The Deputy Commander of The Quds Force to Al-Ahed: Soleimani Is A Role Model & The Enemy Will Be Humiliated

By Mokhtar Haddad

Tehran – On the first martyrdom anniversary of Lieutenant General Hajj Qassem Soleimani, Al-Ahed News met with the IRG’s Quds Force Deputy Commander Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Fallahzadeh [Abu Baqer].

• A message to the mujahideen in the resistance

General Says Iran To Take Revenge On US For Gen. Soleimani's Blood -  Eurasia Review

Brigadier General Fallahzadeh explains that “since the days of the greatest Messenger [PBUH], the enemies have not ceased the pursuit of their hostile plans. Throughout history, they have been plotting against the authentic Mohammadan Islam. And in this era, which is the era of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei, we see that the enemies introduce a new scheme to the region every day.”

However, he points out that those “plans were thwarted, and the enemy was defeated.”

The general attributes this success to “help from God Almighty … the wise leadership of the late Imam [Khomeini], then the Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Imam Khamenei], as well as the field leadership of the Secretary General of Hezbollah His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and the rest of the leaders, such as Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, the Palestinian resistance, and the popular mobilization units, especially in the days when the resistance front was led by martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani and Hajj Esmail Ghaani.”

“We must continue with the approach, method, strategy, and program with which we used to confront the enemy since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution, and surely victory will be ours. The enemies must know that they only achieved defeat, humiliation, and failure from all their plans and money spent in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon,” he added.

“More than seven trillion dollars were spent before Trump took office, and that is not a small amount of money. They spent huge sums of money, but they only reaped defeat and failure. They will also reap humiliation and defeat in the future.”

The general’s advice is “to have knowledge of the Imam, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, and to know one’s responsibilities and act upon them. Our responsibility and our job is to obey the Imam. This is not only a mere slogan, but rather we should be practical. If we do that, the banner of authentic Mohammadan Islam will be raised.”

“By doing so, we will be proud believers, for humiliation and treason will not bring us glory. Glory is achieved by working with what Imam Hussein [PBUH] said: ‘Humiliation is far away from us; we must be tough on the enemy and have mercy on our friends, and we must love people and serve them.’”

• A Recommendation for young people to move forward with the approach of Hajj Qassem

According to the deputy commander of the Quds Force Brigadier General Fallahzadeh, Hajj Qassem was a role model and a true believer. His life was exemplary and his approach was clear. He got to know the Imam and fulfilled his duty and responsibility which was to recognize the truth about the enemy and confront it. He put his whole life on this path. In the end, he gave his honorable life for the sake of Islam and the people. Hajj Qassem was a true and loyal believer. He was a true servant of God Almighty. He made an effort in serving the people and took great care of the families of the martyrs and was humble.

He concludes his interview with Al-Ahed by saying, “On the other hand, Hajj Qassem used to follow up on the enemy’s movements and monitor them. He planned to confront the enemies and thwart their efforts, and we saw the victories that he achieved. We cannot be Hajj Qassem, but we can follow in his footsteps, which is to continue on the path of Ahl al-Bayt and Imam Khomeini.”

Related Interviews/Articles

Syria’s Jaafari to UNSC NATO Klan: Let My People Breathe


June 17, 2020 Miri Wood

Syrian ambassador Jaafari addressing NATO reps at UNSC
H.E. al Jaafari quoting Egyptian Nobel Laureate Najib Mahfouz to the rabid & deaf UN hyenas [Archive].

The UNSC held its anti-Syria meeting via webcam, 16 June, and, despite the massive anti-racism demonstrations in western countries, the NATO clique had not a single moral scruple when it came to flouting its klansmanship in its ongoing imperial plot to recolonize the Levantine republic.

One day later, the UN website has not yet found the Council meeting worthy of a press release; at this time, the only full statement available if by the UN offshoot of the Geopolitical & Peacedestroying Affairs. The UN Speck Envoy Geir O. Pedersen re-regurgitated his speeches of the last several months: Lying concern for COVID-19 in Syria; fictitious concern for humanitarianism in Syria; demand for Syria to empty its prisons; demand for Syria to stop fighting NATO-funded terrorists within its borders; demand for al Qaeda to run Idlib; demand for the imposition of fascist UNSCR 2254 only by Syria not by the other parties involved in it; demand for Syria to relinquish all control of its borders.

In short, the unindicted war criminals of the UNSC demand the racist right to run Syria like a NATO colony.

The rabid hyenas’ humanitarian bastards concern for coronavirus in Syria remains one of the most hypocritically anemic cover stories in the history of NATO humanitarian destruction of sovereign nations, given the comparison of death totals from COVID in the SAR versus this virus in the US, UK, and France.
Coronavirus COVID 19 positive cases in Syria - Syria News

British and French P3 members flaunted a cynical mocking of this month’s bogus meeting, in the tweet sharing of a variation on a nasty, digitally altered, war pornography photograph that was viralized by NATO stenography journalists in early May.
The Brits retweeted a variation of a digitally altered photograph that NATO media viralized in May.
In May, the stenographers demonstrated their gentleman’s agreement regarding war criminal propaganda in the diligence of not noticing that the key photograph of the bombed unhospital — from various POV‘s, taken by different ‘photographers’ on site — was not only bombed on two different days (5 and 6 May), but was also two different [un]hospitals, one even underground, according to the NYT (which claimed it proved that it was bombed twice).
The vehicle in the criminal propaganda in the digitally altered — or completely created except for the very real and very illegal ambulance — viralized photograph appears to be a vandalized ambulance, not a bombed one. Thanks to the arrogance of the French and English, we now have inclusion of the operative who may have vandalized it.
“The collapse of the Syrian currency is due to our measures.” — James Jeffrey, 7 June. Jeffrey is a US Orwellian envoy paid by American taxpayers, though there is no US embassy in Damascus. The work of true diplomats is to build bridges to other countries, not bomb them, not brag about destroying the lives of their citizens.
H.E. Bashar al Jaafari addressed the NATO criminals running the UN as the consummate diplomat that he is — he congratulated the French ambassador in French, on his appointment as temporary president of the Security Council.
Dr. Jaafari again explained to them the meaning of the noble Charter of the United Nations and then explained that Trump’s stealing of 200,000 barrels of Syria’s oil, daily, is theft, and also a breach of both the Charter and International Humanitarian Law.
— Miri Wood

Syrians hold large demonstration against Caesar Act in Homs: photos


BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:20 P.M.) – Several Syrians participated on Thursday in a large demonstration against the U.S.-applied “Caesar Act”, which is a new set of sanctions that are meant to force regime change in the Arab Republic.

According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the demonstration took place at Martyrs Square in the administrative capital of the Homs Governorate.

Credit: SANA

The demonstrators waived the Syrian national flag, along with photos of President Bashar Al-Assad and signs against the U.S.-imposed sanctions.

“They also expressed anger and condemnation of the U.S. hostility towards the free peoples, affirming that the fake humanity of the U.S. and its allies has been exposed,” SANA reported.

Credit: SANA

The Caesar Act was applied on Wednesday, June 17th, as part of the U.S.’ continued pressure against the Syrian government.

This new set of sanctions particularly targets the Syrian government and all entities and individuals that do business with them.

في رفض التطبيع مع الكيان الصهيونيّ

زياد حافظ


من سخرية الدهر أن نرى دولاً ومجتمعات عربية تُسرّع في وتيرة تقديم أوراق اعتماد للكيان الصهيوني عبر جعل العلاقة معه أنه أمر طبيعي، بينما نرى من جهة أخرى الدول نفسها تشجّع على التقاتل العربي سواء بين الدول أو داخل المجتمعات العربية وكأنه أمر «طبيعي»! فمصطلح «التطبيع» يعني أن نجعل العلاقة مع الكيان الصهيوني (او الاقتتال العربي) أمراً طبيعياً بينما واقع الحال هو العداء. والعداء ليس عداء ظرفياً مبنياً على خلافات موضوعية بل هو عداء وجودي. فلا مجال للتعايش ولا للتساكن ولا لمهادنة مع كيان يشكّل وجوده في قلب الأمة أولى الطعنات لإلغاء وجودها. فعندما يجنح الكيان ومعه الإدارة الحالية في الولايات المتحدة إلى جعل الديانة اليهودية قوميّة كقاعدة للكيان. فهذا يعني الغاء الوجود الفلسطيني ليس معنوياً فقط بل تمهيداً إلى إلغاء وجوده جسدياً عبر عمليات تهجير مدعومة من الولايات المتحدة وربما مموّلة من قبل بعض الدول العربية.

في مبرّرات التطبيع

قضية فلسطين هي التي تجمع العرب من المحيط إلى الخليج فيصبح ضرب القضية الفلسطينية هدفاً وجودياً لعدم تحقيق وحدة العرب التي ترعب فعلا كلاً من الكيان والغرب، وذلك منذ ظهور الإسلام. فمقاومة التطبيع كمقاومة الكيان وذلك للبقاء ليس إلاّ. والتطبيع عمل سياسي اقتصادي ثقافي اجتماعي في خدمة هدف سياسي أكبر. والهدف السياسي الكبير هو إنهاء القضية الفلسطينية. لذلك لا بدّ من بذل جهد لتحقيق ذلك عبر تقديم حجج متعدّدة.

من ضمن الحجج المقدّمة لتحقيق ذلك الغرض هو أنّ القضية الفلسطينية عائق في نهضة الدول العربية وتستنزف قدراتها وتمنعها من الحصول عن الدعم المالي الدولي والتكنولوجيا لنهضة تلك الدول. كما أنّ الصلح مع الكيان الصهيوني، الذي هو الهدف الأخير لإنهاء القضية الفلسطينية، هو ما سيحقّق الاستقرار والتنمية في الدول العربية. فلا تنمية ولا استقرار في كلّ من مصر والأردن وما هو في عهدة السلطة الفلسطينية. فالصلح مع الكيان لم يأتِ ولن يأتي بأيّ استقرار وتنمية.

المبرّر الحقيقي للمطبّعين هو الاعتقاد الخاطئ أنه سيؤمّن لهم الحماية الأميركية والصهيونية من شعوبهم المنتفضة ضدّهم بسبب سياسات القمع والفساد والتبعية. القراءة الخاطئة للنخب الحاكمة في تلك الدول التي تشجّع على ترويج التطبيع (والتي ما زالت لا تجرؤ على المجاهرة بالتطبيع) تجعل عندهم إساءة تقدير التحوّلات الحاصلة دولياً وإقليمياً. يعتقدون أنّ بحفنة من المال سيكسبون ودّ الصهيوني والأميركي. غير أنهم يجهلون أو يتجاهلون يقين نظرة الأميركيين والصهاينة لهم وأنه من المستبعد جدّا أن يقدّموا لهم الحماية. فسياسة المكابرة وإنكار الحال ما زالت تتحكم عند تلك النخب الحاكمة التي لا تستطيع استيعاب التحوّلات في موازين القوّة في المنطقة التي لم تعد لصالح الكيان والولايات المتحدة.

في أشكال التطبيع

أما أشكال التطبيع فهي متعدّدة. فمنها ما يأخذ شكل الزيارات المتبادلة غير الرسمية أي بين أفراد وهيئات عربية وصهيونية، أو رسمية عبر زيارات رسمية لمسؤولين من الكيان إلى عدد من الدول العربية إضافة إلى التنسيق الأمني والاستخباري الذي يصل إلى عمليات مشتركة في اغتيال قيادات المقاومة، أو عبر لقاءات ثقافية ورياضية واقتصادية في الدول العربية تستضيف من خلالها وفوداً صهيونية. والأخطر هو التطبيع الثقافي خاصة في مجال الفن والأدب حيث المسلسلات العربية التي تبرّر التطبيع والمشاريع المشتركة تساهم في خلق واقع جديد يصعب تجاهله وتداعياته خاصة في الوعي الجماعي للأمة بين الشباب الذين يمكن التأثير بهم. والوجه الأكثر استفزازاً هو الانتشار عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لأفكار تتخلّى عن القضية المركزية للأمة وهي القضية الفلسطينية وجعلها قضية هامشية لا علاقة للعرب بها ألاّ للفلسطينيين، وحتى في ذلك الحال يتم تحقير الفلسطينيين! لن ندخل في سجال مع تلك السخافات، بل نكتفي بالإشارة إلى وجودها. كما أن الردّ عليها يعطيها شرعية غير موجودة في الأساس.

والتطبيع يتناول أيضاً المعتقدات وخاصة القرآن الكريم، حيث يتمّ تحريف الآيات الكريمة لتبرير وجود الكيان. فالدين مصدر الشرعية لأنظمة حكم عربية، وبالتالي استعمال الدين لتبرير سياسات غير مقبولة يصبح أمراً مشروعاً وإنْ كان مبنياً على تحريف الآيات والخروج المتعمّد عن سياقها القرآني.

أفق التطبيع

تجب هنا الإشارة إلى أنّ رغم معاهدات سلام مع الكيان الصهيوني لبضع دول عربية لم يستطع الكيان خرق الجدار في الوعي العربي للوصول إلى التطبيع مع المجتمعات العربية خاصة في مصر والأردن وطبعاً فلسطين، وذلك بعد أكثر من أربعين سنة من عمر المعاهدة بين مصر والكيان وأكثر من 25 سنة بين السلطة الفلسطينية والأردن من جهة أخرى. فالعداء للكيان سمة النظرة العربية للكيان كما أننا نؤكّد أنّ العقيدة القتالية للجيش المصري ما زالت تجعل الكيان الصهيوني عدواً لمصر. غير أن بعض الدول الخليجية عادت إلى إحياء تلك المشاريع التطبيعية التي تصطدم بجدار الوعي العربي. فمن هنا الحملات في محاولة لاختراق ذلك الوعي.

السياق السياسيّ للتطبيع

هذه المحاولات تجري في سياق تغيير جذري في موازين القوّة على الصعيد الدولي والإقليمي، حيث الكفة لم تعد مائلة لصالح المحور الذي تقوده الولايات المتحدة بل لصالح القوى الرافضة للهيمنة الأميركية. لم تستطع القوى الاستعمارية، التي كانت في ذروة قوّتها ففرضت الوجود الصهيوني في قلب الأمة، أن تجعل العلاقات بين الكيان والمجتمعات العربية علاقات طبيعية وإذ نرى في حقبة تراجعها دولاً عربية تقدّم أوراق اعتماد بالولاء لها عبر تحويل وجهة الصراع مع الكيان الصهيوني إلى صراع مع الجمهورية الإسلامية في إيران وقوى محور المقاومة من دول وقوى شعبية أثبتت فعّاليتها على الأرض في مواجهة الكيان.

فهذه الدول المطّبعة صاحبة الشرعية المهتزّة داخلياً وعربياً تعتقد أنّ الحماية لوجودها من قبل الولايات المتحدة والكيان الصهيوني تفرض عليها التسريع في التطبيع معه. والكيان الصهيوني بحاجة إلى ذلك التطبيع لفك العزلة الدولية عنه، كما أنه بحاجة لإبراز «إنجاز» ما على صعيد العلاقات مع الدول العربية. كما أنّ الأفق المسدود داخلياً في الكيان الصهيوني جعل الهجرة من الكيان إلى الخارج تتسارع. فلا أمل بمستقبل مشرق للكيان عند المهاجرين من الكيان. فالتطبيع أصبح «حاجة» صهيونية لتبرير «نجاح» الكيان وبقائه. التطبيع يعكس حالة ضعف بنيوي عند المطبّع كما عند الكيان وهذه حقيقة يجب التركيز عليها.

مقاومة التطبيع

مقاومة التطبيع مزمنة، ولكن ما يجعلها اليوم أكثر إلحاحاً هي استغلال شهر رمضان لنشر عبر مسلسلات عربية مسألة وجود الكيان الصهيوني كأمر طبيعي وجعل مقاومته إخلالاً بالأمن وحتى إرهاباً يجب دحره. وتتزامن هذه المسلسلات ومواقع إلكترونية تعتبر القضية الفلسطينية ليست قضية عربية بل هامشية في وعي المجتمعات العربية، وذلك بتشجيع من تلك الدول التي استبدلت العداء للجمهورية الإسلامية في إيران ومعها محور المقاومة بالعداء للكيان الصهيوني. فعندهم أصبحت المقاومة إرهاباً يجب عزلها ثم القضاء عليها. وهذا هو الهدف المباشر للتطبيع.

مقاومة التطبيع موجودة في معظم الأقطار العربية وتقودها منظّمات وهيئات شعبية استطاعت تنظيم مظاهرات مليونية في مواجهة محاولات التطبيع خاصة في دول المغرب. كما أن حملات قانونية لتجريم التطبيع تجري على قدم وساق في عدد من الدول العربية.


لذلك نقترح أن يصدر عن الملتقى ما يلي:

أولاً: التأكيد أنّ مقاومة التطبيع واجب أخلاقي أولاً ووطني ثانياً وقومي ثالثاً.

ثانياً: التأكيد على الاستمرار في نشاط مناهضة محاولات التطبيع والتعميق في التنسيق على الصعيد الشعبي وعلى الصعيد القانوني وعبر المنتديات والنقابات والهيئات المختصة في مناهضة الكيان. في هذا السياق لا بدّ من إبداء التحيّة والتقدير للمناضلين المناهضين للتطبيع الذين يواجهون قمع حكوماتهم ولم يبدّلوا في مواقفهم.

ثالثاً: التأكيد على ضرورة تفكيك الخطاب التطبيعي في مرتكزاته ومفاصله خاصة على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي على قاعدة ما عرضناه أعلاه من حجج واهية وتشويه للحقائق.

رابعاً: التشديد على استمرار المجتمع الثقافي والأدبي العربي في إنتاج منظومة فكرية وأدبية وفنّية ترفض التطبيع.

خامساً: مقاطعة البضائع الصهيونية التي تتسرّب بوسائل شتّى إلى الأسواق العربية والتشهير بمن يروّج لها.

سادساً: دعم جهود منظمة «بي دي أس» التي تدعو إلى مقاطعة البضائع الصهيونية وتفكيك الاستثمارات في القطاعات الاقتصادية الصهيونية. فهذه المنظمة حقّقت نجاحات في عدد من الدول الأوروبية وحتى في الولايات المتحدة في الجامعات ومجمع الكنائس ما أثار غضب ورعب اللوبي الصهيوني الذي يضغط بكلّ قواه على تجريم تلك المنظمة وتجريم كلّ مَن يلتزم بتوصياتها.

*ورقة مقدمة للملتقى العربي الافتراضي لرفض التطبيع مع الكيان الصهيونيّ بدعوة من المركز العربي الدولي للتواصل والتضامن، وذلك في 15 أيّار/ مايو 2020.

**كاتب وباحث اقتصادي سياسي والأمين العام السابق للمؤتمر القومي الدولي.

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestine (30 January – 05 February 2020)

30 January – 05 February 2020

  • In excessive use of force, IOF shot and killed a Palestinian child; another child succumbed to wounds he sustained previously at GMR protests in eastern Khan Younis
  • 56 Palestinian civilians shot and injured by IOF, including 12 children, 2 journalists, a human rights defender in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
  • 37 civilians injured during peaceful protests and IOF incursions in the West Bank
  • 17 civilians, including 5 children and 3 fishermen, injured in the Gaza Strip
  • IOF warplanes carry out several airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, demolishing a water well in Rafah; 6 shootings were reported against Palestinian agricultural lands in eastern Gaza Strip
  • Six shootings reported against Palestinian fishing boats and 3 fishermen arrested.
  • During 118 IOF incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem: 116 civilians arrested, including 35 children and 2 women
  • 11 demolitions conducted, notices distributed, and fines imposed on houses in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem
  • 700 apricot and almond seedlings uprooted and civilians and their property were attacked by settlers
  • 30 orders issued against Palestinian civilians to ban their entry to al-Aqsa Mosque
  • IOF tightened restrictions on movement of goods into the Gaza Strip and reduces the allowed fishing area as part of its collective punishment policy
  • IOF established 93 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, where 10 Palestinian civilians were arrested


This week, PCHR documented 322 violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and settlers in the occupied Palestinian territory.  This was reflected in dealing with the peaceful protests organized against Trump’s declaration of the “Deal of Century” that violates the rights of the Palestinian people and is in conflict with the United Nation (UN) resolutions and international law. They were as follows:

IOF shooting and violation of right to bodily integrity: a Palestinian child namely Mohammed al-Haddad was killed after an IOF sniper shot him directly to heart near a military checkpoint in Hebron during a protest against Trump’s peace plan on 05 February 2020.  Moreover, on 31 January 2020, ‘Alaa’ al-‘Abbasi succumbed to wounds he previously sustained at the GMR protests organized in eastern Khan Younis on 11 October 2019.

IOF wounded 56 Palestinian civilians, including 12 children, 2 journalists and a human rights defender, in the West Bank and Gaza Strip; 37 civilians were wounded in IOF incursions and peaceful protests in the West Bank, and 17 civilians, including 5 children and 3 fishermen in the Gaza Strip, mainly in protests against Trump’s peace plan. IOF warplanes carried out several airstrikes across the Gaza Strip and destroyed a water well in Rafah.  Furthermore, 6 shootings were reported against the agricultural lands and civilian gatherings while 6 other shootings were reported against fishermen in western and eastern Gaza Strip.

IOF incursions, house raids and arrests of Palestinian civilians: IOF carried out 118 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear among civilians, and attacking many of them. During this week’s incursions, 116 Palestinians were arrested, including 35 children and 2 women. The incursions also included one limited incursion into eastern Khan Younis.

Settlement expansion activities and settlers attacks in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, PCHR documented 11 demolitions, land razing and demolition notices by IOF, including self-demolition of a barrack, a house and foundations of another in occupied East Jerusalem; levelling a water line in the Northern Jordan Valleys; imposing high fines on civilians claiming they live in 2 unlicensed houses in al-Walajah, northwest of Bethlehem; handing notices to demolish a barrack, barn, industrial facility and tent in Nablus; a decision issued by the Israeli Magistrate’s Court to evacuate a building in Batn al-Hawa neighbourhood in Silwan village in favour of “’Atarit Cohanim” settlement Association, claiming the land is owned by the Jewish.  The latter decision is the fifth of its kind being issued against similar buildings in occupied East Jerusalem.

PCHR also documented 6 settler-attacks, including attacking a water well in Nablus; breaking the windows of 2 vehicles in al-Mazra’ah al-Gharbiyah village, northwest of Ramallah; uprooting 700 apricot and almond seedlings and attacking civilian houses and 2 civilians in Nablus.

Violation of the right to freedom of religion and access to holy sites in occupied East Jerusalem: IOF issued this week 30 orders to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for a period ranging from 1 week to 6 months.  It should be noted that most of the entry ban orders target public figures and activists defending and looking after al-Aqsa Mosque.

Israeli closure policy and Restrictions on Movement: on 02 February 2020, IOF announced tightening restrictions on the movement of goods into the Gaza Strip and on the movement of merchants/businesspersons in response to incendiary balloons and projectiles fired towards Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip.

Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Maj. Gen. Kamil Abu Rokon, announced freezing facilitations relevant to commerce, economy and movement across checkpoints, including decreasing the number of businesspersons’ permits and ceasing import of cement to the Gaza Strip. Simultaneously, IOF annulled 460 exit permits previously issued for businesspersons from the Gaza Strip.

On Wednesday, 05 February 2020, IOF announced reducing the allowed fishing area in Gaza Sea. It was decided today (Wednesday), to restrict the fishing zone of the Gaza Strip from 15 nautical miles to 10 nautical miles.  IOF’s decision was in response to incendiary balloons and projectiles fired towards Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip.

Those new tightened restriction came in a time when the Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the History of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life. Furthermore, IOF uses Erez Crossing that is designated for movement of individuals as an ambush to arrest Palestinians who obtain permits to exit via Israel.  Meanwhile, the West Bank is divided into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilian movement is restricted and they are subject to arrest. This week, IOF arrested 10 Palestinians at temporary military checkpoints.

  1. Violation of the right to life and to bodily integrity
  1. Excessive Use of Force against Protests in the West Bank
  • At approximately 07:50 on Thursday, 30 January 2020, a group of Palestinian students organized a protest adjacent to the border fence in eastern Khuza’ah village, east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip, in  rejection of U.S. President Donald Trump declared his Middle-East plan, so-called “Deal of the Century”, which violates Palestinian rights. IOF stationed along the border fence fired live bullets and tear gas canisters at the protestors. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 12:00 on the same Thursday, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Qalqiliyah to Jaljoulia checkpoint. The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan. The protestors threw stones at IOF while the latter responded with sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 01:00 on the same Thursday, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Tulkarm to Israeli Gate (104) established in the west of Tulkarm. The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians. The protestors threw stones at IOF while the latter responded with sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 01:30 on the same Thursday, a peaceful protest took part from the center of al- Birah to the northern entrance to al-Birah, upon calls from National and Islamic Factions in Ramallah and al-Birah. The protestors raised Palestinian flags and chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan. When the protestors approached the area, IOF stationed at al-Mahkamah checkpoint established adjacent to “Beit Eil”, north of the city, fired live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. Clashes that erupted in the area resulted in the injury of 2 civilians namely:
  1. Na’im Yusuf Marar (19) was shot with a rubber bullet in the right foot; and
  2. Ahmed ‘Ayed Marar (20) was shot with a rubber bullet in the foot.

Both wounded civilians were transferred to Palestine Medical Complex for treatment. Moreover, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.

  • At the same time, a peaceful protest took part from the center of al-Moghir village, to the village entrance, northeast of Ramallah. The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan The protestors  threw stones at IOF stationed at the village entrance while the latter responded with rubber bullet, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. as a result, several civilians  suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • Simultaneously, IOF stationed at the entrance to “Psagot” settlement established at lands of al-Taweel Mount area in al-Birah, fired live and rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at dozens of Palestinian young men, protesting in the in the vicinity of the abovementioned settlement, in rejection of Trump’s peace plan. As a result, 3 children were shot and injured with rubber bullets in the lower exterminates. They were identified as Mohammed Maneef Abdul Rahman Maridi (16), Haitham Wajih Mohammed Sbaih (15) and Mohammed Na’im Hadiyah (16). The wounded civilians were transferred to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah for treatment and their injuries were classified as moderate.
  • At approximately 14:30 on the same Thursday, dozens of Palestinian young men gathered at the southern entrance to Jericho where IOF established a military checkpoint in the area. The young men protested against Trump’s peace plan, and threw stones at IOF military vehicles and burned tires. Israeli soldiers chased stone-throwers at the entrance to the abovementioned entrance and sporadically fired sound bombs. As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. IOF also arrested Malek Mohammed Abu Salem (22), who was in front of his house in the camp.
  • At approximately 16:00 on the same Thursday, dozens of Palestinian young men gathered adjacent to Qalandiya military checkpoint, north of occupied East Jerusalem, protesting against Trump’s peace plan. The protestors threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers stationed at the abovementioned checkpoint while the latter fired live and rubber bullets and tear gas canisters. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. They received medical treatment on the field.
  • At approximately 11:00 on Friday, 31 January 2020, dozens of Palestinian young men gathered near Qalandiya military checkpoint, north of occupied East Jerusalem, protesting against Trump’s peace plan. Some of the protestors threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers stationed at the checkpoint. Israeli soldiers fired live and rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, Mohammed ‘Adel Mesleh (25) was shot with a live ammunition in his left thigh. Mesleh was transferred to Palestine Medical Complex for treatment and his injury was classified as moderate.
  • At the same time, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Tamoun village, southeast of Tubas, upon call of the national and Islamic factions, to protect the northern valleys and reject Trump’s peace plan. The protestors moved into ‘Atouf hell, east of the village, and performed the Friday prayer in there. After the end of the prayer, the participants raised the Palestinian flags and chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians. The participants attempted to enter the northern valleys  area, but Israeli soldiers stationed in the area and behind military vehicles banned  and suppressed them by firing rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. Clashes that erupted in the area resulted in the injury of Sa’eed Hamed Abu Hamad (42) with a tear gas canister in her nose. Abu Hamad was taken to Tubas Hospital  in Tubas for medical treatment. His injury was classified as minor. Moreover, dozens of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and they received medical treatment on the field.
  • At approximately 12:15 on the same Friday, doctors at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis pronounced the death of ‘Ala’a Hani Hamdah al-‘Abasi (14), from Khan Younis, succumbing to wounds he sustained after being directly hit with a tear gas canister in the head. On 11 October 2019, al-‘Abasi was shot and injured while participating in the GMR’s protest in eastern Khuza’ah village, east of Khan Younis.

‘Ala’a’s uncle, Darwish Hamadah al-‘Abasi (44), said to PCHR’s fieldworker:

“At approximately 18:00 on Friday, 11 October 2019, we were leaving the GMR protest adjacent to the border fence in eastern Khuza’ah, east of Khan Younis. I was standing next to my nephew ‘Ala’a (14) along with our neighbor “Zeyad Edden”, about 250 meters away from the border fence, adjacent to sand hills. We were heading to get into the buses to return home when a tear gas canister hit ‘Ala’a in the back side of his head. ‘Ala’a fell on the ground and his head was severely bleeding. An ambulance arrived at the area and took him to the field hospital while he was still conscious. When ‘Ala’a arrived at the field hospital, he fainted. Doctors gave him first aid and then transferred him to Gaza European Hospital where he entered the surgery room to stop the bleeding and stayed inside for several hours. ‘Ala’a  then was taken to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where he went into coma. According to doctors, ‘Ala’a’s injury caused laceration in his skull, an internal bleeding that was stopped later in, brain displacement, addition to cerebral hematoma. Doctors also classified his health condition as  very serious. ‘Ala’a stayed at Gaza European hospital for a month in a coma and then was transferred to al-Amal Hospital affiliated with Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) to receive medical treatment. A’la’a stayed at al-Amal Hospital for 17 days without responding to treatment.  Therefore, he was taken home while still in coma. At approximately 11:00 on Friday, after his health condition got worse, ”Ala’a was transferred to Nasser Hospital in Khan approximately 12:15, doctors announced ‘Ala’a’s death.”

  • At approximately 12:30 on the same Friday, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Kafer Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqiliyah into the village’s eastern entrance, which has been closed since 2003, allegedly for the security of “Kedumim” The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians. The protestors threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed behind sand berms and the latter responded with rubber bullets, sponge-tipped bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, a Palestinian civilian was shot and injured and received medical treatment on the field. Moreover, many protestors suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 12:50 on the same Friday, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Tulkarm into the annexation wall gate adjacent to Qifin village, north of Tulkarm. The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians. The protestors threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed in the abovementioned site. Israeli soldiers responded with sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • After Friday prayer, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Beta village, southeast of Nablus into the village’s main entrance (branching from Nablus-Ramallah Street), which was closed for 4 days. The protestors raised Palestinian flags and chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan that led to annexing the northern valleys by IOF. IOF suppressed the protest by firing rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. IOF clashed with the protestors. As a result, dozens of Palestinian civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 13:00, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Qalqiliyah into Jaljoulia checkpoint (southern entrance). The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan. The protestors threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed in the area and the latter responded with sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, many civilians, including a child suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. The child taken to the hospital for medical treatment while others received medical treatment on the field.
  • At approximately 13:10, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Qalqiliyah into the northern crossing of the city, which is designated Palestinian workers in Israel. The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan. The protestors threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed in the area and the latter responded with sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation, including a child, who was referred to the hospital for suffering asphyxia.
  • At approximately 13:30 on Friday, 31 January 2020, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Tulkarm into Gate (104) established adjacent to the annexation wall, west of Tulkarm. The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan. The protestors threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed in the area and the latter responded with rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • After Friday prayer, dozens of Palestinian young men gathered at the main entrance to al-Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah, condemning Trump’s peace plan. Some of the participants threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers stationed adjacent to the military checkpoint established in the area. Israeli soldiers fired live and rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at the protestors. As a result, Mohammed Bilal al-Tamimi (20) was shot with a live bullet in the shoulder. He was transferred to Palestine Medical Complex to receive medical treatment.
  • At approximately 14:00 on the same Friday, a number of Palestinian children gathered at the main entrance to Budrus village, west of Ramallah. They threw stones at Israeli soldiers stationed in the area and the latter responded with live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, Na’im Yusuf Marar (19) was shot with a rubber bullet in the left foot and Ahmed ‘Ayed Marar (22) was shot with a rubber bullet in the thigh. The wounded civilians were taken to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah for medical treatment.
  • At approximately 14:00 on the same Friday, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Joyous village, northeast of Qalqiliyah, into Israeli military checkpoint established adjacent to the annexation was, west of the abovementioned village. The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan. The protestors threw stones at IOF stationed in the abovementioned checkpoint and the latter responded with sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 14:00 on the same Friday, dozens of Palestinian civilians took off the GMR camp in Khuza’ah village, east of Khan Younis, without any official calls for demonstrations. Some of civilians approached the border fence, adjacent to the camp and attempted to throw stones at IOF stationed in the area. Protestors also chanted national slogans against Trump’s peace plan. IOF fired live bullets and tear gas canisters at the protestors. As a result, 10 civilians injured, including 4 children, were shot and injured with live bullets and tear gas canisters. They were transferred to Gaza European Hospital in the city. Yusuf Mahmoud Mohammed Abu Nasirah (20), from Bani Suheila, east of Khan Younis, was shot with a live bullet in the abdomen.

(Names of the wounded civilians area available at PCHR)

  • At approximately 15:45 on the same Friday, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Qalqiliyah, into al-Razazah area, west of Qalqiliyah, where IOF signed to guard the annexation wall stationed. The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan. The protestors threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed in the area and the latter responded with sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 16:00 on the same Friday, a group of Palestinian young men approached the border fence, east of Jabalia in northern Gaza Strip, to protest against Trump’s peace plan. They attempted to throw balloons and stones at IOF stationed along the border fence. IOF fired live bullets at them. As a result, Mohammed Nahed Abdul Ra’ouf ‘Othman (17), was hit with a shrapnel in the abdomen and ‘Oudai Hasan Abdul Rahim al-Mzain (19) was hit with a shrapnel in the right thigh. The wounded children were transferred to the Indonesian Hospital for medical treatment. Their injuries were classified between minor and moderate.
  • At the same time, dozens of Palestinian young men gathered in the vicinity of in Bilal Ben Rabah Mosque area “Rachel’s Tomb”, north of Bethlehem, to protests against Trump’s peace plan. Some of the participants threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers stationed in military checkpoints and the latter responded with live and rubber bullets and tear gas canisters . As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. They received medical treatment on the field.
  • At approximately 19:00, dozens of Palestinian young men gathered at the main entrance to Shu’fat village, north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, condemning Trump’s peace plan. Some of the protestors threw stones and empty bottles at the light train that passes through the village. IOF immediately surrounded the area and fired live and rubber bullets and tear gas canister at the protestors. IOF also arrested 2 civilians after they chased them in the village alleys and then heavily beaten them. the arrestees were identified as : Mohammed Jamal Abu Shehadah (22) and Abdul Rahim ‘Essa.
  • At approximately 14:30 on Saturday, 01 February 2020, dozens of Palestinian young men gathered at the northern entrance to al-Birah. They burned tires and threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers stationed at “al-Mahkamah” checkpoint established adjacent to “Beit Eil” settlement, north of the city. Israeli soldiers fired live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. Clashes that erupted in the area resulted in the injury of 3 civilians namely:
  1. Sameh Zaher Sbaih (20) was shot with a rubber bullet in the thigh;
  2. Jebril all-Zair Khuri (18) was shot with a rubber bullet in the foot; and
  3. Mohammed Jihad Dar Fathi (24) was shot with a rubber bullet in the head.

