the ISIS-held pocket south of Damascus:

Syrian Army Captures New Positions From ISIS In Southern Damascus (Video, Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

Syrian Army Captures New Positions From ISIS In Southern Damascus (Video, Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

Syrian Army Captures New Positions From ISIS In Southern Damascus (Video, Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

Syrian Army Captures New Positions From ISIS In Southern Damascus (Video, Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

Syrian Army Captures New Positions From ISIS In Southern Damascus (Video, Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

Syrian Army Captures New Positions From ISIS In Southern Damascus (Video, Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

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نائب الأمين العام للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين أكّد أنّ «حماس» تُجري مراجعة لموقفها من سورية

أبو أحمد فؤاد: نرفض عقد المجلس الوطني الفلسطيني تحت حراب الاحتلال الصهيوني 

دمشق نعيم إبراهيم

أغسطس 18, 2017

أكّد نائب الأمين العام للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين أبو أحمد فؤاد، رفض الجبهة محاولات عقد مجلس وطنيّ فلسطينيّ بمدينة رام الله في هذه الفترة، وقال إنّ الترتيبات الجارية لذلك تحمل في طيّاتها مآخذ عديدة من قِبلنا، ونحن نرى أنّ الأولويّة راهناً هي لاستعادة الوحدة الوطنيّة الفلسطينيّة، وليس لتكريس الانقسام. ودعا إلى إجراء انتخابات للمجلس في الداخل والخارج.

وتساءل أبو أحمد فؤاد في حديث لـ«البناء» من دمشق، كيف يمكن أن يُعقد مجلس وطنيّ فلسطينيّ في مدينة رام الله تحت حراب الاحتلال، وأكثر من ذلك حصل تطوّر لم نكن نتوقّعه، لأنّه في اللجنة التحضيريّة التي عُقدت في بيروت اتّفق على عقد مجلس وطنيّ توحيديّ على قاعدة اتفاقات القاهرة، وعلى قاعدة إمكانيّة عقد المجلس خارج الوطن حتى يشارك الجميع، إضافةً إلى أنّه لا يمكن لبرلمان في أيّ حركة تحرّر أن يُعقد تحت الاحتلال، خصوصاً في مرحلة التحرّر الوطني.

وأوضح نائب الأمين العام للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين، أنّ عقد المجلس في هذه الظروف الفلسطينيّة المعقّدة والانقسام القائم، يمكن أن يؤدّي إلى زيادة المشاكل، لأنّ المحاولات التي تسعى لاستعادة الوحدة الوطنيّة مستقبلاً يمكن أن تتكلّل بالنجاح.

وسأل: كيف ستكون الأمور إذا عقدت القيادة المتنفّذة المجلس الوطنيّ في رام الله وفكّر آخرون بعقد مجلس في مكان آخر؟ إنّ هذا يعني أننا دمّرنا هذه المؤسّسة، وبشكل أو بآخر يكون البعض قد ساهم بتدمير منظّمة التحرير كخيمة وكجامع وكمرجعيّة لكلّ الشعب الفلسطيني، وممثل شرعيّ وحيد لهذا الشعب، ولكنّ هذه المنظمة تحتاج إلى إعادة بناء أو إلى إصلاحات أو إلى انتخابات، بمعنى أنّ مؤسّساتها تجب إعادة بنائها على أُسس ديمقراطية كما اتّفقنا في القاهرة، وعلى أساس برنامج وطنّي سُمّي «برنامج الوفاق الوطني» أو «برنامج الأسرى».

وعن المبادرات الفلسطينيّة والعربيّة التي قُدّمت قبل عدّة أيام لإعادة تفعيل الحوار الوطنيّ الفلسطينيّ، رأى أبو أحمد فؤاد أنّها لن ترى النور، وكلّها تُرمى على الطاولة، ولكن لا أحد يناقشها، لأنّ المبادرات يجب أن تُقدّم إلى هيئات أو لحوار وطنيّ شامل، ونحن ندعو لمثل هذا الحوار، علماً أنّ هناك اتفاقات لو التزم بها الجميع لكنّا الآن أمام وضع مختلف تماماً، سواء بالموضوع السياسيّ أو بالموضوع التنظيميّ.

وأضاف أبو أحمد فؤاد، أنّ الجبهة الشعبيّة لتحرير فلسطين تفضل الآن العودة إلى الحوار الوطنيّ الشامل رغم كلّ شيء، ولتطرح جميع الأفكار والآراء من قِبل كلّ الفصائل والقوى الفلسطينيّة، وأيضاً المبادرات لهذا الحوار من أجل الوصول إلى حلول للمشكلات المستعصية التي نعاني منها. ولكن هناك نصوص في النظام الأساسي يتمّ تجاوزها الآن، فاللجنة التحضيريّة تبدأ عملها لتحضّر لعقد الدورة المقبلة للمجلس الوطنيّ الفلسطينيّ، وهذه اللجنة تشارك فيها كلّ الفصائل وبما في ذلك اللجنة التنفيذية. وقد اجتمعت اللجنة لمرّة واحدة في بيروت، واتّخذت قرارات أهمّها عقد مجلس وطنيّ توحيديّ، وتمّت مناقشة المكان والزمان، وكان لنا ولغيرنا رأي بأن تُعقد هذه الدورة في الخارج مثل مصر أو الأردن أو سورية أو لبنان أو غيرها، وليس تحت حراب الاحتلال الصهيونيّ. ويجب أن تُعطى الفرصة للجميع من أجل الحضور والمشاركة، بينما المطروح الآن عقد مجلس وطني في رام الله و«فيديوكونفرانس» للخارج. فكيف يمكن أن يحصل ذلك؟ وهل المطلوب إلقاء خطابات فقط، وبالتالي لمن سيكون الـ»فيديوكونفرانس»؟ هذا أمر غير مقبول، ولا نريد تكريس قاعدة بمن حضر أو تحقيق النّصاب زائد واحد أو ناقص واحد، بل نريد القول إنّ هذا مجلس وطنيّ يُجمع عليه الشعب الفلسطينيّ، أو إنّه سيؤدّي إلى مزيد من الانقسام والخلافات.

وأوضح أبو أحمد فؤاد، أنّ الجبهة الشعبية ليست مع أيّ تغيير بهيكليّة منظّمة التحرير الفلسطينيّة والمرجعيات كما هو منصوص عليها بالميثاق الفلسطيني وكما هو منصوص بالنظام الأساسي لمنظّمة التحرير، ومن يريد تقديم مثل هذه الأفكار عليه أن يذهب بها إلى المجلس الوطنيّ المنتخب أو المجلس الوطني المتّفق عليه، لأنّه أعلى هيئة وهو الذي يقرّر أيّ تغيير في هذه الهيكليّة.

من هنا نقول، إنّ الموضوع السياسيّ هو الموضوع الرئيسيّ والاتفاق على الموضوع السياسيّ، ثم بعد ذلك كيف يمكن أن نعطي المجال للشعب الفلسطينيّ أن ينتخب مؤسّساته وهيئاته ويصبح البرلمان الفلسطيني برلماناً منتخباً يحاسِب ويحاسَب. أمّا القائم الآن، فهو حالة من الفوضى حيث لا يوجد مجلس وطنيّ ولا مجلس مركزيّ ولا حتى لجنة تنفيذيّة لمنظّمة التحرير الفلسطينيّة، وإنما الموجود هو الرئيس الذي يتصرّف فقط، وهذا لا يقبله أحد على الأقلّ في مرحلة تحرّر وطني، وبعد ذلك لكلّ حادث حديث.

وحول مستقبل الملف السوري، قال أبو أحمد فؤاد، لا شكّ في أنّ سورية تخرج تدريجيّاً من الأزمة وستعود حتماً إلى وضعها الطبيعي واحدة موحّدة، بدعم الأصدقاء والحلفاء، وهذا شيء مهمّ ويصبّ في مصلحة فلسطين، وهي دفعت ثمناً كبيراً على هذا الطريق. ولكن من المهمّ الإشارة هنا إلى أنّه كلّما تقدّمت سورية باتجاه الحلّ، كلّما تسارعت الخطى من قِبل القوى المعادية لإنهاء القضيّة الفلسطينيّة بالطريقة التي تريدها الولايات المتحدة الأميركية، والتي يريدها الكيان الصهيونيّ، في ظلّ انشغال العالم العربي بأزماته الداخليّة وتسريع وتيرة التطبيع من قِبل البعض، وقبل أن يتغيّر الوضع في سورية أو العراق أو مصر أو في دول الطوق ومن بعد ذلك بقيّة الدول العربية.

لكنّنا نؤكّد، أنّ القضيّة الفلسطينية لن تنتهي، مهما حصل من أزمات وانهيارات في الوضع العربي ومن تغيّرات بالوضع الدوليّ، وهذا ثابت من ثوابت الشعوب عبر التاريخ، خاصة في مواجهة الاستعمار.

ولذلك، مطلوب منّا كفلسطينيّين وكفصائل أن نصمد ولا نقدّم أيّ تنازل، وفي نفس الوقت نراهن على المرحلة المقبلة عربياً ودوليّاً، لأنّ مؤامرة الربيع العربي انتهت، وأنا متفائل إزاء هذه المرحلة إذا ما رتّب الفلسطينيّون أوضاعهم الداخليّة واستعادوا الوحدة الوطنيّة وركّزوا على المقاومة ودخلنا كفلسطينيّين كلّنا في محور المقاومة، وليس محور السعودية ومؤتمراتها، ولا محور الرئيس الأميركي دونالد ترامب. ونحن كفلسطينيّين يجب أن نكون هنا.

