Hezbollah Sees Int’l Guarantee as Nothing, Permanent Armament is Inevitable: Sayyed Safieddine

February 20, 2024

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Head of Hezbollah Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine stressed that the only guarantee of Lebanon’s safety and security in face of the enemies’ threats and wicked schemes is the Resistance weaponry.

Addressing a ceremony held at Al-Mujatab Complex in Beirut’s Dahiyeh to commemorate the martyr all the way to Al-Quds Mohammad Baqer Bassam, Sayyed Safieddine emphasized that the Lebanese must be sure that the Resistance will certainly assume its responsibilities and empower the nation.

Martyr Mohammad Baqer Hassan Bassam

Hezbollah official noted that war on Gaza underlines the importance of the permanent armament and self-reliance in order to confront any aggression, defend the borders and liberate the occupied territories.

Sayyed Safieddine underscored that Hezbollah sees the international guarantees offered by the foreign envoys and embassies as nothing, adding that such guarantees have neither liberated Lebanon’s occupied territories nor protected the Gazans from the Zionist brutality.

In the same context, Head of “Loyalty to Resistance” parliamentary bloc Hajj Mohammad Raad stressed that the Resistance has sacrificed around 200 martyrs, yet protect the whole nation.

Addressing a ceremony held in South Lebanon to commemorate the martyr all the way to Al-Quds Abbas Ali Mahdi, MP Raad stressed that the Resistance will the defeat the enemy and frustrate its schemes.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Raad: ‘Israel’ genocide major blow to bid for legitimacy – Exclusive

4 Dec 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

Lebanese MP Mohammad Raad during an interview with Al Mayadeen, which aired on Monday, 4 December 2023 (Screengrab)

By Al Mayadeen English

The Israeli occupation’s own acts of genocide, Lebanese MP Mohammad Raad told Al Mayadeen, are a major blow to its own efforts for legitimacy and normalization.

The Israeli occupation’s genocide of women and children and its destruction of residential neighborhoods, schools, and hospitals without any pretexts revealed its real image, that of brutality and expansionism, Lebanese MP Mohammad Raad told Al Mayadeen on Monday.

The Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc MP talked to Al Mayadeen about the Israeli occupation’s criminality and the martyrdom of his son, Abbas “Siraj” Raad, who ascended after an Israeli airstrike targeted a home in southern Lebanon on November 23.

The ongoing genocide, Raad stressed, nullified all the Israeli efforts that have been taking place for decades in a bid to garner legitimacy and international recognition.

“The Israeli entity has exposed itself and shown its truth that nullifies all legitimacy. It has proven morally unacceptable in the hearts of the people as it did yesterday, as it does today, and as it will tomorrow,” he said.

Talking about the Resistance, on the other hand, Raad said: “I take pride in the path of resistance in which we were raised, and raised our children in; this approach that constantly reflects an abandonment of selfishness and self-interest to the benefit of dedication and sacrifice for the common good and the public conciseness.”

“There is no greater act of generosity than martyrdom. Martyrs sacrifice their lives for others, the homeland, the people, dignity, and human values,” Raad said.

“When a martyr is raised in your home and is a member of your family, that is all he is before martyrdom. After martyrdom, he becomes a son of the Ummah, that of the homeland and all people,” the Lebanese MP said.

The father of martyr Siraj stressed that any family member ascending to martyrdom brings the entire family a sense of pride and holds them responsible in the sense that they need to achieve the martyr’s goals because they are owed that due to their great sacrifice.

“The martyr is called a ‘martyr’ because he was striving for the sake of Allah, for the honor and benefit of others,” he explained.

The martyrs of Gaza, Raad underlined, “Are a plea to humanity, a plea to the entire political world, a plea to all oppressive authorities and governments, whether neglectful of or exploiting the interests of their people.”

“What is happening in Gaza is a massacre that is being watched by the world, and they may be afflicted with a great humiliation due to their abandonment of our people in Gaza,” he added.

Siraj’s martyrdom

MP Mohammad Raad recounted how he received the news of his son’s martyrdom. He mentioned that he was in a work session around midnight when the news of Siraj’s martyrdom reached Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, the head of Hezbollah’s executive council. However, he himself had not known of Raad’s fate at the time.

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Sayyed Safieddine told Raad, “I want to tell you now before we leave the session… We received news that a certain point in the area of Beit Yahoun was attacked. Reports indicate that your son is present in this area.”

Raad replied to Sayyed Safieddine, “We pray that Allah is satisfied and may he accept [our offering]. If he has earned martyrdom, may he bask in its bliss. And if we are blessed in this regard, then we, by the will of Allah, consider him a martyr for Allah’s sake.

After that, communications about Siraj’s fate gradually unfolded. “When the news of Abbas’s martyrdom was confirmed, I went to deal with my martyred son as I used to deal with all my martyred children when I heard the news of their martyrdom and checked on them in the hospital before they were prepared for the funeral.”

Siraj, he said of his son, was “brave and determined, relying on his Lord, proud of his leadership, and is committed to the leadership by obeying it and following its directives.

He “greatly loved His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and he was an admirer of martyred commander Qassem Soleimani to the extent that he named his child, who is now only four months old, Soleimani.”

Following his son’s martyrdom, “Sayyed Nasrallah was among the first few to offer his congratulations,” Raad said, adding that he told the Secretary-General that this was due to his efforts in raising the Lebanese people on the path of Resistance.

“I consoled myself with his son, martyr Hadi Nasrallah. I had previously said that we can all learn from His Eminence how to be patient parents and how to maintain our foothold on the path of righteousness and that of Resistance, adoring it so much so that we decide to offer all that we have to achieve its goals,” Raad stressed.

“I feel that it is a great divine blessing for all the Lebanese and for the Resistance fighters in Lebanon and the Arab region that Sayyed Nasrallah is a pillar of the leadership of the Axis of Resistance in this world.”

Going back to his son, Raad said he had last seen Siraj six days ahead of his martyrdom. He said he was not involved whatsoever in his son’s Resistance work and did not inquire about the details of his work as they are not of his concern. He said he never asked, and his son never told him any details about the work he had undertaken throughout his career of freedom fighting and Resistance.

Siraj’s mother and wife

MP Raad underlined that his family was “indebted to the sincere and pure religious commitment present in the heart of his wife and Siraj’s mother,” as she has been keen on ensuring that everyone in the family performed their religious rites and abandoned all that is sinful, “which nurtured the family’s faith and Resistance.”

Raad also expressed his pride in the martyr’s wife, who “endured her husband’s long absence from home, taking care of the children and their schools and health. She took great care of them and fulfilled her duty by performing her children’s rights. She was highly responsible and affectionate.”

“We ask Allah almighty to accept our offerings and grant us more strength and determination to be able to continue down this path,” Raad said, stressing that he and his family were prepared to offer everything they have for the sake of Allah.

Touching on local policy-making, Raad said his parliamentary bloc, the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc, was prepared to partake in any talks that serve Lebanon’s interests and those that serve “the interests of our Ummah and all that is righteous and just in this time.”

At the conclusion of his interview, Raad thanked Al Mayadeen and all of its staff, offering his congratulations on the martyrdom of Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent, Farah Omar, and cameraman, Rabih Me’mari, as well as civilian Hussein Akil, all of whom were martyred by Israeli aggression on southern Lebanon despite them being there on duty as journalists.

He said they were killed while they were “on a mission to reveal the truth that frightens the Israeli enemy to the public opinion because it exposes its racism, brutality, and aggression.”