The wounded civilians were transferred to Palestine Medical complex in Ramallah for medical treatment. Moreover, a number of participants suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and they received medical treatment on the field. IOF clashed with Palestinian young men for 3 consecutive hours.

  • At approximately 11:30 on Sunday, 02 February 2020, a peaceful protest took part in front of Hebron University into Ras al-Jourah area north of Hebron, protesting against Trump’s peace plan. When the protestors arrived at Ras al-Jourah, a large Israeli force stationed arrived and stationed at Hebron’s northern entrance and closed Halhoul Road where an Israeli military checkpoint is established. The young men threw stones at Israeli soldiers deployed between commercial shops. Israeli soldiers indiscriminately fired tear gas canisters at stone-throwers and journalists , who were present in the area to cover the incidents. As a result, a number of protestors and journalists suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. Journalists attempted to approach Israeli soldiers, so they would not be targeted. However, soldiers attacked them and ordered them to move away from the area. Israeli soldiers also fired rubber bullets at the protestors and journalists. As a result, journalist Abdul Mohsen Tayseer Abdul Mohsen Shalaldah (28) was shot with a rubber bullet in the left side of his head. He fell on the ground and had seizure and fainted. After that, Shalaldah was transferred to al-Ahli hospital in Hebron. After medical examinations, Shalaldah suffered a fracture in the skull. IOF clashed with protestors until 15:00. IOF arrested Mohammed Osamah Melhem (21).

Journalist Shalaldah said to PCHR’s fieldworker:

“I was about 30 meters away from Israeli soldiers and about 100 meters away from stone-throwers as I was wearing the “Press marked uniform”. IOF heavily fired tear gas canisters  at the area. As a result, I suffocated due to tear gas inhalation, so I wore the muzzle. After that I heard a sound of gunfire. I felt something hit my head and then fell on the ground. I fainted and had seizure. When walk up, I was at al-Ahli hospital. Until now, I suffer from my injury.”

  • At approximately 12:40, on the same Sunday, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Tulkarm into annexation wall gate, adjacent to Qifin village, north of Tulkarm. The protestors chanted national slogans demanding the end of, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan. The protestors threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed in the area and the latter responded with sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result,  a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 13:00 on the same Sunday, dozens of Palestinian outraged young men gathered in Bab al-Zawiyah area in the center of Hebron. They burned tires and threw stones and empty bottles adjacent to the military Checkpoint (56) established at the entrance to al-Shuhada’a Street, which is closed by IOF. In the meantime, Israeli soldiers deployed in the area and topped roofs of nearby houses and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at stone-throwers and at commercial shops. As a result, a number of civilians and protestors suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. Israeli soldiers continued chasing protestors and indiscriminately fired rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at them. Journalist Mashhour Hasan al-Wahwah (37)
  • At approximately 14:00 on the same Sunday, dozens of Palestinian young men took part at the entrance to l-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, where IOF established a military checkpoint in the area. When the protestors approached the area, they threw stones and closed the road by burnt tires. Israeli soldiers chased the protestors and indiscriminately fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. Child Ahmed ‘Emad Abu Sharar (13) was arrested by IOF near the UNRWA distribution center and taken to a military checkpoint established in the camp. Abu Sharar was released for 3 hours after clashes ended.
  • At approximately 14:30 on the same Sunday, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Qalqiliyah into Jaljoulia checkpoint, south of the city. The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan. The protestors threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed in the area and the latter responded with sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 15:10 on the same Sunday, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Qalqiliyah into Jaljoulia checkpoint, south of Qalqiliyah. The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end for the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians and condemned Trump’s peace plan. The protestors threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed in the area and the latter responded with sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 15:40, a number of Palestinian young men took part at the entrance to al-Birah. The protestors threw stones at IOF stationed at “al-Mahkamah” checkpoint established near “Beit Eil” settlement. IOF fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. IOF clashes with Palestinian young men until 18:00.
  • At approximately 13:30 on Monday, 03 February 2020, IOF stationed at “Jaljoulia” Checkpoint established south of Qalqiliyah, suppressed a protest organized by dozens of civilians against Trump’s peace plan. IOF chased the young men, who gathered in the area and clashes erupted between them. IOF fired rubber bullets, sound bomb and tear gas canisters at the young men. As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and they received medical treatment on the field.
  • At approximately 15:15, IOF stationed at the annexation wall gate was established at lands of Qifin village, west of Tulkarm, suppressed a protest organized by dozens of civilians against Trump’s peace plan. IOF chased the young men, who gathered in the area as clashes erupted between them both. IOF fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protestors. As a result, a number of protestors suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. They received medical treatment on the field.
  • At approximately 17:00, IOF stationed at “Eyal” checkpoint established in the northern area of Qalqiliyah, suppressed a protest organized by dozens of civilians against Trump’s peace plan. IOF chased the young men, who gathered in the area. Clashes erupted in the area for 2 hours and IOF fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, Yusuf Ibrahim ‘Adel (14) was shot with a rubber bullet in the right humerus, causing its fracture. ‘Adel was referred to Darwish Nazal hospital in Qalqiliyah to receive medical treatment.
  • At approximately 18:20 on the same Monday, IOF stationed at the annexation wall gate established on Jayous village lands, north of Qalqiliyah, suppressed a protest organized by dozens of civilians against Trump’s peace plan. IOF chased the young men who gathered in the area and clashes broke out. They fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, many protesters suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and received medical treatment in the field.
  • At approximately 21:00 on the same Monday, IOF stationed at “Eyal” Crossing established on Qalqiliyah lands, north of Qalqiliyah, suppressed a protest organized by dozens of civilians against Trump’s peace plan. IOF chased the young men who gathered in the area and clashes broke out. They fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at protesters. As a result, many protesters suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and received medical treatment in the field.
  • At approximately 19:00 on Wednesday, 05 February 2020, a peaceful protest took part from the vicinity of and mosque in Beit Ummer village, north of Hebron into the village’s eastern entrance, where IOF established a military checkpoint. The participants raised Palestinian flags and chanted national slogans. When the protestors approached ‘Asidah area and threw stones at IOF military vehicles. Israeli soldiers chased the protestors and indiscriminately fired rubber bullets, sound bombs, and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, an 18-year-old civilian was shot with a rubber bullet in the head. He was referred to the village medical center. Moreover, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. IOF clashed with Palestinian young men until 20:30 on the same day. No arrests were reported.
  1. Shooting and other violations of the right to life and bodily integrity
  • At approximately 13:00 on Thursday, 30 January 2020, dozens of young men gathered near the western entrance to al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron and threw stones at the IOF near the checkpoint established at the camp entrance. IOF chased the stone-throwers into the camp and fired sound bombs at them.  IOF also arrested 2 children after being ambushed between the houses in the alleys.  They were identified as Naser Hasan Mohammed Jawabrah (15) and Qusay Bassam Abu Hashhash (15).  During the clashes which continued until 17:00, IOF fired rubber bullets and teargas canisters at the protesters and between houses.  As a result, civilians suffocated due to teargas inhalation.
  • Around the same time, outraged Palestinian young men gathered in Bab al-Zawiyah area in central Hebron and threw stones at the military checkpoint (56) at the entrance to the closed Shuhadaa’ Street. IOF fired teargas canisters and sound bombs at the stone-throwers.  As a result, a number of them suffocated due to teargas inhalation.  Ten minutes later, the soldiers chased the stone-throwers in al-Sa’ah Square area and fired live and rubber bullets at them.  However, no injuries were reported.
  • At approximately 15:30 on the same day, IOF moved into Kufur Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqiliyah. A number of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones at the IOF, who in response fired sounbd bombs, teargas canisters and rubber bullets. As a result, Mohammed Muhanad Khaled Ishteiwi (15) was wounded with a rubber bullet in the head that penetrated the skull from the right side of the brain.  His injury was deemed serious, so he was taken to Rafidia Governmental Hospital in Nablus and then referred to Hadassah Hospital in Israel.
  • At approximately 16:35, IOF stationed along the border fence with the Gaza Strip opened fire at the agricultural lands, east of al-Shokah village in eastern Rafah. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 16:40, An IOF drone fired a missile at a vacant land adjacent to Jakar Street, east of al-Shokeh in eastern Rafah. Around 2 minutes later, another drone missile was fired at a vacant land near the area where the former Gaza International airport was located, southeast of al-Shokah village in eastern Rafah.  Five minutes later, 2 other drone missiles were fired at a vacant land near the Military Sofa site, northeast of al-Shokah village in eastrn Rafah.  No casualties were reported.
  • Around the same time, IOF stationed along the border fence, east of al-Shokah village in eastern Rafah fired 7 artillery shells at the GMR encampment, vacant lands and other sites in the area. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 02:45 on Friday, 31 January 2020, IOF warplanes fired around 14 missiles at the western Rafah area, targeting a military site belonging to the Palestinian armed groups near the Saudi neighborhood, southwest of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. One of the missiles hit a water well belonging to the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility (CMWU), destroying it. CMWU said in a statement published on its Facebook page that the water well gives 60 metric cups/hour, which 30,000 residents of the targeted area benefited from. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 05:30, IOF raided al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem for the third Friday consecutively.  IOF attacked the worshippers following the Fajr Prayers by beating them and firing rubber bullets at them to leave the mosque yards.  As a result, 10 civilians were wounded with rubber bullets and 3 others were arrested.  Eyewitnesses said that IOF surrounded dozens of worshippers around few meters away from Bab al-Rahmah praying area while the latter were heading towards al-Qibli mosque and shouting “Allahu Akbar”.  The IOF ordered the worshippers to go back and leave the mosque and prevented them from marching towards the Dome of the Rock or the Qibli mosque. The eyewitnesses also sasid that the worshippers who were on top of the Dome started shouting “Allahu Akbar” in protest against scrounging and preventing the other worshippers from marching forwards.  During that, IOF in large numbers raided the area and fired rubber bullets heavily at the worshippers to force them to leave via Hatta Gate.  The eyewitnesses said that IOF also attacked the citizens who were outside at the Hattah Gate and arrested 3 of them.  They were identified as Mohammed Abu Shoushah (24), Mahmoud Dawoud al-Teryaqi (19) and Ahmed al-Kiswani (22).

Note: PCHR keeps the names of the wounded.

  • At approximately 13:30 on Friday, 31 January 2020, dozens of outraged young men gathered following a peaceful organized by the National Factions in Hebron near the military checkpoint established at the entrance to al-Shuhadaa’ Street in Bab al-Zawiyah area in central Hebron. The young men threw stones and Molotov Cocktails at the soldiers stationed at the checkpoint.  The soldiers fired teargas canisters, sound bombs and rubber bullets at the stone-throwers.  As a result, a 20-year-old civilian was wounded with a rubber bullet to the right leg, and a number of protesters suffocated due to teargas inhalation.  Clashes continued until 18:00, but no arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 14:00, IOF moved into ‘Aqabah Refugee Camp, south of Jericho. Children and young men gathered to throw stones and empty bottles at the IOF vehicles.  IOF responded by firing rubber bulelts, sound bombs and teargas canisters at the protesters in the center of the refugee camp.  As a result, 2 civilians were wounded; one of them was arrested: a 19-year-old man with a rubber bullet in the feet while the other was Belal ‘Ali Najadah was hit with teargas canister shrapnel to the head and was arrested by IOF.
  • At approximately 15:00, young men gathered at the entrance to Beit Ummar, north of Hebron while an IOF infantry unit was deployed in ‘Asidah area adjacent to the village entrance. The young men threw stones at the Israeli soldiers, burnt tires and closed the road with metal barricades.  The soldiers chased the young men and fired teargas canisters and sound bombs randomly.  As a result, some of them suffocated due to teargas inhalation.  The young men continued to throw stones while the soldiers randomly fired rubber bullets.  As a result, Mohammed ‘Ayyad ‘Awad (55), a volunteering photographer at Btselem, was wounded with a rubber bullet to the left foot while covering the clashes, which continued until 19:00.  No arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 16:00 on the same Friday, dozens of young men gathered at the entrance to ‘Anata village, northeast of occupied East |Jerusalem protesting against Trump’s peace plan. Protesters threw stones and empty bottles at the IOf vehicles stationed near the village entrance.  Immediately, IOF heavily fired live and rubber bullets as well as teargas canisters at the protesters.  Many protesters suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and received medical treatment in the field.
  • At approximately 17:30, IOF moved into the eastern area of ‘Azoun village, east of Qalqiliyah. Some civilians gathered and threw stones at the IOF, who heavily fired sound bombs and teargas canisters at them.  No casualties were reported, but IOF arrested Ra’ef Shaher ‘Othman Redwan (17) and withdrew.
  • At approximately 18:00 on the same day, dozens of young men gathered near Sho’afat military checkpoint, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem protesting against Trump’s peace plan. Some protesters threw stones and empty bottles at the IOF stationed at the checkpoint.  IOF heavily fired live and rubber bullets and teargas canisters at them.  As a result, many protesters suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and received medical treatment in the field.
  • At approximately 21:00 on the same day, dozens of young men gathered at the entrance to al-Ram village, north occupied East Jerusalem, protesting against Trump’s peace plan. Some protesters threw stones and empty bottles at the IOF stationed at the village entrance.  IOF heavily fired live and rubber bullets and teargas canisters at them.  As a result, many protesters suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and received medical treatment in the field.
  • At approximately 14:00 on Saturday, 01 February 2020, IOF stationed along the border fence with Israel, east of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, fired live bullets at the agrictural lands adjacent to the fence. As a result, Mohammed Salem Salamah Abu Sel’ah (42) was wounded with a live bullet that entered and exited his right leg and sustained shrapnel in the left leg while he was working an agrctural land around 600 meters away from the fence.  He was left bleeding because none could reach him due to the IOF shooting.  Around Half an hour later, a young man managed to take him to the Indonian Hospital, where his condition was deemed moderate.
  • At approximately 12:30 on Sunday, 02 February 2020, IOF attacked Burin High School located at the eastern entrance to Burn village, southeast of Nablus, when students were in class; some of them were in the school yards. IOF fired a barrage teargas canisters at the school after they claimed some students threw stones at them from inside the school.  The school administration decided to evacuate it, and all classes were emptied.  On their way out of school to the main street, Mahmoud Sa’id Najjar (11), a fifth grade student, was hit and wounded with a teargas canister in the head.  He was treated in the field.
  • At approximately 17:00 on Sunday, 02 February 2020, IOF stationed along the border fence with Israel, east of al-Salqa Valley village, east of Deir al-Balah, opened fire at the agrictural lands adjacent to the border fence. The shooting continued sporadically until late evening, but no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 13:00 on Monday, 03 February 2020, IOF gunboats stationed off western Rafah Shore in the southern Gaza Strip chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 5 nautical miles. They opened fire and pumped skunk water at them in addition to preventing fishermen from pulling out their nets and confiscating them.

Tareq Ziyad Ahmed Hasan Kaskin (32) from al-Shati’ refugee camp, west of Gaza City, said that IOF confiscated 4 nets while fishing on a small boat with his brother, Amir (32) and Mohammed Mahdi Abu Riyalah (17).  IOF also confiscated 17 nets belonging to Mohammed Isma’il Abu Dgheim from Deir al-Balah who was sailing with two other fishermen on a small fishing boat.

  • At approximately 13:30 on Monday, 03 February 2020, dozens of young men gathered at Bab al-Zawiyah in central Hebron, burnt tires, and threw stones and Molotov Cocktails at the military checkpoint established at the entrance to al-Shuhadaa’ Street. IOF fired rubber bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs and chased the stone-throwers into al-Tofah Valley Street and al-Sa’ah Square.  As a result, a 19-year-old civilian was wounded with a rubber bullet in the left eye and taken to the Governmental Hospital for treatment while other civilians suffocated due to teargas inhalation.  The clashes continued until 18:00, but no arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 15:30, IOF gunboats stationed off western Khan Younis shore in the southern Gaza Strip opened fire at the Palestinian fishing boats sailing within the allowed fishing area (10 nautical miles.) The gunboats surrounded a fishing boat, where 3 fishermen were on board and identified as Ramadan ‘Ali Salah (44), his nephew ‘Ali Wael Salah (14) and Majed Mahmoud Meqdad (48), all of them from the Shati’ Refugee camp in Gaza City. The Israeli naval soldiers ordered the fishermen to take off their clothes, jump in the wayer and swim towards one of the Israeli gunboats. They were arrested while their boat was confiscated and taken along with the fiserhmen to Ashdod Seaport. During the chase, the gunboats drowned 22 fishing nets belonging to Mos’ab Isma’il Abu Dgheim, while the other fishermen were forced to leave the sea.  At approximately 23:30 on the same day, IOF released the 3 fishermen via the Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing in the northern Gaza Strip, but kept the fishing boat under custody. Ramadan ‘Ali Mahmoud Salah, one of the released fishermen, said to a PCHR fieldworker that the Israeli gunboats fired rubber bullets at them, and he was shot in his left foot and Majed Meqdad in the back.  The Israeli soldiers ordered them to jump into the water; they were arrested, taken to Ashdod Seaport and interrogated until 23:30 when they were released. The boat is still in confiscation.
  • At approximately 01:55 on Tuesday, 04 February 2020, IOF moved into ‘Aqabet Jaber refugee camp, south of Jericho. Some civilians gathered to throw stones and empty bottles at the IOF vehicles in the camp alleys.  IOF fired live and rubber bullets as well as teargas canisters and sound bombs at the civilians.  As a result, 2 civilians sustained teargas canister shrapnel wounds to the lower extremities while other civilians suffocated due to teargas inhalation and were treated in the field.  Meanwhile, IOF raided and searched ‘Emad Hasan Redwan Abu Hamad’s (32) house, arresting the latter and withdrew.
  • At approximately 09:30 on Tuesday, IOF gunboats stationed off the Khan Younis shore in the southern Gaza Strip chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within the allowed fishing area (6-10 nautical miles) and opened fire at them. IOF also heavily pumped water at the boats, damaging and overturning two of them.  As a result, the fishing equipment were lost and a fisherman namely Yaser Zaki Mohammed al-Lahham (35) was wounded when he was on one of the boats with his brother  Ibrahim (26) and Salim Hasan al-Laham (38), from Khan Younis.  Yaser sustained a fracture in one of his left hand fingers.  Meanwhile, the other boat was boarded by 4 fishermen, from Gaza City, who were identified as Ahmed ‘Abdel Hamid ‘Amer Hejo (24), Yehia ‘Abdullah al-‘Absi (26) and his 2 brothers: Nemer (27) and ‘Ali (28).  A number of fishermen managed to pull out the 2 boats which were damaged and overturned and to save the fishermen, who fell in the water.  The wounded fisherman was taken to Naser Hospital in Khan Younis.
  • At approximately 11:20, IOF stationed along the border fence, east of Deir al-Balah, opened fire at the shepherds adjacent to the border fence, forcing them to leave the area for fear of being injured. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 10:45 on Tuesday, 04 February 2020, IOF gunboats stationed off Khan Younis shore in the southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at the Palestinian fishing boats sailing within the allowed fishing area (10 nautical miles) The gunboats also pumped skunk water at the boats and chased them in order to force them sailing back to the shore.  No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF erupted a checkpoint at the northwestern entrance to Jabe’a village, south of Jenin. Palestinian young men and children gathered in the village and threw stones at the IOF stationed at the checkpoint.  IOF fired toxic teargas canisters and sound bombs at the protesters and chased them in order to disperse them.  As a result, a number of them suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment in the field.
  • Around the same time, dozens of young men gathered in Bab al-Zawiyah area in central Hebron, burnt tires, threw stones and Molotov Cocktails at the military checkpoint established at the entrance to al-Shuhadaa’ Street. The soldiers were deployed at the checkpoint entrance and fired sound bombs, teargas canisters and rubber bullets at the protesters during clashes that continued or 2 hours.  As a result, many suffocated due to teargas inhalation and treated in the field.
  • At approximately 08:30 on Wednesday, 05 February 2020, IOF stationed along the border fence with Israel, east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at the agricultural lands in Khuza’ah village adjacent to the border fence.
  • At approximately 08:30, IOF stationed along the border fence, east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza strip, opened fire at Palestinian agricultural lands in Khuza’ah village, adjacent to the border fence.
  • At approximately 09:30, Israeli gunboats stationed west of Rafah shore in southern Gaza Strip heavily opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within the fishing allowed area (4 nautical miles) and chased them. Fishermen were forced to flee fearing of being wounded or arrested. Neither casualties nor material damage was reported.
  • In a new crime of IOF’s excessive use of force, IOF killed a Palestinian child after an Israeli sniper directly shot him with a live bullet in his heart near a military checkpoint in Hebron.

According to PCHR’s initial investigations, at approximately 14:30 on Wednesday,  dozens of Palestinian young men took part at Bab al-Zawiyah area in the center of Hebron. They burned tires in roads leading to the Israeli Military Checkpoint (56) established on al-Shuhada’a street. They young men threw stones at Israeli soldiers stationed behind the checkpoint and the latter indiscriminately fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters. Israeli snipers also topped roofs of buildings that are adjacent to the abovementioned checkpoint and opened fire At approximately 16:00, an Israeli soldiers stationed on a building’s roof fired 3 live bullets at Mohammed Salman Ta’mah al-Haddad (17)  from a distance of 100 meters as Mohammed was present near an old market, 50 meters away from the checkpoint’s entrance. As a result, Mohammed was shot and injured with a live bullet in the heart and fell on the ground. A number of young men managed to reach Mohammed and transferred him via an ambulance to Hebron Governmental Hospital. Few minutes later, doctors pronounced Mohammed’s death  after being  shot and injured with a live bullet that penetrated his heart and caused a severe bleeding. After Half an hour of Mohammed’s death, his family came and took his dead body to their home in al-Karantena area, south of Hebron. When the funeral procession reached Wad al-Harya area for performing prayer on Mohammed, an Israeli infantry unit arrived at the area. The young men threw stones at Israeli soldiers and the latter stepped out of their military vehicles and fired several live bullets. No casualties were reported.

Incursions and arrests:

Thursday, 30 January 2020:

  • At approximately 00:30, IOF moved into al-Issaweya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) children: Mohammed Majdi Ateya (16), Mohammed Dawoud Mahmoud (16), and Mohammed Amjad Ateya (17). The children were taken to “Salah al-Dein” police station. Later, IOF released Mohammed Majdi Ateya and Mohammed Dawoud Mahmoud on condition of home confinement for two weeks.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into al-Thawri neighborhood, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (4) children: Ehab Khalil Eskafi (17), Yousef Abdeen (17), Mohammed Abdullah Shwaiky (15), and Nour Jameel Ghaith (17).
  • At approximately 14:00, a group of children gathered in an agricultural land where the Israeli infantry units constantly stationed in al-Thohr near “Karmi Tsour” settlement, south Beit Ummer village, north of Hebron. Once the children stepped, a group of Israeli forces who were hidden between the trees attacked them, and took two of the children to the military camp in the abovementioned settlement. The arrested children are: Hamza Sameeh Issa Bahr (14) and Abdullah Fahd Sabarna (12). The activist Mohammed Awad said to PCHR’s fieldworker that the Israeli soldiers took the two children by force to the settlement, when the mother of one of them tried to catch up her son, the Israeli soldiers banned her and one of them kicked her leg.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF moved into al-Jalazon refugee camp, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched Ribhi Yaser Masarwa’s (13) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 09:00, IOF moved into al-Sa’deya neighborhood in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Ali Issa Met’eb’s (43) house and arrested him. It should be noted that IOF threatened and warned Ali to not distribute drinks and food on the prayers at al-Aqsa Mosque’s gates on Friday.
  • At approximately 14:20, IOF stationed at Tayaseer checkpoint, east of Tubas, arrested Yaser al-Bahsh (26) from Nablus. Yaser was taken to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 21:00, IOF moved into Obaid neighborhood, in al-Issaweya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (5) civilians including a child: Mohammed Marwan Obaid (19), Ali Sufian Obaid (18), Mohammed Omran Obaid (22), Mohammed Mobtasem Obaid (19), and Samer Anwar Obaid (34).
  • IOF carried out (14) incursions in Jenin, Aseera al-Shamaleya, Sebastya, Qablan, Yetma, Madama, Buren, Owrta, Ejnesinya, and Jbeil villages in Nablus, Beit Ummer, al-Shoyoukh, Ethna, and Deir al-Asal villages in Hebron. No arrested were reported.

Friday, 31 January 2020:

  • At approximately 01:30, IOF reinforced with heavy military vehicles, moved into al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron. They raided and searched three houses and arrested (3) civilians and took them to an unknown destination. The arrestees are: Hamad Rashad Abu Jouda (24), Ma’moun Rashad Joudi (23), and Wissam Riziq al-Badawi (21).
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Bab Hatta neighborhood in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Munir Salah al-Basti’s (25) house and arrested him. al- Basti was released after a few hours.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Jabal al-Mokaber village, south of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Khaled Amer Alian’s (26) house and took him to one of the investigation centers.
  • At approximately 11:40, IOF stationed in al-Qatanin gate, one of al-Aqsa Mosque’s Gates in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, arrested Shady Saad al-Mtour (44), the Secretary of Fatah movement in Jerusalem. While Shady was in al-Aqsa Mosque yards with his children, he received a summons via a phone call for investigation. IOF threatened him from storming al-Aqsa Mosque if he did not get out of al-Qatanin gate, and took him to “Beit al-Yaho” investigation center, and banned him from entering al-Aqsa Mosque for one week.
  • At approximately 13:00, IOF arrested Ahmed Abdullah Abu Ghazala (51) and Ibrahem Ali al-Natsha (24) while presented around al-Asbat Gate, one of al-Aqsa Mosque’s Gates in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They were taken to the investigation center, and released after a few hours without conditions.
  • At approximately 14:30, IOF arrested Mohannad (20) and his Brother Ahmed Mohammed Alia (23), while they were grazing sheep in the northern valleys, east of Tubas, and took them to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 19:00, IOF moved into al-Thawri neighborhood, south of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Mohammed Yehya al-Daqaq’s (26) house, and handed him a summons to refer to the “Ouz” police station, south of the occupied Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 20:30, IOF moved into al-Issaweya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They stationed around al-Arba’een Mosque in the center of the village, and then arrested two children and took them to “Salah al-Dein” investigation center for investigation. The arrestees are: Mohammed Haitham Mostafa (16) and Qasem Hamza Dirbas (17).
  • IOF carried out (8) incursions in Jama’een, Burin, and Qaryout villages in Nablus, al-Mowreq, Beit Ummer, Beit Amra, Yatta, and Halhoul villages in Hebron. No arrests were reported.

Saturday, 01 February 2020:

  • At approximately 02:00, IOF reinforced with several heavy military vehicles, moved into Tarqoumeya, west of Hebron. They raided and searched Ahmed Ja’afra’s house. No arrests were reported.
  • In the same day, IOF established a temporary military checkpoint on the entrance of Jeet village, north of Qalqiliya. IOF arrested Ahmed Emad Eshteiwi (19) who lives in Kafr Kadoum village, northeast of Qalqiliya, and took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF moved into al-Issaweya village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Ahmed Mohammed Dirbas’s (25) house and handed Ahmed a summons to refer to “al-Qishla” police station in the morning of the next day. It should be noted that Dirbas was banned from entering al-Aqsa Mosque for three months.
  • At approximately 21:00, IOF moved into Solwan village, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Omran Kareem Abu Sbaih’s (22) house and handed Ahmed a summons to refer to “al-Qishla” police station in the morning of the next day. Abu Sbaih said that IOF investigated with him about participating in slogans inside al-Aqsa Mosque, and then released him after a few hours on condition of banning his entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for two weeks.
  • At approximately 23:00, IOF stationed at al-Nabi Saleh’s temporary military checkpoint, northwest of Ramallah, stopped and arrested Basel Thalji al-Rimawi (21) who lives in Beit Rima village. Basel was taken to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out (6) incursions in Madama southeast of Nablus, Hebron, Beit Ummer, Halhoul, al-‘Aroub refugee camp, and Beit Kahel villages in Hebron.

Sunday, 02 February 2020:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Azoun, east of Qalqiliya. They raided and searched Adam Mahmoud Badwan’s (58) house and arrested him along with his son Mahmoud (25) claiming that he was in a possession of a weapon.
  • Around the same time, IOF reinforced with heavy military vehicles, moved into Beit Owa, southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched Waleed Mohammed Masalma’s house and arrested him along with his son Mohammed (15).
  • Around the same time, IOF reinforced with heavy military vehicles, moved into Beit Ummer, north of Hebron. They raided and searched Mohammed Jehad Sabarna’s (17) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF reinforced with heavy military vehicles, moved into Sourif, west of Hebron. They raided and searched several houses and handed Ahmed Isma’el Ghunaimat (39), Khader Ahmed Ghunaimat (62), Mo’ath Sameh ‘Ar’ar (39), and Ahmed al-Hour (40) summonses to refer to the Israeli intelligence services “Shen Bet” in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem. No arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Bab Hatta neighborhood in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Mohammed Khaled Sharifa’s (24) house and arrested him.
  • At approximatelt 05:00, IOF moved into Wadi Hilweh neighborhood in Solwan village, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched several houses and arrested belonging to Samrin Family, and arrested Shadi Mohammed Samrin (44), and Ibrahim Khader Samrin (54). IOF also handed the elderly Sheikh Adam Samrin (83) a summons to refer to Israeli Intelligence Services, on ground of a settler reported that they cleaned a mosque’s stairs in a street belonging to the settlers.
  • At approximately 16:00, IOF stationed at “al-Nashash” military checkpoint, south of Bethlehem, arrested Ra’ed Emad Masalma (16), claiming that he attempted to stab an Israeli soldier. Ra’ed was taken to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF arrested (4) children while presented in Ras al-‘Amoud neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. IOF took Mousa Naser (16), Ibrahim Ahmed al-Razim (15), Abdullah Sarandah (16), and Tayseer Abdulnabi (16) to “Salah al-Dein” police station.
  • At approximately 22:45, IOF established a temporary military checkpoint on the entrance of ‘Arraba village, southwest of Jenin. They arrested Nour al-Dein Mohammed Anis Lahlouh (26) who lives in Jenin refugee camp, west of Jenin. Eyewitnesses said that while Lahlouh was driving his car he found a military checkpoint so he accidently deviate his car from its way and hit the concrete block. IOF immediately started firing in the air and arrested Lahlouh, and then took him to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out (6) incursions in ‘Arraba and Jaba’, south of Jenin, Ethna, Bani Na’em, Beit al-Roush, and Yatta in Hebron.

Monday, 02 February 2020:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Qalqiliyah. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Majdi Jamil Tetan (20) and Jamal Jamil Tetan (25), and arrested them.
  • At the same time, IOF moved into Hendazah Mount area, east of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Nasri Bilal ‘Ayesh’s (22) house and arrested him.
  • At the same time, IOF reinforced with several military SUVs moved into Beit Ummer village, north of Hebron. They raided and searched Haitham Mahmoud Salibi’s (40) house and arrested his 15-year-old son and took him to the area where IOF military vehicles stationed. In the meantime, another Israeli force raided and searched Bassam Badawi Ekleil’s (55) house and al-Handasah Company for medical drugs in al-Boq’ah area. At approximately 03:30, IOF withdrew from the city and the arrestees were taken to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Furik village, northeast of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Kan’an ‘Adel Ahmed Zalmout Khatatbah (40), Head of Water Department at Beit Furik Municipality, and Ma’rouf Nayef Abu al-Su’oud Hanani (26).
  • At approximately 02:00, an Israeli force reinforced with several military SUVs moved into Hebron. They raided and searched a Mousa Abdul Khaleq Seder’s (60) house in Nemrah neighborhood and arrested his son Osama (19(.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into al-Hashimiyah village, west of Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mohammed Walid Taher Jarar (24) and ‘Amr Nayef Mohammed Jarar (29(.
  • At approximately 02:40, IOF moved into Qalandiya refugee camp, north of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Mohammed ‘Ali Mtair (24) and Nasser Abu Zediyah and arrested them.
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into al-Jenan neighborhood in the center of al-Birah. They raided and searched Muhanned Abdul Baset Shawabkah’s (31) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 04:40, IOF moved into Silwad village, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mohammed Basem Mohammed Hamad (27) and Amir Da’as Hamad (25).
  • At the same time, IOF moved into Kafer Ne’mah village, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses and arrested ‘Adi Mohammed Abu ‘Adi (26).
  • At approximately 10:00, IOF arrested and heavily beaten Montaha Amarah, from Zulfah village, an Arab village in Israel, when she was present in front of “al-Qeshlah” police center in occupied Eeast Jerusalem’s Old City. It should be noted that, a week ago, IOF informed Amarah a decision to deny her access to al-Aqsa Mosque for 6 months.
  • At approximately 12:35, IOF established a temporary checkpoint at the entrance to al-Laban eastern village, southeast of Nablus, and arrested Ahmed Ghazi ‘Ezzat Saqer (23), from ‘Askar refugee camp, northeast of Nablus.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF arrested ‘Orabi Sadeq al-Reheq (15) when he was present in al-Rababah neighborhood in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.
  • At approximately 16:00, an Israeli force reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Ethna village, west of Hebron. They raided and searched Rezeq Khalil Tamizi’s (54) house and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 17:30, Israeli police arrested Zaid Osamah Ghurab (17) and Islam Mohammed al-Tawil (16) when they were present in the vicinity of al-Rahmah prayer hall, east of al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. The police took the 2 children to Bab al-Selselah police station in the Old City for investigation. Few hours, Israeli authorities released the children.
  • At approximately 19:00, IOF stationed at a temporary military checkpoint near al-Nashash area, south of Bethlehem, arrested Mo’ath ‘Atef Abu ‘Akar (31) and ‘Ammar Abu ‘Akar (33), from al-Duheisha refugee camp, and took them to al-Mascubiyah detention center in occupied Jerusalem’s Old City.
  • At approximately 21:30, IOF moved into Tubas, and established a temporary military checkpoint on the northwestern entrance. They stopped and searched the Palestinian vehicles and checked their ID cards. Meanwhile, the Israeli soldiers called a Palestinian mechanical who was near them, and started cursing, hitting, and kicking him by their legs and rifles’ butts which caused bruises and pain in the head and back. Then they called the PRC ambulance in Tubas, and he was taken to Tubas Turkish Hospital to receive treatment. Later, they recognized that his name is Ahmed Mahmoud Abu al-Rab (20) living in Qabatya, southeast of Jenin. At approximately 22:30, he was referred to Khalil Suliman Governmental Hospital in Jenin to continue his treatment.
  • IOF carried out (3) incursions in Dura, Karma, Beit Oula villages in Hebron. No arrests were reported.