وحول مستجدّات أزمة مخيم اليرموك، أكّد أبو أحمد فؤاد أنّها شارفت على الانتهاء، من دون معارك ودم أسوة ببعض المناطق السوريّة التي شهدت مصالحات وطنيّة.

وطالب نائب الأمين العام للجبهة الشعبيّة لتحرير فلسطين، حركة حماس بالعودة إلى الاتجاه الذي يخدم القضيّة الفلسطينية، وقال إنّ موقفهم إزاء سورية مؤسف جداً، غير أنّني أعتقد أنّ مراجعة تجري الآن من قِبل بعض قيادات الحركة للعلاقة مع سورية، ولما جرى من قِبلهم بالنسبة للبلد. وهناك محاولات لفتح حوار أو اتصالات، ربما

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Assad Advances in Damascus and Aleppo

MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are making progress around the country’s two main cities, Aleppo and Damascus. Even though his government also suffered several setbacks during spring and summer, the net gains are very significant—not in terms of square kilometers won, but with regard to the strategic importance of the territory recaptured.

Many observers seemed to assume that the pendulum had now swung back in favor of the rebels. With Russian and Iranian backing, Assad made serious progress in January and February, but then, after a shaky cessation of hostilities negotiated by Russia and the United States, the regime’s military offensives seemed to fade. The opposition took heart from rumors of Russian-Iranian disagreements over their alliance with Assad, reports about massive arms deliveries to the rebels during the ceasefire, and claims that select opposition groups had been supplied with air-defense weapons. Whether such weapons were indeed distributed or not, a number of government jets and helicopters have recently crashed or been damaged.


The Syrian government has indeed lost territory on several fronts. The self-proclaimed Islamic State, a Sunni extremist group that fights both Assad and other insurgents, thwarted the army’s ambition to expand further from Palmyra, which was seized in a Russian-backed offensive in March. Jihadi raids on the army’s flanks drew troops deeper into the desert, forcing them to man outposts and conduct clearing operations instead of concentrating their forces. The government also lost important gas infrastructure around the Shaer fields, and has still not managed to retake it. All the while, the Islamic State attacks continued to destabilize the isolated government enclave in Deir Ezzor, which Assad’s army has fought to keep for several years.

South of Aleppo, a joint offensive by non-Islamic State jihadists and mainstream Sunni rebels had slowly eaten away at a bulge of rural territory that Iranian-backed Shia militias had expanded last winter. The rebels seized Khan Touman and the high ground of Jabal Eiss, which had been intended to serve as jump-off points for offensives into Aleppo and Idlib. Government forces were also retreated from positions they had recently seized in the mountains of northern Latakia governorate, being pushed out of a pocket of useful high ground around Kinsibba.

In June, too, an army offensive toward the Tabqa Dam on the Euphrates—which would have positioned Assad’s forces to profit from an unexpected weakening of the Islamic State at it was attacked by rival Kurdish forces—turned into a complete fiasco. After seizing a long stretch of desert road, the pro-government militia that was supposed to spearhead the offensive suddenly folded and fled back to government-held regions in the west. Although military officials in charge presented it as a tactical retreat, the affair seemed to illustrate the slow withering of central command-and-control capabilities in Assad’s forces. As militias and foreign troops take over more and more of the army’s responsibilities, his commanders are being forced to herd militia commanders and minor warlords into attaining the same objectives, not always successfully. It also raised the issue of Assad’s over-reliance on his foreign backers, since the retreating troops blamed Russia for failing to provide enough air support.

While forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have suffered setbacks, recent advances have managed to reclaim strategic territories.Map of Syria in June 2015, by deSyracuse (@deSyracuse).


These signs of weakness came against a backdrop of disagreement over strategy and the distribution of resources among Assad’s allies. In mid-March, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he would withdraw some of his forces from Syria. While this was mostly for show and much of the Russian Air Force remained active, it fed talk of Assad being under pressure and of Russian-Iranian disagreements.

However, despite their somewhat diverging goals, Russia and Iran have sought to coordinate their efforts in Syria, reinforcing each others’ interventions in order to best support Assad. In June, there were signs that something was in the works. Airstrikes picked up speed around Aleppo, and troops began pouring into the city. While their exact purpose wasn’t clear, they “certainly didn’t come to picnic,” as a military source put it to a Lebanese reporter in early June. Pro-Assad media now spoke openly of the impending launch of a “broad military offensive.”

On June 9, the defense ministers of Syria, Iran, and Russia met in Tehran to coordinate their views on the war, the truce, and the political talks in Geneva. The three countries agreed to form apermanent contact group to harmonize their political and military approaches, and the Iran- and Assad-friendly Lebanese daily al-Akhbar claimed that new offensives would now be launched in Aleppo and Deir Ezzor. High-level contacts continued to multiply. On June 18, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made a surprise visit to Syria to meet with Assad. A week later, Syrians, Russians, and Iranians jointly made their move in Aleppo.


When the offensive began on June 25, after a string of probing attacks, Russia was already days into a campaign of massive aerial bombardments in the Aleppo region. Iran had dispatched military advisors and Shia Islamist fighters from the pro-Iranian Lebanese group Hezbollah to shore up government lines in the city, while Assad threw some of his best troops into the fight.

By July 7, the pro-Assad forces had seized new territory in the Mallah farmlands, located along the northwestern approaches to Aleppo. This allowed them to fire directly on the so-called Castello Road, named after a nearby restaurant. Simultaneously, government forces attacked from the other side of the road, pushing into the densely built-up Bani Zeid-Liramoun area, which had been under relentless bombardment for nearly two weeks.

Assad’s forces had already seized the other main rebel supply route, through the northern Azaz Corridor, in February. By shutting down the Castello Road, the government has thus cut the last supply line into rebel-held Aleppo. Unless the pro-government forces are pushed back from Mallah and other areas around Castello Road, the rebel-held eastern half of Aleppo will be at the government’s mercy. “Currently nobody can get in or out of Aleppo,” a leader of an Aleppo-based rebel group told Reuters. Though opposition forces have counter-attacked furiously over the past few days, both in the Mallah area and inside Aleppo city, they have so far been unable to dislodge the pro-regime forces.

A full siege of eastern Aleppo could have terrible consequences for the remaining civilian population, which, although much reduced in comparison to what it was before the war, is believed to be larger than that of any area previously placed under siege by the government. The Syrian government has often used sieges to deprive civilians of food and medicine, in order to force pro-rebel communities to accept unfavorable ceasefires. Many now assume that the same course of action will be followed in Aleppo and prices in the city have already shot up, as residents and merchants begin to stockpile basic necessities.


In Damascus, too, Assad’s forces have been making slow progress. West of the capital, the rebel-held satellite town of Darayya—which has long been under siege and suffered from a lack of food and fuel—is being squeezed by the army, which has moved slowly to peel away rebel-controlled territory from its perimeter. If Darayya falls or is forced to conclude a truce, that will mean the regime has cleared the rebels out of every area of significance in western Damascus.

A deal is also being negotiated in southern Damascus, where the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk is jointly controlled by al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front and the Islamic State. According to the pro-government Damascus daily al-Watan, the jihadi factions will be allowed to evacuate to northern Syria along with those civilians who prefer to go with them. The camp will then be handed over to the army and Palestinian militias, in order for it to be jointly administered by the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the Syrian government. A similar deal was negotiated half a year ago, but it was frozen after the death of the influential rebel leader Zahran Alloush on December 25, and never revived. Should the jihadi rebels evacuate the camp this time, the Syrian government will have rid themselves of the main threat to the southern suburbs of the capital.

That leaves the enclave of rebel-held territory in the east, an area known as the Eastern Ghouta. It is one of Syria’s most heavily militarized opposition areas and has long been seen to pose a strategic threat to Assad’s hold on the capital. The enclave, which has been contained by a government siege since 2013, was long dominated by Alloush’s Islam Army, but his death shook things up. In late March, battles erupted between the Islam Army and the other two main factions of the enclave, Failaq al-Rahman, which espouses a nationalist-Islamic rhetoric and uses Free Syrian Army symbols, and the Fustat Army, which is a coalition between the Nusra Front and a non-ideological local faction. The infighting split the Eastern Ghouta between the rebel factions, weakened its defenses, and allowed the Syrian government to focus their fire on one group at the time. Since then, Assad’s forces have broken off the entire southern part of the Ghouta enclave, perhaps a quarter of its territory. It is the most serious setback to the insurgency in the Damascus area in years and the rebels are still losing territory, as government troops dig into Islam Army-held territory on the enclave’s eastern boundary.


Whether or not Bashar al-Assad controls the farmlands and mountainsides of Kinsebba or Jabal Eiss will not change the course of the war. But insofar as Assad can imagine a road to military victory, it certainly passes through Damascus and Aleppo. These are pivotal battlefields. If at some point the Syrian president manages to isolate and finally neutralize the opposition in Aleppo city and in the East Ghouta, like he did with the rebel stronghold in Homs in spring 2014, he will have robbed the opposition of its most important assets. The rebels would be reduced to controlling bombed-out rural zones and a few provincial towns such as Idlib, severely undercutting their claim to national relevance. These are places that could still serve as bases for a potent insurgency, but they are also places that Assad can live without, even in the long term, while he focuses on strengthening his hand in more economically and politically valuable parts of Syria.