Interview with | Muhammad Raad – Head of the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc | 2023-12-04

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تصعيد كمّي ونوعي للمقاومة عشية «يوم نصرالله»

 الجمعة 3 تشرين الثاني 2023



عشية الخطاب الذي يلقيه الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله اليوم، أكّد رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في حزب الله السيد هاشم صفي الدين «أننا غداً (اليوم) سنكون مع الكلام الفصل وسنستمع إلى الكلمة التي تحدّد المسار والمستقبل»، معتبراً أن «التصدي البطولي للمقاومين يؤكّد أن لا تخليَ عن قرار المقاومة والعدو سيرى في المستقبل ما يؤكد هذه الحقيقة». فيما شهدت جبهة الجنوب الممتدّة من رأس الناقورة غرباً إلى مزارع شبعا اللبنانية المحتلة، أمس، تصعيداً لافتاً لعمليات المقاومة ضد مواقع جيش العدو، كماً ونوعاً، وَراوحت بين إطلاق صواريخ موجّهة وصواريخ أرض – جو، وصولاً إلى دكّ المستوطنات الإسرائيلية بين كريات شمونة (3 كلم عن الحدود) وصفد (15 كلم). واستخدمت المقاومة للمرة الأولى مُسيّرتين هجوميتين ضد ثكنة لجيش الاحتلال في مزارع شبعا. ودّلت عشوائية الردود الإسرائيلية التي أتت على شكل غارات واستهدافات متنوعة، على حجم التوتر حيال شمولية الهجمات وتنوّع أهدافها وتعدد فصائل المقاومة المشاركة فيها.

ولفت صفي الدين، خلال افتتاح معرض «أرضي» في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، إلى أنّ «وقف المجازر في غزة وإنهاء القتل هما السبيل الوحيد لبدء معالجات حقيقية»، مؤكداً أنّ «النتيجة الحتمية هي أنّ أهداف جو بايدن وبنيامين نتنياهو لن تتحقق». وأكّد أنّ «غزة لا تُسحق حتى لو جاءت كل أساطيل العالم، ولو دمّروا ما دمّروا، ستبقى المقاومة بعد كل هذه المجازر». وقال إن «هذا العدو لا يستحق إلا القتل وأن يُواجه بقوة الحق والدفاع»، و«القرار الحقيقي اتّخذه أهل غزة وهو قرار قوي وثابت بأنهم لن يتخلوا عن المقاومة».
ميدانياً، طاولت عمليات المقاومة مواقع الاحتلال ومستوطناته من كفرشوبا شرقاً مروراً بشبعا وكفركلا، وصولاً إلى رأس الناقورة غرباً. وبدأت المقاومة، منذ الواحدة بعد منتصف ليل الخميس – الجمعة، عملياتها النوعية باستهداف طائرة مُسيّرة للعدو الإسرائيلي بصاروخ أرض – جو، ما أدى إلى تحطمها في أجواء قريتَي المالكية وهونين. وأعلن حزب الله استهداف ‏منظومة التجسّس في موقع العباد «وإصابتها إصابة مباشرة».‏ كما هاجم المقاومون مقر قيادة كتيبة الاحتلال ‏في ثكنة زبدين في مزارع شبعا المحتلة بواسطة مُسيّرتين انقضاضيتين هجوميتين مليئتين بكمية ‏كبيرة من المتفجّرات، و«أصابتا أهدافهما بدقّة عالية داخل الثكنة»، ما شكّل ارتقاءً من قبل المقاومة في استخدام الأسلحة والتكتيكات الجديدة في المواجهة مع العدو.

وبالتزامن، هاجم المقاومون، بالصواريخ الموجّهة والقذائف ‏المدفعية والأسلحة المباشرة، في وقتٍ واحد عند الساعة 3:30 عصراً، 19 موقعاً ونقطة عسكرية للعدو في المرج والمالكية وجل الدير ورأس الناقورة البحري وخربة زرعيت والضهيرة‏ والنقاط 12 و13 و14 و16 بين الموقع البحري وجل العلام، والنقطة 59 مقابل موقع الضهيرة، والنقطتين 62 و67 مقابل حدب البستان، والنقاط 89 و90 و91 بين مرتفع أبو دجاج وخربة زرعيت، والنقاط 394 و395 و396 مقابل بلدة هونين المحتلة. وبهذا تكون عمليات حزب الله قد غطّت كامل المنطقة في القطاعات الأوسط والشرقي والغربي في وقت واحد.

الرقابة العسكرية الاسرائيلية تحظر نقل خطاب الأمين العام لحزب الله

وفي السياق التصاعدي ذاته، أعلنت «كتائب القسام – لبنان» قصف مستوطنة كريات شمونة ومحيطها في شمال فلسطين المحتلة بـ12 صاروخاً. وأقرّت وسائل الإعلام العبرية بسقوط عدة إصابات وُصفت بعضها بالمتوسطة، فيما أظهرت مشاهد مصوّرة اندلاع حرائق وآثار دمار كبير في ثلاثة أهداف متفرقة في المستوطنة.
ووسّع العدو الإسرائيلي دائرة استهدافه لتطاول قذائف مدفعيته المنازل السكنية في أكثر من منطقة حدودية لبنانية. فأصيبت عدة منازل بقصف مدفعي معادٍ على أطراف بلدة الخيام، كما اندلع حريق في منطقة السهل. واستهدفت مُسيّرة معادية بثلاثة صواريخ حرجاً للصنوبر في تل النحاس. كما طاول القصف الإسرائيلي أطراف بلدة كفرشوبا، فيما شنّ العدو غارات جوية إضافة إلى القصف المدفعي على أطراف بلدات حدودية عدّة في القطاع الغربي، وأطراف مارون الرأس وعيترون وخراج بلدة مركبا، إضافة إلى خراج بلدتَي الخيام وحولا.
واكتملت أمس التحضيرات للاحتفال التكريمي اليوم لـ«الشهداء على طريق القدس»، والذي يقام في الوقت نفسه في باحة عاشوراء في الضاحية الجنوبية، وحسينية مدينة النبطية، وحسينية بلدة دير قانون النهر، وحسينية مقام السيدة خولة في بعلبك. وتزيّنت المنصة الرئيسية في باحة عاشوراء حيث سيطل السيد نصرالله عبر شاشة عملاقة بشعارات تؤكد وجهة البوصلة نحو فلسطين مثل مع شعار مركزي يؤكد أن «العالم المقبل هو عالم فلسطين».

تصعيد كمّي ونوعي للمقاومة عشية «يوم نصرالله»

  • سياسة
  •  الأخبار
  •  الجمعة 3 تشرين الثاني 2023
تصعيد كمّي ونوعي للمقاومة عشية «يوم نصرالله»
(هيثم الموسوي)

عشية الخطاب الذي يلقيه الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله اليوم، أكّد رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في حزب الله السيد هاشم صفي الدين «أننا غداً (اليوم) سنكون مع الكلام الفصل وسنستمع إلى الكلمة التي تحدّد المسار والمستقبل»، معتبراً أن «التصدي البطولي للمقاومين يؤكّد أن لا تخليَ عن قرار المقاومة والعدو سيرى في المستقبل ما يؤكد هذه الحقيقة». فيما شهدت جبهة الجنوب الممتدّة من رأس الناقورة غرباً إلى مزارع شبعا اللبنانية المحتلة، أمس، تصعيداً لافتاً لعمليات المقاومة ضد مواقع جيش العدو، كماً ونوعاً، وَراوحت بين إطلاق صواريخ موجّهة وصواريخ أرض – جو، وصولاً إلى دكّ المستوطنات الإسرائيلية بين كريات شمونة (3 كلم عن الحدود) وصفد (15 كلم). واستخدمت المقاومة للمرة الأولى مُسيّرتين هجوميتين ضد ثكنة لجيش الاحتلال في مزارع شبعا. ودّلت عشوائية الردود الإسرائيلية التي أتت على شكل غارات واستهدافات متنوعة، على حجم التوتر حيال شمولية الهجمات وتنوّع أهدافها وتعدد فصائل المقاومة المشاركة فيها.