Tuesday, 03 February 2020:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF reinforced with heavy military vehicles, moved into al-Tabaqa neighborhood, south of Dura, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched Mohammed Salama Abu Ras’s (40) house and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, IOF reinforced with heavy military vehicles, moved into Dura, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched two houses and arrested Ahmed Jamal Masalma (33), and Mohammed Abdulrahman Amro (28).
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Waleed Riadh Mohammed Dakhil (19), from Nablus; and Harbi Majdi Ashour (22), from Ashour’s Kroum neighborhood south of Nablus.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Deir al-Ghusoun village, north of Tulkarm. They raided and searched the Lawyer Khaled Mohammed Abu Issa’s (25) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 01:50, IOF moved into al-Dheesha refugee camp, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Adam Emad Fararja’s (19) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Izbet al-Tayah in Tulkarm. They raided and searched Ahmed Subhi Abu Alfaya’s (38), an employee in the municipality, and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF reinforced with heavy military vehicles, moved into Ethna, west of Hebron. They raided and searched Maysoun Abdulhaleem Tumaizi’s (38) house and arrested her.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF stationed at the southern entrance of Kaft Hares village, north of Salfit, arrested Mohammed Abdulaziz al-Asa’ad (16), and took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF reinforced with heavy military vehicles, moved into al-Fawwar refugee camp. They raided and searched Mohannad Abdullah Ghatasha’s (27) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF reinforced with heavy military vehicles, moved into Sa’eer, north of Hebron. They raided and searched Mohammed Emad Jaradat’s (26) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF reinforced with heavy military vehicles, moved into Beit Owr al-Tahta, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched two houses and arrested Mohammed Mahmoud Suliman (24) and Ibrahim Musbah Suliman (34), and took them to an unknown destination. It should be noted that Ibrahim is a former prisoner at the Israeli prisons.
  • At approximately 07:30, IOF reinforced with four military bulldozers, moved 100 meter into the eastern Khuza’a, east of Khan Younis, south of Gaza. They leveled and combed the lands along the border fence with Israel before they redeployed again at approximately 13:20.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF stationed at Za’tara checkpoint, south east of Nablus, arrested Mohammed Jameel Zaidan (24), and took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 19:00, IOF moved into Solwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) children: Abdullah Hasaneya (16), Hamza al-Taweel (15), Shadi Abu Snaina (15).
  • At approximately 21:00, IOF moved into al-Issaweya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Khalil Sami al-Shawwa’s (16) house and arrested him.
  • IOF carried out (3) incursions in al-‘Aroub refugee camp, Ethna, and Umreesh villages in Hebron. No arrests were reported.

Wednesday, 04 February 2020:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Jenin refugee camp, west of Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians:  Mohammed Asri Fayyad (22), Azmi Eyad Azmi (25), and Mahmoud Arafat al-Sa’di (26).
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Askar al-Balad neighborhood, northwest of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Salah al-Dein Ayman Dwaikat (26).
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Qarawat Bani Hassan, west of Salfit. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mohammed Mahfouz Mera’I (26).
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Jalqamous, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Khalil Mohammed al-Qirim (27).
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles, moved into Beit Ummer, north of Hebron. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (4) civilians including two children: Ali Issa Awad (31), Abdullah Issa Abu Hashim (19), Ahmed Yousef Alqam (16), and Mahdi Ibrahim Abu Maria (16). According to Mohammed Awad, member of the popular movement, IOF fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at random as they retreated, despite no civilians attacks or throwing of stones. Many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 02:15, IOF moved into Beita village, southwest of Nablus. They raided and searched Saher Jaber Hamayel’s (30) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Awerta village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched Mo’en Faisal Awwad’s (24) house and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Siries village, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched Bara’ Tawfiq Mahmoud’s (24) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles, moved into Beit Kahel village, north of Hebron. They raided and searched the mayor Mo’en Mohammed Zhour’s (52) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:40, IOF moved into Azoun village, east of Qalqiliya. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mahmoud Jameel Ghinawi (40) and Abdulhadi Hamad Shbaita (35).
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles, moved intoal-Samoua’ village, south of Hebron. They raided and searched Jameel Abdulqader Abu Hammad’s (44) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 04:30, IOF moved into Birzeit, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses and took Ahmed Abdulkarim Qa’d to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 11:00, IOF moved into Housan village, west of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Mohammed Ramadan Za’loul’s (24) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 14:00, IOF when Mohammed Abdulaziz Azem, the mayor of Sebastya, and Nablus department of agriculture staff which included 3 engineers and a driver, were presented in the western side of Sebastya to evaluate the damages resulting from pumping sewage and wastewater from the lands of the settlers. IOF intervened, arrested the mayor and the staff, and confiscated their car, claiming that they were presented in “C Aria” for 3 hours before they were released.
  • IOF carried out (7) incursions in al-Beira, Marj Na’ja, and Zbaidat villages in Jericho, Deir Hatab, and Tal village in Nablus, Dura and al-Shoyoukh in Hebron. No arrests were reported.
  1. Settlement Expansion and settler violence in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem
  1. Demolition and Confiscation of Civilian Property for Settlement Expansion Activities
  • At approximately 11:00, Ibrahim ‘Ariqat implemented the Israeli Municipality decision and self-demolished his residential barrack in Khelet al-‘Abed area, east of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of living in an area designated for settlement constructions. Head of the Palestinian Land Defense Committee in Jerusalem Bassam Bahar said that the Israeli Municipality implemented the settlement policies in occupied East Jerusalem and recently issued an order to demolish Ibrahim ‘Ariqat’s residential barrack in Khelet al-‘Abed area, under the pretext of being in an area designated for settlement constructions. Bahar clarified that this settlement project has been announced since the nineties, aiming at build a network of roads, tunnels and bridges in order to surround occupied East Jerusalem with settlements from all sides. These roads are only designated for settlers. Bahar pointed out that the municipality claimed that this house is located at the entrance to the tunnel intended to be built in the area, and the construction of this house constitutes a criminal crime against the Jerusalem municipality. Therefore, the construction must be removed within days, otherwise the municipality will be forced to remove it and the house owner will be forced to pay the demolition costs or he will be fined.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Tuesday, 04 February 2020, Israeli Municipality construction vehicles moved into al-Mokaber Mount area, south of occupied East Jerusalem, and demolished Isma’il Qara’een’s house and retaining walls under the pretext of non-licensing. Eyewitnesses said that IOF demolished the foundations of Isma’il’s house , in addition to a retaining wall surrounding a plot of land in Ghazail neighborhood.
  • At approximately 11:00, Israeli bulldozers demolished a residential house in al-Ashqariyia neighborhood in Beit Haninah village, north of occupied East Jerusalem. During the demolition, IOF attacked the house owner, Jahad al-Shawamrah, and arrested him. Nedal Shawamrah, Jehad’s nephew, said that the Israeli bulldozers raided his uncle house without a prior warning and demolished it without vacating the contents. He added that the 120-square-meter house sheltered 7 members. He clarified that IOF previously ordered his uncle to self-demolish his house and he re-built it. It should be noted that the settlers claimed their ownership of the house.
  • At approximately 12:00 on Tuesday, 04 February 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles moved into Baradla village in Northern Jordan Valleys, northeast of Tubas. The bulldozer demolished a water line feeding the village and closed 3 water pipes feeding plants in the village.  Losses were estimated at 14,000 NIS.
  • At approximately 07:00 on Wednesday, 05 February 2020, the Israeli authorities fined with high amounts 2 Palestinians, from al-Walajah village, northwest of Bethlehem, under the pretext of living in unlicensed houses. Activisit Ibrahim ‘Awadallah said that IOF imposed a fine of NIS 200,000 against Khaled Mahmoud Abu Khiyara (35) and a fine of NIS 75,000 against Fatema Shehada, under the pretext of living in unlicensed houses. ‘Awadallah added that IOF gave both of them a month to pay fines or they will be forced to pay additional fines estimated at NIS 750 every day. It should be noted that IOF demolished Abu Khiyara house a year and a half ago and he re-built hit.
  • At approximately 07:40, IOF backed by military construction vehicles moved into Dir Qiddes village, west of Ramallah, and demolished a 60-sqaure-meter barrack built of tin plate. Also, they confiscated another 60-sqaure-meter barrack belonging to Anwar Salem Dar Naser and using for breeding livestock.
  • At approximately 09:00, Israeli Municipality construction vehicles demolished a retaining wall surrounding a plot of land in al-Mokaber Mount area, south of occupied East Jerusalem. The land owner, Yehia Siyam, said that IOF claimed that the retaining wall overlooks al-Aqsa Mosque.
  • On Wednesday, the Israeli Magistrates Court ordered the eviction of two Palestinian families from their houses in Batn al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan village, in favor of “Ateret Cohanim” Settlement Association, on the pretext of the Jews’ ownership of the land on which the building is located. Wadi Hilweh-Silwan Information Center and the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood committee, in a joint statement, clarified that Magistrate Court issued the eviction decision after rejecting a petition submitted by the Showaiki and ‘Odeh families to refute claims by the Ateret Cohanim settler group of ownership of the property and to prove their ownership of the house and land. Wadi Hilweh Information Center and Baten al-Hawa Committee stated that the court gave the families until Mid-August to vacate the building, which consists of a ground storage and two upper floors.

The settlement organization, which in 2001 claimed the right to administer Jewish property, alleged that it had owned the land before 1948 and began in September 2015 to hand over letters to residents of the neighborhood confirming its ownership of the land and buildings.

The statement added that the building is within the scheme of “Ateret Cohenim” to control 5 dunums and 200 square meters of belly of fancy in the town of Silwan, under the pretext of its ownership of Jews from Yemen since 1881, and the association “Ateret Cohenim” claims that the Supreme Court approved the ownership of Jews from Yemen For the belly of the fancy.

The Information Center and the Batn Al-Hawa committee clarified that 84 family members of the neighborhood received, during the past years, judicial notifications to claim the land on which their homes are built, and all of them are fighting a struggle in the Israeli courts to prove their right to the land that they bought from their previous owners with official papers.

The statement added that Israeli Magistrates Court ordered during 2 weeks the eviction of 4 Palestinian families ( al-Rajbi, Doweek, ‘Odah and al-Showiki) from their houses in Batn al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan village, in favor of “Ateret Cohanim” Settlement Association.

  • At approximately 11:30 on Wednesday, IOF accompanied with the Israeli Civil Administration officers and backed by military construction vehicles moved into al-Mas’ouda area, southwest of Burqah village, northwest of Nablus. They fixed a notice on a rock to demolish Mosheer Suliman Saif’s barrack and barn, under the pretext of being in Area C. The barrack and barn were built on an area of 150 square meters since the beginning of 2020. IOF gave Saif until 26 February 2020 to implement the demolition. It should be noted that Saif house was previously demolished on 07 March 2019.
  • At approximately 12:00, IOF accompanied with the Israeli Civil Administration officers and backed by military construction vehicles moved into al-Athar area, northwest of Nablus. They handed Naiel Rezeq Diab al-Sakha a notice to demolish his 50-sqaure-meter café, under the pretext of being in Area C. IOF gave him until 26 February 2020 to implement the demolition. It should be noted that the café was previously demolished 4 years ago.
  • IOF notified Malek Jamal Makhalfa to remove a tent brought from Jordan a week ago and put in al-Athar area to encourage tourism within 48 hours under the pretext of being in Area C.
  1. Israeli Settler Violence
  • At approximately 15:30 on Thursday, 30 January 2020, Israeli settlers, from “Yatizhar” settlement, which is established in the southern side of Madama village, southeast of Nablus, attacked a water well feeding Madama village in Khelet Sha’rah area, south of the village. The settlers cut water pipes with sharp tools and flee later, leaving the residents without water. The village council need to get an approval from the IOF to repair the water pipes, because the well is in Area C, which falls under the Israeli military and civil control and needs coordination with IOF.
  • On Thursday, Israeli settlers attacked the eastern outskirts of al-Mazra’ah al-Gharbiyia village, northwest of Ramallah. They broke the windows of Yousef and Mohamed Shreteh’s vehicles parked in their agricultural lands.
  • On Friday, 31 January 2020, Israeli settlers, from “Shafi Shomron” settlement, which is established on Sabastiyia village lands, uprooted 700 apricot and almonds seedlings donated by the Danish government and the Economic Development Center – Oxfam. It should be noted that these seedlings were planted a day ago.
  • At approximately 13:30, Israeli settlers with “Yatizhar” settlement guard, under the IOF protection, attacked Palestinians houses in al-Mo’taradat area, south of Madamah village. The settlers broke the windows of Khalil Hamad Jaber Qatt’s house. Qatt shouted at the settlers and asked for help from the village residents, who came and confronted the settlers and IOF with stones. IOF immediately fired sound bombs, tear gas canisters, and rubber and live bullets at them. As a result, Fayiz Zakaria ‘Abed al-Raouf Qatt (27), was shot with a live bullet in his right foot, and Ahmed Salah Sa’ied Qatt (23), was shot with a rubber bullet in his right foot as well. Both of them were later taken to Rafidia Governmental Hospital in Nablus, where doctors classified their injuries between moderate and minor. Moreover, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and were treated on the spot. The settlers also damaged olive trees and broke the twigs of 18 others. These trees belong to ‘Emad Ibrahim ‘Ali Sa’ada and Ayman ‘Abed al-Rahman Qasem Nassar.
  • At approximately 16:30 on Tuesday, 04 February 2020, Israeli settlers, from “Rahalim” settlement, which is established on al-Sawiyia village lands, southeast of Nablus, attacked a vehicle carrying Jehad Faisal ‘Isaa ‘Awaisah, the owner, and Ahmed Yousef Mahmoud Abu Dayyah (24). The settlers broke the vehicle’s windshield and damaged it. According to PCHR’s investigations, ‘Awaisah and Abu Dayyah were in front of the settlement to inform the guard that that they saw a settler riding a donkey that was stolen a month ago from Abu Dayyah’s tent and taken to the settlement. They asked the guard to return it. The guard told them that he knew the settler who was riding the donkey, but he told them that he would bring an official from the settlement to explain to him. Indeed, the official came and asked them to wait in their car until entering the settlement and understanding the matter from the settler. After 5 minutes, 3-4 settlers carrying stones came from the mentioned settlement and attacked them. As a result, the vehicle’s windows were broken.
  • At approximately 11:00 on Wednesday, 05 February 2020, Israeli settlers threw stones at Palestinians vehicles in Nahaleen village, west of Bethlehem. The village residents said that settlers, from “Bat ‘Ein” settlement, which is established on Palestinians’ lands in western Bethlehem, set up ambushes for Palestinian vehicles and threw stones at them. As a result, 2 vehicles at least sustained damages, in addition to causing fear among the residents.
  • Orders to ban entry to Jerusalem or al-Aqsa Mosque

As part of violation of the right to freedom of religion and access to religious sites in occupied East Jerusalem, in addition to forcible transfer of population from Jerusalem and the Old City, IOF issued 30 orders against Palestinian civilians. It should be noted that majority of the orders targeted activists and public figures and banned them from entering al-Aqsa Mosque.

The orders were as follows:

  • On Friday, 31 January 2020, IOF issued orders to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque from 2 weeks to 6 months against 6 Palestinians namely Hussain Waleed, Hasan Hasona, Yehia Taher Jabareen, Qutib and Hasan Suliman Abu Shqrah, and Belal Mowasi.
  • On the same day, the Israeli authorities arrested Mohamed Abu Shosha (24) and Mahmoud Dawoud al-Teryaqi (19) from al-Aqsa Mosque and banned them from entering the Old City for 2 weeks.
  • On the same day, the Israeli authorities handed the Secretary of Fatah Movement in occupied East Jerusalem, Shadi Sa’d Motawr (44), an order to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for a week.
  • On Saturday, 01 February 2020, the Israeli authorities banned ‘Imran Kareem Abu Subeih (22) from entering al-Aqsa Mosque for 2 weeks.
  • On Monday, 03 February 2020, Police Commander in occupied East Jerusalem issued an order to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for 6 months against Suliman Ahmed Ighbariyia. The ban order will be end on 23 July 2020. Ighbariyia said that on Monday, he headed to pray at al-Aqsa Mosque and when he got out of the mosque, he found Israeli soldiers at the mosque gate. The soldiers checked his ID card and handed him a 6-month order to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque.
  • At approximately 11:30, IOF beat and pushed 6 Palestinian women while present in front of al-Qashla Police Station in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. It should be noted that the Intelligence service summoned the women via phone for interrogation and handed them orders to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque. The women were identified as Naheda Abu Shaqrah, Samah Mahameed, Nour Mahameed, Ma’ali ‘Eid, Nafisa Khowis, and Aya Abu Nab.

Naheda Abu Shaqrah said that ”When they arrived at the gate of al-Qashla Police Station, the investigator told them the official officer was out, so they should return tomorrow. After that, an Israeli officer came and ordered them to wait. Naheda clarified that when they were waiting at the gate, an Israeli settler came and cursed them. The women shouted Allahu Akbar, so the Israeli police officers surrounded them and severely beat them.”

It should be noted that the women were arrested last week while present in al-Aqsa Mosque and they were banned for a week from entering the mosque. The Israeli police ordered them to come to al-Qashla police station to receive the ban orders.

  • On the same day, the Israeli authorities handed Mohamed Yehia al-Daqaq (26) an order to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for 2 months and a half.
  • On the same day, the Israeli authorities handed al-Sheikh Moahmed Imarahm from Um al-Fahem, an order to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for a week.
  • On the same day, the Israeli police stopped Raied Zaghir and Mohamed Shalabi while getting out of al-Aqsa Mosque and handed them a 6-month order to ban entry to the mosque.
  • On the same day, IOF issued orders to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque from a week to 6 months against 4 Palestinians namely Raied Zaghir, Mohamed Shalabi, Suliman Ighbariyia, and Moahmed Emarah.
  • On Wednesday, 05 February 2020, the Israeli authorities issued orders to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque against 5 civilians, including 2 women. The civilians were identified as: Naheda Abu Shaqrah and Samah Mahameed, from Um al-Fahem, were handed 4-month orders to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque; and Jameel ‘Issa al-‘Abasi, Husam Eyad al-‘Abasi and ‘Areen al-Za’aneen were handed a week-orders to ban entry to al-Aqsa Mosque.
  • Closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement of persons and goods

Gaza Strip

  • As part of collective punishment policy, on 02 February 2020, IOF announced tightening restrictions on the movement of goods into the Gaza Strip and on the movement of merchants/businesspersons in response to incendiary balloons and projectiles fired towards Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip.

In a press release, Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Maj. Gen. Kamil Abu Rokon, announced freezing facilitations relevant to commerce, economy and movement across checkpoints, including decreasing the number of businesspersons permits and ceasing import of cement to the Gaza Strip. The Coordinator proclaimed that these measures are in response to violence against Israel in its border area with the Gaza Strip and launching projectiles towards Israel.

According to PCHR follow-up, Israeli authorities informed the Presidential Committee for Goods Coordination in Gaza that its decision to ban the entry of cement into the Gaza Strip is effective as of 01 February 2020. Simultaneously, IOF annulled 460 exit permits previously issued for businesspersons from the Gaza Strip.

It should be noted that this decision followed Israeli authorities’ decision 3 days earlier to enter a type of cement used for tiling through Kerm Shalom crossing in a departure from the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM) managed by the United Nations. While entry of cement used to make concrete was sustained through GRM.

  • On Wednesday, 05 February 2020, the Israeli authorities announced reducing the allowed fishing area in Gaza Sea. The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Maj. Gen. Kamil Abu Rokon, posted in his Facebook: “Following security consultations, it has been decided today (Wednesday), to restrict the fishing zone of the Gaza Strip from 15 nautical miles to 10 nautical miles, starting from 4 p.m. until further notice”. He claimed that: “The decision was made following the continuity of rocket fire and the launching of explosive balloons from the Gaza Strip to the territory of the State of Israel”.

Nizar ‘Ayash, Head of the General Union of Fishing Workers in the Gaza Strip, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that they were officially informed by the Israeli authorities about reducing the allowed fishing area in Gaza Sea. Afterwards, fishing was allowed at 6 nautical miles from the northern Gaza Strip up to the Gaza City sea; and at 10 nautical miles from Gaza Valley up to Rafah, starting from 16:00.

West Bank

In addition to permanent checkpoints and closed roads, this week witnessed the establishment of more temporary checkpoints that restrict the goods and individuals movement between villages and cities and deny civilians’ access to their work. IOF established 93 temporary checkpoints, where they searched Palestinians’ vehicles, checked their IDs and arrested 10 of them.

The military checkpoint were as follows:


  • On Friday, 31 January 2020, IOF closed Qalandia checkpoint in northern occupied East Jerusalem and stopped vehicles’ movement for 2 hours, under the pretext of throwing Molotov Cocktails at the checkpoint. They also tightened their arbitrary measures at al-Jabi’ checkpoint, east of the city.
  • On Sunday, 02 February 2020, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to al-Za’im village, east of occupied East Jerusalem.


  • On Thursday, 30 January 2020, IOF established 4 checkpoints near the bridge of Dar Salah village, in ‘Aqbat Hasnah area, and at the entrances to Beit Fajjar and Janata villages.
  • On Friday, 31 January 2020, IOF established 3 checkpoints in ‘Aqbat Hasnah area and at the entrances to Beit Jala and Taqou’a villages.
  • On Saturday, 01 February 2020, IOF established 5 checkpoints at the entrances to ‘Beit Jala, Beit Fajjar, Taqou’a and Dar Salah villages.
  • On Sunday, 02 February 2020, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the entrances to Beit Fajjar and Taqou’a villages.
  • On Monday, 03 February 2020, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the entrances to Janata and Taqou’a villages and in ‘Aqbat Hasnah area.
  • On Tuesday, 04 February 2020, IOF closed checkpoint No. (300) in northern Bethlehem and obstructed the vehicles’ movement. They also tightened their arbitrary restrictions at al-Container checkpoint, east of the city.
  • Hebron:
  • On Thursday, 30 January 2020, IOF established 4 checkpoints at the southern entrance to Halhoul village, at the entrance to al-Fawar refugee camp and at the entrances to Sa’ir and Beit ‘Awaa villages.
  • On Friday, 31 January 2020, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the northern entrance to Hebron, and the entrances to al-Shayyoukh, al-Dahiriyia and Dir ‘Asal villages.
  • On Saturday, 01 February 2020, IOF established 3 checkpoints at Dir ‘Asal and Imrish villages and at the entrance to al-Fawar refugee camp.
  • On Sunday, 02 February 2020, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the entrances to Sa’ir, Beit Kahel and Kharsa villages.
  • On Monday, 03 February 2020, IOF established 5 checkpoints at the entrance to al-Dahiriyia village, at the entrances to al-‘Aroub and al-Fawar refugee camps, at the northern entrance to Yatta, and at the entrance to al-Sima village.
  • On Tuesday, 04 February 2020, IOF established 5 checkpoints at the southern entrance to Hebron, at the southern entrance to Halhoul village, at the eastern entrance to Dura, and at the entrance to Kharsa village.
  • On Wednesday, 05 February 2020, IOF established 4 checkpoints at the entrances to Ethna and Bani Na’iem villages, at the entrance to al-Fawar refugee camp, and at the southern entrance to Hebron (al-Fahs).


  • On Friday, 31 January 2020, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to al-Nabi Iyyas village, east of Qalqiliyia. They detained Bayan Othman Mahmoud al-Tabeeb and later released him.
  • On Saturday, 01 February 2020, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the entrances to Izbit al-Tabeeb and Jeet villages, and at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliyia.
  • On Sunday, 02 February 2020, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to Jeet village, north of Qalqiliyia.


  • On Thursday, 30 January 2020, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the entrance to Dir Ballout village and at the northern entrance to Salfit.
  • On Saturday, 01 February 2020, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the entrances to Dir Ballout and Kaful Hares villages.
  • On Sunday, 02 February 2020, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to Dir Ballout


  • On Thursday, 30 January 2020, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to Ya’boud village, southwest of Jenin. They stopped Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs. During which, they arrested ‘Abed al-Kareem Kamal Khaled Abu Baker (25) and SHa’lan Kiwan Abu Baker (23) and released them 45 minutes later.
  • On Sunday, 02 February 2020, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the intersections of al-Jabi’, ‘Ijja and al-Jarbah villages.
  • On Tuesday, 04 February 2020, IOF established a checkpoint at the intersection of al-Kafeer village.


  • On Thursday, 30 January 2020, IOF established 3 checkpoints near Surra village intersection, between Ijnisiniyia and Zawta villages, and at the intersection of Bazariyia village. IOF tightened their arbitrary measures against the Palestinian civilians who cross the checkpoint and undergo thorough searches before being allowed to cross.
  • On Friday, 31 January 2020, IOF established a checkpoint on road No.17 connecting between Nablus and ‘Asirah al-Shamaliyia village. IOF stationed at the checkpoints of Shafi Shamroun and Surra villages tightened their arbitrary measures against the Palestinian civilians who cross the checkpoint and undergo thorough searches before being allowed to cross.
  • On Monday, 03 February 2020, IOF established a checkpoint near the intersection of Surra village.
  • On Tuesday, 04 February 2020, IOF stationed at alHamrah checkpoint, northeast of Nablus, tightened their arbitrary measures against the Palestinian civilians who cross the checkpoint and undergo thorough searches before being allowed to cross.
  • On Wednesday, 05 February 2020, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to ‘Asirah al-Shamaliyia village.


  • On Thursday, 30 January 2020, IOF stationed at al-Tayaseer checkpoint, at the eastern entrance to Tubas, tightened their arbitrary measures against the Palestinian civilians who cross the checkpoint and undergo thorough searches before being allowed to cross.
  • On Friday, 31 January 2020, IOF established 2 checkpoints on Wadi al-Maleh Road and near the intersection of Bardlah village in Northern Jordan Valleys.
  • On Monday, 03 February 2020, IOF stationed at al-Tayaseer checkpoint, at the eastern entrance to Tubas, tightened their arbitrary measures against the Palestinian civilians who cross the checkpoint and undergo thorough searches before being allowed to cross.


  • On Thursday, 30 January 2020, IOF established a checkpoint under the bridge of ‘Atara village in northern Ramallah.
  • On Saturday, 3 similar checkpoints were established at the entrances to ‘Ain Yabroud, Senjil and al-Nabi Saleh villages.
  • On Sunday, 02 February 2020, IOF established a checkpoint at the square of ‘Ain Sina village, east of Ramallah.
  • On Tuesday, 04 February 2020, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the square of ‘Ain Sina village, and at the entrances to al-Nabi Saleh and Dir Nizam villages.
  • On Wednesday, 05 February 2020, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to Dir Nizam village, northwest of Ramallah.


  • On Friday, 31 January 2020, IOF established a checkpoint at the intersection of al-‘Ojah village, north of Jericho.
  • On Monday, 03 February 2020, IOF tightened their arbitrary measures at al-Hamra military checkpoint in northern Jericho.

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PCHR Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations against Palestinians (09 – 15 January 2020)


January 18, 2020 4:20 AM


This week, PCHR documented 179 violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and settlers in the occupied Palestinian territory. They were as follows:

As part of the Israeli shooting and excessive use of force:

In terms of excessive use of force, IOF suppression of 4 peaceful protests in the West Bank resulted in the suffocation of dozens of Palestinian civilians. Furthermore, 4 IOF shootings were reported at agricultural lands in eastern Gaza Strip and 3 at fishing boats at Gaza Sea; no casualties were reported.

This week, IOF aircrafts sprayed herbicides along the Gaza Strip’s eastern border fence with Israel from its north to its Central Governorate. According to PCHR’s fieldworkers, Israeli aircrafts were flying at a low altitude over the border fence while spraying the herbicides, which reached a distance of 700 to 1200 meters into the Gaza Strip, depending on wind speed and direction. IOF’s herbicide-attack on agricultural lands is repeated twice annually (the end of December and the begging of January and April), which are the beginning of the cultivation of winter and summer crops. It should be noted that spraying herbicides caused damage to leafy crops at lands adjacent to the border fence, which caused heavy losses. Some farmers are deterred from planting their lands that are located near the border fence in fear of such attacks. IOF claim that they intend to eliminate grass and crops that impair vision in the areas adjacent to the border fence.

Under IOF incursions and house raids in addition to arresting Palestinian civilians: IOF carried out 96 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear among civilians, arresting and/or injuring many others. During this week’s incursions, 69 Palestinians were arrested, including 10 children and a woman. Also during their raids, IOF confiscated Palestinian civilians’ money, equipment and other properties under various excuses. In the Gaza Strip, IOF arrested 4 Palestinians, 2 while attempting to cross into Israel via the border fence and 2 at Beit Hanoun Crossing.

In a move unprecedented for more than 25 years, Israeli Defence Minister Naftali Bennett issued a decision on 15 January 2020 establishing 7 new natural reserves and expanding 12 others in the West Bank. Under the Minister’s decision, the Area “C” lands were put under the authority of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority. It should be noted that Area “C” lands constitute over 60% of the West Bank and falls under the Israeli military and civil control. It is no secret that Israel intends to annex Area “C” lands; this decision came a few day after Minister Bennett announced his intent to annex Area “C” to Israel and to enhance settlement activity.

Under the settlement expansion activities in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, PCHR documented 8 demolitions, land razing and demolition notices by IOF, including confiscating a barracks used for livestock and a construction vehicle in Ramallah. IOF also distributed 9 demolition notices and orders to stop construction vehicles in Hebron. Additionally, a blacksmith workshop was destroyed in Jerusalem.

On 15 January 2020, IOF issued a military order to confiscate 350 dunums of agricultural land in Bethlehem in order to expand Bypass road (60), which ties settlements near Bethlehem with Jerusalem, including “Gush Etzion,” “Beitar Illi,” “Eilya,” “Efrat” and “Tzur Hadassah;” as well as “Kiryat Arba” in Hebron.

PCHR also documented 3 settler-attacks that included cutting 80 olive trees and assaulting Palestinian civilians in Nablus.

In terms of collective punishment policy, IOF gave demolition notices to the families of 4 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails targeting their houses in Jenin, Ramallah and Hebron. IOF alleged that their imprisoned sons carried out attacks against IOF and settlers.

In terms of the Israeli closure policy, the Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the History of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life. Furthermore, IOF uses Erez Crossing that is designated for movement of individuals as an ambush to arrest Palestinians who obtain permits to exit via Israel.  Meanwhile, the West Bank is divided into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilian movement is restricted and they are subject to arrest. This week, IOF arrested 7 Palestinians, including a child and a woman, at temporary military checkpoints.

  1. Violation of the right to life and to bodily integrity
  2. Excessive Use of Force against Protests in the West Bank
  • At approximately 13:30 on Friday afternoon, 10 January 2019, a peaceful protest took off in Kufor Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqiliyah, and marched towards the village’s eastern entrance, which has been closed for 15 years allegedly for the security of “Kedumim” settlement. The protestors chanted national slogans, demanded an end of the occupation and the Israeli forces’ crimes against Palestinians. The protestors threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed behind sand berms and the latter responded with sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, a few people suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • A similar protest launched on the same day in the same village. The protestors threw stones at IOF, who responded with rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, several civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  1. Shooting and other violations of the right to life and bodily integrity
  • At approximately 16:00 on Thursday, 09 January 2020, Dozens of Palestinian young men gathered in Bab al-Zawiyah area in the center of Hebron and threw stones at the Israeli military checkpoint established at the entrance to al-Shuhada’a Street, which is closed. Israeli soldiers stationed at the abovementioned checkpoint deliberately opened fire at stone-throwers. As a result, a number of young men suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 14:00 on Friday, 10 January 2020, a number of Palestinian young men gathered at the western entrance to al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. They threw stones at the Israeli military watchtower established at the main road to the camp. Israeli soldiers chased the young men between houses and fired sound bombs and tear gas canister at them. The confrontations, which continued until 17:00, resulted in several civilians suffocating due to tear gas inhalation. No other incidents were reported.
  • At approximately 14:50, Israeli gunboats stationed west of Rafah in southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 4 nautical miles. As a result, fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives. Neither casualties nor material damage was reported.
  • At approximately 14:00 on Saturday, 11 January 2020, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence with Israel, east of khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at agricultural lands in eastern ‘Abasan area, adjacent to the border fence. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 09:00 on Sunday, 12 January 2020, Israeli gunboats stationed west of Jabalia shore in northern Gaza Strip, chased and opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles. As a result, fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 23:10 on the same Sunday, IOF stationed at Beit Hanoun crossing in northern Gaza Strip, sporadically opened fire at the border area and fired dozens of flare bombs in the sky of the area. Neither casualties nor material damage was reported.
  • At approximately 07:00 on Monday, 13 January 2020, Israeli gunboats stationed west of Jabalia shore in northern Gaza Strip, chased and heavily opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles. The shooting recurred at 09:00 on the same day. As a result, fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 09:20 on Tuesday, 14 January 2020, Israeli aircrafts sprayed herbicides on the agricultural lands along the border fence, northeast of al-Buraij, and headed north to Gaza Valley and southeast of Gaza City, claiming to eliminate the grass for security reasons in the area. The spraying process continued until 10:30 on the same day morning. These pesticides caused damage to the leafy crops in the area adjacent to the border fence.
  • At approximately 09:30 on the same Tuesday, Israeli aircrafts sprayed herbicides on the agricultural lands along the border fence, from northeast of Beit Hanoun to Beit Hanoun Crossing, northwest of the village. The Spraying process continued until 10:30 on the same Tuesday.
  • At approximately 08:50 on Wednesday, 15 January 2020, Israeli aircrafts sprayed herbicides on lands adjacent to the border fence, east of al-Buraij refugee camp and headed to the east of Deir al-Balah. The spraying process continued until 11:00 on the same day morning.

According to PCHR’s fieldworkers, Israeli aircrafts were flying at a low altitude over the border fence while spraying the herbicides, which reached a distance of 700 to 1200 meters into the Gaza Strip, depending on wind speed and direction. IOF’s herbicide-attack on agricultural lands is repeated twice annually (the end of December and the begging of January and April), which are the beginning of the cultivation of winter and summer crops. it should be noted that spraying herbicides caused damage to leafy crops at lands adjacent to the border fence, which caused heavy losses. Some farmers are deterred from planting their lands that are located near the border fence in fear of such attacks. IOF claim that they intend to eliminate grass and crops that impair vision in the areas adjacent to the border fence.

It should be noted that in 2016, Israeli authorities revealed that the used substances in the air spraying are Glyphosate, Oxygal, and Durex. One of these substances at least are classified as Carcinogenic substances. In 2015, The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), affiliated with the World Health Organization (WHO), classified Glyphosate substance as carcinogenic and causes birth defects. Therefore, a number of states prohibited some of these substances.

  • At approximately 14:10 on the same Tuesday, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at a group of Palestinian shepherds, east of al-Qararah. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 10:30 on Wednesday, 15 January 2020, Israeli aircrafts sprayed herbicides on the agricultural lands along the border fence, from southeast of Beit Hanoun to the east of al-Amal neighborhood, northeast of the village. It should be noted that the spraying process target the buffer zone ranging between 200 – 300 meters in an attempt to burn the grass that is adjacent to the border fence.
  • At approximately 14:30, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, southeast of Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip, fired live bullets and tear gas canisters at agricultural lands in eastern al-Fukhari village, adjacent to the border fence. No casualties were reported.
  1. Settlement Expansion and settler violence in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem
  1. Demolition and Confiscation of Civilian Property for Settlement Expansion Activities
  • At approximately 11:00 on Thursday, 09 January 2020, IOF accompanied with workers of Israeli special companies moved into Ras Karkar village, west of Ramallah, and stationed on the main street. They dismantled and confiscated a 30-sqaure-meter barrack of ‘Emad Ghanem Sayis, from Kafur Ni’meh village, under the pretext of non-licensing.
  • On Saturday, 11 January 2020, Sayil Ibrahim Ja’abees and Sami Mansour Mashahra implemented the Israeli Municipality decision and self-demolished their houses in al-Mukaber Mount area, south of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of non-licensing. Ja’abees said that his 80-sqaure-meter house built 4 years ago and sheltered 5 members, including 3 children. He added that on last Thursday, he was shocked by raiding his house by the Israeli Municipality staff to hand him the Israeli court’s decision that gave him until Sunday morning to self-demolish his house, and if he will not be implemented the decision, the municipality staff will do so and impose a fine on him. Ja’abees also said that his house was comprised of 2 caravans and a bathroom built on his father’s land, because he could not afford construction costs. Ja’abees pointed out that he and his family became homeless in the cold weather.