What has long looked like a lame duck insurgency, which continues to fight but has no real hope of achieving its political objectives, would at that point look more like a lost cause. It is not realistic to imagine that Western, Turkish, or Arab funders of the insurgency would want to relaunch a contest for the major cities if the opposition is rooted out from them in the way it was from Homs. Instead, such a defeat would be likely to prompt a rethinking of strategies in regional and Western capitals and, in some of them, an admission of defeat.

Even that would be unlikely to end the fighting in Syria. The insurgency is certainly dependent on foreign backing, but it is at its root a domestic affair. Thousands of rebels would continue fighting, even if they were forced to go underground in areas now under government control. The jihadi-held areas in the east would continue to pose a problem, and the powerful Kurdish areas in the north, which are now effectively autonomous, would certainly resist a full regime restoration.

The Assad government seems too inflexible to opt for a strategy of political decentralization, power-sharing, or appeasement, and it is almost certainly too weak, illegitimate, and economically depleted to go for a complete military victory. Yet, continued military advances in Aleppo and Damascus could very well change the dynamics of the conflict and the way that the world, or some of it, interacts with Assad. For the Syrian president and his allies, ensuring the incapacity and failure of the mainstream opposition is a goal worth fighting for—it’s not a full victory or even a guarantee of regime survival, but the closest thing on offer.


anti assad protests

by Jonathan “Madd Cold” Azaziah

Goddamn do I hate these Judaized, Westoxified, colonized, House Arab, House Muslim motherfuckers, goddamn them all to hell. I’m sick right now. The reason? Allow me to introduce you to the Refugees of Rap, a “Hip-Hop” group which specializes in REGIME CHANGE RAP. No, you didn’t read that incorrectly. REGIME CHANGE RAP. Cut from the same cloth as the “emcees” funded by the US State Dept and Mossad-CIA tools Khaled M and Omar Offendum, Al-Jazeera says the Refugees of Rap are waging a “lyrical war” on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. There are four quite glaringly disturbing things about these agent provocateurs, beyond the mere obviousness of how disgusting it is that Global South “MCs” are spewing bars in the name of a Zionist-Imperialist coup agenda.

Firstly, the Yarmouk tripartite is funded by the UN and… wait for it… THE FRENCH REGIME, arguably the most active former colonialist power in agitating for Assad’s ouster, and were in fact granted asylum directly by Paris, which expedited their visas because it wanted them to “continue their project”. Imagine, “revolutionary Hip-Hop” artists fully backed by the usurping Zionist entity’s favorite instrument for international cover-ups, the UN, and Zionist-occupied France. Not to mention of course, they’re getting press coverage from the Qatari tyrant’s premier propaganda organ, Al-Jazeera, which just might be the single-most important element in brainwashing the Ummah’s youth and whipping up Arab-Muslim “popular” support for the entire assault on the Syrian Arab Republic. Colonialists, globalists and GCC despots, the very peaks of “resistance”, ain’t they? The irony is apparently more than lost on these fools.

Secondly, the Refugees of Rap invoked “Ibrahim Qashoush” as their inspiration for pursuing “regime change” in Syria through their music. “Qashoush”, as many of you may know, went viral with “his” song “Syrian Revolutionary Dabke”, also known as “Yallah, Irhal Ya Bashar”. It is said–repeated ad nauseam really, in near-robotic fashion–that he was killed by the Syrian government, which allegedly slit his throat and ripped his vocal chords out. Cool story, right? And that’s exactly what it is. A cool, calm, collected, calculated STORY cooked up in the bowels of Langley and Herzliya. The song attributed to “Qashoush” most definitely was and is (since Refugees of Rap continue its destabilizing legacy) part of the ongoing Zionist media war against Syria.

Just look at the language in the video’s description: “Response from the streets of Hama to Bashar’s speech, with additional music & translation added by the Creative Syrian Revolution.” There is no evidence of any singer whatsoever in the video. The “additional music” is in fact ALL of the music. I ran the song by numerous producers that I work with, all of whom are brilliant beyond measure and operate with the absolute top-of-the-line in recording software and equipment, and they confirmed to me that the song is indeed 100% studio produced, no ifs, ands or buts about it. The “Creative Syrian Revolution”, for the record, is a Facebook page operated by “activists” from none other than the Syrian Human Rights Committee, an organization I exposed in my very first Syria article,“Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I”. The SHRC is Mossad-linked as well as Soros-backed via HRW and Amnesty.

The nail in the coffin about “Qashoush” and the track itself though comes from the Sulzberger-owned New York Times: “No one in Hama seems to agree on who wrote the song”, indicating undoubtedly that the song did not come from inside Syria (even among the “revolutionist” turncoats and Takfiri sympathizers) but abroad. And, “He was relatively unknown before July 4, when his body was found, then buried in the city’s Safa cemetery, near the highway.” Yeah, relatively unknown because he doesn’t exist, hence why I put “Ibrahim Qashoush” in quotation marks. “Ibrahim Qashoush” is in fact a media creation and a myth used by the Anglo-Zionist Empire to coopt Arab-Muslim artists and weaponize their music as putschist hasbara. Getting REALLY deep into the dirt, even the pictures of “Qashoush” are fishier than fishy. If one compares the alleged “live” photo of “Qashoush” with the alleged “dead” photo of “Qashoush”, you don’t have to be a forensics expert to figure out this isn’t a matter of distortion/disfigurement in death but totally different photographs of totally different people! It’s astounding that not a single analyst has picked up on any of this! And it’s even more astounding that the Refugees of Rap are doing what they’re doing based on a fictional character spoonfed to them by the enemies of humanity!

qashoush alive


Here is “Qashoush” living and breathing so we’re told.Here is “Qashoush” dead so we’re told. Two different persons; it’s clearer than the blueness of the sky on a bright, sunny day.


Thirdly, Al-Jazeera’s profile of the “regime change” rappers reveals that they recorded much of their music “secretly” in Yarmouk, ostensibly to duck the Syrian government’s Moukhabarat (security services). But it is a well-established fact now, although the likes of Electronic “Intifada”, Mondoweiss and the other usual “Palestine Solidarity Movement” activist suspects continue to fail miserably on the topic, that Yarmouk was overrun by the Takfiri terrorist scourge–first the FSA and then Nusra followed by Mossad Daesh–not the Syrian government, and these Wahhabi thugs subsequently looted businesses, occupied homes, carried out massacres and committed various other crimes that led to the mass exodus from the once-vibrant, Palestinian-Syrian city-camp. And considering the Wahhabi-Takfiri character of these rebels and their absolute hatred of music, how is it that Refugees of Rap were able to record their music without any hassle whatsoever while others who merely PLAYED music in their cars or boomboxes or stereo systems were at the very best lashed and beaten and at the very worst decapitated? It’s an amazingly relevant question. With the French regime being among the top backers of the Takfiris as well as the funders and asylum-facilitators of these putrid “Hip-Hop”pretenders, were the Takfiris placing their hateful, un-Islamic ideology aside and giving the Refugees of Rap protection because they shared the same “regime change” agenda? Certainly appears that way.

Which brings me to the fourth, final and perhaps most infuriating point of all. The members of the Refugees of Rap are Palestinian (Yaser and Muhammad Jamous), Algerian (Ahmad) and Syrian (Muhammad Jawad). What in the name of all that is good and proper in the world are Palestinians, an Algerian and a Syrian rapping about “regime change” in Syria for and taking money FROM THE FRENCH REGIME to further their careers along?


It is the French regime which wiped out MILLIONS in its 132-year colonization of Algeria, not to mention millions of indigenous persons elsewhere, and it is the French regime which helped the usurping, genocidal, artificial Jewish entity build its illegal arsenal of nuclear weapons in Dimona, a program that threatens not only Palestine and the Ummah but the whole damn planet.

Meanwhile, it is the Syrian Arab Republic which remains the only Arab state to provide guns, bullets, missiles, rockets and other forms of military gear to the Palestinian Resistance and is also the only Arab state to treat Palestinians as equals and brothers, granting them the same benefits and human rights enjoyed by all Syrians. AND! Syria has backed Algeria fully during these most tumultuous times in which France and AFRICOM have attempted to destabilize the Algerian state on more than one occasion. It literally doesn’t get anymore ANTI-PALESTINIAN, ANTI-ALGERIAN and ANTI-SYRIAN than France! Are they not aware of how insanely backwards all this is? Or is it that they are actually very well aware and simply have no dignity or sense of history, homeland, identity and liberationist consciousness, thus making it perfectly okay in their colonized minds to go right along with the “regime change” plot. Whether they know it or not is ultimately extraneous, as these individuals have greatly betrayed their respective original and adoptive countries and brought forth a tsunami of disgrace upon them.

Hip-Hop, very similar to Jihad, is a vehicle for change, resistance, revolution and awakening when the target of such actions is legitimate. Just like there is no “Jihad” when the guns, ammo, media backing, medical treatment, logistics, intelligence and overall agenda are American and ‘Israeli’, there is no “Hip-Hop” when your beats, rhymes and message are bought and paid for by Empire Judaica and its vassals. Verily, it is this hypocrisy that unites Refugees of Rap and the Wahhabi-Takfiri filth that has occupied Syria: Despite all of the helping hands given to them by the Zionist Power Matrix, they still delusionally act as if they are legitimate “Jihadis” in regards to the latter and “emcees” in regards to the former. Takfiri-sympathizing has no place in revolutionary, anti-Zionist, anti-Imperialist discourse, and “regime change rap” has no place in Hip-Hop. Period.