ولفت صفي الدين، خلال افتتاح معرض «أرضي» في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، إلى أنّ «وقف المجازر في غزة وإنهاء القتل هما السبيل الوحيد لبدء معالجات حقيقية»، مؤكداً أنّ «النتيجة الحتمية هي أنّ أهداف جو بايدن وبنيامين نتنياهو لن تتحقق». وأكّد أنّ «غزة لا تُسحق حتى لو جاءت كل أساطيل العالم، ولو دمّروا ما دمّروا، ستبقى المقاومة بعد كل هذه المجازر». وقال إن «هذا العدو لا يستحق إلا القتل وأن يُواجه بقوة الحق والدفاع»، و«القرار الحقيقي اتّخذه أهل غزة وهو قرار قوي وثابت بأنهم لن يتخلوا عن المقاومة».
ميدانياً، طاولت عمليات المقاومة مواقع الاحتلال ومستوطناته من كفرشوبا شرقاً مروراً بشبعا وكفركلا، وصولاً إلى رأس الناقورة غرباً. وبدأت المقاومة، منذ الواحدة بعد منتصف ليل الخميس – الجمعة، عملياتها النوعية باستهداف طائرة مُسيّرة للعدو الإسرائيلي بصاروخ أرض – جو، ما أدى إلى تحطمها في أجواء قريتَي المالكية وهونين. وأعلن حزب الله استهداف ‏منظومة التجسّس في موقع العباد «وإصابتها إصابة مباشرة».‏ كما هاجم المقاومون مقر قيادة كتيبة الاحتلال ‏في ثكنة زبدين في مزارع شبعا المحتلة بواسطة مُسيّرتين انقضاضيتين هجوميتين مليئتين بكمية ‏كبيرة من المتفجّرات، و«أصابتا أهدافهما بدقّة عالية داخل الثكنة»، ما شكّل ارتقاءً من قبل المقاومة في استخدام الأسلحة والتكتيكات الجديدة في المواجهة مع العدو.

وبالتزامن، هاجم المقاومون، بالصواريخ الموجّهة والقذائف ‏المدفعية والأسلحة المباشرة، في وقتٍ واحد عند الساعة 3:30 عصراً، 19 موقعاً ونقطة عسكرية للعدو في المرج والمالكية وجل الدير ورأس الناقورة البحري وخربة زرعيت والضهيرة‏ والنقاط 12 و13 و14 و16 بين الموقع البحري وجل العلام، والنقطة 59 مقابل موقع الضهيرة، والنقطتين 62 و67 مقابل حدب البستان، والنقاط 89 و90 و91 بين مرتفع أبو دجاج وخربة زرعيت، والنقاط 394 و395 و396 مقابل بلدة هونين المحتلة. وبهذا تكون عمليات حزب الله قد غطّت كامل المنطقة في القطاعات الأوسط والشرقي والغربي في وقت واحد.

الرقابة العسكرية الاسرائيلية تحظر نقل خطاب الأمين العام لحزب الله

الترقّب لموقف نصرالله من العدوان الإسرائيلي وصل إلى واشنطن، إذ قال المتحدث باسم مجلس الأمن القومي الأميركي جون كيربي: «إننا سننتظر ما سيقوله الأمين العام لحزب الله غداً (اليوم) ورسالتنا له ولأي جانب آخر بأن عليه ألا يوسّع الصراع». فيما غابت التعليقات الإسرائيلية أمس حول خطاب نصرالله واتفقت وسائل الإعلام الإسرائيلية على عدم نقل خطاب نصر الله اليوم بناء على طلب الرقابة العسكرية، تولّى الإعلام الأميركي بثّ ما يمكن تسميته «معادلة» في وجه ما يمكن أن يحمله الخطاب من مواقف تصعيدية تصبّ في اتجاه تسخين الجبهة الشمالية، إذ نقلت شبكة «سي أن أن» عن مسؤول أميركي لم تسمّه، قوله إن «إيران تدرك أنه من المرجّح تعرّضها لهجمات مباشرة ومدمّرة إذا صعّد حزب الله مع إسرائيل أو واشنطن». كما نقلت الشبكة عن مسؤولين أميركيين أن «هناك قلقاً عميقاً من أن عدم وجود سيطرة إيرانية كاملة على حزب الله قد يدفع الحزب للتصعيد».
إلى ذلك، أعلن حزب الله أمس «ارتقاء ستة شهداء على طريق القدس»، هم علي رامز حمزة (الجميجمة – الجنوب) وهشام محمد إسماعيل (ميس الجبل – الجنوب) وعلي عباس ملحم (مجدل سلم – الجنوب) ومحسن رضا عياش (حاروف – الجنوب) وعلي كاظم فتوني (الصوانة – الجنوب) وحسين وليد ذيب (شقرا – الجنوب).

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صفي الدين: سنكون حاضرين في كلّ جبهة بصواريخنا وسلاحنا

   السبت 21 تشرين الأول 2023

وأشار، خلال احتفال تكريمي أقامه حزب الله للشهداء مهدي محمد عطوي، حسين عباس فصاعي وابراهيم حبيب الدبق في كونين، أن «ما يحصل في غزة اليوم له ارتباط بكل قضايا أمتنا الأساسية، وبالقدس والمقدسات، وبكل قضية فلسطين، وبكل مواجهتنا مع هذا العدو المتغطرس على مستوى لبنان وكل المنطقة».

ولفت صفي الدين إلى أنّ «العالم كله يعلم اليوم أن ما يفعله الصهاينة في أطفال وشيوخ ونساء غزة إضافة إلى هذا الدمار فيها، هو فعل أميركي وأوروبي، وبالتالي، فإن كل زعيم دولي جاء إلى الكيان الغاصب ليؤيّد ويدعم وليشد على عضد هؤلاء الصهاينة، هو شريك في هذه الدماء والمجازر».

أكد رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في حزب الله، السيد هاشم صفي الدين، أنّ «مجازر غزة ستزيد من الشعوب الإسلامية والعربية تمسكًا وقناعة بالمقاومة، وستزيد المقاومين تمسكًا وقناعة واعتقادًا بصوابية ما ذهبوا إليه في المقاومة، وسيزيدنا جميعًا قناعة واعتقادًا ثابتًا راسخًا أنّ مع هذه العصابات الأميركية والأوروبية والإسرائيلية لا ينفع إلاّ لغة المقاومة والسلاح والصواريخ، ولذا سوف نكون حاضرين في كل جبهة بصواريخنا وسلاحنا».

وقال إنّ «ما حصل ويحصل في غزة يوصلنا إلى عدة نتائج، أحدها، أن أميركا ومعظم الدول الأوروبية والغربية مع أميركا، هي ليست دولًا، وجيوشها ليست جيوشًا لدول كما يقولون، وإنما هؤلاء عصابات ومافيا قتل وتجار دماء، وأميركا حقيقتها عصابة، والدول الأوروبية التي تحمي الكيان الصهيوني وتساهم في قتل الأطفال، هم عصابات وليسوا دولًا، ولا يجوز أن يتم التعاطي مع هذه الدول أنها دولًا حقيقية تؤمن بقوانين ومعايير إنسانية أو دولية أو تدافع عن حقوق الإنسان أو أي شيء من هذا النوع».

وشدد على أنّ «الذي يُساهم في قتل أطفال غزة على مرأى من كل العالم دون أن تتحرك مشاعره على الإطلاق، ليسوا أسوياء على المستوى الإنساني، وهم من الطغاة والجبابرة ومن الذين قتلت المشاعر الإنسانية في قلوبهم، ولذا ليس مسموحًا لأحد بعد الآن أن يأتي إلى بلداننا أو لأي سفارة غربية أو أميركية لتقدّم النصائح وفق معاييرها الخاصة على مستوى حقوق الإنسان والمطالب المختلفة التي يتحدثون بها ليلًا نهارًا».

وقال إنّ «الجواب الذي يجب أن يكون اليوم لكل الأميركيين والغربيين والصهاينة، هو أن المقاومين في بلدنا ومنطقتنا، متمسكون بسلاحهم وبمقاومتهم، وجاهزون دائمًا على خط المقاومة والجهاد والسلاح إلى آخر الطريق».

وأكد صفي الدين أنّ «كل ما يفعله وما سيفعله الأميركي والإسرائيلي ومن ومعهما مع الشعب الفلسطيني سواء في غزة أو في الضفة التي تنتفض اليوم، أو على مستوى التهديدات للمقاومين على امتداد منطقتنا، سوف يذهب مع الرياح».

وأضاف: «إذا كان الأميركي يستعجل الامتحانات والابتلاءات والتحديات، فعليه أن يعلم أنّ في أمتنا أبطالًا ومقاومين نفضوا غبار الذل وتاريخ المذلة عن أمتهم، وهم جاهزون في الميدان وكل مكان».