Regarding Mashahra, he said that his 65-sqaure-meter house built in 2014 and sheltered his wife and their child. Masharhra added that during the past years, the Israeli Municipality staff raided his house many times and handed him several demolition notices. He clarified that the self-demolition of his house was so difficult.

  • At approximately 07:00 on Sunday, 12 January 2020, a force of IOF accompanied with the Israeli police officers surrounded itinerant vendors and owners of stalls, which were placed in Metar Checkpoint, west of al-Dahiriyia village in southern Hebron. The bulldozer demolished the stalls, damaged the goods and confiscated them, under the pretext of causing a traffic jam at the checkpoint. It should be noted that in 2019, the Israeli authorities damaged the stalls of itinerant vendors 9 times.
  • At approximately 09:30 on Monday, 15 January 2020, IOF accompanied with a driver from “Shillo” settlement, which is established on al-Moghair village’s lands, moved into agricultural lands in al-Sahel area, 500 meters away from the mentioned settlement. IOF expelled Salem al-‘Asi, a bulldozer driver, and confiscated his bulldozer. Al-‘Asi was building an agricultural road on Palestinians’ lands to facilitate their access to their lands. It should be noted that this agricultural work is part of a project to rehabilitate and reclaim agricultural lands funded by the Agricultural Development Association, “Agricultural Relief”. IOF claimed these agricultural lands are classified as Area S, despite the existence of a land registry owned by the Palestinian farmers.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Monday, 13 January 2020, IOF accompanied with the Israeli Civil Administration officers and backed by military construction vehicles moved into Eghziwa area in southern Nablus. The Israeli Civil Administration officers distributed notices to stop construction works and demolish some facilities, under the pretext of non-licensing. The notices included:
  1. Demolishing a 120-sqaure-meter under-construction house property of ‘Anan Mohamed ‘Abed Rabbu.
  2. Demolishing a 12-sqaure-meter residential room and 50-sqaure-meter barrack property of Belal ‘Issa al-Yateem.
  3. Demolishing a 140-sqaure-meter house property of Belal ‘Issa al-Yateem.
  4. Demolishing a 150-sqaure-meter house property of Mohamed Khalil ‘Issa Abu ‘Arram.
  5. Stop Construction works in a 80-sqaure-meter house property of Qasem Mohamed Abu Tuhffa.
  6. Demolishing a 140-sqaure-meter house property of Mohamed Mousa Makhamrah.
  7. Demolishing an 1800-sqaure-meter barrack property of Ahmed Isma’il Dababsah.
  • At approximately 11:00, Hisham Dari self-demolished a retaining wall surrounding his plot of land located at the eastern entrance to al-‘Issawiyia village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. He implemented the Israeli Municipality decision and levelled his land. Dari added that the Israeli Municipality prevented him from using his land and imposed fines on him. The municipality also closed the entrance of his land with concrete blocks and chains.
  • At approximately 13:00, IOF accompanied with the Israeli Civil Administration officers and backed by military construction vehicles moved into Zaif area in southern Hebron. The Israeli Civil Administration officers handed ‘Issa ‘Ali Abu ‘Arram a 96-hour- notice to demolish his 200-sqaure-meter barrack, under the pretext of non-licensing.
  • At approximately 12:30 on Tuesday, 14 January 2020, the Israeli Municipality bulldozer backed by IOF demolished Khaled Nimer Abu Kahlil’s blacksmith workshop built of tin plates and bricks near Hizmah military checkpoint, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, and confiscated its equipment, under the pretext of non-licensing, according to the Mayor of Hizmah Village municipality, Musallam Abu Helou.
  • In a move unprecedented for more than 25 years, Israeli Defence Minister Naftali Bennett issued a decision on 15 January 2020 establishing 7 new natural reserves and expanding 12 others in the West Bank. Under the Minister’s decision, the Area “C” lands were put under the authority of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority. The project included the following areas: Soreek cave, al-Moqleq valley, Malha Valley, southern Jordan River, al-Fari’ah valley, and northern Jordan valley.

According to the statement, the 12 natural reserves that will be expanded are: Mountain peaks in western Dead Sea, southeast of Nablus, Fasayil in Jordan valley, Um Zoka in Jordan valley, an area in the Dead Sea, Kharouba village in eastern al-Ramlah, inside the West Bank, northern the Dead Sea, eastern Tubas, northern the Dead Sea, Malha valley, and in Jericho.

Bennett said about his decision to seize areas from the West Bank and establish settlement projects: “Today we are greatly strengthening the Land of Israel by developing Jewish settlement in Area C – with actions, not words,” Bennett said. “Judea and Samaria have natural sites with amazing views. We will expand existing sites and develop new ones…. I invite all Israeli citizens to get up and walk the land, to tour Judea and Samaria, hike, and discover new things and to continue the Zionist enterprise.”

It should be noted that Area “C” lands constitute over 60% of the West Bank and falls under the Israeli military and civil control.

The Minister’s decision came a few day after Minister Bennett announced his intent to annex Area “C” to Israel and to enhance settlement activity.

  • At approximately 14:00 on Wednesday, 15 January 2020, IOF accompanied with the Israeli Civil Administration officers and backed by military construction vehicles moved into Kherbet Tuba in southern Hebron. The Israeli Civil Administration officers handed Huda ‘Isaa ‘Awad Najajrah a notice to stop construction works in a 35-sqaure-meter residential room, under the pretext of non-licensing.
  • On Wednesday evening, the Israeli authorities issued military orders to seize 350 agricultural dunums from the lands of al-Khader and Artas villages, south of Bethlehem, according to Hasan Barijiyah, Head of the Wall and Settlement Resistance in Bethlehem. Barijiyah pointed out that the Israeli decision aims at expanding Bypass Road (60) and denying Palestinians’ access to their lands.
  1. Israeli Settler Violence
  • On Thursday, 09 January 2020, Israeli settlers, from “Rihlem” settlement established in northern al-Sawiyia village, east of Nablus, moved into al-Wad area, which is classified as Area C. The settlers attacked agricultural lands, where they damaged Hamad Saleh Mahmoud Jazi’s olive trees (80) planted 8 years ago. Also, the settlers set fire to Nader ‘Abed al-Rahim Kafina land and burned 30 olive trees.
  • At approximately 06:00 on Wednesday, 15 January 2020, Israeli settlers, from “Yatizhar” settlement, which is established on ‘Oreef, Hewarah, ‘Inabous and Ma’dama village’s lands, attacked with stones the outskirts of ‘Oreef village from the eastern direction. The Palestinian civilians confronted them and threw stones at them. After that, IOF intervene and secure the settlers’ withdrawal. No injuries among Palestinian civilians were reported.
  • At approximately 12:42 on Wednesday, Israeli settlers, from “Yatizhar” settlement, attacked the outskirts of Ma’dama village from the southern direction. They attacked Yehia Mohamed Sa’ied Qat’s house and broke the windows before the Palestinian civilians intervened and confronted them.
  1. Collective Punishment Policy
  • At approximately 02:30 on Thursday, 09 January 2020, IOF moved into Jenin and handed the family of prisoner Ahmed Jamal Ahmed al-Qumbu’, who has been arrested since 17 January 2018, a notice to demolish their 220-sqaure-meter house in al-Basateen neighborhood in northern Jenin for the 2nd time. It should be noted that the family house sheltering 8 members, including 2 children, was re-built 8 months ago. IOF blew-up the house of al-Qumbu’, who was charged with participation in the killing of an Israeli settler namely Arail Shefeh, from “Hefat Gilad” settlement, southwest of Nablus, on 09 January 2018.
  • At approximately 04:00 on Friday, 10 January 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles moved into Birzeit in northern Ramallah. They raided and searched a house of prisoner Yazan Hussaim Maghames (25), who was arrested on 11 September 2019. The soldiers handed Yazan’s father a demolition notice and no arrest among the family members was reported. It should be noted that Maghames was charged with participation in the attack at Ein Bubin near Deir Bzai’a village, west of Ramallah on 23 August 2019, which caused the killing of Israeli female settler and injuring her father and brother.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Ramallah and stationed in al-Tirah neighborhood. They raided and searched the house of prisoner Waleed Mohamed Hanatsha and handed his family a demolition noticr. No arrest among the family members war reported. It should be noted that Hanatsha, the financial director at Union of Health Work Committees, was arrested on 03 October 2019. He was accused of participation in the attack at Ein Bubin near Deir Bzai’a village, west of Ramallah on 23 August 2019, which caused the killing of Israeli female settler and injuring her father and brother.
  • At approximately 13:00 on Friday, 10 January 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles moved into Beit Kahel village, northwest of Hebron. They raided and searched the house of Kamel Mohamed ‘Asafrah (63) and handed his daughter-in-law married to his son Mahmoud (40), who was arrested on 20 August 2019, a notice to demolish their 120-square-apartment located on the 2nd floor. It should be noted that ‘Asafrah was accused of participation in the killing of an Israeli soldier “ David Soreek” on 07 August 2019, near “Gosh Etizon” settlement, south of Bethlehem. The soldier photographed the house and later withdrew. On 20 November 2019, the Israeli authorities demolished 4 houses of Sa’ied ‘Atiyah Mahmoud Zhour (46), Saleh Khalil al-‘Asafrah (60), and Qasem ‘Aref Khalil ‘Asafrah (34) and his brother Ahmed (37) in Biet Kahel village. The Israeli Military Court handed the mentioned persons indictment, accusing their sons of participation in the killing of David Soreek.

Full document available at PCHR official.

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (19– 25 December 2019)

19 – 25 December 2019

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (19– 25 December 2019)

  • 45 Palestinians shot and injured, including 18 children, 3 women and a journalist, by IOF near the Gaza border fence at Great March of Return (GMR) protests in eastern Gaza.
  • 7 shootings reported against Palestinian agricultural lands, and 3 shootings reported against Palestinian fishing boats, east and west of Gaza Strip Shore
  • During 121 IOF incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem: 76 civilians arrested, including 8 children and 5 women.
  • During 2 incursions into the Gaza Strip: 4 Palestinian civilians arrested, including 3 children; one of them was shot and injured, while attempting to sneak into Israel in eastern Gaza Strip.
  • 4 houses in occupied Jerusalem and Hebron demolished, while vehicles confiscated from the West Bank cities.
  • 10 settlers’ attacks reported, including burning and puncturing tires, throwing stones at vehicles and uprooting trees in the West Bank.
  • 71 temporary checkpoints erupted in the West Bank, where 4 Palestinian civilians were arrested


This week, PCHR documented 224 violations of the international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and settlers in the occupied Palestinian territory. This week witnessed an increase of Israeli violation regarding demolition and settlement activities in addition to settlers’ attacks and incursions. They were as follows:

As part of the Israeli shooting and excessive use of force:

In terms of excessive use of force, IOF wounded 45 Palestinian civilians, including 18 children and 3 women, on the 85th Friday of the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege protest (GMR) in eastern Gaza Strip. IOF shot and injured 11 civilians with live bullets and shrapnel; 4 of them deemed in serious health conditions, in addition to targeting protestors’ upper body. As a result, many civilians injured despite the peaceful nature of the protests in the 5 encampments. Moreover, 7 shootings were reported by IOF at agricultural lands in the Gaza Strip; while 3 shootings were reported by the Israeli gunboats against the Palestinian fishing boats, east and west of the Gaza Strip; no casualties were reported. Furthermore, a civilian shot and injured in the lower part of his body and arrested while attempting to sneak into Israel via the border fence.

Under IOF incursions and house raids in addition to arresting Palestinian civilians: IOF carried out 121 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear among civilians, arresting and/or injuring many others. During this week’s incursions, 76 Palestinians were arrested, including 8 children and 5 women.  In the Gaza Strip, IOF carried out 2 incursions in eastern Khan Younis and northern Gaza Strip; no levelling works were reported.

Under the settlement expansion activities in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, PCHR documented 12 IOF violations that included banning farmers from afforestation of their lands in Tulkarm and Kisan village, east of Bethlehem, claiming that these lands are confiscated by IOF; demolishing 2 residential tents; levelling works to expand  ” Shvut Rachel” settlement established in lands of Jaloud village in Nablus; demolishing livestock barns, confiscating water tanks and an agricultural tractor in Tubas; demolishing 2 houses in Jerusalem; confiscating a bulldozer and digger; and demolishing 2 houses in Hebron.

PCHR also documented 10 settler-attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property, including puncturing vehicles’ tires, writing racist slogans in Jerusalem; attacking farmers in Bethlehem; writing racist slogans in Hebron; uprooting 300 olive trees in Bethlhem; throwing stones at vehicles in Nablus; setting fire in 2 vehicles in Qalqiliyah; attacking ‘Ain al-Helwas spring in Northern Jordan Valleys; raiding  Solomon’s Pools’ archaeological site, south of Bethlehem; putting the “Menorah Lampstand” at the roof of Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron Old City; and cutting 35 olive trees in Ramallah.

In terms of the Israeli closure policy, on 19 December 2019, Israeli authorities decided to decrease the fishing area from 10 to 6 nautical miles off the Gaza Strip shores, before increasing it to 15 nautical miles in southern Gaza Strip shores starting from Tuesday morning, 24 December 2019. This comes in a time where the Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the History of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life. Furthermore, IOF uses Erez Crossing that is designated for movement of individuals as an ambush to arrest Palestinians who obtain permits to exit via Israel.  Meanwhile, the West Bank is divided into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilians movement is restricted and they are subject to arrest. In this week, IOF established 71 temporary checkpoints and arrested 4  Palestinians.

Violation of the right to life and to bodily integrity

  1. Excessive Use of Force against Protests in the Gaza Strip

On the 85th Friday, 20 December 2019, weekly protests were launched in eastern Gaza Strip, in solidarity with Hebron Governorate, which has been lately the target of Israeli settlement schemes. This Friday’s protest titled: “Hebron is a thorn in the way of efforts to create a Jewish majority”, resulted in the injury of 45 civilians, including 18 children, 3 women and a journalist.

The incidents were as follows:

  • Northern Gaza Strip: demonstrations took place in northeast of Jabalia, and northern Gaza Strip. A few protesters threw stones at IOF stationed along the border fence. Israeli attacks resulted in the injury of 15 civilians, including 6 children, a woman and a journalist; one of them was deemed in serious condition: 3 civilians, including a child and 3 of them, including a girl and an elderly woman, were shot with live bullets and shrapnel; 11, including 3 children, were shot with rubber bullets; and a child was hit with a tear gas canister. The wounded journalist, Thair Khaled Fahmi Abu Rayash (24), was shot with a rubber bullet in his left leg. ‘Emad Fraij Mohammed Soboh (43), was deemed in  serious condition after being shot with a live bullet that entered his back and exited his abdomen.
  • Gaza City: protests took part in Malaka area in eastern Gaza City. IOF shot and injured protestors with live and rubber bullets as well as tear gas canisters. As a result, a child was shot with a rubber bullet in the face.
  • Central Gaza Strip: IOF stationed behind sand berms and in military SUVs along the border fence in eastern al-Buriej Camp fired live and rubber bullets as well as tear gas canisters at protestors. The shooting which lasted until 17:00, resulted in the injury of 6 civilians, including a woman and a child: 3 were shot with live bullets and 3 were shot with rubber bullets. The wounded were taken to al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir al-Balah: Ibrahim Mahmoud Saleh Abu Khashab (24), was deemed in serious condition after being shot with a live bullet in his abdomen and admitted to Intensive Care Unit (ICU), while others’ injuries were classified between moderate to minor. Furthermore, dozens of protestors suffocated due to tear gas inhalation; some of them were treated on spot while others were taken to hospitals.
  • Khan Younis: Hundreds civilians joined today’s protests in Khuza’ah area in eastern Khan Younis.  Most of the protesters stayed in the encampment for the activities while only few dozens gathered near the border fence and attempted to throw stones and Molotov cocktails. IOF fired live and rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, 9 civilians, including 2 children and a woman, were shot with rubber bullets. Moreover, dozens of protestors suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • Rafah: hundreds of protestors gathered in eastern al-Shawka neighborhood while others remained at the protest encampment, where speeches and theatrical performances were performed. Dozens attempted to approach the fence and throw stones. IOF fired live and rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at protestors. As a result, 14 civilians, including 8 children, were injured; 2 were deemed in serious condition, including a child: 5 shot with live bullets, 5 with rubber bullets and 4 were hit with tear gas canisters. Those sustained serious wounds were identified:
  • Hazem Khaled Abu Jaridah (20), who was shot with a live bullet in his neck and referred to the Gaza European Hospital.
  • Basel ‘Abdul Raouf Salam al-Lolahi (15), who was shot with a live bullet upper his thigh.
  1. Excessive Use of Force against Protests in the West Bank
  • At the end of Friday prayer on 20 December 2019, dozens of civilians carrying olive trees to implant them in al-Qubeyat area, which is threatened to be confiscated by IOF. Al-Qubeyat area is located near “Homesh” settlement that is unpopulated, northwest of Nablus. When the protestors approached the abovementioned area, a number of soldiers were waiting them. The soldiers dispersed the protestors by firing tear gas canisters at them and chasing them.
  1. Shooting and other violations of the right to life and bodily integrity
  • At approximately 07:30 on Thursday, 19 December 2019, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence in eastern Khan Younis, north of the Gaza Strip, fired a number of tear gas canisters at agricultural lands, northeast of the city. As a result, many farmers, the area residents and schools’ students suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. Abu al-‘Ala’a al-Ma’ari School for girls, which is about 1 kilo meter away from the border fence, was evacuated for few minutes.
  • At approximately 09:15 on the same Thursday, Israeli gunboats stationed in northwest of Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza Strip, pumped water at a fishing boat that was moored at a distance of 2 nautical miles. The boat is owned by Zuhair Abdul Rahman Zuhair al-‘Amoudi (21), from al-Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City. As a result, the boats sustained damage, including 6 searchlights, a generator, and a number of fishing nets in the area.
  • At approximately 16:00 on the same Thursday, a number of Palestinian young men, gathered at the western entrance to al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, and threw stones at Israeli soldiers stationed at a watchtower located in the camp’s main entrance. The soldiers chased stone-throwers and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. No arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 23:05 on the same Thursday, Israeli warplanes launched 2 missiles at an empty land in eastern al-Shoka village, east of Rafah in southern Gaza Strip. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 07:50 on Friday, 20 December 2019, Israeli gunboats stationed northwest of Beit Lahia in northern of the Gaza Strip, chased and heavily opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles. As a result, fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 10:00 on the same Friday, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence in eastern al-Shoka village, east of Rafah, fired tear gas canisters at a number of Palestinian shepherds. As a result, the shepherds suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and left the area.
  • At approximately 21:00 on the same Friday, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of Deir al-Balah, opened fire at agricultural lands adjacent to the border fence. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:30 on Sunday, 22 December 2019, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of al-Buraij, opened fire at agricultural lands adjacent to the border fence. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 09:00 on the same Sunday, Israeli gunboats stationed northwest of Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire at a fishing boat that was moored at a distance of 1.5 nautical miles. The boat is owned by Fahed Zeyad Hasan Baker (43), from al-Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City. As a result, 8 searchlights were broken.

It should be noted that this kind of boats is called “Felucca Boats”, which is uninhabited boat where lambs are installed on it to gather the fish around it to facilitate fishing. Fishermen usually leave these boats in the water. At approximately 16:00 on the same Sunday, fisherman Baker went to check the boat and found all the searchlights were damaged after Israeli naval forces opened fire at them.

  • At approximately 07:30 on Monday, 23 December 2019, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence in eastern Khan Younis, opened fire at a group of bird hunters, east of al-Farahin neighbourhood in ‘Abasan. As a result, bird hunters left the area fearing for their lives. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 11:00 on the same Monday, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence in eastern al-Buraij, opened fire at Sami Namer Salem al-Nabahin (32) when he attempted to sneak through the border fence to Israel. As a result, al-Nabahin was wounded in his lower extremities and arrested by IOF and taken to Soroka Medical Center for treatment. Al-Nabahin (32), from al-Buraij refugee camp, was interrogated at the hospital and released at approximately 16:00 on the next day evening via Erez crossing, north of the Gaza Strip.
  • At approximately 19:30 on the same Monday, IOF stationed along the border fence fired flare bombs and artillery shells at the east of Wadi al-Salqa village, east of Deir al-Balah. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 15:00 on Wednesday, 25 December 2019, a number of Palestinian young men gathered at the entrance to al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, and threw stones at Israeli military vehicles stationed near the military watchtower. Israeli soldiers chased stone-throwers between houses and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, a number of young men suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. The clashes continued until 18:00 on the same day. The soldiers arrested Mohammed Mahmoud Jawabrah (18) and Jamal Nawaf Jawabrah (19).

Incursions and arrests

Thursday, 19 December 2019:

  • At approximately 00:00, IOF moved into ‘Eliyan neighborhood in al-‘Issawiyah village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They arrested Ahmed Abdul Salam Abu Roumi (19)  and beat him after raiding and searching his house.
  • At approximately 00:30, IOF moved into Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mohammed Mousa Jalamnah (20), from the eastern neighborhood in the city.
  • At the same time, IOF moved into Jenin refugee camp, west of the city. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Nidal Rebhi al-Shalabi (23) and Walid Jamal Mohammed Husein (26).
  • At approximately 01:00, an Israeli force, reinforced with several military SUVs, moved into al-Thahriyah village, south of Hebron, and stationed in Duma area. They raided and searched the house of Ibrahim Mahmoud Hawarin (40) and withdrew later from the area. No casualties were reported.
  • Half an hour later, an Israeli forces , reinforced with several military SUVs, moved into Beit Kahel village, northwest of Hebron. They raided and searched Ahmed Sami al-‘Atawnah (23)’s house and arrested him. The same force also raided and searched other houses of al-‘Atawnah family. No arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into al-Jalazoun refugee camp, north of Ramallah. A number of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones at Israeli soldiers. The soldiers chased the protestors between residential buildings and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a result,  a number of young men suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. In the meanwhile, IOF raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 3 civilians, including a child, namely: Mousa ‘Essa Sharakah 917), Jihad Mesbah Abu Sbaih (23), and ‘Eliyan Jihad Sharakah (46). An Israeli Intelligence officer phone called ‘Elyain’s wife and ordered her to turn on her son Jihad.
  • At approximately 03:30, Israeli forces moved into Abu Shkhiedem village, north of Ramallah. They arrested Kamal Faisal Qendah (25) after they raided and searched his house.
  • At the same time, IOF moved into ‘Ein Yabrud village, northeast of Ramallah. They arrested Suleiman Samih Qatash (14) after raiding and searching his house.
  • At approximately 15:30, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence in eastern al-Buraij area, arrested 3 Palestinian children, who attempted to sneak into Israel and cross the border fence. The arrested children were identified as: Mahmoud Ahmed Abdul Qader al-Dabbagh (16), Mohanned Tahseen Faraj (17), Osamah Omer Shehdah al-Khaldi (16), all of them are from al-Buraij refugee camp. At approximately 02:30 on the next day, IOF released the them through Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing.
  • IOF carried out (12) incursions in Dura and al-Shuyoukh village in Hebron; ‘Alar village in Tulkarm; ‘Azzoun village in Qalqiliyah; Haras village in Salfit; al-Zababdah village, southeast of Jenin; Madama village, southeast of Nablus; Birzeit, Kuber, Betunia, Abu Qash and Sarda villages in Ramallah. No arrests were reported.

Friday, 20 December 2019:

  • At approximately 08:30, IOF moved into the northern entrance to Talfit village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched commercial shops located at the village main entrance and confiscated the recordings of the surveillance cameras, the head office of the Village Council and a house.
  • IOF carried out (2) incursions in Nablus and Qabatiyah, southeast of Jenin. No arrests were reported.

Saturday, 21 December 2019:

  • At approximately 08:30, IOF moved into al-Ras al-Ahmar area in the Northern Jordan Valleys. They raided and searched a number of residential tents and then withdrew from the area. No arrests were reported.
  • IOF carried out (6) incursions in ‘Azzoun and Juyous villages in Qalqiliyah; al-Samou’a, Yatta, Beit al-Roush al-Fouqa, and Sa’ir villages in Hebron. No arrests were reported.

Sunday, 22 December 2019:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Hendazah area, southeast of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Mahmoud Hasan al-Wardiyan (42)’s house and hnded him a summons to refer to Israeli Intelligence Service in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of the city.
  • At approximately 01:40, an Israeli force , reinforced with a number of military SU, moved into Beit Ummer village, north of Hebron, and stationed in Khelat al-‘Ain and al-Thuhor areas. The soldiers deployed between houses and patrolled the area. They raided and searched 3 houses of Jawdat Suleiman Bahar and his brother Jawad, Mohammed ‘Essa Bahar, and Mohammed Mohsen Za’aqiq. The soldiers used police dogs during their search and locked each family in a room for 2 hours. They also damaged the houses’ contents. Before their withdrawal, the soldiers arrested Suleiman Jawdat Suleiman Bahar (19) and Mohsen Mohammed Mohsen Za’aqiq (19).
  • At approximately 08:00, IOF moved into Bab al-Rahmah prayer hall, east of al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem. They arrested Netham Rushdi Abu Romouz (38) while performing prayers. Abu Romouz was chased several times by the Israeli police due to his constant presence at al-Aqsa Mosque and denied access to al-Aqsa Mosque 3 times. Meanwhile, more than 80 settlers stormed al-Aqsa Mosque square.
  • At approximately 13:00, IOF moved into Taqou’a village, east of Bethlehem. They banned municipality crews from practicing their job at the village northern entrance and detained a number of them. Taiseer Abu Mefreh, head of Taqou’a’s Municipality said that IOF moved into the village northern entrance during the municipality crew’s work. The soldiers banned them and detained a number of them claiming that the crew need a permit from Israeli authorities to do their job.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF arrested Mohammed ‘Ali Hasan Shana’ah (32), from ‘Anata village, north of Qalqiliyah, taking him to “Gilad Zohar” settlement established in the east of Far’ata village. Shana’ah was released after being questioned about a Palestinian flag that was present near his house.
  • At approximately 15:30, IOF moved into ‘Ain al-Baida village, east of Tubas. They raidd and searched the house of Abdullah Mustafa Qabha and confiscated a forklift claiming that it was stolen. Qabha confirmed that he owns the forklift and he bought it from Jerusalem and have the purchase papers. He added that the cost of the forklift was about NIS 20,000.
  • At the same time, IOF arrested Abdul Rahman Kahlil Mohammed Mahmoud (39) while he was at his vehicle in north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. Mahmoud is from al-‘Issawiyah village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem and served 17 years in the Israeli prison and was released in last February.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF moved into ‘Obeid neighborhood in al-‘Issawiyah village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested 3 civilians, including 2 children, namely: Ahmed Moneer ‘Obeid (14), Ahmed Maher ‘Obeid (16) and Amir Abdullah ‘Awad (19).
  • At approximately 20:30, IOF moved into Ras al-‘Amoud neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched 2 houses of Mohammed Salah Abu Madi (16) and Omer ‘Amer Abu Madi (18) and arrested them.
  • IOF carried out (6) incursions in Yatma and Qablan villages, southeast of Nablus. Durra; Hebron; Nuba; and Taffuh villages in Qalqiliyah.

Monday, 23 December 2019:

  • At approximately 01:00, an Israeli force , reinforced with several military SUVs, moved into Surif village, northwest of Hebron. They raided and searched 3 houses and arrested 3 civilians namely: Nadim Khalid Ghuneimat (24), ‘Odai Khalid Ghuneimat (26) and Loai Hasan Abu Saleh (19).
  • At the same time, IOF moved into Qalandiya refugee camp, north of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Mohammed Nayef Abu Shanab (23)’s house and arrested
  • At approximately 01:40, IOF moved into ‘Alar village, north of Tulkarm. They arrested Diya’a Namer ‘Adnan Taqatqah (25) after they raided and searched his house.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They arrested Rawhi Mahmoud al-Kalaghasi (23) after they raided and searched his house.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF, reinforced with several military SUVs, moved into Ethna village, west of Hebron. They raided and searched Shaher Rayan Tamizi (33)’s house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 04:20, IOF moved into Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses and arrested 3 civilians namely: Mohammed Salah Sorour (24), Hamed Ibrahim Srour (23) and Sadeq Yasser Sorour (25).
  • At approximately 09:00, IOF moved into Bab al-Rahmah prayer hall in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They arrested and attacked 4 women, who are constantly present in the area and attend religious seminars at al-Aqsa Mosque. IOF claimed that these women were present in the path of Israeli settlers’ incursions. The arrested women were identified as: Fatmab al-Sous (57), Sou’ad Ghurab (60), Lawaheth al-Shuyoukhi (55) and Elham Abu Sbaih (51). It should be noted that arresting these women coincided with the incursion of more than 232 settlers of al-Aqsa Mosque square from Bab al-Magharbah area. The settlers were secured by Israeli police that restricted the entrance of Palestinian civilians and students receiving religious lessons at al-Aqsa Mosque and detained ID cards of some of them.
  • At approximately 11:00, Israeli soldiers stationed at Checkpoint (160), east of the Ibrahimi Mosque in the center of Hebron’s Old City, arrested Nour Eden Ra’ed Hasan (16), a child with a disability, claiming that they found a knife with him. The soldiers took him to a police center.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF arrested ‘Ali Hashem Abu ‘Ayash (19), from Beit Ummer village, north of Tulkarm, after detaining him at a temporary checkpoint near the entrance at al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. Abu ‘Ayash was taken to a detention center in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem.
  • At the same time, IOF moved into Ras al-‘Amoud neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Majd Ismail al-‘Abasi (21)’s house and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service in “Ouz” police station, south of occupied Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 15:30, IOF arrested 3 children adjacent to Bethlehem’s northern entrance. The arrestees were identified as Abdullah ‘Essa al-Najjar (15), ‘Ezz Eden Majed al-‘Ezzah (15), and Mohammed Bashir al-‘Ezzah (15).
  • IOF carried out (2) incursions in Sa’ir and Hebron. No arrests were reported.

Tuesday, 24 December 2019:

  • At approximately 00:30, IOF moved into ‘Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, south of Jericho. They raided and searched Shadi Mohammed Abu Hadid (26)’s house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Beit Daqu village, northwest of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Khaled Bassam Dawoud (33)’s house and arrested him.
  • At the same time, IOF moved into Silwad village, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested Adam Fathi al-Ghoul (24) and ‘Asef Omer Abdul Ghani (22).
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Nablus and stationed in Nablus neighborhood. They raided and searched Osama Emad al-Masimi (30)’s house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:00, an Israeli force, reinforced with military SUVs, moved into Beit ‘Awa village, west of Durra, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched Yahiya Mahmoud Saleh (23)’s house and arrested him.
  • At the same time, IOF moved into Beit Fajjar village, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested 3 civilians, including a child, namely: Omer Kayed Taqatqa (22), Fadi Fayez Taqatqa (23) and Sanad Amjad Taqatqa (16).
  • At approximately 03:00, an Israeli force, reinforced with several military SUVs, moved into Halhoul, north of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Mohammed Eyad al-Baw (33) and arrested him.
  • At the same time, an Israeli force, reinforced with several military SUVs, moved into Beit Ummer village, north of Hebron, and stationed in Saf neighborhood. They raided and searched 2 houses and arrested ‘Obeid Ghazi Hasan ‘Adi (20) and Nadim Falah Mohammed Abu ‘Ayash (28).
  • At the same time, IOF moved into Sebastia village, northwest of Nablus. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested Ja’afar ‘Aziz Haroun Kayed (19).
  • At the same time, IOF moved into al-‘Issawiyah village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses after which they arrested 13 civilians, including a child, and took them to an unknown destination.

(The names of the arrestees are available at PCHR)

  • At approximately 03:20, IOF, reinforced with a number of military SUVs moved into Um al-Sharayet and Sateh Marhaba neighborhoods in the southern side of the city. A number of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones at Israeli vehicles. IOF chased the protestors between houses and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them; no casualties were reported. In the meanwhile, Israeli soldiers raided and searched a number of houses, including the house of Ahmed Suleiman Qatamesh (69), political writer and researcher in the Palestinian cause affairs, and arrested him. Qatamesh served more than 12 years in the Israeli prison as he was arrested several times. Israeli soldiers also raided and searched Diya’a Jamil Nawarah (20), a students at Birzeit University from Sateh Marhaba neighborhood, and arrested him.
  • At the same time, IOF moved into Betunia village, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched Akram Mohammed Salmah (27)’s house and arrested him.
  • At the same time, IOF moved into Ramallah and stationed in al-Irsal neighborhood. They arrested Ja’far ‘Aziz Kayed (21), a student at Birzeit University, after they raided and searched his house.
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into al-Tour neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Daniel Zuhair Abu Nasrah (18)’s house, and beat and arrested him.
  • At approximately 00:00, IOF, reinforced with a number of military SUVs, moved about 100 meters into the east of ‘Abasan villages, east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip. They leveled lands adjacent to the border fence for hours and later redeployed along the border fence.
  • IOF carried out (23) incursions in Tal and ‘Iraq burin villages, southeast of Nablus; Yatta, Masafer Yatta, Surif, al-Rihiyah villages and al-Fawa refugee camp in Heborn; al-Zababdah, Rabab, Masliyah, Sanour, al-Silah al-Harithiyah, Romanah and Ta’nak villages in Jenin; Deir Sharaf, Qablan, Yatma and Madama villages in Nablus; Kuber, Deir Netham and al-Mazra’a al-Gharbiyah villages, north of Ramallah; Jericho and al-‘Ouja villages, northeast of Jericho.

Wednesday, 25 December 2019:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF, reinforced with a number of military SUVs, moved into Kherbat Um al-Safa, southeast of Yatta, south of Hebron. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 3 civilians namely Ibrahim Hasan Dawoud (22), Majdi Mahmoud Dawoud (19) and Mohammed Mahmoud Dawoud.
  • At approximately 01:30, an Israeli force, reinforced with a number of military SUVs, moved into al-Samou’s village, south of Hebron. They raided and searched Mohammed ‘Omran al-Daghamin (33)’s house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 08:15, IOF, reinforced with a number of military SUVs, moved about 100 meters into the south of the border fence, north of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza Strip. they leveled and combed lands that were leveled previously and sporadically opened fire at the area. At approximately 22:30 on the same day evening, IOF withdrew from the area; no casualties were reported.
  • In the morning, IOF arrested Ahmed ‘Ali Wahdan (21), from Jenin refugee camp, while passing through a temporary checkpoint established by IOF in the west of
  • IOF carried out (12) incursions in Nablus, Deir Sharaf, ‘Aqraba, Burin, Madama and ‘Ourta villages in Nablus; al-Zababdah and Zabuba villages in Jenin; al-Burj, Dura, Hebron ad Beit Awla villages in Hebron. No arrests were reported.
  1. Settlement Expansion and settler violence in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem
  1. Demolition and Confiscation of Civilian Property for Settlement Expansion Activities
  • At approximately 10:00 on Saturday, 21 December 2019, IOF moved into Middle Mount area, southeast of Tulkarm. They prevented civilians from planting trees in their lands, claiming these lands were confiscated and forcing the farmers to leave the area at gunpoint.