Expose the Refugees of Rap and tear them down as you would any other betrayer, hater and destabilizer of Syria.

They made their bed–with French, UN and Qatari help–so now it’s time for them to lay in it.

As for real Jihad, look no further than Hizbullah, Ansarullah, the IRGCand the Iraqi Resistance. And as for real Resistance Hip-Hop, where real Jihad just so happens to meet in a beautiful, Musical-Mouqawamist nexus, look no further than Blak Madeen (Yusuf Abdul-Mateen and Al-J), Rafiqi Green, Khanverse and Madd Cold. We got you more than covered.

Phony Reports of Starvation in Madaya, Syria

by Stephen Lendman

Spurious reports of Syrian and Hezbollah responsibility for alleged Madaya starvation are part of continued propaganda war on Damascus.

Western and Arab media used earlier taken unrelated photos, images of skin and bone bodies, widely circulating, falsely claiming they reflect Madaya starvation, wrongfully blaming Damascus for imposing siege conditions.

Obama’s war on Syria created dire conditions throughout the country. Deplorable ones exist. Overwhelming human suffering persists, exacerbated by US special forces directly aiding terrorist elements and its warplanes bombing vital infrastructure and other government targets.

Images shown are earlier ones from Amman, Jordan, Eastern Ghouta, Damascus, the area’s terrorist-held Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp and a European one – unrelated to Madaya.

They’re circulating widely to vilify Assad’s government, notably ahead of late January peace talks

“Madaya starves,” the New York Times spuriously reported, substituting propaganda for hard truths – irresponsibly claiming “reports of people dying from starvation and being killed while trying to leave,” outrageously blaming Damascus.

It cited phony reports of Madaya residents “living on grass and leaves, and seeing family members dying of hunger or killed by (Syrian and Hezbollah) snipers…”

Al Jazeera has been featuring spurious “starving in Syria” propaganda reports, citing Madaya conditions, calling them a “weapon” against civilians, irresponsibly blaming Damascus.

Washington bears full responsibility for overwhelming Syrian suffering, using ISIS and other takfiri terrorists as imperial foot soldiers – deliberately targeting civilians, committing appalling atrocities, conflict outrageously blamed on Damascus.

Hezbollah accused terrorists in Madaya of using residents as human shields, denying them food, preventing aid supplies from reaching them.

Damascus supports humanitarian aid wherever needed in Syria. Terrorists block its availability, their forces responsible for killing civilians in cold blood.

Syrian forces delivered vital essentials to life to Madaya, Shaghin, Sarghaya and other areas – their ability only constrained by ISIS and other terrorists’ activities.

A Syrian popular forces statement said in various regions, delivered “humanitarian aid is under (terrorist) control and kept in warehouses” – sold to Syrians able to afford it, denied others.

Terrorist fighters prevent Madaya residents from fleeing to safe havens, their snipers killing them. These elements bear full responsibility for dire humanitarian conditions throughout the country.

Syrian efforts to provide aid go unreported. Western and regional propaganda blames Assad for US-supported terrorist crimes – complicit with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and other rogue allies.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. 

Exposed Lies and Fabrications!

The Syria Times

The ongoing savage and inhumane war against the Syrians uses every possible means of slaughter and killing, including the psychological tools of propaganda, fabrications and lies. It is clear that even the so-called objective and transparent  media outlets in the West have played the leading role of disinformation about the ongoing in Syria.

The reality of facts on the ground, though of the tsunami of lies, have become clear depicting the reality of the fight by the Syrians against AL-Qaeda Wahabi affiliates of more than a hundred country! The message of peace, dialogue and determination to fight terrorism has been clearly conveyed objectively and transparently by , first and foremost the President of Syria H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad, in tens of international, local speeches and interviews.

Accordingly  one can’t but wonder how could some of the besieged  foreign-backed and armed to teeth terrorists, some affiliated to Qatar, other to Turkey, others to the Saudi Wahabbi monarchy, other are of different multinational affiliations, depending on who would pay more, have the most sophisticated weapons of killing and destruction! At times even air-lifted  and parachuted ‘by-mistake’ and by the USA! The arms discovered in  the terrorists hideouts and hands are the same used by the ewes and Israeli armies .

Thus, Al-Qaeda affiliates not only play with humans’ lives as shields and for other non-human uses and exploitations, but play with the poor Syrians loaf of bread! According to documented reports, the terrorists robe and  stockpile all the Syrian Government dispatched human aids, including those of the Red Crescent and of the Red Cross as well!

 This photo that has gone viral on the web to win the world sympathy and turn it into a global condemnation of the Damascus government has been taken in Amman, the Jordanian capital, and belongs to a Syrian refugee covered in an al-Arabiya news channel report in January 2014, where she was called Syria’s Mona Liza, the Iranian FNA reported.

The Arab and western media outlets have been releasing images of Madaya town in the past few days which is now under the Syrian army and Hezbollah forces’ control. The images show that the residents of this town are starving and the pro-Syrian government forces prevent sending foodstuff to them.

The al-Arabiya and al-Jazeera news channels along with other Saudi-affiliated media outlets in the region and the western media have released several reports about this issue in the past few days and the February 14 Movement has also launched propaganda against Hezbollah in Lebanon, all claiming that people in the Syrian town are dying of starvation under the siege of the Syrian army and Hezbollah.

Now, the question is if the reality is what these media outlets claim? It is clear that given the state of war in the region, the humanitarian situation in Madaya and other towns is fragile but the lies about the real conditions of the people should be revealed.

The Fake Images

The images released by the Arab and western media about the besieged people in Madaya are painful; they show children who have turned into a piece of skeleton or the adults who are dying of starvation.

By searching the images on the internet, one will understand that they either belong to other regions in Syria or are not related to the country at all.

A number of fake images released in the social media and by the Arab and western media are here.

This image has been extensively released in the Saudi-affiliated media and its caption claims: The girl on the left hand side has not turned into what you can see on the right after long time of starvation in the besieged town of Madaya.

But the reality is that the image is for a Lebanese child from South Lebanon as documented by Al-Jadid TV, which interviewed the family of the child including her mother, father and cousin.

To watch the interviews follow this link please:


 But the right image also belongs to a boy taken in Eastern Ghouta, Damascus, and isn’t related to Madaya town at all.

Another Instance:

Al-Jazeera’s tweeter page has released the image of a man and has claimed that he is one of Madaya residents.

Other Saudi-affiliated media outlets have also released the image claiming that he is a hungry man in Madaya, FNA added.

But this image belongs to a refugee in Europe, which had been released in 2009. You can visit the image on this page and see the date for yourselves.


 I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
and wipe away the crimson stains
and dull the nails that still remain


Al-Arabiya al-Hadath has claimed that this image belongs to a child in Madaya, while it has been taken of a child in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp on the outskirts of Damascus, where Palestinians have long been taken hostage by the ISIL and al-Nusra Front terrorists.

Below is the photo of the same child at Yarmouk camp that was taken on 31 March 2014.


This image which has gone viral on the internet under the Saudi-driven claims that he has died in Zahiya is also related to Eastern Ghouta, a Damascus suburb where a man died of cold, malnutrition and disease. You can see the real news and image here.

Such images are galore and go immediately viral on the social media these days, but with a little search, anyone can find out that the claims made about them are no more than lies.

Allegations about Food Blockade:

The Arab and western media have claimed that Hezbollah and Syrian army forces are preventing the dispatch of foodstuff to Madaya town.

But the reality is that the Syrian forces have allowed tens of truckloads of food and medical aids and cargoes into Madaya, Shaghin and Sarghaya.

And this fact has been stressed in a statement released by the media center of the Syrian popular forces. “The humanitarian aids are under the terrorist groups’ control and kept in their warehouses in the city center. They (the terrorists) sell the aids to those civilians who can afford to buy them,” the army and popular forces’ statement said.

Another important point also is that many residents of Madaya who seek to leave the town are prevented by the terrorist leaders.

This is while the agreements between the Syrian government and the terrorists, brokered by the UN, emphasize that 300 terrorists should surrender to the Syrian authorities and leave Madaya but this was opposed by other terrorists and not implemented. Also, the terrorists don’t allow the wounded to be transferred from Madaya and have threatened to target the vehicles carrying them.

Therefore, the terrorists present in Madaya should account for the chaotic humanitarian situation in the town more than any other party.

Selective Human Rights

A look at the besieged regions of Kafria and Foua’a regions in Idlib province as well as al-Zahra and Nubl in Northwest of Aleppo province that are totally ignored by the Arab and western media shows that they aren’t concerned about the humanitarian crises or human rights issues at all since these Shiite-populated towns have been besieged for years and photos show that the residents of Foua’a have resorted to eating grass and herbs, but the Saudi-led and western media outlets are mum. The Syrian army has several times tried to airdrop flour bags and bread to them after going through the terrorists’ intensive fire. The Arab and western media have not released even one single report on the situation of these regions’ residents.

The Saudi-affiliated and western media streams which enjoy abundant financial and technical possibilities compared with the resistance media have been playing with their audience’s sentiments and cover reports based on their owners’ desires and interests, while the least important issue for them is human rights.