مقالات ذات صلة

Hezbollah Secretary General Reiterates Support to Franjiyeh for Presidency during Meeting with Maronite Patriarch’s Delegate

 June 4, 2023

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah

In a statement issued late Sunday, Bkirki’s media office disclosed that on Saturday, Maronite Patriarch Beshara Al-Rahi, commissioned Archbishop Boulos Abdel-Sater of Beirut to meet with Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah within the framework of the consultations and contacts that the Patriarch has initiated with all Lebanese parties, in order to facilitate the presidential elections.

Well-informed sources told Al-Manar that Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated during the meeting with Abdel-Sater support to the candidacy of Head of Marada Movement Sleiman Franjiyeh and underlined the importance of holding a national dialogue in order to enhance the presidential elections.

MP Michel Moawwad

MP Michel Moawad announced, during a press conference on the same day, that he has withdrawn his candidacy for the presidency, saying: “I decided to contribute to reaching this intersection that led to the nomination of Jihad Azour, and we shall relentlessly continue our battle.”

Meanwhile, Head of Free Patriotic Movement Gebran Bassil announced that his parliamentary bloc would vote for Jihad Azour in the presidential elections. A number of the NGOs deputies also voiced support to Azour

MP Gebran Bassil

The total number of MPs who have announced support to Azour has become 32.

On the other hand, Head of Hezbollah Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine stressed that the personal motives and egocentricity play a vital role in identifying the directions of the nominations.

Head of Hezbollah Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine

Member of Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc MP Hasan Fadlallah stressed that the confrontational candidate being nominated would not reach Baabda Palace.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Live News

Local, International Circumstances Paving Frangiyeh Way to Baabda Palace: Breakthrough Closer

 April 24, 2023

Head of Marada Movement Suleiman Frangiyeh

Mohammad Salami

The Lebanese political deadlock, represented by the presidential vacuum and the absence of the effective government as well as their repercussions and reverberations, may witness an imminent breakthrough in accordance with the given reports.

Since the end of the term of president Michel Aoun on October 31, 2022, the Lebanese parliament has failed to elect a new president due to the insistence of some blocs on voting for confrontational candidates away from the national consensus.

Baabda Palace

However, the national duo-Hezbollah and Amal Movement- announced clearly their support to Head of Marada Movement Suleiman Frangiyeh for presidency. This nomination has formed a serious endeavor to end the presidential vacuum due to Frangiyeh’s down-to-earth and moderate character, on one hand, and frustrated the other blocs attempts to push the Lebanese politics into chaos.

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem indicated on Sunday, April 24, that Frangiyeh has secured a balancing number of votes amid the failure of the so-called opposition blocs to agree on one candidate. His eminence urged the various blocs to support the serious candidate who has secured the highest number of votes.

For his part, Head of Hezbollah Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine warned against the procrastination in approving and implementing a salvation plan, stressing that what is offered to the other team may not be offered later.

Sayyed Hashem Safieddine during interview with Al-Manar (August 14, 2022).

Meanwhile, it was remarkable how KSA’s state-run newspaper, Asharq Al-Awsat reported senior sources in the French capital Paris as saying that France is still insisting on supporting Frangiyeh for presidency and Nawwaf Salam for premiership and that Paris rejects any other suggestion in this regard.

It is worth noting that Paris hosted Frangiyeh and other Lebanese politicians in the context of its endeavor to help the Lebanese parties reach a political deal in coordination with Saudi Arabia.

Over those updates, the Lebanese Forces militia’s chief Samir Geagea appeared grim and disappointed in a televised interview. Geagea failed to present any plausible reason for rejecting the nomination of Frangiyeh, disregarding all the local and foreign updates pertaining the presidential elections.

Head of Marada Movement Suleiman Frangieh

Accordingly, Head of Marada Movement is scheduled to have a televised appearance during the few coming days in order to announce his presidential program amid the ongoing crises plaguing Lebanon.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Sayyed Safieddine: Axis of Resistance Has Unified Capabilities to Engage in Major Confrontation with ‘Israel’

 April 12, 2023

Head of Hezbollah Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine

Head of Hezbollah Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine stressed on Wednesday that the axis of resistance has unified its capabilities to engage in the major confrontation with the Israeli enemy.

Addressing “Al-Quds Shield” conference in Beirut, Sayyed Safieddine emphasized that the target is the demise of ‘Isael’ whose officials, consequently, started reflecting pessimism and losing temper.

His eminence indicated that the rulers’ policies have driven people away from the resistance project, adding that this allowed the Israeli enemy to exercise oppression without any limit.

Sayyed Safieddine warned Netanyahu that all the components of the axis of resistance would respond to any Israeli folly.

Sayyed Safieddine said, “As the West Bank is the Shield of al-Quds, we, all the resistance fighters, are the shield of the West Bank, al-Quds, and our people in Palestine and the Ummah to eradicate this entity.”

Sayyed Safieddine highlighted the role of the Islamic Republic since the Revolution emerged victorious in 1979 in supporting the Palestinian cause and shaking the pillars of the occupation entity despite all the high costs.

Sayyed Safieddine indicated that Imam Khomeni set Al-Quds International Day as being for all Muslims and free people across the world, not just the Palestinians.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Lebanon Badly Needs Resistance amid Wobbly Situation: Sayyed Safieddine (Video)

March 31, 2023

Head of Hezbollah Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine

Head of Hezbollah Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine indicated that the sectarian rhetoric leads to nothing but frustration of its users, adding that those who reject dialogue contribute to the deterioration of the crisis.

During his Friday Sermon in Beirut’s Dahiyeh, Sayyed Safieddine stressed that the Islamic Resistance will keep standing by its supporters to face the harsh economic conditions.

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Hezbollah: US sanctions nothing less than war as civilians, infrastructures targeted

Sunday, 19 February 2023 9:03 AM  [ Last Update: Sunday, 19 February 2023 9:22 AM ]

Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, head of the Executive Council of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement

A high-ranking official with Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has slammed the illegal sanctions imposed by the United States on the countries that are opposed to Washington’s policies, saying the restrictive measures are a “crime” with the same destructive effects of a “military operation.”

Speaking in Beqaa province, head of Hezbollah Executive Council, Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, stressed that the US bans are aimed at killing people and bringing about destruction.

“The US sanctions slapped on Lebanon and other countries that are not aligned with Washington are a crime not less than a military operation, because the objective is to kill people and bring about destruction and devastation,” he noted.

Safieddine further criticized the Lebanese who offer giving up to the US, saying such proposals cannot set the Arab country free from its problems.

“This approach can neither resolve the presidential case nor help the economy. The solution lies in lifting the US sanctions against Lebanon.” 

Lebanon has been without a president since last October, when Michel Aoun’s mandate expired. A caretaker cabinet with limited capabilities has been overseeing the government’s responsibilities in the Middle Eastern country.

Also in his remarks, the Hezbollah official noted that the Lebanese resistance will counter the sanctions through the programs, which the Americans are well aware of.

“The main goal of Hezbollah is to protect human dignity and raise its status… Hezbollah has mobilized all its capabilities for the nation and does not stop serving the people even for a moment.”

Lebanon is contending with its worst financial and economic crisis since its 1975-90 civil war. The Lebanese currency has lost more than 90 percent of its value since fall 2019 and the prices of basic goods have skyrocketed.

The US has exacerbated the woes by putting Lebanon under siege and adopting the so-called Caesar Act, which has hindered the Arab country’s economic cooperation with its neighbors.

Creditors under the US influence such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have conditioned the release of billions of dollars in emergency loans to specific reforms

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First Hezbollah aid convoy arrives in Latakia, Syria

Feb 13, 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen Net + Agencies

By Al Mayadeen English 

A convoy of 23 aid trucks sent by the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance group arrive in Latakia, Syria.

First Hezbollah aid convoy arrives in Latakia. February 13, 2023. (AFP)

Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent in Latakia reported on Monday the arrival of the first aid convoy sent by Hezbollah, Rouhama, to help the Syrian people after the catastrophic earthquake. 