The farmers had planted part of the lands with olive and forest seedlings as part of activities organized by the national factions in Tulkarm and local councils in the villages of al-Kafriyat and ‘Ezbet Shofah.  Those activities came after the Israeli government announced seizure of 788 dunums of these lands in favor of a new industrial settlement area.  According to this project, the agricultural area will turn into industrial and commercial areas where there are transportation, buildings, public institutions, car parking and roads for the new industrial settlement.

  • On the same day morning, an Israeli military force moved into agricultural lands in Kisan village, east of Bethlehem. They prevented the lands’ owners from plowing their lands and forced them to leave after threatening to arrest them.

Hussein Ghazal, an activist, said that IOF moved into this 100-dunum land and the officer in charge informed the Palestinian farmers that they are only allowed to enter their lands if they refer to the Military Governance office in “Gosh ‘Etzion” settlement complex in order to obtain an entry permit.  Ghazal said that IOF impose obstacles before lands’ owners, preluding to seize the lands as the settlers in the nearby settlements  continuously chase and attack farmers; the latest was against farmer ‘Atallah Ibrahim ‘Abyat when settlers sic their dogs on him.

  • At approximately 08:00 on Monday, 23 December 2019, IOF accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers and a construction vehicle moved into Kherbet Tana, northeast of Nablus. The construction vehicle demolished 2 residential tents of 50 square meters belonging to Hakam Zohdi Nasasrah and Yousif Fayez Nasasrah and confiscated their pillars.  They then damaged the trees planted by the Ministry of Agriculture and the international and local organizations in Tana Nature Reserve, which is around 90 dunums and planted with 3000 forest trees.
  • At approximately 08:30 on the same day, IOF accompanied with a construction vehicle moved into Khelet Abu Salah in the Northern Jordan Valley, east of Tubas. The construction vehicle demolished residential tents and sheep barns in addition to confiscating drinking water tanks, aiming to displace farmers.

Those affected were:

  1. Ibrahim Sa’id Zayed Abu Thaher: his 60-square-meter tent, which sheltered 9 family members, including 5 children, was demolished as well as a barrack for sheep; and a water tank was confiscated.
  2. Zainab Soliman Salem Abu Thaher: his 60-square-meter sheltering 2 persons was demolished as well as a 120-square-meter sheep barn; and a water tank was confiscated.
  • During the demolition, IOF detained ‘Aref Ahmed Tawfiq Daraghmah (50), B’tselem’s fieldworker, in his own car. After the demolition, an Israeli officer sat next to Daraghmah in his car and forced him to drive to Bak’out settlement, where a Civil Administration officer handed Daraghmah a decision to confiscate his car after telling him that he makes trouble for the Israeli soldiers and settlers in the valleys.  Daraghmah was released but his car was confiscated and taken to al-Mazkouh camp around 2 kilometers away from the settlement.
  • On the same day morning, IOF construction vehicles was leveling in favour of expanding and building more settlement units in ” Shiloh” and “Shvut Rachel” settlements established on the lands of Jaloud, Qaryout and Qesrah villages, southeast of Nablus. Building these units came despite the decision issued last year by the Israeli High Court to stop all the construction and expansion works in “Shvut Rachel” settlement and despite the challenge filed by the Jaloud and Qaryout village councils via “Yish Din” Organization against the plan of expanding “Shiloh” settlement and building more than 175 new settlement units. Although the challenge is being considered by the High Court, IOF started leveling Jaloud village lands without waiting for the final court ruling.
  • At approximately 06:00 on Tuesday, 24 December 2019, Israeli Muncipality construction vehicles demolished a house belonging to Shqeirat Family in “Khelet al-‘Abed” area in al-Mukaber Mount village, south of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of building without a license. The house was built in 2016 on an area of 260 square meters and divided into 3 residential units sheltering Montaser Salah Shqeirat with his wife and child; and Amin Salah Shqeirat with his wife and 4 children.

Montaser Shqeirat, one of the houses’ owners, said that Israeli Muncipality staffs raided his family house in the early morning and expelled the house residents despite the cold weather in addition to banning them from taking out the house contents.

He added that the Israeli municipality staffs only took out some furniture before starting the demolition.  He also said that the Israeli Municipality imposed on him an “unlicensed construction fine” of 120,000 NIS, forcing the family to pay it monthly.  It should be noted that the municipality surrounded the family house last month to demolish it; however, the demolition decision was frozen.  The court later rejected the decision to freeze the demolition, so the municipality staffs headed on that morning and carried out the demolition.

  • At approximately 10:00 on the same day, the Israeli municipality construction vehicles demolished a residential under-construction building in al-‘Issawiyah village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Jamal ‘Ata ‘Elian said that the Israeli vehicles demolished his building for the second time consecutively as it was of 3 floors and demolished last May.  He added that after months of the first demolition he rebuilt it so he can live there with his family and started the licensing measures.  However, on that day morning, he was surprised with the Israeli municipality staffs demolishing the building, which comprised of 2 floors; the ground floor used as a parking and the first floor as an apartment to shelter his family.

  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Thaghret al-Shabak area adjacent to Bypass Road (60), northeast of Hebron. They stormed an agricultural land of 14 dunums belonging to Nabil Munir Baraghit (55) and his brothers and then declared the area as a closed military zone.  They prevented the vehicles from plowing the land and confiscated a construction vehicle belonging to Mohammed ‘Omer Abu Ayyash and an excavator belonging to Samer Mohammed Ikhalyel.  They took the confiscated vehicles to “Gosh ‘Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem.  It should be noted that the mentioned land is located near “Beit al-Berkah” that was seized months ago by the Israeli settlers, claiming they bought it from a Swedish organization
  • Around the same time, IOF accompanied with a vehicle belonging to the Civil Administration moved into Kherbet Ghwein, west of al-Samou’a village, south of Hebron. The soldiers were deployed between houses while the excavator started demolishing a house belonging to Ibrahim Khader Isma’il Hawamdah (46) and sheltering his 10-member family.  The 100-square-meter house built of tin plates was demolished under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

It should be mentioned that the Israeli authorities notified on 03 July 2019 to demolish the new building within 96 hours under the pretext of building without a license.  The family then challenged the demolition notice before the court while the Israeli authorities again notified the house under the pretext of rioting archeology. The court rejected the challenge 2 months ago and issued a decision to demolish the building.

  • At approximately 11:30, IOF moved into Moghayer al-‘Abid area, southeast of Yata, southwest of Hebron. The excavator demolished a 66-square-meter dwelling built of bricks and tin plates and belonging to Fayez Ibrahim Shehadah Abu ‘Aram and his 4 member family.  It should be noted that the Israeli authorities notified the dwelling’s owner that they would demolish it within 96 hours, not giving the family enough time to prepare a legal file to challenge the decision before the Beit El Military Court.
  • On Wednesday morning, 25 December 2019, the Israeli construction vehicles leveled lands in favor of expansion activities and construction of new settlement units in “Yitsihar” settlement that was established on the lands of Madma, Burin, ‘Asirah al-Qabaliyah, ‘Einabous and Howarah villages, southeast of Nablus. Eyewitnesses said that the IOF leveled those lands in an area in southern Madama village that is classified Area “B” in a prelude to confiscate it.
  1. Israeli Settler Violence
  • At approximately 02:00 on Thursday, 19 December 2019, Israeli settlers moved into al-Khalaylah neighborhood, northwest of occupied East Jerusalem. They punctured the tires of Palestinian vehicles and wrote racist slogans on the walls threatening the Palestinian residents.  Recently, the attacks by the “Price Tag” extreme groups against the Palestinian property repeated, especially burning vehicles and puncturing tires in Jerusalem.

It should be mentioned that IOF always arrive at the scene, interrogate the Palestinian civilians and take their testimonies.  However, the incidents are always recorded anonymously.  The Price Tag groups include extreme settlers who carry out hostilities against the Palestinians in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem.

  • On the same day morning, Israeli settlers moved into Kisan village, east of Bethlehem, and prevented the Palestinian farmers from plowing their lands. They forced the farmers to leave and attacked ‘Atallah Ibrahim ‘Abayat (53).  They sic their dogs on him, and he was taken to Beit Jala Governmental Hospital to receive medical treatment.

Ahmed Ghazal, Deputy Head of the Kisan Village Council, said “settlers from “Evi Hanahel” settlement beat up the mentioned farmer and sic their dogs on him.  As a result, ‘Abayat sustained various wounds and taken to Beit Jala Hospital for medical treatment.”  Ghazal added that the settlers attacked ‘Abayat after he refused to obey their orders to leave his land for them, noting that such attacks recently recurred and shepherds have become afraid for their lives.

  • At approximately 04:20, 2 settlers from Giv’at Ha’avot settlement outpost established on the lands of eastern Hebron arrived at the house of ‘Abdel Karim Mahmoud al-Ja’bari in al-Hussein Valley adjacent to the outpost and wrote racist slogans against Arabs signed by the “Price Tag” groups on 2 vehicles parked on the main road.
  • At approximately 06:00, settlers moved into the lands al-Ghawit Valley area in al-Khader village, west of Bethlehem. They uprooted 300 olive trees and seized them.

The land’s owner, Hisham al-Barmil, said that he was surprised with a call from his neighbors telling him about what happened.  He immediately headed to his 30-dunum land to see hundreds of the trees that were planted tens of years ago uprooted and seized by settlers.  It should be mentioned that it was not the first attack by settlers on the area as 2 months ago they attacked plantings in the area, causing losses to the farmers.

  • At approximately 15:30 on the same day, settlers from Yitsihar settlement established on the lands of Burin, Madma, ‘Asiret al-Qabilah and ‘Orif villages, southeast of Nablus, threw stones at the Palestinian cars traveling on “Yitsihar” Bypass Road and Madma Bridge near “Yitshar” settlement. As a result, the windshield of a bus belonging to Redwan Ma’arouf Hussein ‘Asayrah (58) was broken.
  • At approximately 02:00 on Friday, 20 December 2019, settlers from “Havat Gilad” settlement moved into the southeastern area of Fre’ata village, north of Qalqilya. They set fire to 2 vehicles belonging to Saher ‘Abdel Rahim Rafiq Salim and Thaer Raed ‘Abdel Rahim Salim. They wrote racist slogans against Arabs on the floor and walls of a house belonging to Saher ‘Abdel Rahim Salim.

‘Abdel Men’em Shana’ah, Head of Fre’ata Village Council, said:

“At approximately 02:30 on Friday, 20 December 2019, one of the area residents called to tell me that the area and cars were on fire.  I immediately headed to the area, where 2 cars parked in front of Saher Salim’s house were on fire, but we could not do anything. The Civil Defense arrived to extinguish the fire, and the area was full of racist slogans on the walls and floor of Saher Salim’s house.  Next morning, we contacted the competent authority to tell them about what happened.”

  • On the same day morning, settlers moved into the Northern Valleys area, east of Tubas. They started repairing ‘Ein al-Helweh Spring that is used by the Valleys’ farmers for drinking and irrigation.  The farmers said that they were surprised with settlers’ repairing the spring, aiming to seize it and prevent civilians from using it.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Saturday, 21 December 2019, around 100 armed Israeli settlers moved into ancient Solomon’s Pools, south of Bethlehem. They wandered with their dogs and bathed in the springs while others swam in one of the pools under the IOF protection.  It should be mentioned that settlers come to the pools from time to time under the IOF protection and the area residents are afraid of the Israeli territorial appetites although the pools are located in Area “A” and many Palestinian projects are established there.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Monday, 23 December 2019, Israeli settlers under the IOF heavy guard placed the “Menorah” lampstand on the roof of al-Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron’s Old City. This step is part of the settlers’ ongoing attempts to take over the mosque that started in 1994 when a settler carried out a massacre against the worshippers in the mosque.
  • On the same day afternoon, Israeli settlers from “‘Aadi ‘Aad” settlement under the IOF protection cut and damaged 35 olive trees in a land belonging to Ratib Haj Na’asan in al-Seder area in al-Moghir village, northeast of Ramallah.

Nash’at Nas’asan (38) said that at approximately 15:30 on the same day he saw 10 settlers approaching the barbed wire surrounding the trees in al-Seder area.  They destroyed it and then entered the land to cut the olive trees and damage the branches.  They then fled away to their settlement.

  • Closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement of persons and goods

Gaza Strip

On Thursday morning, 19 December 2019, IOF decided to decrease the allowed fishing area between 6 to 10 nautical miles off the Gaza Strip shore.

Nizar ‘Ayash, Head of the Palestinian Fishermen’s Syndicate in the Gaza Strip, said that the Israeli authorities informed the Palestinian Civil Affairs of reducing the fishing area all the way to the northern Gaza Strip to 6 nautical miles, and to 10 nautical miles in the central and southern Gaza Strip.  It should be noted that the allowed fishing area before the decision was 15 nautical miles off the southern Gaza Strip.  However, Maj. Gen. Kamil Abu Rukun, known as the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, said that the fishing area will be expanded back to 15 nautical miles starting from Tuesday, 23 December 2019 at 08:00.  He added that the Gaza fishing area expansion would remain only as long as Gaza fishermen stayed within the permitted boundaries.

West Bank

In addition to permanent checkpoints and closed roads, this week witnessed the establishment of more temporary checkpoints that restrict the goods and individuals movement between villages and cities and deny civilians’ access to their work. IOF established 70 temporary checkpoints and arrested 3Palestinian civilians.

The military checkpoint were as follows:


  • At approximately 13:00 on Sunday, 22 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to Beit Daqo village, northwest of occupied East Jerusalem. They denied the movement of hundreds of cars and civilians for hours.  Eyewitnesses said that the checkpoint is being almost daily established, especially in the peak hours, only aiming at obstructing civilians’ daily life.
  • On the same day, IOF established 3 checkpoints at Jaba’a village intersection, the entrance to Badou village and the entrance to ‘Anata village in occupied East Jerusalem.
  • On Monday, 23 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance of al-Ram village, north of occupied East Jerusalem.
  • On Tuesday, 24 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to Badou village, northwest of occupied East Jerusalem.


  • On Sunday, 22 December 2019, IOF established 4 checkpoints at the entrance of Nahalin village, intersection of al-Freides village, in ‘Aqabet Hasnah area and at the western entrance to Housan village.
  • On Monday, 23 December 2019, IOF established 4 checkpoints at the northern entrance to Taqou’a village, near the intersection of al-Nashash, in ‘Aqbet Hasnah area and at the western entrance to Taqou’a village.
  • On Tuesday, 24 December 2019, IOF established 4 checkpoints at the northern entrance to Taqou’a village, the entrance to Beit Jala, the western entrance to Beit Fajjar village and ‘Aqbet Hasnah area near the main road to the western villages of Bethlehem.


  • On Thursday, 19 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the southern entrance to Halhoul, and no arrests were reported.
  • On Friday, 20 December 2019, IOF established 4 checkpoints at the entrances to al-‘Aroub refugee camp, al-Nabi Mousa, and Halhoul and northern entrance to Hebron.
  • At approximately 11:00 on Saturday, 21 December 2019, IOF closed the entrances to the villages in Yatta, south of Hebron and established checkpoints. They denied Yatta residents access to the main road under the pretext that a marathon would be organized by settlers.  The closure continued for 4 consecutive hours, forcing the Palestinian civilians to take roads that are far away from the main road.
  • On the same day, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the southern entrance to Hahoul and the entrance to Tarqoumia village. On Sunday, 22 December 2019, IOF established 4 checkpoints at the southern entrance to Hebron and the entrances to Ethna, al-Shyoukh and Deir Razeh villages.
  • On Monday, 23 December 2019, IOF established 3 checkpoints at al-Fawar refugee camp, al-Thaheriyah village and al-Kom village.
  • On Tuesday, 24 December 2019, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the entrances to al-‘Aroub refugee camp, Beit Ummar village and Deir Samit village.
  • On Wednesday, 25 December 2019, IOF established 4 checkpoints at the entrances to al-Aroub refugee camp, Sa’ir village, Yatta and al-Thaheriyah village.

Ramallah and al-Bireh:

  • On Thursday, 19 December 2019, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the entrances to Beit ‘Or village and al-Jalazone refugee camp.
  • On Monday, 23 December 2019, IOF established 3 similar checkpoints at the entrances to al-Nabi Saleh and ‘Otarah villages, northwest of Ramallah.
  • On Tuesday, 24 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to al-Nabi Saleh village.

Qalqiliyah and Salfit:

  • On Thursday, 19 December 2019, IOF established checkpoints at the entrances to ‘Azoun village in Qalqiliyah and Deir Balout village in Salfit. On Friday, 20 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to ‘Ezbet al-Tabib village in Qalqiliyah. On Saturday, 21 December 2019, IOF established checkpoints at the entrances to ‘Ezbet al-Tabib and Jeet villages in Qalqiliyah.
  • On Sunday, 22 December 2019, IOF established checkpoints at the entrance to al-Nabi Elias in Qalqiliyah, at the northern entrance to Salfit and at the entrance to Marda village. At approximately 17:00 on Monday, 23 December 2019, IOF closed the entrances to Salfit City and the entrances to Yasouf and Kafl Haris villages in Salfit.


  • On Thursday, 19 December 2019, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the western entrance to Qeblan village, southeast of Nablus and at the southern entrance to Tal village, southwest of Nablus. On Friday, 20 December 2019, IOF stationed at ‘Awerta checkpoint at the southern entrance to Nablus tightened their arbitrary restrictions against the Palestinian civilians who cross the checkpoint and undergo thorough searches before being allowed to cross.
  • On Monday, 23 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to Bita village branching from Ramallah-Nablus Street. On the same day, IOF obstructed the movement at the checkpoints of Shavi Shamron, northwest of Nablus; Za’tarah, southeast of Nablus; and Beit Forik village, northeast of Nablus.  They checked the passengers’ ID cards, but no arrests were reported.
  • On Tuesday, 23 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint in al-Moraba’ah area that connects the villages of Tal, Burin and ‘Iraq Burin with Nablus, south of the city.


  • On Saturday, 21 December 2019, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the western entrance to al-Zababdah village and at the entrance to ‘Arabah village, southwest of Jenin.
  • On Monday, 23 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint on the Bypass Road, northeast of Jenin. They stopped the Palestinian vehicles and checked the passengers’ ID cards. However, no arrests were reported.

German Politician: “Ami Go Home!”… The US is waging bloody economic wars against the entire world

By InfoBrics

Global Research, December 26, 2019


Oskar Lafontaine

Oskar Lafontaine is a German politician, candidate for Chancellor in the German federal election of 1990, Chairman of the Social Democratic Party from 1995 to 1999, Minister of Finance from 1998 to 1999, leader of The Left in Saarland since 2010.

The United States of America is waging bloody economic wars against the entire world, and now against us Germans. The German government is talking interference with our sovereignty. What a fallacy! We have never been a sovereign state. After the end of the World War II, it is the Americans who have been handling issues of war and peace in Germany.

In 1963, Charles de Gaulle said:

“Having allies… is a matter of course for us in the historical era in which we find ourselves. But to have your own free choice… is also a categorical imperative, because alliances have no absolute virtue, no matter what feelings they are based on. And if you give up control over yourself, you run the risk of never regaining it.”

Later, Francois Mitterrand would add:

“You can’t hand the solution over to others when life or death is at stake.”

American military bases in Germany imperil us instead of protecting. The United States is pushing us to a war with its aggressive policy of encircling Russia and China, with allocating huge amounts of $738 billion for military purposes, by means of withdrawing from the INF Treaty and placing short-range missiles next to the Russian borders. It is in our interest to liberate the German soil from US military bases.The Real New World Order. Bankers Taking over the World

“Ami go home!” the students chanted in 1968, when the United States killed millions of people in Vietnam, using its military bases in Germany. “Ami go home!” the Germans urged when the United States, under the guise of lying about Saddam Hussein’s possession of weapons of mass destruction, unleashed the war in Iraq using its military facilities in Germany – a war that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. “Ami go home!” – this appeal should become the motto of German politics today, when the greatest military power in the world is obviously violating international law and terrorizing all of the world.

This has been taken from Oscar Lafontaine’s Facebook and distributed by the German NachdenkSeiten run by another “heavyweight” of German politics – Albrecht Müller, a long-term ally of German Chancellor Willy Brandt, Bundestag member from 1987 to 1994.

“People like Oscar Lafontaine,” Albrecht Müller writes in his commentary, “able to get across their ideas, are a must-have in politics. The demand [on the US to leave Germany] is by no means radical. It’s appropriate. Many Germans believe so, but not those who shape today’s politics in Berlin. The German establishment and representatives of the major news outlets are either associated with the United States and dependent on them, or serve the interests of the military establishment. There are also people who simply lack courage and consider the ‘Ami go home’ demand unduly radical.

What else should happen? Sanctions have been imposed against us Germans. The weaponization process is at our expense. We are involved in maneuvers next to the Russian borders. Convoys with military equipment block our railways. What is finally going to make the cup run over?”


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Why Western Media Ignore OPCW Scandal

Image result for Why Western Media Ignore OPCW Scandal

December 20, 2019

The credibility of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is on the line after a series of devastating leaks from whistleblowers has shown that the UN body distorted an alleged CW incident in Syria in 2018. The distortion by the OPCW of the incident suggests that senior directors at the organization were pressured into doing so by Western governments.

This has grave implications because the United States, Britain and France launched over 100 air strikes against Syria following the CW incident near Damascus in April 2018. The Western powers rushed to blame the Syrian government forces, alleging the use of banned weapons against civilians. This was in spite of objections by Russia at the time and in spite of evidence from independent investigators that the CW incident was a provocation staged by anti-government militants.

Subsequent reports by the OPCW later in 2018 and 2019 distort the incident in such a way as to indict the Syrian government and retrospectively exculpate the Western powers over their “retaliatory” strikes.

However, the whistleblower site Wikileaks has released more internal communications provided by 20 OPCW experts who protest that senior officials at the organization’s headquarters in The Hague engaged in “doctoring” their field reports from Syria.

Copies of the doctored OPCW reports are seen to have suppressed important evidence casting doubt on the official Western narrative claiming that the Syrian government was to blame. That indicates the OPCW was engaged in a cover-up to retrospectively “justify” the air strikes by Western powers. This is a colossal scandal which implies the US, Britain and France wrongly attacked Syria and are therefore guilty of aggression. Yet, despite the gravity of the scandal, Western media have, by and large, ignored it. Indicating that these media are subordinated by their governments’ agenda on Syria, rather than exposing the truth as independent journalistic services.

An honorable exception is Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson who has given prominence to the scandal on US national TV. So too has veteran British journalist Peter Hitchens who has helped expose the debacle in the Mail on Sunday newspaper.

Apart from those sources, the mainstream Western media have looked away. This is an astounding dereliction of journalistic duty to serve the public interest and to hold governments to account for abusing power.

Major American news outlets have been engrossed in the Trump impeachment case over his alleged abuse of power. But these same media have ignored an arguably far more serious abuse of power with regard to launching missiles on Syria over a falsehood. That says a lot about the warped priorities of such media.

However, their indifference to the OPCW scandal also reflects their culpability in fomenting the narrative blaming the Assad government, and thereby setting up the country for military strikes. In short, the corporate media are complicit in a deception and potentially a war crime against Syria. Therefore they ignore the OPCW scandal.

That illustrates how Western news media are not “independent” as they pompously claim but rather serve as propaganda channels to facilitate their governments’ agenda.

An enlightening case study was published by Tareq Haddad who quit from Newsweek recently because the editors censored his reports on the unfolding OPCW scandal. Haddad explained that he had important details to further expose the OPCW cover-up, but despite careful deliberation on the story he was inexplicably knocked back by senior editors at Newsweek who told him to drop it. There is more than a hint in Haddad’s insider-telling that senior staff at the publication are working as assets for Western intelligence agencies, and thus able to spike stories that make trouble for their governments.

Given the eerie silence among US, British and European media towards the OPCW scandal it is reasonable to posit that there is a systematic control over editorial policies about which stories to cover or not to. What else explains the blanket silence?

The scandal comes as Western powers are attempting to widen the powers of the OPCW for attributing blame in such incidents. Russia has objected to this move, saying it undermines the authority of the UN Security Council. Given the scandal over Syria, Russia is correct to challenge the credibility of the OPCW. The organization has become a tool for Western powers.

Russian envoy to the OPCW and ambassador to the Netherlands Alexander Shulgin says that Moscow categorically objects to expanding the OPCW’s functions and its powers of attributing blame. The extension of powers is being recommended by the US, Britain and France – the three countries implicated in abusing the OPCW in Syria to justify air strikes against that country.

The Russian envoy added: “The OPCW’s attribution mechanism is a mandate imposed by the US and its allies, which has nothing to do with international law and the Chemical Weapons Convention’s provisions. Any steps in this direction are nothing more than meddling in the UN Security Council’s exclusive domain. We cannot accept this flagrant violation of international law.”

Thus, the OPCW – a UN body – is being turned into a rubber-stamp mechanism by Western powers to legalize their acts of aggression. And yet despite the mounting evidence of corruption and malfeasance, Western corporate media studiously ignore the matter. Is it any wonder these media are losing credibility? And, ironically, they have the gall to disdain other countries’ media as “controlled” or “influence operations”.The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations On Palestinians (12– 18 December 2019)


  • 9 Palestinians shot and injured by IOF, including 4 children, near the Gaza border fence at Great March of Return (GMR) protests in eastern Gaza.
  • West Bank: 4 Palestinian civilians shot and injured by IOF, including a child and a paramedic.
  • During 99 IOF incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem: 77 civilians arrested, including 22 children and 5 women.
  • IOF demolished 3 houses in occupied East Jerusalem and Bethlehem, 25 stalls in Jenin and 4 facilities in Hebron and Jerusalem.
  • 6 shootings reported against Palestinian agricultural lands and 3 others reported against Palestinian fishing boats, east and west of Gaza Strip.
  • Settlers attacked Palestinians’ vehicles in Bethlehem, damaged road construction machines in Northern Jordan Valleys, and opened fire at a house in Qalqiliyah.
  • 35 temporary checkpoints erupted in the West Bank, where 5 Palestinian civilians were arrested


This week, PCHR documented 149 violations of the international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and settlers in the occupied Palestinian territory.

As part of the Israeli violations of the right to life and bodily integrity:

In terms of excessive use of force, IOF wounded 9 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children, on the 84th Friday of the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege protest (GMR) in eastern Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile in the West Bank, 4 civilians were injured, including a paramedic and a child. IOF arrested the child, claiming that he attempted to throw a Molotov Cocktails in Bethlehem.

Under IOF incursions and house raids, 99 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, were reported. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear among civilians, arresting and/or injuring many others. During this week’s incursions, 77 Palestinians were arrested, including 22 children and 5 women.

In the Gaza Strip, IOF carried out 2 limited incursions in northern Gaza Strip and eastern Khan Younis. A Palestinian civilian was arrested by IOF while travelling via Beit Hanoun (Erez) Crossing in the northern Gaza Strip.

Moreover, 6 shootings were reported by IOF at agricultural lands in the northern and eastern of the Gaza Strip; while 3 others were reported by the Israeli gunboats against the Palestinian fishing boats sailing off Gaza Shore.

Under the settlement expansion activities in the West Bank, PCHR documented 6 IOF violations that included demolishing 3 residential houses in occupied East Jerusalem and Bethlehem, 25 stalls in Jenin, 2 buses’ structures in Hebron, and a car showroom as well as 2 car washes in occupied East Jerusalem.

PCHR also documented 3 settler-attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property, including attacking busses in Bethlehem; damaging road construction machines in Northern Jordan Valleys, and shootings in eastern Qalqiliyah, which caused material damage to a house and fear among its residents, but no injuries among them were reported.

In terms of the Israeli closure policy, the Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the History of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life. Furthermore, IOF uses Erez Crossing that is designated for movement of individuals as an ambush to arrest Palestinians who obtain permits to exit via Israel.  During the reporting period, IOF arrested a Palestinian civilian, from Gaza City, while travelling to Turkey via Erez Crossing.  Meanwhile, the West Bank is divided into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilian movement is restricted and they are subject to arrest as 5 Palestinians were arrested this week only.

Violation of the right to life and to bodily integrity

  1. Excessive Use of Force against Protests in the Gaza Strip

On the 84th Friday, 13 December 2019, weekly protests were launched in the Rafah, al-Buraij refugee camp in addition to Gaza City and were cancelled in Khan Younis and northern Gaza Strip, on the anniversary of the founding of Hamas Movement. This Friday’s protest titled: “Palestine Unites us and Jerusalem is our Capital”, resulted in the injury of 9 civilians, including 4 children.

The incidents were as follows:

  • Gaza City: hundreds took part in Malaka area in eastern Gaza City. IOF targeted them with teargas canisters and rubber bullets. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to teat gas inhalation; no casualties were reported.
  • Central Gaza Strip: at approximately 14:30, hundreds of civilians, including women, men, young men, elderlies, children and entire families, took part in eastern al-Buraij camps, which were about 400 meters away from the border fence. The demonstrations were organized in support with those, who lost their eyes (Mai Abu Ruweidah, and journalists Sami Matran and ‘Atiyah Darwish), in the GMR protests. Dozens gathered adjacent to the border fence at a range varying between 0 – 100 meters, while others were about 300 meters away from the border fence. The Israeli soldiers launched a drone to photograph protestors who threw stones at them. IOF fired live and rubber bullets  and tear gas canisters at the protestors without posing threat to the lives of Israeli soldiers. The shooting, which continued until 17:00, resulted in the injury of 4 civilians: one of them was shot with a lived bullet, and 3 were shot with rubber bullets. The wounded civilians were transferred to al-Aqsa Hospital and their injuries were classified between minor and moderate. Moreover, a number of civilians suffocated due tear gas inhalation. Some of them were taken to hospitals while others received medical treatment in the field.
  • Khan Younis: Although the GMR’s Supreme National Authority officially cancelled the protests, 30 civilians took part in eastern Khuza’ah protests. Dozens approached the border fence and attempted to threw stones and Molotov Cocktail at IOF stationed along the border fence. IOF fired rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at the protestors. As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and they received medical treatment in the field.
  • Rafah: hundreds of protestors gathered in eastern al-Shawka village, east of Rafah, where speeches and theatrical performances were performed. Dozens attempted to approach the fence and throw stones. IOF fired live and rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at protestors. As a result, 5 civilians, including 4 children, were injured.
  1. Shooting and other violations of the right to life and bodily integrity
  • At approximately 13:40 on Thursday, 12 December 2019, moved into Ramallah and stationed in ‘Ein Mesbah neighborhood in the center of the city. Dozens of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers, who responded with live and rubber bullets and tear gas canisters. As a result, volunteer paramedic, Majd Omer (25), was shot with a rubber bullet in the foot. He was transferred to Palestine Medical Complex for treatment and his injury was classified as moderate. Meanwhile, an Israeli force raided and searched the house of Shatha Majed Hasan (20), a student at Birzeit University, and arrested her.
  • At approximately 22:00 on Friday, 13 December 2019, IOF moved into al-Janiyah village, northwest of Ramallah. A number of young men gathered and threw stones at Israeli forces, who responded with live bullets and tear gas canisters. A live bullet hit the window of Mohammed Ahmed Nassar’s house and settled in the walls; no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:00 on Saturday, 14 December 2019, IOF signed to guard the annexation wall gate, adjacent to Nazlet ‘Essa village, north of Tulkarm, opened fire at a group of civilians present at the area. As a result,  2 civilians, from western al-Nazlah village, were wounded while attempting to enter the gate to work in Israel. The wounded civilians were identified as Ahmed Hasan Katanah (26), who was shot with a live bullet in the right leg; while Darrar Rasem Katanah (28) was shot with a live bullet in the left foot.
  • At approximately 13:30 on the same Saturday, IOF stationed along the border fence, adjacent to the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire at the agricultural lands in eastern Beit Hanoun. As a result, a tilling machine that was about 150 meters into the west of the border fence and dragged by a farmer was hit with 2 live bullets, causing its damage. The machine is owned by Mohammed Hasan Ahmed al-Za’anin (40). IOF also fired a number of sound bombs in the area, causing fear among farmers.
  • At approximately 16:40 on the same Saturday, IOF stationed along the border fence, east of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza Strip, opened fire and fired a number of tear gas canisters at the border As a result, farmers, whose lands are nearby the area, forced to leave it fearing for their lives; no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 09:00 on Sunday, 15 December 2019, IOF stationed along the border north of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza Strip, opened fire at Beit Hanoun Municipality crews, who were adjacent to a land fill in the area. As a result, the municipality truck was hit with several live bullets; no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 16:30 on the same Sunday, Israeli gunboats stationed in west of Jabalia in northern Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire and chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles. As a result, the fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives; no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 21:30 on the same Sunday, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of Kahn Younis in southern Gaza Strip, fired tear gas canisters adjacent to al-Najjar neighbourhood, east of Khuza’ah village; no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:15 on Tuesday, 17 December 2019, Israeli gunboats stationed in northwest of Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire and chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within3 nautical miles. As a result, fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives; no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 19:00 on the same Tuesday, IOF opened fire at a Palestinian civilian while being present on al-Anfaq Street, west of Beit Jala, west of Bethlehem. As a result, he was shot and injured in the thigh. He was arrested by IOF and taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Israel for treatment.

Abdul Halim Ja’afrah, Head of Emergency & Ambulance Services at Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), said to PCHR’s fieldworker that he received an information about a civilian shot and injured by IOF in al-Anfaq area. An ambulance headed to the area, but IOF banned it from reaching the wounded civilian, who was identified as Hamzah Khalid ‘Ayad al-Haremi (16).

Avichay Adraee, the spokesperson of the Israeli forces, claimed that IOF spotted  a person throwing a Molotov Cocktail at Israeli vehicles near Beit Jala village. He added that IOF opened fire at him, wounding him. They then chased and arrested him, without revealing the nature of his injury.

According to local sources, PCHR’s fieldworker stated that IOF took the wounded child to “Ofer” military prison established on lands, west of Ramallah. After that, al-Haremi underwent a surgery at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Israel. An extension hearing will be held  for the arrested child next Thursday in the Israeli Military Court.

  • At approximately 02:30 on Friday, 18 December 2019, IOF moved into al-Dheisheh refugee camp, south of Bethlehem. A number of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones at Israeli vehicles. IOF chased the young men between house and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, a number of young men suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. Meanwhile, Israeli soldiers arrested Yusuf ‘Ezzat Abu Diaya (21) and Yusuf Mohammed Sadouq (22) after they raided and searched their houses.
  • At approximately 18:00, Israeli gunboats stationed, west of Jabalia, northern Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire and chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles. They also fired flare bombs in the sky. As a result, the fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives; no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 11:00 on Wednesday, 11 December 2019, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at agricultural lands in eastern Khuza’ah village, south of the Gaza Strip. As a result, farmers fled away fearing for their lives; no casualties were reported.