The situation of people in the town of Foua’a that has long been under siege by the terrorists

Finally, the situation in Foua’a, Kafria, al-Zahra and Nubl as well as Madaya is for real vital, but the terrorists are the main culprits behind the situation and they are supported by Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

The FNA report concluded that the Saudi media are trying to magnify one through fake images and let the others die in news blackout, otherwise not even a single person informed of news and developments can accept that Saudi Arabia is concerned about people’s lives in Madaya, while attacking and slaughtering innocent civilians in Sana’a and Sa’da in Yemen with different missiles, cluster bombs and US and UK-made ammunition.

According to the Lebanese Daily Star, the family of a south Lebanon girl depicted in a photo that went viral alleging to show a starving child from a besieged Syrian border town has expressed anger over the incident.

“They took it too far this time,” Rosine Mazeh, the grandmother of 7-year-old Marianna Mazeh, told Al-Jadeed from their village of Tay Filsey in a report broadcast Saturday.

She said the photo of her smiling brown-haired, blue-eyed granddaughter was originally posted to Facebook three years ago and had been doctored several times in the past by individuals promoting different causes.

Most recently, the photo was circulated in a side-by-side with images depicting a skeletal figure said to be suffering from malnutrition as a result of a Syrian army siege in the town of Madaya, located several kilometers east of Lebanon’s border.

Several other photos circulating on social media and picked up by some international news agencies that alleged to show starvation from the town have also been revealed as fakes.

“It has affected her a lot,” Mazeh said. “Every time someone brings it up she puts her head down and becomes shy. At school, they keep on talking about the topic. She’s not comfortable with it at all.”

Abdel-Wahhab Mazeh, the girl’s uncle, said the photo was taken outside a mini market in their village where she had gone to buy chewing gum.

“When we saw this, we tried as hard as we could to show that this picture wasn’t right,” he told Al-Jadeed, pointing to a location on the ground where he said she was standing when the photo was taken.

The girl and her father spoke during a separate report broadcast Saturday on Al-Manar from outside their home.

“I live in Tayr Filsey, not Madaya, and I am fine,” she said.”

 Dr. Mohammad Abdo Al-Ibrahim


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Ziad Fadel


Syrian soldiers pose for photos demonstrating the jubilation they experienced after delivering the knockout blow to Nusra/Alqaeda at West Al-Samadaaniyya in the Golan Heights.  Both the SAA and PDC combined their forces to successfully eradicate the rodent presence from this picturesque village.  The net result is that both Nusra and the so-called FSA-Southern Front have had their supply lines cut between the villages of Burayqa and Bi`r Al-‘Ajam from the direction of Al-Hameediyya to Jibaataa Al-Khashab.  These are the largest centers of activity for the Nusra/Alqaeda rodents.  A major development for our army.





Maheen Town:  It was first liberated then taken back by ISIS.  Today, it is liberated again by the Syrian Army and Popular Defense Committees made up of mostly people from this region.  The losses to ISIS are described as catastrophic with carcasses spread all over the rural countryside as the SAAF pounced on escaping rodents killing most of them.  The SAA also captured scores of mostly foreign rodents belonging to ISIS and is now interrogating them.  If they had falled into the hands of the PDC, they all would have been executed – that is how deep the hatred runs among the local fighters.

http://en.alalam.ir/news/1774330  (Thanks to Khaled Nawaz Al-Nouri)

الجيش يحسم معركة

Hawwaareen and Al-Hadath:  SAA has struck heavily here in preparation for the final assault.  Fortifications and flatbeds with 23mm cannons are reported destroyed.  I have no other details.


The SAA has now cut off all supply lines to the villages of Al-Qaryatayn, Marmalat Al-Qaryatayn and Al-Ramliyya as a prelude to the pounding the rats are going to get from reinforcements who have been introduced over the last few days in the way of artillery.  The SAA has also taken control of the dairy and wheat facilities near Mahassa where they also found a large cache of weapons and ammunition taken from the Iraqi army.


Waadi Al-Zakaara Entrance:  The SAA repelled an attack by ISIS coming from the direction of the quarries.  No other details.


Abu ‘Alaayaa:  The SAA foiled another attack from the direction of Al-Sultaaniyya.  The Russian Air Force played a distinguished role here by hitting 4 trucks loaded with weapons and ammunition, destroying 4 pickups with 23mm cannons and a BMM armored car.


Syrian Air Force bombers struck ISIS at Tayr Ma’la also.



 الجيش يحبط هجوماً لـ

CITY:  At Al-Bajaabija and Al-Baduw Neighborhoods and the Old Customs Building, the SAA struck hard at the Liwaa` Tawheed Al-Janoob which is all but finished now as an organization as 40 of them surrendered yesterday and pleaded for amnesty.  Here are the confirmed dead rats announced by the rodent-supporting terrorist media:

Iyaad Ahmad Anees Al-Haaj-‘Ali

‘Alaa` Jaabir Al-Khalaf

‘Abdullah Sameer Al-Faa’oori

Ahmad Mizyad Al-Mawsili

Yahyaa ‘Abdul-Hakeem Qaseem Al-Maf’alaani

Haazim Shukri Abu-Habl

Jalaal Faaris Bunyaan Al-Hareeri

Hameed Khaalid Al-Shu’aabeen

‘Abbood ‘Adnaan Al-Masri

Mahmoud Yaasir Al-Masaalima

Husaam ‘Abdul-Hameed Al-Dayri

Usaamaa Hussayn ‘Ali Al-Saa’idi

Yusuf Radhwaan Al-Daagher


May they all burn in Hell.



الجيش يحكم سيطرته على الصمدانية الغربية بالقنيطرة

Doumaa:  A tunnel has been discovered by the SAA 4 days ago.  It was dug between Hawsh Al-Faara and Hawsh Nasri.  

Today, the SAAF continued harrying the ‘Allooshi remnants by hitting another HQ very hard.  No details.

The RuAF also spotted a network of anti-aircraft missile batteries stolen from the Syrian Army.  Apparently, the weapons were not useful to the terrorist rats.  The entire base was destroyed.

The Syrian Army, using new and extremely precise weapons, bombarded Jaysh Al-Islam at the ‘Aaliya Farms, Al-Hijaariyya and at the West Medical Roundabout killing these vultures:

Yaseen Sulaymaan

‘Abdullah Al-Maghribi

Muhammad Injeelaa

Salaah Al-Wazeer

Muhammad Khayr Qattaan


Yarmouk Camp:  About 4,000 rodents and their illegitimate offspring and concubines are leaving the camp over the next few hours.


Marj Al-Sultaan area:  Despite efforts to introduce a cease fire, the SAA continues to batter rodents scurrying on the road between Marj Al-Sultaan and Al-Nishaabiyya deep in the Eastern Ghoutaa.  Today, the army these:


Ghassaan Al-Saa’oor

Jamaal Bakri

Muhammad Harmoosh

Raami Darweesh


‘Irbeen and Jawbar:  SAA and PDC killed these mice:

Yahyaa ‘Abdullah Al-Shaykh

Mahmoud Al-Shinn

‘Umar Saalim

‘Alaa` Al-Badawi

Badawi Al-‘Irbeeni (Id pending)





‘Ayn ‘Issa in the area of Al-Fateesa:  This is in the north rural area of the province.  At 4:00 a.m. (Damascus time), a team of SAA commandos invaded a nest of ISIS rodents killing 3 and taking 2 prisoner.


Tal Abyadh:  ISIS attacked at the Asaabeesh HQ of the PYG, but, were thwarted by the Russian Air Force flying Su-34s which decimated their ranks putting them to flight.




الجيش يوسع نطاق سيطرته في منطقة مرج السلطان بريف دمشق

The Syrian Army has liberated the entire west bank of the Al-Kabeer River on the Turk border all the way to Al-Sarraaf Town in an area radiating out to Kubaanaa and Al-Sirmaaniyya.


Point 1044 has been liberated with over 17 rodents counted dead as of 3 days ago.  IEDs were dismantled by sappers.


Burj Al-Qasab:  Liberated with many rodents killed or wounded.


Elevation 1112 south of Sirmaaniyya has been totally deloused.
Read more

Deconstructing the NATO Narrative on Syria



Deconstructing the NATO Narrative on Syria


Over the past five years, the increasingly ridiculous propaganda against President al-Assad and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has ranged from the scripted (OTPOR fomented -“revolution“) “peaceful protesters under fire” rhetoric, to other deceitful lexicon like “civil war,” and “moderate rebels.”

As the intervention campaigns continue with new terrorist and “humanitarian” actors (literally) constantly emerging in the NATO-alliance’s theatre of death squads, it is worth reviewing some of the important points regarding the war on Syria.


Million Person Marches

On March 29, 2011 (less than two weeks into the fantasy “revolution”) over 6 million people across Syria took to the streets in support of President al-Assad. In June, a reported hundreds of thousands marched in Damascus in support of the president, with a 2.3 km long Syrian flag. In November, 2011 (9 months into the chaos), masses again held demonstrations supporting President al-Assad, notably in Homs (the so-called “capital of the ‘revolution’”), Dara’a (the so-called “birthplace of the ‘revolution’”), Deir ez-Zour, Raqqa, Latakia, and Damascus.

Mass demonstrations like this have occurred repeatedly since, including in March 2012, in May 2014 in the lead-up to Presidential elections, and in June 2015, to note just some of the larger rallies.