The head of the ​​convoy said that there are 23 trucks packed with food, medical supplies, and equipment for those affected by the earthquake. 

The official indicated that the convoy that arrived today will be followed by others soon.

Yesterday, the head of the Hezbollah Executive Council, Hashim Safi Al-Din, announced sending the first batch of aid to Latakia, to be followed by other convoys to Aleppo and other Syrian regions.

Safi Al-Din said, “The affected people need all the help they can get, and Syria has always stood by Lebanon in its ordeals,” He also pledged to the Syrian people to “always stand by them, and with them in this disastrous challenge.”

The Hezbollah official further stressed that “the West revealed the culture to which it belongs, and confirmed that it perpetuates false slogans in defending human rights.”

Hezbollah sends aid convoys to quake-hit Syria

Hezbollah, on February 8, revealed that it was preparing convoys of humanitarian aid to earthquake-affected areas in Syria, in light of the catastrophic earthquake that struck the Arab country amid the inhumane Western sanctions.

Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem, told Lebanon’s Al-Manar television channel that countries around the world must rush to send rescue workers, equipment, and aid to earthquake victims.

Qassem offered his condolences to Syria and the Syrian government, announcing that Hezbollah has dispatched convoys of humanitarian aid to quake-hit areas. 

He argued that US sanctions, backed by most Arab countries, are hindering relief and rescue operations, adding that the coercive measures violate fundamental humanitarian principles.

The top Hezbollah official emphasized that the West must understand that Syrians are united in their fight against Takfiri militant groups. He also emphasized that Hezbollah is standing by Syria and Turkey in the aftermath of the tragic incident.

Hezbollah defies US and Israel over Karish gas field

Officials from the resistance movement are keeping up their warnings of retaliation if Israel moves to take Lebanon’s resources

August 15 2022

(Photo credit: Getty Images)

ByNews Desk 

Late on 14 August, the head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, Hashem Safieddine, cautioned that the resistance will confront US and Israeli attempts to steal Lebanon’s natural resources.

“We will continue working to thwart the American and Israeli malign projects that target our country and our region, and we know exactly how to confront and thwart these projects through our experience, our resistance, and our trust in the Lord,” Safieddine said during a ceremony in South Lebanon.

“If we remain steadfast, neither the Americans, nor the Israelis, nor all the money from the Arabs and the Gulf will be able to do anything,” he added, stressing that “Israel is not capable of extracting Lebanon’s gas, if you intend to challenge us and face off with the resistance.”

“How can we recover our occupied land without resistance? How will we obtain our wealth of oil and gas without resistance? And how will we be a respected country in the region without resistance?” the Hezbollah official asked.

In early July, developments related to demarcating the maritime border between the two were restarted, following the arrival of an Israeli-contracted production and storage vessel near Karish gas field, which Beirut considers to be located in a disputed area.

On 9 August, Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah threatened to “cut off the hand” of anyone who tries to take Lebanon’s oil and gas, stressing the Lebanese people’s anticipation of the Israeli response to Lebanon’s most recent offer.

“To the resistance supporters, to Hezbollah’s Mujahideen, be ready for any scenario [regarding Israel]. We are at the end of the line. Do not threaten us or even think you can intimidate us. The hand that will touch our resources will be cut,” the resistance chief said.

Hassan Nasrallah had repeatedly warned Israel of the possibility of war if Lebanon was prevented from extracting oil and gas from its territorial waters.

On 31 July, Hezbollah published a video showing the platform being built over Karish, coinciding with the visit of the US mediator Amos Hochstein to Beirut.

The Karish gas field is located under line 29, which Lebanon claims as its maritime border. While the UN claims line 23 is the maritime border, Israel says line 1 is the actual border.

US main reason behind Lebanon not extracting oil: Hezbollah official

5 Jun 2022

Source: Al Mayadeen Net

By Al Mayadeen English 

The head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council says Lebanon can preserve its wealth and victories through the Resistance, which is the strongest and most effective option.

The head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, Hashem Safi Al-Din

The head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, Hashem Safi Al-Din, considered on Sunday that Lebanon has the ability and effectiveness to extract its gas and oil, away from all means of pressure that some Lebanese fear.

During a religious ceremony held in South Lebanon, Safi Al-Din pointed out that the United States is the main player against Lebanon extracting its oil wealth.

The Hezbollah official stressed that the Lebanese state should officially and clearly point to its borders and mark the disputed areas, because only then can the Lebanese come together with their resistance, army, and people to claim their rights, whether the US likes it or not. 

Unity of Lebanese people is enough to solve crises

Safi El-Din emphasized that the unity of the Lebanese people is enough to solve the crises and the political and economic instability that Lebanon is suffering from, affirming that Lebanon can preserve its wealth and victories through the Resistance, which is the strongest and most effective option.

He added that when dealing with major crises such as oil and gas, the Lebanese need to rise and come together to face all the problems, which is what Hezbollah always calls for.

The head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council said that Hezbollah witnessed good and promising stances from Lebanese officials and new independent representatives. However, these stances need to be implemented in order to protect Lebanon’s rights, Safi Al-Din noted, calling for working on dialogue.

Earlier, Lebanese President Michel Aoun discussed with caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati the issue of the entry of the Energean Power vessel into the disputed maritime area with “Israel”, noting that any activity in that area currently constitutes a “hostile act”.

On his part, the Lebanese Defense Minister Maurice Slim considered that the Israeli activity in the disputed area in southern Lebanon “constitutes a challenge and provocation to Lebanon and is a flagrant breach of stability in Southern Lebanon.”

The Minister of Defense said, “Once again, Israel steps on all international laws and norms and is trying to create a fait accompli on the Lebanese borders, thus thwarting the efforts made for the resumption of negotiations to demarcate the southern maritime borders, in which the United States plays the role of mediator, and which are being conducted under the auspices of the United Nations.”

حزب الله: إذا استمرّت ضغوط واشنطن علينا سنبني بلدنا كما يجب أن تُبنى الأوطان

الاثنين 21 شباط 2021


أكد حزب الله، أنه “إذا استمرّت ضغوط واشنطن ولؤمها وحقدها علينا سنبني بلدنا كما يجب أن تُبنى الأوطان، لافتاً إلى أن “مسيّرة حسّان حملت للعدو رسالة بليغة جداً وقد قرأها جيداً» وشدّد على أن   «المقاومة تُعدّ وتستعدّ وتبذل وسعها لتوفّر الحماية لبلدنا ولسيادته ولشعبنا المستهدف».

وفي هذا الإطار، اعتبر رئيس المجلس التنفيذي لحزب الله السيد هاشم صفي الدين، خلال احتفال في بلدة زوطر الشرقية الجنوبيّة “أنّ مقاومتنا تمكّنت من أن تصمد وهي جاهزة لأن تبني مستقبلاً ولبنان جديداً، لأنها مقاومة شعبية وسياسية وجهادية وثقافية واجتماعية وقدّمت نماذج مهمّة ورائدة في كلّ المجالات».

وأضاف “يجب أن يعرف كل اللبنانيين ويجب أن يعرف الأميركيون وسيعرفون عاجلاً أم آجلاً، إذا استمرّت هذه الضغوطات واستمرّ هذا اللؤم وهذا الحقد على اللبنانيين في معيشتهم وفي مالهم، لن يكون أمامنا خيار إلاّ أن نعتمد على أنفسنا وأن نبني بلدنا كما يجب أن تُبنى الأوطان والبلدان، ونمتلك من العقول والإمكانات والقدرات التي تؤهّلنا مع كل المخلصين والشّرفاء لإعادة بناء لبنان الجديد القويّ المنيع المقاوم المحصّن المستقلّ، والذي يحفظ سيادته البحريّة والبرّيّة ونفطه وثرواته المائية ويحفظ حاضر ومستقبل هذا البلد للأجيال الآتية».