Incursions and arrests

Thursday, 12 December 2019:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Hebron, where they raided and searched several houses, from which they arrested 6 leaders and supporters of the Hamas Movement, including the former Minister of Local Government in the 10th Palestinian Government. The arrestees were identified as: the Former Minister Essa Khairi Essa al-Ja’bari  (53), Omar Abdulqader al-Qawasmi (22), Abdul Khaliq Hasan al-Natsha (65), Mohammed Jamal al-Natsha (61), Jawad Bahar al-Natsha (61), and Mazen Jamal al-Natsha (47).
  • At approximately 01:40, IOF moved into Betounya village, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched Malek al-Lawzi (25)’s house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mohammed Mousa Khaizaran (32).
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF stationed at Jeet checkpoint, which is established at the southwestern entrance to Nablus, arrested Lina Faisal al-Bizro (23), from Raba village, southwest of Jenin, and took her to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 06:15, IOF moved into ‘Aqaba refugee camp, southwest of Jericho. They raided and searched Mohammed Khalil al-Shaikh Ibrahim (32)’s house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 09:00, IOF moved into Shu’afat village, north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched the houses of Ishaq Sa’eed Abu Khdair (58), Head of Shu’afat Village Council, and his Deputy Naser Subhi Abu Khdair (56). Both of them were later arrested. It should be noted that Ishaq issued a statement calling the village residents for participating in a protest following the Friday prayer on 13 December 2019 in front of Shuafat Mosque. The protest was organized to condemn the latest settlers’ attacks.
  • IOF carried out (16) incursions in Hebron, Yatta, Dura, Sa’er villages in Hebron; Tulkarm, Nour Shams and Tulkarm refugee camps in Tulkarm; Ezbet al-Tabib, Ezbet Salman in Qalqiliya; Azzaweya village west of Salfit; al-Beira, Beit Rima, Na’leen, Shaqba, Qabya, and Badrs villages in Ramallah. No arrests were reported.

Friday, 13 December 2019:

  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Hebron. They raided and searched several houses, including the houses of Nizar Ramadan and Mohammed Maher Bader; the members of Change and Reform Bloc of the PLC. No arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF arrested Ahmed ‘Atif al-Shareef (17) while present in al-Razazah area, south of Qalqiliyia, and took him to an unknown destination. IOF claimed that he threw stones at them.
  • IOF carried out (8) incursions in Hebron, Beit Kahel, and Bani Na’em villages in Hebron; Baqa al-Sharqeya, Zeita, Ateel, and Abu al-Nar villages in Tulkarm. No arrests were reported.

Saturday, 14 December 2019:

  • At approximately 20:30, IOF stationed at al-Jalama checkpoint, which is established at the northern entrance to Jenin, arrested Salama Mahmoud Salama Qasem (25) and took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 13:30, three Israeli military vehicles moved into al-Jadeera village, northwest of occupied East Jerusalem. The Israel soldiers stepped out of the military vehicles and were deployed along the annexation wall. Two siblings namely Bilal (13) and ‘Abdo Mohammed Qasem (14) were arrested by IOF and taken to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out (7) incursions in Hebron, Beit Kahel, Bani Na’em, al-Zahereya villages in Hebron; Kafr al-Labd in Tulkarm, Hajja village in Qalqiliya, and Fasayel village north of Jericho. No arrests were reported.

Sunday, 15 December 2019:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into the African community neighborhood in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Salman al-Firawi’s house and arrested his son Issa (17).
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Ibrahim Issa Syam (26)’s house and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in Moscovia investigation center in West Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved to al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. They raided and searched several houses and arrested 4 civilians, including 3 children. The arrestees were identified as: Ammar Mahmoud Jawabra (16); Hani Jawabra (14) and his brother Khaled (16); and Emad Khaled Jawabra (27).
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Osama Hazem Halawa (32) while present in his house in Ra’s al-Ein neighborhood, south of the City.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Beit Hanina, north of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched the house of Shadi Abdullah al-Motor (42), the Secretary of Fatah Movement in Jerusalem, and took him to ” Moscovia  ” investigation center. It should be noted that during this years, IOF arrested al-Motor for five times and charged him with inciting and dealing with the PNA within Jerusalem’s boundaries. The latest of these changes was on 14 October 2019, and he was released on a 5,000 NIS bail.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Bani Na’em village, east of Hebron. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Ehab Khaled Zidat (25).
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Wadi al-Jooz neighborhood, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched ‘Areen Haitham Hasan al-Za’anin (24)’s house and took him to ” Moscovia  ” investigation center.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved to al-Sowana neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Majdi Mahmoud Abu Ghazala (28)’s house and took him to ” Moscovia  ” investigation center.
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into Ein al-Lawza neighborhood in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched the house of Ahmed Mousa al-‘Abassi (46), the Secretary of Fatah Movement in the city, and him took to ” Moscovia  ” investigation center.

Monday, 16 December 2019:

  • At approximately 00:30, IOF moved into Beit Kahel village, northwest of Hebron. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians: Ra’ed Salem al-Atawna (25), Qasam Haitham Asafra (22) and Osaid Sabri Zahour (25).
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians: Hussam Ahmed al-Badawi (15), Monjed Ahmed al-Badawi (16) and Ma’an Nayef al-Badawi (16).
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Ethna village, west of Hebron. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Marwan Mahmoud Hudaib (30).
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Tal village, southwest of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Omar Abdullatif Eshtaya (55).
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into al-Beirh and stationed in al-Baloua’ neighborhood. They raided and searched Mohammed Ali al-Muhaisery (29)’s house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Talfit village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Hussam Maher Mansour (19).
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Dir al-Ghosoun village, north of Tulkarm. They raided and searched several houses in al-Shwaika suburb and arrested 4 civilians: Majd Abdulsalam al-Jondob and Ramzi Na’alwa, former prisoners, Salah Ahmed Dhaileya, and Ahmad Akbareya.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Tulkarm. They raided and searched several houses and arrested 3 civilians identified as Yousef Muhana, Moa’tasem Tayseer Alia and Abdullah Naser. All of them were later released.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into al-‘Izareya village, east of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Hakam Mujahed Abu Roumi (32), and Sayaf Nidal Abu Roumi (34), and arrested them.
  • At approximately 03:30, IOF moved into Zawata village, west of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested 2 civilians: Islam Hasan Jouda (29) and Mohammed Thabet Abu Amsha (48).
  • At approximately 09:00, IOF reinforced by military vehicles moved about 100 meters from Zikim military base, north of the Gaza Strip, to south of the border fence with Israeli, northwest of Beit Lahya. They leveled and combed lands that were previously leveled amidst Israeli sporadic shooting.  However, no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 14:00, IOF stationed in Za’tra military checkpoint, which is established at the southeastern entrance to Nablus, arrested Mahmoud Jehad Hithnawi (34), from Jenin, while passing through the checkpoint. Hithnawi was taken to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out (6) incursions in Sebastya, Roujib, ‘Aqraba, Madma villages in Nablus; Romana village, west of Jenin; Deir Nizam village, northwest of Ramallah. No arrests were reported.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019:

  • At approximately 12:00, IOF stormed al-Rahmah prayer hall, east of al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They banned (5) children as well as a civilian from praying and arrested them. The arrestees were taken to “al-Qishla” police center in the Old City and released in the evening. The arrestees were identified as: Aya Osama Ashour (15); Doha Mohammed Ghazawi (16); Mayar Emran al-Natsha (15); Maram Ahmed al-Natsha (15); Tala Naser (15); and Jamal Mohammed al-Asali (23).
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Jabal Jawhar neighborhood in Hebron. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Ahmed Abdullah Borqan (15).
  • At the same time, IOF raided a lathe belonging to the brothers Yousef and Nidal Abdulqader al-‘Awiwi and confiscated its contents. IOF claimed that they were manufacturing weapons in it.
  • At the same time, IOF moved into Beit Ummer village, north of Hebron. They raided and searched several houses and handed 2 summonses to fromer prisoners ‘Amar Jamal Abu Maria (26) and Mo’men Hasan al-Teet (16), to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in “Gush Etzion” settlement.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Qalqiliya. They raided and searched Osaid Firas Abu Libda (23)’s house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 11:00, IOF stationed at Beit Hanoun “Erez” Crossing, north of the Gaza Strip, arrested Ahmed ‘Emad Owda (22), while heading to Turkey for studying engineering. According to his father’s statement “At approximately 06:00, Ahmed headed to Erez Crossing via a bus operating under the Civil Affairs in Gaza. At approximately 11:00, Owda was detained at the crossing and his family lost contact with him. At 19:00 on the same day, Ahmed’s father received a phone call informing him that his son was arrested for security reasons.
  • At approximately 17:00, IOF moved into al-Shaq neighborhood in the northern valleys. IOF banned the farmers from working in their agricultural lands, and confiscated a tractor belonging to Mafdi Lafi Daraghma.
  • At approximately 21:00, IOF stationed in Shu’afat military checkpoint, north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, arrested ‘Areen Haitham al-Za’anin (24) while passing through the checkpoint, and took him to an unknown destination. Before releasing al-Za’anin, IOF handed him a summons to refer to IOF Intelligence Services. Al-Za’anin was arrested from his house on Sunday, and released on the next day morning.
  • In evening, IOF moved into Shu’afat refugee camp, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. IOF arrested 3 civilians, from al-Ezareya, after they finished a meeting with the General Women’s Union in the camp. The arrestees are: Najat al-Sharif, official of women’s file at Fatah Movement in al-Izareya; her daughter Ayat al-Sharif, a student at al-Quds University; and Dina Faroun, director of Bonal al-Mustaqbal Organization. No arrests were reported.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019:

  • At approximately 00:00, IOF moved into al-Shayah neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Mahmoud Issam Abu Nab (17)’s house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved to Ra’s al-‘Amoud neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Bassam Salem Abu Nab (52)’s house and arrested him with his three sons after IOF severely beat them. The arrestees were identified as Mohammed (21); Yousef (17); and Saif (17).
    It should be noted that Bassam Abu Nab is Fares’s father, who was killed by IOF at al-Nafaq checkpoint, south of Bethlehem, on 17 November 2019.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Obaid neighborhood in al-Issaweya village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested 5 civilians, including 2 children, namely: Younis Sufian Obaid (16); Ali Sufian Obaid (17); Mohammed Marwan Obaid (19); Waseen Nayef Obaid (38); and Lo’ay Faisal Obaid (18).
  • At the same time, IOF moved into al-Nobani village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses, and arrested and beat Laith Mahmoud Yaqoub al-Nobani (15), taking him to “’Ofer” investigation center, west of Ramallah.
  • At approximately 07:00, IOF moved into “Um al-Jamal” neighborhood in the Northern Jordan valleys. They banned the farmers from working in their lands and threatened them to confiscate any tractor in the neighborhood.
  • At approximately 14:30, IOF stationed at ‘Atara military checkpoint, north of Ramallah, arrested Ezz al-Dein Abu Adwan (28), from Qalqiliya, while passing through the checkpoint. Adwan was taken to one of their military sites.
  • IOF carried out (9) incursions in Dura, Nablus; Hebron; Balata refugee camp; Bazarya and Burqa villages, northwest of Nablus; Jama’een, south of Nablus; Beit Qad and Deir Abu Da’ef, northeast of Jenin and al-Beira. No arrests were reported.
  1. Settlement Expansion and settler violence in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem
  1. Demolition and Confiscation of Civilian Property for Settlement Expansion Activities
  • On Saturday, 14 December 2019, Naser Za’atrah implemented the Israeli Municipality decision and self-demolished his tin-plate house willing of 25 square meters in al-Mokaber Mount area, south of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of non-licensing. Za’atrah said that the Israeli authorities ordered him several times to demolish his house and threatened him if he did not demolish it, he would pay the demolition costs. Za’atrah added that the construction of his house cost NIS 90.000 and the Israeli Municipality imposed a construction fine on him of NIS 115.000, noting that he is still paying it. Lately, the Israeli Municipality escalated its self-demolition policy in occupied East Jerusalem and forced over 50 civilians to self-demolish their houses.
  • At approximately 08:00 on Monday, 16 December 2019, IOF backed by military construction vehicles moved into Hebron’s Dir Razzah area. They demolished two buses’ structures of Basel Rashid Suliman D’ais used as café and auto repair workshop. After that, IOF levelled and dug the plot of land to ban using it again, under the pretext of being in Area C. It should be noted that on 19 August 2019, IOF demolished D’ais’s barrack established on the mentioned plot of land.
  • At approximately 13:00 on Monday, 16 December 2019, Israeli vehicles demolished Sameeh Ahmed Salah’s house in Kherbet ‘Alia, south of Bethlehem, under the pretext of non-licensing. Salah said that IOF accompanied with military construction vehicles raided his 120-sqaure-meter house, which sheltered 5 persons, and demolished it. Salah clarified that his plot of land is officially registered, but IOF prevented him from building on it, claiming that there was a military order banning any construction works in the area. He added that in 1996, IOF demolished his plot of land and agricultural rooms. In 2002, IOF demolished a house built there. Salah pointed out that he re-built the house for the 2nd time years ago, but IOF notified him that they would demolish it. After that, he requested help from St. Yves Society and headed to the Israeli Supreme Court that issued the demolition decision, but IOF did not recognize the court’s decision and demolished the house. It should be noted that IOF aims at evacuating Kherbet ‘Alia from all houses and seizing over 120 dunums in order to build a bypass road, which would be the northern entrance to “Afrat” settlement.
  • At approximately 20:00, IOF accompanied with military construction vehicles moved into al-Jalma village, where they demolished at least 25 vegetable and fruit stalls roofed with sheds, under the pretext of being in Area C. These stalls were established near al-Jalma checkpoint due to the traffic jam at the checkpoint. PCHR keeps the names of stalls’ owners, who were deprived of the sole source of income.
  • At approximately 08:00 on Tuesday, 17 December 2019, the Israeli Municipality bulldozers demolished Hatem Hussain Aby Riyalah’s under construction house in al-‘Issawiyia village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of non-licensing. Raied Abu Riyalah, Member of al-‘Issawiyia Follow-up Committee, said that Israeli special forces accompanied with military vehicles moved into Abu Riyalah neighborhood, where they imposed a tight security cordon near Hatem Hussain Abu Riyalah house and demolished the second storey of his house for the 3rd Raied Abu Riyalah pointed out that Hatem attempted to license his house, but in vain. It should be noted that Hatem’s house was built on an area of 180 sqaure meters and comprised of 2 stories; the first was inhabited while the second was under-construction.
  • Around the same day, IOF accompanied with military construction vehicles moved into Sho’fat village in occupied East Jerusalem and demolished a car showroom and 2 car washes of Meswada, Bader and Abu Isninah families. Wadi al-Helwa Information Center stated that Israeli bulldozers demolished ‘Azzam Meswada’s car showroom built of tin plates and damaged walls surrounding it. In addition, IOF demolished Bashar Bader’s car wash, comprising of 3 tin-plate rooms, and another car wash belonging to Kamal Abu Isninah. IOF confiscated a container from Kamal’s car wash.
  1. Israeli Settler Violence
  • At approximately 23:00 on Friday, 13 December 2019, Diyab Mash’alah, Head of al-Jab’a Village Council, said that, dozens of Israeli settlers, from “Beit Ayin” settlement, which is established on Palestinians’ lands, moved into al-Jamjoum area in western Bethlehem. They attacked and threw stones at Palestinian civilians’ vehicles. As a result, the windshield, rear window and lights of  Akrama Hamdan’s vehicle were broken as well as many vehicles sustained damage.  Mash’alah added that settlers continued to carry out ongoing attacks against Palestinians and their properties years ago, clarifying that these attacks have recently increased. Mash’alah said that settlers from time to time threw Molotov Cocktails at Palestinian vehicles, causing incidents and injuries among them, without taking any measures by IOF to end and stop these attacks.
  • On Monday, 16 December 2019, settlers from the “Price Tag” group damaged road construction machines of Salah al-Zayed in northern Jordan Valley, east of Tubas, for the 2nd
  • At approximately 20:00 on Monday, 16 December 2019, settlers opened fire at ‘Ali al-Sedaa’s house in the outskirts of Qalqiliyia’s Jeet village. As a result, the house sustained material damage and its residents were terrified, but no injuries among them were reported.
  • On Tuesday, 17 December 2019, a group of Israeli settlers damaged road construction machines in northern Jordan Valley, north of the West Bank.
  • Closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement of persons and goods

West Bank

In addition to permanent checkpoints and closed roads, this week witnessed the establishment of more temporary checkpoints that restrict the goods and individuals movement between villages and cities and deny civilians’ access to their work. IOF established 35 temporary checkpoints and arrested 5 Palestinian civilians.

The military checkpoint were as follows:


  • On Tuesday, 17 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to al-Jadirah village, northwest of occupied East Jerusalem. They prevented the movement hundreds of vehicles and civilians for few hours. Eyewitnesses said that there were massive car queues in both directions at the checkpoint, which is daily established at the village entrance during rush hours to provoke Palestinian civilians. It should be noted that the residents of 15 villages located in the northwest of occupied East Jerusalem are suffering from the establishment of this checkpoint, which closes the only road leading to these villages.


  • At approximately 08:15 on Friday, 13 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the southern entrance to Hebron. They stopped Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs. No arrests among them were reported.
  • On Saturday, 14 December 2019, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the entrance to Halhoul village and at the entrance to al-Fawar refugee camp.
  • On Sunday, 15 December 2019, IOF established 2 checkpoint in Halhoul village bridge and at the entrance to Yatta village, south of Hebron.
  • On Monday, 16 December 2019, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the entrance to Beit ‘Awaa village and at the entrance to al-‘Aroub refugee camp.
  • On Tuesday, 17 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron.

Ramallah and al-Bireh:

  • On Friday, 13 December 2019, IOF established 2 checkpoints near the intersection of “Hallamish” settlement, northwest of Ramallah, and at the entrance to Dir Buziegh village, west of the city.
  • On Saturday, 14 December 2019, a similar checkpoint was established near the intersection of “Hallamish” settlement.
  • On Sunday, 15 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint near ‘Atarah village’s bridge, northwest of the city.
  • On Wednesday, 18 December 2019, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the entrances to ‘Ain Yabroud and al-Nabi Saleh villages.


  • On Thursday, 12 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint near the intersection of Kafur Laqef village, east of Qalqiliyia. They searched Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs.
  • On Friday, 13 December 2019, IOF established 5 checkpoints near the intersection of ‘Izbit al-Tabeeb village, near Jeet village, at the entrance to Kafur Laqef village, at the entrance to Amateen village, and at the entrance to ‘Azoun village.
  • On Sunday, 15 December 2019, IOF established 3 checkpoints near the entrance to Jensafout village, at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliyia and at the entrance to ‘Izbit al-Tabeeb village.
  • On Monday, 16 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to ‘Azoun village, east of Qalqiliyia.
  • On Tuesday, 17 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to Hejjah village, east of Qalqiliyia.


  • On Sunday, 15 December 2019, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the entrances to Dirsityia and Dir Ballout villages, and between Kaful Hares and Hares villages.
  • On Wednesday, 18 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the southern entrance to Kaful Hares village, north of Salfit.


  • On Sunday, 15 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the southern entrance to Yatizhar Street, southeast of Nablus. They searched Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs.


  • On Monday, 16 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to Baqah al-Sharqiyia village, north of Tulkarm.
  • On Wednesday, 18 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to Tulkarm.


  • On Saturday, 14 December 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the entrance to Fasayil village, north of the city.
  • On Wednesday, 18 December 2019, a similar checkpoint was established at the intersection of the Dead Sea.

The Icon of ‘Lebanese Revolution’ is a Zionist Sympathizer!

By Zeinab Daher

Beirut – The infamous and notorious female that became an icon of the Lebanese washed-up protests turned to be a sympathizer with the nation’s enemy.

In a flashback to her history, Perla Joe Maalouly was spotted doing the criminal act of normalization with the Zionist entity’s military account on Twitter, in a reply to the so-called ‘Israel’ Defense Forces’ tweet that was praising the vigilance of Adi, an 18-year-old soldier that foiled a smuggling attempt of 40 guns from Lebanon into ‘Israel’.

Though setting some privacy to her account, and hiding replies from users who don’t share the ‘following’ privilege with her, we managed to track her reply on the tweet that dates back to October 3rd:

“From Lebanon I tell you, we are humanly, mentally and soulfully sick of this war. We want no guns being smuggled, nor airplanes on top of our heads. Part of us just want to live, love, heart fully interact and create and I’m sure that the same goes to part of you [flower],” she replied.

The same Perla, however, was featured in many videos, since the beginning of Lebnon protests, being super nasty to the Lebanese Army and Security Forces who were maintaining protection for protesters and other people on the streets while the so-called rebels were blocking the roads and hindering the living of thousands of the Lebanese people for two months so far.

Additionally, when two ‘Israeli’ spy drones breached the Lebanese sovereignty and entered Beirut’s southern suburb [Dahiyeh], Lebanese President Michel Aoun stated that what happened is a ‘declaration of war’ that allows us to turn to our right to defend our sovereignty, independence and safety of our lands.

Perla, the tenderhearted, replied to the head of state:

“We want peace, enough is enough.”

Here in this case, there are two options that would describe the status of this fierce defender of the demands of the ‘rebels’. Either she is a schizophrenic whose state of mind shifts between caring for the interests of her nationals and putting them above all, but still the poor Perla turns her back to defend also the enemy that occupied the lands of the same nationals and killed, detained and tortured thousands along its history of occupation of Lebanon; or, she does this on purpose, which must be considered a report to the concerned parties that deal with individuals practicing such a criminal act of normalizing ties with the ‘Israeli’ enemy, plus showing sympathy to them.

Until proving the opposite of the theory that considers those influencing the violent protests across Lebanon are dictated by foreign embassies, may God save Lebanon from the malicious intentions and its enemies’ interventions.

Plea for the Liberation of Julian Assange. Response from the Archbishop of Canterbury

Dear Friends,

The plea which you kindly signed calling on the Archbishop of Canterbury to use his moral influence to bring about liberation of Julian Assange from Belmarsh prison was delivered to Lambeth Palace in London last November 29. On December 12, Lambeth Palace acknowledged reception of the letter in the attached message, which appears to be addressed to all the letter’s signatories.  

Elections held that same day leave scant hope for political intervention on behalf of Julian Assange.  This enforces our belief that this issue must be urgently addressed on purely moral and humanitarian grounds.  As Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby has been entrusted by the Church of England with a moral authority which we invite him to exercise.  

On behalf of the Archbishop, the Lambeth Palace Correspondence Officer Dominic Goodall writes that: “For him not to speak out about an issue does not necessarily mean that it is not of concern to him, but the context and opportunity must be right if any intervention is to be effective.”

For our part, with due respect, we believe that the Christmas season provides an eminently appropriate “context” and “opportunity” for the Christian Church of England to demonstrate human kindness by speaking out on behalf of a political prisoner who is being treated more harshly than the worst of criminals. Julian Assange is fervently admired worldwide for his courageous commitment to speaking truth. His life is at stake, and also at stake is any remnant of the United Kingdom’s reputation as land of respect for individual rights and freedoms. The world watches and cares.

Dear signatories, 

If you care to follow up with your own message to Lambeth Palace, please note the addresses on the message below from Lambeth Palace.


Diana Johnstone, Paris, France,


Below is the message from Lambeth Palace

From: Lambeth Palace <>

Subject: 60053 Your letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury

Date: 12 December 2019 at 13:21:26 CET

To: “”, “”

Dear Ms Johnstone and Mr Müller,

Thank you for your recent letter addressed to the Archbishop of Canterbury, for and on behalf of your other signatories. Much as he would like to, the Archbishop is unable to respond personally and in detail to all the emails and letters that he receives, so I have been asked to reply to you on his behalf.

Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns in this matter, which have been noted. Archbishop Justin is often asked to make statements on a wide range of issues and many people write asking him to intervene in domestic and international matters.

Letters like your own just go to show that people are seeking to respond to the current uncertainties which is a constant encouragement to Archbishop Justin. He is grateful to you for writing and hopes that you will understand that it must be for him to decide when and about what subjects he raises in public. For him not to speak out about an issue does not necessarily mean that it is not of concern to him, but the context and opportunity must be right if any intervention is to be effective.

Nevertheless, thank you again for taking the time to write.

Yours sincerely,

Dominic Goodall


Reply to Lambeth Palace, 15 December 2019

Dear Mr Goodall,

Thank you for your reply to our recent letter[1] concerning Julian Assange. From your opening paragraph we assume that Archbishop Welby has read our letter, and we are passing your response on to the signatories of our letter.

Dear Archbishop Justin Welby,

The time to speak out about the treatment of Julian Assange by the British and the US Authorities seems quite urgently to be now. His health is deteriorating, as outlined in a recent open letter by 60 medical Doctors.[2]  On Friday 13 December, there was another technical hearing of the case, where it transpired that Julian Assange has not even been able to read key evidence against him in the case that has been prepared against him by the US for nearly ten years.  His court hearing is in just over two months. Such treatment goes contrary to the tradition of English rights initiated by the Magna Carta over 800 years ago.

Moreover, the result of the recent general election means that there will be a government with a huge majority including numerous Members who have publicly prejudiced Mr. Assange. There is no mercy to be expected from political authorities. This situation increases the urgency of calling on you to act as a higher moral authority. We ask you to share these thoughts with Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II.

It takes a high degree of courage to go against the mood of one’s own milieu.  But those who dare speak out in favour of the victim of a lynch mob gain a place of honour in history.  When the writer Emile Zola spoke out in defence of Captain Dreyfus, he was forced to seek asylum in London, but a century later his example is remembered as a shining beacon in the whole affair. You have shown that you are not shy to speak up on current affairs, when you spoke out on behalf of Britain’s Jews.

We are writing these lines from human beings to human beings on behalf of another human being in dire distress.

Whatever mistakes he may have made, like any human being, Julian Assange is fervently admired worldwide for his courageous commitment to speaking truth. His life is at stake, and also at stake is the United Kingdom’s reputation as land of respect for individual rights and freedoms. The world watches and cares.History will take note of what is done now.

Yours sincerely,

Moritz Müller, Skibbereen, Republic of Ireland.

Diana Johnstone, Paris, France.




You can read the plea here.


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Featured image: Julian Assange court sketch, October 21, 2019, supplied by Julia Quenzler.


“If You Liked What We Did To The Middle East, You’ll LOVE What We’re About To Do To Latin America”

Written by J.Hawk exclusively for SouthFront

Latin America in the Crosshairs

Latin America has been regarded as the exclusive stomping ground of US economic interests, US military, and US intelligence services for much of the 19th and 20th centuries, to the point that the US public has grown to view meddling in its neighbors’ domestic politics as some sort of birthright which is still faintly rooted in the 19th century “white man’s burden” racialist policies. That the majority of Democratic Party presidential candidates supports the military coup in Bolivia, the escalating repressions in Chile, and the plundering of Brazil by the Bolsonaro regime is actually unremarkable in that regard. Such policies have long been the norm.

However, if one were to take a quick survey of recent developments in the “information battlefield” in the United States, one would be struck by the rapid elevation of Latin America as a place where direct US military action is needed. It is not just Trump who, in the aftermath of an apparently cartel-related murder of an American Mormon family in Mexico, “offered” Mexico the “help” of the US military in fighting the cartels. The latest boy-wonder of the US Establishment, “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg likewise allowed he is “open” to the idea of sending US troops to Mexico. Neither of these statements was seen as in any way controversial by the mainstream media—even though the US public is broadly anti-war and skeptical of additional international entanglements, the Washington Establishment views the sovereignty of other countries as nothing more than legal fiction.

These politicians’ statements do not stand in isolation. Hollywood has long been “joined at the hip” with the US national security establishment and can be always relied upon to propagate the latest set of Washington talking points. While Russian villains remain the staple of US movies and video games, Latin America is gradually reclaiming its role as a battlefield and source of threats to the United States which it lost after 9/11. There are now at least two currently running US TV series which specifically focus on direct US interventions in Latin America. America’s favorite CIA analyst Jack Ryan (who, it should be noted, became President on the pages of Tom Clancy’s novels after the rest of the US government was conveniently eliminated by a Boeing 747 flown into the Capitol  by a suicide pilot) is now bravely thwarting Russian plots in Venezuela. Going considerably further, Last Ship’s current season actually posits the emergence of Gran Colombia, a veritable Latin American empire which launches a Pearl Harbor-style surprise air raid which destroys the just-rebuilt US Navy with the assistance of a cyber-strike. In retaliation, United States employs the full range of its conventional capabilities, starting with CIA covert operatives working with some modern equivalent of the Nicaraguan Contras whose connections to the drug cartels are not even concealed, and ending with US Marines landing on the shores of Latin American countries in order to “liberate” them from their own governments.

There are other indications US establishment is bracing for a major deterioration of the political situation “south of the border”, up to and including a major refugee crisis comparable to what Europe has experienced. While Donald Trump has been roundly condemned for his immigration policies, particularly the deportations of Latin American refugees, the construction of a major barrier on the US-Mexico border, and the efforts to transform Mexico into a holding tank for refugees seeking admission into the United States, no senior Democratic Party politician or candidate has promised to reverse these policies.

From the Shores of Tripoli to the Halls of Montezuma?

The rekindling of interest in Latin America is a logical consequences of the drift toward a global multi-polar system. It means, first, a retrenchment in the Middle East due to the demonstrated power of Russia and China which has proved sufficient to thwart not only covert US plots but also overt uses of economic and military capabilities. This power transition has meant that even long-standing US allies such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia are adopting a multi-vector foreign policy no longer wholly centered on their relationship with the United States. It certainly does not help that the United States has proved of limited utility in resolving the many international conflicts and rivalries in that region, not only the obvious Iran-Saudi Arabia one, but also the lower-intensity Saudi Arabia—Turkey one. Since Russia is literally the only international power capable to credibly negotiate with each of these three regional rivals, its reputation as an honest broker backed up by non-trivial “hard power” has elevated its standing in the region to the detriment of the United States.

The second implication is an even closer binding of Latin American states to the United States, with the remarkably compliant Organization of American States (OAS) which has never seen a military coup it did not like, serving as the overt instrument of control. Conversely, regional organizations which have proven resistant to US control such as Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America-Trade between Peoples (ALBA-TCP) and  the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), both of which actually condemned the coup in Bolivia in strong terms, will find themselves the target of US pressure. Post-coup Bolivia’s announced departure from both of these organizations is unlikely to be an aberration, particularly since it follows on the heels of Lenin Moreno’s Ecuador’s departure from ALBA in 2018. The remaining ALBA states include Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela (in addition to several small island states), all of which are continuing targets of US regime change policies.

UNASUR also appears headed for extinction. As many as six countries, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru, suspended their membership in 2018. Chile moreover launched PROSUR, an organization explicitly intended to target Venezuela, with the initial states invited to join the new organization being  Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Guyana and Suriname, none of which can be described as pursuing policies contrary to US wishes.

Good-bye NAFTA, Hello USMC!

Trump Administration’s regional trade war that resulted in the launch of the US, Mexico, Canada (hence the “USMC” abbreviation) intended to replace the North America Free Trade Association (NAFTA) is indicative of the future US policy course. It’s doubtful few in the region failed to note the new trade pact’s abbreviation is exactly the same as that of the US Marine Corps which has a long and dark history of invasions and occupations of Latin American states. Consistent with the plot of “Last Ship”, USMC will find itself once again the final arbiter of trade arrangements in Latin America in the #MAGA era that will not end with Trump.

Economic developments in countries that have suffered right-wing regime shifts in the last few years show the direction in which Latin America will evolve. In Brazil, Boeing was allowed to acquire the commercial aircraft division of EMBRAER which hitherto was able to compete, as an independent actor, against both Boeing and Airbus even in their own home markets. The more strengthens Boeing by making it more competitive against Airbus in certain niches it lacked, and strips Brazil of a major industrial asset. Bolsonaro also aims to privatize another of Brazil’s economic “crown jewels”, the Petrobras energy firm which is all but guaranteed to fall into the hands of Washington-favored energy firms.  US interest in the lithium reserves in Bolivia and neighboring countries has also been well documented. Preventing Morales’ Bolivia from entering into a development deal with China was one of the main motives behind the coup. Like Bolsonaro’s Brazil, Moreno’s Ecuador is pursuing plans to allow oil drilling in the Amazon region.

 The Ghost of Che

The famed Argentinian revolutionary Che Guevara suffered a heroic death in Bolivia, attempting to mobilize an indigenous rebellion against the post-conquistador elite. The inevitable backlash to the ever more evident US efforts to ruthlessly exploit Latin America in order to compensate for the loss of influence and business elsewhere in the world means that the United States will find itself with several insurgencies and refugee crises not halfway around the world but in its own geopolitical backyard, whose intensity will eclipse the Cold War-era struggles.  Should United States insist on pursuing its current course, it risks losing power and influence in Latin America in the same way as it did in the Middle East.

The Explosion in Lebanon Has Been Delayed: Until When?

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By Elijah J. Magnier: @ejmalrai

Europe is concerned about the Lebanese political crisis and its potential spillover consequences in case of a civil confrontation. Even if the European states do not have differing strategic objectives in Lebanon from the US, a civil war will affect Europe directly, as refugees will be flocking from the neighbouring continent.

Reaching an agreement over a new government to prevent further unrest is proving difficult. Sources in Beirut believe it may take several months to form a new government, as was the case in forming the last government. Some wonder if it might not be better to wait for the results of the US elections before forming a new government. Or perhaps a new government will only emerge after a major security event, like the assassination of the late Prime Minister Rafic Hariri which triggered a political tsunami in the country. All indications on the ground point to the prospect of a civilian confrontation arising from the absence of a robust central government that can take in hand the security of the country. Can Lebanon avoid a civil confrontation?

The closure of the main roads and the “deliberate” incompetence and inaction of the security forces – due to US requests to tolerate the closure of main axes linking Lebanon with the capital – is no longer a surprising behaviour.

The main roads now closed have been carefully selected: closed are the roads linking the south of Lebanon to Beirut and linking Baalbek and the road to Damascus with the capital Beirut. These areas are mainly inhabited and used by Shia. The roads are being blocked mainly in certain sectarian areas controlled by Sunni supporters of the caretaker Sunni Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his Druse ally Walid Joumblat. The closure of other roads in the Christian dominated Dbayeh by the pro-US Christian leader Samir Geagea, leader of the “Lebanese Forces”, and in Tripoli seem to be kind of diversions of attention from the main goal: challenging Hezbollah.

Sources in Beirut believe the objective is to exasperate the Shia who represent the society that protects Hezbollah. The goal is to force the organisation into the streets. Hezbollah is aware of this and is trying to avoid responding to provocations. The closure of these roads is an invitation to Hezbollah to take the situation in hand and direct its weapon against other Lebanese citizens, as indeed happened on the 5th of May 2008.

In 2008, Druse minister Marwan Hamadé – directed by Walid Joumblat – and pro-US Prime Minister Fouad Siniora asked Hezbollah to cut its fibreoptic private communication system linking all corners of the country. Israel never ceased to monitor the Hezbollah cable that, due to its high-security system and regular control, had managed to neutralise all Israeli tapping devices attached to it by Israeli Special forces during their infiltration to Lebanon for this exact purpose. An effort was made by the Lebanese government in May 2008 to cut the cable to break through Hezbollah’s high-security system, the key to its command and control in time of peace and especially in time of war. This insistent attempt – despite repeated warnings – provoked two days later a demonstration of force by Hezbollah occupying the entire capital in a few hours with no serious victims. Lebanese pro-US armed mercenaries who gathered and hid in Beirut to trigger a civil war on this day, anticipating Hezbollah’s possible reaction, were neutralised in no time despite hundreds of millions of dollars spent on their supposed readiness for war against Hezbollah in the streets of Beirut.