In May 2013, it was reported that even NATO recognized the Syrian president’s increased popularity. “The data, relayed to NATO over the last month, asserted that 70 percent of Syrians support” the Assad government. At present, the number is now at least 80 percent.

The most telling barometer of Assad’s support base was the Presidential elections in June 2014, which saw 74 percent (11.6 million) of 15.8 million registered Syrian voters vote, with President al-Assad winning 88 percent of the votes. The lengths Syrians outside of Syria went to in order to voteincluded flooding the Syrian embassy in Beirut for two full days (and walking several kilometres to get there) and flying from countries with closed Syrian embassies to Damascus airport simply to cast their votes. Within Syria, Syrians braved terrorist mortars and rockets designed to keep them from voting; 151 shells were fired on Damascus alone, killing 5 and maiming 33 Syrians.

For a more detailed look at his broad base of popular support, see Professor Tim Anderson’s “Why Syrians Support Bashar al Assad.”

A handout picture released on July 26, 2015 by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) shows President Bashar al-Assad waving to the crowd following a speech in the capital Damascus. (AFP Photo)

The Reforms

Prior to the events of March 2011 Syrians did have legitimate desires for specific reforms, many of which were implemented from the beginning of the unrest. In fact, President al-Assad made reforms prior to and following March 17, 2011.

Stephen Gowans noted some of those early reforms, including:

  • Canceling the Emergency Law;
  • Amending the the constitution and putting it to a referendum [8.4 million Syrians voted; 7.5 million voted in favour of the constitution];
  • Scheduling, then holding, multi-party parliamentary and presidential elections

The constitution, according to Gowans, “mandated that the government maintain a role in guiding the economy on behalf of Syrian interests, and that the Syrian government would not make Syrians work for the interests of Western banks, oil companies, and other corporations.”

It also included:

  • “security against sickness, disability and old age; access to health care; free education at all levels”
  • a provision “requiring that at minimum half the members of the People’s Assembly are to be drawn from the ranks of peasants and workers.”

Political commentator Jay Tharappel further articulated:

The new constitution introduced a multi-party political system in the sense that the eligibility of political parties to participate isn’t based on the discretionary permission of the Baath party or on reservations, rather on a constitutional criteria….the new constitution forbids political parties that are based on religion, sect or ethnicity, or which are inherently discriminatory towards one’s gender or race. (2012: Art.8)

No surprise that NATO’s exile-Syrian pawns refused the reforms and a constitution which ensures a sovereign Syria secure from the claws of multi-national corporations and Western banks.

In his article, “Decriminalising Bashar – towards a more effective anti-war movement,” writer Carlos Martinez outlined Syria’s positives, including its anti-imperialist, socialist policies; its secularism and multiculturalism; and—poignantly—its continued support for Palestinians and anti-Zionist stance.

These are all points that contradict the lies spewed over the past nearly five years, and shatter the feeble justification for continuing to wage war on Syria.

Twisting the Numbers to Serve the War Agenda

The number and nature of Syrians killed varies depending on which list one consults. Many talking heads draw from one sole source, UK-based SyrianRami Abdulrahman of the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights(SOHR) (run out of his home and based on information provided largely by unnamed “activists”). Abdulrahman hasn’t been to Syria for 15 years, and, as Tony Cartalucci noted, is “a member of the so-called ‘Syrian opposition’ and seeks the ouster of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad.” Further, Cartalucci explained, “Abdul Rahman’s operation is indeed funded by the European Union and a “European country” he refuses to identify.” So not an impartial source.

In her February 2012 “Questioning the Syrian Casualty List“, political analyst Sharmine Narwani laid out the logistical difficulties of collating the number of deaths, including:

  • Different casualty lists and difficulty confirming accuracy of any of them.
  • Lack of information on: how deaths were verified and by whom and from what motivation.
  • Lack of information on the dead: civilian, pro or anti government civilians; armed groups; Syrian security forces?”

She found that one early casualty list included 29 Palestinian refugees “killed by Israeli fire on the Golan Heights on 15 May 2011 and 5 June 2011 when protesters congregated on Syria’s armistice line with Israel.”

Jay Tharappel looked at two of the other prime groups cited regarding casualties in Syria: the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) and the Violations Documentation Center (VDC).

He noted that neither of the groups “are ‘independent’ in the sense that they function merely to provide facts, they’re all open about their agenda to overthrow the Syrian government…and for the imposition of a no-fly zone on behalf of the ‘moderate rebels’, whoever they are.”

Further, according to Tharappel, “the SNHR doesn’t provide any evidence to substantiate its assertions about the numbers killed by government forces. They claim to have ‘documented [victims] by full name, place, and date of death,’ however none of these can be found on their website.”

Regarding the VDC, he wrote, “there are good reasons to believe the VDC is listing dead insurgents as civilians, as well as mislabeling dead government soldiers as FSA fighters.”

One example he cited was the listing of a Jaysh al-Islam militant, ‘Hisham Al-Sheikh Bakri’, killed by the SAA in Douma (infested with Jaysh al-Islam terrorists), in February 2015, which al-Masdar News reported. The VDC alsolisted ‘Hisham Abd al-Aziz al-Shaikh Bakri’, “however this one is listed as an adult male civilian and not a Jaish Al-Islam fighter,” Tharappel wrote.

Even embedded war reporter Nir Rosen, Tharappel recalled, in 2012 wrote:

Every day the opposition gives a death toll, usually without any explanation of the cause of the deaths. Many of those reported killed are in fact dead opposition fighters, but the cause of their death is hidden and they are described in reports as innocent civilians killed by security forces, as if they were all merely protesting or sitting in their homes.

It would be an understatement to say there are considerable, and intentional, inaccuracies in the lists of these groups. In fact, most of the aforementioned groups fail to note what commentators like Paul Larudee did:

The UN estimates 220,000 deaths thus far in the Syrian war. But almost half are Syrian army soldiers or allied local militia fighters, and two thirds are combatants if we count opposition fighters. Either way, the ratio of civilian to military casualties is roughly 1:2, given that the opposition is also inflicting civilian casualties. Compare that to the roughly 3:1 ratio in the US war in Iraq and 4:1 in the Israeli attack on Gaza in 2008-9. (The rate of Palestinian to Israeli casualties was an astronomical 100:1.)

“Leftists” Keeping the Myths Alive

Public figures like Owen Jones, and pro-Palestinian sites like the Middle East Eye and the Electronic Intifada, have a following for their more palatable (and safe) solidarity stance on Palestine, but routinely spew rhetoric against Syria, which is then echoed by their well-intentioned, if very misinformed, followers.

Much of grassroots “Leftists”’ anti-Syria propaganda is as poisonous as corporate media. Routinely, at ostensibly anti-war/anti-Imperialist gatherings, the anti-Syria narrative is predominant.

For example, at the March 2015 World Social Forum in Tunis, some Syria-specific panels spun the fairy tale of “revolutionaries” in Syria, one panel alleging: “The protests in Syria were peaceful for almost six or seven months; 6-7000 unarmed people were killed; only then did ‘rebels’ eventually take up arms.”

Yet, it is known that from the beginning, in Dara’a  and throughout Syria, armed protesters were firing upon, and butchering, security forces and civilians. Tim Anderson’s “Syria: how the violence began, in Daraa” pointed out that police were killed by snipers in the March 17/18 protests; the Syrian army was only brought to Dara’a following the murder of the policemen. Additionally, a storage of protesters’ weapons was found in Dara’a’s al-Omari mosque.

Prem Shankar Jha’s, “Who Fired The First Shot?” described the slaughter of 20 Syrian soldiers outside Dara’a a month later, “by cutting their throats, and cutting off the head of one of the soldiers.” A very “moderate”-rebel practice.

In “Syria: The Hidden Massacre” Sharmine Narwani investigated the early massacres of Syrian soldiers, noting that many of the murders occurred even after the Syrian government had abolished the state security courts, lifted the state of emergency, granted general amnesties, and recognized the right to peaceful protest.

The April 10, 2011 murder of Banyas farmer Nidal Janoud was one of the first horrific murders of Syrian civilians by so-called “unarmed protesters.” Face gashed open, mutilated and bleeding, Janoud was paraded by an armed mob, who then hacked him to death.

Father Frans Van der Ludt—the Dutch priest living in Syria for nearly 5 decades prior to his April 7, 2014 assassination by militants occupying the old city of Homs—wrote (repeatedly) of the “armed demonstrators” he saw in early protests, “who began to shoot at the police first.”

May 2011 video footage of later-resigned Al Jazeera journalist Ali Hashem shows fighters entering Syria from Lebanon, carrying guns and RPGs (Hashem stated he’d likewise seen fighters entering in April). Al Jazeera refused to air the May footage, telling Hashem to ‘forget there are armed men.’ [See: Sharmine Narwani’s “Surprise Video Changes Syria “Timeline””] Unarmed protesters?


The Sectarian Card: Slogans and Massacres

What sectarianism we see in Syria today was delivered primarily by the Wahabi and Muslim Brotherhood (MB) regimes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and by Turkey, with NATO’s blessing and backing. The cross-sect make-up of both the Syrian State and the Syrian army alone speaks of Syria’s intentional secularism, as well as the prevalent refusal of average Syrians to self-identify along sectarian lines.