ورأى أنه “في حال أراد الأميركي أن يأخذنا للضغط الأقصى، يجب علينا أن نذهب إلى الخيار الأقصى في الاعتماد على أنفسنا لبناء وطننا وعندها نُكنّس الأميركي وأزلامه في لبنان». وقال “من هذه الضغوطات سنجترح معجزة بناء لبنان الجديد على أولويات جديدة وعلى ثقافة جامعة حقيقية لكلّ الطوائف والمذاهب والمناطق، بعيداً عن الزعماء والمتسلّطين والإقطاعيّين الذين تحكّموا بالبلد على مدى أكثر من سبعين أو ثمانين عاماً إلى يومنا هذا».

بدوره، شدّد رئيس كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة، النائب محمد رعد، خلال افتتاحه المركز الرئيسي لجمعية «وتعاونوا» في بلدة النميريّة الجنوبيّة، على «أن المقاومة تتصدّى للعدوان الصهيوني والتكفيري الغاشمين وهي تقوم بواجبها في هذا المجال، وتُعدّ وتستعدّ وتبذل كل الوسع من أجل أن توفّر الحماية لبلدنا ولسيادته ولشعبنا المستهدف وأن تُنشئ معادلات ردع تمنع العدو من التطاول على أمننا وسيادتنا».

ولفت إلى أن «مسيّرة حسّان، الشهيد القائد، ليست إلاّ واحدة من الأساليب والوسائل التي تبتدعها المقاومة من أجل توفير معادلة ردع تمنع العدو من أن يتعدّى وأن يتطاول وأن يمسّ أمن شعبنا ودولتنا ومجتمعنا المتعدّد الطوائف والمذاهب والاتجاهات».

وأضاف «بقدر ما نحن معنيون أن نحمي سيادة بلدنا ونمنع العدوان ونحفظ كرامة شعبنا واستقلال قرارنا، بقدر ما نحن معنيون بأن نُبلسم جراحات أهلنا، خصوصاً أن هذه الأزمة مفتعلة وممنهجة وموجهة منذ بدايتها وصولاً إلى حلقتها التي باشر المجتمع التحضير لها وهي حلقة الانتخابات، كل الهدف هو محاصرة المجتمع المقاوم وكسره ومنع هذا المجتمع أن يصدح برأيه».

وأشار إلى أن «كل ما يجري هو لحماية الأمن الإسرائيلي وتمهيد الطريق للتطبيع مع هذا العدو الذي لا يعرف للإنسان قيمة».

وأكد عضو المجلس المركزي في حزب الله الشيخ نبيل قاووق، خلال احتفال في بلدة عيتيت الجنوبيّة لمناسبة ذكرى الشهداء القادة وانتصار الثورة الإسلامية الإيرانية «أن المقاومة في العام 2022 في أقوى مراحلها التاريخية كمّاً ونوعاً، ولا يُمكن لأحد أن يهدّد وجودها لا بالحرب ولا بغير الحرب»، مشدّداً «على أن المعادلات قد تغيّرت في زمن انتصارات المقاومة، حيث أن المسيّرات الإسرائيلية كانت تخترق الأجواء اللبنانية، واليوم أصبحت المسيّرات اللبنانية تخترق أجواء الكيان الإسرائيلي».

وأشار إلى “أن الصهاينة اليوم غارقون في بحر الذعر لعدم قدرة جيشهم على حمايتهم»، مشدّداً على أن “لمسيّرة حسّان رسالة بليغة جداً جداً، وقد قرأها العدو جيداً، وهي أصابت القدرات العسكرية الإسرائيلية بصدمة ومهانة ومذلّة تاريخية».

The future is for the resistance: Safieddine

19 Feb 2022

Source: Al Mayadeen

By Al Mayadeen Net 

The head of the executive council of Hezbollah, Hashem Safieddine, highlights the importance of the resistance’s military capabilities and its advancement.

The head of the Hezbollah Executive Council, Hashim Safi Al-Din

The future is for the resistance and the new deterrence equations imposed by the Hassan UAV, Hezbollah Executive Council Chief Sayyed Hashem Safieddine said Saturday.

During a ceremony in Nabatieh, South Lebanon, Safieddine stressed that the resistance is imposing new deterrence equations while under the most furious modern-day attacks.

“What’s to come will be even greater, and it will leave the Israelis stunned before the capabilities of the resistance,” he declared.

“If the Americans want to comfort the Israeli enemy and ease its concerns through economically and financially pressuring Lebanon and imposing a siege on it, our UAV yesterday made the Israelis grow more concerned,” Sayyed Safi Al-Din underlined.

The strongmen of the United States, he highlighted, are dreaming of having advanced posts, “But the day will come when they find that all their money went with the wind and lose their value,” adding that “those who challenge Hezbollah will lose.”

“The United States, through its embassies and allies, is spending money to sabotage Lebanon through its organizations [set up] to demonize Hezbollah,” he stressed.

He also revealed that Hezbollah spent $6 million over the past four years to renovate residential homes in Bekaa and the South.

“The resistance, its supporters, and its popular base are strong and unwavering, and we are accomplishing our goals at all levels,” the official told a ceremony in Southern Lebanon.

“For the resistance to grow through confrontation and development, it must be vigilant toward arms, their advancement, types, preparation, and training for everything related to military affairs.

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon announced Friday launching a UAV, Hassan, into the occupied Palestinian territories.

The resistance reported that the UAV went on a recon mission that lasted for 40 minutes and covered 70 km in occupied Palestine, adding that it returned “unharmed despite the Israeli occupation’s repeated attempts to down it.”

Sayyed Safieddine: US Policies Are Suffocating the Lebanese

Nov 23, 2021

By Staff

The head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, His Eminence Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, is blaming Washington’s malign activates for the deteriorating situation in Lebanon.  

“The most important causes behind the problems that Lebanon is enduring are the policies of the United States, especially that the banks are under US control, and the Lebanese economic system is a system affiliated with it. The tragedies that occurred throughout the past decades were under the watch and supervision of American policies. Despite that, America came to exert pressure.” Sayyed Safieddine said. “Instead of Washington helping find a solution, it pressured to suffocate the Lebanese.”

In his speech during a memorial ceremony held in the Husseiniya of the Lebanese southern town of Deir Qanoon Al-Nahr, Sayyed Safieddine warned that “we are facing many challenges in Lebanon today at the financial, economic, and political levels, and there are successive calamities. Therefore, whoever loses the standard and the balance is lost, while the matter remains clear to whoever does not lose both of them.”

“Things have been clear to us since the beginning of this crisis, which has exacerbated further. We diagnosed the disease and the medicine, but the problem is not with us, and we alone are not able to administer the medicine to this country at the level of solving its economic, social, and living problems. Rather, we diagnosed the problem and said what is required. But if others do not share with us, then survival, success, and a transition from this bad state to something better cannot be written for this country.”

Sayyed Safieddine believes that “these crises will end after a while, and this stems from our experience, faith, and understanding of these crises, but the important thing is that we work to reduce losses and find appropriate solutions, and this is the fundamental point of contention between us and others.”

“To this day, we feel that they have not been guided to the right path and are still following a path that does not lead anywhere and does not produce results, and we cannot anticipate a solution.”

Sayyed Safieddine stressed that “the American delegations that come to Lebanon want to draw an imaginary line for the solution for the Lebanese to follow. By doing so, they abandon their positions of strength, whether in the resistance, or in oil, or in any subjective economic future that Lebanon can build. After the Lebanese give up on this, they tell them that this is the way, which is in fact an imaginary path that does not lead to any solution.”

“If America really wants to solve the problem in Lebanon, it must leave the Lebanese oil to the Lebanese, not work for the ‘Israelis’, and stop its pressure [on Lebanon], including the sanctions, as well as on the countries that could have helped the Lebanese. What it did regarding dragging Egyptian gas to Lebanon through Syria was a reaction to bringing Iranian diesel to Lebanon.”

His Eminence pointed out that “we cannot trust America, its words, its actions, or the visits of its officials, and we advise those who follow America and its policies and even those who are slaves to it and its embassy to stop believing in false hopes. Those who previously bet on America with regard to Lebanon talked about how it abandoned them in the fifties and sixties, and those who depended on it today are living in anxiety and fear.”

He stressed that “some Arab and Gulf countries such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia are thinking about the future. They are saying that America is not the country they once knew because whoever left Afghanistan and its allies there like this cannot be trusted. Therefore, America’s historical allies in the region are worried about its policies and are afraid of a future based on these policies.”