Today, the goal is to see Hezbollah controlling the streets and arming anti-government Syrians and Lebanese. The goal is to take the Lebanon issue to the United Nations so as to justify a foreign intervention. The aim is not to see Hezbollah defeated by the initial clashes; the firepower, training and military organisation of Hezbollah cannot be defeated by enthusiastic mercenaries and locals. The aim is to deprive Hezbollah of its legitimacy and pay a heavy price for its “unforgivable” victories in Syria and Iraq and its support to the Palestinians and the Yemeni.

Lebanon’s financial problems are not the primary issue. In Congressional testimony, the former US Under Secretary of State and Ambassador to Lebanon, Jeffery Feltman, told the US Congress that “Lebanon’s entire external debt (around $35 billion) is in line with the estimates of what Saudi Arabia is bleeding every year in pursuing a war in Yemen ($25-$40 billion).”

Regional and international financial support to Lebanon will be injected with one purpose: to trigger a civil war in the hope of defeating Hezbollah in the long term. This might also save Israel from a severe political crisis by provoking a war against Lebanon rather than an internal conflict among Israelis, as seems possible after two failed attempts to form a government.

Most Lebanese are aware of the sensitive and critical situation in the country. Most fear a civil war, particularly in view of the behaviour of the Lebanese Army and other security forces who are now standing idle and yet refusing to keep all roads open. These actions by the security forces are greatly contributing to the possibility of an internal conflict.

Sincere protestors with only a domestic agenda have managed to achieve miracles by crossing all sectarian boundaries and carrying one flag: an end to corruption and associated poverty and the return of stolen capital to Lebanon. Protestors are asking the judiciary system to assume its responsibility and for the country to head towards a secular ruling system. But sectarian elements and foreign intervention are managing to divert attention from the real national demands that have been overwhelming the Lebanese since decades.

The foreign intervention is not relying on the justified demands of protestors in its confrontation with Hezbollah. It is relying on sectarian Lebanese who want to contribute to the fall of Hezbollah from the inside. This is not surprising because Lebanon is a platform where the US, EU, and Saudis are strongly present and active against the Axis of Resistance led by Iran. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander Hussein Salame warned in his most recent speech that these countries risk “crossing the line”.

Since the “Islamic Revolution” in 1979 Iran has not initiated a military or preventive war on its neighbours, but has limited its action to defending itself and in building its “Axis of Resistance”. Recently, Iran proposed – to no avail – a HOPE (Hormuz Peace Endeavor) to its neighbours, seeking a commitment to the security of the Middle East separately from any US intervention.

Iran defeated the mainstream international community when it helped prevent the fall of the government in Damascus after years of war. It has effectively supported Hezbollah and the Palestinians against Israel, favoured ally of the US; Iran stood next to Iraq and prevented a hostile government reaching power; Iran has also supported the defence of Yemen against Saudi Arabia’s useless and destructive war. Iran’s enemies are numerous and have not given up. They tried but failed to achieve their objectives in 2006 in Lebanon, in 2011 in Syria, in 2014 in Iraq and in 2015 in Yemen. Today a new approach is being implemented to defeat Iran’s allies: the weaponization of domestic unrests, motivated by legitimate anti-corruption demands for reform, at the cost of “incinerating” entire countries, i.e. Lebanon and Iraq.

Protestors have failed to offer a feasible plan themselves and caretaker Prime Minister Hariri is trying to punch above his parliamentary weight by seeking to remove political opponents who control more than half of the parliament. Lebanon has reached a crossroads where an exchange of fire is no longer excluded. The conflict has already claimed lives. Thanks to manipulation, Lebanon seems to be headed towards self-destruction.

Proofread by C.G.B and Maurice Brasher

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Copyright ©, 2019

Blinded Palestinian Journalist Exposes Israel’s Increasing Violence Against Media

Muath Amarneh Feature photo

Blinded Palestinian Journalist Exposes Israel’s Increasing Violence Against Media

On November 15, Palestinian photojournalist Muath Amarneh covered a demonstration in Surif, a West Bank city where residents were protesting against the theft of their land by Israeli settlers. Wearing a press jacket and helmet, Amarneh was shot in the head by an Israeli bullet while taking pictures on a nearby hill — about 330 feet from the soldiers.

“Everything just changed. I felt the whole world was circling around me. And I felt my whole life flash before me. I felt like I was dying,” Amarneh said, describing his reaction when hit.

With blood dripping from his eye, Amarneh was taken to a hospital in Hebron, West Bank. He was eventually transported to Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem where his left eye was removed. He remains there awaiting further operations to have the bullet removed from his head. 

Videos and photos capturing Amarneh after the bullet pierced his eye went viral online. Using the hashtags #MuathEye#EyeofTruth and #MuathAmarneh, “journalists across the world posted images of themselves with an eyepatch or one hand over their eye as a way to stand in solidarity with Amarneh.

Increasing Israeli violations against Palestinian press

After being shot, Israeli soldiers rushed to Amarneh claiming he wasn’t hit by one of their bullets but rather with stones thrown by protesters, but Amarneh was behind a line of demonstrators hurling stones.

“The army told me that, “This is not from us. This is from the people who are protesting and throwing stones. It’s the Palestinian who threw stones at you. It’s not a bullet from us,” Amarneh said.

Israeli police said they used “non-lethal means” to “disperse the rioters.” “The use of the non-lethal means was not directed at all at the photographer, and his injury could have been caused by the violent rioters,” Micky Rosenfeld, the Israeli police’s foreign press spokesperson, said.

Palestinian journalists take cover from tear gas shot by Israeli police during a solidarity protest on November 17, 2019 in Bethlehem. Photo | Musa Al-Shaer

However, Amarneh believes he was directly attacked by Israeli forces.

Four days before Amarneh lost his eye, Omar al-Badawi was fatally shot by Israeli soldiers during clashes near Hebron. Video captured al-Badawi as he was shot in the chest by Israeli forces. Soldiers claimed they assumed al-Badawi was carrying a molotov cocktail, but he was merely holding a towel to extinguish a fire engulfing a tree near his home. Amarneh was one of the journalists who documented al-Badawi’s murder.

“After what happened, the Israeli army really doesn’t want journalists to show the world what’s going on,” Amarneh said. He feels that since al-Badawi’s killing was broadcast globally, the Israeli army is intensifying its crackdown on Palestinian journalists. He mentioned how an area in Bethlehem designated for journalists for years by the Israeli military is now an unwelcome location.

“This Thursday, they started telling journalists that if you stay in this place, we will arrest you,” Amarneh said, describing how the soldiers pushed the journalists and seized their cameras.

The following Sunday after Amarneh was shot, Palestinian journalists held a sit-in in Bethlehem to express their support. Israel Police dispersed the crowd using tear gas, with dozens of demonstrators suffocating from tear gas inhalation and seven individuals lightly wounded.

Israeli polcie grab a member of The Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate during a solidarity protest on November 17, 2019, in Bethlehem. Photo | Musa Al-Shaer

On Wednesday, the Israeli army closed the office of Palestine Television in Jerusalem for six months after storming Al-ArzMedia Services Company which provides services to Palestine TV.

Mousa Rimawi, Director General of the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA), believes the Israeli army targeted Amarneh.

“I think they are targeting him. Witnesses say that. He said that. This is not the first time they are targeting journalists,” Rimawai said.

We saw it in Gaza, especially last year. When the Israeli army was targeting journalists, killing two of them and injuring tens of journalists by snipers.”

In 2018, Palestinian journalists Yasser Murtaja and Ahmad Hassan Abu Hussein were killed by Israeli snipers just one week apart from each other while covering the Great March of Return protests at the Gaza border.

According to The Palestinian Center Development and Media Freedoms (MADA), 455 Israeli violations and 129 Palestinian violations occurred against Palestinian journalists in 2018  — a more than 52 percent increase in the last two years. During the first half of 2019, 330 violations were documented against Palestinian media  — a 19 percent increase from the same period last year. The majority of these violations comprise physical abuse, arrests or detentions, questioning, preventing coverage and shutting down websites and social media accounts.

Palestinian journalists

Palestinian journalists help a colleague injured during a solidarity protest on November 17, 2019 in Bethlehem. Photo | Musa Al-Shaer

“They want to silence this media who is covering the events relating to the Israeli occupation and to cover their crimes and daily practices in Palestine,” Rimawi said.

The Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) places the number of violations in 2019 higher, at more than 630, with 90 percent of reported attacks executed by Israel. Musa Al-Shaer, a board member of PJS, said MADA’s calculation is lower because they adjust the statistics in order to receive financial aid from the international community.


Facebook’s censorship of Palestinian media

Of the 330 documented violations by MADA, 65 of them were committed by Facebook. In 2016, the Israeli government and Facebook announced they were working together to combat incitement on social media. The driving force behind this partnership was Israel’s accusation that Palestinian violence is fueled by incitement online.

“After that announcement, Facebook began to block Palestinian sites for journalists and media outlets,” Rimawi said. He explained that Facebook has adopted Israel’s definition of incitement when deciding what content to censor. But going by Israel’s standards poses a problem for Palestinians.

“If someone posts a picture of a martyr, that’s incitement for Israelis, but for Palestinians that is normal. You could be posting a picture of your cousin who is a martyr,” Rimawi said.

Palestinians call those who died resisting the Israeli occupation “martyrs”, while Israelis refer to them as terrorists. He mentioned that words like Hamas (which literally translates to excitement in Arabic) and Qassam, the name of the military wing of Hamas, are consistently flagged. In some instances, a person named Qassam might end up with a deactivated Facebook account.

Facebook censorship of Palestinian media is increasing, and Israel appears to be the one steering the wheel. In 2017, 85 percent of Israeli government requests to “remove content deemed harmful or dangerous” was approved.

“We know Israel is pressuring other social media sites like Instagram and Twitter, but there are no agreements between them and Israel,” Rimawi said. “But with Facebook there is.”


Paving the way for Palestinian freedom of press

Amid a sharp rise in violations against Palestinian journalists, MADA is working with other civil society organizations to build a coalition to defend freedom of expression and digital freedom in Palestine. The coalition plans to tackle legislation, government policies, monitoring press freedom, Israeli violations and Facebook restrictions.

“It’s a good thing when people will not be silent, when countries will not be silent when there’s killing of journalists. But it must be linked with policies,” Rimawi said.

Muath Amarneh

Palestinian photojournalist Muath Amarneh lies injured in his hospital bed in Jerusalem. Photo | Delilah Boxstein

Amarneh has frequently experienced Israeli abuse in his ten years of working as a journalist. He was previously shot multiple times by rubber bullets on the lower parts of his body and fired at by water cannons. But this recent attack was the most severe.

Amarneh is currently focused on his recovery but asserts he will seek legal action when he is healed. Despite the trauma of losing his eye, he still plans to continue reporting.

“I won’t stop being a journalist but now I feel unsafe,” Amarneh said. “They could attack my other eye. It will be harder for me to continue what I am doing.”

Feature photo | Palestinian photojournalist Mu’ath Amarneh, seated on the left, moments after being shot in the left eye by an Israeli soldier in Surif, West Bank on November 15, 2019. Photo | Palestinian Information Center

Trump Accepts Israeli ‘Realities on Ground’ – Realities Funded by His Administration

Image result for Trump Accepts Israeli ‘Realities on Ground’ – Realities Funded by His Administration
Finian Cunningham 
November 21, 2019

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo this week announced yet another radical shift in Washington’s policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, by way of saying that the United States “was accepting realities on the ground”.

What the mendacious and cynical Pompeo omits to add is that the Trump administration has been dramatically fueling the change in “realities” – specifically the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory and the demolition of Palestinian homes.

This week the top US diplomat declared that Washington would no longer adopt the international consensus position, backed by several UN resolutions, that Israeli settlement-building and occupation of Palestinian territory was a violation of international law. Washington is henceforth recognizing Israeli settlements as legitimate.

The move overturns more than four decades of official US policy which adhered to the UN-backed position of condemning Israeli occupation in the Palestinian West Bank and in East Jerusalem as illegal and a violation of the Geneva Convention.

Since the 1967 Six War, successive Israeli governments have overseen a relentless process of annexing Palestinian territory. Over that period, Palestinian lands have diminished and become increasingly fragmented with little contiguity that would be normal for a future state. There are estimated to be around 200 Israeli new-build settlements of towns and villages with a population of 600,000 Jewish settlers who have usurped Palestinian land and properties. The UN has repeatedly condemned the annexation and occupation as illegal, to no avail.

The latest move by the Trump administration is a flagrant repudiation of UN resolutions and international law. It follows previous declarations by President Trump recognizing Israeli claims to Jerusalem as its capital, as well as Israel’s annexation of Syrian territory in the Golan Heights.

“Calling the establishment of civilian settlements inconsistent with international law has not advanced the cause of peace,” said Pompeo on Monday. “The hard truth is that there will never be a judicial resolution to the conflict, and arguments about who is right and who is wrong as a matter of international law will not bring peace.”

That is an astounding dereliction of international law by the American government. The “hard truth” that Pompeo ignores is that US administrations have constantly undermined “judicial resolution of the conflict” because they have, to varying degrees, over the decades pandered to Israeli criminal occupation of Palestinian lands.

What the Trump administration is doing is not entirely unprecedented. Successive American presidents have merely paid lip service to a supposed peace process between Israelis and Palestinians, declaring their support for a “two-state solution” and presenting Washington as some kind of “honest broker”. The reality is that Washington has consistently undermined Palestinian national rights by its systematic bias towards Israel, indulging the latter’s criminal policies of occupation and military aggression towards Palestinian population.

However, Trump and his coterie of Middle East aides have taken the American bias and complicity with Israel to naked levels. Part of that is no doubt payback for the multi-million-dollar funding of Trump’s 2016 election campaign by Jewish-American billionaire and arch-Zionist Sheldon Adelson.

Israeli peace groups have recorded a surge in Israeli expansion of settlements across the West Bank and East Jerusalem over the past three years of the Trump administration. Demolition of Palestinian homes by Israeli bulldozers are at a record high.

There is an imperative business reason for this. President Donald Trump has personally invested in Israeli settlements, as have his ambassador to Israel David Friedman, and the White House’s special envoy to the region, Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law.

One of those settlements is at Beit El which is described as “one of the most aggressive” in terms of expansionist scope. It overlooks the Palestinian city of Ramallah in the West Bank which is supposed to be the administrative seat of the Palestinian Authority.

Trump, Friedman and the Kushner family have in the past funneled millions of dollars into Beit El and other Israeli settlements. In return, Israeli financial companies have made huge investments in Jared Kushner’s family real-estate business back in the US. For example, Menora Mivtachim, a pension and insurance firm, invested $30 million in apartments in Maryland owned by the Kushner family.

Jared Kushner officially stepped away from his family’s property conglomerate when he was appointed by his father-in-law as special envoy on the Middle East “peace process”. But few would believe his future wealth will not benefit from investments in and from Israel. He is still a beneficiary of trusts that have holdings in Kushner properties, notes Haaretz newspaper.

It seems incredible given this blatant conflict of interest that Kushner has been tasked with producing a “peace plan” for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which Trump had previously boasted about as being the “deal of the century”. That plan has since wilted to non-existence. The media don’t even talk about its expected publication, so far off the radar is it.

The latest move by the Trump administration to effectively reward and accelerate further Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory has American self-interest and profit written all over it. It mirrors Trump’s declaration in March this year recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory, where there is irrefutable evidence that Trump and the Zionist clique in the White House have major business interests in oil exploration and production in that contested region.

Russia warned this week that Washington’s policy is inflaming further conflict amid an intensification of air strikes by Israel on Gaza where more than 30 people have been killed over the past week, including one Palestinian family of three adults and five children. The bloodshed makes Pompeo’s announcement all the more repulsive.

The Arab League and the European Union have also condemned the unilateral rejection of international law by the US. Jordan, Egypt and other Arab states said the United States has forfeited its right to act as a peace broker in the region.

The “reality on the ground” – to use a talking point favored by Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu and now Mike Pompeo – is that the US is an accomplice in Israel’s illegal occupation and war crimes. Even more heinous, the US policy is being driven by Trump’s family business profits.

The Lebanese Color Revolution Is a Defining Moment for the Resistance

Global Research, November 21, 2019
Image result for feltman march 14 movement

What originally began as an expression of legitimate outrage at the Mideast country’s dysfunctional government and endemic corruption quickly transformed into a Color Revolution aimed at carrying out regime change in Lebanon through the removal of Hezbollah from its government, the threat of which makes this a defining moment for the Resistance because its supporters’ loyalty is being tested to the core.

Lebanon is undoubtedly in the throes of an ongoing Color Revolution that’s already succeeded in securing the resignation of Prime Minister Hariri in response to large-scale protests against the Mideast country’s dysfunctional government and endemic corruption, sparked as they were by a proposed tax on WhatsApp calls that served as the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. The unrest has been condemned by two key members of the Resistance, Ayatollah Khamenei and Hezbollah leader Nasrallah, who warned against the participants becoming useful idiots in the US, “Israel“, and the GCC’s plot against their homeland. The first-mentioned tweeted that “I recommend those who care in #Iraq and #Lebanon remedy the insecurity and turmoil created in their countries by the U.S., the Zionist regime, some western countries, and the money of some reactionary countries. The people have justifiable demands, but they should know their demands can only be fulfilled within the legal structure and framework of their country. When the legal structure is disrupted in a country, no action can be carried out”, while the second urged his supporters to stay away from the scene of the disturbances and emphasized how much the government’s fall could destabilize their fragile country.

Nevertheless, the situation still remains unresolved despite Hariri’s resignation, and ever-louder demands have made within Lebanon and through some Alt-Media outlets that Hezbollah should leave the government in order to resolve the crisis. The Resistance group, which functions as a socio-political and military force, had nothing to do with the trigger event that sparked this explosion of unrest, though the very fact that it’s now increasingly being targeted for removal from its elected positions in the government proves that there are forces that had intended for this to be the outcome all along when they encouraged the unfolding of events there. It shouldn’t be forgotten that US Secretary of State Pompeo ominously hinted at an ultimatum being made to Lebanon during his visit there in March when he thundered that “Lebanon faces a choice; bravely move forward as an independent and proud nation or allow the dark ambitions of Iran and Hezbollah to dictate your future”, which strongly suggests that the US at the very least tacitly has a hand in guiding developments to that aforementioned end. What’s so disturbing about the latest narrative twist is that it appears to have the support of a critical mass of protesters, including those who have outwardly supported Hezbollah prior to this moment but evidently harbored deep feelings of antipathy towards it that are only now being publicly expressed through this “anti-corruption” “populist” pretext.

It’s impossible to accurately generalize every one of these supposed Resistance supporters feels this way, though sharing some plausible explanations could nevertheless still help to make sense of this previously unexpected trend. Hezbollah’s military might is appreciated by most patriotic Lebanese after it liberated their country from “Israeli” occupation in 2000 and prevented a second such occupation in 2006, though some look suspiciously upon its social activities because they wrongly interpret them through a sectarian lense. In addition, the group’s involvement in fighting terrorism in Syria side-by-side with the IRGC reinforced the weaponzied fake news perception among some that Hezbollah is just an “Iranian proxy”. These growing doubts about the group’s long-term strategic intentions might not have been able to be publicly expressed in such a direct way without risk of receiving accusations that the person voicing such views is unpatriotic, hence why they may have hitherto been outwardly supportive of Hezbollah despite internally cultivating hatred towards the organization and waiting for the “opportune” moment to express it in a way that couldn’t be as easily framed as part of a self-serving sectarian agenda on their part. That chance arrived when the proposed WhatsApp tax served as the catalyst for large-scale protests against the government as a whole, during which time it became “acceptable” among some to attack Hezbollah for its supposedly “corrupt” alliance with certain political forces.

It should be said at this point that Hezbollah is a responsible stakeholder in Lebanon’s stability and therefore understands the need to make tactical decisions in pursuit of the larger strategic end of preventing external forces from driving wedges between the country’s cosmopolitan socio-religious groups, hence why it’s entered into the certain political partnerships that it’s had out of its interest in working within the legal system to carry out responsible reforms to the best of its ability. These noble intentions have been deliberately misportrayed by those who have wanted to remove Hezbollah from the government for some time already as part of their never-ending campaign to delegitimize it, after which they believe that it’ll become more susceptible to the joint US-“Israeli”-GCC Hybrid War against it. A similar modus operandi is being pursued in nearby Iraq, where Resistance forces also hold considerable sway within the government but are plagued by the same accusations of allying themselves with corrupt figures, which is being used by agenda-driven forces to misportray them as “guilty by association” despite the reason for these tactical partnerships being the same as Hezbollah’s. Even worse, the similar events in both countries are being described by Mainstream Media as a “new Arab Spring“.

There’s no question at this point that legitimate anti-corruption protests have been hijacked for regime change ends aimed at removing Resistance forces from power in those countries, especially since both the Ayatollah and Nasrallah touched upon this in their recent statements on this topic, though there are still those who outwardly profess to support the Resistance’s broader mission but refuse to stop participating in the unrest there. This represents a true moment of reckoning for the Resistance that will ultimately separate its true supporters who have faith in this movement’s leaders from the opportunistically fraudulent ones who betrayed the cause as soon as they “conveniently” saw the “publicly plausible pretext” to do so. It doesn’t help any either that many Alt-Media outlets that used to have Resistance-friendly editorial lines are portraying the protests in a positive light despite the Iranian and Hezbollah leaders warning against the credible risk that they could spiral out of control and end up advancing the strategic goals of the Resistance’s enemies, which further confuses the audience at large who can’t countenance how or why this is happening, preferring instead to put their faith in those media forces instead of the leaders whose movement they had previously professed to support. As the situation remains unresolved, it’s anyone’s guess what will happen next, but it certainly doesn’t look good.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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Social Media Censorship Reaches New Heights as Twitter Permanently Bans Dissent

Mnar Muhawesh speaks with journalist Daniel McAdams about being permanently banned from Twitter, social media censorship and more.

Most recently, it was revealed that Twitter’s senior editorial executive for Europe, the Middle East and Africa is an active officer in the British Army’s 77th Brigade, a unit dedicated to online warfare and psychological operations.

In other words: he specializes in disseminating propaganda.

The news left many wondering how a member of the British Armed Forces secured such an influential job in the media.

The bombshell that one of the world’s most influential social networks is controlled in part by an active psychological warfare officer was not covered at all in the New York TimesCNNCNBCMSNBC or Fox News, who appear to have found the news unremarkable.

But for those paying attention and for those who have been following ’MintPress News’ extensive coverage of social media censorship, this revelation was merely another example of the increasing closeness between the deep state and the fourth estate.

Amazon owner, and world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos was paid $600 million by the CIA to develop software and media for the agency, that’s more than twice as much as Bezos bought the Washington Post for, and a move media critics warn spells the end of journalistic independence for the Post.

Meanwhile, Google has a very close relationship with the State Department, its former CEO Eric Schmidt’s book on technological imperialism was heartily endorsed by deep state warmongers like Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair.

In their book titled, The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business, Eric Schmidt and fellow Google executive Jared Cohen wrote:

What Lockheed Martin was to the twentieth century…technology and cyber-security companies [like Google] will be to the twenty-first.”

Another social media giant partnering with the military-industrial complex is Facebook. The California-based company announced last year it was working closely with the neoconservative think tank, The Atlantic Council, which is largely funded by Saudi Arabia, Israel and weapons manufacturers to supposedly fight foreign “fake news.”

The Atlantic Council is a NATO offshoot and its board of directors reads like a rogue’s gallery of warmongers, including the notorious Henry Kissinger, Bush-era hawks like Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, James Baker, the former head of the Department of Homeland Security and author of the PATRIOT Act, Michael Chertoff, a number of former Army Generals including David Petraeus and Wesley Clark and former heads of the CIA Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta and Michael Morell.

39 percent of Americans, and similar numbers of people in other countries, get their news from Facebook, so when an organization like the Atlantic Council is controlling what the world sees in their Facebook news feeds, it can only be described as state censorship on a global level.

After working with the council, Facebook immediately began banning and removing accounts linked to media in official enemy states like Iran, Russia and Venezuela, ensuring the world would not be exposed to competing ideas and purging dissident voices under the guise of fighting “fake news” and “Russian bots.”

Meanwhile, the social media platform has been partnering with the U.S. and Israeli governments to silence Palestinian voices that show the reality of life under Israeli apartheid and occupation. The Israeli Justice Minister proudly revealed that Facebook complied with 95 percent of Israeli government requests to delete Palestinian pages. At the same time, Google deleted dozens of YouTube and blog accounts supposedly connected to the government of Iran.

In the last week alone, Twitter has purged several Palestinian news pages, including Quds News Network — without warning or explanation.

Electronic Intifada co-founder Ali Abunimah wrote, 

This alarming act of censorship is another indication of the complicity of major social media firms in Israel’s efforts to suppress news and information about its abuses of Palestinian rights.”


Alternative voices not welcome

The vast online purge of alternative voices has also been directed at internal “enemies.”

Publishers like Julian Assange and whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning are still being held in solitary confinement in conditions that international bodies and human rights groups call torture, for their crime of revealing the extent of the global surveillance network and the control over the media that Western governments have built.

As attempts to re-tighten the state and corporate grip over our means of communication increases, high-quality alternative media are being hit the hardest, as algorithm changes from the media monoliths have deranked, demoted, deleted and disincentivized outlets that question official narratives, leading to huge falls in traffic and revenue.

The message from social media giants is clear: independent and alternative voices are not welcome.

One causality in this propaganda war is Daniel McAdams, Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, a public advocacy group that argues that a non-interventionist foreign policy is crucial to securing a prosperous society at home. McAdams served as Senator Paul’s foreign affairs advisor between 2001 and 2012. Before that, he was a journalist and editor for the Budapest Sun and a human rights monitor across Eastern Europe.

McAdams, who spent much of his time on Twitter calling out the war machine supported by both parties, was recently permanently banned from the platform for so-called “hateful conduct.” His crime? Challenging Fox News anchor Sean Hannity over his hour-long segment claiming to be against the “deep state,” while simultaneously wearing a CIA lapel pin. In the exchange, McAdams called Hannity “retarded,” claiming he was becoming stupider every time he watched him.

Yes, despite that word and its derivatives having been used on Twitter over ten times in the previous minute, and often much more aggressively than McAdams used it – only McAdams fell victim to Twitter’s ban hammer. Something didn’t make sense about this ban. One only needs to read the replies under any of President Trump’s tweets to see far more hateful speech than what McAdams displayed to suspect foul play.

I spoke with McAdams about the ban and began by asking him if he accepts the premise of the ban, or if he believes something else was afoot.

Feature photo | Spirit Boom Cat | Shutterstock

Mnar Muhawesh is founder, CEO and editor in chief of MintPress News, and is also a regular speaker on responsible journalism, sexism, neoconservativism within the media and journalism start-ups.

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A History of U.S. Economic Warfare, from WWII to the Present

A Conversation with Michael Hudson

Global Research, November 18, 2019

On the Global Research News Hour we do our best to cover a wide spectrum of topics from the environmental crisis to economic and geopolitical analysis to debunking war pre-text narratives.

We welcome listener support to maintain and improve the quality of our regular broadcasts. Please consider a donation. Go to Global Research’s main donation page and tag your gift ‘GRNH.’

“Michael Hudson is the best economist in the world. Indeed, I could almost say that he is the only economist in the world. …If you have not heard of Michael Hudson it merely shows the power of the Matrix. Hudson should have won several Nobel prizes in economics, but he will never get one.” – Paul Craig Roberts (February, 2016) [1] .


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While many people understandably look to military force as the factor that maintains an empire’s grip on the territories in its domain, there are some seemingly more subtle ways in which power can be sustained.

Throughout the post World War II period a number of former colonies established independence, yet thanks to financial instruments, these seemingly autonomous districts would find themselves serving the interests of far away economies at the expense of their own citizens.

Key tools by which the United States in particular came to dominate the post-war world was through the Bretton Woods institutions, namely the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).[2]

In the last two decades and particularly since the stock market crisis of 2008, the pre-eminent global super-power is in crisis, with collapse on the horizon. This coinciding with the rise of China which is becoming an influential player threatening the autonomy of the U.S. superstate. [3]

To provide a primer on the historical trajectory that has taken the world to the current set of economic relations and options for alternative economic modes, the Global Research News Hour is privileged to benefit form the expertise and understanding of pre-eminent financial economist Michael Hudson.

Having built up his understanding based not only on his academic research, but on years of experience as a Wall Street analyst and as a balance of payments economist for both Chase Manhattan Bank and Arthur Andersen, he is among the most highly respected economic thinkers in the world. In his 1972 book  Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire, he became the first writer in the world to explain the impact of America’s departure from the gold-standard, and the use of U.S. Treasury bonds in foreign central bank reserves to finance U.S, military adventures in Vietnam and elsewhere.  [4]

In an exclusive, wide-ranging interview, recorded in the summer of 2019 while visiting Winnipeg, Canada, Professor Hudson explains how the Bretton Woods institutions came to be an instrument of the U.S. empire, the similarities and differences behind the paths to Chinese and US economic prosperity, the virtual impossibility of electing a genuine reformer to the White House, the case of Canada, and more.

A transcript of this interview can be found here.

This program includes an excerpt from a talk given at the University of Manitoba as part of the  14th Forum of the World Association for Political Economy (WAPE).

(video credit Paul S Graham)

Michael Hudson is a prominent U.S. critical economist and President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET). A Wall Street Financial Analyst and Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, Dr. Hudson has acted as an economic adviser to governments worldwide, including Iceland, China, Latvia and Canada.

Dr. Hudson’s books include Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Destroy the Global Economy (2015), J Is for Junk Economics – A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception (2017), and his seminal work – Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (1972), a critique of how the United States exploited foreign economies through the IMF and World Bank. His website is

(Global Research News Hour Episode 277)


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  2. Michael Hudson (2003), p. 31, ‘Superimperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire’, 2nd ed., published by Pluto Press

Leaked footage shows moment Israeli policewoman shoots Palestinian in the back ‘for fun’

Leaked footage shows moment Israeli policewoman shoots Palestinian in the back ‘for fun’

  • Israeli policewoman alleged to have shot Palestinian after telling him to run away
  • She was later sacked after the offence was released and may face charges
  • Video of the incident was released by Israel’s Channel 13 news agency
  •  Believed to have been recorded at the al-Zaim checkpoint outside of Jerusalem
  • Human rights group B’Tselem said the incident was down to ‘culture of impunity’


William Cole – Mail Online Nov 5, 2019

This is the shocking moment an Israeli police officer was recorded shooting a Palestinian man in the back ‘for fun’.

Leaked footage, believed to be from the al-Zaim checkpoint outside of Jerusalem, shows the man falling to the floor in howls of pain after being hit with a sponge-tipped bullet.

Broadcast on Israeli television, the cruel footage shows border officers shouting at the young man to ‘get out of here!’ in Arabic.

One officer then points his rifle at the Palestinian man, who holds his hands up and starts to calmly walk away.

However, Channel 13 news agency report that the police then continue to shout contradicting instructions at him as he begins to panic, before one of them shoots him in the back.

They report the police as saying the man was not seriously hurt, although newspaper Haaretz reported that he was ‘seriously wounded’.

Israeli police said they removed the policewoman from the force after learning of the incident, while other police involved in the incident were re-assigned.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the justice ministry had opened an investigation into the incident, which he said took place a year and a half ago.


Israeli Soldier Shoots Unarmed Palestinian in the Back


Weekly report on israel’s terrorism on Palestinians (31 October – 06 November)

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine Territory (31 October – 06 November)

Israeli violations of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory

31 October – 06 November 2019

  • Palestinian civilian killed and another wounded in an Israeli airstrike on Khan Younis as IOF carried out dozens of airstrikes across the Gaza Strip
  • 147 Palestinian civilians shot and injured by IOF, including 55 children, 3 women, 2 paramedics and 1 journalist at GMR protests in Eastern Gaza Strip
  • West Bank: 4 civilians shot and injured, including 2 children
  • During 89 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem: 73 civilians arrested, including 12 children and 3 women, including:
  • Palestinian Minister for Jerusalem Affairs, Fadi al-Hedmi; Member of the Dissolved Palestinian Legislative Council, Khaleda Jarar; and writer Ali Jaradat.
  • 10 military orders and notices issued for the confiscation of 3630 dunums in the West Bank
  • Residential Building demolished and 10 demolition notices issued in occupied East Jerusalem; a barn and a tent bulldozed in Hebron
  • Settlers continued their attacks against Palestinian farmers in the olive-harvest season in the West Bank for the 5th consecutive week
  • 5 shootings reported at Palestinian agricultural lands, and 4 shootings at the Palestinian fishing boats, east and west of Gaza Strip
  • 42 temporary checkpoints erupted in the West Bank: 3 Palestinian civilians were arrested
  • Palestinian merchant from the Gaza Strip arrested at Beit Hanoun “Erez” Crossing.


This week, PCHR documented 165 violations of the international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and settlers in the occupied Palestinian territory.

As part of the Israeli violations of the right to life and bodily integrity:

In the Gaza Strip, IOF killed a Palestinian civilian and wounded another in an airstrike on Khan Younis as IOF warplanes carried out several strikes across the Gaza Strip.  Moreover, IOF wounded 147 Palestinian civilians, including 55 children, 3 women, 2 paramedics and a journalist on the 81st Friday of the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege protest (GMR). In addition, seven shootings at agricultural lands and shepherds were documented near the eastern side of the Gaza-Israel border while 4 shootings were reported at fishing boats in the western Gaza Strip.  No casualties were reported. Meanwhile in the West Bank, IOF wounded 4 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children, in separate incidents.

Under IOF incursions and house raids, 89 incursions into the West Bank were reported. Those incursions include raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear among civilians, arresting and/or injuring many others. During this week’s incursions, 73 Palestinians were arrested, including 12 children and 3 women.  Among the arrestees was Khaledah Jarrar, Member of the Dissolved Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC); ‘Ali Jaradat, a writer, and Fadi al-Hedmi, Minister for Jerusalem Affairs, who was later released.

In the Gaza Strip, IOF carried out a limited incursion during which it leveled lands it had previously bulldozed amidst continued shooting. No injuries were reported.

Under the settlement expansion activities in the West Bank, PCHR documented 10 military orders and 10 military notices to seize 3630 dunums in the West Bank and Jerusalem.  Moreover, IOF demolished a residential building and distributed 10 demolitions notices in occupied East Jerusalem; meanwhile a tent and barn were demolished in Hebron by IOF. Also, 4 settler-attacks were documented against farmers in the olive-harvest season.

In terms of the Israeli closure policy, the Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the History of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, aggravating the humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life. Meanwhile, the West Bank is divided into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilians’ movement is restricted and others are arrested.

  1. Violation of the right to life and to bodily integrity
  1. Excessive Use of Force against the Great March of Return in the Gaza Strip

IOF continued its excessive use of lethal force against GMR peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip.

On 01 November 2019, Israeli forces wounded 147 civilians, including 55 children, 3 women, 2 paramedics and a journalist in the 81st Friday titled: “Down with the Balfour Declaration.”

Thousands of civilians took part in the GRM in the five encampments across the Gaza Strip, where some protestors raised the Palestinian flags and chanted national slogans and attempted to set tires on fire, throw stones, Molotov Cocktails and firecrackers at the Israeli forces, who responded with excessive force.