On the other hand, from the beginning, the West’s “nonviolent protesters” were chanting sectarian slogans, notably, “Christians to Beirut, Alawis to the grave.” Other popular chants included: calling for the extermination of all Alawis; pledging allegiance to Saudi-based extremist Syrian Sheikh Adnan Arour and to extremist MB supporting Egyptian Sheikh, Yusuf al-Qardawi.

Qatar-based Qaradawi advocates killing Syrian civilians: “It is OK to kill one third of the Syrian population if it leads to the toppling of the heretical regime.” The inflammatory Arour said about Syria’s Alawis: “By Allah we shall mince them in meat grinders and feed their flesh to the dogs.”

The NATO alliance’s terrorists have committed numerous massacres of Syrian civilians and soldiers, many of which were intended to sow sectarianism, including:

  • The June 2011 Jisr al Shugour, Idlib, massacre of up to 120 people (soldiers and civilians) by between 500-600 so-called FSA terrorists; blamed on the SAA as having killed “military deserters”. [see Prem Shankar Jha’s  article“Syria – Who fired the first shot?”]
  • The Houla massacre of over 100 civilians on May 25, 2012, which only 2 days later the UN claimed—without an investigation— had been committed by the Syrian Army. [See Tim Anderson’s detailed rebuttal, “The Houla Massacre Revisited: “Official Truth” in the Dirty War on Syria” In the same article, Anderson also looked at the August 2012 Daraya massacre of 245 people and the December 2012 Aqrab massacre of up to 150 villagers.
  • The August 2013 massacre of at least 220 civilians (including a fetus, many children, women, elderly) and kidnapping of at least 100 (mostly women and children) in villages in the Latakia countryside.
  • The December 2013 massacre of at least 80 residents (many “slaughtered like sheep”, decapitated, burned in bakery ovens) in Adra industrial village.
  • The continued terrorist-mortaring of civilian areas and schools; the repeated terrorist-car-bombing of civilian areas and schools. [see: “The Terrorism We Support in Syria: A First-hand Account of the Use of Mortars against Civilians”]

Yet, in spite of outside forces attempts to sow sectarianism in Syria, the vast majority of Syrian people refuse it. Re-visiting Syria in July 2015, Professor Tim Anderson recounted that Latakia alone “has grown from 1.3 million to around 3 million people – they come from all parts, not just Aleppo, also Hama, Deir eZorr, and other areas.” He also visited Sweida, a mainly Druze region, which has accommodated “135,000 families, mainly from Daraa – others from other parts”. Mainly Sunni families.


The Syrian “Civil War”?!

Given that:

  • At least 80,000 terrorists from over 80 countries are fighting as mercenaries in Syria;
  • Israel has repeatedly bombed Syria [examples herehere and here];
  • Israel is treating al-Qaeda terrorists in their hospitals and enabling their transit back and forth into Syria, as well as arming them—even Israeli media have reported that Israel is providing aid to al-Qaeda terrorists; even the UN has reported on Israeli soldiers interacting with Jebhat al-Nusra in the occupied Syrian Golan;
  • Turkey is not only arming and funneling terrorists into Syria but also repeatedly co-attacks Syria;
  • the whole crisis was manufactured in imperialist think tanks years before the 2011 events;

…“Civil war” is the absolute last term that could be used to describe the war on Syria.

In 2002, then-Under Secretary of State John Bolton added Syria (and Libya, Cuba) to the “rogue states” of George W Bush’s “Axis of Evil,”…meaning Syria was on the list of countries to “bring democracy to” (aka destroy) even back then.

Anthony Cartalucci’s “US Planned Syrian Civilian Catastrophe Since 2007” laid out a number of pivotal statements and events regarding not only the war on Syria but also the events which would be falsely-dubbed the “Arab Spring.”

Points include:

  • General Wesley Clark’s revelation of US plans to destroy the governments of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.
  • Seymour Hersh’s 2007 “The Redirection” on NATO and allies’ arming and training of sectarian extremists to create sectarian divide in Lebanon, Syria and beyond.

The 2009 Brookings Institution report, “Which Path to Persia?”, on plans to weaken Syria and Lebanon, to later attack Iran.

Further, Stephen Gowans reported:

  • U.S. funding to the Syrian opposition began flowing under the Bush administration in 2005.
  • Since its founding in October 2011, the Syrian National Council has received $20.4 million from Libya, $15 million from Qatar, $5 million from the UAE.

Former French Minister for Foreign Affairs, Roland Dumas, in a June 2013 TV interview spoke of his meeting (two years prior) with British officials who confessed that:

Britain was organizing an invasion of rebels into Syria. This operation goes way back. It was prepared, preconceived and planned.

More recent evidence of the NATO-alliance plot against Syria includes a June 2012 NY Times article noting the CIA support for “rebels” in Syria, including providing and funneling “automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons” from Turkey to Syria.

The article said:

A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

In October 2014, Serena Shim, a US journalist working for Press TV, was killed in a highly suspicious car crash near Turkey’s border with Syria shortly after reporting she had been threatened by Turkish intelligence. Shim hadpreviously reported she had photos of “militants going in through the Turkish border…I’ve got images of them in World Food Organization trucks.”

Similar statements have been made. For example, testimony of a Turkish driver explaining “how vehicles would be accompanied by MİT agents during the trip, which would start from the Atme camp in Syria and end at the border town of Akçakale in Şanlıurfa Province, where the militants and cargo would reenter Syria.”

In July, 2015, Press TV reported that terrorists caught in Aleppo confessed to receiving training by US and Gulf personnel in Turkey.

As I wrote, “in a November 2014 report, the Secretary-General mentioned the presence of al-Nusra and other terrorists in the ceasefire area ‘unloading weapons from a truck,’ as well as a ‘vehicle with a mounted anti-aircraft gun’ and Israeli ‘interactions’ with ‘armed gangs.’”

Given all of this, and America’s plan to train up to 15,000 more “rebels” over the next three years, it is beyond ridiculous that the inappropriate term “civil war” continues to be propagated.

DA’ESH and Other Moderates

In June, 2015, Anthony Cartalucci wrote about a recently-released 2012 Department of Defense document which admitted that the US foresaw ISIS’ establishing a “Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want….”

He outlined the flow of weapons and terrorists from Libya to Syria, via Turkey, “coordinated by US State Department officials and intelligence agencies in Benghazi – a terrorist hotbed for decades,” as well as weapons from Eastern Europe.

Earlier “moderates” include the Farouq Brigades‘ (of the so-called “FSA”)organ-eating terrorist “Abu Sakkar,” and those numerous “FSA” and al-Nusra militants who committed the massacres listed above, to name but a portion.

“Human Rights” Front Groups Promoting War Rhetoric

Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Avaaz, Moveon, and lesser-known, newly-created groups like The Syria Campaign, The White Helmets, and Action Group for Palestinians in Syria, are complicit in war-propagandizing and even calling for a (Libya 2.0) no-fly-zone bombing campaign of Syria.

On HRW, geopolitical analyst Eric Draitser noted:

Human Rights Watch is undeniably an appendage of US foreign policy. It is in many ways part of the ‘soft power’ arm of US power projection, a means of delegitimizing, demonizing, and otherwise destabilizing countries that do not play ball with the US…

Vigilant Twitter users have called out HRW’s lying Ken Roth for tweeting a photo he claimed to be Aleppo’s destruction from “barrel bombs” but which was, in fact, Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) post-Da’esh attacks and US-coalition bombs. In another outrageous case, Roth tweeted a video of the flattened al-Shuja’iyya neighborhood of Gaza, devastated by Israeli bombing in 2014, purporting it to be Aleppo.

Again, he was called out, forcing a weak retraction. Post-retraction, he tweeted yet another image of destruction, again claiming it to be from “Assad’s barrel bombs” but which was according to the photo bylineHamidiyeh, Aleppo, where “local popular committee fighters, who support the Syrian government forces, try to defend the traditionally Christian district” against ISIS.

On Amnesty International, Anthony Cartalucci wrote:

Amnesty does take money from both governments and corporate-financier interests, one of the most notorious of which, Open Society, is headed by convicted financial criminal George Soros (whose Open Society also funds Human Rights Watch and a myriad of other “human rights” advocates). Suzanne Nossel, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, for instance, was drawn directly from the US State Department…

Highlighting just one instance of AI’s slick maneuvering, Rick Sterling, in hisMay 2015 “Eight Problems with Amnesty’s Report on Aleppo Syria” outed Amnesty for not only normalizing sending weapons to terrorists in Syria but suggesting how to do so in an underhand means.

He emphasized:

This is an amazing statement, effectively sanctioning the supplying of arms to insurgents who agree to follow ‘humanitarian’ rules of war.

Sterling further noted that Amnesty:

  • relied on groups “either based in, or receiving funds from, Turkey, USA or one of the other countries heavily involved in seeking overthrow of the Damascus government.
  • did not seek testimonies from the “two-thirds of the displaced persons in Syria INSIDE Syria…people who fled Aleppo and are now living in Homs, Latakia, Damascus or in Aleppo under government control.”

In “Humanitarians for War on Syria” Sterling elaborated on the intervention campaign:

The goal is to prepare the public for a “No Fly Zone” enforced by US and other military powers. This is how the invasion of Iraq began. This is how the public was prepared for the US/NATO air attack on Libya.

The results of western ‘regime change’ in Iraq and Libya have been disastrous. …Avaaz is ramping up its campaign trying to reach 1 million people signing a petition for a “Safe Zone” in Syria.