His Eminence made it clear that “America does not want to find a solution in Lebanon and does not want to help solve it. The US statements are clear. They are waiting for the parliamentary elections, and if the result is satisfactory for them, then they will think of some way to open the doors but with conditions, and if they do not get the outcome they want from the elections, they will have another position.”

Sayyed Safieddine: Lebanese Crisis Rooted In MBS’ Fear of Yemen’s Marib Liberation

Nov 1, 2021

Sayyed Safieddine: Lebanese Crisis Rooted In MBS’ Fear of Yemen’s Marib Liberation

By Staff, Agencies

The Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, His Eminence Sayyed Hashem Safieddine said the diplomatic crisis between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia is rooted in Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman [MBS]’s “fear” of the liberation of the Yemeni strategic city of Marib as Beirut supports Yemenis fighting the Saudi war.

Sayyed Safieddine noted in a statement that it is not “reasonable” to think that the diplomatic crisis is related to remarks made by the Lebanese information minister “it is rather greater than that.”

“What is happening in Saudi Arabia is a major thing, as the Saudis and the Gulf [countries] in general, who have followed the path of forming relations with ‘Israel’, cannot bear a voice from Lebanon and others who will criticize them in the future over the Saudi-‘Israeli’ relations, which will be made public in the coming days,” he added.

The senior Hezbollah official further underlined that the Saudi Crown Prince lives in a state of “dilemma and anxiety” and will have to face an excessive situation after the fall of Marib, emphasizing that MBS is fearful of losing all his illusions.

Sayyed Safieddine warned that all those who work to interrupt the Lebanese government, undermine the country’s stability, and mount US and Saudi sanctions to destroy Lebanon, highlighting Hezbollah’s sacrifices “in order not to lead our country to internal clashes, and for this, we [have striven to] resolve the economic and internal problems of the Lebanese people.”

His Eminence emphasized that those who are pushing to fabricate security, diplomatic and political crises in Lebanon are the ones that are working to sabotage the country.

He said that the future of Lebanon is not in the hands of the Saudis “but in the hands of God and thanks to those who sacrificed for the dignity of the country.”

Saudi Arabia will not tolerate any criticism in the future, especially after its relations with the ‘Israeli’ regime will be public in the coming days, the Hezbollah official added.

The Saudi-Lebanon row began after current Lebanese Information Minister George Kordahi said during a television program that was recorded before Kordahi became minister, but was aired last Monday, that the 2015-present Saudi Arabia-led war on Yemen was an act of aggression by Riyadh and the United Arab Emirates [UAE], the kingdom’s most significant ally in the military campaign.

Kordahi called the war “absurd,” saying it had to stop because he was opposed to wars between Arabs. The minister also said the Yemeni army forces and their allied fighters from the Popular Committees were “defending themselves … against an external aggression.”

The Saudi kingdom subsequently recalled its ambassador from Beirut and expelled the Lebanese envoy from the Saudi capital.

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The First and Final Surprise in Sayyed Nasrallah’s Speech

October 20, 2021

By Ihab Zaky

In a surprise move marking a departure from Hezbollah’s traditional policy, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah revealed a figure related to the group’s military body. It was an exclusive and specific number that excluded the organization’s broader structural bodies which consist of military and paramilitary units. The figure of 100,000 represents the group’s backbone.

“If we merly signaled to them rather than ordering them to move mountains, they would move them,” Sayyed Nasrallah said. This announcement was the first surprise.

Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned this figure in the context of a warning to those who think they can defeat Hezbollah with 15,000 fighters.

However, this may not have the desired effect on Lebanese Forces Party leader Samir Geagea, who is too foolish and ignorant to realize and appreciate the level danger. Therefore, this number is much more of a message for the real enemies who see Geagea as a mere tool – the United States and “Israel.”

The content of this message is that insisting on pushing fools towards creating a civil war will be the final nail in the coffin of American influence in Lebanon. As Sayyed Hashem Safi al-Din, head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, said, “We have not yet fought the battle to end American influence over the institutions of the Lebanese state.” Therefore, insisting on this move may be the zero hour to start that battle, faster and easier.

On the other hand, the “Israeli” enemy will interpret this number in the framework of its strategy for its upcoming confrontation with Hezbollah, a strategy dominated by the certainty of defeat, but one that harbors an element of doubt about its actual demise. Therefore, this number seems to motivate concerns and misgivings, especially if the “Israeli” mind takes into account Sayyed’s many exceptions in determining the number.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah spoke at length about the common national interest, about Hezbollah’s relationship with the Christians and its national creed that moves it, and the extreme keenness – to very sensitive degrees – of preventing even civilians – not military or armed men – from entering Christian villages in 2000 after the defeat of the Zionist enemy and raising Hezbollah or Amal flags. If a party is so concerned about the feelings of the Christians, can it be accused of seeking to invade their land, honor, and money, and be viewed as an enemy that demands vigilance?

The one person who understands the importance of civil peace in Lebanon and the importance of the Christian presence in the East in general and not only in Lebanon, is Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. The colonial West seeks to empty the East of its Christians to consolidate the idea of conflict between an Islamic East and a Christian West, which is the basis and starting point of the Crusades. In addition, the strategy of displacing Christians is a colonial strategy, and it’s confirmed by the number of Christians in the region half a century ago compared to the numbers today. This strategy also serves the “Israeli” presence.

The evidence presented by Sayyed Nasrallah about Hezbollah’s protection of Christians wherever it they may be, are just some of the examples. This is contrast to the displacement, destruction, and killing of Christians wherever Geagea and his party are. These examples should be more than enough to ostracize and isolate this party as Christian, as well as isolate it nationally. While Sayyed Nasrallah seeks to preserve Christian blood, Geagea considers it a mere investment card and a bargaining chip with his international and regional operators.

Sayyed Nasrallah refrained from going too far back in history, to shed light on the crimes of Geagea and his party, which are detailed and proven in a court of law – crimes that are bloody and characterized by treachery. The Christian blood that Geagea claims to protect was spilled by his hands and stained his forehead, but the worst thing is that despite that barbarism in bloodshed, his history remains tainted with defeat. It’s almost as if this person is synonymous with defeat. Hence, defeat should be given the name Geagea.

Sayyed also refrained from mentioning Samir Geagea’s name. Even the “Israeli” media noticed this, and certainly this was not an absurd remark. By not mentioning his name, the Hezbollah leader sent another message that reflects Sayyed’s principles in his positions on the one hand and belittling the former [Geagea] on the other.

Sayyed Nasrallah insisted on the sanctity of the Lebanese army, as it is the last resort for the unity of Lebanon’s land and people, and as the unifying institution. But this does not mean turning a blind eye to some transgressions, which must be subject to investigation and accountability. This means that Sayyed Nasrallah wants to preserve this institution, even from the verbal scratching of some excited or angry enthusiasts.

This offers conclusive evidence that Hezbollah is the most committed to the state and its institutions, as well as to the file of the Tayouneh crime and previous crimes that are being handled by these state institutions. Meanwhile, it continues to call on the state to live up to its duties and is warning against complacency.

In the end of his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah sent a message to the supporters of the resistance which was the last surprise – “the American attempts to provoke a civil war are the last mine.” Sayyed Nasrallah was declaring that the American bag of tricks was empty, and the “Israeli” bag of tricks was even emptier.

But the most important message relates to what he said about the end of the path of patience and insight.

“Patience and insight will bring you relief and victory that you do not expect.”

In fact, supporters of the resistance do not expect anything from it except victories and surprises. They stand in the trenches with insight. The only thing that will surprise these supporters is not to see it patient, feared, insightful, and victorious.

The Vampire

The Vampire

By Al-Ahed News Staff

An infographics detailing the long history of brutality of Samir Geagea, head of the Lebanese Forces Party.

The Vampire

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Hezbollah: Lebanese Forces Militia’s Attempt to Drag Resistance into Civil War Foiled

October 17, 2021

MP Hasan Fadlallah and Sayyed Hashem Safieddine

Hezbollah officials stressed on Sunday that attempt by Lebanese Forces militia to drag the Lebanese Resistance movement into a civil war has been foiled.

Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, said that the Lebanese Forces militia attempted through Tayouneh ambush to drag Hezbollah into a civil war, stressing that such scenario won’t be implemented.

“Neither Lebanese Forces party, nor their masters will be able to drag Hezbollah into civil war,” Sayyed Safieddine was quoted by AL-Manar as saying in a local ceremony in Mount Lebanon.

“Hezbollah was not born for street wars. Hezbollah was established and its power has been build up in order to defeat the hegemonic powers in this region, on top of which are the US and the Zionist entity.”

For his part, member of Hezbollah’s loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc MP Hasan Fadlallah stressed that perpetrators of Tayouneh ambush must be held accountable.

In a local ceremony in south Lebanon, MP Fadlallah described as ‘massacre’ the deadly ambush in which 7 civilians were martyred in Tayouneh on Thursday (October 14), urging the Lebanese authorities to punish those responsible.

“What the criminals did is a massacre and it will have important ramifications”, he said.

“Those who incited, planned, … and opened fire should be held to account all the way up to the top.”

Seven civilians were martyred on Thursday in a deadly ambush staged by Lebanese Forces militia. The notorious party’s militants and snipers opened fire on peaceful demonstrators who were protesting the politicization of a probe into Beirut Port blast near the Justice Palace in Tayouneh-Badaro area. Among the martyrs was a woman who was fatally shot by a sniper in her head while being in her house.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Hezbollah MP: Lebanese Forces Militia’s ‘Treachery’ Won’t Go Unanswered

 October 17, 2021

Hezbollah MP Mohammad Raad

Head of Hezbollah’s Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc MP Mohammad Raad stressed that the perpetrators of the deadly ambush in Tayouneh will be held accountable.

In a local ceremony in south Lebanon on Sunday, MP Raad described Lebanese Forces militia’s ambush in Tayouneh last Thursday (October 14), especially the sniper fire, as a “treachery that won’t go unanswered”

“The Lebanese Forces’ treachery which has committed a massacre on Thursday has its own account that will be settled. However, we won’t be dragged into a civil war. We won’t accept that this blood would go in vain. The Lebanese state must stage a probe and hold those who are responsible accountable.”

The lawmaker stressed that the “blood of our martyrs won’t go in vain.”

“Their blood is not an ink. We know the value of this blood very well. If it had not been for this blood, the Lebanese people would have not been dignified, and the Israeli occupation would have ruled this country.”

The lawmaker said Hezbollah has been for long months, keen for national peace and exerting efforts to guard the country against any form of civil war.

MP Raad lashed out the Lebanese Forces militia without mentioning them.

“Their historical record is full of massacres that threatens the national security. They are racist who take the side of the Zionists. They are the foreigners’ mercenaries.”

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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Families of Beirut Blast Victims Spokesman Urges Bitar to Step Down

Source: Al Mayadeen

By Al Mayadeen

After the armed ambush in Tayouneh, former Lebanese Prime Ministers express their “deep shock and sorrow,” condemning the reprehensible events.

Visual search query image
Former Prime Ministers have called for immunities to be dropped

Former Lebanese Prime Ministers Fouad Siniora, Saad Hariri, and Tammam Salam expressed their “deep shock and regret,” and completely condemned the reprehensible events which left seven martyrs in the Tayouneh (Beirut) area on Thursday. 

The Ministers released a statement articulating that instead of directing efforts to agree on the adoption of reforms that would bring Lebanon out of its economic disaster, there are those who still try to distract and divert attention and attempt to push Lebanese people back to their sectarian and doctrinal squares and stir up strife.

The statement added that in light of the incident, the Ministers reiterate their firm position with a commitment to respect public freedoms, the first of which is the right to express an opinion and peaceful demonstration, and the inadmissibility of using violence in any form and under any circumstance.

On Thursday, October 14th, 7 peaceful protesters were martyred in the Tayouneh by snipers.

There is also a need, the statement added, to work through Parliament to issue a law that lifts immunities for everyone without exception, in order to achieve full and non-selective or fragmented justice.

Former ministers urged the Lebanese Army and security forces to use extreme vigilance in order to prevent all types of violence and shooting, as well as to promptly apprehend the shooters who perpetrated these crimes, in order to protect people, prevent assaults on them, and maintain civil peace.

A national tragedy

Lebanon mourned its martyrs on Friday in a warmhearted ceremony which was attended by the head of Hezbollah’s executive council Hashim Safi Al-Din. The official said the victims were murdered treacherously, adding that death and killing “do not scare us, and martyrdom is our dignity.”

Seven were martyred in the peaceful demonstrations, where protesters were taking a stance against the politicization of the Beirut Blast probe by Judge Tariq Bitar.

The kin of several martyrs held their funerals, and Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent reported, on Friday, that bitterness and sadness prevailed in Chiyah due to the treacherous ambush. Despite the feelings of grief and sorrow, the people of Chiyah were still insisting on averting the strife that brought Lebanon to the brink of civil war.

Our correspondent to the area reported that three funerals were held, and among them was that of Maryam Farhat, who was shot in her own home by a sniper. 

Hezbollah: Security Forces Said “All Is Ok”, Cowards Wouldn’t Have Dared to Attack Us Had They Expected a Response

October 16, 2021

Hezbollah: Security Forces Said “All Is Ok”, Cowards Wouldn’t Have Dared to Attack Us Had They Expected a Response

By Al-Ahed News

In his speech during the funeral ceremony of the martyrs who fell in the Lebanese Forces’ ambush in Tayyouneh, Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council His Eminence Sayyed Hashem Saffieddine emphasized that “The coming days will prove that we in Hezbollah will not remain silent over the martyrs’ blood.”

Stressing that the martyrs have been killed by the bullets of treachery, Sayyed Safieddine made clear that “neither death nor killing do terrify us as our dignity is in martyrdom.”

“Not any drop of blood from our martyrs would weaken us,” His Eminence said, explaining that “this would rather increase our insistence that we are rightful.”

As he cautioned that the blood of martyrs will always haunt the sedition makers, the killers, and the criminals, the Hezbollah official pledged that the Resistance group won’t remain silent in front of this bloodshed in any case, and it knows well how to be innocent and rightful.

“Hezbollah will achieve its rights regarding the blood that was shed in Thursday’s massacre as it knows very well how it preserves the cause of this blood,” Sayyed Safieddine said, promising that days will tell this.

He then explained that the sit-in Hezbollah and Amal Movement were organizing was peaceful to protest against the judiciary’s politicization and injustice, “which is our natural right.”

As Sayyed Safieddine made clear that neither Hezbollah nor Amal Movement did circulate an open invitation for the participation in the rally, he said “otherwise numbers would have been much bigger,” and noted that among the protesters were lawyers and elite figures who were present to express a rightful stance.

The Hezbollah official then emphasized that “the security forces informed us that everything is ok, and that security is under control, and this is why we continued in our rally. However, the unexpected was that a certain party has taken the decision to kill us through military positioning.”

He then underscored that the assembly would have gone normally hadn’t the well-studied plot to target it existed.

“The snipers’ direct shooting at heads and chests was not a coincidence. It was a decided and planned action. We were in front of a premediated and described massacre, and those who committed it with a premediated insistence and determination are criminals and killers.”

Reiterating the content of a previous joint statement by Hezbollah and Amal Movement after the incident, Sayyed Safieddine affirmed that the bullets that rested in the heads of the protesters represent a premediated killing by the side of the Lebanese Forces.

“We were in front of a tight ambush that didn’t target fighters, but instead targeted civilians and exposed the deep malice.”

Lashing out at those who target civilians, the Hezbollah official underscored that they are not heroes. “They are cowards and villainous because had they expected that we might engage in a war against them, they wouldn’t have dared to attack us.”

Elsewhere in his address, the Hezbollah official said, “the Resistance sacrificed martyrs, emerged victorious, and will stay powerful and growing, while those who think that any event might hinder our determination are wrong.”

Sayyed Saffiedine also warned that the “killers must be taken to jail, and that Hezbollah will consider any dereliction a partnership in this crime.”