The incidents were as follows:

  • Northern Gaza Strip: demonstrations took part adjacent to Abu Safiyah area protests, northeast of Jabalia, and in southeast of Beit Hanoun. Israeli forces’ attacks against protestors resulted in the injury of 47 civilians, including 22 children, 2 women and a paramedic: 24 with live bullets and shrapnel, including 13 children; 19 with rubber bullets, including 9 children, a woman and a paramedic; and 4 were hit with tear gas canisters, including a woman. Shady Fayez Awadallah Awadallah (33), a paramedic, was shot with a rubber bullet in his right leg; Moath Mohammed Mohammed Abu-Amira (25) was shot in the head with a live bullet, and he is in extremely critical condition.
  • Gaza City: IOF shot and injured 12 civilians, including 3 children: 7 with live bullets and shrapnel and 5 with rubber bullets. It is notable that participation at the Malakah area has significantly decreased and participants are generally less active and remain within the vicinity of the established tents. Furthermore, a park was established in the area and named “al-Awda” (The Return) Park.
  • Central Gaza Strip: Protestors burnt tires, a coffin with the Israeli flag on it and a figurine of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and hrew stones and Molotov Cocktails at Israeli forces. IOF shot and injured 16 civilians, including 7 children and a woman: 7 with live bullets, 2 with rubber bullets, and 7 were hit with tear gas canisters.
  • Khan Younis: IOF’s’ attacks resulted in the injury of 33 civilians, including 13 children and a paramedic: 7 with live bullets and shrapnel. Many protestors suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and received treatment in the field. A few protestors set tires on fire adjacent to the border fence. Sami Moussa Abu-Moustafa (35), a paramedic, sustained a rubber-bullet-wound to his left hand. Abu-Moustafa volunteers with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS); IOF targeted a PRCS ambulance with rubber bullets, shattering its windshield with no injuries.
  • Rafah: IOF shot and injured 39 civilians, including 10 children and a journalist; 3 were deemed in critical: 27 with live bullets and shrapnel, 8 with rubber bullets, and 4 were hit with tear gas canisters. Abdul Rahman Mohammed Deeb al-Khatib (42), a freelance journalist, sustained a rubber-bullet wound to his right arm. Ahmed Jum’a al-Lolahy (20) and Mohammed Saleh Ahmed Abu-Jarbou’ (20) were shot in their lower extremities with live bullets, and Mahmoud Abdul Rahman Ramadan Abu-Taim (18) sustained a live bullet to the head; all three are in critical condition.
  1. Excessive use of force in the West Bank:
  • At approximately 19:00 on Saturday, 31 October 2019, IOF dispersed a peaceful protest in Bab al-‘Amoud area in the centre of occupied East Jerusalem in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli prisons. Israeli police attacked participants and then arrested 4 young men. Eyewitnesses said that IOF dispersed a group of Palestinians, who were chanting national slogans in support to the prisoners in Bab al-‘Amoud area. The soldiers chased and attacked them physically and arrested Farah Sa’eed Bayadsah (29), a lawyer at Addameer, Danan Mustafa Ruweidi (23), Omer al-Khatib and Mo’ayad Debah. The eyewitnesses added that IOF detained the arrestees in a room in Bab al-‘Amoud area, surrounded the area and attempted to forcibly keep civilians away from the area. The arrestees were later taken to Salah Eden police centre. Few hours later, IOF released Ruweidi, al-Khatib and Debah with a 2-week ban on entering Bab al-‘Amoud area and Salah Eden Street, while Bayadsah was released with no conditions.
  • At approximately 18:00 on Friday, 01 November 2019, dozens of Palestinians youngsters gathered at the entrance to al-Fawar refugee camp, south of Hebron. They threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers stationed at the camp’s entrance. The soldiers fired live bullets and tear gas canisters at them, wounding a 16-year-old child with a live bullet in the left thigh. The child was transferred via a PRSC ambulance to Abu al-Hasan al-Qasem Hospital in Yatta, south of Hebron for treatment.
  • At approximately 17:00 on Saturday, 02 November 2019, IOF dispersed a peaceful protest organized on Salah Eden Street, in the centre of occupied East Jerusalem in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli prisons for the third time a week. They attacked the protestors and arrested Ahmed Hussein al-Safadi (45), Member of the National Action Commission. Eyewitnesses stated that IOF surrounded the participants, who raised pictures of prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli prisons, and forcibly dispersed them with the help of the Israeli mounted police and arrested journalist Ahmed al-Safadi and took him to Salah Eden police centre for investigation.
  • At the same time, dozens of Palestinian young men and children, gathered in Bab al-Zawhiyah area in the centre of Hebron. They threw stones at Israeli soldiers stationed at the military checkpoint established at al-Shuhada’a street entrance. The soldiers chased stone-throwers until they reached ‘Alia Hospital’s square, causing fear among the patients, and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, a number of them suffered due to tear gas inhalation.
  1. Shooting and other violations of the right to life and bodily integrity
  • At approximately 09:00 on Friday, 01 November 2019, IOF stationed in eastern Khan Younis area in the southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at agricultural lands in eastern Khuza’ah village for half an hour. A live bullet hit the window of Hafez Hussein Mohammed al-‘Amour’s 80-square-meter house, home to a family of 4 and located at least 1 kilometer away from the border fence.
  • At approximately 21:30 on the same Friday, Israeli gunboats stationed in western Jabalia shore in northern Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 – 5 nautical miles and chased them. As a result, fishermen were forced to flee fearing fire their lives; neither casualties nor material damage was reported.
  • On Saturday dawn on 02 November 2019, A Palestinian civilian was killed and another was wounded in an Israeli airstrike that targeted a house, which is used as a resort, southwest of Khan Younis, within a series of Israeli airstrikes throughout the Gaza Strip.

According to PCHR’s investigations, at approximately 01:37, an Israeli drone fired a missile near Mahmoud Hamzah al-Farah’s 60sqm summer house located on a 1-dunum land in an agricultural area in al-Mawasi, southwest of Khan Younis.  Few minutes, later an IOF warplane fired a missile at the house and destroyed it completely causing a huge crater.  As a result, Ahmed Mohammed ‘Abdullah al-Shahri (27) was killed and his body was retrieved from the rubble, while Khamis Ayman Khamis ‘Abdin (24) sustained wounds and bruises in the head, back and hands.  ‘Abdin stated to PCHR fieldworker that he and al-Shahri were sleeping at the summer house, which his family looks after, when they were woken up by the sound of an explosion and then a louder one.  He recalls waking up later to find himself in Nasser Hospital sustaining various injuries and then he learnt that his friend was killed.  It is noteworthy that there were no armed groups related sites near the targeted area.

This attack was part of a series of airstrikes on 12 military sites and agricultural lands across the Gaza Strip.

Later on, Avichay Adraee, Spokesperson of the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF), said in a statement that IOF warplanes carried out several airstrikes on several Hamas targets, including a military navy site, an air defense site, another site with an anti-missile shooting simulator, military training, weapons manufacturing and storage sites; as well as, Hamas underground networks in the northern, central and southern Gaza Strip.

Refuting the Israeli claims, all initial data collected by PCHR fieldworker, who visited the targeted house and land in Khan Younis, emphasize that the targeted area is civilian as are the victims.

  • At approximately 07:00 on Sunday, 03 November 2019, IOF assigned to guard the annexation wall, opened fire at Mohammed Ahmed Mass’oud Jaradat (32), from Sela al-Harithiyah villages west of Jenin. As a result, Mohammed was shot with a live bullet to the left leg while attempting to sneak into Israel through ‘Anin village, west of the city. Mohammed was transferred to Salem military camp where a PRCS ambulance took him to Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin for treatment.
  • At approximately 14:00 on the same Sunday, IOF stationed in eastern Khan Younis, sporadically opened fire at agricultural lands in eastern Khuza’ah village for few minutes; neither casualties nor material damage was reported.
  • At approximately 09:30 on Monday, 04 November 2019, IOF stationed in eastern Khan Younis, sporadically opened fire at agricultural lands in eastern Khuza’ah village for few minutes; neither casualties nor material damage was reported.
  • At approximately 20:00 on Monday, 04 November 2019, Israeli gunboats stationed adjacent to western Jabalia shore, north of the Gaza Strip, sporadically opened fire and chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 – 6 nautical miles. As a result, fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives; neither casualties nor material damage was reported.
  • At approximately 05:40 on Tuesday, 05 November 2019, assigned to guard the annexation wall, opened fire at Faisal Ibrahim Ghanamah (24), from Sela al-Harithiyah village, west of Jenin. As a result, Ghanamah was shot with 2 live bullets in the legs while attempting to sneak into Israel through Thuhor al-‘Abed village, southwest of Jenin. Ghanamah was transferred via a PRCS ambulance to Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin for treatment.
  • At approximately 07:30 on the same Tuesday, Israeli gunboats stationed adjacent to western Jabalia shore, north of the Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire and chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles. As a result, fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives; neither casualties nor material damage was reported.
  • At approximately 01:50 on Wednesday, 06 November 2019, Israeli soldiers stationed adjacent to eastern al-Shoka village, east of Rafah, opened fire at Palestinian agricultural lands; no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 07:30 on the same Wednesday, Israeli soldiers stationed adjacent to eastern Khan Younis, south of the Gaza strip, opened fire at Palestinian agricultural lands in eastern al-Qararah village; no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:30 on the same Wednesday, Israeli gunboats stationed in northwest of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire and chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles. The shooting continued from time to time until 09:00 on the same day morning. As a result, fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives; neither casualties nor material damage was reported.
  • At approximately 15:00 on the same Wednesday, IOF moved into al-Thaher area, south of Beit Ummer village, north of Hebron, claiming that they were stoned from behind the border fence adjacent to “Carmi Tsur” settlement established on Palestinian confiscated lands. The soldiers raided a house were a number of construction workers presented in the area and then arrested Rami Tawfiq al-‘Alami (17), taking him into the mentioned settlement. The soldiers fired rubber bullets at a number of children, who were in the area. As a result, Omer ‘Arafat Za’aqiq (17), was shot with a rubber bullet to the left leg. He was transferred to a military camp in “Carmi Tsur”

Second: Incursions and Arrests

Thursday, 31 November 2019:

  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Kafr Qalil village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched Ahmed Ali Sabri’s (29) house, and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Beit Fourik village, east of Nablus. They raided and searched Murad Rebhi Nasasra’s (37) house, and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Ramallah, and stationed in al-Irsal neighborhood. They surrounded the house of the former MP Khaleda Kanan Mohammed Jarrar (56). IOF raided and searched her house then she was arrested and taken to the investigation center at “Ofer” prison, southwest of Ramallah. It should be mentioned that Jarrar has been banned from travelling internationally since 1998. Then an administrative detention was issued against her on April 2015, and then she was released on 28 February 2019, after serving a total of 20 months in detention since July 2017.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Batn al-Hawa and al-Teera neighborhoods in Ramallah. They raided and searched the house of prisoner Samer Mina al-Arabeed (44); no arrests were reported. It should be noted that on 25 September 2019, al-Arabeed was arrested and taken to “Ofer” detention at “al-Maskoubeya” investigation center in Jerusalem where he was tortured, and accused of participating in “Ein Bubin” explosion in Deir Ibzi, west of Ramallah on 23 August 2019. IOF also raided and searched Waleed Mohammed Hanatsha’s house, the financial director at Union of Health Work Committees, who was arrested since 03 October 2019.
  • At approximately 04:40, IOF moved into al-Beira, and stationed in al-Baloa’ neighborhood north of the city. They raided and searched Ali Abdulraheem Jaradat’s (64) house, and searched their ID cards and then arrested him. I should be noted that Jaradat is a journalist and writer, and he spent a total 14 years in IOF prisons on separate periods.
  • At approximately 05:00, IOF moved into Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched several houses then arrested (3) civilians: Alaa Hmaidan Mtour (27); Araz Akram al-Wa’ra (23); and Fadi Darweesh Abu Srour (39).
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF moved into Zwata village, west of Nablus, and stationed around the Palestinian special police forces’ station. IOF established a temporary military checkpoint at the entrance of the village, checked civilians vehicles and ID cards. No arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF moved into Wadi al-Joz neighborhood, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem’s old city. They raided and searched Hanadi Mohammed al-Halawani’s (38) house, and her husband’s store, Ibrahim Abdullah Abu Ghalya (51). IOF then took Ibrahim to al-Maskoubeya investigation center in the West Jerusalem.

Al-Halawani said that IOF stormed and searched her house, arrested her husband and scared her little son, Mohammed, and confiscated cameras and surveillances devices from her house while she was outside. It should be mentioned that Hanadi is one of al-Aqsa Mosque female guards who was ordered to keep a distance of 200 meters from Bab al-Silsila for two months. Additionally, she was banned from entering al-Aqsa Mosque for six months two weeks ago. For the second day in row, IOF is targeting the female guards’ houses, as they raided and searched Ayda al-Sidawi’s (59) house.

  • At approximately 20:00, IOF, stationed at Za’tara checkpoint, south of Nablus, arrested Ahmed Amer Nour (22) from Anabta, east of Tulkarm, and took him to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out (5) incursions in Beit Oula, Nuba, Bani Na’em, in Hebron; Izbet al-Tabeb village, east of Qalqelya; Murda village, north of Salfit. No arrests were reported.

Friday, 1 November 2019:

  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Ramallah, and stationed in al-Masyoun neighborhood. They raided and searched Hassan Khader Ishtaya’s (52) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into Beit Loqya, southwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched Ahmed Mohammed Bader’s (17) house and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into al-Jalazon refugee camp, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched Abdullah Jamal Mubarak’s (36) house and arrested him. It should be noted that the abovementioned civilian was a former prisoner for 5 years.
  • At approximately 08:00, IOF moved into Obaid neighborhood in al-Issaweya village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Faisal Lo’ay Abed’s (18) house and arrested him.

IOF carried out (6) incursions in Dura and Hebron villages; Ya’bod village, southwest of Jenin; Qariout village, southeast of Nablus; Kafl Hares, north of Salfit; Azoun village, east of Qalqelya. No arrests were reported.

Saturday, 2 November 2019:

  • At approximately 09:00, IOF moved into al-Issaweya secondary school, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They stormed and searched the school yard and classes, then they hit the student Saleh Taha al-Taweel (16), the school head teacher, and the school guard, then they arrested them. Mahmoud Fayez Mahmoud, a member of school parents committee in al-Issaweya, said that IOF stormed the school and arrested the student al-Taweel after beaten him. IOF also attacked Tareq Jalajel, the school head teacher, the school guard, and another student, then they threw sound bombs. Mahmoud said that the member of school parents committee in al-Issaweya announced the school strikes in all the village’s schools to protest against the IOF attack on the sanctity of the school and endanger the lives of students.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF, stationed in al-Jeep military checkpoint, northwest of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, arrested Wadea’ Abdulrazik Farraj (26), from Bethlehem while he was back from his work through this checkpoint. He was taken to an unknown destination.

IOF carried out (7) incursions in Hebron and Yeta villages ; Ain Yabrud, Beit Loqya, Kafr Malek, Kafr Ne’ma villages, in Ramallah; Hibla village, south of Qalqelya. No arrests were reported.

Sunday, 03 November 2019:

  • At approximately 00:00, IOF moved into Bab Hata neighborhood, in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched several houses, and arrested (3) civilians: Rowad Ma’moun al-Razim (24); Wissam Mohammed Thalji Sidr (29); and Yousif Khaled al-Loulou (23).
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Nablus. They raided and searched several houses, and arrested (2) civilians: Kamal Ibrahim Abu Zarifa (58) from al-Jabal al-Shamali in Nablus; and Mohammed Eid Sbaih Sobhi Tabanja (39) from Khilla al-Amoud, south of Nablus.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus. They raided and searched Maher Mohammed Harb’s (48) house, and arrested him.
  • At approximately 01:45, IOF moved into Jenin. They raided and searched several houses, and arrested Rami Hisham Abu Farha (23); and Aseel Dia’ al-Zara’eni (27).
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Bet Fourik village, east of Nablus. They raided and searched Ayman Arif Haj Mohammed’s (55) house and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Raba village, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched Khaled Basel al-Bazour’s (30) and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved to Dura village, southwest of Hebron, and stationed in al-Sharaf neighborhood. They raided and searched Moa’taz Ali Abu Znaid’s (22) house. Before the withdrawal, IOF handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli intelligence service in “Gosh Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem.
  • At the same time, IOF moved into al-Khader village, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Dawoud Zakaria Mousa’s (24) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into ‘Awerta village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses from which they arrested Nabih Abdul ‘Aziz ‘Awad (57) and Mohammed Sa’eed Yusuf ‘Awad (34).
  • At the same time, IOF moved into ‘Asirah northern village, north of Nablus. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested Ja’afar Omer Abul ‘Aziz Rawajbah (23), ‘Ali Nour Eden Daraghmah (38) and ‘Ali Omer Hamed al-Shuoli (22).
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into ‘Arabah village, southwest of Jenin. They raided and searched a house of Mahmoud Mustafa Mardawi (23), a student at the American Arab School in Jenin, and arrested him. It should be noted that most of the abovementioned arrestees, from north of Ramallah, are activists at the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
  • At approximately 05:00, IOF moved into al-Sowanah neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They arrested Fadi ‘Arafat al-Hadmi (43), Minister of Jerusalem Affairs, from his house after attacking him in front of his family. Al-Hadmi, who was arrested for the third time and summoned for dozens of times since he took office, was taken to an investigation center in occupied Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 20:00, an Israeli Infantry unit raided and searched ‘Emad ‘Awni Abu Shamsiyah’s (45) house in Tal al-Ramidah neighborhood in Area classified (H2) in the center of Hebron, searching for young men IOF claimed had entered it. An Israeli officer ordered Abu Shamsiyah and his son ‘Awni, who had a surgery on his left leg 3 days ago, to tell him about the young men, who were in their house. After a fight erupted between Abu Shamsiyah, his son and the soldiers, the latter attacked ‘Awni and kicked him on his wounded leg. Fayzah (40), ‘Awni’s mother, attempted to intervene to stop ‘Awni’s arrest, but the soldiers pushed her away and she fell on the ground. The soldiers also attacked ‘Awni’s father and Bassam Rajab Abu ‘Aishah (60), who was in the house, when he also intervened. An hour later, the soldier arrested ‘Awni; he was later released to the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), which arrived at the military checkpoint (56). IOF fired live bullets in the air to disperse the crowding civilians and arrested Abu ‘Aishah and Fayzah Abu Shamsiyah, taking them to detention center in “Kiryat Arba” settlement, east of the city. At approximately 00:00, Fayzah Abu Shamsiyah was released and fined with NIS 500 until the court appointment, while Abu ‘Aishah was transferred to “Ofer” military prison, southwest of Ramallah.
  • IOF carried out incursions in al-‘Aroub refugee camp and Karmah village in Hebron; and Hablah village, south of Qalqiliyah.

Monday,04 November 2019:

  • At approximately 00:15, IOF moved into Nablus and stationed in al-Makhfiyah neighborhood, west of the city. They raided and searched student accommodation on Mahmoud Abdul Rahim Street and arrested Mustafa Suleiman Khalil Abu al-Rab (21), a student at En-Najah National University from Sir Village, southeast of Jenin.
  • At approximately 00:30, IOF moved into ‘Asirah northern village, north of Nablus. They raided and searched ‘Ala’a Monther Sawalmah’s (26) house and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved to Jenin refugee camp, west of Jenin. They raided and searched Oday Shawqi Staiti’s (25) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into al-Issaweya village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Fayeq Nassif Habash (28); Mohammed Habash (32) and Mohammed Younis (26).
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Hebron. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Mo’men Abd al-Ghaffar Abu Shamseya (22) and Ahmed Mohammed al-Yamani (35), and then arrested them.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into al-Ram village, north of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Ibrahim Sameer Kana’an’s (45) house and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Yeta village, south of Hebron. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Mousa Gabriel al-Amour (30) and Hasan Ibrahim al-Harini (28), and arrested them.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into al-Izareya village, east of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched the house of the Palestinian Police Officer Amjad Na’em al-Khateeb (52). IOF took him and his son Na’em (16) to an unknown destination.
  • Around the same time, IOF established a temporary military checkpoint on the entrance of Nazlet Issa village, north of Tulkarm. They searched the vehicles and the ID cards and arrested Owda Reyad Owda Tholthen (25), from Kafr al-Lobad, east of the village; he was taken to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 05:00, IOF moved into Kafr Na’ma village, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched Tamer Abdu’s (20) house, and then arrested him. It should be noted that Tamer was a former prisoner.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Deir Abu Misha’l village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched Saleh Ahmed Ata’s (25) house, and arrested him.
  • IOF moved into al-Issaweya village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem three times on this day, during which they arrested Mohammed Ramzi Mhaisen (13) while he was standing in front of his house and took him to an unknown destination. IOF also arrested 3 other children: Isma’el Yousif Mhaisen (15); Waseem Eyad Dari (17); and Omar Ahmed Mahmoud (14).

IOF carried out (3) incursions in Tulkarm; Faroun village, south of the city; Hawara village, south of Nablus. No arrests were reported.

Tuesday, 05 November 2019:

  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Beit Ummer village, north of Hebron. They raided and searched houses, from which they arrested 3 civilians, including a child. The arrestees were identified as ‘Issa Ahmed ‘Abed al-Fatah Ta’amrah (22), Hasan Mohamed Hasan Moqbel (25), and Yaseen ‘Adel Ahmed Za’aqeeq (16).
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Hebron, where they raided and searched Waseem Ja’far Abu ‘Isha (20) house and then arrested him.

IOF carried out (8) incursions in Qalqiliyia, Fer’itah and Kafur Qaddoum villages, northeast of the city; Dura and al-Dahiriyia villages in Hebron; and Serda, Kafur Ni’mah and Abu Qash villages in Ramallah and al-Bierah. No arrests were reported.

Wednesday, 06 November 2019:

  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into ‘Aydah refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Mohamed Hamdi al-Masa’eed (25) and Ashraf Mahmoud al-Shaiekh (19) and then arrested them.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into al-‘Izzah refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Nawaf Isma’il al-Qaisi’s (45) house and then arrested him. It should be noted that al-Qaisi was arrested, noting that he is a cancer patient and suffers poor health condition.
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into al-‘Issawiyia village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched houses, from which they arrested 3 civilians, including 2 children. The arrestees were identified as Akram Ghadeb ‘Obaid (17), Mohamed Sami ‘Obaid (15) and Majd Basheer Ahmed (18).
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Beit Jala and stationed in al-Jadawel neighborhood. They raided and searched Mohamed Nader Jawarish (17) house and then arrested him.
  • At approximately 07:00, IOF backed by military construction vehicles headed to Abu Safiyia Gate, 50 meters to the west of border fence, northeast of Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip. They leveled and combed lands that were previously leveled amidst Israeli sporadic shooting.  No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 15:00, Israeli forces arrested Mohamed Naser Hussain al-Badawi (17) while present in al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. He was then taken to an unknown destination.
  • On evening hours, IOF arrested Jamal Mousa Hasan al-Zaini (57), from Khan Yunis, while traveling via Beit Hanoun (Erez) Crossing in northern Gaza Strip. According to the Palestinian Liaison, IOF detained al-Zaini and interrogated him before informing them that he was arrested. Al-Zaini’s wife said to PCHR’s fieldworker that her husband left his house on Wednesday morning and headed to Eres Crossing in order to travel to the West Bank through businessman permit. She added that she knew that her husband was arrested though media.

IOF carried out (4) incursions in Hebron, Samou’a, Bani Na’iem and Sureef. No arrests were reported.

  1. Settlement Expansion and settler violence in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem
  2. Demolition and Confiscation of Civilian Property for Settlement Expansion Activities
  • On Thursday, 31 October 2019, IOF hanged notices and maps on the steel fence, erected as a 1st step towards the completion of the annexation wall, southwest of Jenin. The notices announced the continued seizure of large parts of Jenin lands, for the 15th Rabee’ Abu Baker, Public Relations Officer in Ya’bod Municipality, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that IOF issued a decision to renew the seizure of 409 dunums from Ya’bod, Barta’ah, al-‘Arqah, Zebdah, Nazlet al-Yad, and Daher al-‘Abed villages as a prelude to the completion of the annexation wall. These notices and maps were signed by Nadav Padan, IOF Commander in Judea and Samaria.
  • On Saturday, 02 November 2019, Israeli authorities notified Hezmah and al-Ram villages, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, of the confiscation of hundreds of Palestinians’ dunums for settlement expansion. Mayor of Hezmah Municipality, Musallam Abu Helo, said that the Israeli authorities handed the Palestinian Liaison a notice to seize at least 500 dunums from Hezmah village, which is located adjacent to “Adam” settlement and 3 others. It should be noted that Hezmah village connects the West Bank’s north with its south, and is one of the main roads for Jerusalem-West Bank traffic. Mayor of al-Ram Municipality, Raqi al-Ghazawnah, said that the Palestinian Liaison handed the municipality decisions to seize a total of 39.9 dunums of al-Ram village lands. It should be noted that the Israeli authorities recently escalated its seizure policy in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem.
  • On Saturday, IOF distributed notices and maps to seize 126 dunums from Majdal Bani Fadel village, southeast of Nablus, for the expansion of 3-km street that connects the village’s intersection to the checkpoint of ”Ma’ale Ephraim”
  • On Sunday, 03 November 2019, IOF distributed notices and maps signed by Nadav Padan, IOF Commander in Judea and Samaria, to seize 36 dunums from Tubas village and expand “Psagot “settlement in northern Jordan Valley, east of Tubas.
  • On Monday, 04 November 2019, Israeli authorities notified dozens of Palestinians in al-Jab’a village, southwest of Bethlehem, of an order to seize 2000 dunums from their agricultural lands in order to expand “Beit Ayin” settlement, established on the lands of al-Jab’a, Nahaleen, Sureef, and Safa villages. Diab Masha’lah, Head of al-Jab’a village council, said that dozens of Palestinians found seizure notices placed in their lands in Nassar Mount, Wadi al-Khanzeer, and al-Khour areas while heading to harvest olive trees. The notices concerned at least 2000 dunums located adjacent to the annexation wall. Masha’lah added that “Beit Ayin” settlement’s settlers flooded a plot of land belonging to Mohamed Ibrahim Abu Loha with water in order to prevent his sons from harvesting the olive trees.
  • In the same context, on Monday, the Israeli authorities distributed notices to seize 66 dunums from Beit Doqo village lands, northwest of occupied East Jerusalem. A press release issued by the village council stated that Israeli authorities handed the Palestinian Liaison decisions to seize 66 dunums from the village lands. It should be noted that during this week Israeli authorities issued many seizure notices for thousands of dunums from different areas in the West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem for settlement expansion.
  • On the same day, Beit Loqiyia Municipality stated in a press release that IOF handed a military decision to seize 150 dunums from the village, west of Ramallah. The municipality clarified that it contacted the Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority and competent bodies to follow –up on the issue.
  • On the same day, the Israeli authorities issued notices to seize 243 dunums from the lands of Sureef village, northwest of Hebron. Mohamed ‘Edwan, Mayor of Sureef Municipality, said that Palestinian farmers found notices to seize their lands in Khelet Abu Ghnaim, al-Mansarah, and ‘Ain Hamam areas near “Beit Ayin” settlement. The mentioned lands belong to Ghanimat Family.
  • On Tuesday, 05 November 2019, IOF distributed notices and maps signed by Nadav Padan, IOF Commander in Judea and Samaria, to seize 60.4 dunums from the lands of Jablun and Faqou’a villages, northeast of Jenin. The decision enters into force from the date of its signature and ends on 31 December 2022. The owners of these lands have the right to challenge within 7 days through the Liaison and Coordination Office or the Legal Adviser Office in Jenin.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Tuesday, the Israeli Municipality bulldozers demolished a residential building belonging to Mo’tasem Mahmoud ‘Abasi in Abu Tayieh neighborhood in Silwan, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext of non-licensing. Al-‘Abasi said that the Israeli Municipality staff accompanied with a large number of police officers, border guard officers and special forces, surrounded his residential building, forced them out and proceeded to demolish it. Al-‘Abasi said that he managed to delay the demolition decision several times before, but he did not know that the court approved the decision. Al-‘Abasi clarified that his building was established in 2011 and in 2018 he paid a fine for the Israeli Municipality estimated at NIS 72,000, in addition to paying a monthly bill of NIS 1255 to avoid the demolition. Al-‘Abasi added that his building comprised of 2 story; each one built on an area of 100 square meters and sheltered 9 persons. It should be noted that Israeli municipality bulldozers demolished 6 shops belonging to Al-‘Abasi family in last June.
  • At approximately 13:00 on Tuesday, Israeli Municipality staff moved into many neighborhoods in al-‘Issawiyia village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. Mohamed Abu al-Humus, Head of the Follow-up Committee in al-‘Issawiya village, said that the municipality staff took photos of buildings and streets and distributed 10 notices as well as summonses under the pretext of building without licensing.
  • On the same day, Haaretz Newspaper stated that the Israel’s housing cabinet approved to build a cable-car route adjacent to al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem. The route would reportedly pass from West Jerusalem’s German Colony district over the Mount of Olives to the al-Magharebah Gate adjacent to East Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque compound. The cable -car will ferry up to 3,000 people an hour about 1.4km (0.9 miles) from West Jerusalem to the Western Wall in occupied East Jerusalem. According to Israel Hayoum, the service will operate 73 cable cars per hour with each able to carry 10 people. The plan has drawn widespread opposition from architects, local Palestinian residents and environmentalists who criticized the expected damage to the historic landscape of the Old City. In addition, critics say the cable car will not solve the area’s transportation and access problems. They also said that the project would mar Jerusalem’s Old City and bolster the Jewish presence in the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Wednesday, 06 November 2019, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Adminstration moved into Mughair al-‘Abid area, southeast of Yatta, south of Hebron. They demolished 2 residential tents belonging to Mohamed ‘Ali Mohamed Dababsah and ‘Amer Mohamed Dababsah, in addition to demolishing and confiscating a livestock barn belonging to Nuzha Makhamrah, under the pretext of non-licensing. It should be noted that the tents were donated by PRCS after destroying their houses few months ago. Furthermore, IOF notified Mohamed ‘Ali Dababsah to demolish his house built 2 weeks ago within 96 hours.
  1. Israeli Settler Violence
  • On Friday, 01 November 2019, farmers from Dir Hatab village, east of Nablus, were shocked to find their olives already harvested by settlers from “Alon Moreh The olive trees are located in Khelet Shehada, Khelet Abu Ramlah, Bab al-Maghar, Ras Hazem, and Khelet Skik. The trees belong to Shehada ‘Abed al-Baqi Shehada ‘Amer, Nedal ‘Ali Dawoud Zamel, and Hussain Qasem Hussain. The farmers discovered that at least 30 olive trees planted 70 years ago from Shehada ‘Amer’s land were uprooted in order for the construction of a road connecting between 2 settler-houses built in the area and a barn for an Israeli settler.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Saturday, 02 November 2019, an Israeli settler attempted to enter a plot of land belonging to Badawi Jadallah for breeding his livestock. Jadallah’s land is located near “Negohot” settlement, which is established on Palestinians’ lands in southern Dura, southwest of Hebron. Jadallah attempted to prevent the settler from entering the land, meanwhile, an Israeli force arrived at the area and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • On Sunday, 03 November 2019, Palestinian farmers entered their lands in al-Talmah area, north of al-Sawiyia village in southern Nablus, upon a prior security coordination. The farmers were surprised that their crops were already harvested by settlers from “Rahim” settlement, and then called media and Palestinian Liaison to inform them about what happened. These lands belong to Fayiq Sa’ied Abu Ras and his sons, Bashar Saleh Metleq Abu Ras and his sons, ‘Amer Mousa Abu Ras and his sons, ‘Odah ‘Abed al-Kareem al-Khatib, Nawaf ‘Izz al-Deen al-Khatib, Ghaleb Saleh Sa’ied, and Mahmoud Faisal Sa’ied. Afterwards, IOF expelled the farmers from their lands, confiscated their belongings and canceled the security coordination until further notice. It should be noted that IOF prevents Palestinian farmers from entering their lands, which are isolated behind the annexation wall and surrounded by settlements, and only allows them in during the olive harvesting season.
  • On Tuesday, 05 November 2019, Palestinian farmers were allowed to enter their lands in Area C for harvesting olive trees, upon a prior security coordination. Tayseer Mostafa Basheer al-Nobani and his family, from the Eastern Laban neighborhood, headed to their 30-dunum- plot of land near “Eli” settlement and found out that it was harvested by settlers.
  1. Closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement of persons and goods

West Bank

In addition to permanent checkpoints and closed roads, this week witnessed the establishment of more temporary checkpoints that restrict the goods and individuals movement between villages and cities and deny civilians’ access to their work. IOF established 42 temporary checkpoints and arrested 3 civilians.

The military checkpoint were as follows:


  • On Thursday, 31 October 2019, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the southern entrance to Halhoul village, and at the entrances to Samou’a and Ethna villages.
  • On Friday, 01 November 2019, IOF established 4 checkpoints at the entrances to al-Shayyoukh, al-Dahiriyia and Beit Ummer villages, and at the entrance to al-Fawar refugee camp.
  • On Saturday, 02 November 2019, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the southern entrance to Halhoul village, and between Beit ‘Awaa and Samou’a villages.
  • On Sunday, 03 November 2019, 4 similar checkpoints were established at the entrances to Beit Ummer, al-Shayyoukh and al-Moreq villages, and at the entrance to al-‘Aroub refugee camp.
  • On Tuesday, 05 November 2019, IOF established 5 checkpoints at the entrances to Ethna, Beit Kahel and al-Majd villages, at the entrance to al-Fawar refugee camp, and on Khelet al-Mayaa road in Yatta.
  • On Wednesday, 06 November 2019, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the entrances to al-Shayyoukh and al-Hadab villages.

Ramallah and al-Bireh:

  • On Friday, 01 November 2019, IOF established 4 checkpoints at the entrances to al-Nabi Saleh, Dir Abu Mish’al, and al-Moghair villages, and at the intersection of “Hemlish” settlement.
  • On Saturday, 02 November 2019, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the entrances to al-Nabi Saleh and Dir Abu Mish’al villages, and at ‘Ain Sina Square.
  • On Sunday, 03 November 2019, a similar checkpoint was established at the entrance to Ras Karkar village.
  • On Monday, 04 November 2019, IOF established 2 checkpoints at the entrance to Dir Abu Mish’al village and on al-Mo’arajat Road.


  • At approximately 18:40 on Thursday, 31 October 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliyia.
  • At approximately 21:30, a similar checkpoint was established at Jeet village intersection, northeast of the city.
  • On Sunday, 03 October 2019, IOF established 3 checkpoints at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliyia, and at the entrances to Heblah and Jal’oud villages.
  • At approximately 20:40 on Tuesday, 05 November 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the intersection of Jeet village, northwest if Qalqiliyia.
  • At approximately 22:45, IOF established a checkpoint at the eastern entrance to the city.
  • At approximately 09:20 on Wednesday, 06 November 2019, a similar checkpoint was established at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliyia.


  • At approximately 19:00 on Thursday, 31 October 2019, IOF established a checkpoint at the eastern entrance to Kaful Hares village, north of Salfit.
  • At approximately 23:15 on Saturday, 02 October 2019, a similar checkpoint was established at the northern entrance to Salfit village.
  • At approximately 18:20 on Tuesday, 05 November 2019, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance to Kafur al-Deek village, west of Salfit