Sterling wrote on the  “White Helmets”, “created by the UK and USA in 2013. Civilians from rebel controlled territory were paid to go to Turkey to receive some training in rescue operations. The program was managed by James Le Mesurier, a former British soldier and private contractor…” He noted the ties between WH and anti-Syria actors, including Jabat al-Nusra. One example of their propaganda: “Video of the recent alleged chlorine gas attacks starts with the White Helmet logo and continues with the logo of Nusra. In reality, White Helmets is a small rescue team for Nusra/Al Queda (sic).”

Vanessa Beeley’s “‘White Helmets’: New Breed of Mercenaries and Propagandists, Disguised as ‘Humanitarians’ in Syria” further flushed out the propaganda elements of the WH operation and their parroting of the MSM/HR industry anti-Syrian rhetoric.

The list of “humanitarian” actors is long, and the list of their war-propagating lies even longer. [see: “Human Rights” front groups (“Humanitarian Interventionalists”) warring on Syria]

The Yarmouk Card

A district of Damascus formerly housing over one million residents, of whom 160,000 were Palestinian refugees, according to the UN, the rest Syrians, the plight of Yarmouk neighbourhood has been used by “humanitarian” campaigners to pull at heartstrings and to further confuse supporters of Palestine on the subject of Syria and the State’s treatment of Palestinians. In fact, Syria has been one of Palestine’s greatest advocates and friends, providing Palestinian refugees in Syria with a quality of life equal to that of Syrians, including free education, health care and other social services. The same cannot even remotely be said of any of Palestine’s neighbouring countries, where Palestinian refugees languish in abysmal refugee camps and are denied the right to professional employment, and affordable and quality health care and education, much less dignity.

The United Nations, the HR industry, and the media obfuscate on Yarmouk, ignoring or whitewashing both the presence of various terrorist groups and the role of some Palestinian factions in enabling these groups entry, as well as fighting alongside them against the Syrian government. Talking heads also pointedly ignore the Syrian government-facilitated evacuations of Yarmouk residents to government, community, and UN provided shelters.

They likewise ignore the documented repeated and continuous terrorists attacks on government and other aid distribution within the neighbourhood, as well as on anti-terrorist demonstrations held by Yarmouk residents.

One such demonstration occurred in May 2013, with UK-media Sky News’ Tim Marshall present as demonstrators came under so-called “rebel” fire.

He reported:

…Some screamed at us: “Please tell the world the truth! We don’t want the fighters here, we want the army to kill them!”… About 1,000 people were in the demonstration. …The shooting began almost immediately. A man went down, followed by others. …As they passed us a man stopped and shouted that he was sure the fighters were not Syrians but men paid to come to Damascus and kill people…

In his April 2015 “Who Are the Starving and Besieged Residents of Yarmouk and Why Are They There?” Paul Larudee asked:

Who are the remaining civilians and why are they refusing to evacuate to outside shelter like so many others? Local humanitarian relief supervisors report (personal communication) that some of them are not from Yarmouk and some are not Palestinian. They include the families of Syrian and foreign fighters that are trying to overthrow the Syrian government by force of arms, and some of them came from districts adjacent to Yarmouk, such as the Daesh stronghold of Hajar al-Aswad.

Larudee’s article further addressed the issues of:

  • the Syrian government allowing food aid into the district: “…it has allowed the stockpiling of supplies on the edge of the camp and it has permitted civilians from inside to collect and distribute the aid….”
  • the Syrian military’s siege tactic (combined with evacuation of civilians): “The objective is to remove the civilians from the area as much as possible and then attack the enemy or provoke surrender…”

Analyst Sharmine Narwani observed:

The Syrian government has every right to blockade the border areas between Yarmouk and Damascus to prevent extremist gunmen from entering the capital. I have been in Yarmouk several times, including last year, and have talked to aid workers inside the camp, including UNRWA. The Syrian government, in their view, assists in getting aid and food to refugee populations inside the camp – contrary to western narratives and those activists like the EI activists…most of whom appear not to have set foot inside Yarmouk since the early days of the conflict.

Although the figure of 18,000 remaining Palestinians in Yarmouk may have been accurate in October 2013, today, after the evacuation of thousands, anti-Syria publications continue to cite 18,000. Journalist Lizzie Phelan, who visited Yarmouk in September 2015, says the number remaining is around 4,000.

Most media and HR groups are not reporting that there are Palestinian fightersfighting alongside the SAA, in Yarmouk and other parts of Syria, against the NATO-alliance’s fighters.

Al Masdar News reported in June 2015:

…ISIS originally launched a successful offensive at the Yarmouk Camp District in the month of March; however, after a joint counter-assault by the PFLP-GC, Fatah Al-Intifada, the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA), and members of Aknef Al-Maqdis; ISIS was forced to withdrawal to the southern sector of the district, leaving only the southern axis under their control.

Sharmine Narwani’s “Stealing Palestine: Who dragged Palestinians into Syria’s conflict?” is essential reading, to understand the current situation in Syria vis-a-vis its Palestinian refugees. As for Palestinians themselves, the Syria Solidarity Movement published a statement which emphasized that “more than 1101 Palestinian groups and individuals declare their solidarity with the Syrian people and the Syrian state.” Signatories include Jerusalem’s Archbishop Atallah Hanna, the Palestinian Popular Forum, Yarmouk, and other Palestinian Yarmouk residents.

Serial Chemical Offenders Remain at Large

Israel has on more than one occasion used prohibited chemical and other weapons on the locked-down nearly 2 million Palestinians of Gaza. During the 2008/2009 Israeli massacre of Gaza, the Israeli army rained white phosphorous on schools sheltering displaced Palestinian families, on homes, and on hospitals (of which I gathered video, photo and witness evidence at the time). Israel also used DIME on the Palestinians of Gaza. Yet, Israel remains unpunished, and receives ever increasing billions of dollars and new weaponry every year. Nor has the US ever been held accountable for its widespread criminal use of CW, such as on the people of Vietnam, of Iraq.

The US and HR actors have repeatedly—and without evidence—accused Syria of using Sarin gas, then Chlorine, accusations which have been amply refuted.Seymour Hersh’s probe on the sarin attacks was so damning US mainstream media wouldn’t print it.

In rebuttal to the May 2015 accusation of chlorine attacks — as always followed with human rights groups’ calls for a No-Fly Zone —Stephen Gowans wrote:

As a weapon, chlorine gas is exceedingly ineffective. It is lethal only in highly concentrated doses and where medical treatment is not immediately available. It is far less effective than conventional weapons. Why, then, would the Syrian army use a highly ineffective weapon, which is deplored by world public opinion, and whose use would provide the United States a pretext to directly intervene militarily in Syria, when it has far more effective conventional weapons, which are not deplored by world public opinion, and whose use does not deliver a pretext to Washington to intervene? (See also Gowans’ “New York Times Complicit in Spreading False Syria Allegations”)

Tim Anderson investigated the August 2013 Ghouta attacks, pointing out:

  • UN investigator Carla del Ponte had testimony from victims that ‘rebels’ had used sarin gas in a prior attack
  • Turkish security forces sarin in the homes of Jabhat al Nusra fighters.
  • Evidence of video manipulation in the Ghouta attacks.
  • “Parents identified children in photos as those kidnapped in Latakia, two weeks earlier.”
  • “CW had been supplied by Saudis to ‘rebel’ groups, some locals had died due to mishandling.”
  • “Three of five CW attacks were ‘against soldiers’ or ‘against soldiers and civilians’.”

The Interventionalists have tried repeatedly to accuse the Syrian government of CWs usage; yet the real criminals remain at large.


Against Incitement, For Peace

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Ja’afari, in May, 2015, said that spreading incitement and lies on Syria is a blatant violation of UN Security Council (UNSC) Resolution No. 1624 for 2005 and of journalism ethics if any, SANA reported.

Syrian media, which attempts to report the reality of Syria under attack, has been repeatedly targeted, something the MSM refuses to acknowledge (See:Media Black-Out on Arab Journalists and Civilians Beheaded in Syria by Western-Backed Mercenaries).

As the NATO-alliance pushes for a “safe zone”…meaning a “no-fly zone” for the purpose of bombing Syria, anti-war activists and journalists must denounce the lies of anti-Syria governments and “human rights” groups, and must share the truth of Syria’s war against terrorism.


Since drafting this lengthy Syria-101 overview, there have been major shifts in Syria’s war against foreign-backed terrorism, namely Russia’s recent airstrikes against Da’esh and co. This increase in Russian support for Syria—with Russian planes destroying more Da’esh and other western-backed terrorists and their training camps in just a few days than the US coalition has over the past year—is a turning point in the war on Syria. Predictably, corporate media are pulling all the stops to demonize Russia‘s involvement, although Russia was invited by the Syrian government to do precisely what it is doing.

Those following Syria closely have echoed what Syrian leadership has said for years and continues to say: the way to stop ISIS and all its brethren terrorist factions, and to bring security to the region, is to cease arming, financing, training and funneling terrorists and weapons into Syria, silence the sectarian indoctrination coming from Gulf extremist sheikhs, and support the Syrian army and allies in their fight for security and stability in Syria.

Eva Bartlett is a Canadian freelance journalist and activist who has lived in and written from the Gaza Strip, Syria, and Lebanon. Follow her work on her blog ingaza.wordpress.com.


Eva Bartlett - DissidentVoice
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